Connecting Feature Models and Ontologies in Software Product Lines
Gabriella Castro Barbosa Costa, Regina Braga, Jos
e Maria N. David and Fernanda Campos
Department of Computer Science, UFJF, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Product Line, Feature Model, Ontology, Domain Engineering.
Feature models have been used as a way to describe the variability in Software Product Lines (SPL). Using this
model we can show variation points, variants and restrictions between variation points and variants. However,
restrictions and relations that can be expressed using this domain modelling technique are unsatisfactory.
Our proposal aims to solve this challenge connecting feature models and ontologies as domain modelling
technique, which can be used to provide additional information and can also add more semantics in the context
of Software Product Lines.
A key issue in Software Product Line Engineering
(SPLE) is the specification of the domain model,
which should express the variability of the SPL. To
do this, we can use domain models like feature mod-
els and ontologies, for example. Using feature models
we can show variation points, variants and restrictions
between variation points and variants. However, re-
strictions and relations that can be expressed using
this technique of domain modelling are unsatisfac-
tory, considering the lack of semantics between the
entities which composes the model as well as some
restrictions associated with the terms.
The purpose of this paper is to present two do-
main modeling techniques: feature modeling and on-
tology modeling which could be combined to obtain
the advantages of both and, as a result, to improve the
SPL domain specification. In this work, we explore
the ontologies to get the main restrictions that need to
be applied to our SPL. These restrictions are used to
improve the choice of features related to the product
that will be developed. On the other hand, the feature
model is used to facilitate the understanding about the
features that need or not to be selected according to
the product that will be developed.
In Section 2, we describe the essence of feature
models and ontologies. In Section 3, three studies
that use feature modeling, ontologies or both of them
in SPLs are presented: (Czarnecki et al., 2006), (Jo-
hansen et al., 2010) and (Asikainen et al., 2007). In
the next section, our approach to connecting feature
models and ontologies in SPL is explained and an ex-
ample is shown. Conclusions about this work are pre-
sented in last section.
Feature models show the variation points and the vari-
ants of a SPL. This model should also include the re-
strictions between the variation points and the vari-
ants, as a variation point (or a variant) may require or
exclude a variation point (or a variant). However, fea-
ture models do not have a high power of description as
ontologies. For example, using only features models
there is no way to know when a particular feature is
more suitable to be chosen than another. This lack of
semantics in features models can be supplied through
the possibility of inference offered by ontologies.
In figure 1, when can see this lack of semantics of
a feature model. For example: using a feature model
we can make a restriction that shows that a ’pair-
wise local aligning’ is performed by an algorithm
called BLAST, but we can not express which BLAST
program is more appropriate for a particular type of
’pairwise local aligning’. Still according to figure 1,
we can see that the task ’multiple global aligning’
can be performed by two differents algoritms. But,
only through this feature model, we can not express
when the algorithm ’MultiAlign’ is more suitable than
the ’CLUSTAL W’ algorithm.
Ontology modeling is another domain modeling
technique. Ontology is ”a formal and explicit specifi-
Castro Barbosa Costa G., Braga R., Maria N. David J. and Campos F..
Connecting Feature Models and Ontologies in Software Product Lines.
DOI: 10.5220/0003999101600163
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 160-163
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The lack of semantics of a feature model.
cation of a shared conceptualization” (Gruber, 1993).
Assuming that ontologies can be used to model a
specific domain, it can also improve feature modeling
by providing additional and relevant information for
the domain of the SPL in which a feature model is
constructed. On the other hand, we need the feature
models because they are a simple way to understand
and to represent the features in the SPL.
(Czarnecki et al., 2006) explore the relationship be-
tween feature models and ontologies and suggest the
addition of extensions to the feature model in order
to move it closer to richer formalisms for specifying
ontologies. (Czarnecki et al., 2006) also explores the
idea of the feature models as views on ontologies. In
order to solve the gap between feature models and on-
tologies, our work suggests the combined use of fea-
ture models and ontologies. Differently from (Czar-
necki et al., 2006), we do not show how to improve
the feature model adding extensions on it. We also do
not use ontologies to align the view between the fea-
ture models or outlines of requirements. Our focus is
to use a feature model to represent the variability of
the SPL and the ontology to provide the restrictions
about the SPL that could not be represented only by
the features models. Moreover, we propose the use of
ontology and the possibility of making inferences in
it to improve the choices in the SPL.
(Johansen et al., 2010) explore the synergies be-
tween feature models and ontologies, showing map-
ping mechanisms that a user can establish and take
advantage of the relationship between feature models
and ontologies. They explore the gap between these
models and show scenarios where ontologies can be
applied for feature modeling. Our proposal also sug-
gests the use of ontologies and feature models to solve
the gap between these models, like (Johansen et al.,
2010). Differently, we focus on mapping the ontol-
ogy classes and features of the feature model, getting
the restrictions about the domain using the ontology.
After that, we show the features that need to be se-
lected on the feature model, at runtime.
In (Asikainen et al., 2007), a domain ontology for
modeling the variability in SPL, called Kumbang was
proposed. This ontology unifies the feature model-
ing and the architecture modeling in SPL. Although
(Asikainen et al., 2007) uses ontology to represent the
features and the architecture of SPL, it should be con-
sidered that Kumbang ontology was described using
UML. As a result, the power of the semantics descrip-
tion of this language is not the same as OWL lan-
guages, considering also the inference mechanisms
that can be used in conjunction with OWL. In our
work, we use both a domain ontology (expressed us-
ing OWL-DL) and a feature model to support domain
modeling in a SPL.
We propose the development of a SPL to support sci-
entific applications construction in Biology, in order
to tackle the sequence alignment process problem.
We choose this domain to apply the proposed ap-
proach because our group has previous works which
involves bioinformatics, scientific software and use
of ontologies, as can be seen in (Matos et al., 2010),
(Mendes et al., 2011) and (Silva et al., 2012).
The initial architecture of the SPL is being de-
tailed considering its main modules (called man-
agers), as can be seen in Figure 2: (i) the Product
Line Manager, which interacts with the user and the
other managers in the architecture, coordinating their
behavior, (ii) the Domain Model Manager (which
includes the Variability Manager) is responsible for
maintaining the domain models in accordance with
the SPL scope, (iii) the Variability Manager, which
is responsible for managing the models that repre-
sent the variability in the SPL and (iv) the Archi-
tectural Manager is responsible for the SPL architec-
ture. These managers interact with artifacts reposi-
tory, which should include the components and de-
vices for the generation of the SPL products. To build
SPL products, we can also access distributed reposi-
The sequence alignment process can perform the
complete alignment of sequences (called global align-
ment) or only compare fragments of the sequences
(called local alignment), as can be seen in Figure 3(a).
The sequence alignment can also indicates the degree
of similarity between two sequences (called pairwise
alignment) or more than two sequences (called mul-
Figure 2: Product line Architecture.
Figure 3: Global, local, pairwise and multiple aligning.
tiple alignments). Both local and global alignments
can be performed with two or more sequences, as can
be seen in Figures 3(b) e 3(c).
This paper focuses on ’pairwise local aligning’,
shown in Figure 3(c). The ’pairwise local aligning’
can be executed by the family of algorithms known as
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). This
family can be divided into five different programs, as
can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: BLAST family of programs.
In our example, we aimed to define which of
BLAST is more suitable for a specific type of ’pair-
wise local aligning’. To address this issue, we iden-
tified the main required parameters to perform each
BLAST algorithm. These required parameters were
represented as restrictions in our ontology. So, the
three following parameters were considered: (i) the
input sequence type, (ii) the format of the compared
sequence and (iii) the database used for the query.
Using only a feature model, we cannot express the
semantic about our domain as we can do using on-
tologies. To solve this lack of semantics of our fea-
ture model, we use a Sequence Alignment Ontology.
This ontology was adapted from the myGrid ontol-
ogy (Wolstencroft et al., 2007). We use only part of it
and add some extensions in order to make the ontol-
ogy usable in conjunction with our feature model. It
is important to emphasize that we have some work
on this topic using other ontologies, mainly CeLO
(Matos et al., 2010), (Silva et al., 2012), but in this
example, the myGrid Ontology is more suitable.
In our approach, the Variability Manager is repon-
sible for the connection between the models. This
manager works according to the following steps:
1. It takes the mandatory features from the feature
model and presents them to the user. So, the user can
make the choice of a desired subfeature of the manda-
tory features.
2. The manager picks the features that were se-
lected by the user and accesses a simple XML file.
This file has a mapping between the feature model
and the classes of the ontology. Currently, this XML
file is created manually, with the help of a domain
specialist. However, we are planning to use some on-
tology alignment techniques, tailored in order to be
used with a feature model.
3. With the corresponding class name, the Vari-
ability Manager can access this class in the ontology
and can get its restrictions.
4. As the restrictions refers to features that should
be selected, once they are related to those features that
were selected at an earlier time, the variability Man-
ager consults the XML mapping and gets the feature
name of the restriction.
5. Finally, the new set of features to be selected is
displayed to the user, in accordance with the restric-
tions which were found.
These ve steps should be performed until the
configuration of the features necessary for a given
product is completed and there are not more restric-
tions to be found.
It is important to notice that, in this process, the
inference mechanism in the ontology can act in or-
der to improve the selections. The use of inferences
in ontologies can be considered one of the main ad-
vantages of this modeling technique domain and may
be used in our approach to find other links between
the different features available, in order to provide a
better selection of the features in our SPL.
In our example, the mandatory features and its
Figure 5: Feature selection.
Figure 6: Restriction of ’pairwise local aligning’.
subfeatures are shown to the user using selection
boxes. As illustrated in Figure 5, the subfea-
ture ’pairwise local aligning’ was selected. After
that, the Variability Manger uses the XML mapping
file to obtain the class name of the feature ’pair-
wise local aligning’. It consults the restrictions of the
class in the ontology. This class has two restrictions,
as can be seen in Figure 6.
Using these restrictions, the Variability Man-
ager consults the XML to transform the classes
of the restrictions into features. Next, in
our example, is shown to the user a selec-
tion box with the subfeatures of ’bioinformat-
ics algorithm’ and an information to select the feature
’BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool’.
When the BLAST bioinformatics algorithm is se-
lected, the Variability Manager repeats the step 2, as
was proposed before, and obtains the restrictions of
the BLAST. According to the BLAST restrictions, the
user must select: (i) the format of the input sequence,
(ii) the format of the sequence to be compared with
and (iii) the format of the sequence database. Fi-
nally, after the selection of this features, the Variabil-
ity Manager has to associate all the selected features
and its restrictions. After that, it needs to find, in the
ontology, the most appropriate class that has these re-
For example, if the user selects: (i) a protein input
sequence, (ii) a protein sequence format to compare
with and (iii) a database with sequences of protein, the
Variability Manager can inform, through the ontology
analysis, that BLASTP is the most compatible class
with the previously selected features.
It should be emphasized that this work is only the
first step towards the proposed SPL. Our research en-
compasses all the Sequence Alignment SPL.
Throught this paper, we present an approach to con-
nect a feature model and ontology using a Variabil-
ity Manager and a XML mapping file. It aims to
obtain the advantages of both domain modeling tech-
niques. To illustrate our approach we applied this ap-
proach in the bioinformatics context, attacking the se-
quence aligning problem. Through our example, we
illustrated how an ontology can improve the feature
model, providing additional and relevant information
for the domain of the proposed SPL.
For further work, the issues below remain to be
resolved in this research: (i) improve and evolve our
models, incorporating into this all the tasks needed
in a Sequence Alignment SPL; (ii) generate a semi-
automatic matching between the feature model and
the ontology and (iii) improve the application inter-
face by which the user must select the features.
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