A Distributed Agency Methodology applied to Complex Social Systems
Towards a Multi-dimensional Model of the Religious Affiliation Preference
Manuel Casta
, Carelia Gaxiola–Pacheco
, Dora–Luz Flores
, Ramiro Jaimes–Mart
and Juan Ram
on Castro
Facultad de Ciencias Qu
ımicas e Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Aut
onoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico
Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Arquitectura y Dise
no, Universidad Aut
onoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico
Instituto de Investigaciones Hist
oricas, Universidad Aut
onoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico
Fuzzy Agents, Data Mining, Social Complexity, Distributed Agency, Religion Affiliation Preference.
The purpose of the paper is to describe a work-in-progress in the application of a distributed agency and neuro-
fuzzy system methodology to a multi-dimensional model on a complex social system. This work introduces a
study case focuses on decision-making modelling system on religious affiliation preferences. We use a type-2
neuro-fuzzy approach to configure cognitive rules into agent in order to built a multi-agent model for social
The social systems are complex entities that represent
a whole that cannot be understood by looking at its
parts independently. Another characteristic is the in-
terdependence of the parts conforming the whole: a
change to one of the components in the system may
potentially affect all others (Yolles, 2006).
The main goal of this part of our research is to
develop a computational model of change in reli-
gious affiliation preference that incorporates available
mathematical and computational theories that have
not been appropriately considered in models of com-
plex social phenomena.
Even though applications of Multi-Agent Systems
(MAS) have been developed for the social sciences,
MAS have been widely considered in some areas such
as Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Gilbert, 2007).
1.1 Distributed Agency
The modelling of a realistic social system cannot be
achieved by resorting to only one particular type of
architecture or methodology. The methodology of
Distributed Agency (DA) represents a research av-
enue with promising generalized attributes, with po-
tentially ground-breaking applications in engineering
and in the social sciences—areas in which it mini-
mizes the natural distances between physical and so-
ciological systems.
The methodology of DA represents a general the-
ory of collective behaviour and structure formation,
which intends to redefine agency and reflect it in mul-
tiple layers of information and interaction, as opposed
to the traditional approach in which agency is only
reflected in individual, atomized and isolated agents
(Suarez and Castanon-Puga, 2010).
1.1.1 Modelling Complex Social System using
Neuro-fuzzy and Distributed Agencies
To build the model of change of religious affilia-
tion will follow the distributed agency methodologi-
cal steps (M
arquez et al., 2011):
1. Determining the levels of agency and their im-
plicit relationships.
2. Data mining.
3. Generating a rule-set.
4. Multi-Agent Modelling (Implementation on a
agent based simulation tool).
5. Validating the model.
6. A simulation and optimization experiment.
7. Analysing the outputs.
Although the methodology covers the entire life-
cycle of a research process, on this paper we are de-
scribing the data mining and generating rule set steps.
We are focused on the neuro-fuzzy approach in order
to set up a rule set into agents.
Castañón-Puga M., Gaxiola-Pacheco C., Flores D., Jaimes-Martínez R. and Ramón Castro J..
A Distributed Agency Methodology applied to Complex Social Systems - Towards a Multi-dimensional Model of the Religious Affiliation Preference.
DOI: 10.5220/0004000102720277
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 272-277
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.1.2 Data Mining and Neuro-fuzzy System
An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network (IT2FNN)
are used for automatically generate the necessary
rules. The phase of data mining using Interval Type-2
Fuzzy Logic Systems (IT2FLS) (Castillo et al., 2010;
Castro et al., 2010) becomes complicated, as there
are enough rules to determine which variables one
should take into account. The search method of back-
propagation and hybrid learning (BP+RLS) is more
efficient in other methods, such as genetic algorithms
(Rantala and Koivisto, 2002; Castro et al., 2008).
Since the IT2FNN method seems to produce more
accurate models with fewer rules is widely used as a
numerical method to minimize an objective function
in a multidimensional space, find the approximate
global optimal solution to a problem with N variables,
which minimize the function varies smoothly (Ste-
fanescu, 2007).
With the application of this grouping algorithm we
obtain the rules, the agent receives input data from its
environment and choose an action in an autonomous
and flexible way to fulfill its function (Peng et al.,
1.2 Religious Affiliation
When literature talks about of religious change, usu-
ally refers to the attachment or religion affiliation
(Ortiz, 2006). Although some authors have argued
that the concept can not be limited to this dimension,
membership is one of the most important variables to
study the religious phenomena (Fortuny, 1999).
The religious field is conformed by several dy-
namics systems. For example, we can identify
some organizational entities: institutional, socio-
demographic groups and individual.
Within these multiple dimensions interrelated
complex processes are occurring, such changes of al-
legiance, change in commitment and participation,
socialization and subjectivity of standards (through
doctrines, values, practices), reformulation and af-
firming traditions. These multiple dimensions shape
the religious field, and generically is known as reli-
gious change.
1.2.1 Religious Affiliation in M
In M
exico, religious affiliation has undergone ma-
jor changes since the 1950’s until today. Based on
population censuses, the growth rates of the evangeli-
cal population has been higher than the total Catholic
ınez, 2007). Baja California
has one of the percentages of highest evangelical pop-
ulation of Northern states
Tijuana is a border city located in north-western of
exico. Belongs to the state of Baja California, and
is one of the fastest growing city in the country due
to high migration rates. The population is mainly
composed by migrants from southern of the country.
They came to the border to further job opportunities,
or looking to migrate to the United States, staying in
the city long time.
2.1 Tijuana’s Multi-cultural and
Religious Complexity
Tijuana is an example of social and religious change.
Its boundary condition has been one factor that has
become a city in full development and expansion, not
only by the strength of the Southern California econ-
omy, but by the early efforts to boost manufacturing
by the federal government.
These factors, combined with growing internal
and international migration, have transformed a town
of Tijuana from a town with 12,181 inhabitants in
1930 to one with 1.2 million in 2000
ıa and
onez, 2002). It was so from NAFTA, Tijuana was
consolidated as a major call centres maquiladora in-
dustry, with an evident increase in employment and
production, but not productivity or living standards
and welfare (Arias, 2008).
According to some authors, the economic balance,
social and cultural development of these global pro-
cesses, regional and local has had complex effects on
Tijuana’s society, where stands the reconfiguration of
identities and new forms of social and cultural repro-
In this sense, the religious sphere in Tijuana has
a great religious diversification as a result of differ-
ent waves of migration that have shaped their society.
The evangelical population has experienced rates of
8.90, between 1970 and 1980, while the total population
was 3.16. Although at present growth rate 2.46 points, it is
still higher than that of the population is Catholic and total
Baja California has 7.90% and evangelical population,
surpassed only by one of the first entities to which the
Protestant missionaries arrived in the nineteenth century,
Tamaulipas, to 8.65%. Nationally, the percentage of evan-
gelicals is 5.20%.
Tito Alegr
ıa and Gerardo Ord
nez consider the growth
process of Tijuana covers from 1930 to 2000, thanks mainly
to the economic expansion of Southern California.
Therefore, religious affiliation is also an indicator to
study these processes of reconfiguration and realign-
ınez, 2007).
2.2 Preference for Religious Affiliation
in Tijuana
The city has a great diversity of faiths and religious
traditions. Although more numerous the Christian
(Catholic, Protestant, evangelical non-biblical), there
are Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and a variety of groups
and beliefs generically known as New Age
Considering this, we can say that every group or
social stratum in Tijuana has a wide range of choice,
or affinity, in the religious field in the city. Each
of them is not only an expression of traditions, cus-
toms and religious practices of different groups have
brought to Tijuana from their places of origin, but the
dynamic formulation of these beliefs in the new envi-
The principal difference between MAS and our pro-
posed approach is that in our methodology the space
includes transformations performed by a higher level
of agency.
This upper-level agent is composed of lower-level
subcomponents the may enjoy agency in their own
right. It is the responsibility of this intermediate
agent to present its subcomponents with individual
phase-spaces that are tailored to induce the desired
behaviour from the lower-level agents which inhabit
it, when it chooses according to its own objective
Therefore, for our proposed work-in-progress case
study, if we consider a municipality as an agent, this
upper-level agent is composed by subcomponents,
which in our case study of the city of Tijuana, Mex-
ico, will be represented by a location set and Basic
Geo-Statistic Area (AGEB in Spanish) set that com-
pose this city. Locations is the terminology used to
describe wide geographic areas of the city that are
composed of AGEBs. AGEB is the terminology used
to describe small geographic areas of the city that are
composed of blocks.
Between 1990 and 2000 Tijuana just recorded a growth
rate of 8.94 evangelical population, while at the national
level was 2.46.
Syncretic movements oriental religions such as Bud-
dhism, introducing ideas of self-motivation, personal
growth, alternative medicine, psychology, etc.
Figure 1: Levels of agents represented on the social system.
3.1 Levels of Agency
In this example we use three levels of agency: the
upper-level agent is represented by the religion on the
whole city, the intermediate level agents are repre-
sented by the locations and the lower level agents are
the AGEB.
Using a recent census of the reunion sites distri-
bution of the different religious organizations operat-
ing in the city, we know the exact places where they
carry out activities of proselytizing. This information
gives us hints of the influence of the presence of orga-
nizations in its environment and its impact on socio-
demographic variables.
We are looking for relationships between de-
mographic and economic factors (subtracted from
AGEB) and distribution of meeting places of reli-
gious organizations. We believe that factors such
as poverty, marginalization and other characteristics
related to socio-demographic issues influencing the
decision-making system of individuals in a complex
and distributed way. Similarly, religious organiza-
tions act as agents who are influenced by other agen-
cies distributed.
3.2 Data Sets
In the particular case of the city of Tijuana, the data
set used came from the Instituto Nacional de Estadis-
tica y Geografia (INEGI), the Mexican governmental
organization in charge of gathering data at a federal
level including aspects that are geographical, socio-
demographic and economical.
The data set of the city of Tijuana is divided into
363 areas, known as AGEB
(INEGI, 2010).
The data sets for this case study were originally
compiled in an information system that is intrinsi-
cally geographical. These systems helped in the gen-
eration, classification and formatting of the required
data—a fact which facilitates the edition of the differ-
ent thematic layers of information, in which one can
The urban AGEB encompass a part or the totality of a
community with a population of 2500 inhabitants or more
in sets that generally are distributed in 25 to 50 blocks.
quantify the spatial structure to visualize and interpret
the areas and different spatial patterns in Tijuana.
For this paper, we going to use de following vari-
ables to exemplify the proposed approach using infor-
mation from 2010 population census in M
exico (IN-
EGI, 2010).
P15YMAS = Population over 15 years old.
P15YMSE = Population over 15 years old without
GRAPROES = Education.
PEA = Working population.
PEINAC = Non working population.
PCATOLICA = Catholic population.
PNCATOLICA = Non catholic population.
3.3 Neuro-fuzzy Inference System
Using the neuro-fuzzy system for the automatic gen-
eration of rules, this phase of the data extraction from
the data may become complicated, as the process
needs to appropriately establish the number of suffi-
cient norms and variables that the study needs to take
into account.
Using this grouping algorithm, we obtain the ap-
propriate rule-set assigned to each agent representing
an location or a AGEB of it, the agent receives inputs
from its geographical environment and in turn much
choose an action in an autonomous and flexible fash-
ion (Gilbert, 2007).
The purpose of this structure without central con-
trol is to garner agents that are created with the least
amount of exogenous rules and to observe the behav-
ior of the global system through the interactions of its
existing interactions, such that the system, by itself,
generates an intelligent behavior that is not necessar-
ily planned in advance or defined within the agents
themselves; in other words, creating a system with
truly emergent behavior.
From the 2010 census information, we create a
Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System as how we could rep-
resent different agencies as a decision-making system
into agents.
3.3.1 City Level Type-2 Fuzzy Inference Systems
The figure 2 shows a type-2 fuzzy inference system
for Tijuana city. It depicts a set of input-output vari-
ables and a rule set. Output variables are catholic and
non-catholic as a response of the system. We could
use the difference between both values to make deci-
sions into an agent as a preference decision-making
Figure 2: Fuzzy inference system for Tijuana City.
The figure 3 shows member function example for
GRAPROES input variable. Type-2 fuzzy inference
system allows us to introduce uncertainty into de sys-
tem, that could be used to represent more dynamic
changes into de Inference System because could be
influenced by many real time ways.
Figure 3: Fuzzy inference system input and output members
function configuration for Tijuana City.
The Figure 4 depicts the resolution example of the
rules by the fuzzy inference system. Different quan-
titative input values could be introduced and the sys-
tem resolve creating different responses. Depending
of the combination of inputs, we can expect different
responses of the system. An agent will use this in-
ference system as a decision-making system to show
different behaviours depending of the situation.
The Figure 5 represents the response of the sys-
tem to catholic preference, and the Figure 6 for non-
catholic preference. We can see that there are re-
sponse differences, so we can use it to make deci-
Distributed agents do not necessarily define agents
in lower-levels of description, but rather consider all
levels of agency that are interconnected in a type of
Figure 4: Fuzzy inference system rule set evaluation for Ti-
juana City.
Figure 5: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for Tijuana City PCATOLICA output.
Figure 6: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for Tijuana City PNCATOLICA output.
organism that spreads throughout the system.
3.3.2 Location Level Type-2 Fuzzy Inference
On location layer, we can build fuzzy inference sys-
tems for agents that represents locations. Figure 7 and
Figure 8 depicts the FIS response for different loca-
tions into the city. As we can see, there are differ-
ences between AGEB agents. At this level, we could
be representing locations agents into a city context.
Figure 7: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for location 187 PCATOLICA output.
Figure 8: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for location 283 PCATOLICA output.
3.3.3 AGEB Level Type-2 Fuzzy Inference
On AGEB layer, we can build fuzzy inference sys-
tems for agents that represents locations. Figure 9
and Figure 10 depicts the FIS response for different
AGEB into the same location. As we can see, there
are differences between AGEB agents. At this level,
we could be representing AGEB agents into a location
We use a distributed agency and neural-fuzzy system
approach to develop a computational model of the
decision-making system of agents in order to build a
multi-agent system. We represent different levels of
agency with different cognitive agents. Each agent in
Figure 9: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for AGEB 32 PCATOLICA output.
Figure 10: PEA vs. GRAPROES type-reduced surface view
for AGEB 51 PCATOLICA output.
the system are a fuzzy cognitive agent that can choose
religion options based on preferences.
We use the case study of the city of Tijuana, as it
has an updated census of the distribution of meeting
places of religious organizations in the city and their
respective socio-demographic information.
The religious affiliation can be modelled with dis-
tributed agency. Establishing different layers of inter-
action between agents and analysing their influence
on decision-making system of agents in each level,
we can represent the complexity of the phenomenon
of individual preference to a religious affiliation.
We would like to thank to Universidad Aut
onoma de
Baja California for the economic support granted for
this research.
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