A Model for Developing Evolutionary Database Applications
Zhen Hua Liu
, Andreas Behrend
, Eric Chan
, Dieter Gawlick
and Adel Ghoneimy
500 Oracle ParkWay, Redwood Shores, CA 94065, U.S.A
Universität Bonn, Institut für Informatik III, Römerstr. 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Information, Data Management, Event Processing, Workflow.
Abstract: Database applications enable users to handle the ever-increasing amount and complexity of data, knowledge
as well as the dissemination of information to ensure timely response to critical events. However, the very
process of human problem solving, which requires understanding and tracking the evolution of data,
knowledge, and events, is still handled mostly by human and not by databases and their applications. In this
position paper, we propose KIDS as a model that reflects the way human are solving problems. We propose
to use KIDS as a blueprint to extend database technologies to manage data, knowledge, directives and
events in a coherent, self-evolving way. Our proposal is based on our experience of building database cen-
tric applications that require comprehensive interactions among facts, information, events, and knowledge.
Current database technologies are supporting many
modern mission critical applications. There are two
major reasons: a declarative interface and a wide
range of important operational characteristics. The
declarative interface supports queries and data
manipulations without the need to understand
implementation details. The operational
characteristics provide the support for OLTP
applications that serve many users concurrently, high
security, and high availability with no loss of data or
service. With parallel query processing, data
partitioning, data mining, business intelligence, and
decision support databases can analyze large amount
of data, recognize patterns, and extract useful
information from raw data upon which intelligent
decisions can be made. Active DB technologies,
such as triggers, rule processing, continuous
execution of registered queries, and streaming query
processing, can be used to recognize and monitor
interesting events and secure timely responses .
With modern databases individuals and
institutions can solve problems by collecting and
storing factual data, using knowledge to analyze
such facts to develop directives for follow up
activities, and finally, performing such directives
and capturing their effects in the form of additional
facts for further analysis. Such analysis either
indicates that the problem has been resolved (goal
achieved) or further analysis is required. This cycle
of inspecting results, specifying directives and acting
upon them will be repeated until the problem is
resolved. Although modern DB based applications
help human at every step of the process, it is human,
not the database system itself, who understand, track
and follow up the process. The human mind can
handle simple problems without support. On the
other hand, complex problems requiring many
repeated iterations of the process with large amount
of evolving data, knowledge directives, and the
collaboration of teams, require an infrastructure that
tracks problem solving activities in a scalable
manner. As a side effect, the effective management
of generated facts, information, and directives can
lead to enriching the existing knowledgebase.
Since problem solving relies heavily on tracking
the state of facts, knowledge, information, and
activities, we believe that database technologies
provide the right foundation since their traditional
focus and strength is on providing scalable state
tracking and management service in a declarative
fashion. In this position paper, we propose
enhancements to database technologies to create a
comprehensive problem solving platform. We
propose the KIDS model for describing the life cycle
of data management tasks. The acronym KIDS
stands for the most important elements of this model
Hua Liu Z., Behrend A., Chan E., Gawlick D. and Ghoneimy A..
KIDS - A Model for Developing Evolutionary Database Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004002501290134
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 129-134
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by means of Knowledge, Information, factual Data,
Directives and Services. The interrelationships
among the elements of KIDS are presented in Figure
Figure 1: High Level KIDS Model.
KIDS distinguishes among three classes of data
(facts, information, and directives) and three classes
of knowledge (classification, assessment, and
enactment). Solving problems entails the capturing
and the reduction of emerging and historical facts
into information by applying classification
knowledge. Then such information is used to assess
the situation and prescribe/describe the directives for
dealing with the situation. Finally, the directives
have to be executed by applying enactment
knowledge. As directives are enacted, newly
emerging facts will again be classified to determine
whether the situation has been resolved or not. By
implementing KIDS as a database centric platform,
we will not only enable applications to function as
an eco-system that can track the evolution of data,
knowledge, directive that facilitate effective problem
solving processes, but also make the entire
application itself query-able with time traversal
service, “what if” analytical service and provenance
tracking using modern DB temporal and provenance
Techniques of modeling data and process logic
are not new. EEML (Krogstie, 2008) provides
modeling languages to express data, process,
resource and goal modeling logic. However, our
focus is to integrate data and process tracking deeply
into DB technologies whose strength is to provide
scalable and declarative state tracking service with
time and provenance support. To our best knowledge,
this is the first position paper that makes the
following contributions:
This paper proposes the KIDS model and its
underlying concepts and shows how to leverage the
strength of DB technologies to provide KIDS as a
database centric service.
This paper derives a blueprint to organize and
extend DB technologies, based on the challenges
encountered in supporting a database centric KIDS
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 describes in detail the major use
case – patient care that motivates KIDS, section 3
describes KIDS concepts in detail, section 4 is a
functional illustration of how KIDS can be
supported using Object SQL, section 5 discusses the
challenges of supporting KIDS in DB, and section 6
discusses proof points with conclusion in section 7.
Health care providers are confronted with an
increasing amount and complexity of data and
knowledge as well as an increasing amount of rules
and regulations.
The capturing of patient data as EMRs
(Electronic Medical Records) is becoming common
place. The management of EMRs requires storing a
wide variety of data without any loss while
providing instant access at any time as well as
comprehensive security.
The review and the interpretation of medical data
is becoming increasingly time consuming and
controversial. Therefore, modern patient care
applications have to handle such challenge; i.e.,
doctors need a system that transforms EMRs into
compact information, applying the codified medical
knowledge and providing all possible interpretations.
This must be done on demand as well as proactively
in real time to alert doctors and nurses about adverse
and time critical situations. The number of false
positive and negatives has to be kept as low as
possible to avoid the alert fatigue that is observed
with practically any existing alerting systems.
The system should leverage any encoded medical
knowledge to reduce vitals, the blood chemistry, the
radiology, other observation, or any mix thereof into
one or a few classes of patient state and alert doctors
if such classification indicates the presence of one or
more possible adverse situations that need attention.
This transformation has to be well documented,
and should be easily personalizeable to the
preference of each doctor while observing the
institution’s constraints.
Once the doctor is alerted of the situation and
supplied with the information summarizing the
patient condition along with the relevant facts, s/he
assesses the situation and decides on the course of
action, including any changes to existing treatment.
The application should guide doctors using the
standard of care, models, or any other means to
Facts Informatio
advice about the best course of action; e.g., indicate
which medicine or combination of medicines has
been must successful with patients in a similar
situation and also which tests are advisable to reduce
the level of uncertainty of the diagnosis. Once the
orders are submitted, the system needs to help in the
supervision and documentation of the execution.
In essence, doctors need comprehensive support
in all phases of the treatment including: the
capturing of the facts (EMRs), the extraction of
information from these facts, the assessment of the
relevant information and facts (diagnosis), determine
the course of action (directives - orders), and the
enactment of such directives. The system should
allow doctors to personalize the application
according to their preferences, be able to integrate
new knowledge easily, contribute to the
development of knowledge, and still leave any
crucial decision in the hand of the doctors.
KIDS provides three base classes: the Data,
Knowledge, and Actor classes. An in-depth
discussion of the Actor classes will be covered in a
different paper.
3.1 The Three Classes of Data
Data is factored into Facts, Information, and
Directives that are defined as follows:
Facts represent anything that is observed and
captured; examples are the stream of data coming
from monitors in an ICU, a doctor’s observation, and
an x-ray or ultrasound. Facts provide a quantitative
representation of what has been observed.
Information represents an interpretation of the
facts; examples are qualitative values assigned to a
vital (the blood pressure is normal, severe, or critical)
or the assignment of a name to a pattern – a
diagnosis. Information represent are a qualitative
interpretation of what has been observed.
Directives represent a description of activities to
be carried out; examples are prescriptions for
medicine and orders to test certain aspects of the
blood chemistry. Directives move the task on hand
ahead and trigger the acquisition of new facts.
3.2 The Three Classes of Knowledge
The three classes of data are handled by
corresponding three classes of knowledge:
Classification, Assessment, and Enactment. These
three classes of knowledge provide the necessary
ingredients for abstracting most activities of any
medical, scientific, or business institution. The
definitions of knowledge classes are as follows:
Classification knowledge reduces newly arrived
quantitative facts into qualitative information. An
example is the association of a severity to a vital,
such as the blood pressure, is critical based on the
blood pressure measurement and the general
condition of the patient. Another example is the
identification of diseases based on the available
observation. The goal of the classification is to
derive a compact representation of important facts.
Assessment knowledge analyzes the new
information to formulate a hypothesis about the root
cause and finally render a set of directives to
respond to the situation. An example is the selection
of medicine to treat a patient in which the case that
the directives are the prescriptions. This assessment
could be purely manual or computer guided; e.g.,
using models that show the best selection for
patients in a similar situation. The goal of the
assessment is to development the best directives
based on goal.
Enactment knowledge interprets directives and
carries out their intent. Examples would be the
application of medicine, a single or repeated blood
test, the activation or change of health monitors, and
a surgery. The goal of an enactment is to solve a
problem, and/or capture additional facts.
3.3 Evolution with FID Loop
The three types of knowledge support the evolution
of facts, information, and directives; we call this the
FID loop. The FID loop is the ‘heart beat to provide
live process control of KIDS concepts. With time
and provenance tracking, the evolution of the data
and the knowledge in a FID loop can be completely
reviewed, queried, analyzed for auditing, for “what
if” analysis, for knowledge enhancements etc.
Databases shall provide services to allow any KIDS
instance to be stored and accessed declaratively.
Additionally, databases shall keep every version of
each instance in support of temporal and provenance
access. By storing multiple instances of KIDS, many
users shall share and work the same or multiple
KIDS instances collaboratively. Whenever
knowledge gets added, changed, or deleted, the
existing data elements will be processed again. This
ensures that the most current knowledge is always
applied to the most current data.
In this section, we show how KIDS concepts can
be accessed declaratively using OR-SQL.
/* This creates an object table serving as a container to hold all
KIDS object instances */
/*now populating two KIDS instances into the table containers */
/* creation of KIDS instance for patient ‘John Smith’ */
KIDS_TYPE(‘John Smith Case’,
as d1,
/* creation of KIDS instance for patient ‘Mary Dunn’ */
KIDS_TYPE(‘Mary Dunn Case’,
L_PROC p1)
SQL Code 1: KIDS container and object instances.
SQL code 1 illustrates the creation of table to store
KIDS object type instances.
SQLCode 2: Provenance Query.
Provenance Retrieval: SQLCode 2 retrieves the
provenance for patient ‘Marry Dunn by calling the
mode. This method shows the entire FID loop
execution sequence of treatments for the respective
patient. This includes data and knowledge
classification rules that are used to derive Mary’s
cancer progress report, e.g. which surgery and
chemo-therapy have been applied. Such provenance
output allows doctors to examine and navigate the
FID loop process so that they can judge the
trustworthiness of the diagnosis and treatment plan
information. Provenance computation relies on the
full version history of the underlying KIDS
components. It supports time traversal aspect of
Knowledge Evolution: Knowledge evolves over
time. Doctor may be interested, in the case of patient
John Smith, to use the latest medical knowledge
advancement for blood chemistry analysis.
SQLCode 3 shows how this can be accomplished
using a conditional update statement. First, in a
workspace, the update statement is employed to set
the knowledge classification rule to use the latest
version of blood chemistry analysis function for
patient ‘John Smith’. Afterwards, it calls the method
GET_FID_LOOP() using the mode ‘PROJECTED’.
In this way, unchangeable historical data can be
reprocessed using “what if” kind of analysis.
SQLCode 3: Knowledge Evolution Analysis
Personalization and Collaboration:
Knowledge application is not always absolute; e.g.,
different doctors may derive different information
from the interpretation of the same data. KIDS shall
allow users to customize knowledge application to
their preferences. That is, KIDS is personal context
aware. Furthermore, KIDS shall promote user
collaboration. With permission, multiple doctors
shall be able to see each others contexts and the
derived information and directive due to these
contexts. This facilitates knowledge collaboration
among doctors. SQLCode 4 shows how this can be
accomplished declaratively by calling the method
GET_FID_LOOP() and passing thePROJECTED
mode with Dr. Ute Gawlicks knowledge.
DOCTOR_NAME=’Ute Gawlick’)
SQLCode 4: Knowledge Personalization & Collaboration
This section illustrates the challenges of hosting
KIDS service from DB perspective.
Knowledge as First Class Citizen: Modern
RDBMSs already support concepts from expert and
knowledge-based systems by means of RDF, OWL
and further logical reasoning capabilities (Das,
2009). Additionally, machine learning techniques
have been incorporated into modern RDBMSs in the
form of data mining functions (Agrawal et al, 1994),
(Milenova et al, 2005). However, compared with the
declarative way of querying data, database systems
are still weak in terms of providing the same support
for querying knowledge. In particular, a user cannot
declaratively query application knowledge coded in
view definitions, stored procedures, triggers, or
event- processing handlers. Being able to classify,
query, search, browse and validate knowledge is
necessary to make knowledge a first class citizen of
a RDBMS just like data is. To this end, all forms of
knowledge, whether represented in form of inference
rules, statistical classifications, learning algorithms,
conditional expressions, query qualifications, or
procedural code, ought to be indexable and its
modification should be automatically monitored and
version tracked as if they were plain data.
Active Knowledge Application: Classical
database systems require users to play an active role
applying knowledge to facts. In contrast, active
knowledge application refers to applications with
knowledge actively looking for facts that are needed
to achieve the actors goals. This is done by
monitoring fact updates. Additionally, registered
queries and real-time scoring can be used for
automatically deriving new information from
evolving facts. However, answering questions like
what knowledge or facts are missing or needed to be
changed in order to derive certain information and to
execute certain directives to fulfill actor's goal
require abductive reasoning techniques (Denecker et
al, 2002) which are not yet available in database
Full Version History and Provenance
Awareness: Data in the form of facts, information,
and directives, as well as knowledge in the form of
classification, assessment, and enactment are
intrinsically temporal and thus need to be versioned
tracked. KIDS service requires temporal database
support with snapshot isolation to access consistent
versions of data and knowledge to extract
provenance. Multi-version index structures (Becker
et al, 2005) with declarative temporal expressions
are necessary for efficiently tracking the
development of data and knowledge over time.
Although data provenance is already a research topic
(Karvounarakis et al, 2010), the integration of
provenance with workflow and process management
is still a challenge. Such general form of provenance
enables users to navigate within the FID control loop
and examine the actual instances of data and
knowledge that have been used at each loop step. In
this way, it is feasible to provide time traversal of
KIDS instances so that user can understand how
historically conclusions were reached and decisions
were made. Furthermore, although history is not
alterable, it is feasible to do “what if” analysis by
generating a new branch of history with application
of latest knowledge to historically collected facts.
Quality Control and Collaboration for KIDS:
KIDS instances have to enable groups of people to
help and learn from each other. Users shall be able to
share parts of a FID loop enabling other users to be
engaged. This type of collaboration approach
supported by version tracking and provenance
allows for improving the quality of data and
knowledge (Richardson et al, 2003).
The KIDS concepts have been used for guiding the
implementation of a patient care prototype for an
SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit) at the
University of Utah (Guerra et al, 2011). The
prototype consists of a single data repository that
combines a highly configurable rule-based system;
(push-based) alerts, data mining models and an
intuitive user interface. Everything is highly
customizable to the preferences of doctors and the
specific circumstances of patients. The prototype is
able to predict life-threatening events (e.g., cardiac
The ideas of this prototype have the potential to
significantly increase the value of healthcare
information as the database can store and analyze
healthcare records continuously, find critical
situations, explain why they are critical, allow for a
detailed investigation and provide recommendations
- even for diseases or critical situations that a
specific doctor has never encountered or does not
even know about. An important side effect of this
approach is that the number of false positive and
negative alerts has been significantly reduced;
reducing significantly the familiar alert fatigue. This
approach has the potential to save lives and improve
health care not only in ICU settings by also for any
inpatient and outpatient services.
Another subset of KIDS concepts concerning
knowledge elicitation, structuring, maintenance, and
evolution, has been empirically proven for
troubleshooting and resolving software and
hardware issues. A case-based approach to
knowledge elicitation from subject matter expert
was a key ingredient to the success of our
knowledge elicitation method. The agile and
economic maintenance of such models is facilitated
by case-based automated regression testing
framework. Finally, we found out that leveraging
models based on structured knowledge is more
effective when the information to such models is
evaluated automatically, rather than relying on
extracting such information from users.
In this position paper, we have illustrated the KIDS
concepts and FID loop that models human problem
solving process. Since individual pieces of KIDS
concepts, such as fact, information, directives and
knowledge, have already been managed by DB
system, it is time to use KIDS as a blueprint to
extend DB technologies to understand and manage
the whole KIDS FID loop process and to provide
declarative KIDS service so as to assist human
problem solving in a scalable manner. The challenge
is ahead of us: deep integration of knowledge
management and process management into DB
database technologies are essential to the support of
KIDS abstractions. It is our vision that KIDS
enabled database technology shall be able to host
applications that track evolution of data, knowledge,
directives, events, in a scalable, consistent and self-
evolving manner.
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