A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model
for Online Reviews Representation
Marcirio Silveira Chaves
and Winnie Picoto
Business and Information Technology Research Center (BITREC), Universidade Atlântica,
Fábrica da Pólvora de Barcarena, 2730-036 Barcarena, Portugal
Centro de Investigação Avançada em Gestão do ISEG (ADVANCE),
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão ISEG, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Model-Driven Engineering, Metamodel, UML, Online Reviews.
Abstract: User-Generated Content (UGC) such as online reviews are freely available in the web. This kind of data has
been used to support clients’ and managerial decision making in several industries, e.g. books, tourism or
hospitality. However, the challenge is how to represent this information in a structured way in order to
leverage on the information provided by the use of Web 2.0 applications. To deal with this challenge,
models and metamodels have been used to support a set of concrete applications in several sub-domains into
Computer Science and Information Systems body of knowledge (Karagiannis and Höfferer, 2006). This
paper focuses on the model-driven engineering and introduces a new multidomain and multilingual
conceptual data model to represent UGC. This model is based on a characterization of online reviews and
aims to capture all the facets of these reviews. The characterization of the reviews’ sentences extends
previous models (such as Martin and White, 2007; Ding et al., 2008; Liu, 2010). Applications build on the
model proposed in this paper may allow in-depth analysis of the fine-grained and disperse knowledge
existent in the UGC. Furthermore, as this model is domain-independent it can be used to represent multiple
types of reviews.
The usage of Web 2.0 websites to express opinions
has increased in the last years generating a huge
amount of data which has been used to support
decision making. The distillation of knowledge from
this unstructured and dispersed information can be a
key factor to managers improve their products and
services. Commercial Web 2.0 tools such as
Clarabridge (2012), Attensity (2012), SocialMetrics
(2012) and Synthesio (2012) are available, but their
cost still remains inaccessible to Small and Medium
Entreprises (SME). Considering that SME represent
99% of the European businesses (EC, 2012), the
development of a financially affordable solution is
Moreover, commercial Web 2.0 tools hardly
present the data model they use to represent the
unstructured opinions texts into structured ones.
Such a model is omitted or really does not exist in
the literature. This literary gap evidences the few
attention that model-driven engineering has given to
Web 2.0 data.
On the other hand, from the academic point of
view, Liu (2010) presents a characterization of the
opinions expressed thought plain text data, as blogs,
tweets and full-blown service/product review. This
characterization may be extended and used to
develop a model to represent online reviews.
A model is an abstraction of phenomena in the
real world, and a metamodel is yet another
abstraction, highlighting properties of the model
itself (van Gigch, 1991). Models and metamodels
have been used to support a set of concrete
applications in several sub-domains into Computer
Science and Information Systems, as described in
the survey carried out by Karagiannis and Höfferer
(2006). The model-driven approach defines
relationships among concepts in a domain and
precisely specifies the key semantics and constraints
associated with these domain concepts (Schmidt,
Silveira Chaves M. and Picoto W..
A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004021800140023
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 14-23
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A conceptual data model, sometimes called
domain model, is typically used to explore domain
concepts with project stakeholders. It is also used to
map concepts and their relationships in a domain.
We argue that it is well suited to represent
knowledge from opinionated texts.
The main question addressed in the present study
is how to capture the different facets of online
reviews in an usable knowledge representation? This
paper first describes the properties of opinionated
texts which should be taken into account along the
model’s design. The solution approach outlines a
new multidomain and multilingual conceptual data
model for capturing and storing knowledge from
opinionated texts.
The model proposed is within the scope of the
framework described in Chaves, Trojahn and Pedron
(2012). This framework aims to provide an
environment to customer knowledge
management which integrates information from
online reviews, stores it in a knowledge base
and presents it in a user interface. A knowledge
base is been built to implement the conceptual
data model proposed in this paper.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
discusses some of the existing work about
modelling. Section 3 presents a characterization of
online reviews, detailing the main elements which
should be explicit and represented in a model.
Section 4 introduces the scenario problem, raising
some questions which can be answered with the help
of a model. Section 5 describes the solution
approach which is based on a conceptual data model
proposed to represent knowledge from opinionated
texts. Section 6 describes manual and automatic
approaches for recognizing facets in online reviews.
In Section 7 the conclusions, final remarks and
further research are discussed.
UGC modelling is a recent field of knowledge and
related works seem to be rare making difficult a
direct comparison with existing studies. To our
knowledge, this is the first academic work that seeks
to develop a metamodel and a class model to
structure the unstructured UGC. In fact, metamodels
has been widely used in the software engineering to
solve problems from the real world (Karagiannis and
Höfferer, 2006). Related works are concerned with
opinion mining of online reviews and online reviews
classification. Although there have been a stream of
works aiming at capture knowledge from those
unstructured review sentences which stands for the
relevance to address this matter, less attention have
been given to represent that information in a
structured way so reviews’ could be used to support
managerial decisions.
Regarding previous studies that developed a
metamodel, the present work is most closely related
to Chaves, Rodrigues and Silva (2007). They used a
metamodel to represent geographical information in
order to implement a knowledge base. They also
used structured data as the model input. Their model
stores administrative and physical geographic
information which is exported as ontologies. The
ontologies represent knowledge integrated from geo-
administrative and geo-physical domains. Although,
the classes Feature, Source and Feature-Relationship
are reused by the model proposed in this paper, we
deal with unstructured data, i.e. web texts, and do
not export them as ontologies.
Looking at existing works that have dealt with
online reviews, Turney (2002), Bai (2011), Khan et
al. (2010) and Hu and Lu (2004) have developed
different approaches to extract knowledge from that
unstructured data.
Turney (2002) applied a semantic orientation to
unsupervised classification of reviews. He
developed an algorithm for classifying reviews as
recommended or not recommended based on the
average semantic orientation for each review
sentence. The algorithm has an average accuracy of
74% evaluated based on reviews from four different
sectors (automobiles, banks, movies and travel
destinations). Although that work does not propose a
class model to structure those reviews, it presents a
set of attributes to classify reviews that we have also
considered in our model.
In line with that work, Bai (2011) developed a
method for sentiment analysis. Her results show that
the proposed method is capable to identify a
parsimonious set of predictive features suggesting
that sentiments are captured by conditional
dependencies among words.
Khan et al. (2010) presents an automated method
for opinion extraction from customer reviews. The
unstructured review sentences were represented in
such a way that is possible to extract knowledge
from it. They found that only a portion included
opinion-oriented words that needed to be processed
in order to get knowledge from those reviews and
that the most important was the choice of feature set.
Hu and Lu’s (2004) work aimed at mine and
summarize customer reviews of a product which is
argued by the authors to be different from the
traditional ones since they only mined the features
A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation
on which the customers have expressed some
opinion. Towards the accomplishment of such
objective, they have taken three steps: (1) mining
product features with comments; (2) opinion
sentences identification and orientation; (3) results
summary. The proposed method was validated by
means of an experience which has demonstrated to
be effective.
In order to understand what kind of knowledge to
represent in the content underlying the online
reviews, we build on the existing approaches of the
opinion mining field. One of the most common
approaches to deal with the opinion mining problem
is the lexicon-based one. Lexicon-based approaches
include the use of a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives
and adverbs (Chesley et al., 2006) and a list of
conjunctions and connectives (Liu, 2010). Chesley
et al. (2006) use verbs and adjectives to classify
English opinionated blog texts. Ding et al. (2008)
use all of these parts of speech in a holistic lexicon-
based approach. Khan et al. (2010) use auxiliary
verbs to get features and opinion-oriented words
about products from texts.
Processing textual data allows us to provide
more fine-grained knowledge to the decision
making. Online opinions can be expressed in several
ways, using different words to express positive or
negative feelings or even to be neutral. In order to
capture as many information as possible from online
reviews about a product or a service, first it is
necessary to understand each sentence in the review.
We use and extend the definition proposed by
(Ding et al., 2008; Liu, 2010; Martin and White,
2007) to analyse the reviews’ sentences. Let the
review be r. In the most general case, r is
characterized as a set of the following elements
{O,F,SO,A,R,I,C,SG,H,S,PoS,CC}, where: O:
Object, F: Feature, SO: Semantic Orientation, A:
Attitude, S: Source, SG: Suggestion; R:
Recommendation, I: Intention, C: Complain, H:
Holder, PoS: Part-of-Speech, and CC: Conjunction
and Connective.
1. Object (O): An object is a product or a
service, under review which is composed by a set of
features. Objects are also called entities.
2. Feature (F): A feature is a component or part
of an object. For example, actor and photography
are features of a movie. Features are also called
attributes or facets. According to Ding et al. (2008) a
feature can be explicitly or implicitly mentioned in a
2.1 Explicit Feature: If a feature f appears in
review r, it is called an explicit feature in r. For
example, in the sentence The hotel is located very
near the city centre, location is an explicit feature.
2.2 Implicit Feature: If f does not appear in r
but is implied, it is called an implicit feature in r. In
the sentence “Hotel is far from public
transportation”, location is an implicit feature.
3. Sentence-Orientation (SO): A review
consists of a sequence of sentences r= s1, s2, …,
sm (Ding et al., 2008). A sentence can be
evaluated from the following perspectives:
3.1 Objectivity: An objective sentence contains
or mention facts, e.g. “This hotel is far from the
airport, ca. 15km.”, while a subjective sentence does
not mention any fact, e.g. “The parking could be
3.2 Positivity: It describes the orientation
present in a sentence, i.e. positive, negative, neutral
and irrelevant. For example, the sentence Free and
fast wifi in the room”, refers to a positive impression
about the feature room in a hotel.
3.3 Intensity: It refers to the strength of the
private state that is being expressed, in other words,
how strong is an emotion or a conviction of belief
(Wilson, 2008). It describes how intense it was the
experience of using a product or service, i.e. very
positive, positive, neutral, negative and very
negative. For example, the sentence “Very kindly
staff” refers to a very positive impression on the staff
3.4 Negation: It is marked if the sentence
contains at least an occurrence of negation, e.g. not
and never. This information is relevevant to support
algortihms in the task of recognizing several kinds
of sentence-orientation (e.g. positivity and intensity).
4. Attitude (A): The evaluation of attitude
expressions is a complex task. We use the Appraisal
Theory (Martin and White, 2007), which is a
systemic-functional approach to analysing how
subjective language is used to express an attitude of
some kind towards some target. Appraisal Theory
specifies three attitude types: affect (personal
emotional state), appreciation (evaluation of
phenomena), and judgment (social or ethical
appraisal of other’s behaviour).
4.1 Affect: It refers to a personal emotional state,
e.g. happiness, sadness or angry, and is the most
explicitly subjective type of appraisal (Whitelaw et
al. 2005). For example, the sentence “I was very
happy for spend the holiday in this comfortable
hotel” expresses a feeling of happiness.
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
4.2 Appreciation: It refers to the intrinsic object
properties, e.g. dirty, cold or small.
4.3 Judgment: It refers to an opinion formed by
judging other’s behaviour, e.g. “attentive staffand
“friendly waiter”. Both appreciation and judgment
can be classified as positive or negative.
5. Recommendation (R): A recommendation is
a positive or negative statement which explicitly
mention in words, an action or advice as for example
,“I recommend!” or “if you plan to travel there, find
another hotel closer to the main area, cause this one's
not at all worth it!”. In a recommendation it is also
implicitly present the satisfaction of a reviewer.
Reviews that state some intention can be also
considered an implicit recommendation as for
example, the sentence “If we get the chance to go to
Roma again we will ensure that we stay at the X
Hotel again”.
6. Suggestion (SG): A hint given by the holder
in order to improve the product or service and it
could be an explicit or implicit suggestion:
6.1 Explicit Suggestion: It is a direct mention on
a need of the product or service. For example, in a
hotel service, an explicit suggestion is “The
mattresses of the beds need to be exchanged”.
6.2 Implicit Suggestion: It is an indirect
mention on a need of the product or service, as for
example, “the hotel does not offer Internet service”.
7. Intention: it is a mention in which a holder
explicitly intends (or not) to experiment again some
product or service. It could be positive or negative.
7.1 Positive Intention: For example, “When I
come back to Lisbon, I intend to stay there myself”
and “I intend to come back there”.
7.2 Negative Intention: For example,
“Certainly, we won’t repeat”.
It is important to notice that an intention can be
also considered as an implicit recommendation. The
sentence “If we get the chance to go to Lisbon again
we will ensure that we stay at the X Hotel again” is
an example of this case.
8. Complain (C): It is a phrase expressing a
feeling of dissatisfaction, or resentment. It is
stronger than a suggestion.
9. Opinion Holder (H): The holder of a
particular opinion is the person or the organization
that holds the opinion (Ding et al., 2008). A holder is
identified with demographic characteristics, e.g.
name, city and country. For example, sites such as
tripadvisor.com or booking.com classify holders
according to types (including families with older
children, families with young children, mature
couples, groups of friends, solo travellers and young
couples among others).
10. Source (S): An information source is a web
site which contains a set of reviews. Examples
include sites such as amazon.co.uk, tripadvisor.com
and booking.com.
11. Part-of-Speech (PoS): In order to evaluate a
sentence in a review, we should consider the parts-
of-speech mentioned such as adjectives, adverbs and
verbs. Adjectives are classified as positive (e.g.
good, excellent and clean), negative (e.g. awful,
boring and terrible), neutral (e.g. regular and
indifferent) and dual, which can express positive and
negative opinion (e.g. long). In this characterization,
nouns are represented by concepts of a domain
ontology and mapped as features (described in the
item 2 - Feature).
12. Conjunction and Connective (CC):
Connectives are words that help identifying
additional adjective opinion words and their
orientations. According to Liu (2010), one constraint
is about conjunction (i.e. and), which says that
conjoined adjectives usually have the same
orientation. For example, in the sentence, “This
room is beautiful and spacious.”, if “beautiful” is
known to be positive, it can be inferred that
“spacious” is also positive, since people usually
express the same opinion on both sides of a
conjunction. Rules or constraints are also designed
for other connectives (e.g. or, but, either-or, and
neither-nor). For example, “This hotel is beautiful
but difficult to get there”, the occurrence after the
connective but is an indicator of a negative opinion.
The characterization described in Section 3 extends
the definition proposed by Ding et al. (2008) and Liu
(2010) and allows a better understanding of the
complexity in processing online opinions written in
natural language. An in-depth analysis need to be
performed in order to show the relationships
between each key text segment of this
characterization. In that sense, a tool for supporting
managerial decision making should be able to
answer questions such as:
- What are the verbs more often used to describe
positive opinions on the features A, B and C?
- Which online reviews make recommendations?
Which of them are explicit?
- What types of holders give more (explict and
implicit) suggestions?
- What is the most frequent semantic orientation
in online reviews written in Italian?
A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation
- What is the co-occurrence between attitudes
and features?
In order to answer these and other questions, it is
necessary to design a conceptual data model to
represent the complex characterization previously
described. This model could be used to develop a
decision support system to help managers to analyse
the huge amount of information available on
dispersed Web 2.0 applications.
However, finding relevant and useful
information on the user generated content is a
challenge in the Web 2.0 context. From the user
point of view, it would be useful if reviews,
comments and posts from multiple information
sources could be summarized on a single view
enabling him or her to make a decision about a
specific product or service. On the other hand, from
the managerial point of view, it is important to know
specific features of a product or a service such as the
best-selling gender of a book or a specific book, and
the main negative reviews or comments about a
In both cases, the following requirements are
addressed by the proposed model:
To support multidomain and multilingual texts;
To store multiple information sources;
To support fast and simple generation of
managerial reports;
To allow a fine-grained storage of the online
reviews’ content.
This section presents a Unified Modeling Language
(UML) class-based modelling approach to deal with
the UGC featured in Section 3. It introduces the
metamodel and details the main classes according to
the characterization described in Section 3.
5.1 Opinion Conceptual Data Metamodel
Proliferation of social media applications and their
increasingly complexity and sophistication claims
for the development of a generic and robust
metamodel to capture the tacit knowledge available
in those applications’ reviews. Figure 1 depicts the
metamodel proposed to capture customers’ opinions.
The class Review stores the identifier for the full
content of each review, its date and the language in
which the review is written. Each review is
composed by one or more sentences or clauses
which are stored in the class Sentence. The origin of
each review is stored in the class Source. Each
review has also a holder, who usually provides basic
data such as name, city and country. The class
Holder stores this data.
The class Object stores the name of the object,
e.g. hotel Alpha, movie Beta and book Gama, that is
reviewed. This class allows the metamodel to be
multidomain as it is possible to store reviews in a
wide range of topics. The class Feature stores the
main terms in a domain. These terms can be
provided by a domain ontology, such as staff or
room for accommodations, director or photographer
for a movie, and author or title for a bookstore.
The class PoS (Part-of-Speech) stores the parts-
of-speech, i.e. adjectives, adverbs and verbs,
contained in the sentences. The class Semantic
Orientation captures the main perspectives in the
context of an opinion. Some perspectives regards to
the global object, i.e. recommendation or intention,
while other express opinion on a specific feature, i.e.
positivity, complain, attitude, intensity and
The class Feature-Sentence makes the relationships
among a feature, its sentences and the existing
semantic orientation. The class Co-oc PoS stores
the relationships between parts-of-speech and
features. For example, the feature staff in the
accommodation domain can be more often
Figure 1: Opinion class metamodel.
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
mentioned with the adjective helpful in the reviews.
The metamodel presented in Figure 1 is detailed in
the next sections.
5.2 Representation of Reviews,
Holders, Objects and Features
Figure 2 presents a more detailed part of Review,
Holder, Object and Feature classes making explicit
their main attributes.
The class Review stores the identifier of each
review, date, language code in which the review is
written and the rate. The class Sentence stores the
reviews itself split in sentences. The class Holder-
Type stores the types of customers, e.g. young
couple, solo traveller and family with young
children. The class Object-Type stores the types of
objects, e.g. hotel, pension and apartment. The class
Object-Relationship captures the relationships
between objects, e.g. a hotel chain is composed by
several individual hotels. The class Feature-
Relationship captures the relationships between the
features, e.g. Swimming Pool is part of Pool.
Figure 2: Review, Holder, Object and Feature Model.
5.3 Representation of Semantic
Orientation of Features in the
This model intends to capture several perspectives
regarding to the semantic orientation of a sentence.
Some sentences present opinions about one or more
features. In Figure 2, the classes Sentence and
Feature-Sentence stores the existing indicators to
each feature in each sentence.
The class Sentence is specialized in a
Recommendation and an Intention. An opinion
recognized as recommendation or intention is about
the global object, e.g. hotel, movie and book, rather
than a specific feature. In addition, both can express
a positive or negative opinion.
The semantic orientations of a sentence evolving
specific features are stored in the class Feature-
Sentence. A feature can be explicit or implicit in a
sentence, which is captured in the attribute
exImplicit. Sentences are also classified as the
objectivity. An objective sentence contains or
mentions facts, while a subjective sentence does not
mention any fact. The class Feature-Sentence also
captures a negative occurrence in each sentence.
Each feature in a sentence (Feature-Sentence
class) can be also associated with a feeling related
Positivity, e.g. positive, neutral and irrelevant;
Attitude: which includes three types: affect,
appreciation and judgment;
Intensity, e.g. very positive, neutral and very
Complain, e.g. very serious, serious, not
Suggestion, e.g. “breakfast could be include
more fruits”.
Figure 3: Representation of the semantic orientation of the
features in the sentences.
Some of these opinions are about a specific feature
of an object and other are generic ones. The classes
Positivity, Attitude, Intensity, Complain and
Suggestion store these kinds of opinion.
5.4 Representation of Co-Occurrences
The Opinion Model should also stores co-
occurrences between features and syntactic
categories (i.e. nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs and
connectives) and features. Nouns are qualifiers, e.g.
A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation
price, design and accessibility, used in the
comments. Connectives are usually conjunctions,
e.g. or, but, either-or, and neither-nor. Co-
occurrences allow managers to use the same words
to advertise the product or service. For example, if
location is more co-related with the noun or qualifier
metro, this is an indicator that customers appreciate
a hotel near a metro station. Figure 4 presents the
part of the model that deal with co-occurrences.
The model also stores co-occurrences between
features and syntactic categories, i.e. nouns,
adjectives, adverbs and verbs, in the classes named
Co-Occurrence-X-Y. The classes Noun, Adjective,
Adverb, Verb and Connective store its own the list of
It is important to notice that these classes can be
very useful to Marketing managers, since the
frequency of the co-occurrences indicates the
association done by customers to each feature of the
domain. For example, in hospitality industry,
customers associate the adjectives clean and
spacious to the feature room. With this information,
a Marketing manager can explore these words in
advertising campaigns.
Figure 4: Representation of co-occurrences detected in
online reviews.
5.5 Full Conceptual Data Model
Figure 5 presents the full conceptual data model
which integrates all the parts previously described
with four more classes. This model aims to be
sufficiently generic to serve as building blocks for
knowledge bases to store reviews and related data
from different knowledge domains.
The multidomain aspects of this model can be
explained based on the three classes: Review, Object
and Feature. From this point, it is easier to
understand the remain model and how to adapt it to
represent knowledge in different domains.
Regarding the multilingual aspect, Figure 5
shows that each review, object name and feature
name owns a multilingual representation as well as
the specific classes Holder Type and Object Type.
Each name in the syntactic category is also
represented in its multilingual form using the
attribute langCode whenever it is necessary to store
text data.
Finally, using this model, managers can also
explore historical data gathered. For example, it can
be interesting for an accommodation manager or
tourism agent to know how suggestions,
recommendations and complains have evolved over
In order to show the relevance of the facets
mentioned along this paper, we are working in
manual and automatic tasks to foster the main
classes presented in Figure 5. In both approaches
features are mapped to concepts of an ontology
which provides a common conceptualisation in a
specific domain.
Considering the manual approach, Chaves,
Gomes and Pedron (2012) analyzed a set of 1500
multilingual (English, Portuguese and Spanish)
online reviews about small and medium hotels in the
Lisbon region. They annotated each review
according to the following criteria: types of holder,
features, qualifiers (the most frequent terms used to
mention features), positivity, intensity, country of
origin of the holder and rate of review (numeric
value assigned by the holder of the review). Their
findings show that the features room and service
were the concepts that guests pay more attention to
in their review and ratings, and also points the main
features which small and medium hotel managers
should prioritize according to the profile of the guest
(classes Holder and Holder-Type in Figure 5).
Moreover, they show the co-relation between
features and their intensity (i.e. strenght of polarity)
in the reviews.
On the other hand, Tromp (2011) proposes a
automatic four-step approach for multilingual
sentiment analysis, which is composed by language
identification, POS tagging, subjectivity detection
and polarity detection. For polarity detection, he
developed an algorithm which uses heuristic rules
that stem from patterns (e.g. positive and negative).
The result of this step could be used to instantiate
the classes Sentence, Feature, Feature-Sentence and
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
Figure 5: Full conceptual data model.
Positivity in the model proposed in Figure 5.
Chaves et al. (2012) developed an algorithm
named PIRPO (Polarity Recognizer in Portuguese)
which recognizes the polarity (class Positivity in
Figure 5) expressed in each sentence of a review.
PIRPO receives as input online reviews, a list of
adjectives and concepts of an ontology. The output
is a list of sentences with polarity recognized in each
concept detected. This output is currently being used
to instantiate the classes Review, Sentence, Feature,
Feature-Sentence and Positivity. The extension of
PIRPO will allow instantiate the remaining classes,
mainly the semantic orientation of the features in the
The representation of the unstructured data in the
web remains a challenge for the most of researchers
and practioners in modelling field. This paper
introduces a multidomain and multilingual
conceptual data model to capture the different facets
of unstructured online reviews. It also presents a
fine-grained characterization of opinionated texts,
which evidences the main aspects of those opinions
that could be relevant to managerial or user decision
It is important to mention that the level of
complexity of this model varies according to the
application requirements. The full conceptual data
model can be partially or totally implemented
depending on the context in which it is going to be
used. Probably, the implmentation of the semantic
orientation of the features in the senteces is
incremental due to the lack of algorithms to
recognize all the aspects designed in the model.
The implementation of this model will also allow
the storage of the content from multiple information
sources, which will facilitate the fast and simple
generation of managerial reports. Moreover, from
the customer point of view, it will be possible to
A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation
search information about a specific object (e.g.
book, movie or hotel) in a single place.
Applications built based on the proposed model
may allow in-depth analysis of the fine-grained
knowledge dispersed in the web. However, the
success of the implementation of this conceptual
data model is also dependent on an algorithm able to
recognize the facets in the opinionated texts. The
automatic identification of the semantic orientation
of the features in the reviews remains a current
challenge for Computer Science researchers.
To better test the model in the multidomain
aspect, we should use instances from other domain
than accommodations (e.g. books, cars or movies).
Regarding to the multilingual representation, we
should automatically load the reviews annotated by
Chaves, Gomes and Pedron (2012). These
annotations cover most of the facets in the
conceptual data model.
Finally, the model proposed is in its first version
and we know that there is room for improvements.
As future work, the model will be also tested with an
application for information visualization developed
in Carvalho and Chaves (2012).
This research was partially supported by the national
funds of FCT the Portuguese Science and
Technology Foundation within the strategic project
Attensity, 2012. Available at http://www.attensity.com.
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