Securing In-vehicle Communication and Redefining the Role of
Automotive Immobilizer
Constantinos Patsakis
and Kleanthis Dellios
Universitat Rovira i Virgili Department of Computer Engineering and Maths, UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy,
Av. Pasos Catalans 26 43007 Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
Immobilizer, In-vehicle Communication, Security, Authentication.
Automotive conventional anti-theft devices fail to prevent from unauthorized actions against vehicles. In-
formation technologies and evolved microelectronics are currently being developed and widely adopted in
controlling many mechanical parts of the vehicles. One of the most common means of restricting access
to unauthorized drivers is immobilizer. In current work we discuss some common vulnerability issues that
vehicles and immobilizer technology confronts, leading us to propose a redefinition of its role in vehicle se-
curity and the physical vehicle environment. Our proposal meets current trends of IT and computer science in
embedding systems in vehicles and if properly implemented, may provide more secure vehicles.
Automotive industry is one of the largest economies
and vehicles nowadays are improvedin their function-
ality, performance, safety and comfort (Naver et al.,
2009)(Fuhs, 2009). A vehicle is consisted of many
embedded systems working together and communi-
cating each other (Bonnick, 2001) creating an elec-
tronic environment that makes the vehicle operate as
a platform entity. For this, CAN, LIN and MOST net-
works are being used. In addition, the vehicle is eas-
ier to be controlled and modified due to the different
needs of a vehicle environment (Naver et al., 2009).
Because of many vehicle act of threats in past, immo-
bilizer technology (Heisler, 2002) has been invented
and added as a security mechanism in modern vehi-
cles. Its function is to prevent an engine from being
ignited without the presence of the correct key. After
their adoption, a significant decrease in vehicle thefts
was observed, but in the past few years vehicle acts of
threats have been increased again (ETP, 2004). Even
if immobilizers deterred many thieves, several vulner-
abilities in vehicles have become known, resulting to
making them unable to protect a vehicle from being
stolen (HS NewsWire, 2010). Thus, there is obvi-
ously a need for development of a new vehicle secu-
rity mechanism.
The growing trend towards “computerizing vehi-
cles, by adding extra services that are offered by inde-
pendent devices connected to the vehicle’s infrastruc-
ture extend the attack layer making it prone to new
more computerized attacks, like (Checkoway et al.,
2011) or (Bailey, 2010). On the light of the recent re-
search on vehicle security and current theft trends, big
organizations and security firms are trying to make
people aware of the dangers and find more secure so-
lutions. Two very good examples are the US Depart-
ment of Transportation, which recently issued a Re-
quest for Information and McAfee which issued an
information bulletin (McAfee, 2011; FBO, 2011). It
becomes apparent that not only vehicles become the
next hacking platform, after smart-phones, but they
can be attacked in cyber warfare situation, leading to
huge problems.
The industrial approach towards in-vehicle com-
munication is quite different from VANETs. In
VANETs, correctly, the whole communication is
governed by many cryptographic and authentication
mechanisms, in order to secure the vehicle from out-
sider attacks. In the case of in-vehicle communica-
tion, the approach is quite different. Even though we
are aware that a car that is about to be stolen will be
attacked on its hardware infrastructure and communi-
cation systems, we haven’t taken the proper counter-
This work is an attempt to redesign the conven-
tional security system, which is primarily designed
to maximize the vehicle’s performance and passen-
Patsakis C. and Dellios K..
Securing In-vehicle Communication and Redefining the Role of Automotive Immobilizer.
DOI: 10.5220/0004024302210226
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 221-226
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ger safety and vehicle’s security as well. In this pro-
posal, a more networked vehicle (Heisler, 2002) is be-
ing illustrated, where vehicle’s control modules are
being authenticated, on a new control unit, primary
acting as a Trusted Third Party (TTP). In the proposed
model, immobilizer is not circumvented but is being
redefined, cooperating with the TTP module in the
same centralized architecture creating an even more
secure environment, more robust against many cur-
rent attacks. This work has the following structure.
In the following section we present the Immobilizer
and general automative systems. Afterwards, we dis-
cuss current industrial standards and the security of
the communications that they offer, whlile present-
ing some common vulnerabilities that current immo-
bilizer technology confronts and vehicles vulnerabil-
ity issues of IT interest. Then we present our proposal
to vehicle security along with the possible protocol
structure for its implementation. Finally, we summa-
rize, giving some remarks for future work.
Vehicle has evolved into a complex device, as it is a
mechanic machine controlled by numerous electronic
units. This is achieved by the usage of power elec-
tronics, transforming the vehicle into an embedded
platform, capable of controlling in large scale the me-
chanical systems of the vehicle and ensure its accurate
function in real-time and continuity of tasks (Naver
et al., 2009).
The role of automotive electronics is a major one,
as they allow the vehicle control with great tolerance
along with calibration stability (Bonnick, 2001). In
addition, they create an embedded environment with
many variable setups for a vehicle, electronics and
motor as well. Micro-controllers are the main form of
controlling an electronic vehicle system and they are
the fundamental core of vehicle’s computerised plat-
form. Another major electronic control unit is the ve-
hicle immobilizer, which is based on RFID Technol-
ogy and cryptographic techniques. Until nowadays
all vehicles are being equipped with an immobilizer
unit that functions as the security system of the vehi-
cle. The general principle is that immobilizer control
module, needs to receive a transmitted signal from the
factory’s original keys of the vehicle owner in order
to be activated. This is usually achieved by fitting an
RFID chip inside the owner’s keys. Unless the cor-
rect electronic signal is provided to the system by the
ignition key, or a unique transponder or coded plug,
the vehicle will not start and the engine will no be
ignited(Naver et al., 2009; Bonnick, 2001; Heisler,
2002; Lemke et al., 2006).
As a result, when immobilizer operates, the vehi-
cle’s engine is not allowed to be ignited without first
receiving the correct signal from the person trying to
start it (Naver et al., 2009; Bonnick, 2001; Heisler,
2002; Lemke et al., 2006). More generic from an IT
view, the immobilizer as a security mechanism will
not allow the system to be functional until the very
moment that the “certified user”, owner of the vehi-
cle’s keys, has been authenticated. Immobilizers over
the last years are tending to use more and more the
so called “rolling codes”, instead of “fixed codes”. In
the past, each time the key was used with the same
transponder code, making vehicle vulnerable to re-
play attacks. In the case of rolling codes, a stream
cipher is being used, so that each time the key is used,
the transponder code changes. Sadly, as it has been
shown by Nohl (Nohl, 2010) in many cases the en-
cryption algorithms are poorly designed or poorly im-
plemented, making vehicles easy to be stolen.
Finally, the immobilizer was invented, embed-
ded in vehicles and became a “standard” vehi-
cle part/module, when insurance companies con-
fronted insurance issues, due to the state that vehi-
cles were stolen. It became a necessity that vehi-
cles, should have such an embedded security mecha-
nism that could confront such acts of threat and ob-
tain a more secure physical layer, as it was stated
by the spokesperson for AUTOSAR S. Bnzel (ee-
times, 2011). Apart from the creation of immobilizer,
new standards of communication channels were also
adopted both for sensors and control units and elec-
tronic automated on-vehicle diagnostics were added.
The industrial standards that modern vehicles con-
form to, are a very good critirion of the supplied se-
curity of the information shared between vehicle’s
components. One of the wider adopted industrial
standards in automotive industry is AUTOSAR (AU-
TOSAR), a framework for developing hardware com-
ponents allowing their communication and interoper-
ability. Currently, AUTOSAR is on the forth version,
which was originaly released at the end of 2009. It
is worth to notice that it is the first version of the
standard refering to encryption, using the so-called
Crypto Service Manager and the Crypto Abstraction
Library. The aim of these two modules is to give
an API to the manufacturers, which can be easily ac-
cessed from vehicle’s software. In the standard there
is no definition of which cryptographicalgorithms can
be used, apart from MD5 and SHA which someone
can infer from the text, what key lengths are sup-
ported, how passwords are generated (in case of pub-
lic key algorithms). So we may deduce that all the
previous versions are lacking the software support of
standard encryption mechanismsfrom the framework.
Cars that are more than 1-2 years old, the encryption
of data and the use of authentication mechanisms was
left on the manufacturers and whether they cooperate
to encrypt the messages by the same way or leave it
plaintext. In the new standard, despite the new addi-
tions and the disclosure of possible attack, data en-
cryption has not become the default policy for data
communication, while there is no referece for authen-
tication with the rest of the system.
Two very common standards that are being used
in vehicle hardware communication, are CAN (Con-
troller Area Network) (CAN) and LIN(Local Inter-
connect Network) (LIN). CAN was introduced by R.
Bosch in 1983, yet it is now covered by ISO 11898.
CAN was originaly designed for automotive applica-
tions, but nowadays it has been widely adopted in the
industry for device automation. On the other hand
LINs are being used for smaller in vehicle systems
and CANs’ subnetworks. Both of these industry stan-
dards are low level protocols and are used as the main
backbone for the communication of the hardware in
the vehicle. Unfortunately, due to their nature, none
of them supports encryption, making them prone to
many attacks, as previously stated.
First types of attack in vehicles where methods
such as breaking and entry, hotwiring, tampering or
even towing and commonly used tools, in order to
connect the battery source to the ignition, the so called
Slim Jim tool to open locks and other formally known
or unknown ways (Auto theft info, 2009; Car theft,
2009). As technology is evolving, all these ways have
also evolved as well, so vehicles nowadays can be
threatened through computerized attacks.
AUTOSAR highlighted vehicle security issues, as
there is major necessity for secure programming of
the Electronic Contol Units (ECUs), but still can be
programmable only by authorized entities, the elec-
tronic immobilizer must always protect the vehicle
from unauthorized driving via specific sets of crypto-
graphic techniques. Furthermore, ECU software con-
fronts the problem of existence of unstructured mul-
tiple unused functions or variants of data and also the
secure diagnosis services.
As immobilizer units, RFID modules and generic
anti-theft mechanisms vary in the way that each au-
tomotive vendor designs them for each vehicle, their
application is based on specific set of cryptographic
routines and services. A very good example of pen-
etrating into these vehicles’ security mechanisms by
exploiting cryptographic primitives is the attacks on
Keeloq algorithm, where a practical key recovery at-
tack (Indesteege et al., 2008; Biham et al., 2007;
Eisenbarth et al., 2008). Another important work by
has proven that the encryption in RFID chipsets used
in vehicles can be cracked without requiring direct
contact, bypassing the security measures of a vehicle
or even of the same immobilizer system (Bono et al.,
Another vulnerability issue stems from an after-
market product named RFID Zapper. It is an elec-
tronic device that has the capability of permanently
deactivating passive RFID chips without damaging
the chip that is being attacked. Since immobilizers are
based on RFID authentication, it is possible to launch
a DoS on them using proper hardware (RZ, 2010).
Another research revealed vehicle insecurity
through remote exploitation and long dinstance vehi-
cle control. Vulnerabilities where located in the OBD-
II diagnostic port of the vehicles, via the infotain-
ment system of the vehicle (accessories attacks such
as Disk/Mp3 players, USB ports and iPod) and are
indirect physical access methods. They also achieved
short-range wireless access to the vehicles via Blue-
tooth, Remote Keyless Entry, RFIDs, WiFi, and Ded-
icated Short-Range Communications (DSRC). Also
important vulnerability issues where shown through
long-range wireless access attacks exploiting broad-
cast channels and addressable channels (Koscher
et al., 2010),(Checkoway et al., 2011). In another at-
tack scenario (Rouf et al. ,2010), researchers were
able to to track cars and mislead drivers of potential
problems in their vehicles, using as entry point the
wireless tire pressusure monitoring system that mod-
ern cars have, which lack encryption mechanisms.
The first step is to redefine the immobilizer system,
creating a safer environment for all the electronic
modules and the vehicle as an entity. Current immo-
bilizers have in IT terms, an Accept all” policy to-
wards almost all modules of a vehicle, because only
immobilizer and the vehicle keys are the parts that are
being authenticated and not the vehicle as an entity.
Comparing to IT, no other security policy is applied
or exists for the vehicle components. Therefore, there
is a great need of adopting a “Deny all” policy to-
wards all mechanical and peripheral parts of a vehicle
could result to more secure vehicles and less acts of
thefts. In order to implement this kind of IT security
policy, we introduce a Trusted Third Party (TTP) that
authenticates each vehicle’s module. The TTP can be
installed on the MCU of the vehicle so that all net-
work traffic can parsed from it.
Module categorization is crucial to this security
model for the vehicle’s functionality. The categoriza-
tion is being implemented because a vehicle has many
ECUs and safe usage of the vehicle and safety of the
user might be affected. The categorization of the au-
tomotive modules should be based on the peripheral
topology and are divided in Primary and Secondary
systems. Every time that a malfunction is discov-
ered in a Secondary module the fully usage of the
vehicle must not be affected and the vehicle’s me-
chanical usability should not be suspended, yet the
secondary module will only be deactivated and any
packet traffic from it shall be blocked, as this might
be caused by an attacker. On the other hand, if a Mas-
ter Module is not authenticated, then it will trigger
in this case the Immobilizer to halt any vehicle us-
age. The necessity of this categorization is because
vehicles are designed for long-term use and their parts
suffer a lot from pressure, usage, collisions, resulting
to many minor or serious malfunctions through the
pass of time. It is therefore a functionality issue for
example to let the vehicle moving, even if the MP3
player is broken or even if the power windows are not
working. In another case, the vehicle should not al-
low any further use if its steering wheel confront an
electrical/electronic problem.
Moreover, the vehicle is provided with a built-in
database for different user profiles e.g. driver, co-
driver, vehicle technicians/mechanics, parental con-
trol for children/elder person, other persons. Each
profile provides the driver/user with a different setup
and use of the vehicle. So that a technician/mechanic
cannot drive the car for more the 20km, or with
parental control we may allow a young driver use the
car in a certain radius away from home or restrict the
use of the vehicle in certain areas. Moreover, we may
allow a driver use the vehicle in pre-assigned routes,
or even enable some functionalities like mp3 player,
GPS, A/C for certain drivers. Of course each user
may be authenticated either by biometrics or by keys,
e-keys etc. It is obvious that this categorization goes
beyond offering advanced infotainment experience on
the vehicle. The scope of this categorization is to pro-
vide different access level to possible users of the ve-
The difficult part is the upgrade of today’s vehi-
cle’s component/modulein order to be easily software
or firmware, updated and/or upgraded, only by au-
thorized resellers/sources via the TTP. Immobilizer in
this security model acquires a more crucial role for
the vehicle, as it can be triggered by more events that
were not covered up to now and its role becomes more
crucial as its function is needed for triggering the en-
gine’s shut down in case of a malfunction or violation
is detected.
The TTP will control all primary modules. The
detection, identification and authentication of all
modules will be made by the TTP. Identically, the pri-
mary modules will control all secondary modules at-
tached to them. Between Primary modules and TTP
there will be a firewall in order to protect TTP from
attacks launched by unauthorized modules or mali-
ciously injected code on authorized modules. Be-
tween TTP and ICM there will be two party commu-
nications and an application firewall. The TTP must
be designed in a way that sensors can adapted and
linked with in the future, so as to implement further
security checks in tampering vehicle body-train and
motor engine or for future improvements of the secu-
rity system. During the process of initialization we
have a mutual identification of all modules with TTP.
Moreover, vehicle’s users will be identified and au-
thenticated automatically through the different access
levels that are stored in system profiles. System pro-
files are responsible to enabling and disabling primary
and secondary modules for a given period of time or
use, if authentication is successfully completed. In
case that a severe malfunction is detected in primary
modules, TTP triggers immobilizer with a shut down
message. Secondary modules are deactivated and in-
coming data is blocked.
The structure protocol that we propose is very
close to SSL with mutual authentication, when it
comes to vehicle initialization, and Kerberos like,
whenever a module wants to access another module.
Whenever the vehicle is turned on, the following ex-
change of messages is made with each module. The
Immobilizer sends a iniatilize authethication message
to the module. The module sends the Immobilizer the
ciphers supported, data compression methods, ran-
dom data (RD
) and the access list.
Firstly, the Immobilizer examines the privileges
of the module and whether the access requested is
legitimate, depending on the rights of the user that
has been authenticated, the requested access will be
granted. In case of full restriction, the communication
is terminated. If the module has the rights to make
a request, the Immobilizer replies with the selected
ciphers, data compression methods, an assigned ses-
sion Id and some random data (RD
). The immobi-
lizer appends its certificate and, a chain of certificates
beginning with the certificate of the certificate author-
ity (CA), if it is not assigned from a root authority.
The module chetacks the Immobilizer certificate and
sends its own, followed by a chain of certificates be-
ginning with the certificate of the CA, if not assigned
from a root authority. Immobilizer checks them and
replies using a mutually generated key K, from RD
and RD
, encrypting the list of the keys that are going
to be used, the period of their validity and the list of
allowed access. The module replies with an encrypted
hash of the previous messages with key K. The server
replies with an encrypted hash of all previous mes-
sages with key K.
Immobilizer acts as a ticketing server,issuing tick-
ets to each module for communication with other
modules, which are valid only for a random period,
subject to exchanged messages, in order to prevent at-
tacks on static period of time and to control the com-
munication and the access of each module. To allow
communication of module
with module
, the follow-
ing procedure is followed. module
sends a nonce
and request for communication with module
, for ac-
cess list AC, encrypted with key K
. The immobilizer
checks whether module
has the right to communi-
cate module
and using AC. In this case, it creates a
random number T, the tickets to be exchanged, a ran-
dom number r, and key K
. Then it sends module
the message E(r, T, module
, K
, AC)
with key K
. module
, decrypts the message us-
ing Pub
and K
and if it is available for use on
that period responds with H(r, T) encrypted with
key K
. Immobilizer sends to module
the message
E(nonce, T, K
encrypted with key K
. module
decrypts the message using Pub
and K
and obtains
T and K
. module
sends module
messages en-
crypted with key K
, appending each time the cur-
rent value of T at the end. module
decrypts the mes-
sages using key K
and checks the requests against
AC, if any of them exceeds them, then module
an alarm. For each received message value T is de-
creased. K
is the key that immobilizer has issued to
, Pr
is the private key of the Immobilizer and
is the public key of the Immobilizer.
In order to circumvent these measures one might
try to install a “new” Immobilizer system, trying to
initialize the ignition of the engine with his prefered
policies. To protect the vehicle from such attacks, we
must change the policy of the modules. Therefore, on
initial configuration of the vehicle, the modues access
from Internet the first hardware profile and store the
Immobilezer’s “fingerprint”. In case the Immobilizer
changes, the modules temporarily authenticate it, de-
manding access to the Internet in order to check for
the afforementioned update in the profile of the ve-
hicle, issuing an alert in case the profile is does not
contain such alternation. Moreover, storing the fin-
gerprint of the immobilizer prevents any disclosure of
important keys from possible future hardware attacks.
When we are stepping from IPv4 to IPv6 and from
http to default https on many web servers in order to
provide advanced security to end users, it is at least
irresponsible to leave such vital and widely used parts
of our everyday lives, without further modifications
on network layer. It is not coinsidencial that even af-
ter making immobilizers a default security system in
most of the vehicles, especially in cars, they are still
being stolen. This fact is proving that conventional
anti-theft vehicle systems fail to prevent unauthorized
usage. It is obvious that new methods should be de-
veloped to enhance current security status.
The scope of this work is to propose a way to
improve vehicle’s physical layer security by combin-
ing automotive vendors technology and information
technology knowledge. In this proposal, the role of
immobilizer is redefined and is being used as a trig-
ger mechanism, while an advanced TTP undertakes
the complete role of the security mechanism. Fire-
walls are applied in order to prevent electronic at-
tacks on the vehicle from multimedia applications,
vehicles ports or even unauthenticated and malicious
hardware. Moreover, the in-vecicle communication is
encrypted and provides authentication methods to its
modules. The proposed security model can also pro-
vide different profiles database for the authenticated
user, preventing malicious attacks and acts of threat
against the vehicle from privilege escalation of po-
tential drivers/users. The illustrated protocol is only
given to provide a general idea of the proposed struc-
ture and how different and more secure it can prove
to be, compared to the current solutions for in-vehicle
Based on current proposal, many extensions may
be implemented. One may extend user authentica-
tion using biometrics measures instead of portable,
but easy to lose credentials such as keys, e-keys etc.
Moreover each vehicle can have a profile on the man-
ufacturer or on a trusted company which is updated
every time a part is changed. This way, plugging de-
vices in order to compromise vehicle’s security can be
traced and prevented. The TTP can be designed to al-
low Internet or 3G connection so that any kind of sud-
den or strange changes on the vehicle’s profile may
instantly trigger alerts, enabling further security and
proactive measures to be taken, even on road, without
affecting vehicle’s stability and driver’s safety.
Constantinos Patsakis is with the UNESCO Chair in
Data Privacy, but he is solely responsible for the views
expressed in this paper, which do not necessarily re-
flect the position of UNESCO nor commit that organi-
zation. This work was partly supported by the Span-
ish Government through project CONSOLIDER IN-
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