Model Driven Software Engineering for Grid Modeling, Optimization
and Simulation
Marcello Vitaletti
, Nicola Fontana
, Maurizio Giugni
and Gianluca Sorgenti degli Uberti
IBM Rome Software Laboratory, IBM Italia, Via Sciangai 53, 00144 Rome, Italy
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Piazza Roma 21, Benevento, Italy
Department of Hydraulic, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II,
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Naples, Italy
ARIN S.p.A., Via Argine 929, 80147, Naples, Italy
Keywords: Model Driven Engineering, Domain Specific Languages, Model Transformations, Smart Grids.
Abstract: A three-year research project about water grid technology (“WATERGRID research project”) is led by
ARIN the company managing water distribution in the city of Naples in a partnership with IBM and the
University of Naples. Objectives of the project's initial phase include designing and prototyping a subsystem
for grid modelling, optimization and simulation (GMOS). The GMOS subsystem implements state-of-the-
art software kernels for the simulation of water distribution networks, including modules for the calibration
of the hydraulic model and for an optimal partitioning of the grid. This paper illustrates general findings in
applying model-driven software engineering to the architecture and design of the GMOS subsystem which
largely abstract from the specific nature of the distribution grid as they could equally apply to the modelling,
optimization and simulation of gas and electricity distribution networks.
This paper illustrates general findings in applying
model-driven software development technology to
the architecture, design and implementation of a grid
modeling, optimization and simulation (GMOS)
subsystem in the context of a wider project (the
“WATERGRID research project”) aimed to an
intelligent management of water distribution
These findings largely abstract from the specific
nature of the distribution grid as they would likely
apply to the modelling, optimization and simulation
of gas and electricity distribution networks.
Introducing computer simulations for managing
and optimizing a smart grid generally comes with
the following requirements:
The grid topology used in simulations must
reflect changes in the field which are stored in
a geographical information system (GIS) or in
enterprise asset management (EAM) systems.
Parameter values characterizing the physical
model of grid components (e.g. tanks, pipes,
valves, pumps and turbines in a water grid)
can be derived from asset/management data
but often they must be the output of a
calibration procedure.
Automation and control logic installed on
field devices must be reflected in a
corresponding control model for use during
the simulation.
Initial conditions to be used for predictive
simulations in a critical situation should be
created from sensor data collected in real-time.
Boundary conditions must be provided as well
and they often include the estimated demand
(of water, gas or electricity) at distribution
nodes. Demands must be therefore obtained
by statistically analysing time series of end-
users consumption data.
Computing the energy costs of grid operations
requires a model of energy consumption and
generation for different grid devices (e.g. for
pumps and turbines in a water grid).
It follows from the preceding requirements that
an effective use of computer simulations in the
operation of smart grids needs several independent
and complementary models. The following platform
independent models are relevant for water grids:
Grid Topology model;
Vitaletti M., Fontana N., Giugni M. and Sorgenti degli Uberti G..
Model Driven Software Engineering for Grid Modeling, Optimization and Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004028003240327
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 324-327
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Physical model;
Automation/Control model;
Initial Conditions model;
Boundary Conditions model;
Energy model.
In order to ascertain which collection of model
instances a given simulation will be (or it was) based
upon, model instances corresponding to the different
parts (topology, physics, etc.) must have distinct
identities (name, version). Model instances
corresponding to a given part generally evolve
independently from the other parts.
The global model instance being used for grid
simulations in a specific context or at a given time is
therefore the composition of several sub-domain
model instances. As a most obvious example: the
same grid topology and physical model instances
may be employed in many simulations with different
initial and boundary conditions.
The following section illustrates application
scenarios from the “WATERGRID research project”
providing motivations for the proposed modelling of
the problem domain.
Software engineering aspects of GMOS
development are discussed in the central section of
this paper which deals with partial models, cross-
references, model authoring and domain specific
This section illustrates two use cases from the
WATERGRID project providing motivations for the
proposed modelling of the problem domain.
2.1 Calibration of the Hydraulic Model
Calibration is the process by which the hydraulic
model parameters (generally the pipe roughness) are
estimated by using the available sensor data. The
simplest method is to calculate the covariance and
the sensitivity matrix of the state parameters by
assuming a preliminary estimate of the roughness,
which can be assigned according to the pipe material
and coating, age and water and soil characteristics.
The optimal sensor location problem (sampling
design) can be solved by running a simulation based
on the current estimate of the hydraulic parameters
and different boundary conditions e.g. corresponding
to minimum, maximum and average demand
patterns (Yu and Powell, 1994; Bush and Uber,
1998; Del Giudice and Di Cristo, 2003). Other
approaches (i.e. shortest path algorithms) calculate
the optimal location based on the network topology
(de Schaetzen et al., 2000). In this case, no initial
estimate of the parameters is required, and the sensor
location can be obtained without running any
simulation. Nevertheless, a certain objective
function has to be maximized (or minimized) and
optimization algorithms should be used. Data
collected from the sensors are then used to find the
best estimates for the unknown parameters
(roughness coefficients). To this aim, optimization-
based, explicit or implicit methods can be used
(Savic et al., 2009).
In summary, the calibration scenario is one
where simulations need to be repeatedly run for
different purposes. Model instances representing the
grid topology and initial conditions may be reused
without changes in these simulations with boundary
conditions chosen from a representative set of model
instances. Finally, the physical model is typically
updated at each step of an iterative process.
2.2 Running Predictive Simulations
In this scenario, the validated topology and physical
models are used with newly created models for the
initial and boundary conditions. The latter must be
created from field sensor data in order to support
reliable predictive simulations under new operating
conditions. For example, this is necessary when
analysing abnormal operating conditions which may
occur in a water distribution system in case of break
of transmission mains, for fire hydrant service, for
simulating the travel times of a pollutant
accidentally or intentionally injected into the system.
Moreover, predictive simulations can be used for
design of extension and/or rehabilitation of existing
water distribution networks.
Cross-referencing across models is required to
combine the information contained in models of the
physics, energy, initial and boundary conditions of
grid objects with their topological relationships.
Simulation codes typically need to process all
this information at once in each run. Therefore, one
must always provide an exporter where cross-model
references are resolved and information is produced
in the format required for running the simulation. A
similar situation arises with authoring tools, because
different aspect of the same grid must be handled
together in a given authoring sessions.
Model Driven Software Engineering for Grid Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
3.1 Late Binding of Cross-References
The adopted model partitioning strategy is best
illustrated by considering a specific element of the
problem domain a junction and examining how
different attributes and relationships of this element
are distributed across the modelling packages.
The diagram in Figure 1 shows classes from the
topology model in the yellow box and from the
physical and boundary-conditions models in the red
and green boxes, respectively. The topology model
captures the fact that a Junction is a grid Node.
Figure 1: Modelling classes related to a grid junction.
The Junction class is not extended by classes
at the diagram's bottom because the latter only
capture specific complementary data. In the spirit of
model partitioning they cannot incorporate the
topological content expressed by the Node class.
With reference to Figure 1, it is desirable for an
instance of say JunctionModel to provide a
method returning a reference to the corresponding
Junction/Node instance. The requirement can be
satisfied by a form of late binding in which only a
“name reference” (string) to the corresponding
Junction object is included in JunctionModel.
While the non-topological JunctionModel
cannot extend Junction there are situations in
which it might be desirable for it to implement the
Node interface, for example to make instances
behave like ordinary nodes on a graphical map.
These situations are addressed by a variant of the
well known Decorator pattern, where a class
(JunctionModel) delegates the implementation of
an additional interface (Junction) to an object
natively implementing that interface. The solution is
illustrated in Figure 2 for a junction grid object: at
runtime, a reference to the Junction object is
Figure 2: A variant of the Decorator pattern.
injected into the decorated name reference and used
for delegating methods exposed by the topological
(Junction) interface.
In summary, name references implement the
necessary late binding between model objects
capturing different dimensions of a domain element
and the corresponding topology object (Node or
Link). Additionally, name references may be
decorated to make a non-topological object behave
in a GUI like its node (or link) counterpart.
3.2 Model Authoring
Authoring tools are used to manually fill-in some
missing data or to freely define all dimensions of an
experimental test case. Dealing with multiple
underlying model instances or files in the same
logical session is impractical, therefore GMOS
editors use a single-file representation of the
information which would be otherwise distributed
over instances of the partial models discussed in the
previous section. This is obtained by introducing a
an authoring model where all dimensions of a grid
element are represented by a single class (logically
an adapter). Transformations are also provided for:
Merging model instances from the persistence
layer into an instance of the authoring model;
Exporting an instance of the authoring model
into instances of the partial models for storing
changes in the persistence layer.
A wealth of EMF and related Eclipse tooling can
be exploited with the GMOS domain models. In
particular Graphical Editing Framework (GEF), the
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) and Xtext
are well known open-source frameworks by which it
is possible and practical to develop domain specific
languages (DSL).
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
3.2.1 Graphical DSL Editors in GMOS
A convenient approach implemented in GMOS
separates graphical editing of the whole topology
from (textual or graphical) editing of information
related to grid elements (nodes or links). The spatial
arrangement of grid objects (nodes) and connections
(pipes) is rendered by adapting the grid topology
model for display as a graph with GEF/GMF.
Data associated to all dimensions (including
spatial data already captured by the graph editor) are
presented in a “grid object editor”. This is a form-
based multi-tab editing panel with one field for each
attribute of the corresponding grid object.
3.2.2 Text DSL Editors in GMOS
Text based editors extend the form-based object
editor described in the previous section. In this case
different text editors are defined, each one targeted
to a specific object type (pump, valve, etc.) but
covering all dimensions (including spatial data). A
grammar for each editor is generated in Xtext from
the corresponding object type in the authoring model.
The following complication is inherent and worth
noting in this approach: being the editor's scope a
single object, the editor's target resource (text file) is
only a temporary object whose content must be
initialized from (and saved back to) the underlying
instance of the authoring (global) model.
This paper illustrates some peculiarities emerging
from the use of model driven software engineering
in applications aimed to the modelling, simulation
and optimization of water grids. The proposed
approach is motivated by the requirement likely
applying to other smart grids of supporting an
independent life-cycle of model instances associated
to different modelling dimensions. Significant
impacts of this requirement were found in the areas
of modelling, authoring and persistence.
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Model Driven Software Engineering for Grid Modeling, Optimization and Simulation