Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control while Mitigating Key
Keith B. Frikken
Miami University, Oxford, U.S.A.
Hierarchical-based Access Control, Cryptographic Enforcement, Mitigating Key Sharing.
In this paper, we consider the well-studied problem of cryptographic enforcement of hierarchical-based access
control. While this problem is well-studied, a significant drawback to prior approaches is that if a corrupt user
shares his key, then any user can access the content of the corrupt user. This is particularly damaging since
it is not possible to determine the identity of the corrupt user, and almost all previous schemes require some
rekeying in order to revoke a key. To mitigate this key sharing attack, we propose a new model for crypto-
graphic enforcement: Identity-based key management (IBKM). In this framework, each key is associated with
an identity and this identity is required to access content. This allows the system to trace the source of key
leakage and to revoke users without rekeying. The main disadvantage of this framework is the scheme does
not have the ability to provide anonymous access, but it can be used to provide pseudonymous access. The
main contributions of this paper are formal definitions for IBKM and schemes for achieving IBKM.
In this paper we consider the problem of access con-
trol enforcement in hierarchical-based access control
systems (such as RBAC) for content distribution sys-
tems. More formally, we consider access control
systems with a set of roles and the following three
parts: i) a user to role (U2R) mapping, ii) an object
to role (O2R) mapping, and iii) a role hierarchy (RH)
which is a partial order over the set of roles. More-
over, a specific user can access a specific object if and
only if one of the user’s roles is an ancestor in the
RH of one of the object’s roles. A straightforward
access control enforcement mechanism is to simply
distribute the U2R mapping, the O2R mapping, and
the RH to each server that distributes content. Fur-
thermore, the server needs some way to authenticate
users; that is, either the server has to have authentica-
tion information for every user or there needs to be an
authentication infrastructure (for example an authen-
tication server that provides users with certificates).
Clearly, with the above capabilities, such a content
server would be able to enforce the access control pol-
In open systems with large numbers of users and
many content servers, the Achilles heel” of this
straightforward access control enforcement mecha-
nism is the need to distribute the U2R mapping to all
servers and keeping it current when users are revoked
or their rights are changed. The O2R mapping is not
as cumbersome, because a server needs only the part
of the O2R mapping that relates to the objects that it
stores. Furthermore, in several applications the RH is
much smaller and is less dynamic than the U2R map-
1.1 Key Derivation
To mitigate the problems described in the previous
section, an enforcement mechanism based on key
management has been proposed. This mechanism
was introduced in (Akl and Taylor, 1983) and there
has been many subsequent schemes including (Atal-
lah et al., 2009; Sandhu, 1988)
. In key management,
each role is assigned a cryptographic key, and every
user is given the keys associated with the user’s roles
in the U2R mapping. To minimize the number of keys
assigned to users, most key management schemes uti-
lize key derivation. A key derivation scheme facil-
itates deriving a specific role’s key given the key to
any of that role’s ancestors in the RH.
Key management provides an access control en-
forcement mechanism for hierarchical-based access
There are many other schemes, but a detailed survey
is beyond the scope of this paper. For recent surveys see
(Atallah et al., 2009; Crampton et al., 2006).
B. Frikken K..
Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control while Mitigating Key Sharing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004042602450250
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 245-250
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
control as follows: When a user requests an object
from a server, the server uses the O2R mapping to de-
termine the role of the object, the server then encrypts
the requested object with the object’s role key, and
then the server sends the ciphertext to the user along
with information about the object’s role. If the user
has permission to access the requested object, then
the user will be able to derive the object’s role’s en-
cryption key and the user will then be able to decrypt
the ciphertext to obtain the object. Now, if the en-
cryption scheme is secure, then it is computationally
infeasible to decrypt content without the key. Thus
users are prevented from obtaining objects (in plain-
text form) to which they do not have the privileges. In
summary, key management provides a solution to the
hierarchical access control that enjoys the following
1. U2R Mapping Ignorance: The server does not
need to know the U2R mapping.
2. No Authentication Service Required: The authen-
tication is done implicitly through the key man-
agement system.
3. Anonymous Access: Users do not need to reveal
their identities to the content servers.
Unfortunately, there is a significant downside to
this key management enforcement mechanism, be-
cause malicious clients may distribute their keys to
unauthorized users. In the worst case, these keys
could be published, and thus anyone would be able
to access all content linked to the leaked keys. Fur-
thermore, even if the server determines that such a
leakage has occurred, the server cannot trace the key
leakage back to the culprit. In the prior schemes, this
is typically handled by requiring the keys be stored
on tamper-resistant hardware. However, achieving
tamper-resistance in harder may be difficult. Further-
more, even if the hardware is tamper-resistant, then
these schemes still suffer the problem that a single lo-
cal security failure in the hardware leads to a global
security failure of the system. Finally, if the required
level of trust in such hardware could be reduced, then
this would reduce the cost of deploying such systems.
To exacerbate this key leakage problem, key revoca-
tion in such systems is highly impractical. That is,
most key management schemes require that a large
portion of users to re-key themselves every time a key
is revoked. One scheme that suggests a way to avoid
this re-keying is (Atallah et al., 2009), but it does so
by requiring public information that is linear in the
number of users, which is clearly not practical for
large systems.
1.2 Id-based Key Management
The main contribution of this paper is a new form of
key management that mitigates the key leakage and
key revocation problems, while sacrificing only the
anonymous access property. The motivation for this
scheme is loosely based on identity-based encryption
(Shamir, 1985), in that each identity will have a dif-
ferent key for every role. We call such a scheme an
Identity-Based Key Management (IBKM) scheme. In
order for an IBKM scheme to be secure, it must be
collusion resistant. That is, a group of users should
not be able to obtain any keys that are not deriv-
able from their individual keys; this includes prevent-
ing users from deriving the keys of other users. Ac-
cess control enforcement can be achieved using sim-
ilar techniques to the traditional key management ap-
proaches. The only difference is that when a user
requests an object the user sends his identity to the
server, and then the server will encrypt the requested
content with that identity’s key for the requested ob-
ject’s role.
Enforcement by IBKM enjoys the benefits of U2R
mapping ignorance and also does not require an au-
thentication service. Clearly, IBKM does not provide
anonymous access, but it does allow for pseudony-
mous access since users can choose pseudonyms that
do not reveal their true identity. While this is a dis-
advantage of the proposed scheme, there are some
applications where anonymous access is not desired–
for example, when external requirements require that
user access to the content be logged.
In addition to the above benefits, the key leakage
problem is now mitigated. That is, since a user has
to use her identity to access content, leaking a key
now has to reveal the identity of the leaked key. Thus
the scheme has key leakage tracing built into it. Fur-
thermore, key revocation can be achieved by reveal-
ing revoked identities to the content servers. These
servers could then forbid access to content requests
that use this identity. This key revocation scheme has
the same problems as certificate revocation lists, but
is a substantial improvement over the previous key
management schemes. Furthermore, expiration dates
can easily be incorporated into the scheme by adding
the expiration date to the identities. For example, the
identity ’Bob, Dec 31, 2011’ could be used to denote
that Bob’s key expires on Dec 31, 2011. This idea
can be extended to support temporal key management
schemes such as (Atallah et al., 2007; Ateniese et al.,
2006; Santis et al., 2008) where the keys have start
and end times.
The main contributions of this paper are: i) A
scheme for tree access hierarchies that assumes only
pseudorandom functions, and ii) A scheme for arbi-
trary access hierarchies that assumes pseudorandom
functions and the Strong RSA assumption.
2.1 Notation
Generally we model adversaries as Probabilistic Poly-
nomial Time (PPT) algorithms. A function ε(n) is
negligible if for sufficiently large n, ε(n) <
all polynomials p. We use [x,y] to denote the set
{v Z : x v y}. The notation v S for a set S
denotes randomly selecting an element from S.
We model the access hierarchy as a partial order
that is represented by a DAG G = (V, E). We denote
the vertices as v
,. ..,v
. We say that v
is an ancestor
of v
if there is a path from v
to v
in G. In this case
we also say that v
is a descendant of v
A prime p is a safe prime if (p 1)/2 is also
prime. We use φ(N) to denote the Euler phi func-
tion of N. We use RSAModGen(1
) to choose two
safe primes p and q (each with κ bits), and then re-
turn N = pq.
2.2 Problem Description
The environment that we consider has three actors: i)
clients, ii) content servers, and iii) a content owner.
The content owner establishes the access control pol-
icy (i.e., the U2R mapping, the O2R mapping, and the
RH), it also posts content on a subset of the content
servers. The content owner performs a setup phase
with the clients. The clients request access to infor-
mation from the content servers.
2.3 Assumptions
We utilize two assumptions in this paper: i) the ex-
istence of pseudorandom functions and ii) the Strong
RSA assumption (Baric and Pfitzmann, 1997). We
review both of these assumptions below.
A function F : {0,1}
× {0,1}
is a
pseudorandom function if for all PPT algorithms D:
) = 1] Pr[D
) = 1]
is negligible in κ where f is a truly random func-
Recall that the Strong RSA assumption states that
given y,N where N chosen using RSAModGen(1
that it is hard to produce a pair (x,e) such that
mod N = y and e 6= 1. More specifically, we are
assuming that no PPT algorithm A can produce such
a pair except with negligible probability (in κ).
2.4 Formal Definition
An identity-based key management (IBKM) system
consists of three algorithms (Setup, GenKey,Derive)
) takes as input a security parameter
and an access graph G = (V,E). The output of
this method is public information pub and a secret
key sk.
GenKey(id, v, pub,sk) takes as input an identity,
id, an access vertex v V, the public informa-
tion pub, and the secret key sk. The output of this
method is the key k
Derive(G, pub,id,v
) takes as input the
access graph G, the public information pub, an
identity id, a source vertex v
V, a destination
vertex v
V, and the secret key k
If there is
a path from v
to v
in the access graph, then the
output of this method is k
and otherwise it is
Two notions of security for traditional key man-
agement schemes were introduced in (Atallah et al.,
2009). We initially discuss the weaker of these two
notions, security against key recovery, but describe
the stronger version, key indistinguishability, in sec-
tion 4.1. Security against key recovery states that a
coalition of corrupt users can recovera key if and only
if one of the corrupt users can recover the key without
collusion. The main difference between IBKM and
traditional key management is that the corrupt users
must be prevented from deriving any key for a non-
corrupted identity. Formally, security against key re-
covery for IBKM is defined by the following experi-
ment, Exp
A ,Π
1. (pub,sk) Setup(G,1
2. A is given pub and G and is provided oracle ac-
cess to GenKey(·,·, sk). Store all query tuples in
the set L.
3. Eventually, A outputs a triple (id, v,k). We say
that Exp
A ,Π
,G) = 1 if the following two
conditions hold:
(a) k = GenKey(id,v, pub,sk). That is, the key is
correct for the identity-vertex pair that the ad-
versary output.
(b) There is no tuple of the form (id,v
) L such
that v
is an ancestor of v. That is the adversary
has not used its oracle to obtain ids key for any
of vs ancestors.
The advantage of an adversary A is defined as:
A ,Π
,G) = Pr[Exp
A ,Π
,G) = 1]
The scheme Π is secure against key recovery if for
all PPT adversaries A , Adv
A ,Π
,G) is negligi-
ble in κ.
Due to the usage of the IBKM scheme, the goal is
to design such a scheme while minimizing: i) the size
of the public key, ii) the size of the secret key, iii) the
cost of GenKey, and iv) the cost of Derive.
We first introduce an IBKM scheme for trees and
then introduce an IBKM scheme for arbitrary access
graphs. The proofs of security are omitted due to page
3.1 Scheme 1: For Trees Only
In this section we modify the scheme in (Sandhu,
1988) to incorporate the user identity. This scheme
works only for tree access structures, but only re-
quires pseudorandom functions (PRF). The main idea
of this scheme is that the PRF will be used to derive
the key associated with the root node for each identity,
and a very similar scheme to that in (Sandhu, 1988)
will be used to assign keysto the other nodes in the ac-
cess hierarchy. More specifically, the following is the
IBKE scheme where F : {0,1}
× {0, 1}
is a pseudorandom function:
1. Setup(G = (V,E),1
): For each edge (v
) E,
choose a label
i, j
and assign it to that
edge. Denote as
G the graph G where each edge
has this label. Finally, choose a random secret s
. Then set pub =
G and sk = s.
2. GenKey(id, v, pub,sk). Let v
be the root of the
tree G, then set k
= F
(id). Return the value
from Derive(pub,v
3. Derive(pub, id,v
(a) If there is no path from v
to v
in G, then return
else if v
= v
return k
(b) Find a path from v
to v
in G. Let the node af-
ter v
be v
. Compute k
= F
). Return
The costs of this scheme are as follows: the size
of the public parameters are O(|V|). The secret key
size and the user key size are both O(κ). The compu-
tational cost of GenKey for node v
is O(height(v
where height(x) is the height of node x in the ac-
cess hierarchy. In the worst case (i.e., a linear ac-
cess hierarchy) this is O(|V|), but if the access hi-
erarchy is balanced, then this is O(log|V|). Finally,
the computational cost of Derive for node v
to v
) height(v
)) PRF functions, which is
O(|V|) in the worst case (but is O(log|V|) in the bal-
anced case).
3.2 Scheme 2: For Arbitrary Graphs
In this section, we introduce an IBKM scheme for ar-
bitrary graphs. This scheme is a modification of the
scheme introduced in (Akl and Taylor, 1983) that pro-
vided traditional key derivation for arbitrary graphs.
At a high level, the scheme in (Akl and Taylor, 1983)
used a public RSA modulus N (in the remainder of
this section all math is done modulo N), a secret value
x Z
, and assigned a public random prime to every
node in the access graph. Each node in the graph will
also have an exponent that is the product of all primes
that are associated with non-descendants of the node.
That is the exponent e
, and the key
for vertex v
is x
mod N (where ND(v
) corresponds
to the non-descendants of v
). This scheme is collu-
sion resistant. That is, suppose that a set of users col-
lude where none of these users have the key for any
ancestor of v
, then the exponents for all of these user
keys will contain the prime associated with v
. Now,
does not contain this prime, and thus in order to
generate this key, the adversary must be able to com-
pute the multiplicative inverse of this value which can
be used invalidate the Strong-RSA assumption. We
refer the reader to (Akl and Taylor, 1983) for a more
detailed discussion of this previous scheme. To con-
vert this scheme into an IBKM, we simply assign a
different x value to each identity using a pseudoran-
dom function.
1. Setup(G = (V,E),1
): Set N
). For each node v
V, choose a
unique prime p
and set pub = (G,N, p
,. .., p
It is important to note that any set of unique
primes that are relatively prime to φ(N) will be
sufficient for this scheme. Thus it makes sense to
choose the primes as small as possible, and if N
is the product of two safe primes, then the prime
values can be the first m odd prime numbers. As
a shorthand we will let e
; note
that these values won’t be stored in the key but
can be derived from the public information. Let
F : {0,1}
× {0,1}
be a pseudorandom
function. Choose s {0,1}
and set sk = s.
2. GenKey(id,v, pub, sk): Set X
= F
(id). Return
= (x
3. Derive(pub, id,v
(a) If there is no path from v
to v
in G, then return
else if v
= v
return k
(b) Let ND
(resp. ND
) be the set of non-
descendants for v
(resp v
). It must be that
, since the descendants of v
a subset of v
. Hence it must be that e
is a
divisor of e
. Hence let q =
, and return
= (k
The public parameters of the above scheme are
the graph and the m prime numbers. Since it is well
know that the mth prime is about mlogm each of these
primes can be represented with O(logm) bits. Hence
the public key has size O(|G|+ mlogm). The compu-
tational cost of KeyDerive is a single PRF, and then
a modular exponentiation for every non-descendant
of the vertex. In the worst case this requires O(m)
modular exponentiations. It is worth noting that if
the repeated squares method of modular exponen-
tiation is used then this can be accomplished with
O(mlogm) modular multiplications since each prime
has O(logm) bits. This cost is reduced to O(1) in sec-
tion 3.3. Finally, the cost of key derivations is a mod-
ular exponentiation for each additional node in the set
of non-descendantsfor v
compared to v
, in the worst
case this is O(m) modular exponentiations (or more
precisely O(mlogm) modular multiplications).
3.3 Reducing KeyGen to O(1)
The protocol for KeyGen requires O(mlogm) mod-
ular multiplications, because the server had to raise
the identity key to all of the exponents associated
with non-descendant nodes. This can be reduced
to O(1) modular exponentiations by making the fol-
lowing modifications. Since the outsourced server is
semi-trusted, it can learn the factorization of N. Thus
it can learn e
mod φ(N) for all nodes v
as part of its
secret key. With this information a key for a specific
identity can be derived by raising the identity infor-
mation to this value, and hence the computation for
KeyGen is reduced to O(1). The specific changes are
omitted due to page constraints.
4.1 Providing Key Indistinguishability
The previous schemes have provided security against
key recovery. However, as described in (Atallah et al.,
2009) this is not always enough. In many cases, a
stronger notion key indistinguishability is required in
that the adversary cannot distinguish the real key from
a randomly generated key. Key indistinguishability is
required because most definitions from cryptographic
primitives assume that the adversary has no informa-
tion about the key. At first glance, key indistinguisha-
bility would seem impossible, because the adversary
could simply apply key derivation on the key to de-
termine if it can derive a weaker key (i.e., one from
a descendant role) that it already knows. To mitigate
this problem, we use a similar idea to that in (Atallah
et al., 2009) by creating two keys for every access ver-
tex: i) a derivation key and ii) an encryption key. The
derivation keys will be used to derive both the deriva-
tion keys and the encryption keys, but the encryption
keys will be used to encrypt content. Note that the
same modification proposed in (Atallah et al., 2009)
for converting traditional key management schemes
with key recovery into a scheme that provides key in-
distinguishability. One way to do this is to choose a
random label,
for each vertexv, and then set the en-
cryption key for (id,v) to F
) where k is the deriva-
tion key for (id, v) and F is a pseudorandom function.
A formal definition is omitted due to page constraints.
4.2 Hiding Content From Servers
A variation of key-based access control was used in
(De Capitani di Vimercati et al., 2007). In this varia-
tion the content is encrypted before placing it on the
servers. That is, the content owners do not trust the
content servers with the actual content, however the
owners trust the content servers to enforce the ac-
cess control policies. By itself, IBKM does not fa-
cilitate hiding content from the server, however this
can be achieved by using similar ideas to (De Capi-
tani di Vimercati et al., 2007). To support this feature,
content is encrypted twice, once with a traditional key
management scheme and then with an IBKM scheme,
where both schemes use the same RH. The first en-
cryption is applied before sending it to the server, and
thus the content is protected from the server. The
server would then apply the IBKM scheme to prevent
unauthorized users from accessing the content. In or-
der to access content a user would have to decrypt the
message using the IBKM key and then by using the
traditional key management key.
There has been a substantial number of schemes in
the traditional key management enforcement model
(Atallah et al., 2009; Sandhu, 1988). These schemes
all have the problem that if a user shares its key, that
the culprit is not traceable and rekeying the users re-
quires the system to rekey everyone with this key or a
key for a descendant.
A related area is public key traitor tracing (Boneh
and Franklin, 1999). While this appears to solve the
same problem as the current work, there is a crucial
difference. Mainly, these schemes do not take into
account the role hierarchy and the need to derive keys
according to the hierarchy.
Another area of related work is broadcast encryp-
tion (Fiat and Naor, 1994). These problems are sim-
ilar in that they both attempt to give access to con-
tent to a set of users according to an access policy.
However, in order to user broadcast encryption for the
problems considered in this paper the content servers
would need to know the RH and the U2R mapping.
In this paper we introduced a new framework for
cryptographic enforcement of access control. In this
new framework each user has its own key for every
access level, and the content providers use the identity
to encrypt content. This new framework mitigates the
problems posed by key sharing, because this scheme
has built-in traitor tracing and allows revocation with-
out rekeying. These benefits come at the price of al-
lowing anonymous access, but pseudonymous access
is still possible. We give two schemes in this new
framework, one for tree access hierarchies and one
for arbitrary hierarchies. This new framework is an
interesting first step towards mitigating the problems
with cryptographic enforcement of access control.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their comments and useful suggestions.
Portions of this work were supported by Grant CNS-
0915843 from the National Science Foundation.
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