Create a Specialized Search Engine
The Case of an RSS Search Engine
Robert Viseur
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, 20, Place du Parc, 7000 Mons, Belgium
Keywords: API, Atom, Crawler, Indexer, Mashup, Open Source, RSS, Search Engine, Syndication.
Abstract: Several approaches are possible for creating specialized search engines. For example, you can use the API
of existing commercial search engines or create engine from scratch with reusable components such as open
source indexer. RSS format is used for spreading information from websites, creating new applications
(mashups), or collecting information for competitive or technical watch. In this paper, we focus on the study
case of an RSS search engine development. We identify issues and propose ways to address them.
RSS and Atom syndication formats are widely
spreading in companies for technological or
competitive watch. Unfortunately dedicated RSS
and Atom search engines are not common, and
famous Feedster worldwide search engine stopped
some years ago. In this paper we focus on RSS and
Atom search engine development. We identify
issues et ways to address them.
2.1 Custom Search Engine
A search engine roughly consists of a crawler, an
indexer and a user interface (Chakrabarti, 2002).
The crawler may seem simple to develop.
However, it must be able to avoid bot traps, optimize
bandwidth consumption, target wished web contents
and respect the robots.txt protocol (Chakrabarti,
2002; Thelwall and al., 2005). Indexer must
implement inverted index and support boolean
operators for offering fast, accurate and
customizable search (Chakrabarti, 2002; Viseur,
Fortunately some components (for example open
source libraries and softwares) can be reused: large
scale full search engine (e.g.: Nutch, Yacy), crawler
(e.g.: wget), fulltext databases (e.g.: MySQL,
PostgreSQL) or indexers (e.g.: Xapian, Whoosh,
Lucene and other Lucene ports such as Zend Search,
PyLucene or Lucene.Net) (Christen, 2011;
McCandless, 2010; Viseur, 2010; Viseur, 2011).
Moreover it is possible to design custom search
engines using reusable components and commercial
search engines API inputs. That is the principle of
open architectures. It is however needed to respect
contracts terms of the open source and API licences
(Alspaugh and al., 2009; Thelwall and Sud, 2012).
2.2 Search Engines API
Commercial search engines such as Google, Bing
(and before MSN Search) or Yahoo! offer API to
access their services (Foster, 2007; McCown and
Nelson, 2007). The search engine API must be used
to build new applications consuming search engine
data such as meta-search engines (e.g.: merging
results from several engines, offering graph
representation of results, etc.).
Moreover, some search engines offer specific
syntax for finding RSS feeds. For example Bing
allows to search for RSS or Atom feeds by using
feed:” and “hasfeed:” operators (Bing, 2012). The
first one gives list of RSS or Atom feeds. The
second one offers list of web pages linking to RSS
or Atom feeds. Those operators can be mixed with
keywords, and “loc:” (or “locations:”) geographic
or “language:” language operators for more
accurate queries.
The API have some advantages. The developer
using API do not have to maintain the search engine
infrastructure (crawler, indexer, etc.), and can focus
Viseur R..
Create a Specialized Search Engine - The Case of an RSS Search Engine.
DOI: 10.5220/0004051302450248
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 245-248
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
on new and innovative features. Commercial search
engines index huge number of pages. Google thus
indexes more than 8 billions pages (Boughanem and
al., 2008). Moreover the search engine geographic
coverage became very wide, and is still wider by
combining several search engines results sets.
However the API have some disadvantages.
Differences (e.g.: hit counts, ordering, etc.) are
observed between Web User Interfaces and
Application Programming Interfaces (Mayr and
Tosques, 2005; Kilgarriff, 2007; McCown and
Nelson, 2007). The access to the API can be
restricted. The number of requests can be limited by
user, by day or by IP address (Foster, 2007;
Kilgarriff, 2007). The search engine companies can
also charge a fee. It is the case for Google and
Yahoo! (;
The technologies and the results formats can change
over time. For example Google migrated its API
from SOAP to JSON, and stopped its SOAP API
and the first JSON API.
More generally the use of commercial search
engines have some disadvantages. Operators can
change over time, and even disappear. The
linkdomain” operator offered by Yahoo! or the
near” operator offered by Altavista are examples
(Romero-Frias, 2009; Taboada and al., 2006;
Turney, 2002). Problems of liability can occur with
some operators. For example, Google recognized
that “link” operator is not accurate (McCown and
Nelson, 2007b). The results can slighly differ from
an engine to another one (Véronis, 2006). Results
can also be influenced by commercial partnerships,
and geographic bias are observed (Thelwall and al.,
2005; Véronis, 2006).
The limitations of the search engines and their
API can be overcome by using results from several
search engines. Meta-search engines can thus be
feed by API or by components grabbing results from
search engines Web User Interfaces (Srinivas and
al., 2011). Grabbing results sets is not always
allowed by search engines. Those ones are often able
to detect and block automatic querying tools
(Thelwall and Sud, 2012).
Given these limitations developing a custom
search engine could be interesting (Kilgarriff, 2007;
Thelwall and al., 2005). But you should overpass
some difficulties such as the crawler development or
the indexer configuration.
2.3 RSS Specifications
The RSS is a specification based on XML written in
1999 by Netscape (Gill, 2005; Lapauze and Niveau,
2009). This format allows to easily publish
information such as news or classified ads. With a
dedicated reader the users receive new contents in
real time and no longer need to manually scan
websites. The RSS files are called “feeds”. A RSS
feed typically includes a set of items with properties
such as “title”, “description” and “link”.
The RSS is used by newspapers or portal editors
for widely spreading their contents. Companies use
it for staying informed about competitors or
technological changes. Developers can create new
applications called mashups by aggregating data
from API and RSS feeds, or index feeds collections
for creating news search engines (Gulli, 2005;
Jhingran, 2006; Samier and Sandoval, 2004).
RSS feeds are useful, and providing tools for
effective search is important.
The use of RSS feeds nevertheless raises several
difficulties. The RSS feeds are sometimes not
well-formed (i.e it is not formed as defined in its
specification). Moreover some properties are not
normalized or sometimes users do not respect
specification (e.g.: date and time specification of
RFC 822). There are several RSS specifications
(Gill, 2005). The first version from Netscape was
numbered 0.90. The 0.91 specification quickly
followed. In June 2001, Userland company released
another 0.91 specification incompatible with that
one from Netscape. The RSS-DEV Working Group
published 1.0 version based on Netscape 0.90 and
RDF format in late 2002. Between 2001 and 2003
Userland offered several specifications. The last one
was numbered 2.0.1.
In 2004 Google supported new specification
called Atom and later proposed it as a standard. The
Atom Publishing Protocol became an IETF standard
in October 2007.
We developed RSS search engine prototype based
on following principles.
Bing search engine API is a useful tool for
gathering RSS feeds due to the operators allowing
accurate requests. However we saw that the features
of search engine API were not stable over time.
Furthermore the analyse of RSS feeds by
commercial search engines is often poor. For
example freshness or contents (e.g.: podcast) are not
taken into account. It seems better to use feeds lists
from Bing as complements to the URL discovered
by the crawler. The link with search engine is thus
weak and the tool can more easily evolve. A deep
analyse can then be processed: feed freshness
(updates), podcast inclusion, etc.
Crawler is a tricky tool. Fortunately we do not
have to develop a large scale crawler but a specific
crawler (Prasanna Kumar and Govindarajulu, 2009).
That one does not need to process deep exploration
of websites. We propose to design the robot so that it
passes as quickly as possible from one homepage to
another (“jumping spider”). The aim is to explore
the web as fast as possible (for finding RSS and
Atom feeds), and save bandwidth. We know feeds
are generally linked from homepage with RSS
button or LINK HTML tag (Lapauze and Niveau,
2009; W3C, 2006). As suggested before feeds list
may be fill by crawler and search engine API.
Feed reader used from gathering feed content
must be able to understand several open and
sometimes standard formats, and to implement
liberal parsing(in order to understand feeds with
invalid tokens). The analyse of feed content will also
include freshness measure (based on date), use as
podcast, language detection (by using 3-gram
frequencies of known languages) and geolocalisation
(by using domain name extension or locating IP
server address). IP address mapping can be
processed with HostIP tool (Gao and al., 2006). The
indexation will be made with an easily hostable
Lucene port. Lucene sorts results by extending
well-known TF-IDF method (McCandless, 2010).
Our prototype allows to quickly collect RSS and
Atom URL from some URL seeds. A first
indexation test worked fine. It is able to process
searches by keyword, by language and by country.
Queries can also be targeted for podcasts and for
recently updated feeds only.
Figure 1: Query WUI.
We used standard RSS and Atom reader
supporting liberal parsing and able to read a part of
not-well formed feeds. New feeds can be found by
fast crawl or by using search engine API (“weak
The crawler could be improved in order to allow to
focus more precisely the links that it grabbed. For
example, the jumping spider could automatically
detect the URL geographic location or the topic of a
page, and filter collected feeds (see Gao and al.,
2006). Such an automatic detection of news sources
would simplify the supply of a news search engine
with relevant feeds.
The RSS feeds are used for various goals. Search
for news feeds or for classified ads (e.g.: car or
house sales) are distinct use cases. Training
classification tools for detecting type of feed could
allow to offer new search criterion. Other metadata
could be used and grabbed from commercial search
engine API. One example is the weight of a website
that can be estimated by number of pages (“site:
operator in most of search engines).
Important expressions (entities) could be
extracted from text contained in the feeds. The
feasibility should be studied because some entities
extractors use part-of-speech tagging tools which
could be affected by the shortness of feeds contents.
Entities extraction could allow to highlight popular
tags and trends, or design query expansion feature
based on entities associated to a results set (see
Lohmann and al., 2009; Xu and Croft, 1996).
Newspapers often use to propose several feeds
for different topics (Gill, 2005). It would be useful to
group RSS by domain name in the results set.
However some contents such as press releases can
be published on several feeds and websites.
Detection of duplicate contents and measures of
similarities could be useful to suggest similar feeds,
or on the contrary a short list of very different but
relevant feeds (see Prasanna Kumar and
Govindarajulu, 2009).
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