A General Process for Developing Business Simulations Games
Claudia Ribeiro, Jos
e Borbinha, Jo
ao Pereira and Jos
e Tribolet
INESC-ID, Rua Alves Redol, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, IST/UTL, Lisbon, Portugal
Business Simulations Games, Simulation Development Process, Enterprise Modelling, Agent-based Models.
Nowadays people, groups and organizations are increasingly confronted with problems and situations that
show an increasing level of complexity. However, human abilities to deal with complex dynamic systems and
processes, while behaving in a sustainable way, have not improved to the required extent. One way to deal
with complex situation is the simulation approach: build a simplified model of this reality, learn from this
simplified model, and, finally, translate the findings or knowledge back to reality. Simulation games are based
on this idea. Nevertheless, if we want to make inferences about reality based on experiences and knowledge
acquired in a simulation game, we have to be sure that the underlying conceptual model is a good, or valid,
representation of the real situation. Based on knowledge gather from the simulation development process and
Agent-based Modelling, this paper proposes a general process for developing business simulation games.
A computer simulation is a computer program that
attempts to simulate an abstract model of a particu-
lar system and conduct experiments with that model
(Smith, 2009). Computer simulations are being used
as a tool to explore and gain new insights in many
scientific areas such as physics, astrophysics, chem-
istry, biology, human systems in economics, psychol-
ogy, social science and engineering. In this context
simulation typically emphasizes a more academic and
throughout exercise, often involves a model of a pro-
cess, and typically supports learning specific content
or about decision making. Another important use of
simulations is for educational purposes where they are
often denominated simulation games. Some exam-
ples where they have been successfully applied are
the following. Medical researchers and surgeons are
increasingly trying out operating techniques on a vir-
tual patient before testing or using them on real pa-
tients; navigation and flight simulators are used to try
out complicated manoeuvres by ships or aeroplanes;
preliminary designs of complex machines like nuclear
reactors, products and processes are tested by way of
three-dimensional simulation software, and so forth
(Berends and Romme, 1999).
There isn’t an agreement regarding the boundaries
of what is a game and what is a simulation and where
do these two concepts meet. In this paper we regard
simulation both as a tool to explore and gain new in-
sights in scientific areas and also as a tool for educa-
tional purposes, therefore we have adopted the defi-
nition given in (Galv
ao et al., 2000): ”A simulation
game is a mixed feature of a game - competition, co-
operation, participants and rules, etc, with those of
simulation - incorporation of critical features of re-
ality. While the benefits outlined above have been
known for long, today we find limited use of simula-
tion games in organizational contexts both for learn-
ing or to support decision making. Several factors
contribute to this, namely current simulation games:
have lack of flexibility; lack of level-of-detail; lack
of multi-state frameworks consisting of theoretical
concepts; and the inability to support the creation of
complex business models (Peters et al., 1998; Galv
et al., 2000; Garris et al., 2002).
Given these limitations, this article proposes a
general process for developing business simulation
games. We start by describing (section 2) the over-
all process of developing a simulation game. This
process is based on proposals made by different re-
searchers developing simulation games for different
contexts. Next (section 3), we give an overview of
the underlying concepts of Agent-Based Modelling.
Then we move on (section 4) to a discussion where
a general process for developing business simulation
games is described as well as the current challenges
in this area. Finally (section 5) conclusions are drawn
Ribeiro C., Borbinha J., Pereira J. and Tribolet J..
A General Process for Developing Business Simulations Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0004061001900193
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2012),
pages 190-193
ISBN: 978-989-8565-20-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pointing to the future scope for development that lies
ahead on this vast and interesting field.
Over the last decades several development processes
have been proposed to devise business simulations
(Mikkelsen. H and Riis, 1995; Peters et al., 1998;
Martin, 2000; Galv
ao et al., 2000; Garris et al., 2002;
Kriz, 2003; Smith, 2009). Most of these processes are
directed at developing environments that are suitable
for learning but a few also take into account the po-
tential for promoting organizational change through
aligning actors mental models or experimenting dif-
ferent situations. Although the development pro-
cesses underlying the approaches described by those
authors use different terms and their extent is at some
level according to different stages it is also possible
to, in a higher level of abstraction, to identify a num-
ber of stages that are common to all. Accordingly, we
identified five different stages with three broad rela-
tionships, namely conceptualization, application and
reflection. The general simulation game development
process can be depicted in figure 1. Conceptualization
Figure 1: The general simulation game development pro-
is composed by three main principles: reduction; ab-
straction; and symbolization (Peters et al., 1998). Re-
duction means that we make a selection of elements
from the reference system (the domain of the prob-
lem at hand) that have to be included in the game
model: We include the elements that seem relevant to
us, and we leave out the elements that are less impor-
tant. Abstraction implies that the elements included
in the game model are not necessarily as detailed as
they are in reality: We deliberately simplify them to
make our model less complex. Finally, symboliza-
tion deals with the fact that the elements and rela-
tions of the reference system are modelled into a new
symbolic structure, namely, into scenario, roles, rules,
and symbols, which are the most important basic el-
ements of a game. Some game elements may quite
resemble their counterparts in reality, but other ele-
ments may undergo a metamorphosis and have a com-
plete different appearance in the game model. The
second relationship - application - is related to the
game play. When players interact with the simulation
game specific game reality emerges. The final rela-
tionship - reflection - is related to the acquisition of
knowledge and the evaluation of the game play. After
the game play, the players have access to a debriefing
where they can view the overall progress throughout
the game and also critically evaluate the level of in-
terest of the situation that emerged in the simulation
As described previously, one of the factors that
contributes to the limited use of simulation games
in organizational contexts is the inability of current
simulation to support the creation of complex busi-
ness models. This is directly connected with the
first two stages of the general simulation game de-
velopment process, namely the definition of the prob-
lem space and designing the respective conceptual
model. Next, we summarize the underlying concepts
of Agent-based Modelling.
Formally, agent-based modelling is a computational
method that enables a researcher to create, anal-
yse, and experiment with models composed of agents
that interact within an environment (Gilbert, 1998).
Agent-based modelling has been successfully used
in behavioural economics, political science and so-
cial sciences for studying social phenomena. It has
been argued that these models include more realis-
tic assumptions about behaviour, structure, and tim-
ing therefore, representing a powerful engine for gen-
erating insights in complex adaptive systems (Miller
and Page, 2007). Agent-based models are character-
ized by the following (Chang and Harrington, 2006;
Miller and Page, 2007; Macal and North, 2010):
A Set of Agents, Their Attributes and Be-
haviours: The behaviour can be either accord-
ing to rational models, behavioural models or rule
based models.
A Set of Agent Relationships and Methods of
Interaction: An underlying topology of connect-
edness defines how and with whom agents inter-
The Agents Environment: Agents interact with
their environment in addition to other agents.
Model Outcomes: Simulating a set of agents in-
teracting in an environment provides insights into
phenomena related to the part of reality being sim-
The underlying assumption for using agent-based
models to model reality in organizations is to view or-
ganizations as complex adaptive systems that emerge
from the interactions among human agents. Under
this assumption organizations have properties such as
emergent behaviour, self-organization and evolution
aes, 2004). In this context, to take an agent-
based approach means not having to assign an ob-
jective to an organization and instead modelling the
agents that comprise it with explicit attention to how
decisions are made and how interaction of these de-
cisions produce organizational output. In this sense
researchers using this approach are interested in un-
derstanding how can organization behaviour be sim-
ulated using agent-based models, and which agents
intrinsic properties have an impact on organizational
performance. Therefore, in addition to the standard
model building tasks, practical ABM and simulation
requires one to (Macal and North, 2006) (i) iden-
tify the agents and get a theory of agent behaviour,
(ii) identify the agent relationships and get a theory of
agent interaction, (iii) get the requisite agent-related
data, (iv) validate the agent behaviour models in ad-
dition to the model as a whole, and (v) run the model
and analyse the output from the standpoint of link.
Based on the concepts presented (ABM) we have re-
visited the general simulation game development pro-
cess and added intermediate steps that address the in-
clusion of social-human domain in the business sim-
ulation game conceptual model. Specifically we have
added two steps related to the integration of ABM
simulation during the development of a business sim-
ulation game. The complete process can be depicted
in figure 2 and further details are explained next.
The general development starts with the defini-
tion of the problem space that consists in defining
which part of the organization, specifically the situ-
ations that which to be analysed and experienced by
players. Social systems are constructions. However,
their meaning emerges from processes of participa-
tion and reification (Wenger, 2002). They are not
structured by external information they receive but by
internal structural conditioning and negotiated mean-
ing (Klabbers, 2003). In the next phase the part of the
reality chosen is observed as a social system and the
underlying assumptions concerning decision models
are defined. This assumptions can either be accord-
ing to three main models for specifying human de-
cision models: rational models; behavioural models;
and rule-based models.
In the Validate Decision Models step the simu-
lated data is analysed in order to verified the assump-
tions made in the previous step. Some researchers ar-
gue that ABM is a third way of doing science (Axel-
rod, 1997). Like deduction, it starts with a set of ex-
plicit assumptions. But unlike deduction, it does not
prove theorems. Instead, an agent-based model gen-
erates simulated data that can be analysed inductively.
Unlike typical induction, however, the simulated data
comes from a rigorously specified set of rules rather
than direct measurement of the real world. Whereas
the purpose of induction is to find patterns in data and
that of deduction is to find consequences of assump-
tions, the purpose of agent-based modelling is to aid
intuition. In the next step the conceptual model is
defined. This conceptual model besides the organi-
zational agents decision models also has to include
other related concepts from the organizational per-
spective of Enterprise Modelling approaches, like role
and activities and also concepts necessary to integrate
player modelling representation. The resulting con-
ceptual model is then experience by players during a
situation of play. This experience allows the player
to interact with the simulation and visualize the re-
sults of doing certain actions, how decisions are made
and how iterations of these decisions produce orga-
nizational output. In the Debriefing phase the con-
ceptual model and the output results of the simula-
tion game are compared to verified the correctness of
the devised assumptions and conceptual model. Also,
in this phase the acquired knowledge and skills are
assimilated through reflective observation (Kolb and
Kolb, 2008) and plans for organizational change to
real situation are made. Finally, the complete process
is evaluated and recommendations for improvements
are proposed for the next iteration of the development
The use of simulation games in a organization, can
serve as a tool to create a better understanding of
Figure 2: General simulation development process.
the prevailing organizational culture, structure, and
processes to access the risks, chances, and neces-
sities of organizational changes. Simulation games
are a method used to support people and organiza-
tions in dealing with the sustainable (re)construction
of their reality. Simulation games imitate organiza-
tional processes and changes them in an experien-
tial and playful way. This aids organizations in their
search for creative problem solution in a real-life sit-
uations. Nevertheless, if we want to make inferences
about reality based on experiences and knowledge ac-
quired in a simulation game, we have to be sure that
the game model is a valid representation of the real
situation. Therefore, the underlying simulation game
conceptual model has to integrate the different per-
spectives of business. In this paper we describe a gen-
eral simulation game development process. This de-
velopment process is a cyclic process that has seven
main steps that guide the implementation of a simu-
lation game from the definition of the problem space
until the evaluation of the output results. Future work
will include the practical application of the proposed
development process in case studies based on real-
world situations. This study will provide further in-
sights and will help to better characterized each step
of the development process and respective results.
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