Evaluation of Maturity Models for Business Process Management
Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Johannes Britsch
, Rebecca Bulander
and Frank Morelli
University of Mannheim, Institute for SME Research, L9, 1-2, 68161 Mannheim, Germany
Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Tiefenbronner str. 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
Keywords: Business Process Management, Maturity Model, Evaluation, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,
Anything Relationship Management.
Abstract: This paper contains an appraisal of selected maturity models for BPM. Business process maturity models in
general offer precise process definitions, repeatable process operations, the integration and interaction with
linked processes, as well as the measurability and controlling of the process flows. Maturity models provide
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with clear structures for organizational changes. The intention
of the analysis is to support SMEs by choosing an appropriate framework that helps to design “to-be”
business processes based on a continuous and comprehensive assessment concept. However, due to their
size and limited resources, SMEs also have special requirements regarding maturity models. The paper
describes the evaluation results of well-known maturity models for SMEs and the advantages and dis-
advantages of the models relating to a concrete scenario in the area of Anything Relationship Management.
For effective and efficient management, it is essen-
tial to gain transparency about existing processes in
order to avoid negative developments and to explore
potentials for optimization. Today, small and medi-
um-sized enterprises (SMEs) can find a wide range
of models to assess and improve business processes.
The open question is: which ones suit them best?
Business processes are a powerful means to put
enterprise strategies into practice. In contradiction to
a widespread view, especially among SMEs, busi-
ness process management (BPM) does not only deal
with rigid process standardization, but pursues the
goal of improving agility, innovation, and speciali-
zation. The structured BPM approach comprises
methods, policies, metrics, management practices,
and software tools to manage and optimize activities
of a firm. Important hereby is that BPM should be
applied continuously instead of the typical mis-
conception that BPM stands for a one-time project.
Using BPM continuously as a vehicle, there are
many ways to improve processes. However, before
deciding arbitrarily to optimize an existing process,
it is necessary to gain an integral perspective about
the “as-is” state. For a company this means having
defined processes, performance indicators, and the
willingness for continuous improvement. Surpris-
ingly, although BPM is part of a tradition that is now
several decades old (Harmon, 2010, p. 37), even in
large-scale enterprises a systematic and ongoing
assessment of BPM activities cannot be found very
often (Knuppertz et al., 2010, p. 10).
This paper contains an appraisal of selected
maturity models for BPM. The intention of the ana-
lysis is to support SMEs by choosing an appropriate
framework that helps to design “to-be” business pro-
cesses based on a continuous and comprehensive
assessment concept. Business process maturity
models in general offer precise process definitions,
repeatable process operations, the integration and
interaction with linked processes, as well as the
measurability and controlling of the process flows
(McCormack and Lockamy, 2004, p. 2).
Maturity models thus provide SMEs with clear
structures for organizational changes. However, due
to their size and limited resources, SMEs also have
special requirements regarding maturity models.
Hence, relevant evaluation criteria and to which ex-
tent different maturity models fulfill those criteria
will be thoroughly discussed. Using the hypothetical
scenario of an SME introducing the new relationship
management platform concept Anything Relation-
ship Management (xRM) (Britsch and lmel,
Britsch J., Bulander R. and Morelli F..
Evaluation of Maturity Models for Business Process Management - Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0004074701800186
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 180-186
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2011, p. 3), the paper describes the advantages and
disadvantages of the respective maturity models.
SMEs that measure operational performance only by
financial key figures often recognize too late when
changes occur (Hammer, 2010, p. 7). Key perfor-
mance indicators, derived from business processes
that link cross-functional or inter-company value-
based activities, reflect alteration by contrast. BPM
proves to be a consistent system of leadership, or-
ganization, and controlling, driven by customer-
needs to fulfill the strategic and operative goals of a
company (Schmelzer and Sesselmann, 2010, p. 316
Supported by IT-based approaches, BPM offers
the opportunity to gain process performance infor-
mation in real-time. For predictions, incoming infor-
mation can be combined with further data to per-
ceive interdependencies as well as potential threats
and opportunities. As a consequence, BPM results in
a management practice which encompasses all activ-
ities of identification, definition, diagnosis, design,
execution, monitoring, and measurement.
Maturity models reflect the ability of an organi-
zation for sustainable and forceful action in the
related domain. The maturity model concept is based
on the tradition of other management approaches to
measure the quality of an organizational subject
(product or service). Within BPM, maturity model-
based assessments can serve as a way to focus on
certain process management improvement efforts.
The framework of the model comprises struc-
tured elements that shape the comprehensive per-
spective of BPM. Based on transparent, objectified
criteria, a maturity profile of the “as-is” state of a
firm is defined. Quantitative as well as qualitative
business process characteristics are covered. This
insight is expected to lead to decisions that improve
the current situation in the sense of designing “to-
be” business processes.
In science as well as in practice, an impressive
number of BPM maturity models have emerged.
This variety offers choices for SMEs, but at the
same time it creates a challenge to select the most
suitable model. The set can be sorted into two types
of maturity models (see Zwicker et al., p. 382 and
the quoted sources): models with a holistic orienta-
tion for BPM and models focusing on facets of BPM
(e.g. Rosemann et al., 2006).
Typically, BPM maturity models are designed
from a comprehensive perspective whereas domain
specifics or particular application contexts are hardly
considered; recommendations for BPM improve-
ment are scarce (Zwicker et al., p. 383). Many matu-
rity models differ between several levels which are
based on each other. Thus, a continuous maturity
model application increases the probability to use
BPM successfully as a core management approach.
To evaluate the existing maturity models for BPM
we at first conducted an extensive literature review.
Therefore, we reviewed a total of over 70 scientific
papers, 20 books, and 30 other publications, also out
of professional practice.
For the selection of the maturity models we
defined the following criteria: the model has to be
related to BPM; the description of the model has to
be open to the public, and it must be widely spread.
The latter of the afore-mentioned criteria was
validated by several research studies about the
dissemination of maturity models in business, e.g.
Knuppertz et al., 2010.
In a next step the selected maturity models were
described (see chapter 4). To evaluate the selected
maturity models evaluation criteria were defined.
These criteria were deduced by the needs of SMEs
and also by former studies e.g. Dombrowski, et al.,
2011 and Schmelzer et al., 2010. In order to quantify
the peculiarity of each criterion, we used the Likert
scale categorization. Each criterion was rated on a
scale from one to five (see also chapter 5) according
to discussions among the authors and their resulting
joint judgments based on the literature review.
Over the years the Capability Maturity Model Inte-
gration (CMMI; Ahern et al., 2004; Chrissis et al.,
2006; Hofmann et al., 2007) established its status as
the de facto standard for business process organi-
zation. The model is applied in different industries
and shows a high degree of popularity in the US, In-
dia, China, and in big German companies like Bosch
or Siemens. Due to the high acceptance level, many
other business maturity models refer to CMMI.
The CMMI model distinguishes between a con-
tinuous and a staged representation: The continuous
representation allows focusing on certain process
Evaluation of Maturity Models for Business Process Management - Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized
areas as summary components which are important
depending on the business objectives. As a result, an
organization can be awarded a capability level
achievement and/or target profile. There are six ca-
pability levels, numbered 0 through 5.
More typical for the CMMI approach is the
staged representation to assess the overall maturity
across an organization. As a scale the assessment
uses a maturity level rating (1 - 5). A certain level is
reached when the requirements of this level as well
as all the ones of the lower levels are met. It is deter-
mined by using an appraisal, based on the Standard
CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement
(SCAMPI). Within an appraisal, strengths and weak-
nesses of the processes are identified, comparisons
to CMMI best practices are performed, and the
transfer of requirements is evaluated. The idea is to
identify areas where improvement can be made, and
to provide an implementation roadmap.
CMMI can be described as a map to systemati-
cally design operating principles and methods within
an organization. Good practices may be used for
analysis and improvement of the “as-is” situation.
However, the CMMI model focuses more on what
processes should be implemented, and less on how
they can be implemented.
The original development of EDEN took place
between 2006 and 2008 and was based on individual
models from European companies from different
industries. It was performed by a practitioner-
dominated task force whose goal is the ongoing
advancement and improvement of the model.
The industry independent EDEN model distin-
guishes an organizational layer and a process layer.
The focus on the organizational layer is to identify
how process management has been put into practice.
The purpose of the second layer is to assess the dif-
ferences in maturity for single processes. The meas-
urement is based on nine dimensions (e.g. strategy,
organization, IT) and consists of 170 different crite-
ria. However, compared to CMMI, it is less detailed
(Schnägelberger, 2009, p. 12). Complementary mod-
ules can be added for taking industry-specific and
further aspects (e.g. SOX- or FDA-requirements)
into account. It is possible to combine EDEN with
CMMI and other business process maturity models.
Besides the assessment of the “as-is” situation, a
mid-term and a long-term to-be” value are recorded
for each criterion from the perspective of the com-
pany. The measurement of the criteria in detail is
performed with a questionnaire using a scale of 10
items. The transformation of the result leads to a
grading within 6 maturity levels for each dimension.
EDEN furthermore intends to determine fitting
strategies for action. Therefore, a categorization into
two dimensions, progress (e.g. “new” vs. imple-
mented”) and proceeding (bottom-up vs. top-down),
takes place. Together they encompass a positioning
matrix containing four areas (marsh, field, meadow,
and garden). The guidance to be created then shows
the path from the starting point (typically marsh) to
the garden of EDEN. However, the model does not
comprise concrete procedures for implementation.
EDEN offers a certificate for the application of
the standard modules. Besides the large catalogue of
criteria, EDEN has a simplified schema for self-
assessment. Here only the as-is status is recorded
and the range of possible answers is reduced.
The acronym SPICE stands for “Software Pro-
cess Improvement and Capability Determination”
and represents the ISO/IEC 15504 standard for
assessing business processes with a focus on soft-
ware development. The currently valid international
standard comprises five parts: part 2 has a normative
character; the other ones can be characterized as
appendices and provide examples and explanations.
SPICE focuses on the improvement of processes
within an organization as well as the capability of
suppliers for process interaction. Neither mandatory
processes nor concrete assessment criteria are de-
fined. Yet, Part 5 of the international standard shows
concrete process reference models (PRMs) and pro-
cess assessment models (PAMs).In the meantime,
industry-specific SPICE models also have emerged
(e.g. Automotive SPICE for the automotive industry,
MediSPICE for medical engineering).
The international standard comprises primary re-
quirements for PRMs on how to describe processes.
Process attributes (e.g. process performance, defini-
tion, and measurement) have to be characterized by
correlated primary management activities and serve
for the assessment of each process. PAMs are speci-
fied with criteria for methodological evaluation.
The capability dimension has six levels that
reflect performance competence. Process grading is
based on a combination of the reference model and
the assessment model: the process dimension of the
reference model is used for identification, selection,
and categorization of the concrete business process-
es to be assessed. In total nine process attributes are
assigned to the capability levels ensuring that the
results are developed systematically and with a high
quality. The capability dimension of the assessment
model is used to determine the efficiency of the cho-
sen processes. In contrast to CMMI it is not easy to
fulfill the requirements for the first capability level.
Basis for the evaluation is not only the existence
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
of a process activity, but the appropriacy of per-
forming the task. The respective scale has four items
(not achieved, partially achieved, largely achieved,
and fully achieved). To reach a certain capability
level it is necessary to obtain the grade “largely
achieved” and for all process attributes of the levels
below the grade “fully achieved. During the assess-
ment it is obligatory to prove that the requirements
of a certain step are met. The evidence can be shown
by the results of process activities or by interview
statements of the executors. Capacity levels are de-
termined for each process separately. The resulting
degrees of maturity describe a strengths-weaknesses
profile for potential improvements. The descriptions
of the next higher capacity level show opportunities
for process optimization.
The process and enterprise maturity model
(PEMM) was created by Michael Hammer in coop-
eration with the Phoenix Consortium and published
in 2006. The intention of the model is to check if the
prerequisites for changes in business process man-
agement are fulfilled. It also offers opportunities for
removing deficiencies and for measuring progress.
PEMM does not dictate what processes have to
look like in the sense of benchmarks and/or good
practices. It is driven by a pragmatic vision to help
companies plan and implement process-based trans-
formations. PEMM can be used universally, mini-
mizes additional effort, and may be applied even by
untrained employees. The client list shows global
presence with some focus on American enterprises.
The framework comprises two categories which
are interrelated: Process enablers (design, perfor-
mers, owner, infrastructure, and metrics) act as de-
terminants how well individual processes work.
Enterprise capabilities (leadership, culture, expertise,
and governance) apply to the organization itself. The
idea behind this segmentation is that organizations
need to offer supportive environments in order to
develop high-performance processes. The combina-
tion of the two categories is expected to provide an
effective way to plan and evaluate process-based
transformations. For this reason process enablers and
enterprise capabilities are broken down into four
levels of process enabler strength (P1 - P4) and four
levels of enterprise capability (E1 - E4). For both of
them, the scale for assessment consists of three items
(largely true, somewhat true, or largely untrue) that
can be visualized through traffic-light colors.
In the PEMM assessment, the weakest link of the
chain determines the maturity level: A certain level
can only be reached when all components show
appropriacy (a “somewhat true” somewhere is not
accepted). Besides, as an example, when the recep-
tiveness of an organization can be characterized by
E-2 capabilities, it is ready to advance its processes
to the P-2 level. Overall, PEMM represents a frame-
work with a stepwise structure that indicates a path
for becoming a process-based organization.
The Object Management Group (OMG), a con-
sortium for modeling (programs, systems, business
processes) and model-based standards, published the
Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) in 2008
(still current version 1.0). Some team members were
co-authors of CMMI which explains the high simi-
larity between the two models. In contrast to CMMI,
BPMM concentrates more on transactional-oriented
business processes, better characterized as work-
flows across organizational boundaries. Neverthe-
less, BPMM can be mapped to CMMI.
BPMM distinguishes between five different ma-
turity levels. To operationalize the focus, each level
(except for level 1) is combined with categories and
process areas. The categories (organizational process
management, organizational business management,
domain work management, domain work perfor-
mance, and organizational support) represent a struc-
ture for the in total 30 process areas. Process areas
embody labeled sets of goals with a high-level pur-
pose. The goals specify the scope, boundaries, and
intent of each process area, and provide criteria by
which conformance to BPMM is evaluated.
Each process area contains the same set of five
institutionalization practices (describe the process,
plan the work, provide knowledge and skills, control
performance and results, objectively assure confor-
mance) and further specific ones. In order to support
organizations in their process performance improve-
ment efforts, (sub)practices, and illustrative exam-
ples are described.
BPMM is intended to be used for guiding busi-
ness process improvement programs, assessing risk
for developing and deploying enterprise applica-
tions, evaluating the capability of suppliers, and
benchmarking. All process areas comprise integrated
best practices that indicate what should be done, but
not how to put it into practice. On basis of apprai-
sals, BPMM offers an evolutionary staged approach
for continuous process improvement. There are sev-
eral options in form of four appraisal types (starter,
progress, supplier, and confirmatory). They differ in
the level of assurance that the practices of the frame-
work have been implemented appropriately.
The intended goal was to define suitable evaluation
Evaluation of Maturity Models for Business Process Management - Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized
criteria and to present a first assessment of maturity
models to initiate a corresponding discussion within
the scientific community. Thus, this section contains
a description of eleven selection criteria for maturity
models important for SMEs in our point of view. For
the following literature based evaluation these cri-
teria will be applied to the selected models.
5.1 Selection Criteria
The maturity model must be universally usable (1),
because the companies of our SME target group
belong to different industries and a segmentation of
the maturity models would cause too much effort.
Since the focus of our paper is on maturity models
for BPM, they should contain differentiated
possibilities to evaluate single processes but also
cluster of processes (2). A very important criterion
for SMEs is that the maturity model can be de-
ployed on its own without external consulting
assistance (3). This implies that there is an encom-
passing description of the model available. Another
crucial criterion for SMEs is that the complexity of
the maturity model (4) is tailored to the need of
SMEs; that means a comprehensive and understand-
able description and straightforwardness of the mod-
el. For a broad categorization in different maturity
stages the maturity model should include quantita-
tive but also qualitative criteria (5).
Another criterion which refers to the deployment
of maturity models especially in SMEs is the level
of transparency and clarity of the evaluation
scale for the user (6). A success factor of the usage
of maturity models especially in SMEs is whether
the model offers concrete and understandable
action items for improvement (7) to reach the next
maturity stage after an evaluation cycle within the
model. Does the model offer possibilities for adap-
tations to specific circumstances of organizations
and processes (8) and is it flexible to changes?
Another criterion is the wide spread usage of the
maturity model (9) and availability of best practice
cases. If an SME decides to apply a maturity model
and puts some effort into this subject, it is important
to know if the model will be further developed by
a community (10) and if there are new releases
planned. The last criterion for the evaluation of
maturity models comprises two side effects: is there
any compatibility to other maturity models and is it
possible to acquire any kind of certificates (11)?
5.2 Evaluation Results
The following table contains the results of the evalu-
ation using a typical five-level Likert item (1 equals
“strongly disagree,” 5 equals “strongly agree”).
Table 1: Evaluation results of preselected maturity models.
Evaluation criteria
(1) Universal usage
(2) Differentiated evaluation
(3) Usage without external
(4) Manageable complexity
(5) Quantitative and
qualitative criteria
(6) Understandable and clear
evaluation scale
(7) Concrete action items
(8) Flexible adaptability
(9) Wide spread usage
(10) Further development
(11) Compatibility and
certificates available
The maximum score possible would have been 55
points. None of the selected models achieved this
number. We want to point out some important as-
pects of the four models with the highest scoring.
The maturity models CMMI and SPICE in joint
third place offer high compatibility (criterion 11: 4
and 5 points), but come together with a complex
evaluation scheme (criteria 4 and 6: 2 to 3 points).
Another minus point that has to be mentioned is the
high costs to implement the models which are not
acceptable for SMEs (criterion 3: 1 and 2 points).
The PEMM model offers easy practical usage, an
online-assessment and an understandable evaluation
scheme (criteria 3, 4, and 5: 4 and 5 points). Unfor-
tunately, the model does not offer adaption possi-
bilities to different scenarios in companies (criterion
8: 1 point); over the last couple of years there has
been no further development of the maturity model
(criterion 10: 3 points). Therefore, there is only lim-
ited relevance for SMEs.
The maturity model EDEN reached the highest
score in the evaluation. The model offers a high
practical relevance and will be continuously devel-
oped (criteria 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11: 4 and 5 points).
Since on the website there are no best practice cases
available, the usage for SMEs has to be evaluated.
None of the evaluated models matched all cri-
teria for SMEs. Major areas of improvement in all
maturity models are seen in the flexibility of the
model, the transparency of the evaluation scheme
and the high complexity of the models.
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
In order to illustrate the evaluation results, the
properties of the five examined maturity models are
discussed along a practical example in the following
sections. The example chosen is the hypothetical in-
troduction of Anything Relationship Management
(xRM) at an SME in the retail sector. xRM was se-
lected as a challenging “stress test” for the maturity
models because it covers three main aspects many
modern management concepts have in common: its
relative newness when quickly becoming popular
(“fashionability”), its strong IT component, and its
holistic approach involving the whole organization.
For more than two decades, IT supported rela-
tionship management has been one of the top priori-
ties for many large enterprises and SMEs. The trend
began with improving customer relations (CRM)
and continued with adapted concepts like Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM) and Employee Re-
lationship Management (ERM). In the last years,
xRM has emerged as a new approach which covers
the management of all stakeholder relations. xRM is
described as a combination of both a standardized
enterprise software platform and a managerial con-
cept to improve processes between all kinds of or-
ganizational entities (Britsch and Kölmel, 2011, p.
However, studies have shown that often already
simple implementation projects of CRM systems
face substantial problems which lead to failure (see
e.g. Foss et al., 2008, p. 70 f.). Thus, especially in
the SME context, potentially more complex xRM
introductions need to be clearly structured. SMEs
have to evaluate their stakeholder status, strategy,
and roadmap before they invest in xRM software
platforms. They might work on customer processes
at first, and then, building upon this foundation, on
employee processes, supplier processes and so on.
Consequently, the use of a fitting maturity model is
essential for a successful xRM introduction.
If our retail SME selected BPMM, it would have
different options on how comprehensively processes
are appraised, and would be flexible concerning time
and money spent on these efforts. On the downside,
BPMM comes with a 482 page documentation and a
complex evaluation system. For a holistic xRM pro-
ject, BPMM deficits in process organization and the
negligence of IT process support would lead to diffi-
culties. Furthermore, it remains unclear if the OMG
will continue the development of BPMM.
As for SPICE, the SME would have a model
which offers ISO certification and allows the crea-
tion of a strengths-weaknesses profile to prioritize
fields of action. Self-assessment would be possible.
But since our example is in the retail sector, SPICE
does not fit it is designed for process improvement
within technology companies. The different process
dimensions of the model do not cover all stakeholder
groups involved in the xRM concept. Still, for future
SPICE versions, expansions are planned.
By using CMMI, the SME would stick to the de
facto standard, which could have positive marketing
effects. Because the model is popular and freely
available for download, employees could already be
or easily become familiar with it. For xRM, the SME
could build on the customer oriented model version
CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC, Version 1.3). Yet,
the model is not fully suitable for the retail sector
and the stakeholder approach of xRM. While CMMI
(like SPICE) is costly and needs external advisors,
concrete process implementation instructions are not
provided. For our SME with few resources applying
CMMI does not guarantee increasing performance.
With PEMM, the SME would have an xRM-
friendly, universal phase model for single projects as
well as for the whole firm. Its simplicity, intuitive
plausibility, and the small degree of formalization
offer a high attractiveness for SMEs. Also, PEMM
pays high attention to involving employees which is
crucial for relationship management introductions.
On the other side, the model is already several years
old and has reached its limits e.g. at depicting new
types of “many-to-many” xRM interactions in social
media. Besides, it does not offer any certifications
and cannot be integrated with other models.
In case our SME chose EDEN, it could use the
simplified self-assessment option for a convenient
evaluation. This could be the foundation for fast-
track benchmarking of xRM stakeholder processes.
A further benefit of EDEN lies in its compatibility
with other models: retail sector-specific questions
could be included through complementary modules.
However, EDEN lacks in detailed “procedures” and
“good practices. Also, like with all selected models,
the flexibility of using EDEN itself (e.g. changing or
dropping criteria) is low, which may be inconvenient
especially for small companies.
Due to these shortcomings, none of the models
fits perfectly for SMEs. For further considerations it
therefore makes sense to initiate a BPM maturity
“consolidation” a collaboration of several univer-
sities with firms and related institutions offers the
chance to reinforce a well-known and accepted
standard including good practices. In this way, the
advantages of the different maturity models could be
integrated under the perspective of SME require-
ments. Based on this model, we see big potentials in
Evaluation of Maturity Models for Business Process Management - Maturity Models for Small and Medium-sized
deriving topic centered sub-models, like a version
for xRM introductions. Today, similar attempts can
be observed using available maturity models (e.g.
“CRM CMMI,” Sohrabi et al., 2010). The idea of
categorizing the amount of IT support offers further
opportunities: corresponding reflections lead to auto-
mated data collection where business processes are
supported e.g. by ERP systems (see e.g. Thomé, de
Hesselle, p. 546 ff.). Last but not least a tool-based
solution for an integrated maturity model would in-
crease efficiency in practice (see e.g. Hefke, 2008).
The overview has shown that the selected maturity
models cover a broad scope for business process
management. This drove us to the main question of
this article, which of them shows the highest
attractiveness for SMEs. The models PEMM and
EDEN scored highest in our evaluation. Yet, none of
models could fulfill the needs of SMEs completely.
This is why we propose the development of a busi-
ness process maturity model which is specifically
addressing the requirements of SMEs, as reflected in
our 11 appraisal criteria. In a second phase, this new
model has to be allied in practice and the fit for pur-
pose has to be evaluated.
The authors would like to thank Alexandra Kroll
und Stephanie Raytarowski. This paper represents a
further development based on the students' pre-
liminary work. The authors would also like to thank
the European Commission for the financial support
of the R&D project GloNet within the FInES cluster.
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