Specification of Visual Instructional Design Languages Dedicated
to Learning Management Systems
Aymen Abedmouleh, Pierre Laforcade and Lahcen Oubahssi
LIUM, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085, Le Mans Cedex 9, France
Keywords: Visual Instructional Design Language, Domain Specific Modeling, Learning Management System.
Abstract: Despite of the growing development of learning technologies into education, designing learning scenarios
and exploiting them for setting up a learning situation is still a complex task. Visual Instructional Design
Languages (VIDL) and their dedicated graphical editors have been identified as important conceptual tools
for achieving more creative design solutions within a design process. In this article we propose the
application of Domain-Specific Modeling tools for specifying and developing VIDLs and editors dedicated
to specific Learning Management Systems. An experimentation concerning the Moodle LMS is discussed.
The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research
domain has provided many solutions to support
distant instructional design: Educational Modeling
Languages (EML) facilitating the specification of
learning situations as formal learning scenarios for
delivering and exchanges purposes (Koper and
Manderveld, 2004), Visual Instructional Design
Languages (VIDL) (Botturi and Stubbs, 2007)
focusing on the support of imagination, thinking,
communication for practitioners communities,
Learning Management Systems (LMS) providing an
operational TEL environment for delivering online
learning situations.
Despite of these tools and facilities, the learning
design is still a complex task. The development of
LMS systems has not decreased the complexity of
design and learning processes in these systems
(Martinez-Ortiz et al., 2009). Standards de facto like
IMS-LD (Koper, 2006) have not succeeded in being
integrated to the existent LMSs widely spread
(Burgos et al. 2007). The VIDLs do not really allow
to exploit the scenarios they ease to specify for
automatizing the delivery and setting up of LMSs
(Laforcade, 2010). Nowadays, teacher-designers
within academic contexts are still designing their
learning situations by directly using the parameters'
forms-oriented screens of LMSs they have at their
In our research works we are interested in
helping such practitioners to design distant or mixed
(in relation to their face-to-face sessions) learning
situations. We aim at providing them with specific
VIDLs related both to the LMS they usually use and
to their practices and needs. Such VIDLs have to
meet the VIDLs added-values (visual notation
improving the instructional design reflexion), the
EMLs ones (formalization and binding), and those
from LMSs (configurations and delivering).
Our proposition is based on the idea that every
LMS embeds an implicit instructional design
language. Our approach originally proposes a two
steps approach: (1) identifying and formalizing this
LMS language, and (2) exploiting this language for
the specification of VIDLs and graphical editors.
This LMS-centered approach is strongly relying on a
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Domain
Specific Modeling context (DSM) framework. This
article mainly focuses on the second step. We then
assume that the LMS language has been identified
and formalized. Nevertheless, readers can also
consider our proposition within a wide scope dealing
with the use of a DSM approach for specifying
visual languages on top of an existent XSD file.
2.1 Instructional Design
Instructional Design is the entire process of analysis
of learning needs and goals and the development of
a delivery system to meet those needs (Berger and
Abedmouleh A., Laforcade P. and Oubahssi L..
Specification of Visual Instructional Design Languages Dedicated to Learning Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004079501990204
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 199-204
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Kam, 1996).The specification of a learning scenario
can be realized by means of an Educational
Modeling Language (EML), which provides a
framework of elements used for its formal
specification (Koper and Manderveld, 2004). EMLs
can be considered as authoring languages focusing
on exchange, binding and delivery objectives.
Other EMLs propose a visual notation and
focuses on specific instructional design theories or
methodologies. These Visual Instructional Design
Languages (VIDL) offer a support encouraging
reflexion, communication, etc. (Botturi and Stubbs,
2007). However they do not systematically provide a
binding support for formalizing models. Some of
them provide then some partial translations towards
some more abstract EMLs like SCORM or the de
facto standard IMS-LD.
Learning scenarios are then deployed or
executed in a Learning Management System (LMS).
Nevertheless LMSs failed in providing EMLs
support for automatic deployment. Past attempts
proposed to deeply modify LMSs by adding them an
execution engine dedicated to the considered EML
(Berggren et al. 2005). Some other research works
tried to bridge EMLs and LMSs by the means of
web services (Dodero et al., 2010) or models
transformation (Abdallah et al., 2008). Nevertheless
they met some semantics losses inherent to the
translation mapping. Finally, the most spread way to
deliver learning scenarios consists in using them as a
formal guide to directly set up “by hand” the
equivalent course within the LMS.
2.2 Domain Specific Modeling
The Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) (Kelly and
Tolvanen, 2008) is a software engineering
methodology for designing and developing systems.
The DSM approach is an application of principles
and techniques from the Model Driven Engineering
domain. DSM involves the systematic use of
graphical languages to represent the various facets
of a system. They are specific to a domain and can
be defined as the set of concepts and their relations
within a specialized problem field. They offer
primitives whose semantics are familiar to all
practitioners in that domain.
Thanks to some past experimentations and
studies about using DSM for specifying VIDLs we
concluded in (Laforcade, 2010) that such DSM
approach can help the emergence of communities of
interests or practices sharing the same domain-
vocabulary and formalisms. DSM tools can be used
to support the specification of VIDLs and the
development of specific editors.
3.1 Context
Issues from existing approaches lead us to propose
an original approach focusing on existent LMSs. We
assume that LMSs are widely spread into academics
institutions and that it is relevant to focus on helping
teacher-designers in using them whereas propose yet
another design solution that do not deal with binding
or automatic deployment facilities compliant with
these LMSs.
Our approach then follows two objectives: to
facilitate the design of learning scenarios in
accordance with the LMS abilities (hiding low level
and technical details required by the form-oriented
LMSs screens), and to propose a solution exploiting
these scenarios as productive models for pre-
configuring the corresponding courses within the
targeted LMS. We then consider our instructional
design proposition as LMS-centered.
In order to overcome the limits and constraints
inherent to the technological and technical choices
related to the development of the LMS, we propose
to focus on an LMS external solution. However, a
communication bridge is necessary between these
external LMS-centered design tools and the LMS.
3.2 Formalization of the LMS
Instructional Design Language
Our approach is based on the idea that every LMS is
not pedagogically neutral but embeds an implicit
instructional design language relying on specific
paradigms and educative theories followed by the
LMS providers.
We propose to identify and formalize them in
order to exploit them as new specific formats for
import/export exchanges between LMSs and
external instructional design tools (similarly to the
more specific formats some ones sometimes provide
like the self-Moodle-format for importing quizzes).
In our mind, such self-labels can be considered
as equivalent to the standard ones (SCORM, IMS-
LD) because of their focus on instructional design
but they have to exclude the managing of resources
in order to be deployed as a self-contained XML
file. From an MDE viewpoint, this LMS language
could be considered as an abstract syntax (the
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
instructional design entities, properties and
relations), its related semantics, formalized with an
XML-oriented concrete syntax. Our proposal
requires an LMS modification: a specific import
add-on has to be developed and added to the LMS.
Nevertheless such extensions are generally allowed
by most spread LMSs.
3.3 LMS-Centered Vidls following a
DSM Approach
The explicit formalization of LMSs‘way of
designing will allow tools providers to propose
different design tools communicating with LMSs.
Some ones could focus on delivering or
implementation issues for LMS-compliant scenarios
by means of transformations or direct binding
facilities. Other tools could focus on LMSs
interoperability by translating some source LMS-
centered scenarios to a specific targeted LMS
In our research work our interest is to help
teacher-designers that use to directly design their
learning situations from the LMS interfaces. We then
aim at developing specific external LMS-centered
design tools helping them to focus on design aspects
at a sufficient level of abstraction from a considered
LMS (e.g. hiding some low-levels configurations
required by LMSs). On one hand future-authoring
tools could deal with some instructional design
aspects in a first external design-time but, on the
other hand, some low-level aspects will still require
to be set up in a second design-time on the LMS.
We concretely propose to specify LMS-centered
VIDLs and to develop external dedicated authoring-
tools. According to the DSM approach we follow,
such VIDLs specification can rely on the LMS
abstract syntax previously captured by the XML
schema. This concrete format acts as a base for the
specification of VIDLs metamodels and as a binding
target for the serialization of future produced models
(machine-interpretable models). The automatic
delivering of VIDLs-compliant models will be
achieved by the means of both binding facilities
(from authoring editors) and importation services (to
add to LMSs). The DSM tooling will assist the
specification of the VIDL domain model from the
XML schema and they will guide the definition of
graphical concrete syntaxes and mapping models
linking abstract and concrete syntaxes as well as
capturing other semantics. DSM tools also take
charge of the editor code generation from domain,
graphical and mapping models.
On one hand this LMS-centered approach allows
to overcome the translation losses inherent to the
semantics gap between the VIDL and the targeted
LMS. On the other hand, such approach necessary
limits the VIDL expressiveness and usages (design
close to the LMS semantics in opposition to
conceptual design close to the practitioners needs).
Nevertheless, first practitioners’ feedbacks (from
surveys and interviews conducted within the
teachers-designers community from our academic
institution using a Moodle-based LMS) argue in
favor of our original position. They do not have
well-formalized instructional design background and
practices to support. They ask for very first design
tools allowing an abstraction of the LMS low-level
4.1 The Moodle LMS
We chose to apply our proposal on the Moodle LMS.
It provides a learning environment to create courses,
define activities, manage and grade students and so
forth. Moodle include many types of activities (as
lessons, assessments, forums, databases, quizzes,
etc.). Moodle has an open source code and has a
modular and extensible architecture allowing the
addition of new modules. It has also a large
community of users and developers. The design of
courses on Moodle is based on the setting up of
many interfaces based on long forms mixing
pedagogical elements with technical ones.
The identification and formalization of the
implicit Moodle instructional design language have
already been performed and discussed into
(Abedmouleh et al., 2012) by combining three
viewpoints: users interfaces analysis (what designer
see), functional analysis (what the LMS can do), and
database and other technical sources analysis (how
the LMS realizes and persists the design
components). The final XML schema we finally
fixed has also been used to develop a dedicated
Moodle module allowing importation of course
contents. This module appears as a block in the
course space for a teacher-designer. So it requires
the context of an empty created course to be used.
The importation/exportation process allows a kind of
round-trip design process ensuring that
configurations directly made using the LMS
designing facilities (including low-level data) will be
preserved and merged according to the changes
realized outside the LMS.
Specification of Visual Instructional Design Languages Dedicated to Learning Management Systems
4.2 Practitioners’ Requirements
For a first experimentation we decided to focus on
objectives and practitioners needs allowing the
specification/development of a prototypal VIDL and
editor in order to verify our DSM approach and
tooling. These are the requirements:
to design graphically sections by spatially
arranging them without a definitive ordering;
to allow the drawing of connecting arrows
between sections to represent their future
ordering within the course;
to propose in the palette the basics activities and
resources facilities provided by the LMS;
to allow the addition of these activities and
resources into the sections to define their use
without having to specify all the usual data
required for each of them.
Practitioners concretely would like a
diagrammatic-oriented authoring tool, specific to
their LMS, allowing them to focus on the global
design of their courses.
4.3 DSM Tooling
Since several years we use the open-source unified
set of modeling frameworks, tooling, and standard
implementations from the Eclipse Modeling Projects
(Eclipse, 2012): EMF and GMF. Our experience
proves us that final editors, developed thanks to this
tooling, tackle the need for graphical editors about
learning scenarios (Laforcade, 2010).
Nevertheless, this Eclipse tooling requires some
expertise about DSM and MDE principles (meta-
modeling at first). In order to customize the
generated editor or design more complex user-
friendly editors (e.g. for modeling various views or
perspectives for a same learning scenario),
developers will have to acquire a higher level of
expertise about the frameworks and the underlying
Eclipse RCP principles.
4.4 Using EMF
First of all, the domain model defining the abstract
syntax of the VIDL to build has been directly
specified from the LMS XML schema. Indeed, EMF
provides such a facility. EMF also keeps a trace of
the mapping in order to drive, when the model code
will be automatically generated from the meta-
model, the persistence of future models. This tackles
our need for a binding facility.
The figure 1 illustrates an extract of the domain
model (as a class-diagram representation). This
model specifies that a Course is composed of one
Sections, itself composed of ordered Section (the
ordering is a propriety of the Ereference between
Sections and Section; it can be checked in the
Eclipse property view). Section can include many
Activities (forum, workshop, chat quiz, etc.). All the
Eclasses (Moodle, Course, and so on) are defined in
the model in order to map to the corresponding
ComplexTypes from the initial XML schema.
Figure 1: Extract of the domain model.
4.5 Using GMF
According to the GMF guidance, we had then
specified the notation model in conformance with
the practitioners needs. It specifies some inter-
related drawing primitives (line, rectangle,
compartment, etc.).
Next step concerns the specification of the
tooling model: what users will have at their disposal
in the palette, menus, toolbars, etc.
Figure 2: Extract of the GMF mapping model.
Finally, the mapping model is specified (Figure
2). It aims to link the three previous models. For
instance, it specifies that the canvas (drawing space)
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
maps to the MoodleEclass from the domain model
(itself in relation with the top tag “Moodle” defined
within the XSD file), that the compartment within
every Section/Rectangle is related to the
‘Activities’ Eclass, and so on.
4.6 Resolving Some Meta-modeling
and Binding Issues
We on purpose propose to relate a specific obstacle
we met when dealing with the ordering of sections
within a course. Their ordering is defined within the
XSD file as the one of the “Section” tags from the
future XML files. When getting the meta-model
from the XSD file by the EMF importation service,
this information has been translated as an Ereference
between the EclassesSections and Section (both
relating to the Sections and Section
tags/complexTypes) with the property ordered fixed
at true. Unfortunately it is not able to map an
arrowed drawing line notation (from the graphical
model) to this property. The GMF logic consists in
mapping this information according to the creation
sequence of visual Section(s) within the
compartment of a course. This is concretely an issue
because practitioners do not know in advance the
concrete order of the sections they are designing. In
order to use the authoring-tool for sketching the
global design of the course, we have to consider
separately the section instantiation order from their
pedagogical one. To solve this issue we made the
following modifications:
addition of a self nextSection Ereference on the
Section eClass with lower/upper bounds to “0..1”
and a transient attribute to true in order to inform
the EMF persistence mechanism to not deal with it
(in red color within figure 1).
definition of the corresponding notation
(arrowed line) into the graphical model, and of the
corresponding tool for the palette;
mapping specified into the related model for
bridging together these new elements;
addition of OCL constraints, to the mapping
model, in order to disable self next relation on a
section and to detect cycles.
modification of the model code (generated at
first by EMF) in order to redefine the behavior of the
save/load methods: the save method have to re-order
the Section instances from their Sections parent
according to the nextSection relations specified;
similarly, the load method have to set the
nextSection according to the Section tags order
parsed from the XML file.
4.7 The Final Authoring-Tool
From all the previous models (domain, graphical,
tooling, mapping), GMF provides a generator model
to give access to implementation customizations.
Then this last model drives the GMF generative
component to generate an editor code directly usable
as a plugin for Eclipse (a Rich Client Platform
standalone application can be further configured).
This code use the one generated by EMF from the
domain model that we have customized to solve the
meta-modeling issues we met.
Figure 3: Screenshot of a scenario specified thanks to the
generated authoring-tool.
The final editor (figure 3) can be used for two
purposes: (1) to draw and then design learning
scenarios as graphical models and (2) to visualize a
learning scenario from another tool, which depends
on the condition that this file/model is compliant to
the schema used by the persistence facility. The
models are both visualized by a diagram-oriented
view and synchronously serialized as machine-
interpretable XML file in conformance with the
XML schema we started from.
Figure 4: Screenshot of the Moodle course space after
importing the previous model.
This graphical editor meets the practitioners
Specification of Visual Instructional Design Languages Dedicated to Learning Management Systems
requirements. Figure 3 shows a caption-screen of a
learning scenario within the editor whereas Figure 4
shows the equivalent result after importing the
learning model into Moodle. Teacher-designers can
complete their design directly on Moodle by
focusing on the low-level details not dealt with by
the external design tool.
This article has presented and discussed a Domain
Specific Modeling approach for the specification of
Visual Instructional Design Languages centered on
the Learning Management System semantics. The
DSM theories and practices provide a very
challenging trend for supporting the specification of
VIDLs as well as the generation of dedicated visual
editors. The main practical advantage and added
value is to synchronize human-interpretable visual
models with machine-readable persistence. The
EMF/GMF-based editor delivers learning scenarios
in a machine readable format compliant to a specific
schema like the one we propose to identify and
formalize from a specific analysis of the internal and
implicit instructional design principles embedded
within the LMS.
Nevertheless, the work conducted for now has
also depicted the difficulty to adapt the resulting
meta-model from the XSD file in order to capture
the practitioners semantics and allowing a mapping
in conformance to the notation targeted by end-
users. We have just started a French ANR funded
project in order to study the specification of more
complex LMS-centered VIDLs that will capture
practices and requirements closer to teachers-
designers than the experimentation we discussed
within this submission.
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ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends