Enterprise Ontology Driven Software Engineering
Steven J. H. van Kervel
, Jan L. G. Dietz
, John Hintzen
, Tycho van Meeuwen
and Bob Zijlstra
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Formetis Consultants BV, Hemelrijk 12 C, Boxtel, The Netherlands
Keywords: Model Driven Software Engineering, Enterprise Ontology, Demo, Adaptive Case Management Systems.
Abstract: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) has been with us for quite some time, the most well known MDE
approach being OMG’s Model Driven Architecture. Current MDE approaches suffer from two major
shortcomings. First, they are unable to deliver domain models that comprise all functional requirements.
Second, the models to be produced during the system development process, are not formally defined. One
of the theoretical pillars of Enterprise Engineering (EE) is the Generic System Development Process
(GSDP). It distinguishes between the using system and the object system, and it states that any software
development process should start from the ontological construction model of the using system. In addition,
EE’s systemic notion of Enterprise Ontology provides us with a formalized ontological model of an
organization that satisfies the C4E quality criteria (Coherent, Consistent, Comprehensive, Concise, and
Essential). An operational application software generator is presented that takes this ontological model,
with some extensions, as source code input and executes the model as a professional software application.
Changes in the software, as required by any agile enterprise, are brought about ‘on the fly’, through re-
generation, based on the modified ontological model of the enterprise’s organization.
In this paper, the scope of interest is enterprises;
cooperatives of human beings for delivering
valuable results to other human beings, and their
supporting IT systems. Enterprises are social
systems, i.e. the elements are social individuals
(human beings). The operating principle of
enterprises is that these individuals, commonly
called actors, make commitments and communicate
regarding the bringing about of products for the
benefits of actors in the environment of the
enterprise. This notion of enterprises is based on the
theory of enterprise ontology (Dietz, 2006).
Enterprise ontology is a “formal, explicit
specification of a conceptualization shared between
stakeholders” (Gruber, 1993). It provides a shared
vocabulary represented as a set (of limited size) of
symbols of objects, used to model enterprises.
Enterprise ontology is also an ontology with
empirical evidence of a high degree of ontological
appropriate and truthfulness (Mulder, 2008), notions
that are describes by Guizzardi (2005).
Enterprise Information systems (EIS) are those
information systems that support the operation of an
enterprise. There are other information systems in
organizations that are not an EIS, for example
accounting systems, CRM systems, etc.
Current state of the art engineering
methodologies that should result into high quality IT
systems, fail too often. We focus on three major
problems but ignore management, political and
strategic problem sources.
The first problem is the mismatch between the
specified functionality of IT systems and the
expectations of the stakeholders; a lack of business-
IT alignment [ITGI]. Empirical evidence of the
Standish Group (2009), Tata and others confirms
this. We are obviously unable to produce high
quality IT system functional specifications.
The second problem is that IT projects do not
deliver IT systems within controllable financial
budgets and resources (Sauer and Cuthbertson,
2003). Delivered software components need often
overhaul cycles and programming is too demanding.
The third problem is that the costs of
maintaining IT systems grow exponentially over
time (Lehman, 1985). This problem is clarified and
addressed by the theory of Normalized Systems
(Mannaert and Verelst, 2008).
J. H. van Kervel S., L. G. Dietz J., Hintzen J., van Meeuwen T. and Zijlstra B..
Enterprise Ontology Driven Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0004080902050210
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 205-210
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
reverse engineering
using system
o b j e c t s y s t e m
o b j e c t
f u n c t i o n a l
p r i n c i p l e s
a r c h i t e c t u r e
d e s i g n
d e s i g n
f u n c t i o n a l
t e c h n o l o g y
t e c h n o l o g y
p r i n c i p l e s
Figure 1: The generic System Development Process (GSDP).
If software engineers are provided with high
quality specifications, they are usually able to
construct high quality software systems for complex
domains, for example GPS systems, cell phone
systems and the Internet. EIS specifications
apparently lack quality. Consequently, programmers
have to take design and implementation decisions
they should not take because they are not qualified
to do this. There is unwanted design freedom and
In general, EIS specifications lack
comprehensiveness: “everything” that should be
included must be there. Other shortcomings are
irrelevant information or lacking conciseness;
hidden anomalies and inconsistencies or lacking
consistency; and specifications that do not match
semantically, lacking coherence. Programmers need
software specifications matching the four quality
criteria, comprehensiveness, conciseness,
consistency and coherence (C4-ness) to deliver high
quality IT systems.
As a framework for discussing the problems
mentioned above, we adopt the Generic Systems
Development Process (GSDP) (Dietz, 2008). The
GSDP is a generic model for developing any kind of
artifact. It comprises all basic steps that need to be
taken in a development process. The GSDP supports
two distinctive perspectives on systems, the
construction perspective and design principles,
represented by white box models, and the function
perspective and design principles, represented by
black box models. This is especially important for
software engineering.
Fig. 1 exhibits the basic steps in a system
development process. The starting point is the need
by some system, called the using system (US), of a
supporting system, called the object system (OS). By
nature, this need stems from the construction of the
US, so one starts with a white-box model of the US.
Ideally, this starting model is a purely ontological
model of the US. This includes that the model is an
instance of an appropriate metamodel, and that it is
fully implementation independent. The first
development step is function design, resulting in the
functional specifications of the OS. By nature, these
specifications constitute a black-box model of the
OS, expressed in ‘the language’ of the US, i.e. in
terms of the construction and operation of the US.
We consider them to include the so-called non-
functional requirements, regarding various
performance and quality aspects.
The next step is construction design, resulting in
the constructional model of the OS. It can usefully
be divided into ontological design and
implementation design (engineering in Fig. 1). By
the ontological design we mean the highest level
white-box model of the OS; ideally it is purely
ontological, meaning that it does not contain
implementation choices.
A thorough analysis of this white-box model must
guarantee that building the OS is feasible, given the
available technology. There is the important
recognition that designing is an iterative process,
which is, however, not indicated in the figure. The
end result of a design process is a balanced
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
compromise between (reasonable) requirements and
(feasible) specifications. Regarding IT systems, this
model is the source code of the system. This
understanding of engineering is fully compliant with
MDE. Both function design and construction design
are ‘fed’ by requirements and principles.
An important advantage of applying ontological
models, both of the US and of the OS, is that these
models possess C4-ness quality. An ontological
specification that is completely implementation
independent may be used at an early stage for
validation and assessment. This helps to avoid
expensive re-implementation cycles.
Model driven engineering (MDE) (OMG, 2001) is
generally considered to address the problems we
have discussed above. In MDE, software is
developed in a series of model transformations. The
process starts from the functional specifications and
ends with the ‘source code’ in some formal
language. However, a major cause of problems is
still present. Projected on the GSDP, MDE proceeds
in three phases: function design, construction
design, and implementation design (engineering in
Fig. 1). Each of these phases is prone to errors.
Regarding the first one, it means that the functional
specifications (the black-box model of the OS) are
different from the user expectations. Regarding the
second phase, it means that the ontological
construction specifications do not fully match the
functional specifications. Regarding the third phase,
it means that the resulting implementation model
does not fully match the ontological model of the
OS. Another major cause of failures in applying
MDE seems to be the lack of rigor in (formally)
defining the distinct kinds of models, including the
ignorance of the fundamental differences between
functional and constructional models. One cannot
just ‘transform’ a functional model into a
constructional one.
In the MDE approach we propose, these
drawbacks are excluded. This is achieved first by
noting that any complete and correct implementation
of the ontological model of a US, makes the US
‘alive’, once put into operation. Therefore we will
consider any EIS, which is completely supporting
some enterprise, as a possible implementation of the
ontological model of the enterprise. By this,
obviously correct, observation, we actually make the
ontological model of the OS (our EIS) isomorphic to
the ontological model of the US (the enterprise).
Informally stated: everything in the US ontology
exists also in the OS ontology, and everything in the
OS ontology exists also in the US ontology.
By doing this, we skip the function design phase
and the construction design phase.
Second, we consider the operating EIS as a real-
time simulation of its ontological model. By doing
this, we skip the engineering phase (implementation
design) in the GSDP. For the MDE approach we
have in mind, it means that we need a software
system that executes ontological enterprise models.
We call this system the DEMO processor.
Concluding, we have fully addressed the first major
cause of problems in applying MDE, as discussed
The second major cause (the lack of
formalization) is also fully eliminated, by basing our
MDE approach on the quality criteria as developed
by Guizzardi (2005). Fig 2 exhibits Guizzardi’s
conceptual framework, slightly adapted to our
purposes. Guizzardi distinguishes between a
collection of real world phenomena R and a
collection of real world phenomena m, which are
in language L
used to
represented by
interpreted as
represented by
interpreted as
used to
US ontology
Real World
Real World
used to
truthfulness &
C4-ness quality
model specifications
Figure 2: The GSDP MDE approach in Guizzardi’s framework.
Enterprise Ontology Driven Software Engineering
instances of the things in R. Applied to our
purposes, R is the collection of all enterprises, and
actors, transactions etc. from R. A conceptual model
of an R is called a C. In our case, C is the notion of
enterprise ontology, as defined by the -theory
(Dietz, 2006). Thus, such a model consists of
transaction kinds, actor roles, and the connections
between them. Next, every M is a conceptual model
of a particular enterprise m, as well as an instance of
C (by definition). In our case, this means that every
M is an ontological enterprise model according to
the -theory. Guizzardi requires that the mapping
from R to C, and consequently, from every m to its
corresponding M, satisfies the qualities of
truthfulness and appropriateness. Truthfulness refers
to the extent to which the concepts of the ontology
are able to represent phenomena in reality in a
truthful way for all stakeholders (Krogstie, 2000).
The ontological appropriateness quality (Krogstie,
2000) refers to how well and useful the ontology
supports understanding and shared reasoning
between stakeholders. A lack of truthfulness renders
a model expressed in the ontology useless. A lack of
appropriateness renders a model less valuable.
Because we know that our US ontology (which
is the notion of enterprise ontology according to the
-theory) has the C4-ness qualities, it is possible to
design a high quality modeling language L, in which
enterprise ontological models can be expressed. So,
L comprises the diagrams, tables, and other model
representations of DEMO. The specification (S) of
the ontological model of an enterprise (M) in L is
called the DEMO model of the enterprise. For every
(DEMO) model M there is one and only one
specification S in L. Every specification S is
interpreted as one and only one (DEMO model) M.
Put differently, S is equivalent to one and only one
specific DEMO model, and vice versa.
We have also developed an XML-based
language, called DMOL (DEMO Modeling
Language) of which the metamodel is isomorphic to
the metamodel of L. Specifications in our L are
automatically transformed into DMOL
specifications, after a specification S in L has been
input into the DEMO processor. This process is
model translation, not programming. Subsequently,
the DEMO processor (Section 4) can execute the
specification and make it operational.
In order to arrive at high quality specification
languages, Guizzardi (2005) postulates a cardinality
law that guarantees that anomalies such as construct
excess and construct overload are eliminated:
m : M : S = 1 : 1 : 1 [Cardinality law]
It states that for every phenomenon m (in our
case: an enterprise), there is one and only one model
M (in our case: the enterprise ontological, i.e. the
DEMO, model of the enterprise). Next, every model
M is represented by one and only one specification S
in L (in our case: the specification of the DEMO
model in the DEMO language, later on transformed
into DMOL). Conversely, every model specification
in L represents one and only one model M (in our
case: one DEMO model). Guizzardi states that if the
cardinality law applies to the US ontology C and the
language L, then there are valuable advantages;
lucidity, ontological clarity and the elimination of
construct overload and construct excess. Every
model M can directly be mapped to a specification
S, which is a straightforward process. This applies
also to the atomic model elements and relations of C
and the language primitives and constructs of L.
The DEMO processor (the OS software engine in fig
2), executes (reads, writes, constructs, destroys)
DMOL (XML DEMO Modeling Language)
representations of the four DEMO aspect models
the Construction Model, the Process Model, the
Action Model, and the State Model (cf. (Dietz,
The DEMO model that executes a model is an
EIS. The implementation is precisely in line with
section 3, meaning that any DEMO model is
equivalent - isomorphic to the software of the EIS of
the enterprise and also isomorphic to the enterprise
producing a production instance. The essence is that
the ontological model is the executable software.
4.1 Operation
The DEMO processor executes the enterprise model
dynamically and delivers simulation results for
model validation and production. Dynamic
simulation means that any changes of the dynamic
state of the enterprise over time are immediately
reflected in equivalent dynamic state changes of the
model under execution, vice versa.
At any moment the model under execution can
be rendered as an DMOL XML file with full state
information and temporarily stored in a model
Here we use the term ‘model’ also for a ‘specification
expressed in a language’. From the context is clear what is
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
model rendering
parsing &
model building
4 aspect models
Actor 1
& Control
Actor n
& Control
1 .. n
DMOL XML models
Figure 3: DEMO processor simulation and validation of an enterprise model.
instance repository. DEMO models under execution
can be linked / aggregated at runtime into
aggregated models that represent production chains
of enterprises of unlimited size.
4.2 Enterprise Model Compliance En-
Model execution delivers also a prescriptive
specification of all allowed actor actions and
prevents not allowed actor actions for each
individual actor. DEMO models under execution are
hence also a BPM (Business Process Model)
execution machine, similar to a workflow system.
Guerreiro (2011) investigated the DEMO processor
as a role-based access control (RBAC) system. This
is a control system enforcing model compliance of
the enterprise to the model; the operaton of the
enterprise cannot deviate from the model under
execution. The workflow capability is completely
calculated from the DEMO models, any BPM(-like)
modeling is obsolete. At early development stages
the models can be simulated for model validation,
which supports a better business-IT alignment.
4.3 Model Instance Driven Case Man-
agement Systems
The EISs are characterized by the fact that the
DEMO processor executes a model instance that is
precisely related to a specific production instance.
The model instance under execution represents in a
truthful way the current production instance; any
changes of the production instance, which is a state
change of the production instance, is precisely
calculated for the model instance under execution.
In a large enterprise with many production
instances, each of these production instances is in a
unique state, more or less further advanced in
production. The DEMO processor supports therefor
model instance driven IT systems, also described as
“adaptive case management systems”.
4.4 Support for the Agile Enterprise
and Evolving Information Systems
An agile enterprise is defined as an enterprise that
continuously scans its environment and adapts itself
whenever the need occurs. Enterprise agility is
supported by the adaptation of the EIS through
redesigned enterprise models, enabled by this
The first DEMO processor application in full
production is an adaptive case management system
for a public utility company. The production
consists of complex document-based contracts,
subjected to business rules. This casus shows
feasibility as a production IT system.
The business-IT alignment problem is addressed
using an ontology with evidence of appropriateness.
Direct execution of ontological models provides
therefor a good degree of business-IT alignment of
the EIS.
The possibility of subjecting models to
validation at a very early project stage supports also
a good degree of business-IT alignment.
The problem of uncontrolled software
programming costs is addressed by the direct
execution of DEMO models as the executable
source code of the DEMO processor. In the first
professional DEMO processor application, software
programming is limited to interfaces with legacy
systems etc; the core application is generated from
The deterioration of software quality during
ongoing modifications is eliminated since the
Enterprise Ontology Driven Software Engineering
DEMO processor is strict Normalized Systems
(Mannaert, Verelst, 2008) compliant.
The DEMO processor offers also full workflow
capabilities, elimination of anomalies such as
deadlocks (Nuffel, 2009), and any BPM(-like)
modeling is obsolete.
The authors thank the Endinet staff, especially Mrs.
Marjolein Sigmans, for their cooperation in the first
professional DEMO processor based IT project.
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DEMO Knowledge Centre, Enterprise Engineering insti-
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ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends