Case Study: Ontology for Metadata in e-Learning
Ana María Fermoso García
, Salvador Sánchez Alonso
Encarnación Beato Gutierrez
and Roberto Berjón Gallinas
Computer Sciences Faculty, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Compañía 5, Salamanca, Spain
Information Engineering Research Unit, University of Alcala, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Keywords: Learning Object Metadata, Learning Object, IEEE LOM, OWL, e-Learning, Organic.Edunet.
Abstract: Learning objects are a fundamental concept in new educational paradigms based on e-learning. These
resources are not only content but also include metadata descriptions organized into categories, often in the
form of an application profile of the IEEE LOM standard. These metadata descriptions facilitate the design,
search, exchange and reuse of educational contents reachable through learning object repositories. The aim
of this paper is to present the case of the Organic.Edunet portal, where the semantic search capabilities
implemented made necessary to design an OWL mapping for the IEEE LOM standard. We called this effort
LOM2OWL. LOM2OWL is in fact an ontology aimed at improving the search, reuse and use of learning
objects stored in the Organic.Edunet Web portal and repository.
Organic.Edunet is a learning portal that provides
access to digital learning resources on Organic
agriculture and agroecology and aims to facilitate
access, usage and exploitation of such content. The
result of the European project Organic.Edunet, it
makes use of IEEE LOM metadata standard for the
educational annotation of resources and the aim is
enhancing its semantic capabilities. Given that
Organic.Edunet provides different mechanisms for
finding resources based on computational
semantics, it was necessary to define a mapping
from the human-oriented IEEE LOM metadata
records that content contributors provided to a
semantic version we received To attain this aim, we
suggested to adapt IEEE LOM to a semantic
language to describe learning object metadata
records in OWL.
This paper reports on this effort and provides as
the most interesting result a series of tables showing
how the mapping was made and the way we
approached to map the different categories in the
In the semantic Web model the ontologies are
the main tool to present and structure the
knowledge. The most extended language of
ontologies is OWL (Ontology Web Language)
(W3C-OWL, 2011). We think that a LOM to OWL
mapping would facilitate the creation and
management of learning objects metadata by
automated engines making use of Seemantic Web
capabilities, easing at the same time their storage in
semantic repositories such as Ont-Space (http://, a Java-based
software framework providing the services of a
semantic metadata repository.
IEEE LOM is a metadata standard for learning
objects developed by IEEE for the description of
educational resources in digital format through
metadata records. These metadata capture the
essential characteristics of the resource and
organize them according to a number of previously
agreed and established categories.
IEEE LOM establishes a conceptual data
schema that defines the structure of a metadata
record for a learning object. Thus, the first step to
an OWL mapping was to understand these
characteristics, those which are grouped into 9
categories in IEEE LOM. Each category has
subcategories. For example General category has
the following subcategories: Identifier, Title,
Language, Description, Keyword, Coverage,
Structure and Aggregation level.
A brief description of the categories in the
standard would be the following:
Fermoso García A., Sánchez Alonso S., Beato Gutierrez E. and Berjón Gallinas R..
Case Study: Ontology for Metadata in e-Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004087103170320
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 317-320
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1. General: includes general information that
describes the learning object as a whole.
2. Lifecycle: it describes the history and current
state of a learning object, as well as and
those entities that have affected the learning
object during its evolution.
3. Meta-Metadata: it describes the metadata
record itself, rather than the learning object
that a given metadata record describes.
4. Technical: it groups the technical
requirements and characteristics of the
learning object.
5. Educational use: it groups educational and
pedagogical characteristics of the object.
6. Rights: describes the intellectual property
rights and conditions of use of the object.
7. Relationship: defines the relation between a
learning object and other learning objects to
which it is related.
8. Annotation: comments on the educational
use of the learning object and information on
when and by whom these comments were
9. Classification: it describes where the
learning object falls with a particular
classification system (taxonomy).
Besides these categories, LOM also defines the
following data types: LangString for strings,
DateTime for dates, Duration for time periods and
Vocabulary for enumerated types.
Using this schema allows the authors of learning
objects to specify what elements make up a body of
metadata, to facilitate search, evaluation,
acquisition and use of learning objects by students,
instructors or automated systems. In addition it also
facilitates sharing them, allowing the development
of catalogues and repositories.
The inclusion of instances of metadata with the
learning object provides standard information on
the contexts of use, thus increasing their reusability.
Usually this metadata structure is implemented in
XML format. Our effort targeted to map this
structure to an ontology format in OWL.
As we have seen in the preceding section, learning
objects are characterized by metadata records, each
composed by a set of properties. We thought that
these properties could be used to describe instances
of the learning object from an ontological point of
view. To create an instance of an object implies
first, to define an identifier for the object in order to
identify it, and then to associate values to each
property of the object.
In IEEE LOM conformant metadata records, an
object is described by using nine categories, 1.
General, 2. Life cycle, etc. Each category is formed
by a set of related properties called subcategories.
For example the General category has the
subcategories 1.1. Identifier, 1.2. Title, 1.3.
Description, and so on. Some of these categories
have recursively new subcategories, such as for
instance the subcategory 1.1. Identification, that is
described using characteristics 1.1.1. Catalogue and
1.1.2. Entry. This hierarchical structure of
categories and properties to define an object made
easier its translation to an ontological schema.
In the following sections we will present the
classes defined in the LOM2OWL ontology which
correspond to the knowledge in IEEE LOM
metadata elements. These classes will be used not
only to represent the LOM data types, but also to
describe any LOM record.
3.1 Mapping IEEE LOM Data Types
To represent the LOM data types in OWL we have
defined one class per data type. Table 1 shows the
Table 1: Correspondence between LOM data types and
classes of LOM2OWL.
OWL Class
dateTime has the subclass lomDateTime
which has two properties:
textDescriptor and timeItem
langString specifies the language of a
string. It is composed by various instantes of
the simpleLangString class
lomDuration has two properties, one to
define the duration and other for its
description, similat to IEEE LOM duration
As it is clear in the table, every data type groups
some characteristics called properties of the data
type. For example the data type LangString has two
characteristics associated: the language of the string
and the string of characters itself.
Another important data type in IEEE LOM is
the data type Vocabulary, which does not have an
equivalent type in OWL. When a property is of this
type, we suggest using a data property of string type
restricted to take values from a fixed list of values
including of course those terms permitted in each
specific vocabulary.
There are several properties of this type. For
example in the 5. Educational category, the 5.5.
Intended End User Role subcategory means the
principal user(s) with this learning object was
designed to. This feature is encoded in LOM2OWL
using the
property of
. The value space of this
property, which would form its vocabulary are:
teacher, author, learner and manager.
3.2 Mapping LOM Categories
In order to define a metadata record of an IEEE
LOM learning object in OWL, it is first necessary
to define the basic classes which will show the
categories schema of LOM. The main class of the
OWL ontology is
represents, obviously, the concept of learning
object. Apart from this basic one, we created one
class for each IEEE LOM category. These
categories are described in turn by several
subcategories with grouped element
. Table 2
shows a summary of the main classes of our
LOM2OWL ontology and the equivalent categories
and subcategories in IEEE LOM. At the same time,
Figure 1 shows the hierarchical organization of
these classes.
Each class in the ontology has one or more
properties, one for each of its features. These
properties are usually named by using the
. As usual in all
ontologies, all properties are defined by a domain
(objects to apply it) and a range (values which the
property can take). Properties can either be of type
objectProperty or dataType.
Figure 1: Classes hierarchy in the LOM2OWL ontology.
Table 2 shows some of the LOM2OWL classes
only, because a full detail of all of them would take
not display very well in the format of this paper. In
any case, we will define in detail the
implementation of one category, for example the
Description of the 1.4.General. Description
category because other classes follow a similar
pattern and can thus be deducted from this example.
This category is aimed at including a textual
description of the content of the learning object. In
LOM2OWL this feature will be implemented using
the property
of the
class. Its domain will be the
class. Its range will be of
data type. This data type allows more
than one description of the learning object where
would provide a
description in a particular language.
IEEE LOM is a model to describe learning object
based on a structure schema hierarchically
organized. This organization make easier to adapt
this model to an ontology with classes and
properties, that in our case we have used to enhance
and promote semantic capabilities in the
Organic.Edunet web portal.
This ontology is currently undergoing a process
of evolution, refinement and polishing as part of the
tasks and activities of the Organic.Lingua project.
This work is partially funded by the Organic.Lingua
project, EU program CIP-ICT-PSP.2010.6.2, GA:
IEEE Learning Standards Committee, 2002: Draft
standard for learning object metadata. In Last access on June
W3C: OWL Web Ontology Language, 2004. In Last access on
June 2012.
Table 2: Correspondence between LOM2OWL classes and properties of IEEE LOM categories
LOM2OWL class Equivalent LOM category Properties of LOM2OWL class
“contribution” appears in two LOM
categories defining a subclass for each
.LearningObjectContribution 2.3. Lyfe
Cycle. Contribute
.MetadataContribution 3.2.
entityContribution, dateTimeContribution
lomAnnotation 8. Annotation
annotationDescription, annotationEntity,
lomClasification 9. Classification
clasificationPurpose clasificationTaxonPath,
lomTaxonPath 9.2. Clasification. Taxon Path clasificationSource, clasificationTaxon
lomTaxon 9.2.2. Classification.Taxon Path.Taxon taxonEntry, taxonId
1.1. General.Identifier
3.1. Metadata.Identifier
7.3. Relation.Identifier
inCatalog, isEntry
lomRelation 7. Relation createdSource, relationKind
4. Technical
4.4. Technical. Requirement hasType, maxVersion, minVersion, requirementName
Vcard hasEmail, hasName, hasOrganization
Learning object: This is the main class of
the ontology.
All the categories describe some property
of the learning object.
It has a lot of properties, one for each category and
subcategory of the object. This table only enumerates
some of them together with the corresponding IEEE LOM
.hasAgregationLevel – 1.8. General. Aggregation Level
.hasCopyRightRestrictions – 6.2. Right. Right and
other restrictions
. hasCost – 6.1. Right.Cost
. hasDifficulty – 5.8. Educational. Difficulty.
. hasDuration – 4.7. Technical.Duration
.hasInstallationRemark – 4.5 Technical. Installation
.hasInteractivityLevel – 5.3. Educational. Interactivity
.hasInteractivityType – 5.1. Educational. Interactivity type
.hasOtherPlatformsRequirement – 4.6. Technical.
Other platform requirements
. hasSemanticDensity – 5.4. Educational. Semantic
. hasSize – 4.2. Technical.Size
. hasStatus – 2.2. Life Cicle. Status
. hasStructure – 1.7. General. Structure
. hasTitle – 1.2. General. Title
.hasTypicalLearningTime – 5.9. Educational. Typical
learning time
. hasVersion – 2.1. Life cicle.Version
.hasMetadataLanguage – 3.4. Metadata. Language