On Operative Creation of Lexical Resources in Different
Svetlana Sheremetyeva
LanA Consulting ApS, Møllekrog, 4, Vejby 3210 Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract. Cognitive modeling is to a large extent mediated by lexicons thus
bringing in focus operative creation of high quality lexical resources. This pa-
per presents a methodology and tool for automatic extraction of lexical data
from textual sources. The methodology combines n-gram extraction and a fil-
tering algorithm, which operates blocs of shallow linguistic knowledge. The
specificity of the approach is three-fold, - (i) it allows dynamic extraction of
lexical resources and does not rely on a pre-constructed corpus; (ii) it does not
miss low frequency units; (iii) it is portable between different lexical types,
domains and languages. The methodology has been implemented into a tool
that can be used in a wide range of text processing tasks useful for cognitive
modeling from ontology acquisition, to automatic annotation, multilingual in-
formation retrieval, machine translation, etc.
1 Introduction
There is more and more evidence today that cognitive paradigms can complement
computational models and boost natural language technology. NLP, in its turn, is one
of the major vehicles that provides cognitive science with knowledge coded in the
natural language, - indispensable source of all kinds of information [1]. Integration of
NLP and cognitive modeling is to a large extent mediated by lexicons thus bringing
in focus the issues of quality and operative creation of lexical data.
High quality linguistic resources are mostly handcrafted and their creation is cost-
ly and time-consuming. Much effort has been made to overcome this problem by
automatically inducing grammars and lexicons from corpora. Among these efforts of
great importance for cognitive modelling are the works that have concentrated on
methodologies and techniques for automatic extraction of typed lexical units, such as
noun, verbal, etc., phrases; they reflect different types of cognition processes.
There is an ongoing work to save development effort by suggesting language-
independent extraction methodologies and tools [2], [3], [4], [5].
Another issue which matters a lot for using knowledge acquisition tools in practi-
cal applications (e.g., cognitive modelling) is the speed of extraction process as it
directly affects the applicability potential and costs of system development.
The range of the work in automatic lexical acquisition is very wide and covers
single- and multiword expression, collocation and keyphrase extraction, as, e.g. (in
addition to those cited above) [6], [7].
Sheremetyeva S..
On Operative Creation of Lexical Resources in Different Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0004089300440052
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 44-52
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Typed lexical unit is a grammatical notion and the most correct extraction results
can be expected with full-fledged NLP (symbolic) procedures, which while unques-
tionable under the assumption of perfect NLP parsing in reality will immediately lead
to the problems of coverage, hence robustness and correctness. Pure NLP parsing can
be very time consuming and is normally not portable. An ultimate example of sym-
bolic approach to extraction is a semantic tagger which annotates English corpora
with semantic category information and is capable of detecting and semantically clas-
sifying many multiword expressions but can suffer from low recall [8].
In an attempt to raise recall and extraction speed current approaches to extraction
involve statistical techniques where phrases are determined as word sequences with
no intention to limit the meaning in a linguistic sense. Pure statistical methods are
based on n-gram extraction and may include such preprocessing steps as stop list
words removal and stemming. Phrases are further selected based on various statistical
collocation/phraseness metrics, e.g., binomial log likelihood ratio test (BLRT) [9], or
“unithood” [10] to mention just a few.
On the one hand, statistical techniques offer some clear advantages, such as speed,
robustness and portability, over linguistically-informed methods. On the other hand,
the results obtained statistically are not always "good" phrases, and basic statistical
systems may suffer from combinatorial explosion if calculations are made on a large
search space.
Most successful are hybrid approaches that in different proportions combine sta-
tistical metrics with linguistic knowledge, such as morphology, syntax and even se-
mantics. Practically all researchers mentioned above use hybrid techniques.
While working quite well on English and other low inflecting languages, well de-
veloped extraction techniques are often rendered useless by rich morphology, case
syncretism and relatively free word order of highly inflecting languages.
We attempt to contribute to the studies in the field and suggest a novel hybrid ex-
traction methodology for typed lexical units, which could work well for both low and
highly inflecting languages.
The specificity of our approach
is three-fold, - (i) it allows operative dynamic ex-
traction of lexical resources and does not rely on a pre-constructed corpus; (ii) it does
not miss low frequency units; (iii) it is
portable between different types of lexical
units, domains and languages. The
methodology was tested on English, French, Span-
ish and such highly inflecting language as Russian. It was implemented in a tool,
which is intended to assist researches, translators, lexicographers, language teachers,
professionals, analysts and system developers in dealing with different types of lan-
guage processing. By means of the tool the end user can fulfill most of portability
tasks her/himself.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the extraction
methodology. Section 3 describes its portability potential. Section 4 outlines possible
shortcomings and ways to overcome them. Section 5 presents evaluation results. The
paper concludes with methodology summarization and outlines its possible fields of
2 Methodology Overview
2.1 Approach
Our ultimate goal was to develop a possibly universal methodology for extracting
typed lexical resources targeted to
Intelligent results accounting for the specificity of input texts/corpora
Reliable extraction of both high and low frequency typed lexical units
No preconstructed corpus
Multilingual and multipurpose use
Computationally attractive properties.
By intelligibility we mean that our extraction results should be grammatically correct
(not truncated) and thus can be comfortable both for human use, and for porting into
other applications. To account for input specificity we aim to avoid extracting lexical
units, which are included into longer candidates but do not function individually in
the input document/corpus. We further provide a mechanism for relevancy calcula-
tion based of statistical distribution. Relevancy is to be user-defined depending upon
the extraction purpose. We pay special attention to the reliable extraction of not only
high frequency units but low frequency units as well. By multipurpose use we mean
that the extraction results can be output in different “shapes” as exhaustive lemma-
tized/not lemmatized lists or user-defined-relevancy keywords. The last but not least
goal is to let the end user be able to fulfill most of portability tasks her/himself.
We will describe our methodology on the example of single- and multiword noun
phrase (NP) extraction. NPs describe objects and concepts and are considered closely
connected to the content of utterances. They are most frequent in a text while extrac-
tion of NPs is especially problematic. It normally involves parsing and is often very
expensive computationally [11]. Our extraction methodology combines statistical
techniques, linguistic knowledge and heuristics. It starts with n-gram calculation. But
unlike many extraction procedures ours skips stop words removal at the prepro-
cessing stage. We discovered that it might “spoil” extraction results. For example, if
the task is to extract NPs, the removal of traditionally used stop words (boldfaced) at
the preprocessing stage from the fragment below:
a table in which the wireless location system continuously maintains a copy
of the status of transmitters…
will lead to the extraction of phrases, which do not exist in the input, such as
*table wireless location system
*copy status transmitters.
We also decided against morphological normalization as preprocessing. Heuristic
stemming algorithms, may fail to identify inflectional variants and lead to the extrac-
tion of wrongly combined and/or truncated character strings which are impossible to
understand. Proper NLP lemmatization is very expensive computationally. We there-
fore postponed lemmatization to the last stage of processing.
We further avoided using regular statistical metrics for extraction proper and used
linguistic filters only. This was done to be able to reliably extract low frequency units
and make the methodology portable to highly inflecting languages where exact
matches of n-grams are much less frequent than in English. For the same reason lin-
guistic filters in our methodology use very shallow linguistic knowledge.
2.2 Knowledge
The linguistic knowledge is very shallow and includes
(i) partial knowledge about the constraints on a typed unit structure in terms of
parts-of speech (POS) for a particular language
(ii) a number of shallow lexicons each referenced to a particular (first, middle
last) position in the typed unit to be extracted
(iii) specific rules of a strongly lexicalized constraint grammar. The rules are very
simple and are as follows:
Rule 1
IF the first word in an n-gram belongs to Lexicon 1
THEN delete n-gram
Rule 2
IF the last word in an n-gram belongs to Lexicon 2
THEN delete n-gram
Rule 3
IF the middle word belongs to Lexicon 3
THEN delete n-gram
The rules are language–independent. They find and delete those n-grams which can-
not be NPs, without determining n-gram full part-of-speech structures. The lexicons
are of course language-dependent and contain lists of wordforms of relevant parts-of-
speech in a particular language. For example, for the English language in the NP
extractor Lexicon 1 contains explicitly listed wordforms of verbs, determiners, wh-
words and prepositions. The specificity of these lexicons is that they only include
POS-unambiguous wordforms. The advantage of using such lexicons is in avoiding a
computationally (and resource) expensive procedure of POS disambiguation. The
optional part of knowledge includes language-dependent lemmatizers.
2.3 Workflow
The extraction workflow is divided into a basic procedure which outputs a list of
grammatically correct typed lexical units, and optional procedures that can be run on
the output of the basic procedure and do not influence the extraction quality.
The basic extraction procedure consists of the following 3 steps:
Calculation of n-grams (n = 1, 2, 3, 4) from a raw corpus/document.
Selecting the initial set of NP candidates (singular and plural) using a strongly
lexicalized constraint-based grammar as the major filtering mechanism.
Here “middle” means “not first and not last”.
Filtering out partial n-grams, i.e. n-grams which do not occur individually but
only as parts of longer n-grams.
To select the initial set of NP candidates the grammar rules try to match the first, last
and middle word of every n-gram against its position referenced lexicons. In case a
lexical match is found the n-gram is discarded; otherwise it is added to a candidate
Every rule taken separately might let pass some of the ill-formed NP candidates
for which no match in the lexicon was found. This happens because a lot of words
which are POS-ambiguous are simply not included in the application lexicons. How-
ever, successive application of the grammar rules to different words of the same n-
gram compensates for this lack of the lexicon coverage. A “bad” NP that was not
identified by one rule will be identified by another and thus discarded.
The “good” candidates are then checked on functioning isolated in the input text.
This is done using a count-based criterion “Uniqueness” (U) which we define as the
difference between an n-gram frequency and the sum of the frequencies of its (n+1)-
gram extensions. A low U-value shows that the candidate is unlikely to be used indi-
vidually. We experimentally selected the U=0 or U< 0 values as thresholds for filter-
ing out undesired candidates. Extraction can stop at this point if no lemmatization or
scoring are needed like, e.g., in case our extraction procedure is to be included in a
concordance or parser.
The optional procedures include
Lemmatization and count summing
Wordform merge and count summing
Ranking and filtering based on statistical criteria
If cumulative counts are needed to calculate a lexical unit relevancy, e.g., to identify
keywords, these counts can be obtained after lemmatization or wordforms merge, - a
much simpler procedure than lemmatization. Word merge differs from stemming in
that it outputs grammatically correct wordforms rather than truncated strings of char-
acters. A heuristic algorithm automatically merges inflected forms of the same lexical
unit into one (not necessarily a lemma) with cumulative counts. This procedure is
based on character match and is language-independent. In general our extraction
methodology works equally well for high frequency and low frequency units (see
Figure 1).
3 Portability
A universal algorithm realizing deletion rules trigged by cascade matches of the lexi-
cons against n-grams and extremely shallow linguistic knowledge give our methodo-
logy a high portability potential.
The processing algorithm being universal, a generic portability procedure consists
in creating shallow language- and application-dependent linguistic knowledge, which
Acquisition of syntactic configurations for a typed phrase of interest
Acquisition of the stop lexicons
Creation of a lemmatizer (optional).
Fig. 1. Top and bottom fragments of the NP extraction results from an English scientific paper
on mathematical modeling.
Acquisition of syntactic knowledge is reduced to the identification of those part-of
speech classes that are forbidden or not desirable in the first, middle and last positions
in a phrase structure. Acquisition of the stop lexicons is reduced to the acquisition of
wordforms sorted into POS classes and then combining these lists according to the
syntactic configuration of a unit to be extracted. The fist and second tasks are pretty
straightforward and can be fulfilled by the end user. The development of a merge
module and lemmatizer is the responsibility of the developers.
4 Possible Shortcomings
The straightforward shortcoming is due to POS ambiguity, which can cause undesira-
ble noise. To bypass this problem we restricted the content of the stop list lexicons to
unambiguous wordforms only, which of course relaxes filtering. However, our exper-
iments showed that the successive application of different stop lexicons to the same
n-gram compensates for this drawback. Shortcomings can also be expected if the
methodology is applied to a highly inflecting language, such as Russian, where a
typical word has from 9 (for nouns) up to 50 forms (for verbs) [12] and exact n-grams
are much less frequent than in English. This can lead to the U criterion failure in
identifying NP extensions. For example, the Russian NPсредства контроля
колес» («wheel control means») will not be recognized as an extension of the NP
«средствам контроля» («control means») because of the not matching case strings
of «средства» (means_N_nom) and «средствам» (means_N_dat). Both short and
long NPs will in such a case be included in the final output. Since such “leaked” can-
didates are still “good” this shortcoming can be neglected. The shallow filter can also
pass some noun combinations forbidden by the Russian grammar. Evaluation (see
Section 5) showed a small number of this kind of mistakes and they could be either
neglected or filtered out by a human.
5 Testing and Evaluation
For testing and evaluation we have implemented our methodology into a tool, which,
the knowledge changed as described in section 3, can be used for different extraction
tasks in multiple domains and languages. The tool has flexible settings and lets the
user administer both the linguistic knowledge, and scoring parameters through the
interface. We passed the tool with the knowledge tuned to the extraction of English
patent domain key phrases (NPs) to the end-users (researchers, translators and teach-
ers) at ESC SUSU (Educational and Scientific Center of Innovative Language Tech-
nology at South Ural State University, Russia).
Fig. 2. A screenshot of the keyword (NP) extractor interface for the French patent domain,
which is created based on the described methodology and resources. Numbers in square brack-
ets show relevancy scores which are set as a logical combination of statistical parameters such
as n-gram frequency (F), average n-gram frequency (N), the number of most frequent 1-gram
components of an n-gram (T), summed frequency of these components (M), n-gram length (n),
uniqueness (U), etc. In the left bottom corner shown is the knowledge administration interface.
After a half-day training session the users were able to port the tool to English,
French, Spanish and Russian. Figure 2 shows the interface of the tool ported to the
French patent domain with a fragment of extraction results. The tool has been used at
ESC for more than two years. The tasks include mostly the extraction of noun and
verbal phrases from both single documents and open corpora from patent, economy,
mathematical modeling and programming domains. The purposes of the extraction
tasks were collecting resources for bilingual dictionaries, selecting foreign language
teaching material, on-the-fly terminology look-up in the original papers on the Inter-
net (used by translators), and domain specificity analysis for different research.
The evaluation results presented in this paper are based both on developer testing,
and end-users feedback. The quality evaluation method for every language consisted
in comparing the results of the basic extraction procedure (see Section 2) with gold
reference lists from randomly selected patent domain corpora. The test corpora con-
sisted of 20 000 wordforms for each language. The gold lists were built semi-
automatically by calculating n-grams (n = 1, 2, 3, 4) with an off-the-shelf tool and
their subsequent manual cleaning. It was not feasible to account for the uniqueness
factor with gold lists thus constructed. We therefore considered all units, which were
grammatically correct to be relevant results. The gold and result lists were further
automatically compared by means of another tool, which produced difference lists
that, in turn, were analyzed by humans. We used recall and precision measures for
quantitative estimates. Evaluation results for a major extraction tasks, - NPs are given
in Table 1.
Table 1. Evaluation results for the major typed lexical unit - NP, showing the quality of
extraction based on the described methodology.
English French Spanish Russian
Recall 97,5 % 96,3% 96,0% 98,4%
Precision 94,8% 92,5% 91,8% 93,4%
It was not feasible to compare the results and portability potential of our method-
ology to those of other reported works. Few exhaustive evaluations of the extraction
results have been carried out and no evaluation reports on methodologies portability
potential are available.
The end-users who participated in testing reported high satisfaction with the ex-
traction results and the simplicity of knowledge administration/porting. On average
one person/day was spent to acquire linguistic knowledge (as described in section 3)
for a new language. It took even less time to port the tool to a new type of linguistic
unit (e.g., from NP to VP) within one language. It required only a small brush up of
stop lexicons when porting the tool to a new domain within the same language and
unit type. Low frequency units are extracted as reliably as high frequency units.
6 Conclusions
The paper described a hybrid extraction methodology and illustrated its portability poten-
tial across domains, applications and languages.
The key proposals are:
to calculate n-grams from a raw text
to use “deletion rules” rather than POS-pattern “search” rules
to use the knowledge related to the typed unit word order constraints rather than
full-fledged POS patterns
to apply constraint rules through direct lexical (word string) match of an n-gram
component against position-referenced lexicons (avoid tagging and syntactic parsing)
The methodology features intelligent output and computationally attractive properties.
An overall testing and evaluation showed that the methodology stays robust for
English, French, Spanish, as well as for Russian. The basic extraction procedure out-
puts all inflected forms of proper types of lexical units.
Different applications can benefit from the techniques proposed here, ranging
from knowledge acquisition for cognitive modeling to indexing, unilingual and multi-
lingual information retrieval, extraction, summarization, machine translation, lan-
guage learning/teaching and the like.
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