Web Usage Mining for Automatic Link Generation
Olatz Arbelaitz, Ibai Gurrutxaga, Aizea Lojo, Javier Muguerza,
Jes´us M. P´erez and I˜nigo Perona
Dept. of Computer Architecture and Technology, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU,
M. Lardizabal, 1, 20018 Donostia, Spain
Abstract. During the last decades, the information in the web has increased dras-
tically but larger quantities of data do not provide perse added value for web visi-
tors; there is a need for more efficient access to the required information and adap-
tation to user preferences or needs. The use of machine learning techniques to
build user profiles allows to take into account users’ real preferences. We present
in this work a preliminary system, based on the collaborative filtering approach,
to identify and generate interesting links for the users while they are navigating.
The system uses only web navigation logs stored in any web server (according
to the Common Log Format) and extracts information from them combining un-
supervised and supervised classification techniques and frequent pattern mining
techniques. It also includes a generalization procedure in the data preprocess-
ing phase and in this work we analyze its effect on the nal performance of the
whole system. We also analyze the effect of the cold start (0 day problem) in the
proposed system. The experiments show that the proposed generalization option
improves the results of the designed system, which performs efficiently w.r.t. a
web-accessible database and is even able to deal with the cold start problem.
1 Introduction
During the last decades, the information on the web has increased drastically and this
often makes the amount of information intractable for users. As a consequence, the need
for web sites to be useful and efficient for users has become specially important; there
is a need for faster access to the required information and adaptation to user preferences
or needs. That is, Web Personalization becomes essential. Web Personalization [20] can
be defined as the dynamic adaptation of the presentation, the navigation schema and the
contents of the Web, based on the preferences, abilities or requirements of the user.
Nowadays, as Brusilovsky et al. describe in [2], many research projects focus on this
area, mostly in the context of e-Commerce [2] and e-learning [9].
Within this context, the current paper presents the design of a complete and generic
system that can adapt the web pages to new users’ navigation preferences proposing
automatically generated links that they will probably be using in a short future.
Our research is contextualized in Web Usage Mining [17]: the application of ma-
chine learning techniques to the web usage data. This process requires a data acquisi-
tion and preprocessing phase which is not straightforward because it requires different
steps such as fusion of data from multiple log files, cleaning, user identification, session
Arbelaitz O., Gurrutxaga I., Lojo A., Muguerza J., M. Pérez J. and Perona I..
Web Usage Mining for Automatic Link Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004090400710080
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems and 1st
International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2012), pages 71-80
ISBN: 978-989-8565-14-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
identification, path completion processes, etc. Machine learning techniques are mainly
applied in the pattern discovery and analysis phase to find sets of web users with com-
mon web-related characteristics and the corresponding patterns or user profiles. And
finally, the patterns discovered during the previous steps are used in the exploitation
phase to adapt the system and make the navigation more comfortable for new users.
The most widely explored application of web access patterns’ prediction in the web
research community has been web page prefetching [3,1,16]. Common characteristics
of many of the systems are the use of clustering and/or Markov models to predict the
next link to be accessed, but, the URL access order can also be taken into account using
sequence alignment methods [4] for the clustering process or sequential pattern mining
algorithms [22] when generating user profiles.
We built a system based on the collaborative filtering approach that takes as input
the minimum information stored in a web server (web server log files stored in Common
Log Format –CLF [5]) and combines unsupervised and supervised machine learning
techniques and frequent pattern mining techniques to build user profiles and propose
links drawn from those profiles to new users. That is, the profiles are built without
any effort from the user. We specifically analyze in this work how a generalization
process applied to the URLs influences the performance of the system. To evaluate our
system we performed experiments in a web-accessible database composed of server log
information captured in the NASA [18,19], with 30K examples, but the system could
be integrated in any web environment and applied to larger databases.
We developed the described system and performed experiments to try to answer
the following research question: is it possible to automatically generate and propose to
users links that they will be using in the future? Are the machine learning techniques
we use and their combination adequate for our aim? Is it always interesting to work
with generalized URLs or is it worth maintaining the specificity of the URLs in some
stages? And finally, is the designed system able to deal with the cold start problem?
The paper proceeds describing in Section 2 the intuition of the system from the user
point of view. In Section 3 we describe the database we used in the process and Section
4 is devoted to describing the system we designed. The paper continues in Section 5
where we describe some results of the performed experiments. Finally, we summarize
in Section 6 the conclusions and further work.
2 Proposed System: Intuition
We have designed a system able to dynamically proposelinks to the user who is navigat-
ing in the web. The system uses navigation logs to automatically generate user profiles
in a batch process, and use them later to automatically propose links to new users. In
this kind of systems the proposal of a large amount of links to the user would probably
distract her/him and wouldn’t be very helpful. As a consequence, our system proposes
a small amount of useful links so that the user is not confused. This means, in machine
learning terms, that high precision values will be preferable to high recall values.
The evaluation of this kind of systems is complex. We are adapting the presenta-
tion of the web data so that after a new user started navigating, proposals of links that
she/he will likely be using are done. The best validation strategy would be to perform
an user study but that was impossible at this point. As a consequence, we measured the
efficiency of the system as the percentage of the proposed links over the proposed ones.
The system has been evaluated using part of the data (2/3) to build it (training) and
the rest (1/3) for testing it. The results showed that we were able to successfully predict
links. For example in our context where the median of the length of the user navigation
sequences is 8 clicks, once the user started navigating (after he/she has done for example
4 clicks) we propose his/her in average 4 new links. More or less one of them will not
appear in the user navigation sequence, in average 1.5 of them will belong to the set of
clicks already performed by the user, and, the rest 1.5 will be used by the user in the
The system would make the user navigation more efficient since it would be propos-
ing the links that he/she will probably use and he/she could faster and more comfortably
reach his/her objectives.
3 Database
In this work we have used a database from The Internet Traffic Archive [11] concretely
NASA-HTTP (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) database [18,19]. The
data contained in this database belongs to web server logs of user requests. The server
was located at NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida and logs were collected during
two periods of time. The first set of logs was collected from 00:00:00 July 1, 1995
until 23:59:59 July 31, 1995, a total of 31 days. The second log was collected from
00:00:00 August 1, 1995 until 23:59:59 August 31, 1995, a total of other 31 days. The
complete database contains 3,461,612 requests. The contained information is similar to
the standardized text file format, i.e. Common Log Format [5] which is the minimum
information saved on a web server. Therefore, the system proposed in this work will use
the minimal possible amount of information and, as a consequence, it will be applicable
to the information collected in any web server.
4 Proposed System: Description
The work presented in this paper is a Web Usage Mining [21] application and as every
web usage mining process it can be divided into three main steps: data acquisition and
preprocessing [6], pattern discovery and analysis, and, exploitation. The data acquisi-
tion phase has not been part of our work. We have designed the system starting from
the data preprocessing step up to the exploitation phase.
4.1 Data Preprocessing
We preprocessed the log files filtering out erroneous requests, image requests, etc. to
take into account for experimentation only the requests related to user clicks. We per-
formed the user identification based on IP addresses and as an heuristic to identify
sessions within a users’ activity, we fixed the expire time of each session to 30 minutes
of inactivity [14]. Among the obtained sessions, we selected the most relevant ones, i.e.,
the ones with higher level of activity (6 or more clicks). After applying the whole data
pre-processing stages to NASA-HTTP database, the size of the database was reduced
to 346,715 HTML requests and 31,778 sessions composed of at least 6 clicks where a
total of 1,591 different URLs are visited.
We represented the information corresponding to each of the sessions as a sequence
of clicks preformed in different URLs. Other data representation, where other kinds
of characteristics such as navigation times, number of clicks per session, length of the
longest path form the home page, average times per link, etc. of the users are extracted,
could have been used but, in this case, we focus on thenavigationpatterns: on the visited
URLs and the order of these visits.
4.2 Generalization of the Structure
Our aim in this work is to model users based on the identification of general navigation
patterns. In this context, having too specific paths in the used data (it is very probable
that navigation paths of different users, or the same user in different moments, won’t be
exactly the same) will make complicated to draw conclusions from the output of ma-
chine learning algorithms. As an example, NASA database has 1,591 different URLs
and each one is accessed, in average, in 41.3 different sessions out of the 31,778 ap-
pearing in the database (we removed the outliers, the ones out of 90% percentile). This
means that it will be difficult to find similar click sequences in different sessions. For
that reason, we added a generalization procedure to the URL representation whose aim
is to represent them a higher level of abstraction. Depending on the parameters of the
procedure the average amount of different sessions a URL appears is increased up to a
60%, making it easier to find common patterns.
The first approach to the generalization step consists on erasing a fraction of the
URL segments (parts separated by ’/’ appearing in the URL) from the right end of the
path to diminish the URLs specificity. For each one of the visited URLs, we obtained
the length of the generalized URL based on next expression:
max {M inNSegment, (1 α) NSegments} (1)
Where NSegments represents the number of segments appearing in the URL and α
and M inN Se gment are parameters that can vary depending on the structure of the
site. M inNSegment represents the minimum number of segments, starting from the
root, an URL can have after the generalization step, whereas, α represents the fraction
of the URL that will be erased in the generalized version. This generalization process
will allow us to work with a more general structure of the site avoiding the confusion
that too specific zones could generate. A study of the generalized structure of NASA
database, instantiating M inNSegment = 3, showed that the URL structure saturates
with values greater than 0.5 for α, that is, the structure has 367 URLS when α = 0.5
and it is only reduced to 330 when α = 0.9. As a consequence, we used 3 values of α
to evaluate the system: 0 (not generalization), 0.25 and 0.5.
4.3 Pattern Discovery and Analysis
This is the stage in charge of modeling users and producing user profiles taking as input
the user click sequences. In this context unsupervised machine learning techniques have
shown to be adequate to discover user profiles [20].
We used the PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) [15] clustering algorithm in order
to group into the same cluster users that show similar navigation patterns according to
click sequences and a sequence Alignment Method (Edit Distance [10,4]) as a metric
to compare sequences. PAM requires as input an estimate on the maximum number of
clusters to provide as output (k parameter). Since we didn’t have prior knowledge of the
structure of the data, in NASA database, in this preliminary approach we fixed k to 100.
As a consequence, we might be somehow obliging the clustering algorithm to assign
patterns to a cluster even if their distance to the rest of the patterns in the same cluster
is big. We have avoided the noise this could produce by removing in each cluster the
patterns with distance 1 (maximum distance) to every other pattern.
The outcome of the clustering process is a set of groups of user sessions that show
similar behavior. But we intend to model those users or to discover the associated nav-
igation patterns or profiles for each one of the discovered groups, that is, to find the
common click sequences appearing across the sessions in a cluster. In this step we used
SPADE (Sequential PAttern Discovery using Equivalence classes) [22], an efficient al-
gorithm for mining frequent sequences, to extract the most common click sequences
of the cluster. The application of SPADE provides for each cluster, a set of URLs that
are likely to be visited for the sessions belonging to it. The number of the proposed
URLs depends on parameters related to SPADE algorithm such as minimum support
or minimum number of sessions in the cluster containing that URL, and maximum al-
lowed number of sequences per cluster. We performed several experiments, and, finally,
a fixed value for the minimum support, 0.5, showed to be a good option.
Although for the clustering and exploitation stages we experimented with general-
ized and not generalized URLs, if we would use generalized URLs at this stage, the
system wouldn’t be able to propose real URLs to the user, and, as a consequence, the it
would require an extra stage in order to be useful for the final user. Thereby, we applied
the SPADE algorithm using the original URLs appearing in the user click sequence.
The reader could probably easily conclude from the previous paragraphs that the
pattern discovery and analysis phase is a batch process and its outcome will be used in
the exploitation phase in real time. As a consequence, increasing the size of the input
database wouldn’t increase the cost of the process in the exploitation phase.
4.4 Exploitation
This is the part that needs to be done in real time. Up to now, we have identified groups
of users with similar navigation patterns and the URLs that are most likely to be vis-
ited, or most common paths, for each of the groups. At this point we need to use that
information to automatically propose links to new users navigating in the web. As a first
approach, we propose the use of k-NN (1-NN) [7] learning approach to calculate the
distance (average linkage distance based on Edit distance [10]) of the click sequence
of the new users to the clusters generated in the previous phase. This distance can be
calculated at any stage of the navigation process, that is, from the first click of the new
user to more advanced navigation points. Our hypothesis is that the navigation pattern
of that user will be similar to the user profile of its nearest cluster. As a consequence the
system will propose to the new user the outcome of SPADE, the set of links that models
the users in that cluster.
5 Experiments: Results and Analysis
In order to evaluate the performance of the whole process, we applied the Hold-out
method dividing the NASA database into two parts. One for training or generating the
model, that is, for generating the clusters and extracting profiles. And another one for
testing or using it in exploitation, that is, for evaluating to what extent the links gener-
ated by the system would come along with the navigation performed in those sessions.
To simulate a real situation we based the division of the database on temporal criteria:
we used the oldest examples (66% of the database, 21,185 user sessions) for training
and the latest ones (33%, 10,595 user sessions), for testing. In the training database, the
total number of requests is 235,155 (1,419 different URLs accessed) and the median of
the number of clicks per session 8. The test database seems to have similar characteris-
tics. Although it is smaller, the total number of requests is 111,605, the median of the
number of clicks per session is still 8.
We applied to the training data the combination of PAM with different values for α
generalization parameter so that the sessions with similar navigation characteristics are
clustered into the same group. Then we generated with SPADE the navigation profile
of each group of users or set of links that they will probably use. These profiles will
be compared to the click sequence of the users in the test examples to evaluate the
performance of the system.
To validate the system, we used the test examples as described in the exploitation
phase and then we compared the automatically generated links with the real click se-
quences of the users. We performed this comparison taking into account the 0-day prob-
lem. That is, although in the used database we have the complete navigation sequence
of the test sessions, in real executions, when a user starts navigating, only her first few
clicks will be available to be used for deciding the corresponding profile and proposing
new links according to it. We have simulated the real situation using 10% (just one click
out of 8), 25% and 50% of the user navigation sequence in the test examples to select
the nearest cluster or profile. We also performed the experiments for the complete test
sequences (100%) as an upper bound.
We computed statistics based on results for each one of the new users. We compared
the number of proposed links that are really used in the test examples (hits) and the
number of proposals that are not used (misses) and calculated precision (precision).
Note that this could be seen as a lower bound because, although not appearing in the
user navigation sequence, the proposed links could be useful for her/him. Unluckily
their usefulness could only be evaluated in a experiment using the user feedback.
An ideal system would maintain precision and recall as high as possible. But we
focus on precision because, as we mentioned before, in this kind of systems, proposing
a large amount of links would distract the user and proposing a small amount of links,
we can not expect to guess the whole navigation path of new users.
We calculated the precision (Pr) taking into account only the clicks in the test se-
quence that have not been used to select the nearest profile; that is, taking into account
the remaining 90%, 75% or 50%. Moreover, we calculated an upper bound for the pre-
cision (PrUp) taking into account the whole test sequence.
As a summary, we evaluated the system’s performance for the next configurations:
PAM clustering algorithm applied to click sequences with different generalization
options for the URLs: 0 (CL000), 0.25 (CL025), 0.5 (CL050).
1-NN with different generalizationoptions for theURLs: 0 (NN000),0.25 (NN025),
0.5 (NN050).
Prediction at different stages of the navigation: 10%, 25% and 50% and 100% (as
an upper bound).
Real precision (Pr) and upper bound for precision (PrUp).
Table 1 and Figure 1 summarize the mentioned results. In Table 1 precision values
are shown for the different percentages of the test sequences we used to identify the
profile of the new user (columns) and the different configurations we evaluated (rows).
In Figure 1 we can observe the trends of the precision (Pr and PrUp) for the different
configurationswe evaluated,while the percentages of the test sequences used to identify
the profile of the new user increase (X Axe).
Table 1. Summary of precision values.
Option 10% 25% 50% 100%
CL000-NN000-Pr 39.7 42.0 35.1
40.0 42.2 35.4
39.3 42.4 35.6
47.2 46.7 39.1
56.2 51.7 43.8
CL000-NN000-PrUp 52.9 63.0 69.6 73.5
53.4 64.3 70.0 73.8
52.9 64.4 70.1 73.7
60.9 68.5 72.3 73.5
69.5 72.2 75.5 76.1
The first conclusion we can draw form the results is that even if the values of the
measured parameters vary depending on the selected option, all configurations are able
to predict a certain percentage of the links a new user will be visiting. That is, we de-
signed a general system that, without any effort from the users, is able to automatically
generate link proposals that will be helpful to make more comfortable and efficient
the navigation of new users in the web. And as a consequence, we can claim that the
machine learning techniques we use and their combination seem to be adequate.
Furthermore, from the comparison of the achieved values we can conclude that,
as expected, independently of the approach used to calculate precision, generalization
helps in the first step of the process and moreover the generated user profiles seem to be
Fig.1. Precision values achieved with different configurations of the system.
more adequate for bigger values of α parameter (0.5). Furthermore, although its effect
is smaller, the use of generalization also seems to be important in exploitation, when
the most similar profile to a new user is being selected. It is again the α = 0.5 option the
one obtaining the best results. Independently of the percentages of the user navigation
known in exploitation (10%, 25%, 50% or 100%) the best precision values are the ones
obtained for CL050-NN050-Pr and CL050-NN050-PrUp.
Those are the options obtaining the highest precision values and their average dif-
ference with the rest of the options was in a range of about 12%. We calculated recall
values for the different options and the differences were smaller than for precision; the
difference of the values obtained for CL050-NN050-Pr and CL050-NN050-PrUp were
only around 5.3% smaller if compared to the best recall value obtained.
It can also be observed that precision values for Pr option are more than half of the
precision values achieved for PrUp option. From this data we can conclude that more
than half of the hits belong to URLs our system has proposed and come along with the
clicks the user will be doing in the future.
If we center the analysis in the 0-day problem, we realize that as it could be ex-
pected, the trends of the curves change for the Pr and PrUp. In the case of PrUp the
quality of results logically increases when longer has the user been navigating. In both
cases the values are still acceptable at very early stages of the navigation. When just
10% (one click in average) of the user navigation sequence is known, good precision
values (Pr = 56.2 and PrUp = 69,5) are obtained. That is, the system is able to deal with
the 0-day problem. However, in the case of Pr the quality of results decreases when
longer has the user been navigating. This could also be expected because when longer
this sequence is, the amount of URLs the user did not select yet becomes smaller.
6 Conclusions and Further Work
We designed a system that, without disturbing the users, based just on server log infor-
mation and machine learning techniques, identifies different groups of users, builds the
corresponding profiles, and automatically generates useful link proposals for new users
so that their navigation becomes more efficient. This work has been done for NASA-
HTTP database [18,19], but could be extended to any other environment since it has
been built using the minimum information stored in any web server (in Common Log
Format). We preprocessed the data to identify users and sessions on the one hand, and
prepared it so that it could be used with machine learning algorithms. We then proposed
a generalization step and applied PAM clustering algorithm to the training data to dis-
cover groups of users with similar interests or navigation patterns. Once the groups of
users were identified, we used SPADE algorithm to discover the profiles associated to
each of the clusters, or, the links that will be proposed to new users. We evaluated dif-
ferent configurationsof the system and how it deals with the 0-day problem. To perform
this evaluation, we used a Hold-out strategy: we divided the database into two parts one
for training and the other one for testing.
We evaluated to what extent the system is able to predict the links a new user will be
using. The validation results showed that the discovered patterns made sense and that
they could be used to ease the navigation of future users by proposing or underlying
links that they will probably use. This happens even if the prediction is made at very
early stages of their navigation (10%). Results showed that the proposed generalization
is appropriate for both, the clustering stage and finding the nearest profile of a new user
during the exploitation phase. Moreover, greater levels of generalization seem to work
better (the best results are achieved with CL050-NN050).
So, we could conclude that, using adequate machine learning techniques, we have
been able to design a generic system that based only on web server log information
and without any effort from the users, is able to propose adaptations to make easier
and more efficient the navigation of new users. Since at this point we haven’t used any
domain specific information, this system would be useful for any web site collecting
server log information.
This is an ongoing work that needs to be improved in many senses. First, it should
be applied to more recent data. Regarding to the evaluation, on the one hand, cross-
validation should be used to assess precision more accurately, and, on the other hand,
ideally an user study should be performed in a real web environment where links can be
proposed to new users and the effect of those links in their navigation can be assessed.
Moreover, regarding to the system architecture, on the one hand, a wider analysis of the
parameters is required, and, on the other hand,the stage of the selection of the nearest
profile for a new user needs more refinement. Finally, further improvements could be
done using web structure information and content information of the selected web page
for improving the results of the system.
This work was funded by the University of the Basque Country, general funding for
research groups, ALDAPA (GIU10/02); by the Science and Education Department of
the Spanish Government, ModelAccess (TIN2010-15549 project); by the Diputaci´on
Foral de Gipuzkoa, Zer4You (DG10/5); and by the Basque Government’s SAIOTEK
program, Datacc (S-PE11UN097).
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