Topological Functioning Model and Services Identification
An Approach for Services Identification from a Topological Functioning Model
Gundars Alksnis, Erika Asnina and Uldis Sukovskis
Department of Applied Computer Science, Institute of Applied Computer Systems,
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Meza iela 1 k-3, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia
Service Oriented Architecture, Topological Functioning Model, Services Identification.
To support the initial elicitation of software services, IT industry organizations have proposed various Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) specifications and frameworks. However most of them do not assume specific
approach of SOA construction and what the service model should consist of. There are also approaches that
suggest various practices for services identification, but the issue of proper services modeling still remains
open. In this paper we propose an approach for services identification from a Topological Functioning Model,
therefore enabling another viewpoint which fosters the quality of identified services.
It is assumed that Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) analysis and modeling approaches mostly
should focus on the business alignment with IT and
the integration of existing assets than the development
of SOA systems from the very beginning. Therefore
the main focus is rather on the application assembly
from available “bricks” with externalized interfaces
(i.e., services), than the implementation of the service
internals (which are just software assets implemented
in particular technology platform, e.g. Java or .NET).
To support the initial elicitation and specifica-
tion of software services, IT industry organizations
have proposed various SOA specifications and frame-
works (Kreger and Estefan, 2009), for example:
The Open Group’s SOA Reference Architecture,
Ontology, Governance, etc.
OASIS’s SOA Reference Architecture, Reference
Model, etc.
OMG’s SoaML, BPMN, etc.
However mostly these specifications talk about the
definition of vocabulary and some common concep-
tual framework that can be applied to all SOA imple-
mentations – they do not assume or force specific pro-
cess/method/approach of SOA construction and what
the services model should consist of. Therefore the is-
sue of proper selection/combination of services mod-
eling approaches remain open.
The main scope of our research is to contribute to
the services identification and modeling approaches
in order to improve their quality.
In this paper we propose an approach in which
the candidate services are obtained from Topologi-
cal Functioning Model (TFM) of system’s function-
ing. Our approach fosters the quality of identified (or
candidate) services, because takes into account infor-
mation obtained from the TFM. Our approach does
not disregard other service identification approaches
but rather can be used to complement them.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we review the main aspects for services identification
and the Object Management Group’s SoaML standard
which is used in our approach. Section 3 reviews the
basics of TFM and demonstrates it with the example
case study.
Section 4 gives the main statement and discusses
the propositions for candidate service identification
from TFM. Finally in Sections 5 and 6 we review the
related works and give conclusions.
In SOA, the services constitute the main units of func-
tionality for the integration of various legacy applica-
tions and information sources by using a shared and
standards-based communication. According to the
Alksnis G., Asnina E. and Sukovskis U..
Topological Functioning Model and Services Identification - An Approach for Services Identification from a Topological Functioning Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004090702410248
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (MDA&MDSD-2012), pages 241-248
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
best SOA practices, a service must exhibit particu-
lar architectural principles and patterns such as mod-
ularity, encapsulation, high cohesion, loose coupling,
separation of concerns, reusability, composability and
should have stand-alone implementation. These prin-
ciples and patterns are required in order to support the
following SOA goals:
To enable the integration of the services across
and within organizations.
To be independent from the implementation tech-
nology and communication transport.
To enable offering by service providers and used
by service consumers.
To have support for intermediaries (e.g., Enter-
prise Service Bus) which provide various support-
ing services like services discovery, dynamic se-
lection, monitoring, QoS levels, etc.
In order to support the achievement of these goals
it is a common practice to perform system’s business
modeling in order to obtain various viewpoint mod-
els, formalized processes and other documents which
thereafter are used as an input for service identifica-
tion approaches. Services identification is the pro-
cess in which candidate services are identified, cata-
logued and specified so that they are aligned and sup-
port business. Afterwards services specifications are
used as a basis for business process composition, in-
tegration and implementation.
According to the IBM Rational SOMA Prac-
tices (Arsanjani, 2008) there are three main service
identification approaches that can be used:
Top-down or Domain Decomposition the re-
finement of business processes and business use
cases. These approaches focus on the details re-
garding the tasks and roles that are involved in the
realization of the business processes.
Bottom-up or Existing Asset Analysis such ex-
isting assets as systems, legacy applications mod-
els and components are examined for a candidate
Middle-out or Goal-service Modeling focuses
on the allocation of candidate services such as to
fulfill and serve particular business goals. This ap-
proach looks both at the business processes from
the business domain, and at the existing services
and IT assets.
Usually the use of combination of those ap-
proaches is essential for the proper determination of
candidate services. Thus the weaknesses of each ap-
proach can be mitigated and the overall quality of
identified services can be increased.
Even though there are proliferation of various no-
tations for service modeling and specification, we
believe that only the movement to standardization
will substantially influence SOA adoption across and
within organizations, especially in today’s globaliza-
tion. We can draw analogy with the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) – because of the common notation,
nowadays modeling adoption and tool support is in-
tegral. We also support this and to demonstrate our
approach we will use standardized notation – SoaML.
SoaML (SOA Modeling Language) (SoaML,
2012) is OMG’s specification to provide a standard
ways to architect and model SOA solutions using the
UML profile.
SoaML supports modeling of both business and
IT perspectives, that collaboratively support the orga-
nization’s mission. This is achieved by creating the
services architectures therefore “separating the con-
cerns of what needs to get done from how it gets done,
where it gets done or who or what does it. (SoaML,
2012, p. 7)
“SoaML can leverage Model Driven Architecture
(MDA) to help map business and systems architec-
tures, the design of the enterprise, to the technologies
that support business automation, like web services
and CORBA.” (SoaML, 2012, p. 7)
Our approach will use the SoaML vocabulary,
therefore we will summarize the main notation used.
In order to understand the main principles of
SoaML the following terminology needs to be re-
viewed (SoaML, 2012, p. 8):
Participant represents specific entity (people, or-
ganizations, information systems, etc.) that pro-
vides and/or consumes services via explicit inter-
action points called ports.
Capability the feature that participant provides
and what is exploited to provide a service, or
something that an organization needs that can be
used to identify candidate services.
Service specification in SoaML can be take one of
the following forms (SoaML, 2012, p. 8):
Simple Interface are used to model simple ser-
vices which need not to know anything about the
service consumers.
ServiceInterface based are used to model ser-
vices which impose specific requirements regard-
ing the service consumers, e.g. to model callbacks
of asynchronous service calls.
ServiceContract based are used to model ser-
vices collaboration which usually involves more
than two participants that play in specific se-
quence (contract) in order to achieve the goal or
add value.
SoaML ServicesArchitecture is UML collabora-
tion diagram that “[..] puts a set of services in context
and shows how participants work together to support
the goals [..]” (SoaML, 2012, p. 15)
ServiceContract is UML collaboration diagram
that “[..] defines the terms, conditions, interfaces and
choreography that interacting participants must agree
to (directly or indirectly) for the service to be en-
acted.” (SoaML, 2012, p. 18)
”ServiceArchitectures and ServiceContracts pro-
vide a formal way of identifying the roles played by
parties or Participants, their responsibilities, and how
they are intended to interact in order to meet some
objective using services.” (SoaML, 2012, p. 29)
However in some cases Participants may not yet
be known, but it is important to be able to specify
the behavior of a service or capability that will realize
a ServiceInterface. In these situations it is useful to
express a ServicesArchitecture in terms of the logical
Capabilities of the services.
“SoaML Capabilities represent an abstraction of
the ability to affect change. [..] [They] identify or
specify a cohesive set of functions or resources that
a service provided by one or more Participants might
offer. [..] [N]etworks of capabilities are used to iden-
tify needed services, and to organize them into cata-
logues in order to communicate the needs and capa-
bilities of a service area, whether that be business or
technology focused, prior to allocating those services
to particular Participants.” (SoaML, 2012, p. 29)
Having reviewed the main SoaML aspects, we
will continue by reviewing the Topological Function-
ing Model which will be used in our approach as a
source and will show how mentioned SoaML aspects
can be supported.
In this section we give the review of Topological
Functioning Model (TFM) (Osis and Asnina (2),
2011) and then continue with the demonstration of
TFM construction (Asnina and Osis, 2011) by using
example case study.
3.1 The Basics of Topological
Funtioning Model
Theoretical foundations for TFM (also called a topo-
logical model of system functioning) was initially de-
veloped in 1969 by J. Osis. Since then it has found nu-
merous applications and extensions for various prob-
lem domains. But since the introduction of OMG’s
Model Driven Architecture, TFM also has been suc-
cessfully applied in the context of MDA, see, for ex-
ample (Osis, Asnina and Grave, 2008), (Osis, Asnina
and Grave, 2007) and (Osis, Donins, 2010).
In general, TFM allows to represent the formal
functionality of a complex system (organization) in
a form of topological space which consists of finite
set of functional features (system’s properties) and a
topology between them to indicate the existence of
cause-and-effect relations.
The main advantages that TFM provides is the
possibility of analysis of both topological (connect-
edness, closure, neighborhood, continuous mapping)
and functional (cause-and-effect relational, cyclic
structure, inputs, outputs) properties of the system be-
ing modeled.
In the context to the MDA, TFM is mainly used
to represent the computationally independent (CIM)
viewpoint of the system, i.e. it depicts the business
domain model (Asnina and Osis, 2011).
In order to construct TFM, first functional features
must be obtained ”through the acquisition of the ex-
perts knowledge about the complex system, verbal de-
scription, and other documents concerning the struc-
ture and functioning (in documental, analytical, sta-
tistical, etc. form)” (Asnina and Osis, 2011, p. 46).
Functional features can be represented in the form of
a tuple (1).
< Id, A, R, O, PreCond, PostCond, Pr, Ex, S > (1)
Id an identifier (e.g., an integer) that used to
identify topological node.
A an object’s action (description of functional
R – the result of object’s action.
O an object which gets the result of the action
and/or object which participates in an action.
PreCond the precondition(s) (if any) which must
be satisfied for an action A to be executed.
PostCont the postcondition(s) (if any) which
must be satisfied after an action A has completed.
Pr an actor(s) that provides or suggests an ac-
Ex – an actor(s) that enacts a concrete action.
S denotes whether the functional feature is inner
or external to the system being modeled.
For more elaborated explanation TFM’s back-
ground and approach in general, we refer to (Osis and
Asnina (1), 2011), (Asnina and Osis, 2011) and (Osis
and Asnina, 2008).
3.2 TFM with Example Case Study
Let us now introduce the example case study for
which we demonstrate TFM construction and later
perform services analysis. We will start with the in-
formal problem domain description.
Consider the fictional company “MuSt” which op-
erates online business by providing licensed audio
content to consumers by using the Web. The infor-
mal description of this company follows (objects and
actors are marked in italic, verbs are marked in bold).
”In order to provide licensed audio content to
the consumers “MuSt” has signed agreements
with various music publishers. “MuSt” also
has agreements with online payment provider
and shipping companies. In order to advertise
company’s services it has various advertise-
ment agreements with music related Web por-
tals. In order for a consumer to buy a single,
an album or a set of singles, (s)he must regis-
ter. (S)he does it by filling out and submit-
ting online registration form via the “MuSt”
Web site application, which contains such in-
formation items as account name and pass-
word, personal information/address, various
interests related to music genres, and also pay-
ment related account information. Registra-
tion form data is validated against fraudulent
actions, and confirmation e-mail is sent to the
consumer. From this point on the consumer
can log on on the “MuSt” Web site by using
his/her account, browse for an audio content
and place an order for both electronic only
and/or Compact Disc (CD) versions of an au-
dio content. If electronic only version is or-
dered, a payment request is sent to the online
payment provider and if successful acknowl-
edgment is received, the consumer is notified
and is able to download MP3 type file(s) of
the purchased audio content. If (also) a CD
version is purchased, then if it is not avail-
able in the stock, it is ordered from the pub-
lisher. Then a new shipment order is created
with the shipping company which ships the
ordered CD to the consumer’s address. Upon
successful or unsuccessful shipment, the ship-
ping company notifies “MuSt” and therefore
the purchase is closed. Required hardware is
located on the ISP’s data center premises to
whom monthly payments are paid. Monthly
payments also go to the shipping company, the
online payment provider and the advertisers.
By analyzing the verbs and associated nouns of
this description, we have obtained the list of func-
tional features (see Table 1).The analysis of the verbs
are required, because as stated in (Osis and Asnina
(2), 2011, p. 20):
[..] functional feature is a characteristic of the
system (in its general sense) that is designed
and necessary to achieve some system’s goal.
Functional features must be defined in accor-
dance with the verbs (actions) defined in the
description of the system.
By analyzing the cause-and-effect relations be-
tween the obtained functional features, we have con-
structed corresponding TFM (see Fig. 1).Again, these
relations were obtained in accordance with (Osis and
Asnina (2), 2011, p. 21):
[..] a cause-and-effect relation between two
functional features of the system exists if the
appearance of one feature is caused by the ap-
pearance of the other feature without partici-
pation of any third (intermediary) feature.
Currently the identification of such cause-and-
effect relations is rather intuitive task the proper
identification relies upon the analyst’s understanding
of the nature of such relations.
It is important to note that the causal implication
is characterized by the nature or business rules not
by logic rules and that cause-and-effect relations also
have a time dimension, since a cause chronologically
precedes and generates an effect. For more detailed
explanation we refer to (Osis and Asnina (2), 2011).
According to the TFM requirements, each TFM
model must have one main functional cycle which
represents the sequence of crucial functional features.
It is assumed that functional feature is crucial if the
failure of it will lead to the whole system’s inabil-
ity to function. Usually they represent functional fea-
tures from the main line of business. In our case, the
main functional cycle consists of the functional fea-
ture sequence “9-10-11-18-20-9, i.e. audio content
provisioning and order processing (in the figure it is
marked with the bold cause-and-effect relations).
There also can be present other functional cycles
which usually extends the main functional cycle by
including connected subsequences of functional fea-
tures. However the malfunction within such subse-
quence must not interrupt the whole systems’ func-
tionality. For example, the subsequence “..-11-13-19-
18-.. represents the CD delivery.
In this section we review various sources for services
identification with the specific emphasis in this pro-
Table 1: “MuSt” business domain functional features.
Id Functional Feature (A) Precondition (PreCond) Actor (Ex) S
1 Signing an agreement with a publisher Owner I
2 Signing an agreement with an online
payment provider
Owner I
3 Signing an agreement with a shipping
Owner I
4 Signing an agreement with an
Owner I
5 Registering a new consumer Not yet registered Consumer E
6 Validating a registration form Employee I
7 Log in to a web site Consumer E
8 Browsing an audio content Logged in Consumer E
9 Placing an audio content order Logged in Consumer E
10 Opening an order Employee I
11 Notifying a consumer Payment acknowledged Employee I
12 Downloading an audio content Consumer E
13 Checking availability of a CD CD version purchased Employee I
14 Ordering CD to a publisher Purchased CD is not in the stock Employee I
15 Receiving CD from a publisher Employee I
16 Shipping CD to a customer address CD is in the stock Shipping Company E
17 Notifying about a shipment Shipping Company E
18 Closing an order Employee I
19 Placing CD shipment order Employee I
20 Provisioning an audio content Agreement with publisher is signed Web Application I
21 Performing a payment Payment Provider E
22 Acknowledging a payment Payment Provider E
2 6
16 17
14 15
Figure 1: “MuSt” business domain Topological Functioning Model. White nodes represent inner functional features, while
the gray nodes represent system’s inputs or outputs. Bold arrows links the main functional cycle of the system.
cess on the role of business goals.
In order to identify (candidate) services, we can
use any available domain analysis method to obtain
various business domain information from such arti-
facts as:
Business process model;
Business goals;
Information (data) model;
Existing non-SOA systems and applications; and
Therefore we propose that among such artifacts
also can be used TFM. In the remainder of the section
we argue regarding the following statement:
Statement 1. It is possible to use the problem do-
main’s TFM to identify SoaML Capabilities and/or
Participants for ServicesArchitectures and Services-
But before that we want to review what role in
the service identification plays the system’s business
4.1 The Role of Business Goals
According to the goal-service approach (Ang, 2008),
before the elicitation of services, it is important to
state what business goals the system (organization)
must achieve. Namely, all eventual services should
directly support at least one stated business goal in
order for them to be business aligned.
In order to show that our approach also follows
this principle, we must state some business goals. Let
assume that for our example case study the following
business goal and subgoals have been stated:
1. Increase Revenue by 10% each quarter
(a) Increase the active consumer base by 3% each
(b) Increase the amount of provisioned content
i. Seek for agreement with additional publishers
ii. Question the consumers about missing content
As we later show, most of the identified candidate
services will directly support specific business goal or
4.2 Services Identification from
Topological Functioning Model
In this subsection we give two propositions and de-
tailed explanations regarding candidate services iden-
tification from Topological Functioning Model.
Proposition 1. Topological Functioning Model’s in-
ner functional feature can be transformed to SoaML
Capability or Participant classifiers’ operation.
This statement is true because functional feature,
SoaML Capability and Participant all have an ability
to affect cause.
To make the Proposition 1 clear, we must remind
that the inner functional features (shown as white
nodes in the Fig. 1) are the properties that are not
inputs or outputs of the system, whereas the inputs
and the outputs (shown as gray nodes) identify what
functionality from and to the external environment the
system receives or generates, respectively.
By referring to the example case study, we have
elicited the following SoaML Capabilities:
Purchasing capability which deals with con-
sumer activities regarding purchase of audio con-
tent (with the operations as functional features
No. 9, 10, 11 and 18).
Provisioning capability which deals with the
presentation of available licensed audio content,
both with online and CD versions and the latter
ordering from the publisher (with the operations
as functional features No. 6, 7, 8 and 20).
StockManagement capability to deal with CD
stock management and ordering from publishers
(with the operations as functional features No. 13,
14, 15 and 19).
SiteManagement for the Web site application
support (with the operations as functional features
No. 6 and 7)
This list of capabilities were obtained by analyz-
ing functional features and grouping them under one
coherent name.
If there are already exists Capabilities that, for ex-
ample, were obtained from other business domain ar-
tifacts, then it might be the case that the existing Ca-
pabilities are just amended with the new operations
from the functional features.
Proposition 2. Topological Functioning Model’s in-
put or output functional feature can be transformed
to SoaML Capability or Participant classifiers’ oper-
ation if it directly supports at least one business goal.
This proposition covers the aspects of the problem
domain which are related to system’s environment or
can lead to the need for an access of external services.
The following Capabilities can be selected from
the example case study:
OnlinePaymentProvisioning for interaction with
the online payment provider (with the operations
as functional features No. 2, 21 and 22).
Shipping – for interaction with the shipping com-
pany for the CD delivery (with the operations as
functional features No. 3, 16 and 17).
Publishing for interaction with the publishers for
obtaining licenses for both the online (MP3) and
the CD versions of singles and albums (with the
operations as functional features No. 1, 12 and 4).
Table 2: The goal-service model for the “MuSt” example
case study.
Business Goal KPI Candidate
1. Increase Revenue 10%
1 a. Increase the ac-
tive consumer base
1 b. Increase the
amount of provi-
sioned content
- Provisioning
1 b i. Seek for agree-
ment with additional
- Publishing
SiteManagement for the Web site application
support (with the operation as functional feature
No. 5)
To support this selection, we matched them with
the appropriate business goals (see Table 2). As we
can see, each candidate service (SoaML Capability)
has direct relation to the business goal. Thus we
can assure that eventual services also will be business
aligned. However, there can also be business goals for
which there are no corresponding Capability. Such
business goals then will be out of the SOA implemen-
tation domain.
The next logical step is to specify all obtained Ca-
pabilities by specifying then in SoaML ServiceCon-
tracts, ServicesArchitectures, Participants and Ser-
For our example case study we could identify
such Participants as OnlinePaymentProvider, Shipper,
Consumer, Provisioner and Publisher. There could be
one ServiceContract based specification in which Pro-
visioner, Consumer and Shipper are involved. There
also could be two ServiceInterface based specifica-
tions. The first in which Provisioner and Publisher
and the second in which Provisioner and OnlinePay-
mentProvider are involved.
We do not give the process of their acquirement
in this paper because basically it is the same as, for
example, described in (Arsanjani, 2008) or (Amsden,
2012). We just show the possible ServicesArchitec-
ture which can be obtained from these ServiceCon-
tract specifications (Fig. 2).
Depending on the tool availability, such specifi-
cation process can be performed in the model driven
way thus contributing to the automated SOA imple-
Since the coining of the term SOA in 1996 by Gart-
ner Research and refreshing it in 2003 (Natis, 2003),
many approaches to service identification and design
were proposed. However mostly all of them follow
either bottom-up or top-down or both approaches.
As were mentioned, top-down approaches assume
the refinement from business processes and use cases,
whereas bottom-up approaches seek a ways to adapt
existing IT assets for the service oriented communi-
cation. It is important to note, that the combination of
both ways are important to use in order to successful
determine proper services architecture.
IBM was among those who first announced SOA
related methodology Service-Oriented Modeling
and Architecture (SOMA) (Arsanjani, 2008) and con-
tinues to extend it by incorporating newest trends,
adopting to the emerging standards like OMG’s
SoaML and providing tool support for them.
There are also other attempts to standardize SOA
service specification notations. For example, Uni-
fied Service Description Language (USDL) (USDL,
2011). However we see that SoaML mainly aims to
standardize analysis and modeling aspects, whereas
USDL has different goals, namely to cover the specifi-
cation not only of IT and business but also to serve for
a reference and exchange purposes of implemented
Our approach can be integrated with IBM’s
SOMA top-down approach by using TFM as an addi-
tional source for candidate services identification. In
fact our approach can be adapted to any top-down ap-
proach of services identification and modeling. How-
ever because we assume the usage of SoaML, it is the
best suited especially for approaches which support
standardized model driven frameworks.
In this paper we have proposed an approach to the ser-
vices identification from TFM in order to elicit busi-
ness aligned candidate services (Capabilities in terms
of SoaML) so that they fulfill the typical properties of
the services. Our approach can be integrated and used
in conjunction with other top-down services identifi-
cation approaches, however it is the best suited with
approaches which incorporate the SoaML standard.
The future plans are regarding more propositions
in order to provide transformation rules from TFM
to SoaML classifiers. Also we want to investigate
how TFM functional feature’s cause-and-effect re-
lations and properties can be used to support auto-
«Service» delivery: DeliveryService
shipper: Shipper
consumer: Consumer
«ServicesArchitecture» Solution Architecture
«Service» delivery: DeliveryService
provisioner: Provisioner
: ProvisionContract
: ShippingContract
: DeliveryContract
publisher: Publisher
«Service» service:Publishing
«Service» service:Publishing
«Service» service: OnlinePayments
- client
- orderer
«Service» shipping: Shipping
- client
- shipping
- provisioning
onlinePaymentProvider: OnlinePaymentProvider
«Service» service: OnlinePayments
- shipping
Figure 2: SoaML services solution architecture for “MuSt” example case study.
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