Integration of Web Accessibility into Agile Methods
Sergio Luján-Mora and Firas Masri
Department of Software and Computing Systems, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Accessibility, Web, Agile, Evaluation, Testing.
Abstract: In a short period of time, the World Wide Web has had a huge impact on our society and lives. In web sites
and web applications, accessibility and usability are essential key requirements. Unfortunately, most web
sites are inaccessible to many disabled people and fail to satisfy the most basic standards for accessibility.
Many of the barriers people with disabilities face on the Web are completely avoidable and the disadvantage
associated with disability can be entirely overcome. To support the accessibility of web sites, different
accessibility guidelines and standards have been introduced for the last ten years. Nevertheless, a web site
can meet accessibility standards, but it can still difficult for people with disabilities to use it. Moreover, web
accessibility has been often an afterthought in the development process of web sites. In many cases, web
developers provide an adaptation or a fix to the interface of a web site after it has been released to the
public. In this paper, we argue that the adoption of agile software development methods can help to improve
the accessibility of web projects. Besides, the integration of accessibility into agile methods is proposed.
The Web has become an essential part of our society
and lives. We are continually embracing the Web to
better facilitate our business, jobs, and social lives.
According to the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C), “The Web is fundamentally designed to
work for all people, whatever their hardware,
software, language, culture, location, or physical or
mental ability. When the Web meets this goal, it is
accessible to people with a diverse range of hearing,
movement, sight, and cognitive ability” (W3C,
2012). This principle is paramount, because it
implies the impact of disability is radically changed
on the Web because the Web breaks down
accessibility barriers to communication and
interaction that many people face in the physical
world. However, providing equal access to people
with different disabilities (visual, hearing, cognitive,
mental, and physical impairments) represents a huge
challenge for web designers and developers.
Traditionally, web accessibility for people with
disabilities has been an afterthought. In many cases,
web developers provide an adaptation or a fix (an
“add-on”) to the interface of a web site after it has
been released to the public. The basis of this strategy
often is built on the perception that a small
population of people with disabilities actually use
the Web. However, approximately 15% of the
world’s population has a disability that could impact
their web surfing experience (WHO, 2011).
Moreover, the prevalence of disability is growing
due to population ageing and the global increase in
chronic diseases.
Many web projects fail to take accessibility into
account. It is very common that many web projects
start out with the commitment to achieve some level
of web accessibility. However, following the schema
of traditional software development methods, such
as the waterfall model (Royce, 1970), accessibility,
in the form of accessibility testing, is postponed to
once the web site is built. But at the end of the
project, time starts to decrease rapidly and resources
starts to be assigned to other priorities.
Unfortunately, at the end of the project, accessibility
is dropped or postponed for a later version of the
web site.
In this position paper, we argue that traditional
software development methods are not suitable for
the achievement of web accessibility and we
advocate that the use of agile methods could
improve the accessibility of web projects. In the next
section, we briefly review how accessibility is
tackled in current web projects and we highlight the
most important drawbacks. Then, a brief summary
of the state of the art in web accessibility evaluation
is presented. After this, we present the Agile
Manifesto that promotes a new way of software
Luján-Mora S. and Masri F..
Integration of Web Accessibility into Agile Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0004095001230127
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 123-127
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
development. This presentation is followed by our
approach which involves adapting the web
accessibility requirement to the Agile Manifesto. In
this section, the integration of accessibility into agile
methods is proposed. Then, we conclude this paper
with discussion of future directions for our work.
The waterfall model (Royce, 1970), the traditional
software development method for the last 30 years,
has been proven to be not suitable for non-trivial
projects. The waterfall development model comes
from the manufacturing and construction industries
(highly structured physical environments) in which
processes are formed by sequential phases clearly
defined. One should move from one phase to the
following phase in a linear fashion only when the
phase is completed and perfected.
One of the main problems of the waterfall model
is that all possible features of the final product must
be planned out in detail prior to the implementation.
This planning results in huge amounts of
documentation. Moreover, moving back to a
previous phase is very expensive. The implication of
this is that it is very difficult to respond to changes
once the project has started.
Regarding the web development, in the waterfall
model, accessibility issues that are detected at the
end of the project are very difficult to repair.
The W3C, the main international standards
organization for the World Wide Web, is engaged in
promoting the creation of accessible web sites. The
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is a special
working group established by the W3C in April
The W3C develops web accessibility guidelines
for the three main components:
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)
addresses authoring tools.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
addresses web content, and is used by developers,
authoring tools, and accessibility evaluation tools.
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)
addresses web browsers and media players,
including some aspects of assistive technologies.
Regarding the web content, the W3C has developed
the most important guidelines concerning web
accessibility, the WCAG versions 1.0 and 2.0. In
recent years, these guidelines have been officially
accepted by many countries as the definitive
guidelines on how to create accessible web sites.
These guidelines tend to address the most
important accessibility problems and provide
guidelines for making web pages capable of being
rendered by assistive technology devices, such as
screen readers. In order to assure that these
guidelines are correctly applied, different web
accessibility evaluation methods have been proposed
for the last ten years. In the next section, a brief
summary of the state of the art in web accessibility
evaluation is presented.
In many projects, web accessibility is considered a
requirement that must be accomplished at the end of
the web site development. Several studies have
suggested numerous evaluation methods (Vigo et al.,
2007) as a means to verify, measure and certify the
fulfillment of the accessibility guidelines and
therefore to supply full accessibility to disabled
people. Currently, there are two types of evaluation
methods: the qualitative methods (analytical and
empirical) and the quantitative methods.
The qualitative methods have been the most used
until now, specially the analytical ones, which are
characterized by their low cost and ease of use. The
other analytical evaluation methods, which are based
on the manual heuristic inspection of code, do not
guarantee full accessibility (Brajnik, 2008); it
depends largely on evaluators’ experience and the
adopted guidelines. On the other hand empirical
methods are generally more expensive, but more
accurate, because they clearly show the most
catastrophic accessibility faults.
The quantitative methods help to understand,
control and improve the final product (Fenton and
Pfleeger, 1998), thus its main goal is to assure the
quality results and monitor the accessibility level by
establishing values and summarizing results. These
methods and due to their nature aren’t sufficient
enough to assess accessibility and evaluators can’t
depend only on them.
These methods consider that the best way to
ensure that a web site is accessible is to ensure that
accessibility requirements are completely defined
and documented at the begining of a project, and
then those accessibility requirements are tested at the
end phases of the project. However, at the end of the
project accessibility problems are often unable to be
Agile software development methods are
considered to be the antagonist of traditional
software development methods, such as the waterfall
method. In our previous works (Masri and Luján-
Mora, 2011), we have argued that agile methods can
help to improve the accessibility of web sites.
Deploying web sites and web applications is further
more competitive than deploying software in the
past. Agile methods are the only ones that can cope
with this competitivenes. Other authors have also
defended that agile methods can help to integrate
accessibility with reduced resistance (Groves,
2011a); (Groves, 2011b). Besides, some authors
have developed a process model for agile software
development that takes into account accessibility
and universal design (Bonacin et al., 2009).
In the next section, we detail the “Agile
Manifesto”, the main background work used to
delineate our agile accessibility method.
In February 2001, seventeen software developers
published the Manifesto for Agile Software
Development (Beck et al., 2001). This manifesto
sparked the agile software development movement.
The Agile Manifesto was also complemented by
“Twelve Principles of Agile Software”, which gave
more detail behind the Agile Manifesto.
Agile software development methods break tasks
into small iterations that typically last from one to
four weeks. At the end of each iteration, a full
working part of the software has been completed and
tested and is ready to be shown to any stakeholder of
the project.
Nowadays, there are many agile methods. Koch
(Koch, 2005) presents a systematic way to evaluate
which method is more adequate to a particular
In the next section, we introduce our approach
which involves adapting the web accessibility
requirement to the Agile Manifesto.
WCAG 1.0 and 2.0 define four ordinal levels of
accessibility (none, A, AA, and AAA), and provide
a set of checkpoints or success criteria for each
level. A web page must satisfy all priority A
checkpoints or criteria to be considered minimally
accessible. Web developers may implement priority
AA and priority AAA checkpoints or criteria to
provide increased accessibility for users.
Unfortunately, this system of evaluation does not
reflect the real accessibility of a web site: if a web
site satisfies many checkpoints in addition to all
level A checkpoints, the web site will only conform
to level A of WCAG, but the additional efforts to
achieve a better level of accessibility will not be
visible. Therefore, compliance with the technical
guidelines is only the first step towards accessibility.
In the next sections, the web accessibility is
related to the Agile Manifesto’s values: individuals
and interactions; working software; customer
collaboration; and responding to change.
5.1 Individuals and Interactions
In agile methods, self-organization and motivation
are important, as are interactions between different
stakeholders. The Agile Manifesto states that “the
most efficient and effective method of conveying
information to and within a development team is
face-to-face conversation”. Therefore, the
cooperation between people participating in the
design and implementation must be encouraged.
Everyone in a development team must be engaged
with web accessibility.
Moreover, interaction between developers and
final users must be also encouraged. User-centered
design, which focuses attention on the needs and
limitations of end users, is a keystone of our
approach. Final users should participate as external
reviewers from the beginning of the project. Besides,
the best way to achieve a user-centered design is the
application of user testing. Accessibility user testing
is an irreplaceable technique, since it provides direct
information on how real users use web sites and
which real problems they face. Accessibility user
testing is explained with more detail in the following
section “Customer collaboration”.
5.2 Working Software
In agile methods, working software is the primary
measure of progress and is delivered frequently
(weeks rather than months). From the beginning of a
project, web site prototypes should be delivered with
accessibility in mind. Therefore, accessibility testing
must be done from the early stages of a project and
must not be postponed to the end of the project.
Accessibility problems are often caused by
underlying incorrect markup or compatibility issues.
Accessibility tests must be run continuously and
must be automated in order to detect these
accessibility issues from the beginning of a project.
This ensures accessibility problems are caught and
eliminated during the development. This is not
possible for the waterfall method, since the final
product is tested only at the very end, which means
any accessibility problem found will result in the
entire product having to be re-written or the problem
not being resolved.
5.3 Customer Collaboration
The satisfaction of the customer is the highest
priority behind the Agile Manifesto. In the case of a
web site, although the customer is the person who
orders and owns the web site, regarding the web
accessibility we consider the end user as the
Many web developers think only blind people
face accessibility. Although “the most serious
accessibility problems given the current state of the
Web probably relate to blind users and users with
other visual disabilities since most web pages are
highly visual” (Nielsen, 1996), other people with
different disabilities also face accessibility problems.
The WCAG 1.0 states that many users may be
accessing a web site in contexts very different from
the designers' context:
They may not be able to see, hear, move, or may
not be able to process some types of information
easily or at all.
They may have difficulty reading or
comprehending text.
They may not have or be able to use a keyboard
or mouse.
They may have a text-only screen, a small
screen, or a slow Internet connection.
They may not speak or adequately understand
the language in which the document is written.
They may be in a situation where their eyes, ears,
or hands are busy or interfered with (for example,
driving to work, or working in a loud environment).
They may have an early version of a browser, a
different browser entirely, a voice browser, or a
different operating system.
Accessibility user testing is the best technique to
identify (and later correct) accessibility problems.
We propose to carry out accessibility user testing
frequently and from the beginning of the web
project. It is very important to have instant access to
feedback from disabled people (Edwards, 2010).
These testing sessions can be conducted with a small
amount of users: according to some studies (Nielsen,
2000), a usability test with only a single user helps
to detect almost a third of all the problems a web site
has. When adding more users, less and less is learnt
because following users do the same things as
previous users. However, some authors (Faulkner,
2003) state there is some risk of using a short
number of users. As a first approach, we recommend
performing accessibility testing with less than five
users from each disability category.
Accessibility user testing highlights important
accessibility problems and leads to rate the severity
of the problems correctly. Therefore, this testing
allows developers to prioritize the impact of
accessibility problems and helps to detect problems
whose solution makes a difference in accessibility.
However, accessibility user testing presents some
drawbacks: they imply higher cost than experts’
conformance testing, they mix accessibility and
usability problems, and their logistics is complicated
(Brajnik, 2008).
5.4 Responding to Change
Traditionally, user interfaces have been created
assuming that users have concrete tasks or goals in
mind. However, when users surf the Web, their
goals shift and change as they find their way through
the Web. Therefore, conventional user testing
method, where one user is put on one computer to
see how they surf through a web site, should be
rethought. Besides, some researches argue that users
do not operate in the real world in the same way as
they are asked to act in user research and usability
testing (O’Brien, 2012).
Nowadays, majority of web sites are created
using content management systems (CMS). Thanks
to this, the work that used to take up 80% of a web
development project is automated by CMS.
Therefore, there is a clear shift in the effort of a web
project: whereas in the past (five or ten years ago),
the main part of the working effort was invested in
programming, nowadays the main effort is put on
the maintenance and the adaptation to the new
requirements and functionalities. This is not possible
when the waterfall method is employed, since any
changes to be made means the project has to be
started all over again.
The evolution of the Internet and the World Wide
Web has grown from a novelty to become fully
integrated into our lifestyles. Web accessibility
involves making web content available to all
individuals, regardless of any disabilities or
environmental constraints they experience.
However, several web sites often fail to meet
minimum web accessibility standards. Part of the
problem lies on the way web accessibility is tackled:
web accessibility is considered a requirement that
must be checked at the end of the web site
development. Besides, testing accessibility at the
end of a project is more expensive, difficult, and
time-consuming than taking into account from the
In this paper, we have discussed the adoption of
agile methods as a means to achieve real web
accessibility. In our approach, web accessibility
should be tested during development. Therefore,
user testing with people with disabilities should be
done early in the development process.
More work is needed to provide additional
evidence of advantages and disadvantages of the
integration of web accessibility into agile methods.
We plan to evaluate the advantages and
disadvantages of our approach in real web projects
and we also plan to specifically tune up our agile
method for the development of accessible web
This paper has been partially financed by the
MESOLAP (TIN2010-14860) project from the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Tehcnology
(currently Ministry of Economics and Competivity).
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