Towards Online Data Mining System for Enterprises
Jan Kupˇc´ık
and Tom´aˇs Hruˇska
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Boˇzetˇechova 1/2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic
IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, Boˇzetˇechova 1/2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic
Data Mining System, Knowledge Discovery, Data Stream, OLAP.
As the amount of generated and stored data in enterprises increases, the significance of fast analyzing of this
data rises. This paper introduces data mining system designed for high performance analyses of very large
data sets, and presents its principles. The system supports processing of data stored in relational databases and
data warehouses as well as processing of data streams, and discovering knowledge from these sources with
data mining algorithms. To update the set of installed algorithms the system does not need a restart, so high
availability can be achieved. Data analytic tasks are defined in a programming language of the Microsoft .NET
platform with libraries provided by the system. Thus, experienced users are not limited by graphical designers
and their features and are able to create complex intelligent analytic tasks. For storing and querying results a
special storage system is outlined.
Nowadays, in our modern, computerized world the
vast majority of companies use information technolo-
gies to support their activities. Various systems con-
tinuously produce, process or store large amount of
data that represents messages sent between employ-
ees, accounting information, purchases of business
clients, log messages from enterprise applications
and systems, measurements produced by sensors and
much more. Although this data comes from differ-
ent systems and represents a variety of information,
it has one thing in common it may contain poten-
tially interesting and useful patterns and relationships.
The process of revealing new knowledge represented
by these discovered patterns from raw data is called
data mining or knowledge discovery from databases
(KDD) (Han et al., 2011). Understanding relation-
ships that are hidden in the data can contribute to
increasing the efficiency of business processes, im-
proving the quality of offered services or discovering
new market opportunities and thus increasing com-
pany profits.
In the field of data mining a large number of al-
gorithms, techniques and approaches has been cre-
ated since its beginning in the late 1980s. These
new findings have been implemented and formed into
many libraries, tools and software suites. In 2011, the
overview of existing data mining tools was published
(Mikut and Reischl, 2011) authors identified more
than 50 commercial and more than 30 free and open-
source software. The lists contain well-known prod-
ucts for corporate usage, research activities and ed-
ucation, for example, IBM SPSS Statistics, MAT-
LAB, Oracle Data Mining, SAS Enterprise Miner and
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. From the
group of free and open-source tools it can be men-
tioned Orange, R, RapidMiner or WEKA.
To analyze enterprise data and mine in it, proper
software needs to be chosen. One of the most com-
mon tasks is to reveal patterns in gathered histor-
ical data that is already stored in various types of
storages like relational or object-relational databases,
OLAP cubes, multimedia documents and other het-
erogeneous and legacy databases. For that purpose a
lot of software exists, but it differs in supported data
sources, available mining algorithms, the amount of
data it can handle, features related to results visual-
ization, capabilities to export results for further exter-
nal processing and others. For example, the Rapid-
Miner offers many features, however, it does not sup-
port connection to OLAP servers and thus it is not
very suitable for repeated mining in these multidi-
mensional sources. Mostly classic mining algorithms,
which require multiple passes over the data sets, are
present in these tools.
The approach store then analyze’, which is em-
ployed in common data mining algorithms, is not suit-
cík J. and Hruška T..
Towards Online Data Mining System for Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0004098101870192
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2012), pages 187-192
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
able for all data. Some data that is continuously arriv-
ing in potentially high fluctuating data rates like net-
work logs or stock prices must be often analyzed as
soon as it emerges and knowledge models must be
immediately updated (Chandramouli et al., 2010). In
such a case we speak about data streams that can be
defined as a real-time, continuous, ordered (implicitly
by arrival time or explicitly by timestamp) sequence
of items (Golab and
Ozsu, 2003). For data stream
mining a number of algorithms and techniques has
been proposed (Gaber et al., 2005). From the point of
view of software solutions designed for stream pro-
cessing and analysis, we have identified two groups.
The first one is represented by research projects like
Stream Mill Miner (Thakkar et al., 2011) or Debellor
(Wojnarski, 2008) that focus on data stream mining.
In the second group there are so called Data Stream
Management Systems (DSMSs) which are designed
for receiving data streams from external sources, their
processing and pushing results to the output. They
primarily enables transforming, filtering and joining
data streams from multiple sources, managing sliding
windows and processing continuous queries over data
streams (Chandramouli et al., 2010). This group in-
cludes research projects like STREAM (Arasu et al.,
2004) or Borealis (Abadi et al., 2005), as well as
commercial products, e.g., Oracle CEP, Microsoft
StreamInsight, IBM InfoSphere Streams and many
others (F¨ul¨op et al., 2010; Chandramouli et al., 2010;
H´ebrail, 2008).
We believe that a data mining system for enter-
prises should be robust, extensible, high performance
system which natively supports not only knowledge
discovery from both stored data and data streams but
also other features like definition of intelligent pro-
cesses or advanced storage for data mining results.
However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been
no such a system presented so far. Existing software
rather focuses on a subset of these features. In this pa-
per, we briefly introduce our solution that is focused
on satisfying all these requirements.
This paper is organized as follows. In the next
section the key requirements for our system are de-
scribed. Section 3 outlines architecture of the sys-
tem and its components and presents important con-
ceptions. The final section summarizes our work and
briefly discuss future plans and challenges.
With respect to the primary purpose of the system we
have identified a set of key requirements that our sys-
tem must fulfill.
Support for Various Data Sources. The system
should be able to read and process data from vari-
ous sources. Support for operating on data stored in
relational databases and data warehouses is essential.
Next, the system must allow processing of continuous
data streams. Thus, the environment will be also pre-
pared for incremental data mining algorithms. More-
over, it should be able to work with other supplemen-
tary information that is obtained by transformation of
received data, or ask for data from other sources, e.g.,
web services.
Besides, it is unacceptable to noticeably increase
load of data sources related to data querying. The im-
pact to these sources must be minimized.
Advanced Analytic Processes. An analytic process
describes what steps the system shall perform to ac-
quire desired results. For example, these steps can
represent data loading, data transformations, statisti-
cal characteristics computation, execution of mining
algorithms, results exploring, storing or further pro-
cessing. The majority of systems for mining knowl-
edge from data have some kind of a graphic designer
to design such processes. They have very broad pos-
sibilities to define the data flow, however, means for
defining the control flow are very limited, if any. Our
system must support intelligent decision-making pro-
cesses with rich abilities to describe data and control
flows. Conditions, cycles, variables and constants are
required as well as the possibility to create reusable
units, thereby user can perform the same advanced
analysis on different data sources without any neces-
sity to intervention.
For processes to be self-reliant one must think
about the moment of their execution. The system
should still support execution on a user demand, but
there must exist a way to start a process as a result
of the occurrence of an event. Such an event could
emerge when a specified condition is met or a peri-
odic timer rings. This feature guarantees that reports
with discovered knowledge may be automatically cre-
A Storage for Data Mining Results. A result of
a data mining can be a learned knowledge model, re-
vealed patterns and prediction/classification results. It
should be possible to store these results to a storage
and track history of results. This allows users to view
not only recently stored results but also older ones,
compare them and study their evolution.
System as a Service. The system must consist of a
server and a client part. The server part will run as a
service on the server with a sufficient performance for
handling awaited load. A client access to the server
will be ensured by a web application that offers func-
tions for processes managing, results exploring and
system administration. Moreover, the system must be
constructed in such a way that another external ap-
plication can easily connect and consume offered ser-
vices. Thus, the system should expose a set of ser-
vices with a well-defined interface available through
open multiplatform technologies like web services.
Extensibility. The data mining field is constantly
in a progress. New data mining algorithms, tech-
niques and tools are developed and existing ones are
improved. To employ new findings from this area,
the system must be able to evolve. The aim of our
project is to create system whose set of algorithmsand
tools for visual presentations is easily extensible and
upgradable. This system should offer to programmers
the API not only for developing new data mining al-
gorithms but also for linking external mining libraries
implemented in C/C++.
24/7. One of the most important criteria is suitabil-
ity for environments where a very high availability
and reliability is required. The system can process
high number of concurrently running data mining pro-
cesses whose time necessary for completion may sig-
nificantly differ and the situation where in every mo-
ment a process is running may arise. In many exist-
ing data mining systems, if an algorithm should be
installed or upgraded, it must be restarted or in the
worst case recompiled. However, in this system
such an approach is unsuitable. All modifications in
the set of data mining algorithms must be realizable
during system operation. Even if an algorithm is cur-
rently running, it must be possible to upgrade it.
The discussed system, whose architecture is pre-
sented in Figure 1, is based on a client–server ar-
chitecture where the server part provides services to
many clients. Separation of the client and server parts
allows to achieve higher performance, scalability and
reliability, because the server part can be operated on
a remote high performance machine whereas client
applications can run on common personal computers
without any special requirements.
The server part consists of several components
and layers. In the middle layer there is a compo-
nent Data collector responsible for receiving, trans-
forming and passing data streams from external envi-
ronment to other system parts. There is also a sub-
Persistent storage
SQL query queue(s)
Knowledge base
- Relational data tables
- Knowledge base
- Algorithms data
- Configuration
data tables
Data mining algorithm
Data connector
Application server
Service providers
Web server
Figure 1: The architecture of the online data mining system.
system Process manager that manages and executes
analytic processes. Access to data is ensured by a ser-
vice layer Data connector. It offers a unified interface
for accessing data stored in the memory and persis-
tent storages like SQL databases and OLAP cubes.
Knowledge base manager for analysis results man-
aging is also accessible through this layer. Querying
SQL data sources is controlled by the set of intelligent
SQL query queues which enable user and system de-
fined priority of queries and ensure optimal loading
of database storages. This part is mainly important in
environments with limited hardware resources where
storages are heavily shared. The objective of the layer
called Service providers is enabling to external appli-
cations and systems to use services of the mentioned
components. For example, an external application
for system managing should be able to restart system
components or show currently running processes.
The server uses services of persistent storages.
Data to mine in is read from relational databases and
OLAP cubes. Relational databases are also used in-
ternally for reading and writing temporary data, con-
figuration and analysis results.
Entire system is being developed on the .NET
platform 4.0 in C# programming language. Compo-
nents of the system are realized as services and com-
munication between them and external systems is en-
sured by Windows Communication Foundation.
3.1 Analytic Processes
An analytic process defines what actions should the
system perform and what data should be employed
during the actions. In other words, it represents the
data flow and the control flow that lead to desired re-
Processes can be represented in three ways by an
XML-based language, by a special language and by a
programming language. For instance, a process defi-
nition in a form of an XML document is used in the
MSMiner project focusing on cooperating with the
OLAP (Shi et al., 2007). As a representative of a spe-
cial language the Mining Model Definition Language
used in the Stream Mill Miner system (Thakkar et al.,
2011) can be emphasized. It is also possible to create
an analytic process as an self-executable application
that uses a library with data mining algorithms, e.g.,
LIBSVM offering C++ and JAVA implementation of
support vector machines (Chang and Lin, 2011).
In most data mining systems complexities of an
internal language describing actions to perform are
hidden. Users define a process visually by building
an oriented graph where nodes are functional compo-
nents from a predefined set and interconnections be-
tween them specify the data flow. The components
realize various actions like data loading, transform-
ing, filtering, partitioning, execution of a selected data
mining algorithm or showing of results.
Our goal is to provide analysts and process devel-
opers as much power and freedom as possible. In our
solution, processes are expressed by a common pro-
gramming language of the .NET platform, for exam-
ple, by a well-known C# or VB.NET. Thus, experi-
enced users are not limited by visual designers and
their features. On the other hand, we realize that not
every analyst prefers this level of abstraction of pro-
cess description. To deal with this situation, we also
plan to develop a designer that will enable to define
processes visually. Such processes will be automati-
cally convertible to the source code and it depends on
users if they need to further edit the source code or
directly send it to the system. This tool can also help
developersto quickly generate a skeleton of a process.
Each process is represented by a class inherited
from the base class common for all processes. This
base class exposes an abstract method
that cor-
responds to the entry point of the process. The ab-
stract base class is situated in the detachable assem-
bly as well as other classes for data mining algorithm
parameters managing, algorithms executing, provid-
ing access to the data source services and environ-
ment monitoring. To construct a process, two other
groups of assemblies are necessary – the first one con-
tains shared interfaces and the second one brings def-
initions of supported mining models. These assem-
blies do not have any other references to the system
parts and can be easily moved to a process developer’s
A developer builds a process with classes from
provided assemblies and programming constructs of
chosen programming language. Generic classes of the
.NET platform can be also involved, however, they
must not directly interact with any SQL or OLAP
server used by this system. A trivial example of
a process can look as follows. An instance of the
class representing a data mining algorithm is cre-
ated, a data mining parameters are added through the
property, data sources are defined in a
similar way and the algorithm is started by a calling
a single method. Then a condition determining if a
result should be stored to the knowledge base may be
When a process development is finished, it must
be deployed to the server. A process may be deployed
as a source code that is automatically remotely com-
piled by the system. The result of compilation is re-
turned to the user and if it is successful, the created
assembly and the source code are stored. Later, the
source code may be downloaded, modified and de-
ployed again. It is also possible to deploy a process
assembly that was compiled with the detachable as-
semblies. However, in this case the source code is not
tracked by the system.
Once a process assembly is obtained, the process
manager reads the settings of process activation from
the process metadata. Based on the type of activation,
the process is placed into a priority process queue or-
dered by time of a process start or appended to a list
of processes activated by the data collector. If the pro-
cess shall be executed immediately, it is inserted to the
beginning of the process queue. The process can be
also scheduled for periodic starting, so it is inserted
into the process queue to the correct position. The
process may be also executed if a condition related
to an input data is satisfied. In this case, the condition
and the process to be executed is registered in the data
collector. As soon as the process manager detects that
a process prepared to execution is ready in the pro-
cess queue or the data collector marks a process as
runnable, the entry point of the process is started.
Because a process code is directly executed, a se-
vere bug in it might cause a crash of the process man-
ager and other processes. To deal with this problem,
each process is loaded into its own application do-
main and executed in it. Thus, a domain can be torn
down without any impact to other parts of the system.
This solution also allows to kill processes in an infi-
nite loop.
3.2 Data Sources
For performing data analysis and mining, data sources
need to be defined. There exist two cases depend-
ing on the character of data. In the first one, data to
process is already stored in some relational databases
or OLAP cubes and can be obtained by a SQL or
MDX/XMLA query. In this case the system will con-
nect to requested data source, cache data if requested
and execute a chosen algorithm for data mining in
large data sets.
The second case corresponds to the situation
where data is continuously generated by the environ-
ment outside the system boundaries and it is not suit-
able to store them all before mining. To be able to
process data streams, the data collector component
must be employed. An external system produces data
records consisting of an identifier characterizing car-
ried informationand data itself and passes them to this
component. For each unique identifier the system ad-
ministrators can set a series of actions that describes
transformations and filtering over the data. Each ac-
tion is tied up with any number of processes which
will be executed or notified with output data as a pa-
rameter as soon as all steps in the action are finished.
The data collector enables only simple operations
over the data. It also supports sliding windows that
can hold a fixed number of elements or elements from
a time period with certain duration. However, the
need for more advanced data stream processing can
arise. In such a situation the data collector can be sim-
ply extended to cooperate with a Data Stream Man-
agement System.
3.3 Knowledge Base
In this system there is a detachable subsystem for stor-
ing and managing analysis results called the knowl-
edge base. It consists of a controller labeled as
knowledge base manager in Figure 1 and a relational
database in which knowledge base data is stored. The
controller is the only component that can directly ac-
cess knowledge base database, the other parts of the
system uses services of the controller to write and
query information.
The knowledge base storage can preserve vari-
ous results of data analyses which may be in form of
learned knowledge models and sets of revealed pat-
terns obtained by data mining algorithms. It can also
store smaller data sets including their schema, so it is
possible to hold statistics about source data, for ex-
ample, sum of all purchases in selected countries in
a time period. Each result, which can be referred to
as knowledge, is placed into a container within the
knowledge base. A container can contain other con-
tainers, so hierarchical structures of knowledge may
This subsystem can attach metadata to new knowl-
edge. Currently, there are supported two types of such
additional information. In case the knowledge repre-
sents the result of a data mining algorithm, the unique
name of the algorithm and current values of all its pa-
rameters are automatically added. The second type of
supported information is a time mark and a time pe-
riod that can express a range of analyzed data. This
time information is optional and it is stored only on
user request.
Retrieval of stored entities can be realized in sev-
eral ways. The API of the knowledge base enables
accessing all stored data structures within requested
knowledge, their filtering by algorithms, parameters
or validity time. For instance, this feature can be help-
ful to find best settings of the parameters of a selected
mining algorithm. It can also simplify the analysis
of input data evolution it may be used in case of
market basket analysis with association rules mining
where the evolution model can reveal fluctuations in
customer preferences.
There are many software solutions related to knowl-
edge discovery process. They vary in features, capa-
bilities, supported data sources and other aspects. We
have explored the set of existing products and found
out an uncovered space between them. Our system,
which was introduced in this paper, fills this gap by
offering a combination of features packaged in one
software that is missing so far.
The presented system is designed for analyses of
great amounts of data which may be stored in a re-
lational or multidimensional storage or may come on
sample-by-sample basis as data streams. The set of
data mining algorithms in the system is not fixed, it
can be modified or extended, even at run-time. The
combination of these features enables to employ this
system in time demanding analysis tasks. Results of
tasks may be stored into a detachable knowledge base
that is able to track their evolution in time. Last but
not least important attribute of this system is the way
how the analysis processes are defined. They are ex-
pressed by a code written in a programming language
of the .NET platform in conjunction with a set of li-
braries provided by the system. All these features
were outlined in this paper.
Although this system is functional, there is a lot of
space for improvements. The system supports read-
ing from relational databases, OLAP cubes and in-
memory tables, but does not enable to combine them
freely on the process definition level. The aim will be
to allow it to users. The second improvement area re-
lates to the way of processing data. Parts of analytic
process definitions might be transferable to database
servers that would be able to perform some actions
on data without necessity of immediate transfer to
the central server. An attention can be also paid to
improvements of the knowledge base to increase its
querying capabilities.
The system will be also thoroughly evaluated in
terms of performance and compared to selected data
mining systems. At this moment, preliminary tests
indicate that presented approaches are correct. For
instance, they have showed the system is capable of
obtaining data mining results in shorter time than Mi-
crosoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services. Other
tests will be focused on capability to cope with fail-
ures of processes and algorithms that might cause a
system crash or affect the system availability.
This work has been supported by the research pro-
gramme TA
CR TA01010858, BUT FIT grant FIT-
S-11-2, by the research plan MSM 0021630528
and the European Regional Development Fund in
the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project
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