Zero-knowledge Authentication for Self-managed
Vehicular Networks
C. Caballero-Gil, P. Caballero-Gil and J. Molina-Gil
Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Computing,
University of La Laguna, 38271 Tenerife, Spain
Abstract. This paper proposes a new solution for the practical, fast and secure
deployment of vehicular networks. Its main contribution is a self-managed au-
thentication method that does not require the participation of any certification
authority because the nodes themselves certify the validity of the public-keys of
the nodes they trust, and issue the corresponding certificates that are saved in lo-
cal key stores according to an algorithm here proposed. In addition, the new node
authentication method includes a cryptographic protocol that each node can use
to convince another node about the possession of certain secret without revealing
anything about it. Thanks to all these tools, cooperation among involved vehi-
cles can be used to detect and warn about abnormal traffic conditions. One of the
most interesting aspects of the proposal is that the required devices can be simple
existing mobile devices equipped with wireless connection. This work includes a
performance analysis of a simulation of the proposed algorithms and the obtained
results are promising.
1 Introduction
A Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) is a spontaneous wireless network that allows
providing communications among nearby vehicles with the primary goal of improv-
ing road traffic conditions. VANETs can be seen as a special type of Mobile Ad hoc
NETworks (MANETs) where nodes are vehicles. In many situations, communications
among vehicles might be used to prevent road accidents and to avoid traffic collapses.
Consequently, a fast VANET deployment could help drivers to save time and money,
and to reduce contamination of the environment and consumption of fuel reserves.
There are several general security requirements, such as authentication, scalabil-
ity, privacy, anonymity, cooperation, stability and low delay of communications, which
must be considered in any wireless network. Those requisites are even more challeng-
ing in VANETs because of specific characteristics such as no fixed infrastructure and
rapidly changing scenarios that range from rural roads with little traffic to cities or high-
ways with a huge number of communications. In particular, wireless authentication in
VANETs has deep implications for privacy as it could lead to electronic tracking of
vehicles. Consequently, VANET security may be considered one of the most difficult
research topics that need to be taken into account before a wide deployment of such
networks [11].
Caballero-Gil C., Caballero-Gil P. and Molina-Gil J..
Zero-knowledge Authentication for Self-managed Vehicular Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004098400390048
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2012), pages 39-48
ISBN: 978-989-8565-15-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The proposal here presented has as starting point the consideration that the intro-
duction of a complete model of VANET including Road Side Units (RSUs) and On
Board Units (OBUs) would be extremely expensive both for users, who would have to
buy new cars or install specific devices in their vehicles, and for the State, which would
have to deploy a huge infrastructure to support VANET services. Therefore, this work
proposes a self-managed VANET that does not require any infrastructure, and might be
used as a fast and secure introduction to more complex and complete VANETs.
This paper is organized as follows. Related work is reviewed in Section 2. In Section
3, proposals for the generation of public/private key pairs, for node characterization
and for beacon management are included. A zero-knowledge authentication protocol is
proposed and its simulation is shown in Section 4. In Section 5, a new method to save
certificates in key stores is briefly described and its implementation is studied. Finally,
the paper is concluded with Section 6.
2 Related Work
The main goal of this paper is the definition of a simple, scalable and cross-layer design
for the immediate deployment of VANETs in order to exploit the potential of existing
mobile systems. The proposed scheme involves that users can cooperate through their
mobile devices and can start to obtain updated information of their interest about road
traffic in order to choose the best updated route to their destinations. Our proposal takes
into account that the practical implementation of VANETs will be gradual, without any
RSUs or OBUs, and with only a few mobile devices at the beginning. The growth of
VANETs will be faster or slower depending on their popularity, acceptance and ease of
use. In this paper we focus on the first phase, when the number of cooperating devices
on the road will be low. Once VANETs have grown, the model should be checked to
avoid unnecessary communications that might degrade the network. This particular is-
sue has been studied and possible solutions based on clusters have been proposed in [1],
where specific characteristics of inter-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications
were taken into account to define different authentication services.
With respect to requirement minimization, several papers focus on different aspects
and applications of VANETs. [9] proposes a parking notification scheme that does not
need any extensive infrastructure, but in that paper RSUs are required in the supported
parking spaces. [12] proposes a key management scheme for VANETs, which is used
to authenticate messages, identify legitimate vehicles and remove malicious vehicles.
However, such a proposal is based on the use of a public-key infrastructure, which
involves several difficulties in VANETs.
There are other bibliographic references that propose different types of authenti-
cation schemes for self-managed VANETs, following approaches that are entirely dif-
ferent to the one here presented. [3] proposes an authentication scheme that is based
on pseudonyms, while [8] describes a scheme that combines authentication, key estab-
lishment and blind signature techniques. With respect to public-key certification, [7]
presents a method for certificate revocation based on car-to-car epidemic distribution,
and [6] proposes another mechanism for revoking security certificates, which needs a
certification authority and certificate revocation lists.
Another paper with the same general objective as this work is [5], but it does not
address the communication security issue. Unlike the previous work, two papers that
analyze privacy issues in VANETs are [10], which is based on asymmetric and sym-
metric cryptography, and [13], which uses session keys.
Neither of the aforementioned works proposes a self-managed and secure approach
to VANETs, which is the main objective of this work. In particular, our proposal focuses
on allowing the immediate and secure deployment of VANETs through existing devices.
3 Components of the Proposal
The authentication proposal is based on a Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), which is a
cryptographic protocol that a prover can use to prove possession of a certain piece of
information to a verifier without revealing anything about it. During the authentication
procedure, the prover, denoted A, must answer to a number of challenges issued by
the verifier, denoted B. The admission control included in the authentication proposal
described below uses the general scheme of ZKP described in [2] based on the graph
isomorphism problem, for the particular case of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HCP),
which involves the determination of whether a cycle that visits each node exactly once
exists in a graph.
In the scheme here used based on certificate graphs [4], each node A has a pri-
vate/public key pair and a key store (KeyStore
) including a list of all node certificates
that A trusts. The set of stored public-keys and certificates might be represented as an
undirected graph G = (V, E), known as certificate graph, in which each vertex repre-
sents both a public-key and its owner, and each edge (A, B) symbolizes two public-key
certificates: of node A signed with the private key of node B and vice versa. A certifi-
cate chain is an undirected path in a certificate graph. The subgraph G
of the certificate
graph G contains exactly the current certificates stored by node A in KeyStore
The generation of the public/private key pairs, and the characterizations of nodes
and management of beacons are explained in the following subsections.
3.1 Public/Private Key Pair Generation
In order to make it easier the implementation of the ZKP for the Hamiltonian cycle
in the node authentication process described below, the public-key is computed from
the decimal value of the binary representation for the upper triangular submatrix of the
symmetric adjacency matrix containing the elements corresponding to a Hamiltonian
cycle in a graph (see Figure 1). Such a decimal number corresponding to the binary
representation is used in the proposal as the exponent of the public-key in RSA encryp-
tion used by the mobile device to encrypt and decrypt messages and to sign public-key
Figure 2 shows a trace of an election of a public/private key pair by using the HCP
for the generation of the public-key. After choosing the prime numbers p and q, the
public exponent e is generated from a random Hamiltonian cycle, so that it is lower
than and coprime with (p 1)(q 1). Afterwards, the private exponent d is generated.
Fig. 1. Example of Hamiltonian Cycle Based Public-Key.
Fig. 2. Implementation of Hamiltonian Cycle Based RSA.
3.2 Node Characterization and Beacons
The present proposal assumes that each node in the network is characterized by the
following parameters:
, KR
), (ID
, KU
, Cert(KU
which include:
A unique IDentifier (denoted ID), obtained as the output of a one-way function on a
single value. For example, if the used device is a mobile phone the value can be its
number, while in other cases an email address might be used. The one-way function
could be any hash function.
A fixed public/private key pair (denoted (KU,KR)) and called identity keys, which
are used in an asymmetric cryptosystem such as RSA.
A key store containing various IDs and corresponding public-keys and certificates,
which the node keeps always updated.
Sending multicast beacons containing variable sender IDs are required both for the
active node discovery process and also to avoid vehicle tracking. In the same step where
beacons are sent, each node commits to its secret by sending to its neighbours also a
witness of its secret. The variable ID of each node that is sent as part of its beacon is
the hash of the IDs that are present in its key store at that moment.
In particular, the beacons sent by a node are formed by the following elements:
Frame-Control (FC), which indicates the type of data being sent.
Pseudonym (Pseu), which is a temporal ID of the node.
Timestamp (Time), which allows knowing the specific time when the information
was generated.
Pair formed by public-key and timestamp (KU, Time) encrypted with the private-
key (KR) of the node, which is used by nodes who have already authenticated it
when its Pseu changes.
4 Authentication
Within this proposal, the device associated to each network node should be able to gen-
erate its public/private key pair and also to sign the public-keys of other nodes that are
trustable and want to become part of the network. In order to be able to authenticate
its public-key, every node must exchange signatures with a number of legitimate net-
work nodes that depends on the width of the VANET. In the birth of the VANET, two
signatures are considered enough to prove that the user is reliable and cannot self-sign
certificates to compromise the network security, but the number of required signatures
must grow with the expansion of the VANET.
When a node A wants to check the validity of the public-key of another node B,
A must find a certificate chain from it to B in the certificate graph that results from
merging the subgraphs G
and G
corresponding to KeyStore
and KeyStore
respectively. In particular, the authentication process of the public-key of a node A by
another node B and vice versa, is based on a chain of correct and not expired certificates
between A and B in the graph resulting from the union of the two key stores because:
1. The first certificate in the chain can be verified directly by A (respectively B) be-
cause it was signed by itself.
2. Each of the other certificates in the chain can be verified by using the public-key of
the previous certificate in the chain.
3. The last certificate is Bs public-key (respectively A).
Fig. 3. Self-Managed Authentication Protocol.
Special packets are sent between users to authenticate each other. Among other
information, they contain the data FC, source Pseu and destination Pseu. Figure 3 shows
schematically the three phases of interaction included in the proposed self-managed
protocol for authentication between two nodes A and B.
The phases are fully described below. The first phase is the discovering process,
which includes part of the beacons sent by nodes A and B, containing the hash of
the IDs stored respectively in KS
and KS
. Within this phase, both nodes find out
whether a common public-key x exists in both keystores KS
. In such a case,
a graph is generated by each node from such an element. Those graphs G
(x) and
(x) are used in the second phase, based on a ZKP, to mutually prove the knowledge
of the common key x. In this way, during the last phase, both nodes are sure that they
can use the shared key x to exchange their temporal secret keys and key stores.
Algorithm 1: Authentication Scheme.
function Authentication Scheme()() (...)
D1. A B: beacon with {h(ID
) : ID
D2. B A: {h(ID
) : ID
} and a graph G
(x), if x KS
D3. A B: a graph G
(x) if x KS
Z1. A B (B A): a graph GI
(x)) isomorphic with G
Z2. B A (A B): a binary random challenge b(a)
Z3. A B (B A): if b = 0(a = 0) GI
(x) G
(x) G
Z3. Otherwise a Hamiltonian circuit in GI
E1. A B (B A): E
E2. B A (A B): KU
E3. A B (B A): E
end function
The above algorithm allows any node to authenticate another node as well as to
exchange both secret keys to update both key stores.
Figure 4 shows an implementation of the proposed authentication scheme performed
using Microsoft Visual Studio in C#.
A client-server capable of multiple connections at the same time is implemented
in each device. All signals about authentication and beacons are performed with UDP
Fig. 4. Implementation of the Authentication Scheme.
packets. Each client broadcasts beacons periodically to all connected devices in the
network. Each beacon is formed by the following data:
”01,” + thisIpAddr + ”,” + PSEU + ”,” + Ek1(ID1,KUid1,TimeStamp)
Before starting to use the device, the node needs information to communicate with
other devices, and in particular a database with three tables is loaded. These tables keep
data for a low number of users whose data (certificates and public key) are generated
with the generator:
certificateStore (idcolumn INT PRIMARY KEY, idA NTEXT, idB NTEXT, certAB
keyStore (idcolumn INT PRIMARY KEY, idA NTEXT, PseuA NTEXT, module BIG-
INT, publicKey BIGINT, secretKey BIGINT, degree INT );
myStore (idcolumn INT PRIMARY KEY, idA NTEXT, PseuA NTEXT, modulo BIG-
INT, publicKey BIGINT, privateKey BIGINT, secretKey BIGINT, degree INT );
Incoming connections are managed on the server so that when one is received, the
server checks the identity of the node who sent the packet. After that, it checks whether
the node is already authenticated in the network, and if not, the authentication protocol
begins. The procedure the nodes use to send and receive information as indicated in
Algorithm corresponding to the Authentication Scheme.
5 Key Store Update
For the self-managed VANET here proposed, it is required that each node has its own
key store to authenticate other nodes. In these networks the number of users might be
huge, so we propose a scheme for storage of public-key certificates that exploits the
aforementioned principle of six degrees of separation. Thanks to such a property, it is
not necessary that each user stores the certificates of all nodes to be able to authenticate
them. Instead, only a minimum number of certificates have to be stored by each node
so that by merging the key stores of two users who want to authenticate each other, the
probability to find at least one certificate chain in the merged graph will be high.
Consequently, the optimal update of the key stores is an important part of the pro-
posal as it allows limiting the number of stored keys to a value here denoted lim. Such
a value is generally less than the number of users forming the network, and equal to the
minimum number that allows any node to connect to any other node in the network.
In order to maximize the probability that any node is able to authenticate to any other
node while limiting the size of the key stores, different algorithms to update the key
stores can be used. A possible algorithm is proposed below. To update its key store, each
node chooses those public-key certificates corresponding to nodes that have issued or
received more valid certificates, what is represented by the degrees of the vertices is the
corresponding certificate graph. This choice maximizes the probability of intersection
between key stores, what is necessary for the authentication process.
Algorithm 2: Key Store Update.
01:function Update KeyStore() (...)
02: Initialize data structures;
03: Union:= KS
04: KS
= {B}
05:for each i KS
06: for each j / KS
: (i, j) Union
07: if ((degree (j) = max(degree(neighborof iinU nion)))
) < lim))
08: (i, j) (KS
09: end if
09: end for
09: end for
09: end for
10: end function
An implementation of the proposed key store update scheme has been performed
with the Network Simulator tool NS-2. In the performed simulation, an initial wire-
less network where nodes are randomly located produces the first certificate graph.
Each node saves in its local key store the certificates of the nodes at distance 1. Then,
the nodes begin to move randomly, and when two nodes are at distance 1, they verify
whether they can trust each other and initiate a key store exchange for key store update.
New nodes can form part of the network by inserting new certificates in the certificate
graph. Also, any node can get out of the certificate graph if its certificate is not re-
After performing 25 simulations for 15, 20, 30 and 60 nodes, the average results
of executions with different types of networks show that performance may be consid-
ered in general acceptable. According to the simulations we can also conclude that the
scheme is affected by the mobility of the nodes because a higher mobility leads to a
faster increase and balance of the key stores. Thus, this is a convincing argument for
considering vehicular networks, since these are high mobility networks.
15 nodes 20 nodes 30 nodes 60 nodes
Total Connections 966,9 1011,52 2764,7 5309,0
Successful Connections 909,7 985,4 2749,8 5216,5
Failed Connections 57,15 26,12 14,92 92,5
Added Information 102,28 56,4 80,51 191,9
Key Store Updates 628,7 420,2 690,24 1475,9
6 Conclusions
This paper proposes a self-managed authentication method for VANETs that does not
require deploying any infrastructure on the road or any special equipment on vehicles,
what allows a gradual introduction of VANETs without any economic investment. To
make it possible, existing devices like smartphones can be used to run the algorithms
here proposed. The main contributions of this paper are a self-managed node authenti-
cation protocol based on public/private key pairs and certificate graphs, and a vehicle
discovering scheme with variable pseudonyms to protect node privacy and prevent vehi-
cle tracking. Another contribution of this paper is an algorithm to update key stores that
maximizes the probability of communication between any pair of nodes. Our proposal
allows the use of a hybrid scheme that combines secret and public-key cryptography,
what can be used both to optimize resources and to enforce node cooperation by avoid-
ing passive behavior of nodes. All the proposed algorithms have been simulated with
the Network Simulator NS-2 and implemented with Microsoft Visual Studio in C# in
mobile phones. The obtained results in both cases show a high level of performance.
Research supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci
on and the European FEDER
Fund under Project TIN2011-25452 and FPI scholarship BES-2009-016774, and by the
ACIISI under FPI scholarship BOC Number 60.
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