Towards Experimental Assessment of Security Threats
in Protecting the Critical Infrastructure
Janusz Zalewski
, Steven Drager
William McKeever
and Andrew J. Kornecki
Dept. of Software Engineering, Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL 33965, Florida, U.S.A.
Air Force Research Lab, Rome, NY 13441, New York, U.S.A.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, Florida, U.S.A.
Keywords: Computer Security, Software Safety, Trustworthy Systems, Automation Systems, Industrial Control
Systems, Critical Infrastructure.
Abstract: Security is a system and software property essential in protecting infrastructure critical to the nation’s
business and everyday operation. It is often related to and overlapping with other trustworthiness properties,
such as safety and/or reliability. Mutual relationships of these properties and their interactions in real world
systems have been studied by multiple authors in a recent decade; however, they are rarely viewed jointly in
the context of critical infrastructure. The objective of this paper is to take a closer look at the relationship of
security with safety in computing systems, and present a unified view for further research. In particular, the
paper presents an overview of the state-of-the-art and focuses on the discussion of the unifying architecture,
which leads to interesting observations how security and safety are related. Preliminary experiments on
using safety concepts to assess security in industrial control systems with monitoring tools are discussed.
Security as a computer system property has been
studied for several decades (Landwehr, 1981). Only
in this century it has become an important
component of investigating the protection of
nation’s critical infrastructure (U.S. GAO, 2004).
However, it has been mostly considered as separate
system attribute rarely associated with other
properties contributing to system or software
trustworthiness, such as safety or reliability.
A critical infrastructure can be viewed from a
number of different perspectives, ranging from plain
business viewpoint, on one hand, to a strictly
technical point of view, on the other hand. From the
technical perspective, the security issues cannot be
treated in isolation from other properties of
computing systems, because it impacts safety and
reliability, and vice versa.
In industrial applications, with a control system
in charge of the technological process, which are an
essential part of critical infrastructure, typically
safety was considered a critical system property. The
computer systems were designed such that the
behavior of computer software or hardware would
not endanger the environment in a sense that
equipment’s failure would cause death, loss of limbs
or large financial losses.
On the other hand, the security of industrial
computer control systems was typically limited to
the physical plant access and off-line protection of
data. With the miniaturization of computing devices,
growing sophistication of control, and with the
advent of the Internet, multiple functions of
industrial control systems have become accessible
online, which opens doors to enormous security
threats to the entire infrastructure.
Thus, to increase trustworthiness of industrial
computer systems, security and safety concerns
cannot be treated in isolation, and the mutual
relationships of safety and security have to be
studied and reconciled. One particular problem,
which is the motivation for this work, is that
currently there are no standards, or even adequate
research, to guide developers and manufacturers
through the issues of safety and security combined
together. Similarly, the relationship between security
and reliability has been complex and is an intrinsic
part of this research, but is not discussed in this
paper due to space limitations.
The objective of this paper is to look more
closely into the relationships of security and safety,
and analyze some of the impacts they may have on
Zalewski J., Drager S., McKeever W. and Kornecki A..
Towards Experimental Assessment of Security Threats in Protecting the Critical Infrastructure.
DOI: 10.5220/0004098502070212
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2012), pages 207-212
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
each other in the context of protecting the critical
infrastructure. The ultimate goal would be to
develop techniques to measure these properties and
enable assessment of system trustworthiness.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 depicts the basic distinction in the roles
security, safety and reliability play in the interaction
between a computer system and its environment.
Section 3 outlines how security has been viewed,
historically, in the context of safety. Section 4
presents results of preliminary experiments on
relating security with safety, and Section 5 ends the
paper with some conclusions.
While security, safety and reliability are strictly
related and intertwined, they can be separated using
as a criterion the system’s interaction with the
environment (Figure 1). Such separation leads to
interesting analogies in studying overall
trustworthiness properties.
Figure 1: Illustration of trustworthiness properties.
The user or system designer usually views these
properties from the perspective of guarantees on
system behavior in terms of risk that “nothing bad
will happen” or that the risk of “something bad may
happen” is low. The risk is usually analyzed
involving potential hazards or threats that are related
to computer failures (both hardware and software).
Thus, in terms of risk and failures, the individual
roles of all three properties in the context of the
environment, as illustrated in Figure 1, can be
briefly described as follows:
Security: when a failure leads to severe
consequences (high risk) to the computer
system itself;
Safety: when a failure leads to severe
consequences (high risk) to the environment;
Reliability: when failure does not lead to severe
consequences (high risk) to the environment or
a computer system, nevertheless the failure rate
is of principal concern.
To state it differently, reliability is relevant to
minimizing undesired situations and their effects (to
keep the system running), while security and safety
are relevant in preventing the computer system and
environment, respectively, from undesired situations
and their effects. The next section discusses the
relationship between security and safety.
There is a vast amount of literature discussing
jointly safety and security from the broader
perspective of placing these properties in the context
of system trustworthiness. A thorough literature
review reveals multiple entries only in the last
decade, discussing both general issues (Schoitsch,
2004; Nordland, 2007; Romanski, 2009; Pietre-
Cambacedes and Chaudet, 2010, Goertzel and
Winograd, 2011), as well as concerns of specific
industries, such as railways (Smith et al., 2003);
chemical (Hahn et al., 2005), off-shore (Jaatun et al.,
2008), automation (Novak and Treytl, 2008), nuclear
(Jalouneix et al., 2009), and industrial control
(Kornecki and Zalewski, 2010).
One particular early paper, by Burns, McDermid
and Dobson (1992), is worth mentioning, because
it’s probably the first one, which analyzes issues of
mutual dependency of safety and security. It is
essential in setting the scene for understanding
safety and security, as two complementary system
properties. The authors define both concepts
implicitly, as follows:
a safety critical system is one whose failure
could do us immediate, direct harm;
a security critical system is one whose failure
could enable, or increase the ability of, others to
harm us;
What Burns et al. call “us” is, in more
contemporary terms, the environment of a computer
system that is safety or security critical.
This view had far reaching consequences for
studying mutual relationships of safety and security,
probably best expressed in a series of papers by
Nordland (2007). Without referring to the original
paper by Burns et al., he defines both properties in
terms of computer system’s relationship with its
safety – the inability of the system to have an
undesired effect on its environment;
security – the inability of the environment to
have an undesired effect on the system.
As is clear from the above definitions, both by
Burns et al. and Nordland, safety and security are
understood as negative properties, that is, to provide
either safety or security one has to make sure that
certain events do not happen. This has severe
consequences to and causes significant problems in
system design, since the engineers are normally used
to designing systems to meet functional
requirements, which are expressed in terms “what
the system shall do”, rather than in terms of “what
the system shall not do”, as is clearly the case for
respective safety and security requirements.
In a view of these definitions it may be
surprising that newer publications not necessarily
take them into account, possibly assuming implicitly
the case. Most recently, for example, Goertzel and
Winograd, in their comprehensive survey (2011),
seem to have overlooked this fact in definitions of
safety and security, concentrating – however – on
other important relations between the two properties.
They characterize safety following MIL-STD-882D
as: “Freedom from those conditions that can cause
death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss
of equipment or property, or damage to the
environment,” which is consistent with the
understanding outlined above, however, they stop
short of defining security in terms of the interaction
between the system and its environment.
Instead, they concentrate on some important
characteristics of safety and security. For example,
the conditions referred to in the MIL-STD-882D
definition of safety are called hazards and
compared, incorrectly, to risks; incorrectly, because
risk is involved both with security and safety. What
is equivalent in security models to a hazard in safety
models is not risk but a threat, which is justly
pointed out by Goertzel and Winograd as a cause of
This analogy between hazards for safety and
threats to security leads to a deeper insight into the
relationship between both properties, and brings it to
the concept of dependability. This is because, as
pointed out by Nordland (2007), threats can lead to
exploitation of vulnerabilities in a system. In a
safety critical system, this would be equivalent to
activating faults in a system to endanger safety.
Thus, an analogy exists between vulnerabilities with
respect to security and faults with respect to safety.
To summarize, the results of this analysis
provided stronger evidence that, while safety and
security are strictly related and intertwined, they can
be separated using as a criterion the system’s
interaction with the environment (Figure 1). Such
separation leads to interesting analogies in studying
both properties within the framework of
Before proceeding with the analysis, it must be
noted that the view of safety and security properties
adopted in this work relies on the engineering
understanding of both properties. Another view
often used in studies of both properties, especially
that of safety (or liveness), having its roots in formal
specifications (formal methods), although important
in itself is out of scope of the current work.
Based on the literature surveys, three types of safety
and security models have been distinguished:
analytical models, built with formal theories;
experimental models, based on measurements;
computational models, which use simulations.
In this research, we are involved with the latter
two models, experimental model being the one
covered in the current paper.
4.1 Model Description
All models can be viewed in the context of a
particular architecture of real-time computing
systems, previously published in the literature (Sanz
and Zalewski, 2003). This architecture is based on
the typical control system, which interacts with the
environment via a number of input/output channels,
and involves all essential components of an
embedded system or a distributed control system, as
illustrated in Figure 2:
interactions with the controlled process via
sensors and actuators;
user interface;
communication (network) interface;
database interface.
The diagram shows an embedded controller
interacting with the controlled plant, which can be
any controlled device, such as an aircraft, missile,
not only a plant in a strict sense, such as a chemical
or nuclear power plant. In addition to specific
measurement and control signals, through which the
controller interacts with the plant, it also has
interfaces to interact with other controllers on the
network, the operator, and the database. These
multiple controller interfaces to the plant, the
network, the operator, and the database, are all
subject to security threats. More importantly, to take
the analogy further, just like control theory assumes
that the plant (controlled object) is subject to
disturbances, security theory, if one is built for this
model, could assume that known or unknown threats
play the role of disturbances to the controller.
Figure 2: Typical real-time system architecture.
In other words, disturbances affecting the plant
in a traditional model of an embedded control
system can play a role of unexpected hazards, to
which controller’s software has to respond without
failure, mitigating faults. Threats affecting the
embedded controller can be modeled as disturbances
impacting controller’s behavior. Thus, analyzing
security breaches can be viewed in this model as
analyzing system failures, essential in the same way
as it is done in safety analysis.
4.2 From Safety Shell to Security
Safety analysis of a computer system starts with
identifying potential hazards that may be caused by
software or hardware failures or external conditions
(Leveson, 1995). Analyzing software architecture is
particularly helpful, in this respect, because it
identifies the major components that may be
potential sources of such hazards. Since security
analysis originates by identifying potential
threats/attacks, it is assumed that techniques
developed for safety analysis will be applicable to
providing security and its assessment.
There are multiple, well established
methodologies and techniques to address safety
concerns during the development process (Leveson,
1995), however, for the model presented in Figure 2,
we opted to choose an approach named safety shell,
because it fits well into a concept of analogy
between safety and security (Figure 3, Gumzej and
Halang, 2009).
The shell relies on an architectural model
enabling design of control systems. The concept is
based on implementing a “test first” design element
to prevent dangerous situations from occurring,
which is meant to detect a hazardous situation at its
beginning. By “testing first” the hardware processor
or software shell will either validate or invalidate the
current action and/or the desired action. It has been
developed further by Gumzej and Halang (2009) to
map the design on the UML model.
Figure 3: The concept of safety shell (Gumzej/Halang,
In essence, as shown in Figure 3, the physical
environment is separated from the controller by an
array of guards forming the shell. A state guard
constitutes the core of the shell layer and, with the
help of watchdogs performing specific lower-level
functions (such as responding to timing violations or
handling exceptions), is monitoring the status of all
signals interchanged between the controller and the
plant, acting as a protecting entity, before any
emergency occurs.
The safety shell is built for monitoring signals
interchanged between the controller and the plant,
that is, for sensors and actuators in the model from
Figure 2. However, nothing prevents the designer
from using the same concept for network
communication between the controller and the
environment. Given that the controller’s model from
Figure 2 is a generic model suitable for a modern
control system, the concept of a safety shell has been
applied in this research to the controller’s
communication interface, to monitor its network
4.3 Actual Experiments
Thus, the concept of safety shell can be viable in
Industrial Control Systems (ICS), where controllers
and other computing devices forming a system are
spread over a larger area and external access is
provided to and from the enterprise network. This
configuration of ICS is typical for systems such as
SCADA (SCADA = Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition), commonly used in larger plants, such
as water management plants, power plants, etc. A
usual ICS configuration is shown in Figure 4
(Schwartz et al., 2010). It includes all components of
a generic model from Figure 2, that is:
central controller, shown as a control system;
user interface (HMI – Human Machine
database (Historian);
interaction with sensors and actuators (using a
number of protocols);
the network interface.
Figure 4: Typical industrial control system (ICS)
architecture (Schwartz et al., 2010).
Given this analogy, we applied the concepts of a
shell to the actual ICS system in a Software
Engineering Lab at XYZ University. The role of the
watchdog guards of a safety shell is played by
network monitoring and penetration tools, in this
case: Wireshark and Metasploit, respectively (Top
Network Security Tools, 2012). The tools run in real
time and the data collected are stored in files
analyzed by the shell’s State Guard.
Because of limited space, in this paper, we only
analyze the Wireshark tests. They were conducted
by packet capturing sessions. During each session,
over 5000 packets were captured. Most of these
packets have little to do with the ICS security
testing, however they can be filtered out by looking
at specific features. For example, one can see the
login attempt packets and draw conclusions
regarding potential security violations. Fortunately,
the ICS implementation software successfully
encrypts the password part of the data packet.
A typical Wireshark packet capture screen
(Figure 5) shows multiple packets being highlighted
Figure 5: Illustration of broken packets caught by
in black with red font. In Wireshark this type of
highlighting is reported as a “bad TCP” packet. With
TCP, each packet is sent with a checksum. When the
packet arrives at the server end, the checksum is
verified, however with these packets, the checksums
are not met. This does not necessary report a
security threat. Nevertheless, having a constant
stream of incomplete packets may be a potential
vulnerability that could be exploited. Further
investigation into why so many packets are being
sent with bad checksum would be recommended.
Similar analysis can be performed by the shell
for the Matesploit guard. In this case, however, we
only performed manual analysis of data. For the
actual real-time operation an automated data
analysis is needed, which requires use of artificial
intelligence techniques, due to massive amounts of
data produced by the tool.
The driving force of this research is that security,
safety and reliability properties represent
complementary ends of the same problem: system
trustworthiness, which is important in protecting the
nation’s critical infrastructure. While computer
safety prevents the environment from being
adversely impacted by the computer, computer
security prevents the computer system from being
adversely affected by the environment.
With a multitude of diverse issues and challenges
in trustworthiness of industrial computer systems,
including embedded systems, and a lack of a unified
approach to security, safety and reliability, we
propose a framework for an integrated treatment of
trustworthiness properties. The central point of this
framework is a unified architectural model to study
mutual relationships among these three properties,
based on a controller’s interaction with the
environment. The model takes advantage of the fact
that all practical configurations of control systems
have a limited set of categories for input/output.
For the proposed framework, we conducted
initial experiments to evaluate the validity and
effectiveness of the process. In particular a concept
of safety shell was successfully applied in security
assessment for an ICS system.
Finally, it is worth noting that at this time no
single practice, process, or methodology offers a
universal “silver bullet” for evaluating system
trustworthiness. However, there exist a number of
practices and methodologies, to which the presented
approach can be adapted to increase the
trustworthiness of the produced software, both in its
development and operation.
This project has been funded in part by a grant
SBAHQ-10-I-0250 from the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA). SBA’s funding should not be
construed as an endorsement of any products,
opinions, or services. The first author acknowledges
the AFRL 2011 Summer Faculty Fellowship through
the American Society of Engineering Education.
Additional funding has been provided by the
National Science Foundation Award No. 1129437.
Students Michael Humphries (FGCU) and
Wendy Stevenson (ERAU) are gratefully
acknowledged for assistance in the use of tools and
conducting the experiments.
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