Screening Program for Learning Difficulties in Arabic
Speaking Students: Design Considerations for
Educational Interfaces
Areej Al-Wabil
, Amandeep Dhir
, Hessah Al-Musaaed
and Maha Al-Sheaha
Information Technology Department, College of Computer Science, King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Institute of Behavioral Science, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland
Special Education Department, College of Education, King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Special Education Department, College of Education, Taiba University,
Madina, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to detail the creation process of a screening
program for Learning Difficulties (LDs), with the goal of alleviating distrac-
tions in the interface while retaining essential elements for measuring cognitive
abilities and behavioral responses. The program is designed to screen general
populations of children ages between 4 and 9 years –with and without Learning
Difficulties- and measures five cognitive abilities. Design considerations for ac-
cessibility and usability in each component are described. Particular emphasis
in the design of this screening system is given to the cognitive effort involved in
interacting with the forms, which are affected by the interface's complexity and
the navigation structure (i.e. breadth and depth of the information architecture).
The assumption was that focusing on designing interfaces that are intuitive and
accessible for individuals with LDs would facilitate access to a wider popula-
tion of children who do not have any LDs or have limited proficiency in inter-
acting with computers because the program was intended for launching across
the geographical region of Saudi Arabia, in metropolitan cities as well as rural
1 Introduction
The emergence of mobile computing and pervasive systems such as mobile phones,
handheld games and laptops have transformed the life of many kids around the world.
In recent years, technology has become an essential part of the learning process; how-
ever, children are not the same when it comes to learning aspects in any classroom
and non-classroom contexts. Some children face problems in their learning due to
Learning Difficulties (LD) or cognitive disabilities that that are caused due to biologi-
cal factors [1]. Children having LDs perform significantly below than average in their
academic career because of the difficulties they have acquired since their birth [2].
Furthermore, LDs often lead to reduced development of the social, academic and
Al-Wabil A., Dhir A., Al-Musaaed H. and Al-Sheaha M..
Screening Program for Learning Difficulties in Arabic Speaking Students: Design Considerations for Educational Interfaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0004100600670078
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2012), pages 67-78
ISBN: 978-989-8565-17-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
practice oriented abilities [3].
At present there are several different definitions for learning difficulties. [3] point-
ed out that often researchers find it problematic to define the group of general learn-
ing difficulties. Due to which, many prefer not to distinguish between the subgroups
whose cut-offs are not clear. Manifestations of Learning Difficulties include continu-
ous clue seeking, poor verbal memory, lack of confidence, social and emotional skills,
underdeveloped logical reasoning, abstract thinking and motor [4, 5, 7]. Children with
learning difficulties have different profiles [6] or specific profiles that are different
from others [1]. Even though children with LD have different profiles they can still
exhibit some common signaling features namely slower cognitive development and
poor problem solving skills [8], low self-esteem [9], possess fear of making mistakes
and exhibit unacceptable behavior [4], lack confidence on decision making, problem
in grasping and remembrance of abstract concepts, difficulty in obtaining instruction
and keeping the learning, dependence on peers for obtaining information and taking
actions and higher chances of getting distracted due to environment around them [1,4,
5, 6, 9,10]. Cognitive abilities have direct impact on the learning in any classroom and
non-classroom environment. Evidence from behavioral and educational sciences indi-
cates that early diagnosis and intervention could be key to achieving greater inde-
pendence in learning [11]. Psychologists, neurologists and educational researchers
have concluded that early detection of the learning difficulties is essential for the fu-
ture of suffering children, their parents and schools. Children suffering from LD can
only be provided with support if their learning disabilities can be identified. To solve
this problem, screening techniques are used in practice. Educational psychologists,
neurologists and highly trained educators use different screening techniques for ex-
ample, Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children[12] and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of
Cognitive Abilities-III[13]
Existing techniques and instruments for performing the process of diagnosis and
screening of various LDs is both time consuming and resource intensive. The main
challenges in performing the detection of learning difficulties is that it requires manu-
al process of testing which is often lengthy and tedious, highly trained professionals,
cost and time intensive. In order to counter the challenges of cost effectiveness and
large scale screening, educational researchers and practitioners have coined the need
for developing computer based screening software that can diagnose LDs among chil-
dren on a large scale. However, this goal is not easy because all screening related
needs must be delivered in a computer-based format so as to ensure flexibility, con-
sistency and adaptability [14, 15]. In this end, educational practitioners have argued
the need for developing automated screening software’s for the early diagnosis of LD.
This kind of automated screening should be capable of performing large scale screen-
ing tests without the need of highly trained neurologists, psychologists or educators.
Overall goal of such automated screening software is to perform large-scale parallel
diagnose experiments of large number of participants in cost effective and timely
manner. It has been estimated that more than 10% of the world’s population suffers
from some kind of disability [16]. This means that the spectrum of users who are go-
ing to benefit with the research on developing screening software for the diagnoses of
the LD’s in young children is enormous. However, Arabic speaking users are not yet
addressed by academic or industrial research. To date, to our best knowledge there do
not exist any computer-based screening software normalized for Arabic-speaking
children, apart from CoPS which was specific to Kuwait and limited in its scope of
assesment. There has been increase in the development of educational software’s in
Arabic language however, remedial and screening programs for children with LDs is
scarce in number [17]. Furthermore the heterogeneity of research on developing
screening software for the diagnosis of LD has resulted in the need for introducing
standardizations or design considerations for educational interfaces aimed at children
with LDs. Design considerations for educational software developed with Arabic in-
terfaces have been reported in studies that examine visual aspects of the design
[18,19]. However, there is an inadequate understanding of design considerations spe-
cific for screening software aimed at children with LDs in non-English context, par-
ticularly language and cultural considerations. The discipline of Human Computer
Interaction (HCI) can play an important role in developing screening software, quality
standards and formulating design considerations for educational interfaces aimed at
children with LD’s. The role of HCI becomes even more important because design
considerations and standards must be understandable and meet the needs and expecta-
tions of the software designers. Through this paper, we would like to generate a popu-
lar sentiment among the academic and industry circles that studying design considera-
tion for any educational interface aimed at children with LD’s is essential not only for
an individual but for the whole community and society.
2 Software for Children with Learning Difficulties
The popularity of educational technology has grown so high that children with and
without disabilities (e.g. children with LD) are now using it for their betterment. Chil-
dren with LD face difficulties in their memory, attention, perception, concentration
and logical reasoning. Due to which, more focus should be given to the alternative
forms of representing problem, text or any abstract concept. Visualizations often at-
tract children with LD’s[1]. This very need has resulted in the development of ad-
vanced educational interface technologies such as virtual reality and tangible interfac-
es. Recently, academic research has witnessed the increasing interest in exploring
advanced interface technologies for aiding LDs among young children.
The concept of virtual reality has been much explored as an educational technolo-
gy that aide the learning and educational experience through entertainment [23, 24,
25]. Tangible interfaces have been expanded in the domain of education technology
by creating systems that are immersed in our physical environment. Tangible inter-
faces have enabled educators to go beyond the traditional screen-based applications
for PC’s [26]. The use of tangible interfaces as means for educational technology that
supports learning for children with special needs is based on the fundamental theories
governing human behavior. For example,[27, 28] argued that tangible interfaces for
educational purposes are based on the behavioral learning theories and traditional use
of desktop computers. Similarly constructivist-learning theory states that there should
be more control on the learning when tangible interfaces are used. [7, 20, 27] investi-
gated the use of multi-sensory and tangible interfaces in order to enhance the learning
experience among LD children. [29, 30] have concluded that multi-sensory experi-
ence provided by such tangible interfaces has a positive impact on the cognitive and
learning abilities of LD children. [6] has provided the guidelines for product designers
who are interested in developing educational technology and other ICT that enhances
learning among young children. Some of the salient features of these guidelines in-
clude considering a kinesthetic approach for enhancing the learning experience
through physical activity, increasing the use of visualization compared to text so that
children with LD can grasp the abstract concepts easily, using different forms of rep-
resentation for presenting the information to young children, and instructional scaf-
3 Screening Software
The majority of existing research on developing screening software for identifying
children at risk of having LDs is targeted towards the developed world. These existing
screening programs focus only on subsets of difficulties that constitutes LDs, hence
they possess only limited focus and do not really address the real problem. Most
common difficulties addressed by existing screening program are attention, phonolog-
ical processing deficits and short term memory problems [31]. Screening programs
are meant for providing comprehensive assessment and enabling educators with ro-
bust indication about the specific learning deficits. However, it has been seen that
most screening programs partially address the problem of identifying children at risk
of having LDs and lack an element of comprehensive assessment. This resulted in the
limited applicability and effectiveness of existing screening programs. At present,
there exists only one screening program for Arabic speaking children named CoPS
that has been developed based on normative data of 4-8year old children population in
Kuwait. Due to its limited scope of cognitive abilities and normative testing, its ap-
plicability to wider Arabic speaking populations was a concern once it was launched
as a screening tool by practitioners in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, there exist gaps in
our understanding on the kind of LDs present in the Arabic population especially the
Saudi Arabian population.
In recent years, Saudi Arabia has experienced the increasing need for developing
standardized screening instruments for the detection of LDs. There has been several
efforts in this regard, however due to large number of schools, districts and education
governing bodies, screening instruments are pretty diversified and these are mainly
performed by the specialist in LDs. Every school is using their own battery of manual
tests and educational psychologists do not posses any formal or standardized method
of assessing LDs in young children. In order to bridge the existing gap in understand-
ing the LDs present in Arabic population and develop a reliable screening program for
Saudi population, a research project was launched. The aim of this research project
was to evaluate the feasibility of developing a computer based screening program that
can facilitate the normative assessment among Saudi population. The screening tool
developed through this project is very practical and convenient for the educators so
that they can screen significant number of LDs among the young children aged be-
tween 4 to 9 years. Computer based screening is effective compared to manual
screening process not only because of its cost effective nature but due to the chances
of greater recognition of cases than with voluntary reporting of LDs by parents and
educators. In the first phase of this project, we have developed the computer-based
assessments so as to collect data for developing normative testing. Additionally, nor-
mative testing program was developed keeping in mind the age-related cut-off scores
indicating low, average and high ability skills. These computerized screening pro-
grams are available on the computers in the public schools so that children between 4-
9 years can participate in such tests. This arrangement also ensures that useful quanti-
tative data is collected in an easy and cost efficient manner, which can also alert edu-
cators about any possible LDs among the participating students.
4 Test Design
In order to access the cognitive abilities of children, a prerequisite for the diagnosis of
the LDs, children should be engaged in set of tasks that can potentially tap their cog-
nitive abilities. However, due consideration should also be given to address the acces-
sibility and usability of the computer-based screening program. The first step in the
preparation of the test tasks was to study the existing literature on ability tests on LDs
in Arabic. We performed a thorough review of these existing ability tests and calcu-
lated a list of 85 tasks that were essential for our proposed screening program. Due to
the larger number of test tasks, we decided to organize the tasks into key categories
which were short memory, perception, language, attention and verbal and non-verbal
reasoning. The screening of the short-term memory requires a battery of tests that can
effectively evaluate the child’s capacity to retain and manipulate the information for
short and long intervals. The abilities related to verbal and non-verbal reasoning were
tested through the use of figures, words and visio-spatial tasks. The language compo-
nent was tested through direct assessment of age-appropriate phonological processing
tasks, as well as grammatical structures uttered by the screening program and a block
of sentences are visually presented (in form of pictures) so as to depict the actual
event described in the event. The task related to finding the semantic similarities actu-
ally tap the comprehension skills of the children with LDs. Auditory and visual atten-
tion were assessed with stimuli designed for interactive responses by the child.
5 Design Considerations of Educational Interfaces
In this section, we describe visual and interaction design considerations and include
example(s) of interfaces designed within components of our screening program.
5.1 Visual Short Term Memory Screening
In this screening task, the child is exposed to a pre-defined number of images for a
duration corresponding to the level of progress in the program, and then is requested
to select the images that he/she viewed to assess visual working memory abilities.
Instructions are presented to the child in spoken form as well as written in a speech
cloud on the right side of the interface. Selection of elements on the screen was sup-
ported with consistent hover feedback by highlighting the element with a yellow bor-
der, and consistent selection feedback by highlighting the element with green border
as depicted in Figure 1. The screening program increases in difficulty by presenting
sets of images that are increasing in both quantity and complexity. Thus, a visual pro-
gress bar supported progress tracking in the screening task which was especially im-
portant for children with attention deficit problems.
Fig. 1. Interface Design for Memory Assessment.
A similar approach was adopted in measuring visual short-term memory with let-
ters, numbers, and words as shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Visual Feedback and Progress Tracking.
5.2 Auditory Short Term Memory Screening
With auditory screening, it is essential to keep visual distraction at a minimum. Also,
since some children may have comorbid difficulties such as attention deficit disor-
ders, the presentation of audio stimuli should be preceded by a note or pause so that
interaction or presentation of the tested materials is initiated by the child's action of
clicking or indicating that he/she is ready because audio stimuli is presented only once
and not repeated in the session. The design of the interface for recording responses to
the audio stimuli also has its own considerations. For example, in an exercise for en-
tering numbers that were spoken to the child without being presented visually, the
keypad for entering the numbers is presented on the screen and numbers' entry from
the keyboard is disabled to control for variability in numeric keypad designs as shown
in Figure 3. This was especially important because this program was designed to col-
lect normalized data for the Saudi population and it was deployed for use across the
kingdom using the existing labs in schools, which had varied facilities, and the de-
signs of keyboards could not be controlled and kept consistent. Therefore much of the
character-entry screening exercises involved on-screen interface.
Hover Feed-
Selection Feedback
(Audio 'click' and
spoken and
Fig. 3. Auditory Attention Assessment.
5.3 Assessing Upper Limits of the Child’s Cognitive Ability
An approach for presenting five levels of increasing difficulty was adopted in the de-
sign of tasks throughout the program. The program was adaptive in the sense that
three consecutive errors would consider the following level beyond the cognitive abil-
ity of the child and automatically record the score and move the child to the next lev-
el. Increasing the levels of difficulties varied according to the type of skill being
measured. For example, in visual discrimination and number recognition, the two
tasks for levels 1 and 5 are shown in the figure below to depict the contrast in com-
plexity for the measuring the child’s ability. Complexity increased in the number of
digits and the similarity of visual appearance between the correct answer and the dis-
tracters. All other visual design factors and auditory description were kept constant to
control for confounding factors. Another example for visual discrimination in images
is shown the visual image with the two tasks in levels 1 and 5 as depicted in Figure 4.
Level 1 (min) Level 5 (max)
Visual Image
Fig. 4. Designing consistent interfaces for increased complexity in cognitive tasks.
5.4 Language Considerations and Familiarity in Visual Designs
Design elements in the program’s interface and in the spoken instructions were con-
sidered to reflect familiar objects in the local context. Moreover, images that were
Area for visual feed-
back of responses
entered by the child
Interface Numeric
Keypad to control for
variability in key-
board designs
Instructions: spoken
only in auditory
screening. Speech
cloud not visible
related to words that need to be identified by the user were were carefully selected to
avoid ambiguity such as the images chosen for the task depicted in Figure 5. The
word ‘camel’ in the local context can be expressed in two words (لبإ) and ( مجل ) and
both of them end with the same letter, so the answer for finding the shared ‘last letter’
of the three images would be valid whether the child considered the first or second
word for identifying the camel.
Fig. 5. Selection of words and matching images.
5.5 Inclusion of Animated Elements
Since accessibility guidelines suggest avoiding animated elements that distract users,
it was ensured in the design that animations were included only in essential areas of
the interface. For example, a timed task involving visual exploration of a grid of
numbers to search for specific numbers included an animated timer so that users are
aware of the remaining time (Case A in the figure below). This inclusion of an ani-
mated element was based on the assumption that benefit gained from the visual feed-
back obtained from this animation outweighs the distraction that it may incur. Moreo-
ver, it was believed that if the animated timer in the way it was designed (i.e. minimal
design and placement in secondary location on the screen) distracted the users then
this type of user would be more prone to be distracted from maintaining their focus on
the task itself (i.e. selecting the numbers from the grid) and this distraction would
consequently trigger the user to re-focus rather than remain distracted. In contrast,
when the cognitive ability being measured was related to non-visual abilities,
animation was avoided as in the example in Case B of Figure 6. In this series of 5
tasks, the child is requested to select the number representing the number of hits that
he/she hears in the activity of hammering a nail. Although the action can be animated
for realism, it was kept static so that attention is directed to the auditory stimuli and
not supported by visual clues to help the child keep track of the number of hits.
6 Evaluations and Deployment
User acceptance testing was conducted on a sample of children ranging between 4 to
9 years of age. Consent was obtained from the parents and school of the participating
With animation (Case A) Without animation (Case B)
Fig. 6. Animated elements on interfaces.
child. Sessions were recorded using Tobii Studio software which measure the visual
attention of users, interaction logs, as well as their behavioral measures such as time
on task, and patterns of mouse movements, and backtracking actions in completing
tasks. Key findings from these evaluations were related to the timing of presentation
of stimuli, visibility of elements in some interfaces, synchronization of audio and vis-
ual cues, and lack of progress tracking. These issues were addressed in the final ver-
sion of the software before the testing was launched across the country. The program
was deployed for use in public schools to collect normative data of cognitive profiles
of children in the 4 to 9 year old segment of the population in five regions in the
kingdom to ensure geographical coverage of regions in the northern, southern, eastern
and western regions of Saudi Arabia. These regions and the size of the samples in
which data was collected are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Normative Data Collection.
Region Sample size
Central region (Riyadh) 188
Eastern Region (Damman) 243
Western Region (Jeddah) 24
Southern (Jazan) 157
Northern (Jouf) 166
Total Sample for Normative Data 778
At the deployment phase, an online support system was established to address
technical difficulties that teachers in public schools would encounter. It was observed
that enquiries and technical problems experienced by users that were related to opera-
tional issues such as installation and exporting the data exceeded the usability prob-
lems reported. This suggests that the design of the tasks matched to a large extent the
needs of the users and the expectations of designers in terms of appropriateness in
accommodating the variability in technical proficiency and familiarity with automated
7 Conclusions
Designing interactions in educational contexts needs to take into account the abilities
and needs of the target user population. This becomes more critical when the system
is designed for a heterogeneous population that includes individuals with and without
LDs. To examine design considerations specific to educational interfaces for screen-
ing individuals with LDs, we drew upon usability and accessibility guideline adher-
ence in a case study involving the design of an automated screening software program
developed for Arabic-speaking children in the 4 to 9 age bracket. It was found that
design considerations were crucial for ensuring accurate screening of cognitive abili-
ties. Furthermore, usability assessments in the deployment phase indicated that de-
signing with considerations specific for individuals with LDs facilitated a more acces-
sible and usable system for a wider population thus supporting a universal design ap-
proach for this context of use.
This project is supported by a grant from the Deanship of Scientific Research in Tai-
bah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia. We also acknowledge the
support of the Malaz Scientific and Medical Colleges Center provided by grant RGP-
VPP-157 for the Software and Knowledge Engineering Group and the support of the
College of Computer and Information Sciences in King Saud University.
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