About Creating Intelligence Systems in Ternary Logic
I. A. Bessmertny, S. V. Eliseev and A. V. Nevidimov
Department of Computer Science, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies,
Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO), Kronverksky pr., 49, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation
Keywords: Intelligent Systems, Prolog, Ternary Logic.
Abstract: Rule based intelligent systems traditionally use binary or fuzzy logic. Binary logic by implications causes
contradictions as far as the knowledge base grows, and the bottlenecks of fuzzy logic are
fuzzification/defuzzification processes and computational complexity of inference. A common problem of
all information systems is vulnerability to missing data that can yield wrong results. The paper shows the
opportunity and expediency of creating intelligent systems with the rule-based model of knowledge in
ternary logic basis operating with states “true, false, possible”. Intelligent systems based on ternary logic
allow recognition of a contradiction by the presence in the knowledge base of both the fact and its negation.
Inference from ternary rules not only derives facts by a query but also reveals what facts are missing for the
goal be true. This feature could help to solve the problem of basic level facts that seem to be obvious for a
person but are not presented in the knowledge base. The paper contains examples of Prolog rules for
conversion of binary knowledge bases to ternary ones and some rules for manipulating with ternary facts.
The rule-based model of knowledge is popular and
attractive to use in intelligent systems because of its
similarity to formal logic and natural form of
deduction. Also we know the disadvantages of the
rule-based model grounded on implications that
inevitably cause paradoxes. Attempts to eliminate
the disadvantages of the rule-based model were
made by Lukasiewicz (Łukasiewicz, 1957), Carroll
(Кэролл. 1973), and Brusentsov (Брусенцов, 2008)
who laid down the foundations of ternary logic, that
allows operating not only with “true” and ”false”
values, but also with the third value “unknown”,
”possible”, etc. Some database managements
systems like Oracle (Lex and Gennick, 2005) or MS
SQL Server (Coles, 2007) use NULL field content to
represent missing data in the database and resolve
UNKNOWN for binary operations with NULL
values of variables.
Another method of eliminating the disadvantages
of binary logic is fuzzy logic (soft computing)
suggested by L. Zadeh (Zadeh, 1965), where the
continuous scale between “true” and “false” states is
used. At the same time binary and ternary logics are
particular cases of fuzzy logic. Evident
disadvantages of fuzzy systems are the absence of
standard methods of transition to fuzziness and
backwards (fuzzification and defuzzification) and
computational complexity. Therefore fuzzy logic is
used mainly in expert systems, where cause-effect
relationships are substituted by simple “appearance
– hypothesis” relationships (Бессмертный, 2012). It
should be mentioned that binary logic can be used in
intelligent systems if they get the necessary facts
during the dialogue with the user and this process
solves the paradoxes. Some examples of such
intelligent systems are used by negotiating agents
developed by Xudong et al. (2012), and Minghua et
al., (2006
In intelligent systems with binary logic
elimination of contradictoriness is achieved by
combining the assumptions of closed and open
worlds. But the absolutization of the open world
assumption inevitably leads to most facts become
non-computable. A possible solution is combining of
fuzzy and binary logic as shown by Xudong et al.
The objective of the paper is to prove the
usefulness of ternary logic in intelligent systems on
rule based model of knowledge and demonstrate the
implementability of ternary logic in Prolog
programming language.
A. Bessmertny I., V. Eliseev S. and V. Nevidimov A..
About Creating Intelligence Systems in Ternary Logic.
DOI: 10.5220/0004109101610165
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 161-165
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Let the knowledge base store the facts in the subject-
predicate-object form. In binary logic, a request to
the fact returns one of two states: true, if the fact
occurs, and false otherwise. False may be returned,
if there exists a fact that explicitly denies the sought-
for fact as well as if there are no data about the fact.
Here is a simple example of this feature of binary
Let us specify the following query in the subject-
predicate-object form (hereafter we follow the
Prolog notation):
fact(bonnie, hasSex, female).
If the knowledge base contains a relevant fact,
the query returns the “true” value. If there is no
relevant fact in the base, it returns the “false” value
that can be mistakenly interpreted as the fact
«bonnie, hasSex, male».
Let us define three states of fact’s certainty: «1»
– true, «-1» – false and «0» – possible. The truth
table for negation, conjunction and disjunction
operations in ternary basis is written in the table 1.
Table 1: Truth table.
-1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
0 0 -1 0 -1 0
1 -1 -1 1 -1 1
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
The rules of transforming binary facts to ternary
ones are listed below:
∃fact ternar
∃φ,φ fact
The first rule (1) ascertains the fact’s Certainty
(Certainty=1) if the corresponding binary fact is
presented. The rule can be written in Prolog as
shown below.
Beyond the triple arguments (subject, predicate,
object), each ternary fact should have the fourth
argument certainty.
The second rule (2) establishes the falseness of
the fact (Certainty = -1) for a subject having
mutually exclusive states. This rule is context-
sensitive and should be set individually for each fact.
For the example described above negative fact looks
ternary(Subj,hasSex,male,-1) :-
The third rule (3) defines the fact is possible
(Certainty=0) if there are no confirming nor negating
Contrary to (2), rules (1) and (3) are universal
and could be applied to all the facts of a binary
knowledge base. Rule (3) uses as antecedents non-
existing facts, consequently, it can yield a ternary
fact only by back chaining reasoning, i.e. by query
Presence of the ternary facts with both “1” and ”-
1” certainties for the same binary fact in the
knowledge base is a symptom of its inconsistency
and this can be used for its verification.
In contrary to reasoning from binary facts by
Prolog inference engine, when failure occurs if there
are no facts satisfying the query or a condition of the
rule, reasoning by Prolog from ternary knowledge
base never yields failure because any ternary fact is
presented in a knowledge base (with certainty +1, 0
or -1). Consequently, Prolog will always return
truth, so the certainty of the result is to be calculated
as the minimum certainty of all the conditions of the
rule as shown below:
ternary(X,oppositeSex,Y,Cty) :-
ternary(X, hasSex, male, Cty1),
Cty is min(Cty1,Cty2).
This rule returns certainty of the result: Cty = 1
(the “true” value), if X and Y are of different sexes;
Cty = -1 (the “false” value), if X and Y are asexual
or neutral; or Cty = 0 (the “possible” value), if the
sexes of X and Y are unknown. In this example two
instances of the rule mean that getting the result
requires applying disjunction to each rule.
According to the truth table (Table 1) disjunction in
ternary logic means the maximum of certainties of
operands, so it is always necessary to find all the
solutions and choose one with maximum value of
certainty. Let us write the goal:
If the knowledge base contains just the fact
fact(bonnie, hasSex, female),
the first rule obviously returns the certainty Cty = -1
(bonnie has no sex male) and the second one gives 0
(bonnie has sex female but sex of clyde is
unknown). Thus, the resulting Cty = 0.
Involvement of more than one fact in a rule that
returns “0” significantly reduces information
capacity and usefulness of the result, because we do
not know which fact impedes the revealing of the
truth of the result. For ascertainment of such missing
facts the list of the facts with zero truth value could
be returned in this form of a list:
Such a list can be interpreted as a phrase in a
subjunctive mood: “This fact can be true, if the
following facts are true …”. In contrast to expert
systems where the missing facts are to be established
in a human-machine dialogue we need not to involve
the user to the consideration process. The resulting
lists of uncertain facts can be analyzed
The following is the modified rule which defines
that a subject and an object are of the opposite sex:
[X,oppositeSex,Y,Cond1,Cond2]) :-
Cty is min(Cty1,Cty2).
The fifth argument in the ternary predicate
contains the list of facts needed to the fact be true.
This argument has the empty list in facts with
certainty values 1 and -1.
Below is one more rule that defines the
allowability of marriage based on conditions that the
partners have opposite sex:
Let us issue the Prolog goal:
If the knowledge base contains fact(clyde,
hasSex, male) but no fact(bonnie, hasSex, female),
certainty Cty = 0 and the reason is following:
Now we can consider the peculiarities of
negation operation. To include the rule with
negation into an antecedent, the certainty of this
condition should be inverted:
Cond2), Cty2=<0,
Cty is min(Cty1,-Cty2).
The above example of modified rule forbids the
marriage of blood relatives and the reason acquired
after query processing is following:
By using nested rules and large number of facts
the inference chains can be very long so the lists of
uncertain facts get unreadable for a man. At the
same time the list structure of data is convenient for
interpreting by computer. Another problem of
explaining of inference results is layerage of
negations that can also make the explaining difficult.
These problems could be solved by visualization of
uncertain facts by semantic graphs like it was shown
for knowledge visualization (Bessmertny, 2010).
Fig. 1 demonstrates the visualization of uncertain
facts needed for the inference “Bonnie can marry
Clyde” to be true.
Figure 1: Visualization of uncertain facts for the inference
“Bonnie can marry Clyde”.
The proposed method of creating rules allows
eliminating the disadvantages of intelligent systems
with the rule-based model of knowledge caused by
binary logic and also provides solutions that are not
just the statements of facts. Modelling of reasoning
with explaining how the goal can be achieved makes
intelligent informational systems closer to expert
systems in terms of the explanation of the results and
allows simplify the verification of knowledge bases.
In intelligent systems with large quantities of facts
and rules a great number of response instances that
differ in fact combinations can be expected for each
positive result of the query. The interpretation of
response categories also may be a rather difficult
task. For example, the knowledge base contains no
data about instances Alex and Cruz. Then the query
yields two lists of uncertain facts:
[alex, canMarry, cruz, [[alex,
oppositeSex, cruz, [[alex, hasSex,
male], [cruz, hasSex, female]]], [NOT,
alex, bloodRelative, cruz]]];
[alex, canMarry, cruz, [[alex,
oppositeSex, cruz, [[alex, hasSex,
female], [cruz, hasSex, male]]], [NOT,
alex, bloodRelative, cruz]]].
Of course, more complex rules will generate
many lists and interpretation of them might be a
non-trivial task. The simplest decision here is sorting
the lists by their length by ascending. Another way
is intersection of lists to detect common conditions.
If these conditions are unachievable the entire goal
is unreachable.
The second disadvantage is that the number of
facts involved in conjunction and disjunction is not
considered in ternary logic whereas in fuzzy logic
conjunction and disjunction can be substituted not
by minimum and maximum but by Bayes' formulas
or random relations. This problem can be solved
partially if all the solutions are sorted by the length
of the list of conditions and the solution with the
minimal quantity of undetermined facts is chosen. It
should be admitted that fuzzy logic also meets
computational problems as shown by Xudong
Complexity of inference in binary logic by depth-
first method is b
nodes, where b is branching
coefficient and m is search depth (Russel and
Norwig. 2010). For the binary facts the branching
coefficient b means the average number of fact
combinations relevant to the rule conditions. The
branching coefficient for ternary knowledge base is
higher because the missing and negative facts are
always presented with certainty 0 and -1
respectively. Consequently, the search in ternary
knowledge bases is more complicated., The search
depth in ternary logic is not expected to be deeper so
the complexity growth will be not significant. Fig.2
presents the results of experimental research of
knowledge acquisition from the base of facts
containing predicates “has_child” and “has_sex”.
Figure 2: Time of acquisition 100000 facts.
All the instances of subjects and objects are
random numbers, where gender attribute was
defined only for 75% of instances. For the search
depth m=1 the rule “oppositeSex” and for m=2 the
rule “canMarry” were applied. The curves (1) and
(2) correspond to the search the facts “oppositeSex
and the curves (3) and (4) show the search the facts
“canMarry” in binary and ternary logic respectively.
The results of experiments in the SWI-Prolog
environment demonstrates approximately 3 – 5
times less speed of inference in ternary logic and
these results meet the expectations.
The presented results of research demonstrate the
0 20000 40000
Time, s
Number of facts in the knowledge base
efficiency of the principles of creating intelligent
systems in ternary logic basis. At the same time
there is no necessity to use the open world
assumption, and an intelligent system gets a totally
new quality: neither the truth nor the falseness of
any fact is defined but the possibility of its truth
mentioning the conditions under which the truth of
the fact can be achieved. The problem of the speed
of modeling the deductions in ternary logic is not
discussed in the research. It is likely that the
methods of inference acceleration developed by the
authors and represented in the papers
(Бессмертный, 2012), (Bessmertny and
Katerinenko, 2011) could be used for this purpose
and are to be an objective for further work
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