Contextual Approaches for Identification of Toponyms in Ancient
Hendrik Sch¨oneberg and Frank M¨uller
Institute of Computer Science, University of W¨urzburg, W¨urzburg, Germany
Named Entity Recognition, Information Retrieval, Contextual Approach, Feature Vector, Conditional Random
Field, Classification Framework, Digitization.
Performing Named Entity Recognition on ancient documents is a time-consuming, complex and error-prone
manual task. It is a prerequisite though to being able to identify related documents and correlate between
named entities in distinct sources, helping to precisely recreate historic events. In order to reduce the manual
effort, automated classification approaches could be leveraged. Classifying terms in ancient documents in an
automated manner poses a difcult task due to the sources’ challenging syntax and poor conservation states.
This paper introduces and evaluates two approaches that can cope with complex syntactial environments by
using statistical information derived from a term’s context and combining it with domain-specific heuristic
knowledge to perform a classification. Furthermore, these approaches can easily be adapted to new domains.
Digitization projects like the Google Books
tive have massively grown in scale within the last
years, seeking to offer documents to a wide audience.
The digitization process usually obtains a mere digital
copy of a given source - i.e. a set of images. In order
to retrieve the source’s semantics as well you have to
put in extra effort. This might begin with retrieving
a textual representation of your source (via OCR or
even manually) and includes identification and per-
sistence of important / interesting terms or passages.
This kind of information retrieval - often referred
to as Deep Tagging - is a necessity in order to be able
to link to other related documents, to correlate be-
tween terms in distinct documents and, generally said,
to provide better results for users’ queries.
Automated approaches that help with this task
yield good results as long as the input document has a
continuous structure, is well-conservated and its dig-
itized copy is of high quality. Furthermore, for auto-
mated classification approaches the source’s language
and domain should be well-known. But what if one or
more of these preconditions are not met?
Ancient Documents. For several reasons ancient
documents pose a special challenge for digitization
and deep tagging procedures.
Figure 1: Fries Chronicle, 16th century, rendered transcript
with exemplary orthographic issues highlighted.
Figure 1 shows a rendered transcript of the Fries
, a chronicle from the 16th century written
in Early New High German. Notice how the figure
shows three different spelling variants for the Ger-
man city W¨urzburg, even though their occurrence is
only a few lines apart. Capitalization of characters
was mainly subject to the author’s assessment of the
term’s importance in its current context. Depending
on personal preference some authors even chose to
capitalize single letters, just because they took a lik-
ing to it.
Poor conservation states add to the complexity of data
mining within ancient sources, as any information
Schöneberg H. and Müller F..
Contextual Approaches for Identification of Toponyms in Ancient Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004110701630168
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 163-168
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
contained within damaged parts can only be recon-
structed heuristically. These factors lead to a high va-
riety of spelling variants (see Table 1).
Table 1: Spelling variants for term ’W¨urzburg’.
Spelling variants for ’W¨urzburg’ (excerpt)
Herbipolis, Wirceburgum, Wirciburc,
Wirtzburg, Wirzburg, Wirziaburg, W¨urtzburg,
W¨urtzb, wurtzb, Wurtzburg, wurtzburg,
w¨urtzburgk, w¨urtzburg, W, w¨urtzberg,
Wurtzb, W¨urzburg, wurzburg ...
Identifying all spelling variants for a given Named
Entity in an automated manner is a non-trivial task,
in which traditional dictionary-driven information re-
trieval and markup approaches can only succeed to a
certain degree, as it is very unlikely that all its spelling
variants have been discovered yet.
Goal. We need to find classifiers for Named Entities
with the ability to cope with syntactical challenging
environment and a broad variety of spelling variants.
As the previous section pointed out, the domain of an-
cient documents poses a special challenge for Named
Entity Recognition due to the terms’ high variabil-
ity. But instead of focusing on compensating for the
terms’ high variability, couldn’t we instead look out
for more reliable sources of information?
Term Co-occurrence. Contrary to the loosely de-
fined orthography, the grammar and sentence struc-
ture in ancient documents are comparably restrictive
as nowadays. Thus the likelihood of two terms t
, t
co-occurring is not arbitrary but instead has a specific
Stop Words. A term’s context mostly comprises
stop words. Stop words are terms that mainly fulfill a
linguistic purpose and do not carry much information
themselves (as prepositions, conjunctions or articles).
Due to the stop words’ frequent occurrence their or-
thographic consistency is much higher than that of
Named Entities like places or people’s names.
’Event-driven’ Tagging. As already pointed out,
stop words carry little information apart from their
linguistic function. In our task to extract a source’s
semantics they can obviously be neglected. But even
within the group of non stop words only a small sub-
set is relevant to our interests: Thinking of Wiki-
Systems like Wikipedia
, usually only a small sub-
set of Named Entities is cross-referenced, for exam-
ple other people’s names, people’s function, role or
profession (like mayor), places or dates. In order to
precisely recreate past events it is usually necessary
to find out, who did something, when did he / she
do it and where. We therefore define an Event e as
e = (a, d, p) with a A and A being the set of all ac-
tors, d D with D being the set of all dates and p P
with P being the set of all places. We can now reduce
the complexity of Named Entity Recognition on an-
cient sources by limiting the relevant classes to events
or integral parts of events.
2.1 Related Work
According to (Miller and Charles, 1991), the ex-
changeability of two terms within a given context cor-
relates with their semantic similarity. This means, the
easier two terms are exchangeable within the con-
texts they occur, the more likely they share a sim-
ilar meaning. A statistical analysis of two terms’
context composition can therefore indicate their de-
gree of semantic similarity. Many approaches uti-
lize the information contained within a term’s con-
text: (Gauch et al., 1999) propose an automatic query
expansion approach based on information from term
co-occurrence data. (Billhardt et al., 2002) analyze
term co-occurrence data to estimate relationships and
dependencies between terms. (Sch¨utze, 1992) uses
contextual information to create Context Vectors in a
high-dimensional vector space to resolve polysemy.
Existing Knowledge. Of course, any a-priori knowl-
edge aggregated in databases for domains like to-
ponyms (names derived from a place or region), pro-
fessions or male names and their spelling variants is
not discarded, but used as the entry point for our con-
textual approach, as it reliably shows us instances
of our sought-after class. We can then analyze their
contextual properties to find additional, so far un-
known instances. Furthermore we can inspect the a-
priori data for useful patterns to create domain spe-
cific heuristics (e.g. typical n-gram distribution for a
given class, typical pre-/suffixes, capitalization).
As a term’s context can apparently provide informa-
tion about its semantics, the following sections there-
fore introduce approaches that attempt to classify a
term as an integral part of an event by evaluating its
contextual information.
The concept behind the context classfication approach
presented in this section is learning by example: Start-
ing with instances of our sought-after class we try to
derive their common contextual properties. You can
then scan the document for terms with similar contex-
tual properties and propose that those terms share the
same class.
This procedure shall be demonstrated step by step.
3.1 Creating the Reference Profile
Initially you are required to specify instances of the
class you want to classify, further referred to as ref-
erence terms. All occurrences of the reference terms
will be located throughout the source.
Each occurrence of a reference term has a context in
which it is used and it is the contexters responsibility
to extract the term’s context. Several contexter imple-
mentations have been evaluated, but fixed window size
approaches turned out most useful. That means, that
a term ts context comprises w terms / chars left and /
or right of t.
3.2 Analyzing the Context
The crucial part of the classification process is the
analysis of a context’s properties. For this purpose
it is passed to a pipeline of feature modules, in which
each module will output a list of properties for the
given context (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Analysis of context properties.
The feature modules can be of either statistic (see
Table 2) or heuristic (see Table 3) nature.
The biggest advantage of analyzing a context with
statistic modules is that this works independently
from the source’s domain, whereas heuristic mod-
ules add domain-specific knowledge to the analysis
of contexts, which can be used to rule out false pos-
itives or affirm terms, which otherwise would have
been discarded.
Table 2: Statistic feature modules (excerpt).
Context Composition Extracts information
on how the context is composed, i.e. what terms
Co-occurrence Derives information about
which terms co-occur within the context
Distance metric Outputs information about
the distance in which a context term item appears
related to the query term
Table 3: Heuristic feature modules (excerpt).
Part Of Speech A term’s part-of-speech in-
formation can be used to extract linguistic patterns
from a context or help to eliminate false positives.
Pre-/Suffix heuristic Provides hints, whether
the currently analyzed context contains pre-
/suffixes common for the class we wish to find.
Dictionaries Domain specific dictionaries can
provide an additional source of information (e.g.
a list of all German cities, Spanish male names or
professions in English language).
Semantic markup If the source already con-
tains any semantic markup (tags indicating a
place, name, ...), this knowledge can be evalu-
3.3 Aggregation and Comparison
All feature modules generate a list of features for a
given context (see Figure 2).
Each feature can then be regarded as a dimension in
feature vector space. After the pipeline of feature
modules has analyzed a context, the resulting fea-
tures will be summed up in a context profile, which
is a vector in feature space and is finally normalized
with the amount of contexts contained within. With
this normalized context profile you now have a metric
for contextual similarity. We can estimate the similar-
ity of two context vectors by calculating their cosine
angle. For further information on the Vector Space
Model see (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
3.4 Context Vector Classification
Let D be a document, T D a set of refer-
ence terms sharing the same class, e.g. T =
{London, Berlin, . . .}. For each t T do:
1. Reference Step. Let t have count(t) occurrences
within the source, for each occurrence t
with 0
i < count(t) do:
(a) Retrievecontext for termt
(as described in Sec-
tion 3.2)
(b) Analyze and aggregate context properties into
context profile C
(as described in Section 3.3)
2. Classification Step. In order to classify a term
s D, create context profile C
accordingly. If the
similarity of C
and C
falls below a threshold δ,
propose that s has the same class as the reference
terms from T.
) δ class(s) = class(t
with similarity(a, b) being the cosine angle as de-
scribed in (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
The second contextual classification approach lever-
ages a similar methodology and will be presented in
the following section.
The second classification approach uses Conditional
Random Fields (CRF) to train a model able of pre-
dicting a term’s class. CRFs are undirected graphi-
cal models and often applied in pattern recognition /
labelling related tasks like natural language process-
ing, structure prediction of DNA-sequences or ob-
ject recognition. For further information see (Lafferty
et al., 2001).
Preference over HMMs. A trained CRF represents
a statistical model which is able to emit a label (read:
classification) for a given observation, which strongly
resembles the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). But in
difference to the HMM the CRF emits a label not only
depending on the model’s current state and current
observation, but instead takes into account the adja-
cent states as well and can at any time access the en-
tire observation sequence. This means, that again we
have the possibility to take into account a term’s con-
textual information.
Learning by Example. The model is trained by
comparing labels from a training set with the model’s
prediction and applying error-minimizing methods
like the Quasi-Newton method or Gradient descent.
After successful training we want the model’s pre-
dicted sequence of labels for the given sequence of
observations to match the sequence of labels from the
training set in the best possible way. But how does the
model know how to label a given observation?
The CRF is trained by example: We need to supply
exemplary observation sequences and their respective
labels. What makes CRFs valuable for our approach
is its ability to process an unbounded number of fea-
tures connected to each observation. A feature can
be regarded as an observation’s property and is cru-
cial for the classification process. These properties
have to be applied to the observation sequence in a
preprocessing step and will be accounted for in the
training procedure. Combined with the CRF’s char-
acteristic of being able to inspect the entire observa-
tion sequence at any time, this means, we can now -
pretty much analogue to the context vector approach
as described in Section 3.2 - analyze an observation’s
context with a pipeline of feature modules, each of
which emits a list of features for the currently ana-
lyzed context.
Supervised Learning. In order to improve its over-
all performance, the approach relies on supervised
learning strategies. Therefore the workflow contains
a learning cycle loop incorporating user feedback
to progressively optimize the training and efficiency
of the underlying CRF. After the annotation of the
source document, based on the applied set of features
as described in Section 3.2 on page 3, a subset of
the document, consisting of text passages that enclose
classification examples for the sought-after class, is
being composed. Upon entering the learning cycle, a
CRF is being trained on the previously generated sub-
set and immediately applied to the entire annotated
source document. Whenever the CRF assigns a la-
bel of interest to a term, the user is provided with a
proposal consisting of the term in question and its ad-
jacent context. By accepting the proposal, the sug-
gested label is applied to the focused term and the
training set for the CRF is extended by either all of the
terms occurrences within the document or just its cur-
rent occurrence. This newly obtained, user-affirmed
instance for a class can be added to the training data.
Then, based on the updated training set, a new cycle
begins with another training of the statistical model.
The learning cycles continue until user termination or
when a threshold of newly classified terms or their
occurrences within the text is underrun.
The context classification approaches will be evalu-
ated against two ancient documents. The first docu-
ment is the Fries Chronicle
from the 16th century,
with around 28.000 words in Early New High Ger-
man. The second document is Topographia Franco-
Figure 3: Toponym-instances vs feature module combina-
tion. Source: Fries Chronicle.
from 1648, comprising 76.000 words. The clas-
sification framework was presented a set of known to-
ponyms and challenged to identify as many new in-
stances as possible.
Feature Module Combinations. As described in
Section 3.2, the classification quality directly depends
on the selection of feature modules analyzing the con-
text. Figures 3 and 4 show exemplary test runs with
arbitrarily selected feature module combinations.
The x-axis denotes test runs with different feature
module combinations, whereas the y-axis displays
the amount of unique toponyms and absolute amount
of toponyms that were found. As you can derive
from the figures, some feature module combinations
only yield mediocre results, while others perform
much better. As an example: The good results
seen on test run 20 in both figures resulted from
combining the the statistic feature module analyzing
term co-occurrence data and the heuristic feature
modules responsible for part-of-speech information
and semantic markup evaluation. The general
directive is to figure out the best feature module com-
bination for a given classification task (see Section 7).
Figure 4: Toponym-instances vs feature module combina-
tion. Source: Topographia Franconiae.
Learning Cycle. Figure 5 illustrates the effects of the
learning cycle as described in Section 4. For a given
feature module selection, the CRF’s suggestions are
iteratively affirmed or declined by the user and the
model is retrained with the newly learned data. Figure
5 shows a steep increase in the amount of toponyms
found within the source, converging against its maxi-
mum after three iterations. More results can be found
in (M¨uller, 2012).
Figure 5: Evaluation of learning cycle.
Our goal was to create a tool, supporting the user to
classify terms within ancient documents in an auto-
mated manner. Ancient sources feature a very narrow,
brittle domain (see Section 1), which greatly reduces
the utility of dictionary- or rule-based approaches. On
the other hand a single, precise language model for
the term classification in any ancient document can
not be applied, as the next document might feature a
slightly different domain (for example due to regional
distance, another author, etc).
A central requirement for a classification frame-
work for ancient sources is therefore its easy adapt-
ability to new domains. In section 2 we relaxed some
of the initial constraints by reducing the number of
classes we actually are interested in to just a few and
specialized in finding events or integral parts of events
like people’s names and roles, places or time specifi-
cations. Our approach leverages statistical analysis of
a term’s context, which will work independently from
the source’s domain. The results can be optimized
by using existing domain-specific, heuristical knowl-
6.1 Advantages
Flexibility. Our contextual classifier is easily adapt-
able to changing domains as it on the one hand applies
statistic feature modules, which work independently
from the given source’s language and domain and on
the other hand uses heuristic feature modules, which
can add domain specific knowledge to the classifica-
tion procedure. Either set of modules can easily be
extended / reduced to adapt to a given domain.
Polysemy. The presented approach is able to over-
come some of the restrictions a traditional dictionary-
or rule-based classification approach has to face. De-
pending on the context a term is used in, it can be
decided whether it belongs to a certain class or not,
thus effectively resolving polysemy.
Concept Classification. If you think of London,
Paris and New York, these are obviously easily iden-
tifiable instances of the class place. The contextual
classification approach even allows the identification
of abstract, compound places like ’the well behind
town’. Another example: Aristocratic titles often state
a person’s role (like ’earl’), name (like ’George’) and
origin (like from London’), which effectively is a
place. The compound title on its whole refers to a per-
son and should therefore be classified as name. The
contextual classifier can correctly identify these com-
plex names.
Proposal System. Our contextual classification ap-
proach is not intended to be a replacement for
dictionary- or rule-based approaches. Instead it
should be combined with other classifiers within a
framework to affirm / negate classification sugges-
tions. Furthermore, based on contextual evaluation,
it can suggest new, so far unknown instances. It is
well suited to work within a proposal system or ex-
pert system.
As the presented methodology is work in progress, it
can be optimized and extended in many ways. The
implementation provides a framework, focusing on
modularity and extensibility, which guarantees that
the involved parts can be exchanged easily. This sec-
tion lists some possible extensions that could increase
the overall classification performance.
Feature Module Optimization. The feature mod-
ules’ (compare Section 3.2) performance is central to
the classification quality. Besides increasing the num-
ber of feature modules it is therefore crucial to iden-
tify the modules, which yield the best results in clas-
sifying a certain class. As the output of feature mod-
ules analyzing a term’s context for linguistic patterns
in many cases is not linearly separable into distinct
classes, it is hard for machine learning approaches to
identify the subset of feature modules that work best
for a given class. This problem could be solved by
leveraging genetic algorithms.
Boosting. The current implementation of the classifi-
cation framework utilizes both presented approaches
and treats their outputs equally. Depending on the
source or domain, either algorithm could yield bet-
ter results than the other. According to (Schapire,
2002), boosting could provide the means to overcome
this problem. By applying a boosting-algorithm to
create a weighted compound output of the two ap-
proaches the overall classification quality for a given
class could be improved.
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