New Crossover Operator in a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Single
Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence-dependent Setup Times
Aymen Sioud
, Marc Gravel
and Caroline Gagn´e
D´epartement d’Informatique et Math´ematique, Universit´e du Qu´ebec `a Chicoutimi,
555 Boulevard Universit´e, Chicoutimi, Canada
D´epartement des Sciences
Economiques et Gestion, Universit´e du Qu´ebec `a Chicoutimi,
555 Boulevard Universit´e, Chicoutimi, Canada
Genetic Algorithm, Hybrid Crossover, Constrained based Scheduling, Total Tardiness, Single Machine.
This paper presents a new crossover operator based on Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) approach in a
Genetic Algorithm (GA) for solving a scheduling problem. The proposed hybrid crossover, noted as HCX, is
applied in Hybrid Genetic Algoritym (HGA) to a single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent
setup times for the objective of minimizing the total tardiness. Through numerical experiments we compare
the performance of the GA and the HGA approaches on different benchmarks from the literature. These results
indicate that the HGA is very competitive and generates solutions that approach those of the known reference
In a survey of industrial projects, (Conner, 2009)
has pointed out, in more 250 projects, that 50%
of these projects contain sequence-dependent setup
times, and when these setup times are well applied,
92% of the order deadline could be met. Produc-
tion of good schedules often relies on management
of these setup times, and decision makers must there-
fore organize the job scheduling by trying to mini-
mize downtime while respecting the different dead-
lines (Pinedo, 2002; Allahverdi et al., 2008; Zhu and
Wilhelm, 2006).
The single machine problem has been used in
the literature to investigate scheduling issues relat-
ing to more complex scheduling problem. But, in
many industries, including the pharmaceutical indus-
try, metallurgical production, electronics and automo-
tive manufacturing, the production system can lim-
ited by a machine bottleneck, where scheduling might
be done by considering only this bottleneck machine
(Pinedo, 2002; Leung et al., 2004). This present pa-
per considers the single machine scheduling problem
with sequence dependent setup times with the objec-
tive to minimize total tardiness of the jobs (SMS-
DST). This problem, noted as 1|s
in accordance
with the notation of (Graham et al., 1979), is an NP-
hard problem (Du and Leung, 1990).
The 1|s
may be defined as a set of n jobs
available for processing at time zero on a continu-
ously available machine. Each job j has a processing
time p
, a due date d
, and a setup time s
which is
incurred when job j immediately follows job i. It is
assumed that all the processing times, due dates and
setup times are non-negative integers. A sequence of
the jobs S = [q
, q
,..., q
, q
] is considered where
is the subscript of the j
job in the sequence. The
due date and the processing time of the j
job in se-
quence are denoted as d
and p
, respectively. Thus,
the completion time of the j
job in sequence will be
expressed as C
+ p
) while the tar-
diness of the j
job in sequence will be expressed as
= max(0, C
). The objective of the schedul-
ing problem studied is to minimize the total tardiness
of all the jobs which will be expressed as
In this present paper, we propose a new crossover
operator called HCX in a genetic algorithm. The
HCX crossover integrates Constraint Based Schedul-
ing (CBS). This approach has become a widely used
form for modeling and solving scheduling problems
using the constraint programming approach. Compu-
tational testing is performed on a set of test problems
available from literature. We report on our experi-
mental results and conclude with some remarks and
future research directions. As a constraint program-
ming environment, we use the ILOG IBM CP envi-
Sioud A., Gravel M. and Gagné C..
New Crossover Operator in a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence-dependent Setup Times.
DOI: 10.5220/0004113101440151
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 144-151
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ronment using ILOG Solver and ILOG Scheduler via
the C++ APIs (ILOG, 2003b; ILOG, 2003a). The use
of this kind of platforms has been encouraged by the
steady improvement of general purpose solvers over
the past decade. Such solvers have become signifi-
cantly more effective and robust (Yunes et al., 2010).
The body of this paper is organized into five
sections. Section 3 presents the used pure GA of
(Sioud et al., 2009), the CBS approach and the hy-
brid crossover HCX. The computational testing and
discussion are presented in Section 4. Finally, we
conclude with some remarks and future research di-
Different approaches have been proposed by a num-
ber of researchers to solve the 1|s
(Rubin and Ragatz, 1995) proposed a Branch and
Bound approach, which quickly showed its limita-
tions. It could optimally solve only small instances
of benchmark files of 15, 25, 35 and 45 jobs pro-
posed by these authors. (Bigras et al., 2008) have op-
timally solved all instances proposed by (Rubin and
Ragatz, 1995) using a Branch and Bound approach
with linear programming relaxation bounds. They
also demonstrated and used the problem’s similarity
with the time-dependent traveling salesman problem
(TSP). This Branch and Bound approach solved some
of these instances in more than 7 days. For their
part, (Sioud et al., 2010b) introduce a constraint based
programming approach proposing an ILOG API C++
model. This exact approach also shown its limits and
fail to resolve small 25 job instances in less than 8
hours. Because this problem is NP-hard, many re-
searchers used a wide variety of metaheuristics to
solve this problem, such as a genetic algorithm(Sioud
et al., 2009; Franca et al., 2001), a memetic algo-
rithm (Rubin and Ragatz, 1995; Franca et al., 2001;
Armentano and Mazzini, 2000), a simulated anneal-
ing (Tan and Narasimhan, 1997), a GRASP (Gupta
and Smith, 2006) and an ant colonies optimization
(ACO) (Gagn´e et al., 2002; Liao and Juan, 2007).
Heuristics such as Random Start Pairwise Interchange
(RSPI) (Rubinand Ragatz, 1995)and Apparent Tardi-
ness Cost with Setups (ATCS) (Lee et al., 1997) have
also been proposed for solving this problem. More
robust methods such the hybrid metaheuristics have
also been used. Indeed, (Gagn´e et al., 2005) intro-
duce a Tabu/VNS which propose a version of the tabu
metaheuristic that incorporates variable neighbour-
hood search. (Sioud et al., 2010a) integrate a CBS
approach in a crossover operator using direct prece-
dence constraints to enhance the CBS search. The
CBS approach has also been integrated in the inten-
sification search space process using additional con-
straints. (Sioud et al., 2012) introduce for their part
a hybrid genetic algorithm which is based on the in-
tegration between a genetic algorithm and concepts
from constraint programming, multi-objective evolu-
tionary algorithms and ant colony optimization.
Concerning the pure genetics algorithms (GA),
only (Sioud et al., 2009) succeeded in proposing an
efficient GA, suggesting that this metaheuristic is not
well suited to deal with the specificities of this prob-
lem. Indeed, the authors have proposed a GA in-
tegrating the RMPX crossover operator which takes
greater account of the relative and absolute position
of a job. Indeed, (Rubin and Ragatz, 1995; Armen-
tano and Mazzini, 2000; Tan and Narasimhan, 1997)
have shown the importance of relative and absolute
order positions for solving the 1|s
problem. The
proposed GA outdoes the performance of all the GAs
found in the literature but is still less efficient than the
Tabu/VNS of (Gagn´e et al., 2005) and the hybrid ge-
netic algorithm of (Sioud et al., 2012) whichrepresent
the best approaches found in the literature.
Several researchers have used metaheuristics varia-
tions and hybridizations to improve the effectiveness
of these methods (Talbi, 2009; Puchinger and Raidl,
2005). In general, hybridization combines two or
more methods in a single algorithm to solve combina-
torial optimization problems. (Puchinger and Raidl,
2005) divide hybrid methods into two categories :
collaborative and integrative hybridization. The algo-
rithms that exchange information in a sequential, par-
allel or interlaced way fall into the category of collab-
orativehybridization. We talk aboutan integrative hy-
bridization when a technique is an embedded compo-
nent of another technique. In this paper, we introduce
a collaborative hybridization which incorporates CBS
approach sequentially in a crossover operator into a
genetic algorithm. We introduce first the used pure
algorithm genetic, then we describe the HCX hybrid
3.1 Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithms are methods based upon bio-
logical mechanisms such as the genetic inheritance
laws of Mendel and the natural selection concept of
Charles Darwin, where the best adapted species sur-
vive. The basic concepts of GA have been described
by the investigation carried out by Holland (1992)
who explainedhow to add intelligence into a program
computing with the crossover exchange of genetic
material and transfer as a source of genetic diversity.
In a GA, a population of individuals or chromosomes
incurs a sequence of transformations by means of ge-
netic operators to form a new population. Two main
operators are used for this purpose : crossover and
mutation. Crossover creates new individuals by com-
bining parts of two individuals and mutation creates
new individuals by a small change in a single individ-
Based on the GA proposed by (Sioud et al., 2009),
we redefine a simple genetic algorithm. A solution is
coded as a permutation of the considered jobs. The
populationsize is set to n to fit with the considered in-
stance size. The initial population is randomly gener-
ated for60% and also for 20% using a pseudo-random
heuristic which favors setup times and promotes a rel-
ative order for the jobs. The last 20% is generated
using a pseudo-random heuristic which depends on
due dates and promotes an absolute order for the jobs.
A binary tournament selects the chromosomes for the
crossover. The proposed GA uses the OX crossover
(Michalewicz, 1996) to generate 30% of offspringand
the RMPX crossover (Sioud et al., 2009) to generate
the rest of the children population. Both of the OX
and RMPX crossovermaintain both of the relativeand
the absolute order positions, but the RMPX crossover
seems to give better results. The RMPX crossover can
be described in the following steps : (i) two parents
P1 and P2 are considered and two distinct crossover
points C1 and C2 are selected randomly, as shown in
Figure 1; (ii) an insertion point p
ns is then randomly
chosen in the offspring E as p
ns = random (n ( C2 –
C1)); (iii) the part [C1, C2] of P1, shaded in Figure 1,
is inserted in the offspring E from p
ns. The insertion
is to be done from the position 2 showing in Figure 1;
and (iv) the rest of the offspring E is completed from
P2 in order of appearance since its first position.
Figure 1: Illustration of RMPX.
The crossover probability pc is set to 0.8, i.e.
therefore n*0.8 offspring are generated at each gener-
ation in which a mutation is applied with a probability
pm equal to 0.3. The mutation consists of exchanging
the position of two distinct jobs which are randomly
chosen. The replacement is elitist and the duplicates
individuals in the population were replaced by chro-
mosomes which are generated by one of the pseudo-
random heuristics used in the initialization phase. The
stop criterion is set to 3000 generations.
3.2 The Constraint based Scheduling
Constraint solving methods such as domain reduc-
tion and constraint propagation have proved to be
well suited for a wide range of industrial applica-
tions (Baptiste et al., 2001). These methods are
increasingly combined with classical solving tech-
niques from operations research, such as linear, in-
teger, and mixed integer programming (Talbi, 2002),
to yield powerful tools for constraint-based schedul-
ing by adopting them. In the recent years, the CBS
has become a widely used form for modeling and
solving scheduling problems using the constraint pro-
gramming approach (Baptiste et al., 2001; Allahverdi
et al., 2008). A scheduling problem is the process of
allocating tasks to resources over time with the goal
of optimizing one or more objectives (Pinedo, 2002).
A scheduling problem can be efficiently encoded like
a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP).
The activities, the resources and the constraints,
which can be temporal or resource related, are the
basis for modeling a scheduling problem in a CBS
problem. Based on representations and techniques
of constraint programming, various types of variables
and constraints have been developed specifically for
scheduling problems. Indeed, the domain variables
may include intervals domains where each value rep-
resents an interval (processing or early start time for
example) and variable resources for many classes of
resources. Similarly, various research techniques and
constraints propagation have been adapted for this
kind of problem.
In Constraint Based Scheduling, the single ma-
chine problem with setup dependent times can be effi-
ciently encoded in terms of variables and constraints
in the following way. Let M be the single resource.
We associate an activity A
for each job j. For each
activity A
four variables are introduced, start(A
), proc(A
) and dep(A
). They represent the
start time, the end time, the processing time and the
departure time of the activity A
, respectively. The
departure time represents the needed setup time of an
activity when the latter starts the schedule.
A setup time s
is introduced and it is incurred
when job j immediately follows job i. In our case,
the setup times are activity related and not resource-
related. For this purpose, we assign a type to each ac-
tivity and a lattice to the unary machine. Then, when
we calculate the objective function,it is possible to as-
sociate the transition times between two distinct types
of activities. The tardiness criterion is represented by
an additional variable Tard. Its value is determined by
Tard =
) d
, 0).
(ILOG, 2003a) provides several predefined search
algorithms named as goals and activity selectors. We
used the IloSetTimesForward algorithm with the Ilo-
SelFirstActMinEndMin activity selector. The IloS-
etTimesForward algorithm schedules activities on a
single machine forward initializing the start time of
the unscheduled activities. The activity selector de-
fines the heuristic scheduling variables representing
start times, which chooses the next activity to sched-
ule. The IloSelFirstActMinEndMin tries first the ac-
tivity with the smallest start time and in case of equal-
ity the activity with the smallest end time. For his
part, (ILOG, 2003b) provides four strategies to ex-
plore the search tree : the default Depth-First Search
(DFS), the Slice-Based Search (SBS) (Beck and Per-
ron, 2000), Interleaved Depth-First Search (IDFS)
(Meseguer, 1997) and the Depth-Bounded Discrep-
ancy Search (DDS) (Walsh, 1997). In this pa-
per, we use the CBS model introduced by (Sioud
et al., 2010b) where the IloSetTimesForward algo-
rithm with the IloSelFirstActMinEndMin activity se-
lector are used driven by the Depth-Bounded Discrep-
ancy Search (DDS) (Walsh, 1997) algorithm search
3.3 The Hybrid Crossover
When we handle a basic single machine model, there
is no precedence constraint between activities as is
the case in a flow-shop or job-shop where addingcon-
straints improves the CBS approach. The main idea of
integrating the CBS in a crossover is to provide to this
latter precedence constraints between activities when
generating offspring. In this work, we consider all
the precedence constraints during the introduced new
crossover HCX while (Sioud et al., 2010a)considered
only the direct constraints between two jobs. Also,
(Sioud et al., 2010a) extracted these direct constraints
from two selected parents while the HCX crossover
extract this information from the whole population.
Thereby, using more precedence constraints the HCX
crossover extract more information and use it to gen-
erate better offspring taking greater account of the rel-
ative position of a jobs.
The introduced new crossover HCX can be de-
scribed in the following steps : (i) from a population
at time t we build a precedence job matrix noted as
MPREC; (ii) for each job j in MPREC we calculate
the number of time that j precede the other jobs; (iii)
using a roulette wheel based on the sum calculated at
the second step we choose nbr
jobs; (iv) using a
threshold t
we extract some precedence constraints
from the x considered jobs in the third step; and (v)
from a random chosen individual in the actual popu-
lation, the CBS approach tries to solve the problem
while adding the precedence constraints built in the
previous step and an upper bound consisting of the
objective function value of the considered individual.
The upper bound is added to discard faster bad solu-
tions when branching during the solver process. As a
reminder, the ILOG Solver uses a Branch and Bound
approach to solve a problem (ILOG, 2003b). The
HCX crossover will be done under probability p
To better understand how the HCX crossover
works, consider the 5-jobs example in Figure 2. The
Figure (a) represents a population at time t with five
individuals. At the HCX crossover first step the
MPREC matrix is build fromthis population as shown
in Figure(b). So, we can remark, for example, that the
job 2 precedes five times the job 5 and the job 4 pre-
cedes only once the job 3. Then, from the MPREC
matrix and for each job, we calculate the sum of the
precedence constraints. As shown in Figure (c), the
job 2 have 14 precedence constraints while job 5 have
only 5. After, at the third step, using a roulette wheel
we choose nbr
jobs. We consider in this example
that we choose the two jobs 2 and 4. We also consider
a threshold t
equals to 2. Next, in the fourth step,
we keep onlytwo precedenceconstraints withoutcon-
sidering mutuals constraints. So, the constraints 2
before 4” and 4 before 2 will be remove. These two
precedence constraints are those with the greatest val-
ues. In the example in Figure (d), we keep the two
precedence constraints ”2 before 5 and 2 before 1
for the job 2 shaded in gray. Concerning the job 4,
we keep the two precedence constraint 4 before 1
and ”4 before 5” also shaded in gray. In the case that
we have more than two equal values, we keep ran-
domly only two constraints. Finally, using the CBS
approachfrom a randomly chosen individual from the
population we try to solve the problem while adding
objective function value of the considered individual
and the four precedence constraints : 2 before 5”, ”2
before 1”, ”4 before 1” and ”4 before 5”.
j1 j2 j3 j4 j5
3 - 3 3 5j2
- 2 1 2 2j1
4 2 - 4 3j3
3 0 2 2 -j5
3 2 1 - 3j4
j1 j2 j3 j4 j5
3 - 3 3 5j2
- 2 1 2 2j1
4 2 - 4 3j3
3 0 2 2 -j5
3 2 1 - 3j4
j1 j2 j3 j4 j5
3 - 3 - 5j2
- 2 1 2 2j1
4 2 - 4 3j3
3 0 2 2 -j5
3 - 1 - 3j4
(a) (b)
MPREC matrix
2 3 4 5 1
3 4 1 2 5
2 5 3 1 4
4 3 2 5 1
1 2 5 3 4
Population P(t)
Figure 2: Illustration of HCX.
The benchmark problem set consists of eight in-
stances, each with a number of jobs of 15, 25, 35
and 45 jobs, and it is taken from the work of (Ragatz,
1993). These instances are available on the Internet at˜rubin/files/c& The
job processing times are normally distributed with a
mean of 100 time units and the setup times are also
uniformly distributed with a mean of 9.5 time units.
Each instance has three factors which have both high
and low levels. These factors are due date range, pro-
cessing time variance and tardiness factor. The tar-
diness factor determines the expected proportion of
jobs that will be tardy in a random sequence. All the
experiments were run on an Itanium with a 1.4 GHz
processor and 4 GB RAM. Each instance was exe-
cuted 5 times and the results presented represent the
average deviation with the optimal results of (Bigras
et al., 2008). All the algorithmsare coded in C++ lan-
guage under the ILOG IBM CP constraint environ-
ment using ILOG Solver and Scheduler via the C++
API (ILOG, 2003b; ILOG, 2003a).
Table 1 summarize the comparison of different al-
gorithms approaches. In this table, PRB denotes the
instance names and OPT the optimal solution found
by the B&B of (Bigras et al., 2008). These authors
have not given information about the execution time
of their approach. They only said that some instances
have been resolved after more than seven days. The
GA column shows the results average deviation to the
optimal solution of the genetic algorithm described in
the section 3.1 which gives the best results among all
pure genetic algorithms in the literature without an
intensification process (Sioud et al., 2009). The GA
average CPU time is equal to 13.4 seconds for the 32
instances. The GA generally obtained fairly good re-
sults only for the instances 601, 605, 701 and 705.
The CBS column shows the deviations of the CBS
approach minimizing the total tardiness proposed by
(Sioud et al., 2010b) and used in the HCX crossover.
For this approach, the execution time is limited to 60
minutes. It can be noticed that the CBS approach re-
sults deteriorate with increasing the instances size and
especially for the **4, **5 and **8 instances. The
column shows the average deviation of the ge-
netic algorithm in which the hybrid crossover opera-
tor PCX of (Sioud et al., 2010a) is integrated. This
crossover used only direct constraints between two
jobs from two selected parents. The CBS approach
execution time in this hybrid crossover is limited to
15 seconds. The GA
average time execution is
equal to 15.2 minutes for the 32 instances.
The GA
column shows the average deviation
of the genetic algorithm in which the hybrid crossover
operator HCX presented in this paper is integrated.
The probability p
is equal to 0.05 and the CBS ap-
Table 1: Comparison of different algorithms.
401 90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
402 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
403 3418 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
404 1067 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
405 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
406 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
407 1861 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
408 5660 0.2 0.9 0.0 0.0
501 261 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0
502 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
503 3497 0.2 2.5 0.0 0.0
504 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
505 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
506 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
507 7225 0.7 1.8 0.0 0.0
508 1915 0.0 35.8 0.0 0.0
601 12 169.4 41.7 6.7 3.9
602 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
603 17587 1.8 6.5 0.8 0.2
604 19092 1.8 21.1 1.1 0.6
605 228 13.0 122.4 2.6 1.2
606 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
607 12969 1.6 17.7 0.7 0.3
608 4732 1.7 156.6 0.7 0.0
701 97 30.7 20.6 6.8 2.9
702 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
703 26506 1.9 2.8 1.2 0.7
704 15206 3.4 94.8 1.6 0.8
705 200 33.7 72.5 6.1 3.1
706 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
707 23789 2.2 20.4 1.0 0.4
708 22807 2.8 50.0 1.5 1.0
Execution Time
- 0.225 60 15.2 14.5
proach execution time is limited to 15 seconds. The
two parameters nbr
and t
are fixed to 0.15 * n
and 0.2 * n where n is the jobs considered number.
These two parameters were adjusted following empir-
ical tests on different instances. The first observation
is that the GA
algorithm is always optimal for 15
and 25 jobs instances. It should be noted that the in-
tegration of the HCX crossover improves all of the
GA results and especially for the instances **1 and
**5 where the deviation became less than 4%. For
example, the deviation was reduced from 169.4% to
3.9% for the 601 instance. Using the precedence con-
straints allows the HCX crossover to enhance both
the GA exploration and the CBS search; and conse-
quently reaching better schedules. So, this new hy-
brid crossover can reach better space solution using
more precedence constraints.
The GA
average time execution is equal to
14.5 minutes for the 32 instances. This hybrid algo-
rithm improves all the results found by the GA
These improvements are more pronounced with the
integration of all the precedence constraints. This in-
tegration improves essentially the **1 and the **5 in-
stances. Also, the optimal schedule is always reached
by GA
for the 608 instance. The GA
the optimal solution for all the instances at least one
time and this was not the case either for GA
The convergence of both GA and the GA
gorithms are similar. Indeed, the average convergence
generation is equal to 1837 and 1845 generations for
GA and GA
, respectively. The GA
convergence generation is equal to 1358 and com-
pared to the GA
, the integration of the precedence
constraints speeds up the convergence of the solution
with reaching better results.
Exact methods are well known to be time ex-
pensive. The same applies to the hybridization of
them with metaheuristics. Indeed, execution times in-
creases significantly with such hybridization policies
due to some technicality during the exchange of infor-
mation between the two methods (Talbi, 2009; Talbi,
2002; Puchinger and Raidl, 2005; Jourdan et al.,
2009) and this is what has been observed here. How-
ever, in this paper, the solution quality is our main
concern. So, we concentrated our efforts on it.
In this paper, we introduce a hybrid crossover into a
Genetic Algorithm to solve the sequence-dependent
setup times single machine problem with the objec-
tive of minimizing the total tardiness. The proposed
hybrid crossover extracts precedence constraints from
the population. These constraints improve the CBS
search and consequently the schedules quality.
Compared to a simple GA, the use of the HCX
crossover improves all the results but for some in-
stances the difference is still noticeable. Also, the
results of this crossover outdoes those of a hybrid
crossover taken from literature. Indeed, using the di-
rect and indirect precedence constraints from the pop-
ulation improves the results and speeds up the conver-
gence of the solution
Our results encourage us to use such hybridization
for other scheduling problems in particular and other
optimization problems in general. It is in this direc-
tion that our work is directed in the future. Also, to
making a self-adaptive method, we will work on re-
fining the individual selection process for the hybdrid
HCX crossover and its two parameters : nbr
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