In Need of Change: The Scientific Practice of Representing
Business Models
Position Paper
Thomas John
and Dennis Kundisch
Cooperative Computing & Communication Laboratory, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Keywords: Business Model, Business Modelling, Business Model Representation, Business Model Visualization.
Abstract: How best to represent business model knowledge is an open research issue. A number of approaches for
graphically representing business models have been proposed. These are said to facilitate, for example, the
understanding, analysis and innovation of a business model. Nonetheless, through the selective literature
review we perform, we find these approaches are largely neglected in case study research on business
models. We argue that this practice needs to change to make case study research on business models more
consistent and comparable, and thereby strengthen the cumulative character of business model research
A business model can be defined as “a conceptual
tool that contains a set of elements and their
relationships and allows expressing the business
logic of a specific firm” (Osterwalder et al., 2005, p.
5). In recent years, interest in the business model
concept has surged; the number of academic and
journalistic articles has “virtually exploded” (Zott,
Amit and Massa, 2011, p.
1023). In this context, Al-
Debei and Avison (2010, p. 15) call for research on
“the differential influences among approaches of
representing the (.) [business model] knowledge
(oral, textual, graphical)”.
A number of authors argue in favor of using a
graphical representation (e.g., Gordijn and
Akkermans, 2003; Osterwalder, Pigneur and Tucci,
2005) for reasons that include the facilitated
understanding and analysis of business models. A
number of approaches for representing business
models have been proposed (Kundisch et al., 2012).
In addition, in their recent review of the business
model literature, Zott et al. (2011) dedicate a
separate section to business model representations
(BMRs) – which is another indication of the
importance these approaches have. However, it is
not known whether these approaches are actually
used in scientific practice. To shed some light on
this issue, we perform a selective literature review of
case study research on business models.
Our contribution is that we provide first
indication for the hypothesis that BMRs are largely
neglected by researchers who employ the case study
method to study business models. This is regrettable,
because BMRs provide a valuable means to
consistently and transparently document a business
model, and thereby may help to remedy one of the
major shortcomings of current business model
research: “that researchers frequently adopt
idiosyncratic definitions that fit the purposes of their
studies but that are difficult to reconcile with each
other” (Zott et al., 2011, p. 1021). We argue that this
practice needs to change in order to make case study
research on business models more consistent and
comparable, and thereby strengthen the cumulative
character of business model research altogether.
2.1 Existing Approaches
BMRs have been developed in fields as diverse as
John T. and Kundisch D..
In Need of Change: The Scientific Practice of Representing Business Models - Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0004115902870290
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 287-290
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
strategy, e-business, and accounting. Some focus on
a specific domain (e.g., e-government), most BMRs,
however, intend to be applicable to business models
in general. BMRs can be classified according to their
reach, perspective, and notation principle (Kundisch
et al., 2012): Reach illustrates which of the three
theoretical layers strategy, business model, and
processes a BMR covers. Perspective states whether
a BMR offers a single view (i.e., one diagram) to
represent a business model or whether it offers
multiple views (i.e., multiple diagrams), which
complement one another. The notation principle
indicates whether a BMR employs a network-based
approach to represent a business model or whether it
employs a map-based approach. The network-based
approach refers to BMRs that have a fixed number
of concepts (e.g., actors, goals; each having a
different graphical representation), which are
outlined in a network to represent the business
model. Map-based approaches, in turn, lay out the
concepts one by one, thereby providing a template
which spatially structures a specific business
model’s key characteristics. For sample BMRs see
table 1.
Table 1: Classification criteria notation principle and
perspective, and respective sample representations.
Notation principle
Map-based Network-based
Business Model
(Osterwalder et al.,
(Gordijn and
Akkermans, 2003)
Not available
Strategic Business
Model Ontology
(Samavi et al., 2009)
2.2 Reasons for Use
Authors advocating the use of BMRs argue that
BMRs facilitate the following tasks:
(1) Understand a business model and
communicate about it (Eriksson and Penker, 2000;
Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003; Osterwalder et al.,
2005): A visual representation is seen to facilitate
overall comprehension and to be less ambiguous
than (informal) natural language, thereby increasing
understanding and reducing the potential for
(2) Analyze and evaluate a business model
(Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003): Informally stated
value propositions – due to their lack of structure –
are inherently difficult to analyze (e.g. regarding
their potential profitability), which calls for the more
structured basis for analysis that a BMR provides.
(3) Deduce requirements for the underlying
information systems (Eriksson and Penker, 2000;
Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003): It is easier to deduce
requirements from a codified representation than
from natural language descriptions, hence, the
resulting information systems are better aligned with
the business model. Eriksson and Penker (2000)
point out that in the case of a business model being
used as the starting point for several information
systems, the risk that different development teams
interpret reality differently (and develop
incompatible systems) is reduced by using a BMR.
(4) Innovate a business model (Chesbrough,
2010; Eriksson and Penker, 2000): Building explicit
representations of a business model is the basis for
experimenting with new variations of that business
model and, thus, supports its innovation.
(5) Support business model design through
software-based tools (Osterwalder et al., 2005;
Samavi, Yu and Topaloglou, 2009): These authors
envision practitioners to benefit from software-based
tools for business model design, for example, for
comparing or simulating business models. These
tools in turn need rigorous representations.
3.1 Methodology
We approach the question of to what extent BMRs
have actually diffused into research practice by
means of a selective literature review. BMRs
support the work with a concrete business model,
and research on concrete business models is usually
performed using the case study method. Our
approach is to identify case study articles on
business models and to analyze the approach for
representing the cases that is used in these articles.
For identifying relevant contributions, we searched
for articles containing in their title business model
and case study (and respective plural forms). The
databases we initially employed for our search were
Scopus and Web of Science. Search with these
databases yielded some 40 results only, therefore,
we sought to extend the literature base. We did so
using the freely available Google Scholar database.
The data provided there are typically of lower
quality than those of commercial databases. Hence,
they require substantially more cleaning effort.
However, Google Scholar has the advantage of a
very broad coverage. It constitutes a reasonable
complement to commercial databases in bibliometric
studies (Aguillo, 2012), and, consequently, also for
the selective literature review that we perform.
We reviewed articles published until December
2011. For Scopus and Web of Science, this
restriction allows for reproducibility of the search
strategy. For Google Scholar, however,
reproducibility cannot be assured, because Google
Scholar adds articles continuously and the output
cannot be restricted with regards to the articles’ time
of addition.
We restricted the review to English-language
articles and cleaned the initial set of articles from
duplicates and erroneous results (e.g., articles whose
titles had been crawled incorrectly). For quality
reasons, we removed articles that had been
published outside journals and conference
Due to the broad coverage that especially Google
Scholar provides, the problem arose that some
publications were not accessible for us. However,
we consider this to be a minor problem for the
following reasons: First, the respective publications
are published in journals that have a very low impact
factor or none at all. Second, and more important,
there is no indication to assume that omitting these
articles introduces a specific bias into our set of
publications (for or against use of a BMR) – and
only then omitting these articles would be
3.2 Results
Altogether, our search strategy yielded a set of 57
(accessible) articles, the Venn diagram in figure 1
illustrates their origin. By far the largest number of
results was provided by Google Scholar (218
results). The cleaning process reduced this sample to
55 papers. Scopus and Web of Science yielded a
substantially smaller number of articles (Scopus: 33,
Web of Science: 40). For details, see table 2.
We assigned the articles to one of the following
three classes:
(I) Articles that employ a BMR: Articles are
assigned to class (I) if they represent a business
model using a dedicated graphical representation.
Such a representation features notation elements
whose semantics are defined within or outside that
article with the aim to promote repeated application
of the representation.
(II) Articles that employ an ad-hoc notation: If
within an article the graphical notation is only
introduced for illustration purposes (without
substantiating design choices, not seeking repeated
application), that article is assigned to class (II).
(III) Articles that do not visualize (parts of) the
business model they analyze.
Figure 1: Origin of the final set of articles.
The results of the review are summarized in table 3.
Given space considerations, we present the detailed
analysis of the reviewed articles in an appendix that
is available upon request from the authors.
Surprisingly, despite the reasons for using BMRs
provided above, more than three quarters of the
reviewed articles do not employ a graphical
representation at all. They mostly describe the
business models in natural language, to some extent
making use of tables. Nine out of the 57 articles
devise some ad-hoc notation. There are only three
articles that employ dedicated approaches for
representing business models. The causal loop
diagram presented by Casadesus-Masanell and
Ricart (2010) is employed in two conference articles
(which also share one author). e3-value (Gordijn and
Akkermans, 2003) is employed in one journal
article. Unfortunately, the respective authors do not
justify their choice of representational approach.
Table 2: Results of the search and cleaning process.
number of
Number of results after removing articles that are…
Final set of
No conference/journal articles
& Non-English
& Not accessible
Google Scholar 218 209 192 82 77 55
57 Scopus 33 32 31 -
Web of Science 40 34 - 32
Table 3: Summary of classification results.
Final set of
(unique) articles
Representation used?
Yes Ad-hoc No
57 3 9 45
It is an open research issue how business model
knowledge is best represented (Al-Debei and
Avison, 2010). There are numerous proponents of
graphical representations. However, reviewing
scientific practice reveals that only a minor share of
authors graphically represents the business models
they analyze – and only a negligible fraction
employs a dedicated approach for this graphical
Given the arguments provided in favor of using a
BMR, this seems surprising. However, the
arguments such as facilitated innovation or
deduction of requirements, in our view, mainly
apply to practitioners. Researchers rarely experiment
with a business model or develop supporting
information systems. Rather, they analyze real-world
cases to derive universal, transferable knowledge on
how to design a business model. For this purpose,
the given arguments mostly do not seem to apply.
Still, there is another set of arguments which
better addresses researchers’ needs. These
arguments concern the mentioned shortcoming of
business model research with regards to the
application of idiosyncratic, difficult to reconcile
definitions (Zott et al., 2011). BMRs could play a
vital role in mitigating this shortcoming. Through
their predefined sets of notation elements they force
a researcher into a predefined frame of reference.
The potential advantages include a better
comparability of findings, an easier reception of
findings by the research community, and a more
comprehensive analysis of business models. A
prerequisite is, however, that adequate BMRs are
available. Therefore, research effort should be
devoted to analyzing the hurdles that prevent
researchers from using the existing BMRs and, if
necessary, refining representational approaches so
that they find their way into research practice.
The results of the literature review reinforce our
confidence in the chosen methodological approach
of performing searches across multiple databases. It
turned out that the number of unique articles is
highly dependent on the chosen database, varying
between 31 (Scopus) and 55 (Google Scholar). The
large overlap among the databases (24 out of 57
articles are contained in all three databases)
increases the confidence concerning the relevance
and comprehensiveness of the considered articles.
Future research could broaden the literature base
to receive a more complete picture of BMR use in
research practice. The articles that present dedicated
approaches such as the Business Model Canvas
(Osterwalder et al., 2010) or e3-value (Gordijn and
Akkermans, 2003) have several hundreds of
citations, and it would be valuable to find out how
the citing authors use these works. Following this
approach, however, a bias in favor of using a BMR
should be acknowledged: the fraction of articles
employing a BMR is likely to be higher than in our
findings (this had initially been the reason for us for
not using a search strategy based on citations – to
provide an unbiased view on BMR usage). In
addition, complementing our review of scientific
practice, a worthwhile endeavor would be to survey
practitioners about the awareness and usage of
approaches for representing business models.
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