Simulation of Protection Mechanisms against Botnets on the
Basis of “Nervous Network” Framework
Igor Kotenko and Andrey Shorov
Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (SPIIRAS),
39, 14-th Linija, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Security Support Tools, Packet-level Simulation, Botnets, Network Security, Nervous Network.
Abstract: The paper suggests a simulation approach to investigate the protection against botnets on the basis of the
“nervous network” framework. This approach is an example of bio-inspired approaches to the computer
networks protection. The developed simulator is described. Results of the experiments are considered.
Finally, we analyze and compare the performance of the basic protection mechanisms with “nervous
network” protection technique.
Today the trend to use botnets by malefactors in the
Internet is becoming increasingly clear. Botnets
allow combining computational capabilities of
multiple compromised hosts. The goal of such
combining is to perform such malicious actions as
scanning of vulnerable hosts, implementation of
“distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks,
sending spam, disclosure of confidential data.
On this basis, it becomes obvious that existing
modern botnets are a very important phenomenon in
the network security. Thus, the task of researching
botnets and methods of protection against them is
very important.
One of the promising frameworks used to protect
networks from botnets is a “nervous network”. It is
an example of bio-inspired approaches. Conception
of this approach was suggested in (Chen et al.,
2009). The protection system based on this approach
uses the distributed technique of information data
acquisition and processing. This technique
coordinates operations of main computer network
devices, identifies attacks and takes distributed
coordinated countermeasures. In (Dressler, 2005;
Anagnostakis et al., 2003) the similar techniques for
the computer network protection were proposed.
There are systems which use similar design and
operation principles, for example, such as an
autonomic computing (Huebscher et al., 2008).
To design and implement such protection
frameworks as “nervous network” it is necessary to
have resources for their investigation, development,
testing and adaptation. Investigation of botnets and
protection techniques against them in real networks
is a complicated and hard-to-sell process.
One of the promising approaches to research
botnets and protection mechanisms is simulation.
Simulation permits a more flexible technique for
investigation of complex dynamic systems. This
allows operating with different sets of parameters
and scenarios with less effort than in case of full-
scale experiments.
This paper describes the approach, which
combines discrete-event simulation, component-
based design and packet-level simulation of network
protocols. Initially this approach was suggested for
DDoS attack and protection simulation. The main
contribution of the paper, as compared with other
works of authors, for example, (Kotenko, 2010;
Kotenko et al., 2010), is the development of
“nervous network” framework intended to protect
against botnets in computer networks, the design and
implementation of a special simulation environment
to investigate this framework and the consideration
of a multitude of experiments to analyze the
“nervous network” framework with other protection
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3
describes “nervous network” framework. Section 4
presents the architecture of the integrated simulation
environment developed and its implementation.
Section 5 describes the results of experiments.
Kotenko I. and Shorov A..
Simulation of Protection Mechanisms against Botnets on the Basis of “Nervous Network” Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004123401640169
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2012),
pages 164-169
ISBN: 978-989-8565-20-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Concluding remarks and directions for further
research are given in Section 6.
The paper is based on the results of three directions
of research: (1) analysis of botnets as a phenomenon
occurred in the Internet (Bailey et al., 2009; Feily et
al., 2009; Grizzard et al., 2007; Mazzariello, 2008;
Naseem et al., 2010), including the studies of botnet
taxonometry; (2) approaches of creation and
improving the techniques for counteraction against
modern botnets, and (3) enhancement of concepts
and methods for efficient modeling and simulation
of botnet infrastructure and counteraction.
At present moment using public proceedings we
can find many interpretations of different aspects of
botnet functionality. A group of researches, related
to analysis of botnet as a network phenomenon,
defines botnet lifecycle (Feily et al., 2009;
Mazzariello, 2008), which is consisting of several
stages: initial infection and spreading stage, stage of
“stealth” operation and attack stage. Centralized
(Naseem et al., 2010) and decentralized (Feily et al.,
2009; Grizzard et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2007) kinds
of architectures are considered as results of
investigation of feasible node roles, and different
types of botnet arracks are described. In the paper
we consider only worm based spreading techniques.
Due to significant differences of botnet lifecycle
stages, the combined protection methods are used
extensively which take into account specificities of
each stage.
Protection techniques “Virus Throttling”
(Williamson, 2002) and “Failed Connection” (Chen
et al., 2004) are used to oppose botnet propagation
on spreading stage. Such techniques as Threshold
Random Walk (Nagaonkar et al., 2008) and Credit-
based Rate Limiting also require consideration.
Beyond many types of botnets attacks, we
studied botnets which implement DDoS as an actual
attack stage. We considered protection methods for
different phases of DDoS attacks. Approaches
Ingress/Egress Filtering and SAVE (Source Address
Validity Enforcement Protocol) (Li et al., 2002) are
used as attack prevention mechanisms. They realize
filtering of traffic streams for which IP spoofing was
detected. Moreover, such techniques as SIM (Source
IP Address Monitoring) (Peng et al., 2004) and
Detecting SYN flooding (Wang et al., 2002) were
taken into consideration as methods for discovering
DDoS attacks.
We also investigated protection methods
destined to detect botnets of different architectures.
Botnet architecture is defined by the applied
communication protocol. At present moment IRC-,
HTTP- and P2P-related botnet architectures
(Naseem et al., 2010) are important for
We analyzed different bio-inspired approaches
which can be applied to protect computer networks.
Nervous system of the human was taken as the
basis of the “nervous network” approach suggested
in (Chen et al., 2009). The nervous system runs
through the all human body and serves as a system
for data acquisition, transmission and processing. It
also produces responses on different stimulus.
“Nervous network” approach borrows structure and
functionality from the human nervous system. It
bases on the distributed mechanism of the data
acquisition and processing, coordination of the
operations of the main network elements, automatic
attack identification and automatic generation of the
(Dressler, 2005) takes analogy with living cells
as a basis for network protection. Local data are
transferred from cell to cell. Response reaction with
influence on the neighboring cells occurs when
signal is on the cell receptor. Traffic monitor sends
data to the intrusion detection system. The intrusion
detection system processes these data and adds new
rules to firewalls.
(Anagnostakis et al., 2003) suggests a
cooperative mechanism COVERAGE (Cooperative
virus response algorithm) to protect against viruses.
Authors attempted to realize such properties and
mechanisms of immune systems of living organisms
as adaptability, decentralized architecture,
communication mechanisms.
Research on botnet modeling and simulation is
based on a variety of methods and approaches.
A large set of publications is devoted to botnet
analytical modeling. For instance, a stochastic model
of decentralized botnet propagation is presented in
(Owezarski et al., 2004). (Dagon et al., 2006)
proposes an analytical model of global botnet.
Another group of studies uses simulation as
a main tool to investigate botnets and computer
networks in general. Studies in this group mainly
rely on methods of discrete-event simulation of
processes being executed in network structures
(Simmonds et al., 2000; Wehrle et al., 2010), as well
as on trace-driven models initiated by trace data
taken from actual networks (Owezarski et al., 2004).
Other techniques, which are very important for
investigation of botnets, are emulation, combining
analytical, packet-based and emulation-based
models of botnets and botnet protection (on macro
level), as well as exploring real small-sized networks
(to investigate botnets on micro level).
“Nervous network” protection system contains two
types of main components – “nervous network”
server and “nervous network” node. Server is
installed in the different subnets. It performs the
most part of data processing and analysis tasks, and
coordinates the operation of neighboring network
devices. Nodes serve for acquisition, initial
processing and transferring of network state
information to servers. They work on the base of
routers. Servers of different subnets exchange
information about states of subnets (Chen et al.,
2009). “Nervous network” framework combines
basic protection mechanisms (“Failed Connection”
(Binkley et al., 2006), “Virus Throttling”
(Williamson, 2002), SAVE (Li et al., 2002), SIM
(Peng et al., 2004), etc.) which work as distributed
detectors and filtering devices. They send data about
the detected anomalies to the servers of the “nervous
system” and operate according to the rules from
these servers. Special protocol is developed to
transfer data between elements of the “nervous
Let us consider a formal model of “nervous
network” used for simulation. It represents “nervous
NN Sc En Ev T= , where
simulation planner;
- “Nervous network”
- simulation events;
simulation time. “Nervous network” components are
represented as
En NS NH= , where NS -
“nervous network” servers; NH - “nervous network”
nodes. “Nervous network” server is set as
,, ,NS IM EM DM sDB= , where
M - exchanger
of data with “nervous network” nodes;
EM -
exchanger of data with “nervous network” servers;
- decision-maker and response generator;
DB - database. Data exchangers are connected
with decision-maker and response generator. They
use it to get instructions and data for sending to
other nodes and servers, and deliver information
about the events in the network. Database is
connected to decision-maker and response generator.
It serves as a warehouse for the data from the
external sources and supplies saved information.
We represent a node of the “nervous network” as
,, ,NH AG TR NT HD= , where
G - element of
data acquisition from servers;
TR - element of data
exchange with “nervous network” server;
NT -
element of data exchange between “nervous
network” nodes;
- element which performs
traffic processing.
On the first processing stage, a node distributes
threads according to the sender’s IP-address. Then it
defines types of the packets from the sender and
analyzes processed traffic. Database is connected to
the element of traffic analysis. This element gets
information for the analysis from this database.
If a node detected that traffic is malicious, it
sends this information together with data about the
malicious traffic to the element of the attack traffic
filtering. Legitimate traffic is passed to the network.
Element of attack traffic filtering uses
components of data exchange to send this
information to the server and the nodes. Also it gets
information from them and updates rules and
signatures in the database.
The proposed simulation environment realizes a set
of simulation models, called BOTNET, which
implement processes of botnet operation and
protection mechanisms. With narrowing the context
of consideration, these models could be represented
as a sequence of internal abstraction layers:
(1) discrete event simulation on network structures,
(2) computational network with packet switching,
(3) meshes of network services, (4) attack and
protection networks.
The first layer of abstraction is implemented by
use of discrete event simulation environment
OMNET++ (Varga, 2010). The library INET
Framework (INET, 2012) is used for simulation of
packet-switching networks. Simulation of realistic
computer networks is carried out by using the library
ReaSE (ReaSE, 2012). The library is an extension of
INET Framework (INET, 2012). ReaSE includes
also a realistic model of network traffic, modeled at
the packet level (Li et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2006).
Models of network traffic are based on the approach
presented in (Zhou et al., 2006). This approach
allows generating packet level traffic with
parameters, which are statistically equivalent to the
traffic observed in real computer networks.
With the help of the developed simulation
environment the following models are built: the
model of the spreading of the network worm
(including model of the vulnerable node), DDoS-
attacks, models of protection mechanisms on the
base of the Failed Connection (FC), Virus Throttling
(VT), SIM, SAVE, the model of the “nervous
network” distributed protection mechanism.
For the experiments, different networks were
generated, including network with 3652 nodes (this
network is used for experiments described). 10 of
these nodes are servers (including one DNS-server,
three web-servers and six mail servers). 1119 nodes
(near 30% from the total number) have
Model of the standard protocol stack is installed
on each node. This stack includes PPP, LCP, IP,
TCP, ICMP, ARP, UDP protocols. Models of the
network components (which implement appropriate
functionality) can be installed additionally
depending on the nodes functional role.
The “neural network” protection mechanism is
implemented as elements which are built-in routers
and typical hosts.
As part of our research, a set of experiments was
performed. They demonstrate the operability of the
developed simulation environment and main
characteristics of protection mechanisms. The
experiments include investigation of protection
activities on the stages of botnet propagation, botnet
management and control (reconfiguration and
preparation to attacks) and attack execution.
5.1 Botnet Propagation Protection
For the botnet propagation phase we used the
spreading of the network worm. To counteract
spreading of the network worm, Failed Connection
and Virus Throttling approaches are used as basic
protection mechanisms. After activation of the
“nervous network”, basic protection mechanisms
work in compliance with connected “nervous
network” server.
Figure 1 shows the number of the infected hosts
if Failed Connection is installed on 100% of routers
(FC-100%), if Virus Throttling is installed (VT-
100%), if “nervous network” protection mechanism
in cooperation with Failed Connection protection
mechanism is installed (NNS-100%) and spreading
of the network worm without protection.
In case of “nervous network” the number of
infected hosts is decreased on nearly 20% relative to
FC and nearly 10% relative to VT.
Figure 1: Number of infected hosts.
5.2 Counteracting to Bot Management
On this stage of botnet life cycle we investigated
mainly the protection technique proposed in
(Akiyama et al., 2007). This technique involves
monitoring of IRC-traffic, passing through the
observer node, and subsequent calculation of the
metrics “Relationship”, “Response” and
“Synchronization”, based on the content of network
packets. Metric “Relationship” characterizes the
distribution of clients in IRC-channel.
After analysis of experiments, we can suppose
that a protection mechanism, fulfilled on a small
number of routers which are transit for the main IRC
traffic, can be as effective as the protection
mechanism installed in more number of routers.
We can also assume that a protection
mechanism, having a small covering of the protected
network, generally will not be efficient, because
only a small part of IRC control traffic passes the
vast majority of routers.
We have not verified experiments for the
assessment of quality of filtering of the “nervous
network” protection mechanism on the control stage.
We suppose to conduct such experiments in future.
5.3 Protection against DDoS Attacks
At the last phase of botnet lifecycle it performs
DDoS-attack. Three kinds of protection mechanisms
are considered in the description of experimental
results: SAVE, SIM and the “nervous network”
protection technique. In experiments for simulation
of protection against DDoS-attacks, SYN Flooding
attacks were executed. Figure 2 shows amount of
traffic on the attacked node to the simulation time,
when DDoS-attack without forging of the sender IP-
address is executed relative.
Figure 2: Volume of traffic on the attacked node
in case of DDoS-attack.
In the first case SAVE mechanisms were installed.
SAVE could not detect malicious threads because
the attack was executed without forging of the IP-
address. In the second case SAVE and SIM
mechanisms were connected to the “nervous
network” mechanism. IP-addresses of the possible
attack sources were detected with help of the SIM on
the attacked server. “Nervous network” transferred
these IP-addresses to the SAVE mechanism. SAVE
was installed on the routers and blocked malicious
traffic directly at the DDoS-attack sources. The
independent basic protection mechanisms used own
methods of attack detection and blocking.
After inclusion in the “nervous network”, basic
protection mechanisms used their own detection
mechanisms, but they provided information about
the detected attacks to the connected “nervous
network” server. These methods waited for the
instructions from the “nervous network”, if there
were no rules for the detected threat.
5.4 Verification of Results
To verify the developed simulation models, we
emulated the functioning of small networks
consisting of many nodes on real computers
combined to a network using Oracle VM Virtual
Box. On emulated computers the typical software
was installed, and the work of legitimate users and
malefactors was imitated. To emulate the botnet
such hosts as “master”, “control center” and
“vulnerable computers” were selected. Furthermore,
the software for monitoring of network traffic was
installed on the computers.
Using the developed network testbed, we
compared the results obtained on the basis of
simulation models with the results of emulation. In
case of discrepancies in the results the corresponding
simulation models were corrected.
We made also performance evaluation for the
“nervous network” protection mechanism relative to
basic protection mechanisms with the help of the
following metrics: errors of the first and the second
kinds, completeness, precision, accuracy, error, F-
The paper suggested an approach to the simulation
of the “Nervous network” protection mechanism
against botnets. We proposed a generalized
architecture of simulation environment aiming to
analyze botnets and protection mechanisms. On the
base of this architecture we designed and
implemented a multilevel software simulation
environment. This environment includes the system
of discrete event simulation (OMNeT++), the
component of networks and network protocols
simulation (based on INET Framework library), the
component of realistic networks simulation (using
the library ReaSE) and BOTNET Foundation
Classes library consisting of the models of network
applications related to protection against botnets.
The experiments investigated botnet actions and
protection mechanisms on stages of botnet
propagation, botnet management and control
(reconfiguration and preparation to attacks), and
attack execution. We analyzed several protection
techniques to protect from botnet on the propagation
stage. Botnet propagation was performed via
network worm spreading. We researched techniques
of IRC-oriented botnet detection to counteract
botnets on the management and control stage. We
also analyzed techniques, which work on the
different stages of protection against DDoS attacks.
Experiments demonstrated effectiveness of the
“nervous network” protection mechanism on
different phases of botnet operation.
Future research is connected with the analysis of
effectiveness of botnet operation and protection
mechanisms, including distributed protection
techniques, and improvement of the implemented
simulation environment. One of the main tasks of
our current and future research is to improve the
scalability and fidelity of the simulation. We are also
in the process of developing a simulation and
emulation tesbed, which combines a hierarchy of
macro and micro level analytical and simulation
models and real small-sized networks.
This research is being supported by grants of the
Russian Foundation of Basic Research (projects
#10-01-00826), the Program of fundamental
research of the Department for Nanotechnologies
and Informational Technologies of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the State contract
#11.519.11.4008 and by the EU as part of the
SecFutur and MASSIF projects.
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