Spaxels, Pixels in Space
A Novel Mode of Spatial Display
Horst Hörtner, Matthew Gardiner, Roland Haring, Christopher Lindinger and Florian Berger
Ars Electronica Futurelab, Ars Electronica Strasse 1, A-4040 Linz, Austria
Keywords: Space Pixel, Spaxel, Voxel, Pixel, Media Display Technology, Spatial Imaging, 3D Visualization.
Abstract: We introduce a novel visual display paradigm through the use of controllable moving visible objects in
physical space. Spaxels is a conjugation of "space" and "pixels". It takes the notion of a pixel, and frees it
from the confines of a static two-dimensional matrix of a screen or projection surface to move three
dimensionally in space. Spaxels extend the notion of Voxels, volumetric pixels, in that a Spaxel can
physically move, as well as transition in colour and shape. Our current applied research is based on the
control of a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with RGB lighting and a positioning system that
can be coordinated in three dimensions to create a morphing floating display. This paper introduces Spaxels
as a novel concept and paradigm as a new kind of spatial display.
Visual media has undergone countless evolutionary
transformations through innovations in technology,
from the first primitive though enduring methods of
aboriginal cave paintings, to oil painting, still
photography, celluloid film, video, holography, to
current day large LED displays, transparent displays,
and stereoscopic displays. Some collective factors
that define these modes of display are: two
dimensional matrices of image elements, fixed
planes of display, and the static nature of the display
elements such as fixed position pixels or chemical
compounds like paint or silver gelatine. The break
from the fixed two dimensional image plane has
been a much anticipated jump. MIT Media Lab’s
Hiroshi Ishii predicts the next phase of human
computer interaction with his notion of Radical
Atoms (Ishii et al., 2012).
Though the vision of Radical Atoms is more
connected to the physicality of computational media
at a smaller atomic scale, the notion of Spaxels falls
neatly into this idea of a transformable, kinetic,
computable environment into which visual media
can be expressed. Where each visual element can be
positioned at a required location, relocating as
required, allowing the expansion of the image to fill
a field of view, allowing changes in Spaxel
density/luminosity, rotation, and scale in space.
A significant exception to the 2D confinement of the
image plane is True 3D (Kimura et al., 2011) a
system by Burton Inc and Keio University employs
laser-plasma to generate dots of plasma, like pixels,
in mid-air. Their 2011 paper cited a jump from 300
points/sec to 50,000 points/sec from their 2006
model, to a volume of 20x20x20cm. The researchers
encouragingly promise that their next version will
include red, green and blue plasma, overcoming the
limitation of the monochromatic image. The
excitation of air or water particles is an important
leap in 3D imaging. An artwork by Art+Com Kinetic
Sculpture (Sauter et al., 2011) for BMW uses 715
metal spheres suspended on a kinetic vertical cable
system. The cables locate the spheres vertically in
space to create images of BMW vehicles and waves.
Ocean of Light (“ocean of light: home,” n.d.) by
Squidsoup is a volumetric array of RGB LEDs
arranged vertically on hanging strips, it also
generates wave forms as light sculpture from
audience interactions. Several other works, such as
The Source at the London Stock Exchange, have
addressed the idea of kinetic sculpture as a mode of
transformable image display.
Additionally the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
for various manipulations in physical space recently
became a prospering research field. Among many
other research labs the GRASP Lab at the
Hörtner H., Gardiner M., Haring R., Lindinger C. and Berger F..
Spaxels, Pixels in Space - A Novel Mode of Spatial Display.
DOI: 10.5220/0004126400190024
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 19-24
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Spaxels moments (m
, m
, m
) in relation to Spaxels flow (f
, f
, f
Pennsylvania University (Michael et al., 2010) and
the Flying Machine Arena of the ETH Zurich
(Schoellig et al., 2010) received a lot of acclamation
for their ground-braking experimental work.
Our concept of Spaxels extends previous works
in the field by proposing a controllable swarm of lit
objects in 3D space and time that is not connected to
a cabled system. Instead Spaxels are floated
independently by means of aviation. Our vision is of
a transformable display of pixels in space, hence the
coining of the term Spaxels: Space Pixels.
To illustrate the concept of the Spaxels two aspects
have to be considered, the nature of a single Spaxel
and the nature of a collective of Spaxels that form a
Spaxel Sculptural Image (SSI).
3.1 Nature of Singular Spaxel
In a general sense Spaxels are analogous to
volumetric pixels (Voxels) with the addition of the
property of movement. A Spaxel has the following
defining properties: colour, position in physical 3D
space, and a trajectory vector. Orientation and shape
are optional properties to extend Spaxel functions.
3.2 Nature of Spaxel Sculptural Image
Considering free floating physical objects in the
generation of sculptural images it is needed to reflect
upon two overall aspects; the first aspect is the
sculptural image itself; and the second is the
transition towards this sculptural image. This can be
compared to classical animation strategies like “key
frames” and “in-betweening”. Subsequently we call
the discreet state “Spaxel Moment” and the
transitional state “Spaxel Flow”. Both need aesthetic
consideration when constructing visual
representations with Spaxels.
3.2.1 Spaxels Moment
Spaxel moments describe a specific state of the
sculptural display at a discrete moment in time. They
can be compared to frames in traditional display
technologies. There are several thinkable ways of
how such a frame or Spaxel moment can be defined
in the course of a specific visualization. Spaxels can
be controlled by a global instance that is
synchronizing their properties, transmitting
commands and therefore guaranteeing the overall
image. This instance can be either integrated into
one specific Spaxel (leader of the swarm) or located
outside on a remote location (remote control).
Additionally Spaxels can also self-organize based on
predefined models and algorithms and reach distinct
layouts in time and space based on local data and
3.2.2 Spaxels Flow
In designing an authority that computes and defines
discrete states of the Spaxel display, it is necessary
to consider the transitions in between these Spaxel
moments. This integrated capability is a mandatory
property to maintain a coherent overall visualization.
We refer to this as the flow of the Spaxels (see
Figure 1). As one of the main aspects of the flow of
Spaxels is – amongst aesthetic considerations – the
avoidance of collisions and the overall react ability,
this capability can imply complex algorithmic
requirements. Simple implementations like shortest
path algorithms might be substituted by more
complex swarm-like behavior (Reynolds, 1987) or
generative and autonomous algorithmic strategies
(Bürkle et al., 2011), depending on the resolution
and Spaxel density of the display.
Figure 2: A single Spaxel represented by a quadrocopter,
an unmanned aerial vehicle with preliminary LED
As a research environment a set of unmanned aerial
vehicles (see Figure 2) is chosen. Currently the
research group works on a setup of 50 of those
instances to conduct the proof of concept.
4.1 Embodiment of a Single Spaxel
Each Spaxel used for current research is represented
by an Ascending Technologies Hummingbird
quadrocopter (“AscTec Hummingbird AutoPilot |
Ascending Technologies,” n.d.). These unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV) provide a GPS based autopilot
for autonomous outdoor waypoint navigation. A
dedicated high-level processor controls the flight
maneuvers of the quadrocopters and can be
programmed by the researchers. The maximum
flight time is at least 20 minutes and the maximum
speed of the vessel is more than 50 km/h. The UAV
is controlled by a base station transmitting
commands up to a distance of 600 meters using a
proprietary radio technology transmitting in the 2.4
GHz spectrum. The quadrocopter has a high-level
and a low-level processor. The high-level processor
is used for communication and LED control. The
low-level processor does the actual flight control
based on the GPS waypoints received. Each
unmanned aerial vehicle is equipped with an array of
RGB LEDs, which can be altered in hue and
brightness through corresponding remote
commands. Figure 3 shows the basic scheme of the
radio communication. The proprietary LairdTech
radio chipset uses channel hopping to maximize and
stabilize the transmission. Therefore only one
physical channel is available. Within this channel
the communication follows a time-synchronized
request and reply based 1:n broadcast scheme.
Figure 3: Basic layout of the broadcast communication
Table 1 gives an overview of available
Table 1: Available control commands.
From To Command
The server unit (SU) sends broadcast packages to
all Spaxel units. Each network packages has a
distinct addressing scheme on application level.
Individual Spaxels (SP), predefined groups of
Spaxels (G) or all Spaxels (A) can be addressed. The
in-flight commands contain commands to update the
waypoints (WP) the Spaxel should use for the next
movement path, to change the RGB value of the
LED lighting (LED), to fly to a predefined parking
position (P), to land (L) or a request to transmit
current flight data like speed, position, altitude and
charge (R). Whenever a Spaxel receives an update
flight data request it has to reply within a predefined
timeframe otherwise the Spaxel will be sent to
parking position and ultimately be requested to land.
Whenever a Spaxel does not receive commands
from the server anymore it will also go to parking
position. If there is no GPS signal available, the
Spaxel will stand still and wait in air. Shortly before
battery charge is empty it will emergency land using
the barometer for approximated height
Figure 4: Screenshot of the current development state of the Spaxels simulator and control server.
4.2 Embodiment of a Sculptural Image
The first implementation of a Spaxel display will
consist of a swarm of 50 individual UAVs. Each of
these Spaxels is remote controlled by a central on-
ground server. The server runs a virtual simulation
tool that calculates patterns in space and trajectories
for each Spaxel. Furthermore visual properties for
the LEDs are determined based on generative
patterns. Based on this data discrete Spaxel moments
are computed. They are transmitted to the UAV
using eight parallel physical radio channels. The
UAVs interpret them as waypoints and compute the
transitions as Spaxel flow locally. Furthermore, the
UAVs transmit their actual position and speed to the
server to update the simulation. The current data
transmission and overall swarm update frequency
varies at 3 to 5 frames per seconds. Figure 4 shows a
screenshot of the current development state of the
simulation and control server. Orthographic images
are used as floor texture for the reference of the
swarm operator. The current Spaxels position, flight
path and illumination state is visualized.
Furthermore a hemisphere restricts the possible
movement of the Spaxels to a predefined maximum
distance from the server unit.
The main tasks of the server unit are to
synchronize and control the movement of the
Spaxels, avoid collisions and alter their visual
properties. Furthermore the server triggers
automatically emergency routines for the case that
the control over a Spaxels unit cannot be maintained
4.3 Proof of Concept Setting
The concept of Spaxels does not determine the
overall scale of the visualization per se. Applications
can range from indoor micro-Spaxel visualizations
to large outdoor scenarios. The scope of our current
research is to realize a large-scale Spaxel display for
an audience of several thousand viewers.
The overall visualization space is across several
hundred meters. Consideration needs to be given to
the different possible viewpoints of the audience to
achieve a coherent visualization. Figure 5 shows the
spatial setup we are working on with an overall
dimension of roughly 500 by 500 meters.
Figure 5: Proposed audience and visualization area.
Spaxels open up a number of new areas for
consideration like density/luminosity, immersion,
rotation, field of view, scale, shape, and point cloud
rendering. In general it is important to firstly identify
properties that can be categorized as analogies of
conventional display technology properties and
secondly to identify conceptually new capabilities
which go beyond.
5.1 Density of Image
The notions of scale, and resolution with and SSI
become a matter of luminosity and density of image
elements. In the case of a Spaxel display, density can
be optimized to best suit the display of a given
image or object given the resolution, or number of
Spaxels. For example a Spaxel image of a human
with arms by sides, being tall than wider would be
shown from a topologically optimal point of view, as
a more or less tall and blobby cylinder. Whereas the
image of a human head would be seen as a group of
Spaxels arranged in a more or less blobby sphere.
The space-time configuration of Spaxels can adjust
algorithmically to the content. Density can be
packed to increase or decrease depending on the
field of view, and are measured as Spaxels per cubic
5.2 Transformations
Rotation and translation–affine transformations–of
the SSI around and past the audience’s field of view
is possible. The entire SSI can be transformed in the
airspace surrounding the audience. The audience can
be surrounded, and immersed in the SSI. Research
already undertaken in virtual reality could be
extended with larger and more physical contexts.
5.3 Field of View
Another research consideration is a focused field of
view; memorably explored in cinema by Lucasfilm
in the Star Wars saga through the assorted
holographic projections that serve as centrepiece
displays for communication and visualisation. The
holographic projection of Princess Leia appears as a
monochrome cinematic feed with a bluish tinge
projected into the air and showing only a limited
field of view. The key research issue is separation of
the object of focus from the background, when
considering an entire scene of 3D data, the time for a
Spaxcel to move from one position as part of a
mountain 100’s of miles away to a closer position of
an object in the foreground, an act accomplished in
one frame of film. Lucasfilm’s approach, it seems,
was to imagine a zone of recording, and objects
outside this zone, such as backgrounds are
completely ignored. The same occurs in Kinect
recognition software, information beyond a certain
distance threshold is ignored.
5.4 Point Clouds and Spaxels
3D scans from consumer devices such as Kinect
produce a data set containing X,Y,Z and RGB
values in relation to the devices lenses, The data sets
are expressed as point clouds, that when viewed
collectively, and with a high enough density form a
recognisable image. Point clouds are a suitable way
for capturing the three-dimensional world around us,
in most purposes they merely form the starting point
for an algorithm to calculate a 3D mesh. But the
question still remains, once we have this
information, how do we get back into the real world,
we can make a 3D print or static sculptural object.
Spaxels offer a method to express dynamic point
clouds in real time, in real space.
5.5 State Switching vs Transformations
We have identified two methods for animating
images: state switching and transformations (figure
6). State switching involved a matrix of Spaxels that
alternately switch on and off, and a transformation
involves physically moving an individual Spaxel.
The transient time for the transformation compared
to the speed of switching will become an artistic
decision, though contributing factors like Spaxel
density will influence the decision computationally.
Figure 6: State switching (A) vs Transformations (B).
5.6 Shape
The shape of an individual Spaxel, including the
scale and geometry, can be morphed through robotic
transformation using a method similar to our
research in robotic origami systems (Wang-Iverson
et al., 2011). Such transformations could increase or
decrease the local image density through the change
in size and shape of a light diffuser.
5.7 Future Work
Our current research is focused on the first
realization of a Spaxel display, which fulfills the
requirements described in this paper. The display
itself will work in the first implementation with 50
individual Spaxel units. The core research question
is to derive requirements for aesthetic music based
visualization for a large crowd audience. This will
include the precise and responsive control in air,
synchronization among the Spaxel units and overall
aesthetic considerations. Future research will include
scaling up the number of Spaxels, as well as
developing concepts for making the shape
dynamically transformable. We are hard at work,
and expect first ground-breaking results within the
coming months.
In our current work Spaxels are controlled by a
central server unit. A future step for future work
would be to decentralize control of the Spaxels
swarm by using rule-based agents. Rule-based agent
systems for visualizations have a long history in
computer graphics. (Reynolds, 1987) presented a
model that simulated the behavior of a flock of birds
by the use of a few relatively simple, global rules.
This effective steering scheme is manifested by rules
for group cohesion, alignment and separation to
avoid collisions with other swarm entities. Building
on these results a next step would be to calculate the
Spaxel flow locally and distributed on the Spaxel
units themselves. This could lead to a lower need for
synchronization and therefore to a higher overall
responsiveness of the display.
In this paper we introduced a new paradigm for
spatial displays. Spaxels extend the concept of
Voxels from a discretely ordered matrix to a
continuous space. Furthermore we also introduced
the work on the first embodiment of this concept
based on unmanned aerial vehicles. This research
opens up a whole new field of visualizations in
physical space. Two core concepts for these
sculptural displays are the notion of the moment as
representation of a frame and the flow as the
transition in between. Both need to be redefined
based on the novel technological constraints. The
kinetic and dimensional potential of Spaxels
significantly extends the scale and mode of visual
To the team’s fearless quadrocopter test pilots and
programmers: Michael Mayr, Andreas Jalsovec and
Ben Olsen and to Ascending Technologies for their
outstanding support.
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