Ontology Matching in Context-driven Collaborative Recommending
Alexander Smirnov, Alexey Kashevnik and Nikolay Shilov
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
39, 14 Line, 199178, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Context-driven Collaborative Recommending System, Ontology Matching, Ontology Alignment Pattern.
Abstract: The paper proposes an approach to building a context-driven collaborative recommending system, and
concentrates on the ontology matching algorithm and ontology alignment patterns. The designed
collaborative recommendation system is based on application of such technologies as user and group
profiling, context management, decision mining. It enables for self-organisation of user groups in
accordance with changing user profiles and the current situation context. Utilizing of the developed
ontology alignment patterns considerably accelerates the ontology fusion and matching processes due to
typification of fusion and alignment schemes.
Integration of different Information Technologies
(IT) systems in flexible supply networks (FSN)
requires semantic integration of their data and
workflow models. This problem is even more
evident if IT systems of different enterprises (FSN
members) are considered. Developing frameworks,
with appurtenant models, needs to be based on solid
foundations. The alignment problem requires a
common ontology capturing business as well as IT
(Lind and Seigerroth, 2010).
Ontologies have shown their usability for this
type of tasks (e.g., (Bradfield et al., 2007); (Chan
and Yu, 2007); (Patil et al., 2005)). Integration of
different enterprise aspects into an ontology has
been also researched in a number of works. For
example, socio-instrumental pragmatism (Goldkuhl
and Röstlinger, 2002) incorporates human,
organizational, and IT enabled actions in a coherent
ontology. The concern of theorizing actions has also
been acknowledged by actor-network theory
(Latour, 1991), where technology and people are
both seen as social actants.
The service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a step
towards information-driven collaboration. This term
today is closely related to other terms such as
ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, smart
space and similar, which significantly overlap each
other (Balandin et al., 2009).
The main idea of the approach is to represent
FSN elements by sets of services provided by them.
This makes it possible to replace the configuration
of FSN with that of distributed services. For the
purpose of interoperability the services are
represented by Web-services using the common
notation described by a common application
ontology (AO). Depending on the problem
considered the relevant part of AO is selected
forming the abstract context that, in turn, is filled
with values from the sources resulting in the
operational context. The operational context
represents the constraint satisfaction problem that is
used during self-configuration of services for
problem solving.
An intensive collaboration requires strong IT-
based support of decision making so that the
preferences from multiple simultaneous users could
be taken into account satisfying both the individual
and the group (McCarthy et al., 2006). Collaborative
recommending systems are aimed to solve this
problem. Recommending / recommendation
/recommender systems are widely used in the
Internet for suggesting products, activities, etc. for a
single user considering his/her interests and tastes
(Garcia et al., 2009), in various business applications
(e.g., (Hornung et al., 2009); (Zhena et al., 2009)) as
well as in product development (e.g., (Moon et al.,
2009); (Chen et al., 2010)). Collaborative
recommending is complicated by the necessity to
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A. and Shilov N..
Ontology Matching in Context-driven Collaborative Recommending Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004126801390144
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 139-144
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Collaborative recommendation system architecture.
take into account not only personal interests but to
compromise between the group interests and
interests of the individuals of this group. In literature
(e.g., (Baatarjav et al., 2009); (Middleton et al.,
2003)) the architecture of the collaborative
recommending system is proposed based on three
components: (i) profile feature extraction from
individual profiles, (ii) classification engine for user
clustering based on their preferences (e.g.,
Romesburg, 2004)), and (iii) final recommendation
based on the generated groups. Development of
clustering algorithms capable to continuously
improve group structure based on incoming
information enables for self-organisation of user
groups (Flake et al., 2002).
The developed context-driven collaborative
recommendation system architecture is presented in
Figure 1. It is centralized around the user clustering
algorithm (Smirnov et al., 2005) originating from the
decision mining area area (Smirnov et al., 2008);
(Rozinat and van der Aalst, 2006); (Petrusel and
Mican, 2010). The proposed clustering algorithm is
based on the information from user profiles. The
user profiles contain information about users
including their preferences, interests and activity
history. A detailed description of the profile can be
found in (Smirnov et al., 2009). Besides, in order for
the clustering algorithm to be more precise, this
information is supplied in the context of the current
situation (including current user task, product(s)
she/he works with, time pressure and other
parameters. The semantic interoperability (consistent
notation and terminology) between the profile and
the context is supported by the common ontology.
The user profiles are considered to be dynamic
and, hence, the updated information is supplied to
the algorithm from time to time. As a result the
algorithm can run as updated information is received
and update user groups. Thus, the development of
the algorithm has made it possible to be used for
building self-organisation mechanism for user group
Since, in the company considered as a case study
(Smirnov et al., 2011), the major difference between
users is the group of products they work with, the
generated groups are expected to be product related.
However, in other environments this is not necessary
to be the case and groups can be process-oriented,
resource-oriented or other.
When groups are generated the common
preferences/interests of the groups can be identified
based on the results of the clustering algorithm.
These preferences can be then generalized and
analyzed in order to produce collaborative
In order to analyze the existing ontology matching
techniques an extensive state-of-the-art review has
been done, which covered about 20
systems/approaches/projects related to ontology
matching (Smirnov et al., 2010).
All the similarity metrics in the performed state-
of-the-art review are based on the two information
retrieval metrics of precision and recall. The balance
between these is achieved via choosing the right
threshold value. The possibility of choosing the right
threshold value has to be taken into account in the
development of the matching models.
Since in enterprise information systems most of
services are problem-oriented, the usage of reusable
ontology patterns for the common ontology creation
is proposed. This would enable unification and
standardization of the ontologies and significantly
simplify the ontology matching.
Common ontology
described by
context model
User groups
based on
preferences /
Identification of
preferences /
User profiles
Based on it the following concluding remarks
can be made.
The goal of ontology matching is basically
solving the two major problems, namely:
(i) ontology entities with the same name can have
different meaning; (ii) ontology entities with
different names can have the same meaning.
For this purpose a number of techniques are
applied in different combinations. These techniques
Identification of synonyms
Similarity metrics (name similarity, linguistic
Heuristics (for example two nodes are likely to
match if nodes in their neighborhood also match)
Compare sets of instances of classes instead
compare classes
Rules: for example, if class A1 related to class
B1 (relation R1), A2 related to class B2 (relation
R2) and B1 similar to B2, R1 similar to R2 therefore
A1 similar to A2.
As a result of matching the following types of
elements mapping proximity can be identified:
One-to-one mapping between the elements
(Associate-Professor to Senior-Lecturer)
Between different types of elements (the relation
AdvisedBy(Student, Professor) maps to the attribute
advisor of the concept Student)
Complex type (Name maps to the concatenation
of First Name and Last Name)
All methods can be separated into the following four
Linguistic Methods are focused on determining
similarity between entities based on linguistic
comparison of these entities (count of the same
symbols estimation, estimation of the longest similar
parts of words, etc.).
Statistical Methods (Instance-Based) compare
instances of the ontology entities and based on this
estimation entities can be compared.
Contextual Methods are aimed at calculation of
a similarity measure between entities based on their
contexts. For example if parents and children of the
ontology classes are the same consequently the
classes also the same.
Combined Methods integrate specifics of two or
three of the above methods.
In the considered problem domain the differentiation
between instances is not an easy task. Because of
this reason the techniques and methods relying on
instances were not considered for further
development. Hence, the developed models
presented below integrate all of the above techniques
(except those dealing with instances) and propose a
set of combined methods having features of the
linguistic and contextual methods.
The below proposed approach allows matching of
ontologies for the interoperability purposes and is
based on the ontology matching model illustrated by
Figure 2. The approach takes into account that the
matching procedure has to be done “on-the-fly” and
remembering the fact that matched ontologies are
responsible for performing certain concrete and
well-described tasks, which means that they
generally should be small–to–medium size and
describe only limited domains. A detailed
description of the approach and experimentation
results can be found in (Smirnov et al., 2010).
Ontology is represented as RDF triples,
consisting of the following ontology elements:
subject, predicate, object. Degree of similarity
between two ontology elements is in the range [0, 1].
The approach consists of the following steps:
Compare ontology elements taking into account
synonyms of both ontologies. The degree of
similarity between equal elements is set to 1
(maximum value of the degree of similarity).
Figure 2: Multi-model approach to on-the-fly ontology matching.
Comparison of elements of two ontologies
using similarity-based method
Comparison of elements of two ontologies
using semantic-based distances search method
Graph-based distance improvement
Comparison of elements of two ontologies using synonyms
Method class
Matching model
Compare all elements between two ontologies
and fill the matrix M using similarity-based model.
Matrix M is of size m to n, where m is the number of
elements in the first ontology and n is the number of
elements in the second ontology. Each element of
this matrix contains the degree of similarity between
the string terms of two ontology elements using the
fuzzy string comparison method. At this step
WordNet or Wiktionary can be used for searching
semantic distances (Smirnov et al., 2010).
Compare all elements of two ontologies and fill
the matrix M’. Matrix M’ is of size m to n, where m
is the number of elements in the first ontology and n
is the number of elements in the second ontology.
Each element of this matrix represents the degree of
similarity between two ontology elements.
Update values in matrix M, where each new
value of elements of M is the maximum value of (M,
Improve distance values in the matrix M using
the graph-based distance improvement model
(Smirnov et al., 2010).
As a result the matrix M contains degrees of
similarity between ontology elements of two
knowledge processors. This allows determining
correspondences between elements by selecting
degrees of similarities which are below than the pre-
selected threshold value.
Ontology alignment is a set of correspondences
between two or more (in case of multiple matching)
ontologies obtained as a result of the ontology
matching process (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007). In
this section the complicated ontology alignment
situations (patterns), which may arise during setting
relationships between elements and the rules of their
processing, are presented. These patterns are valid
for both straight and reverse directions.
Patterns are a proven way to capture experts’
knowledge in fields where there are no simple “one
size fits all” answers (Enterprise Integration
Patterns, 2012), such as knowledge fusion or
ontology alignment. Each pattern poses a specific
design problem, discusses the considerations
surrounding the problem, and presents an elegant
solution that balances the various forces or drivers.
In most cases, the solution is not the first approach
that comes to mind, but one that has evolved through
actual use over time. As a result, each pattern
incorporates the experience base that senior
integration developers and architects have gained by
repeatedly building solutions and learning from their
mistakes. This implies that patterns are not invented,
but discovered and observed from actual practice in
the field (Enterprise Integration Patterns, 2012).
Source – ontology mapped;
Destination – ontology mapped to;
– class;
– attribute;
– associative relationship;
– hierarchical relationships or “class-attribute”
– correspondence relationship.
Class-to-class Alignment. A class a" from the
Source corresponds (maps) to a class a' from the
Destination; a subclass b" of the class a" does not
correspond to any class from the Destination. In this
case search “in depth” does not stop and if a
subclass c" of the class b" corresponds to a class c'
from the Destination, the class c' becomes a subclass
of the class a', and the class c" becomes a subclass
of the class a". Experts can make a decision about
including or not the new class b" into the common
ontology (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Class-to-class alignment.
Attribute-to-attributes Alignment. An attribute
attr" of the class a" from the Source corresponds to
several attributes (a set of attributes) ATTR' of the
class a' from the Destination. In this case all the
attributes from ATTR' and methods for values
conversion should be added into the common
ontology (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Attribute-to-attributes alignment.
Class-to-classes Alignment. A class a" from the
Source corresponds to several classes (a set of
Source Destination
Source Destination
classes) A' from the Destination. In this situation all
the classes from A' and conditions of selection
among these classes are added into the common
ontology. Attributes and subclasses of the class a"
are mapped into attributes or subclasses of the
classes from A' (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Class-to-classes alignment.
Class-to-attribute Alignment. A class a" from the
Source corresponds to a class a' from the
Destination; a class b" associatively connected to the
class a" from the Source corresponds to an attribute
attr' of the class a' from the Destination. In this
situation all the attributes and subclasses of the class
b" are mapped to the attribute attr' with appropriate
conversion methods and conditions are also added
(Figure 6).
Figure 6: Class-to-attribute alignment
Subclass-to-attribute Alignment. A class a" from
the Source corresponds to a class a' from the
Destination; subclass b" of the class a" corresponds
to an attribute attr' of the class a'. In this situation all
the subclasses of the class b" are mapped to the
attribute attr' or possibly to other attributes of the
class a', with appropriates conversion methods and
conditions being also added (Figure 7).
The major idea of the proposed approach to building
a context-driven collaborative recommending
system is FSN representation via a set of services
provided by its elements. SOA makes it possible to
abstract from real services and model these via Web-
services. Taking into account the described SOA
advantages this enables a higher level of abstraction
and ontology-based interoperability. The ontological
model is used to solve the problem of heterogeneity.
Figure 7: Subclass-to-attribute alignment.
The designed collaborative recommendation
system is based on application of such technologies
as user and group profiling, context management,
decision mining. It enables for self-organisation of
user groups in accordance with changing user
profiles and the current situation context.
The paper concentrates on description of the
developed multi-model approach to on-the-fly
ontology matching and ontology alignment patterns.
Utilizing of the patterns considerably accelerates the
ontology fusion and matching processes due to
typification of fusion and alignment schemes.
The presented work is yet in an early stage of
development. Only some of the proposed ideas have
been partially verified. The next step will be devoted
to application of the presented ontology alignment
patterns to a real world problem and further analysis
of their completeness and usefulness.
The research presented is motivated by a joint
project between SPIIRAS and Nokia Research
Center. Some parts of the work have been sponsored
by grants # 12-07-00298-a, # 12-07-00302-a, # 11-
07-00368-a, and # 11-07-00045-a of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research, project # 213 of the
research program “Intelligent information
technologies, mathematical modelling, system
analysis and automation” of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, and project 2.2 “Methodology
development for building group information and
recommendation systems” of the basic research
program “Intelligent information technologies,
system analysis and automation” of the
Nanotechnology and Information technology
Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Source Destination
Source Destination
Source Destination
a" A'
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