Next Generation TV through Automatic Multimedia Annotation Systems
A Hybrid Approach
Jo¨el Dumoulin
, Marco Bertini
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Elena Mugellini
, Omar Abou Khaled
and Maria Sokhn
Department of Information Technologies, HES-SO, Fribourg, Switzerland
Media Integration and Communication Center (MICC), University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Automatic Video Annotation, High Level Content Annotation, Multimedia Information Retrieval, Social
Video Retrieval, Tag Suggestion, User-generated Content, Smart TV.
After the advent of smartphones, it is time for television to see its next big evolution, to become smart TVs.
But to provide a richer television user experience, multimedia content first has to be enriched. In recent years,
the evolution of technology has facilitated the way to take and store multimedia assets, like photographs or
videos. This causes an increased difficulty in multimedia resources retrieval, mainly because of the lack of
methods that handle non-textual features, both in annotation systems and search engines. Moreover, mul-
timedia sharing websites like Flickr or YouTube, in addition to information provided by Wikipedia, offer a
tremendous source of knowledge interesting to be explored. In this position paper, we address the automatic
multimedia annotation issue, by proposing a hybrid system approach. We want to use unsupervised meth-
ods to find relationships between multimedia elements, referred as hidden topics, and then take advantage of
social knowledge to label these resulting relationships. Resulting enriched multimedia content will allow to
bring new user experience possibilities to the next generation television, allowing for instance the creation of
recommender systems that merge this information with user profiles and behavior analysis.
Technology is changing television practices through
integration of computing capabilities and Internet
connection. Despite the temporary setback encoun-
tered by Google with Google TV
, effort they put into
this direction shows that it is the future of television.
Increasing integration of television and computer
technology can move traditional television applica-
tions towards richer, sociable, computer-mediated
user experiences. In particular, we believe that tradi-
tional television programs can be enriched by exploit-
ing multimedia content available on the Internet. But
this requires to improve such multimedia content, by
developing new automatic annotation techniques, to
provide richer annotations than existing methods and
reduce the so-called “semantic gap”(Smeulders et al.,
In the last few years, the number of video and im-
age archives has dramatically increased. Therefore, it
has become really hard to search and retrieve images
or videos in an effective way, and one reason is the
lack of semantic multimedia content based indexes
needed for such retrieval (Tjondronegoro et al., 2005)
(Yin et al., 2009). So, the multimedia content man-
agement system research became an important re-
search area (Lew et al., 2006). Progress in the field of
linked data (Bizer, 2009), with the semantic technolo-
gies, have helped a lot to efficiently manage multime-
dia data, by providing tools for describing and linking
concepts and data (Bertini et al., 2010) (Dong and Li,
2006) (Akrivas et al., 2007). In parallel, progress has
also been made in computer vision tools, allowing to
analyze and process huge amount of multimedia data
in a reduced amount of time (Smeaton et al., 2009);
most of these solutions have exploited the bag-of-
features approach to generate textual labels that rep-
resent the categories of the main and easiest to detect
entities (objects and persons) in the video sequence
keyframes. The TRECVid benchmark has shown an
increasing improvement in the performance of appro-
priately trained classifiers (Snoek et al., 2006)(Haupt-
mann et al., 2008), but despite these advances, auto-
matic multimedia content annotation is still a prob-
Dumoulin J., Bertini M., Del Bimbo A., Mugellini E., Abou Khaled O. and Sokhn M..
Next Generation TV through Automatic Multimedia Annotation Systems - A Hybrid Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004128101920197
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 192-197
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lematic task. Moreover, the “semantic gap”, defined
by Smeulders et al. (Smeulders et al., 2000) as the
lack of coincidence between the information that can
be extracted from a visual data and the interpretation
that a user has in a given situation, is still an unsolved
On the one hand, statistical tools based on com-
puter vision techniques provide an automatic mean
to process large-scale multimedia databases, but they
lack the knowledge that would be required to en-
rich the resulting elements with additional informa-
tion and relations, and intervention of people is then
required. On the other hand, social networks and also
ontologies, through manual annotation and social co-
operation, convey a tremendous and quite not used
amount of knowledge, although it is still difficult to
use it in a profitable way. An idea is to merge both do-
mains, through a hybrid automatic multimedia anno-
tation system, in order to enrich multimedia content,
and bring new possibilities to the next generation tele-
vision, such as interactivity, personalisation, sharing,
In this paper we propose a hybrid approach for
multimedia annotation systems, by merging auto-
matic processing and data stemming from manual an-
notation, that could lead to the improvement of the
next generation television experience. The rest of the
paper is organized as follow. A brief state of the art
for the multimedia annotation domain is made in Sec-
tion 2. The proposed hybrid system approach is dis-
cussed in Section 3, and the application to the next
generation television domain is proposed in Section
4. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
Two main visual tagging approaches are used to en-
rich or annotate multimedia content: manual anno-
tation and automatic processing. Manual annotation,
done by experts, is the most accurate and provide high
level concept annotation. But the time needed to do
such task is huge and thus way too expensive. In re-
cent years there has been an extremely common use
of social media such as tagging images (e.g. Flickr)
and video (e.g. YouTube), resulting in a new human
labeling source, which can be more or less structured
(ontolgy based approachessuch as FOAF
vs collabo-
rative systems such as Wikipedia). Human labeling is
closer to users, resulting in more precise understand-
ing of the image (or video sequence). But when it
Friend Of A Friend ontology: http://www.foaf-
comes to process huge quantity of documents, auto-
matic processing techniques are essential.
Image classification methods currently considered
state-of-art require extensive training (e.g. SVM
(Meyer, 2001), boosting (Schapire, 2003)), and do
not scale well with increasing number of concepts that
must be recognized. These concepts are also to be de-
termined, typically provided in a standard lexicon as
or created ad hoc for the problem, while the
interest of people may change over time or depending
the introduction of some new event or interest.
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA)
(Hofmann, 2001) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) (Hu, 2009) are statistical text
modeling techniques allowing automated text doc-
uments indexing (Cai et al., 2008) (Nguyen et al.,
2009) (Phan et al., 2008). By defining a visual
analogy of a word (visual words) (Sivic and Zis-
serman, 2003), these techniques have recently been
successfully applied for image content analysis tasks
(both on pictures and videos), such as classification
of scenes (Bosch and Zisserman, 2006), multimedia
content retrieval (H¨orster et al., 2007) (Lienhart and
Slaney, 2007) or object localization in images (An-
dreetto et al., 2008) (Wang and Grimson, 2007). For
the multimedia content retrieval, this can add a low-
dimensional descriptor, enabling efficient retrieval in
very large databases (H¨orster et al., 2007).
Several recent approaches try to bring closer both
manual annotation and automatic processing, using
social tags to help in the creation of supervised clas-
sifiers, typically to provide negative examples of con-
cepts to train (Setz and Snoek, 2009) (Li and Snoek,
2009), or to extend more easily the size of the lexi-
con of concept detectors using user-generated videos
as training material (Ulges et al., 2010). Nearest-
neighbors methods have received large attention due
to the increase of training data available in social me-
dia and to the appeal of using an unsupervised ap-
proach, e.g. to suggest tags to images (Li et al., 2009)
based on their visual similarity with a visual neighbor-
hood. A baseline approach that is based on NN im-
ages to annotate new images was proposed in (Maka-
dia et al., 2008), showing how a fusion of different
features is fundamental for achieving the best per-
formance, while weighted neighborhood of keywords
is used for tag propagation in (Guillaumin et al.,
2009). One interesting approach (Tsai et al., 2011)
is based on the use of “visual synsets”, clusters of vi-
sually similar images to whom are associated sets of
weighted tags that are semantically similar. (Ballan
et al., 2010) have proposed a system for video tag sug-
Large Scale Concept Ontology For Multimedia:
gestion and temporal localization, based on the simi-
larity of keyframes with visual images that have been
manually annotated with the same tags on Flickr. In
this approach, the tags of a video are used to down-
load images from Flickr (annotated with these words)
and these images are then used to evaluate the visual
similarity with the keyframe of the video, to locate
the visual concepts over time. Most these methods
rely on global and compact visual features and CBIR
techniques to speed the computation of visual neigh-
Our goal is to enhance the television user experience,
by associating rich annotated multimedia resources,
in an interactive and personalized way to the program
the user is watching. For this purpose, we propose
a hybrid multimedia annotation system. As said be-
fore, on the one hand, statistical tools are able to pro-
cess multimedia contents quite efficiently, but do not
scale well in terms of size and changes in the lexi-
con of concepts to be detected. On the other hand,
a huge amount of user generated knowledge is avail-
able through social networks, and also ontologies. We
want to take advantages of both parts, by merging
them together, as schematized in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Hybrid annotation system: hidden concepts - so-
cial networks and ontologies.
The association between visual topics and textual
topics (Monay and Gatica-Perez, 2004) is still an un-
solved problem (e.g. due to the sparsity of tags (Qi
et al., 2012)), and its resolution could lead to this pur-
pose: take advantage of the knowledge available in
both social networks and ontologies, associating the
textual latent topics to the visual latent topics; these
latter topics could be used also to reduce the dimen-
sionality of the descriptors used in the bag-of-visual-
words approach, e.g. describing visual content using
an histogram of topics instead of a larger histogram of
visual words.
3.1 Unsupervised Techniques for
Hidden Topics Analysis
Applied to a pool of multimedia data, the use of un-
supervised techniques, such as multi-modal LDA, re-
sults in the extraction of relationships between the dif-
ferent multimedia content.
The idea of using such graphical models to dis-
cover hidden topics is related to the automatic video
analysis based on unsupervised methods domain.
For now, these tasks are less accurate than semi-
supervised or manually methods. But with the expo-
nential growth of multimedia content (e.g. YouTube
reported in May 2012 that more than 72 hours of
videos are uploaded every minute), use of unsuper-
vised methods appears essential to us, and therefore
enhance these methods is a critical task. Automatic
techniques also allow to do tasks much more faster
than a person would with a manual system, and this
is important in order to one day have real time video
analysis systems.
3.2 Social Annotations and Knowledge
In recent years, social sites like Flickr or YouTube
have seen a radical increase of the number of users,
which also broughtan increasing amount of annotated
multimedia content. In most cases, people add labels
(also called tags) to their content, also defined as folk-
sonomy, providing a huge amount of contextual and
semantic information. This is mainly used by users to
organize and access content. But while these tags are
often overly personalized, imprecise and ambiguous
(Kennedy et al., 2006), they convey a rich informa-
tion, and they can be very useful. Indeed, as presented
in (Ballan et al., 2010), it is possible to use existing
social annotations, in order to build tag suggestion
systems for video. Moreover, using visual similarity
between frames, it is also possible to define temporal
localization of the suggested tags.
If social annotations provide a good knowledge
base, it lacks in structure. Ontologies could be an-
other way to enrich the manual annotation approach.
And semantic relationships represented between con-
cepts can bring new kinds of information. Social
annotations and ontologies approach could be both
used separately, but perhaps the idea of a folksontolgy
(Damme et al., 2007) could be an interesting direc-
If a huge work has been made to enhance the graph-
ical user interfaces of our computers for the last
decades, this has not been the case for our television,
so our TV user experience has not really evolved. In-
deed, main efforts to image and device quality have
been made, until recently. In parallel, the number of
available channels and features has increased, mak-
ing the experience less user friendly. With the advent
of good quality Internet connections, we have seen
the appearance of connected TV
, allowing to browse
the Web, use applications, or play small embedded
games, directly within the TV. But, if it is the main
improvement brought to TV, this is not really conve-
nient, mainly because of the use of standard remote
control (Cooper, 2008), and not a lot of people use
such features. This could be an explanation regard-
ing the limited success encountered by the Google TV
or Apple TV. But no doubt it is just a timing ques-
tion, and other similar products will meet success very
Figure 2 shows a possible application schema,
in which our proposed hybrid automatic multimedia
annotation system, by enriching multimedia content
with additional meta-information (resulting in a “mul-
timedia content ++”), could allow various TV experi-
ence improvement ideas.
Figure 2: Application: 1) Automatic multimedia content
enrichment system; 2) TV User interaction.
Indeed, we plan to take advantage of this “mul-
timedia content ++”, for example to improve navi-
gation through TV Guide, but also in the program
content itself. Additional information could be made
available to the user, according to what he is watch-
ing, taking in account his interests. By providing new
ways of community interactions, we think that social
aspects could take new dimensions, also helping to
TV, Intel & Smart
build recommender or collaborative filtering systems
for example.
Actually, a recommender system, based on social
information, could represent an interesting starting
point in our vision of TV user experience enhance-
ment. If recommender systems are becoming more
and more popular (i.e. or Pandora for music,
MovieLens or Netflix for movies, etc.), mainly be-
cause of the ever increasing user generated content on
multimedia sharing websites like YouTube, they are
generally not able to perfectly meet the user needs.
We think that building a system able to dynamically
improve the comprehension of the user needs, while
he is using the system through the time, and requires
the least amount of explicit user interaction, eliciting
information from other sources or analyzing the user
behavior, could give better results. Nowadays, people
do not like to spend time in system configurations.
So, using existing information defining the user inter-
ests, like his Facebook profile, is a good way to create
an initial user profile. This could be done by analyz-
ing his profile information (interests, etc.), but also his
generated content (tags, links, comments, etc.). As
users evolve, so should evolve their profiles. In ad-
dition to a textual user profile builder, we would like
to integrate a behavioral user profile builder. It could
use standard information, like the way the user use
the system (zapping, the user stops a programme be-
fore it ends, etc.), but more interesting would be to
take advantage of more human behavioral activity, by
defining his attention: is the user talking with other
people? Does he look attentively at the TV, or is he
sleeping? The inclusion of visual sensors on TV sets,
as the gesture based control system in the Samsung
Smart TV, make this type of analysis possible. Fi-
nally, the whole system, as schematized in Figure 3,
could propose interesting content to the user. It will be
able to efficiently select the more interesting videos,
thanks to their annotations, automatically added by
the first part of the system.
Smart TV experience
User behavior
Textual user
profile builder
Behavioral user
profile builder
Figure 3: The proposed recommender system: social media
and video annotation (left), user profile and behavior anal-
ysis (right) contribute to the improvement of the TV user
As the images and videos databases become huge, it is
essential to find efficient, fast, but also accurate tech-
niques to annotate and enrich multimedia contents in
an automatic way. Both automatic processing and
manual annotation methods have advantages, and we
propose to merge them in a hybrid system that links
user-generated annotations with visual content anal-
ysis techniques. Resulting enriched multimedia con-
tent will allow us to improve current television ex-
perience (interaction, personalization, sharing, etc.),
in order to meet expectations of the users of the next
generation television systems. As a starting point in
this vision, we would like to build a dynamic recom-
mender system, that exploits both video content anno-
tations and a user profile builder based on behavioral
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