A Proposed Framework for Analysing Security Ceremonies
Marcelo Carlomagno Carlos
, Jean Everson Martina
, Geraint Price
and Ricardo Felipe Cust´odio
Royal Holloway University of London, Information Security Group, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, U.K.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Laborat´orio de Seguranc¸a em Computac¸˜ao, Florian´opolis, SC, Brazil
Security Ceremonies, Security Protocols, Formal Methods, Cognitive Human Formalisation.
The concept of a ceremony as an extension of network and security protocols was introduced by Ellison.
There are no currently available methods or tools to check correctness of the properties in such ceremonies.
The potential application for security ceremonies are vast and fill gaps left by strong assumptions in security
protocols. Assumptions include the provision of cryptographic keys and correct human interaction. Moreover,
no tools are available to check how knowledge is distributed among human peers nor their interaction with
other humans and computers in these scenarios. The key component of this position paper is the formali-
sation of human knowledge distribution in security ceremonies. By properly enlisting human expectations
and interactions in security protocols, we can minimise the ill-described assumptions we usually see failing.
Taking such issues into account when designing or verifying protocols can help us to better understand where
protocols are more prone to break due to human constraints.
Protocols have been analysed since Needham and
Schroeder (Needham and Schroeder, 1978) first in-
troduced the idea and methods have been researched
to prove protocols’ claims. We have seen a lot of re-
search in this field. Particularly in developing formal
methods and logics to check and verify such claims.
We must cite Burrows et al. (Burrows et al., 1989) for
their belief logic, Abadi for spi-calculus (Abadi and
Gordon, 1997), Ryan (Ryan and Schneider, 2000),
Lowe (Lowe, 1996) and Meadows (Meadows, 1996)
for works on state enumeration and model checking,
and Paulson and Bella (Paulson, 1998; Bella, 2007)
for their inductive method as the principal initiatives.
We have also seen the creation of a number of tools
to verify and check security protocols automatically.
These techniques and tools have evolved in such a
way that, nowadays, we can check and analyse com-
plex and extensive protocols.
Meadows (Meadows, 2003) and Bella et al. (Bella
et al., 2003) in their area survey gave us a broad cov-
erage of the maturity in this field of protocol verifi-
cation. They also point to trends followed by meth-
ods, pinpointing their strong and weak features. They
Supported by CNPq/Brazil
Supported by CNPq/FINEP Brazil
give propositions for research ranging from open-
ended protocols, composability and new threat mod-
els; something that has changedvery little since Dolev
and Yao’s proposal (Dolev and Yao, 1983). These
problems seem very well covered. Current research
is, in general, aimed at optimising the actual methods
in speed and coverage. Extending protocol verifica-
tion and description to include fine-grained assump-
tions and derivations is an unexplored research path.
Nevertheless, recent research (Dhamija et al.,
2006; Gajek, 2005; Jakobsson, 2007) shows that even
the most deployed, tested and analysed protocols can
have security problems. This usually happens when a
user acts in an unexpected, but plausible way. Since
protocols operate at computer level, we tend to ver-
ify them for computer interaction.However, they are
built to accomplish a human task and thus we should
design and verify protocols (in this case ceremonies)
against human interaction. We should take into ac-
count human processes when designing computer se-
curity protocols. Corroborating the idea that the veri-
fication of security protocols should include environ-
mental assumptions, Bella et al. (Bella et al., 2003)
state that “it is unwise to claim that a protocol is veri-
fied unless the environmental assumptions are clearly
specified. Even then, we can be sure that somebody
will publish an attack against this protocol”.
Ceremonies and their analysis were introduced by
Carlomagno Carlos M., Everson Martina J., Price G. and Felipe Custódio R..
A Proposed Framework for Analysing Security Ceremonies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004129704400445
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 440-445
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Ellison (Ellison, 2007). He states that “ceremonies
extend the concept of protocols by also including hu-
man beings, user interfaces, key provisioning and all
instances of the workflow”. This idea can give a
broader coverage of the protocols’ point of view, ex-
tending what can be analysed and verified by pro-
tocol techniques. Ellison gives an overview and es-
tablishes the basic building blocks for ceremony de-
scription. Carlos and Price (Carlos and Price, 2012)
further analysed the human-protocol interaction prob-
lems, proposing a taxonomy of overlooked compo-
nents in this interaction and elaborating a set of de-
sign recommendations for security ceremonies. Al-
though Ellison proposes the possibility of using for-
mal methods for security protocol analysis, no major
work is found today in the ceremony formal-analysis
field. This creates a weak spot, and leads to empirical
analysis, which can be difficult and error-prone, as the
history of protocol analysis shows us.
An important advance in the reasoning about cere-
monies was introduced by Rukˇs˙enas et al. (Ruksenas
et al., 2008). They developed a human error cognitive
model, initially applied to interaction on interfaces.
They show that, normally, security leaks come from
mistakes made when modelling interfaces, not taking
into account the cognitive processes and expectations
of human beings behind the computer screen. They
successfully verify problems on an authentication in-
terface and a cash-point interface. They showed that
the normal lack of consideration in the human peers
cognitive processes is one of the weakest factors in
these systems. Their proposal comes with a powerful
implementation using a model-checker.
Our approach is different. We do not focus on a
specifically difficult to describe limitation of human
beings, but on giving to the protocol and ceremony
designers a better way to define human expectation
and interaction. Thus, by making the assumptions
more explicit, and requiring a description of the cer-
emony’s security, we can enable designers to experi-
ment with different ceremony techniques. By stating
fine-grained assumptions and analysing their absence,
we can get insights of potential break points for secu-
rity ceremonies. This is the conceptual extension we
are proposing in verifying security ceremonies using
established techniques based on formal method’s.
To try to achieve this complex task of verifying se-
curity ceremonies we need to first understand the ma-
jor differences and features of ceremonies when com-
pared to security protocols (Section 2). We briefly
discuss a real world example on Section 3. Then we
describe our proposal for the formalisation of human
knowledge distribution in security ceremonies in Sec-
tion 4. The future direction of our work and our next
steps are presented in Section 5. Finally, we conclude
with some thoughts on what is achievable and the lim-
itations we are likely to encounter.
Security ceremonies are a superset of security proto-
cols. They can be seen as an extension of security
protocols, including additional node types, communi-
cation channels and operations which were previously
considered out-of-bound. These operations are nor-
mally assumptions we make when trying to check or
analyse claims for protocols. They include a safe key
distribution scheme for symmetric key protocols; the
confidence we must have that the computer executing
the protocol is trusted; and whether users will behave
as expected or not, among other things. We usually
make these assumptions but we rarely do explicitly
describe them.
The inclusion of human interaction and, conse-
quently, behaviour and cognitive processes, is a char-
acteristic of ceremonies as human peers are out of
bounds for protocol verification. They are normally
the most error prone peer in any process, and their
inclusion can enrich the details and coverage of any
analysis done so far.
Protocol descriptions tend to be easier to tran-
scribe as mathematical notations due to the intrinsic
computational characteristics present in them. Much
of this comes from them being targeted to computers.
Ceremony modelling is a much more subtle approach,
since the possibilities involved in modelling human
behaviour are immense. However, by adding new
components to the specification, such as new node
types (humans) and communication mediums (user
interfaces, speech, etc), we will be able to describe as-
sumptions related to these components in a more pre-
cise manner. Consequently, a more detailed analysis
of the ceremony’s security properties will be possible.
SSL/TLS are a set of cryptographic protocols that
provide privacy and data integrity for communication
over networks. A practical application of these pro-
tocols can be seen when we connect to websites and
a padlock appears in the browser window. The pad-
lock indicates to the user that the connection between
client and server is encrypted and the server is authen-
ticated to the client (the clients can also be authenti-
cated to the server, but this is an optional feature).
These protocols are widely used and are also the
object of many studies and analysis (Paulson, 1999;
Mitchell et al., 1998). The results of those studies
show that the SSL/TLS protocols are well designed
and secure. Additionally, these protocols are designed
to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM). How-
ever, there are specific situations where we can deploy
a MITM attack by exploiting assumptions which can
be difficult to achieve. We chose as an example the
assumption that users are capable of making an accu-
rate decision on whether to accept a certificate or not.
Current analysis of the protocol assumes there is a
trusted Certification Authority (CA) and all parties in-
volved possess the CAs public key. Nevertheless, this
assumption does not cover some real world scenarios.
When there is no valid certification path between the
server’s certificate and the client’s trusted CAs, most
implementations allow a dynamic (real-time) accep-
tance and addition of new trusted certificates. In this
case, the initial assumption is weakened, and the ver-
ification is less comprehensive.
The dynamic acceptance of new certificates (and
consequently new servers’ public keys) is currently
not analysed. This happens because these mes-
sages are sent through another medium, the computer-
human medium, which is out of the scope of protocol
analysis. This leaves such implementations suscepti-
ble to failure, weakening the achievability of the pro-
tocol’s goals due to the weakening of the assumptions.
Additionally, implementations such as those we find
in web browsers force users to authenticate digital ob-
jects (Certificates) which, according to some research
findings, is not feasible (Carlos and Price, 2012).
We have seen some attempts to include specific
human interaction into protocol specification. Gajek
et al. (Gajek et al., ) developed a protocol that in-
cludes a human node in the specification. This sim-
plified approach is the first attempt that we are aware
of to formally verify protocols including human inter-
By modelling ceremony analysis using formal
methods, we will be able to break broad assump-
tions such as those we use in SSL/TLS analysis,
into smaller and more plausible assumptions. Con-
sequently, we will allow designers to have better in-
sights of the protocols’ weak spots, such as those we
have discussed. In the future, with further develop-
ment of the ceremony analysis research field, we will
be able to model even more complex aspects, such as
composability of security protocols and consequently
security ceremonies.
In traditional protocol specifications we have one
communication medium. In ceremonies we include
humans into the specification. Consequently we have
to define two new communication mediums, one
to represent human-computer interaction (user inter-
faces) and another to symbolise human-human inter-
action. Figure 1 gives an overview of the communi-
cation mediums involved. The area bounded by the
dotted line represents the traditional protocol point of
view, while the complete figure represents a ceremony
point of view.
Figure 1: Ceremony communication mediums.
As we see, in a protocol specification, the human-
protocol and human-human interaction are assumed
to happen out-of-band, and become part of the design
assumptions. When implemented, the assumptions
are replaced by dynamic user-interactions. When
these assumptions are too strong, it becomes diffi-
cult to implement a protocol providing the expected
security properties (Carlos and Price, 2012). By
adding new components to the specification, such as
users and different communication mediums, we can
start to describe these assumptions in the ceremony,
and consequently perform a more detailed analysis
of them and their impact on the ceremony’s security
properties. Lack of precise description of assump-
tions is a weak spot in protocol design.
We decidedto implement our description and veri-
fication model for security ceremonies based on Paul-
son’s Inductive Method (Paulson, 1998). Paulson in-
troduced the inductive method of protocol verification
where protocols are formalised in typed high-order
logic as an inductive defined set of all possible execu-
tion traces. An execution trace is a list of all possible
events in a given protocol. Events can be described as
the action of sending or receiving messages, as well
as off-protocol gathered knowledge. The attacker is
specified following Dolev-Yao’s propositions. The at-
tacker has his knowledge derived and extended by two
operators called synth and analz. Operator analz rep-
resents all the individual terms that the attacker is able
to learn using his capabilities defined by the threat
model within the protocol model, and synth repre-
sents all the messages he can compose with the set
of knowledge he possesses.
Protocols are defined as inductive sets constructed
over abstract definitions of the network (computer-
to-computer media) and cryptographic primitives.
Proofs about a protocol’s properties are written as
lemmas. Lemmas are constructed taking the prop-
erties we desire to achieve within the set of all ad-
missible traces, and are typically proven inductively.
This framework is built over induction, which makes
the model and all its verifications potentially infinite,
giving us a broad coverage and flexibility. This ap-
proach has already been used to prove a series of clas-
sical protocols (Paulson, 1998) as well as some well-
known industry grade protocols, such as the SET on-
line payment protocol, Kerberos and SSL/TLS (Bella
et al., 2002; Bella, 2007).
Based on the current model for protocols set
by Paulson (Paulson, 1998) and extended by Bella
(Bella, 2007), we include a new agent type called Hu-
man. We also add a set of operators, messages and
events to set up our human peer and enable it to work
under human capabilities and constraints. This new
agent type is capable of storing knowledge and send-
ing messages over the mediums it is capable of oper-
ating. This agent is also capable of using knowledge
conversion functions to be able to operate its devices.
Humans are related to devices they operate or own,
and some of the physical constraints existent in the
real world are also present in this relation.
Our specification of the Human peer is similar
to the one for a computer Agent. It is created as
shown in Definition 1 to enable the type constriction
provided in the inductive method implemented in Is-
Definition 1. Human datatype definition
human = Friend nat
To enable the representation of the different medi-
ums described above we extended the datatype Event
as shown in Definition 2. To represent the protocol
side, the events were kept unchanged and are com-
posed by Says, Gets and Notes. To represent the new
human-computer medium we have the events Dis-
plays and Inputs which takes an agent, a human and
a message, and a human, an agent and a message re-
spectively. Representing the human-human medium,
we have the events Tells, Hears and Keeps, which are
similar to the protocol events, but now we take a hu-
man instead of an agent as the parameter. This con-
struction is made to allow us to control the flow of
information passed between devices and humans, as
well as between human peers.
Definition 2. Event datatype definition
event = Says agent agent msg
| Gets agent msg
| Notes agent msg
| Displays agent human msg
| Inputs human agent msg
| Tells human human msg
| Hears human msg
| Keeps human msg
After modelling the human agent and its mes-
sages, we adapted the two functions that deal with
knowledge distribution and control the freshness of
components appearing in different protocol runs. The
function that deals with knowledge distribution is
called knows and its extended description is shown
in Definition 3. One peculiarity of our implementa-
tion so far is that the function knows deals only with
the computer media knowledge flow and the cross-
medium flow in the agent direction. We still lack a
function to distribute knowledge in the human me-
dia flow and in the cross-medium flow in the human
direction. The function for freshness is called used
and is very similar to knows in construction. It is not
shown here due to space constraints.
Definition 3. Event datatype definition
primrec knows::"agent=>event list=>msg
knows Nil:"knows A []= initState A"
| knows Cons:
"knows A (ev#evs) = (if A = Spy then
(case ev of
Says A'B X=>insert X(knows Spy evs)
|Displays A' H X => if A' bad
then insert X (knows Spy evs) else
knows Spy evs
|Inputs H A' X => if A' bad then
insert X (knows Spy evs) else knows Spy
|Gets A' X => knows Spy evs
|Tells C D X => knows Spy evs
|Hears C X => knows Spy evs
|Keeps C X => knows Spy evs
|Notes A' X => if A' bad then
insert X (knows Spy evs) else knows Spy
else (case ev of
Says A'B X => if A'=A then insert X
(knows A evs) else knows A evs
|Displays A' H X => if A'=A then
insert X (knows A evs) else knows A evs
|Inputs H A' X => if A'=A then
insert X (knows A evs) else knows A evs
|Tells C D X => knows A evs
|Hears C X => knows A evs
|Keeps C X => knows A evs
|Gets A' X => if A'=A then insert X
(knows A evs) else knows A evs
| Notes A' X => if A'=A then insert
X (knows A evs) else knows A evs))"
We also define a new set of functions to rep-
resent the information that flow,s and is processed
through, the two new communication mediums. For
the human-computer medium, we created three func-
tions called Reads, Recognises and Writes. Reads rep-
resents a human reading a message (e.g. a text dis-
played on the screen) and this adds information to the
referred human knowledge. Recognises accounts a
human recognising something he/she already knows
and is being presented to him/her. In other words,
something that the human is reading and matches
something previously known. Finally, Writes, as
shown in Definition 4 is equivalenttoPaulson’s Synth,
where we enable humans to combine their knowledge
in a monotonic way to create new possible inputs. For
now we do not consider inherent human constrains.
Definition 4. Writes function definition
inductive set writes:: "msg set=>msg set"
for H :: "msg set" where
Inj [intro]:"X H ==> X writes H"
|Agent [intro]:"Agent agt writes H"
|Human [intro]:"Human hum writes H"
|Secret [intro]:"Secret n writes H"
|Number [intro]:"Number n writes H"
|MPair [intro]:"[|X writes H; Y
writes H|] ==> |X,Y| writes H"
In addition to the functions described above two
new events, Displays and Inputs, are available. Dis-
plays represents a computer displaying a message to a
human (e.g., via user interface). Inputs describes the
event of a human sending a command or data to the
computer (e.g., typing text in a text box). This gives
us an abstract representation of the complex human-
computer medium. In this cross-medium space we
believe more details can be plugged to describe inher-
ent factors of human-computer interaction.
For the human-human medium, we created three
functions called Listens, Understands and Voices.
Listens represents a human listening to a message sent
from another human (e.g., one human listening to
another). Understands accounts for a human under-
standing something that has been said and matches
with previously known information. This informa-
tion can be something gathered beforehand, creating
a paradox in the ceremony concept, or acquired dur-
ing a previous or current run of the ceremony. To
conclude, Voices is the equivalent to a human saying
something to another human passing its knowledge
via the human-human medium. These constructions
enable us to explore a different threat model for the
human media as we will briefly discuss in Section 5.
Finally, we define three new events for human-
human interaction as said above: Tells, Hears and
Keeps. A human sending a message to another hu-
man is represented by the event Tells. Hears is the
complementary event, describing a human receiving
a message from another. And Keeps is equivalent to
the Notes event, already existent for protocols. From
Notes we may receive something out-of-band of the
protocol, and consequently, from Keeps something
out-of-band to the ceremony may be received. This
construction is present because we believe there is al-
ways a limit on what can be described.
With the infrastructure described above imple-
mented, we already have a partially working frame-
work. Together with the definitions we have proven
a series of lemmas required by Isabelle/HOL. These
lemmas are required for reasoning about the defini-
tions. We have already proven more than 80 technical
lemmas regarding monotonicity, idempotence, transi-
tivity, and set operations for the inductive sets and re-
cursive definitions we specified. We have also proven
lemmas regarding the relation of the functions we in-
troduced with those already existent in the method.
Protocols are, by design, implemented to attend to hu-
man demands. The method we propose approaches
real world concerns on the design level. It is impossi-
ble to represent all possible human characteristics in a
limited set of operations, but by including the human
node in the specification, we can thoroughly study in-
teractions and factors which were previously included
in the set of assumptions for each protocol.
Our next step is to verify simple ceremonies us-
ing our model and then further develop and refine the
model. In addition to that, we will apply the proposed
model to check whether a specified ceremony over-
looks human-protocol interaction components, such
as those described in (Carlos and Price, 2012). We
also plan to use the model to verify whether some
of the design recommendations proposed by Carlos
and Price (Carlos and Price, 2012) (e.g. the use of
forcing functions to prevent inappropriate user inter-
action) are correctly implemented or not.
The contextual coverage that ceremonies bring to
security protocols is another property is worth verify-
ing. This can give us better insights into the problem
of protocol composability. The composability prob-
lem normally happens because of clashes among en-
vironmental assumptions that are embedded into pro-
tocols. By not being able to model the environment,
we also cannot predict what will happen when two
protocols, that are designed focusing on their own re-
spective environments are put to work together.
Another point worth mentioning in the ceremony
verification area is the lack of a tailored threat model.
We need a model that encompasses active threats, as
we havein protocols, as well as passivethreats such as
unreliable behaviour and memory. We can use some
work from Roscoe (Roscoe et al., 2003) that talks
about human centric security as a basis. However our
initial experiments already show that the threat model
described by Dolev and Yao is not realistic for our
human-to-human interaction media. The presence of
an omnipotent and omnipresent being in human inter-
actions is highly debatable.
The idea of modelling ceremonies and applying for-
mal methods to them seems promising. The knowl-
edge acquired by the protocol analysis community
can be used to boost the ceremony analysis area. Such
analysis can help us detect scenarios where protocols
are more prone to failure. By better understanding
these issues we will be able to design more user cen-
tric protocols which are less-likely to fail.
We don’t want to change the way we analyse pro-
tocols today, since the formal methods available are
mature and powerful for their intended purposes. We
want to approach the problem from an extended point
of view. Our focus on using a mature and powerful
method, such as Paulson’s inductive method, is rea-
sonable. Our objective with this model is to extend
the coverage from the verification of security proto-
cols to ceremonies. Human behaviour is indeed un-
predictable, but by including humans in the formal
models we can, at least, begin to detect some previ-
ously undetectable flaws due to human interaction.
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