Multi-agent Systems and Ontologies Applied to New Industrial Domains
Case Study: Ornamental Plants
Lorena Otero-Cerdeira, Francisco J. Rodr
Tito Valencia-Requejo and Loxo Lueiro-Astray
Laboratorio de Inform
atica Aplicada 2, University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas, Ourense, Spain
Multi-agent System, Heterogeneity, Information Integration, Ontology.
This paper describes a real solution applied to an enterprise of ornamental plant selling and distribution. The
platform that we propose uses intelligent agent technologies and ontologies to meet the special needs of an
enterprise of this kind. We present the architecture defined with the agents involved in both parties, the plant
wholesaler and the plant producers. A description of the ontologies that these agents use to interact is also
provided. In the final section some relevant issues detected and conclusions will be presented.
The market of ornamental plants has always been
very important in northwestern Spain and yet it is
one of the sectors where fewer technological change
has been incorporated in recent years. This paper de-
scribes a real solution applied to an enterprise of or-
namental plant selling and distribution. This enter-
prise, a plant wholesaler, needs to interact daily with
the producers of the plants they sell and with the cus-
tomers that buy them. Our platform uses intelligent
agent technologies and ontologies to meet the special
needs of an enterprise of this kind.
In business context it is essential to track all in-
formation and business processes, even more, since
this enterprise is working with a perishable product
as plants are, making an efficient and just-in-time con-
trol is crucial.
The platform that has been designed allows the en-
terprise to carry out tasks such as, Production plan-
ning, Order management logistics and Catalog pro-
When taking into account all the requirements and
issues of the enterprise, no software product or plat-
form was found that integrated all of them in a ful-
filling way. So there was the need to develop a com-
pletely new platform from scratch to satisfy all the
requirements of such a system without the help or ex-
pertise that the existence of other software products
or platforms would provide. Here lies the strength
and the importance, but also the main difficulty of this
The development of such a platform was ad-
dressed as a multi-agent system (MAS), which we
chose to divide as well in different smaller MAS for
the sake of the design and categorization, obtaining
this way a layered representation of the MAS.
MAS have usually been used in simulation ap-
plications, real-world interactions or adaptive struc-
tured information systems (Valckenaers et al., 2006).
Within these contexts MAS have been used for fire ac-
cident detection(Gowri et al., 2010), emergency evac-
uation simulation (Sharma, 2009)(Murakami et al.,
2002), meetings planning (Macho et al., 2000), etc.,
but never to develop a platform as the described in
this paper.
It is important to state that not the whole system
was addressed as a MAS, other pieces of software
were developed to cover aspects of the system where
the features of the MAS were not needed, such as hu-
man resources management or accounting. For the
purposes of this paper only the part of the system re-
garding the MAS will be described
The platform is divided into three different MAS.
The Plant Wholesaler MAS is composed by the agents
that take care of the enterprise’s tasks mentioned
above. The Plant Nursery MAS is composed by the
agents that take care of all the processes related to
plant producing, such as catalog processing or pro-
duction following up. Both of these MAS are tightly
related to the legacy systems existing in both types
of organizations. The Communication MAS holds the
agents that undertake the actions related to mutual ex-
clusion preservation and information integration.
Otero Cerdeira L., J. Rodríguez Martínez F., Valencia Requejo T. and Lueiro Astray L..
Multi-agent Systems and Ontologies Applied to New Industrial Domains - Case Study: Ornamental Plants.
DOI: 10.5220/0004136303570364
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 357-364
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of this paper is structured as follows, in
Section 2 a detailed view of the system’s goals will
be provided. In Section 3 the builded platform will be
fully analyzed. In Section 4 we will describe some is-
sues that were discovered during the development of
the platform and finally in Section 5 we will summar-
ize the main conclusions of the development as well
as further improvements that will be undertaken.
The project’s main goal was to obtain a platform that
could improve the production management, cost con-
trol in the producers and marketing support in foreign
countries by using MAS and Business Intelligence al-
Nowadays there are some commercial applica-
tions that centralize all the information related to plant
nursing and plant selling processes allowing queries
over this information. These applications are simply
aggregative or storage systems and do not provide
support to the enterprise’s manager in relevant tasks
such as production management, real-time order man-
agement, stock following up and production planning.
Some of these solutions do have modules that take
care of tasks such as field control, commercial in-
voices management and, customers and providers tra-
From plant producers point of view, such applic-
ations do not achieve the requirements established,
since they don’t take into account the special char-
acteristics of plants as products. Plants are a per-
ishable item and so its production planning is not as
straight and pre-established as other product’s plan-
ning would be. Plants grow, die, bloom, etc., these
kind of changes and others plants experience turn
products into new ones. The same plant in the same
flowerpot can be different products as it changes. Be-
sides in these applications costs are stablished follow-
ing financial and accounting parameters, which works
fine in other types of productive areas but not on this
From the plant wholesaler point of view, there
are several systems that do marketing management
but that are simply Enterprise Resource Planning sys-
tems (ERP) which have been adapted from other pro-
ductive areas and that do not consider the special cir-
cumstances of such an heterogeneous market as plant
selling is.
The following needs have been identified as pro-
ject goals as they don’t coexist in a single software ap-
plication in this environment: Dynamic catalog pro-
cessing, Dynamic price estimation, Dynamic route
planning, Order processing, Production cost man-
agement, Production planning, Reservation of future
products, Sales forecasting and Stock following up.
Besides the functional requirements identified
above, there were also other non-functional require-
ments that were tagged as mandatory for the final plat-
form. Among them, the most remarkable are: Ef-
ficiency, Expandability, Flexibility, Maintainability,
Performance, Reliability, Robustness, Scalability, Se-
curity and Usability.
After analyzing all the requirements listed above,
both functional and non-functional, the most suitable
approach seemed to develop a multi-agent system.
At this point it is important to state that each plant
nursery has its own information structure and con-
fers different semantic meaning to the concepts of
the plant nursing field. Information integration was
one of the major problems that the legacy system had.
People that first developed the legacy system were not
experts in the field and so they used concepts without
fully understanding its meaning. Without a common
ontology over the concepts, the use and maintenance
of the legacy system has turned incomprehensible. It
is important to remark that the MAS itself will not
cover for the information integration and so, means to
overcome this information heterogeneity needed to be
In order to achieve all the requirements listed
above a MAS by itself could not replace the previ-
ously existing legacy system, it was also necessary a
deep reengineering over the information system.
After considering several alternatives to rebuild
the information system, the chosen one involves re-
building the database structure for both types of en-
tities. To perform the communication and data ex-
change between them the solution was found in onto-
By using this approach, agents defined for the
MAS would use an ontology to describe the meaning
of concepts in the communication processes (Wies-
man et al., 2002), avoiding this way the heterogeneity
that exists between the involved knowledge sources.
The platform that we propose consists in the defini-
tion of a layered MAS whose agents use ontologies to
provide interoperability between them. As mentioned
before, the global MAS is divided into three MAS that
will now be described.
Figure 1: MAS and their relations.
3.1 MAS Description
The plant wholesaler MAS consists of a group of
agents performing tasks for which a traditional solu-
tion would not provide the appropriate functional-
ity. Accordingly, intelligent behavior will accomplish
tasks such as order processing, catalog processing or
route planning.
In figure 1 the whole structure of the Plant Whole-
saler MAS, the Plant Nurseries MAS and the interac-
tions among all these MAS are depicted.
3.1.1 Order Processing
Order processing involves several groups of agents.
Those from the plant wholesaler compose its Order
Processing MAS. The same happens in the plant nurs-
eries, every agent involved in order processing integ-
rates the Order Processing MAS. The agents defined
for the plant wholesaler are of two different types, Or-
der Agent and Negotiator.
Order Agent. An order agent is responsible for split-
ting an order between its negotiators and compos-
ing the shipping with the results of each negotiator.
When a new order arrives to the plant wholesaler, a
new order agent is created to manage it. This agent
reports its existence to a mediator agent, which acts as
an intermediary between the plant wholesaler’s agents
and the plant nurseries’s agents. For every item in the
order list, the order agent activates a negotiator agent
to manage it. Once every negotiator is done, the order
agent composes the final order with the information
that each one of its negotiators provides.
Negotiator. A negotiator agent is responsible for
dealing with a provider to get a product. A negoti-
ator agent is responsible for getting the best offer for
a product. The best offer might not only be determ-
ined by the price of the product. Indeed, it is neces-
sary allowing that other constraints could be applied,
such as provider’s proximity or even constraints in the
For order processing, in the plant nurseries side
two types of agents were defined, Provider and
Provider. A provider agent supplies products from the
plant nursery. When a new provider is created it com-
municates its existence to a mediator agent. Since all
mediator agents are federated, the knowledge about
providers and negotiators is shared among all of them.
A provider agent has a group of broker agents that ne-
gotiate the different products. A provider has at most
a broker agent for each product that is sold in the plant
nursery. The provider regularly reports its state to a
mediator, so the mediators can optimize the distribu-
tion of requests from the negotiators among the dif-
ferent brokers. The provider reports on the products
that their brokers are currently selling and on those
that they have in stock for selling.
Broker or Delegate. A broker agent is responsible
for dealing with plant wholesaler’s negotiators. A
broker agent sells to negotiator agents its product, re-
specting the boundaries that the provider agent may
have established. If the broker belongs to an internal
provider, it deals the conditions of the sale with the
negotiator agent specified by a mediator. In this case
we refer to it as delegate. If the broker agent belongs
to an external provider, the selling process works as
an auction between the negotiator agent and all the
broker agents that sell the product.
The last type of agent involved in order processing
is the Mediator. This type of agent does not belong to
the plant wholesaler’s MAS or to the plant nurseries’s
MAS, it belongs to the Communication MAS.
Mediator. A mediator agent is responsible for linking
negotiators to brokers. In the communication MAS
there are several federated mediators, which means
that the knowledge that one of them has is immedi-
ately shared with the other mediators. A mediator
agent is responsible for discovering the providers and
for linking the negotiators to the brokers.
In figure 2 the whole structure of the order pro-
cessing procedure is reflected. In figure 3 a detailed
view of all the communications established among the
agents is specified. In this figure the communication
between Negotiator - K and Delegate - Q is performed
inside the Communication MAS, as reflects the line
labeled as 4. The ontologies necessary for commu-
nication to be successful will be described in section
Figure 2: Order Processing.
Figure 3: Communication during Order Processing.
3.1.2 Catalog Processing
Catalog processing involves agents in the plant
wholesaler and in the plant nurseries, additionally
agents in the Communication MAS are necessary for
mediation purposes.
The types of agents involved in catalog processing
are Catalog Combiner and Seeker for the plant whole-
saler, and Catalog Manager for each plant nursery.
Catalog Combiner. A catalog combiner is respons-
ible for obtaining an updated catalog for the plant
wholesaler. The product catalog of the plant whole-
saler must be daily revised and modified to provide
the customers with an updated version. The catalog
combiner agent builds the catalog from the existing
one, taking into account both internal and external in-
formation. As internal information, the sales of the
day and the reservations must be considered, and as
external information, the updates on every plant nurs-
eries’s catalog that is a provider for the plant whole-
saler must be introduced.
Seeker. A seeker agent is responsible for gather-
ing the updated information about a provider’s cata-
log. A seeker agent is responsible for getting the up-
dated version of a provider’s catalog. Once a seeker
is created it already knows the provider that it must
deal with. By default the seeker gets the plant nurs-
ery’s whole catalog, but it can also be configured to
query the provider’s Catalog Manager for an specific
product o for a product that fulfills a set of require-
Catalog Manager. A catalog manager agent is re-
sponsible for updating a plant nursery’s catalog. The
catalog manager is responsible for updating a plant
nursery’s catalog by taking the existing one and modi-
fying it with the sales of the day and the modifications
that the products may have experienced. The catalog
manager reports its existence to a mediator agent, so
when a catalog combiner agent queries the mediator
for the list of plant nurseries, it is included. From that
moment on, the catalog manager is available for tak-
ing the requests from the seekers.
Figure 4: Catalog Processing. Communication and Structure.
As line labeled as 3 in figure 4 reflects, the
communication between a seeker and a catalog
manager takes place inside the communication MAS.
This communication is be successful since both
agents involved are using same ontology. This will
be detailed in section 3.2.
Mediator. A mediator agent is responsible for provid-
ing indexing information. A mediator agent holds the
information over which catalog managers are avail-
able to be queried from the seekers. Since in the com-
munication MAS several mediators exist, they must
be federated so there is no difference in the informa-
tion that they hold.
3.1.3 Route Planning
Another important task of the system is the dynamic
route planning. It was also addressed as a Multi-Agent
Resource Allocation (MARA) problem. In this type
of problems a group of agents share a common re-
source which requires a coordination mechanism that
will manage its usage (Cicortas and Iordan, 2011).
Dynamic route planning can be addressed as an inde-
pendent task that lies outside the scope of this paper,
and that will be developed in further papers.
3.2 Ontologies Defined
The existing information structure that the different
entities had, was very different, causing the interac-
tion between them to be very hard. In addition we
have identified several cases where the same term
was used with different meanings, not only between
the different entities but also within the same en-
tity. The MAS defined in this project would not suc-
ceed if the problem of the semantic gap were not ad-
dressed. To accomplish this task, two different on-
tologies were defined, one for the plant wholesaler
and the other one for the plant nurseries, this two
ontologies share the semantic meaning over the con-
cepts and so, agents are able to interact. In multi-
agent environments ontologies are expected to com-
plement mutual understanding and interactive beha-
vior between such agents (Laera et al., 2007).
The ontologies used in the MAS were defined with
the Ontology Web Language (OWL2) (Grau et al.,
2008) which is the standard recommended by the
W3C. This language is used to formalize the domain,
defining the concepts as classes, and the properties
that these classes have (Roussey et al., 2011). Onto-
logies were identified as the most accurate technique
to share common knowledge among a group of soft-
ware agents.
3.2.1 Plant Wholesaler Ontology
In figure 5 the global structure of the Plant Wholesaler
Ontology is depicted.This ontology reflects the spe-
cific situation of the enterprise that hosted the project
and it may not be applied to every plant wholesaler
due to the peculiarities of the enterprise.
Figure 5: Plant Wholesaler Ontology.
The plant wholesaler ontology is composed by the
following classes and properties.
Class: wholesaler:Catalog. It represents a collection
of products that are available. The catalog is com-
posed by integrating the list of available products that
each provider of the plant wholesaler has. The prop-
erty wholesaler:generatedIn links a catalog to its cre-
ation date.
Class: wholesaler:Product. A product is the smal-
ler entity that composes a catalog. Products are usu-
ally plants, but they could also be goods related to the
business, such as fertilizers or flowerpots. Products
are identified by a plant variety and the defining fea-
tures of that plant. The property wholesaler: integ-
ratedBy defines the products that are part of a catalog.
Class: wholesaler:Item. It identifies the actual plant
variety of a Product. In the botanical hierarchy the
item should be equivalent to the plant species (Class:
wholesaler:Species), however in most cases this does
not happen, and the equivalence is set at the genus
level (Class: wholesaler:Genus) or even at the fam-
ily level (Class: wholesaler:Family). Fixed attributes
would be: Flowerpot, Size and Price, which means
that for every product the values of this attributes must
always be set. The property wholesaler: basedIn in-
dicates that the item is the base of a product.
Class: wholesaler:Features. It represents a col-
lection of attributes that distinguish the different
products. There are some attributes that every product
must enclose which are included in the Class: whole-
saler:Fixed, and there are other features that depend
on the family, genus and species of the product, which
are encompassed in Class: wholesaler:Variable. This
subclasses are defined as disjoint classes. The prop-
erty wholesaler:definedBy indicates that a product is
modified by a collection of features.
Class: wholesaler:Order. It represents the collection
of elements that a customer requests from the plant
wholesaler. The property wholesaler:orderedIn links
an order to its creation date.
Class: wholesaler:Customer. It encloses the know-
ledge about the plant wholesaler’s clients. The prop-
erty wholesaler:orderedBy identifies the customer has
requested an order.
Class: wholesaler:OrderElement. It represents each
one of the elements in an order. Each OrderElement
is only linked to a product in the catalog and to a
provider, that would be the nursery that provides the
product. The property wholesaler:composedOf de-
notes that an order is integrated by a collection of or-
der elements.
Class: wholesaler:Provider. It identifies the
nurseries that interact with the plant wholesaler.
The providers must be split into two differ-
ent and disjoint subclasses, internal providers
(Class: wholesaler:Internal) and external providers
(Class: wholesaler:External). The property whole-
saler:providedBy indicates the provider that supplies
a certain product.
3.2.2 Plant Nursery Ontology
In figure 6 the global structure of a nursery’s ontology
is depicted. This is the ontology that every agent in a
nursery’s MAS will use. This ontology is composed
by the following classes and properties.
Figure 6: Plant Nursery Ontology.
Class: nursery:Customer. It represents the clients
that the plant nursery may have. There are some
customers that are considered as internal, and there-
fore defined in (Class: nursery:Internal). This class
is disjoint to the subclass (Class: nursery:External)
that represents the external clients of the nursery. To
relate a customer with the orders, there is the property
nursery:makes, defined to be asymmetric and irreflex-
Class: nursery:Order. It represents the collection of
elements that a customer requests from the plant nurs-
ery. The property nursery:involves indicates that an
order groups a collection of plants.The property nurs-
ery:orderedIn relates an order to the date it was made.
Class: nursery:Plant. It represents the smaller en-
tity that the plant nursery works with. The property
nursery:locateIn indicates the location of a plant by
relating them to one of the different available fields.
Class: nursery:State. It denotes the different situ-
ations a plant may have. The plant nurseries do not
have a catalog itself but a group of plants that satisfy
some quality requirements to be sold. This state has
a high frequency change. The property nursery:hasA
identifies that a plant has a certain state among all the
possible ones.
Class: nursery:Field. It represents a piece of land
where different types of plants may be cultivated.
Each field is identified by a group of properties and
it has a cost assigned. The features of the field have
an impact over its cost, which therefore affects plant’s
Class: nursery:Properties. It represents a group of
attributes that distinguish the different fields. The
property that relates a field to its feature is nurs-
Class: nursery:Features. It represents a collec-
tion of attributes that distinguish the different plants.
There are some attributes that every plant must en-
close which are included in the Class: nursery:Fixed,
disjoint to the features defined in Class: nurs-
ery:Variable. The property nursery:definedBy indic-
ates that a plant is modified by a collection of features,
it is an irreflexive and asymmetric property.
Class: nursery:Procedures. It denotes a collection of
actions or operations that can be made over the plants.
The procedures are composed by atomic instructions
defined in Class: nursery:Action. The property nurs-
ery:composedBy represents the link between a pro-
cedure and its composing actions. The property nurs-
ery:suffers indicates that procedure is applied to a
plant or group of plants. Every procedure consumes
resources such as, fertilizers, water, sawdust, that
are enclosed in the class Class: nursery:Material.
These concepts are related by the property nurs-
Class: nursery:Action. It defines the atomic actions
that could be made on a plant or set of plants.
Class: nursery:Cost. It denotes the value that plants,
procedures or fields have. Its domain is defined as
the intersection of these classes. The property nurs-
ery:worthA relates a class in the domain to its cost.
The cost of a plant is determined taking into account
the cost of the procedures that it may have suffered
and the cost of the field where the plant is being
grown. It is important to remark that the cost of a
plant is not its price. The price is determined apply-
ing a percentage of profit over the cost of production.
This margin of benefit is crucial to the agents nego-
tiation processes that take place to accomplish order
The platform defined to ensure proper operation and
networking between plant nurseries and plant whole-
saler fully meets expectations as far as regards inner
Plant nurseries that adopted the platform de-
scribed have experienced an improvement in response
times, cost estimation and production following up.
In turn in the plant wholesaler the effort to keep the
catalog updated and to process the costumer’s orders
has been reduced. Problems showed up when some
plant nurseries chose to use the platform but keeping
their own information representation. Agents were no
longer able to interact correctly since their ontologies
where not compatible.
To overcome the situation the most suitable solu-
tion was to force an ontology matching process be-
fore agents started their communication. Imposing a
single shared ontology would be, not only impractical
because it would force the parties to use a standard
communication vocabulary; but also limiting since it
would not consider the requirements of agents that
could be developed in the future. Ontology match-
ing is a way of guaranteeing the interoperability of
the parties involved in a communication process, i.e,
to ascribe to each important piece of knowledge the
correct interpretation (Euzenat, 2001). In our case,
the purpose is to find semantic mappings between the
concepts of the different ontologies that the agents
The problem of ontology matching has been ex-
tensively studied in recent years as stated in the works
of (Noy, 2004), (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007), (Tro-
jahn et al., 2008) or (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2012).
And also its applications in Multi-Agent Systems
(Laera et al., 2007) (Wiesman et al., 2002).For gener-
ating the matches between ontologies several frame-
works and techniques have been proposed, as those
in the works of (Falconer and Noy, 2009) (Klein,
2001) (Shamsfard and Barforoush, 2003) (K
and Rahm, 2009) (David et al., 2010).
The next step of the development of this platform
will be the integration of ontology matching tech-
niques, to ensure the communication with agents that
use an ontology different to the proposed one. The
process that we will use to accomplish this challenge
is as follows. First, the state of the art of ontology
matching (Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003) will be
deeply studied to identify the new trends and research
fields. Then a framework will be developed to test
different ontology matching algorithms, the purpose
is to determine which set or combination works the
best for this problem. Finally, once the algorithms are
determined, they will be integrated in the system.
In this paper we presented a Multi-Agent System ap-
plied to a new field, ornamental plant selling and dis-
tribution, where this technologies have never been
used before. The MAS defined takes into account
the particularities of this environment and it obtains
the most profit of MAS features to deal with it. The
system allows the different parties to operate not only
coordinated but also independently. To allow this co-
ordination two ontologies were defined in order to
transmit the knowledge of this domain to the agents
involved in the communication processes. This onto-
logies by themselves were not enough to cover every
possible communicative scenario, since other sys-
tems, or agents could use ontologies different from
the ones defined. A further step of including ontology
matching has been identified as necessary and it is the
core of the ongoing research.
This work has been supported by the project
10MRU007E supported by Xunta de Galicia.
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