Parsing and Maintaining Bibliographic References
Semi-supervised Learning of Conditional Random Fields with Constraints
Sebastian Lindner and Winfried H¨ohn
Institute of Computer Science, University of W¨urzburg, W¨urzburg, Germany
References Parsing, Bibliography, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), Constraint-based Learning, Informa-
tion Extraction, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Sequence Labeling, Semi-supervised Learning.
This paper shows some key components of our workflow to cope with bibliographic information. We therefore
compare several approaches for parsing bibliographic references using conditional random fields (CRFs). This
paper concentrates on cases, where there are only few labeled training instances available. To get better label-
ing results prior knowledge about the bibliography domain is used in training CRFs using different constraint
models. We show that our labeling approach is able to achieve comparable and even better results than other
state of the art approaches. Afterwards we point out how for about half of our reference strings a correlation
between journal title, volume and publishing year could be used to identify the correct journal even when we
had ambiguous journal title abbreviations.
In academic research it is good practice to compare
your own work with previously published documents
and acknowledge these in a reference section. In con-
sequence of the increasing number of scientific publi-
cations, there is a growing demand for an easy search-
ability of these previous works. Therefore the auto-
matic analysis of these publications and their biblio-
graphic references is getting more and more impor-
There already are a few search engines for this
kind of data like Google Scholar
or CiteSeerX
. In
order to search in single fields each reference has to
be divided into a set of fields or labels (e.g. author
or journal title). While the task of separating a refer-
ence string into different fields is simple for a human
reader, it is much more difficult to automate, because
of the sheer diversity of reference strings.
First approaches in this field of research tried rule
based algorithms, but these were too expensive to
maintain and too difficult to adjust to other reference
domains. Because of that we use machine learning
techniques, which are much more easily adaptable to
other reference labeling domains (Zou et al., 2010).
In supervised machine learning already labeled ref-
erence instances are used to train a statistical model,
which then can be used to label further reference
strings. Generating this labeled training data is a very
time consuming job.
Our focus lies on conditional random fields that
use additional prior knowledge in form of constraints
about the bibliography domain in addition to a few
already labeled instances for its training. In this sce-
nario a few labeled training instances and additional
unlabeled data for the training of constraints are used
in a semi-supervised training to achieve better results.
These constraints can easily be adapted for a new do-
main and the inclusion of valid constraints leads to a
significant improvement in labeling accuracy.
In one of our projects with Springer Sci-
ence+Business Media we develop the web platform
for an online presentation of pub-
lished documents. These contain a large amount of
bibliographic information. Because these documents
are divided into different books there are many differ-
ent citation styles. Due to that fact we can not use one
model for labeling all data, but we have to split the
reference data into smaller subsets and do a separate
labeling for each of these sets with only a few training
After separating the reference string into different
fields, we demonstrate own approaches to find corre-
sponding long versions for journal title abbreviations.
Lindner S. and Höhn W..
Parsing and Maintaining Bibliographic References - Semi-supervised Learning of Conditional Random Fields with Constraints.
DOI: 10.5220/0004138602330238
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 233-238
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The goal of this part of this paper is to reach a uniform
representation of reference string.
So we propose a workflow for dealing with bib-
liographic information that combines different ap-
proaches to analyze and clean bibliographic data.
First of all we describe the problem to be solved. In
the first step the reference string needs to be broken
down into tokens (i.e. split on whitespace). Each to-
ken in this sequence of input tokens x = {x
, x
, . . . x
then needs to be assigned a correct output label out of
a set of labels y = {y
, y
, . . . y
}. For example the
label AUTHOR has to be assigned to the name Meier.
The problem of assigning a label to a token of an
input sequence also is a common task in the research
area of natural language processing, for example in
part-of-speech tagging and semantic role labeling. So
the methods shown here can similarly be used in a va-
riety of other research areas as well (Park et al., 2012).
2.1 CRFs with Extended Generalized
Expectation Criteria
Linear-chain conditional random fields (CRFs) are
a probabilistic framework that use a discriminative
probabilistic model over an input sequence x and an
output label sequence y as shown in equation 1.
(y|x) =
(x, y)
, (1)
where in case of a linear chain CRF F
(x, y) are a
number of feature functions and Z(x) is a normal-
ization factor as described in (Sutton and McCal-
lum, 2006). CRFs outperform Hidden Markov Mod-
els (HMM) and maximum entropy Markov models
(MEMM) on a number of real world tasks (Lafferty
et al., 2001).
In the training process the parameters λ
for each
feature function are learned from the training data.
One approach for semi-supervised learning are CRFs
with Generalized Expectations (GE) as described in
(Mann and McCallum, 2010). For our experiments
we use MALLET (McCallum, 2002) which imple-
ments the CRF with Generalized Expectations. Gen-
eralized Expectation Criteria use prior knowledge in
form of a user provided conditional probability distri-
= p
| f
(x, k) = 1) (2)
given a feature f
. For example the probability for
a label AUTHOR of the word Meier should be 0.9.
So GE constraints express a preference for a specified
label given a certain feature.
We extended this version to allow more complex
constraints, though. In the original version only one
feature function is allowed for the target probability
distribution (compare equations 2 and 4). This way
more complex constraints can be used which depend
on multiple feature functions so that we could im-
prove our labeling results.
Given a set of training data T =
, y
, . . . ,
, y
the goal of training
a conditional random field is to maximize equation
3 i.e. the log-likelihood (first term) with a Gaussian
prior for regularization (second term) and a term to
take constraints into account.
Θ(λ, T, U) =
δD(q|| ˆp
where q is a given target distribution and
= p
| f
(x, k) = 1, . . . , f
(x, k) = 1) (4)
with all f
(x, k) being feature functions that only de-
pend on the input sequence. D(q|| ˆp
) is a distance
function for the two provided probability distribu-
tions. In our case the Kullback-Leibler (KL) and L
distance are used and compared against each other.
The value δ is used to weight the divergence between
the two distributions. This way the expectations en-
courage the model to penalize differences in the dis-
tributions (Lafferty et al., 2001). In case of the L
distance a range-based version is used where a valid
probability range can be specified. If the compared
value is within this range the distance is 0.
2.2 CRF Features for Reference Parsing
For the task of tagging reference strings, we used a set
of binary feature functions similar to the ones used by
ParsCit (Councill et al., 2008). These can be divided
into the following four categories.
Word based Features. These features indicate
the presence of some significant predefined words
’No.,’et al’, ’etal’, ’ed. and ’eds..
Dictionary based Features. These features indicate
whether a dictionary contains a certain word in the
reference string. We use dictionaries for author first-
and lastnames, months, locations, stop words, con-
junctions and publishers.
Regular Expression based Features. Features that
indicate whether a word in the reference string
matches a regular expression. We use regular expres-
sion patterns for ordinals (e.g. 1st, 2nd.. .), years,
paginations (e.g. 200-215), initials (e.g. J.F.) and pat-
terns that indicate whether a word contains a hyphen,
ends with punctuation, contains only digits, digits or
letters, has leading/trailing quotes or brackets or if the
first char is upper case.
Keyword Extraction based Features. We extract
keywords for a particular label in a separate step, so
that we can reuse this information when we define
constraints for the CRF. The corresponding training
feature then indicates whether a word is in an auto-
matically extracted list of keywords for a certain la-
We used the GSS measure mentioned in the pa-
per about automated text categorization (Sebastiani,
2002) for the purpose of automatic keyword extrac-
tion. GSS is thereby defined as
, c
) = p(t
, c
) · p(t
, c
) p(t
, c
) · p(t
, c
where p(t
, c
) for example is the probability that
given a label c
, the word t
does not occur under this
The top GSS scored words and their correspond-
ing labels are then reviewed and used in a keyword
feature function and in our constraint set. Words with
less than three characters and stop words are specifi-
cally excluded from the suggested keyword list.
Besides the already mentioned features we also
use a window feature with a size of 1 for training our
CRF. We also use a feature that indicates the position
of the word in the reference string itself. Therefore we
divide the reference string into six parts and give each
word a position number feature whose value indicates
its position from 1 to 6.
2.3 CRF Constraints for Reference
Since we use Conditional Random Fields with ex-
tended Generalized Expectations for the reference la-
beling task, as shown in equation 3, we can choose
different distance metrics. We compare the KL-
divergence, where a full feature-label target probabil-
ity distribution q has to be specified, and the L
based distance.
We use the following constraints that depend on a
single feature function:
1. Words contained in the previously mentioned dic-
tionaries in section 2.2 should be tagged with
the corresponding label for that dictionary (ex-
ceptions: conjunctions, stop words, first and last
2. Extracted keywords for a label should be tagged
with that same label
3. Words that match a year pattern should be labeled
with DATE
4. Words that match a predefined word should be
labeled with the corresponding label (see word
based features in section 2.2)
We encode these constraints into the model by
providing distributions q in the following kind:
For constraints 1.-3. we set the desired label prob-
ability to 0.8 and equally distribute the 0.2 among the
rest of the labels in the case of the KL-divergence as
the distance metric. When we use a L
-Range specifi-
cation we define a target probability range from 0.8 to
1.0. We do this because ’1992’ for example could be
a page number. For constraint 4. the specified target
label has the probability 1.0.
We also use some more complex constraints that
take usage of the possibility to specify constraints
over multiple feature functions. These are:
1. Words that appear at the beginning of the refer-
ence string and are contained in the dictionary of
first or last names should be labeled AUTHOR (for
the middle and ending of the reference string ED-
2. Conjunctions that appear at the beginning of the
reference string and are between words contained
in the dictionary of first or last names should be
labeled AUTHOR (for the middle and ending of
the reference string EDITOR)
3. A number right to the word ’No. should be la-
beled VOLUME as the word ’No. itself
4. A year number right or left to a name of a month
should be labeled DATE as the month itself
We use the same target probability distribution as
in case of the constraints 1.-3. that use only one fea-
ture function. These more complex constraints show
that with our extension it is easy to define constraints
for CRFs with GE that take use of multiple features.
2.4 Experiments
As our test domain we used the Cora reference ex-
traction task (McCallum et al., 2000). This set
of citations contains 500 labeled reference strings
of computer science research papers. These cita-
tions contain the 13 labels: AUTHOR, BOOKTITLE,
VOLUME . We use this dataset to be able to compare
own labeling results with previous approaches.
2.4.1 Preparations
In order to get good labeling results for only a few
training instances our first step was to clean up the
dictionaries we had available. Therefore we first re-
moved entries in the first name, last name and loca-
tion dictionary that only contained two letters or less.
Then we made our dictionaries pairwise disjoint by
removing entries that are contained in more than one
Then we used the previously described keyword
extraction mechanism on several labeled citation
sources to gather important words. A brief excerpt
of these extracted keywords is shown in the following
list of labels with their extracted keywords:
BOOKTITLE: ’Proceedings’, ’Conference’,
’Symposium’, ’International’, ’Programming’ -
PAGES: ’pages’, ’pp’ - PUBLISHER: ’Press’ -
The list shows that GSS is able to extract several
useful keywords for different labels. So these not only
reduce the manual effort to get good labeling results,
but also ensure a better adaptability to other labeling
2.4.2 Labeling Results
We used the same test approach as described in
(Chang et al., 2007). Therefore we randomly split the
500 reference instances into three sets of 300/100/100
reference strings. We use the 300 as training, 100
as development and 100 as testing set. From the
set of 300 instances we randomly choose our refer-
ence strings for training with varying training set sizes
from 5 to 300. The 100 test instances are used in
the evaluation process. In the semi-supervised set-
tings we also use 1000 instances of unlabeled data
which we mostly took from FLUX-CiM and Cite-
SeerX databases which are available on the ParsCit
The results are shown in Table 1. The column
Sup contains the results for a CRF with no constraints
that uses the same features as our approaches with
constraints. The results reported below are the aver-
ages over 5 runs with random training sets with cor-
responding size. The column GE-KL contains the
data for our Generalized Expectation with Multiple
Feature approach using the KL-divergence and last
column uses the L
-Range distance metric GE-L
Range. In this table we report token based accuracy
i.e. the percentage of correct labels.
We compare our method against other state of the
art semi-supervised approaches like the constraint-
driven learning framework in column CODL (Chang
et al., 2007), which iteratively uses the top-k-
inference results in a next learning step. We also
Table 1: Comparison of token based accuracy for different
supervised/ semi-supervised training models for a varying
number of labeled training examples N. Results are an av-
erage over 5 runs in percent.
5 69.0 75.6 76.0 74.6 75.4
10 73.8 - 83.4 81.2 83.3
20 80.1 85.4 86.1 85.1 86.1
25 84.2 - 87.4 87.2 88.4
50 87.5 - - 89.0 90.5
300 93.3 94.8 93.6 93.9 94.1
compare our results with the results from CRF with
Posterior Regularization(Bellare et al., 2009). In Pos-
terior Regularization (column PR) the E-Step in the
expectation maximization algorithm is modified in
such a way that it also takes a KL-divergence into ac-
count(Ganchev et al., 2010). Dashes indicate that no
comparison data was available in the referenced pa-
As one can see our method has about the same
performance as other leading semi-supervised train-
ing methods. With a very limited amount of training
data the results are slightly worse than the other ap-
proaches but with more and more training instances it
outperforms most of the other techniques (e.g. with
N = 25). The provided constraints improve the la-
beling results in comparison to a CRF without con-
straints (column Sup). For N = 20 the improvement
for GE-L
-Range is 6 percentage points in token ac-
curacy. Our experiments show that we get the best
performances using GE constraints with multiple fea-
ture functions and L
Range as distance metric.
The results also show that with an increasing num-
ber of training instances N, the positive influence of
constraints decreases. The traditional CRF is then
better able to extract the significance of features for
a label by itself. We supposedly did not get the best
labeling result for N = 300 in comparison to PR be-
cause we used more complex constraints. These did
not have such a big influence on the labeling results
with a high number of training reference strings.
Table 2 shows precision, recall and the F
for the label accuracy with 15 training instances using
GE with multiple feature functions and L
-Range as
distance metric.
As we can see there is a big difference in the F
value for different labels. Because of the defined con-
straints AUTHOR and DATE labels have a high pre-
cision. NOTE labels are hard to identify and do not
occur very often in the training material. This results
in a rather poor labeling performance for NOTE la-
bels. Because some labels like authors are much more
common in reference strings, it is important to get a
good performance for such labels.
Table 2: Precision, recall and F1 measure for label accuracy
with N = 15 for a CRF with GE-L
Label Precision Recall F
AUTHOR 98.5 98.6 98.6
DATE 95.0 82.5 88.3
EDITOR 92.3 52.8 67.2
TITLE 85.5 98.2 91.4
BOOKTITLE 84.3 84.1 84.2
PAGES 82.6 90.0 86.1
VOLUME 75.8 73.5 74.6
PUBLISHER 73.7 35.0 47.5
JOURNAL 71.9 66.6 69.1
TECH 67.5 25.7 37.2
INSTITUTION 62.4 43.4 51.2
LOCATION 51.4 60.0 55.4
NOTE 15.6 10.0 12.2
We also have to mention the fact that especially
in training runs with only few reference strings the
results might have a high standard deviation, because
of the diversity of the training material.
After our reference strings have been tagged, the ref-
erence data is split into fields like journal, author, title
and publishing year. But there could be different ab-
breviations and long versions for one journal name:
’Japan. J. Appl. Phys., ’Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. and
’Trans Japan Inst Metals’, ’Trans Jpn Inst Mct’. Jour-
nal title entries can also contain OCR errors like in the
second example.
When you search for a journal title or an author
name you want to get all occurrences of this particu-
lar entity, regardless of the exact term or abbreviation
used. Therefore it is important to collect all different
notations of this entity in order to trigger a search for
all these alternatives.
3.1 Journal Identification
Our first step is to use a string-based clustering for the
journal titles. This can however introduce conflicts,
e.g. when different journals have the same names or
abbreviations, but actually refer to different journals.
In this section we provide a method to resolve these
For example the journal abbreviation ’Phys. Rev.
for ’Physical Review is sometimes also used for
’Physical Review Letters’ or ’Physical Review B’. In
figure 1 you can see a plot for the volume-year combi-
nations of reference strings, which have ’Phys. Rev.
as journal name. Although the reference data for the
two lines in this plot have the same journal abbrevia-
tion, they actually refer to two different journals with
Figure 1: Volume-year combinations for ’Phys. Rev..
different release schedules.
Therefore our disambiguation approach uses the
relationship between the fields journal name, volume
number and publishing date to separate same journal
title abbreviations. Since most journals are published
on a regular basis, there is a linear dependency be-
tween the volume number and publishing date for a
journal. In case of changes in the release schedule we
at least have line segments, which stand for periods
while the release schedules stay the same (see Figure
1 upper line).To detect these lines we use the Hough
transform (Duda and Hart, 1972).
This line detection is done for each of the string-
based clusters. After that we select the line which
contains the most data points. For this line we se-
lect the most common journal title in the cluster as
our representative title. Next we determine the cor-
responding start and end volume by selecting the
longest line segment which has only smaller gaps than
three years.
Because the extracted line segment may contain
data points from other journals (e.g. a crossing line
segment) we have to remove these data points from
our considered line segment. Therefore we take each
unique journal title from our cluster and remove all
of its data points if less than 25% in the year/volume-
range of the considered line segment lie on the line
segment itself. All journal titles that correspond to
remaining data points are extracted as synonyms for
that journal.
After that all references which match the found
characteristics are removed and the procedure is re-
peated until we are unable to find further schedule
ranges which are longer than three years.
3.2 Journal Identification Examples
We were able to extract 49 release schedules from our
data, which covers 48.4% of the 248407 input refer-
ence strings. Table 3 shows a few of this extracted
journal release schedules. Here example 1. and 3. are
correctly separated into different release schedules al-
though they often had the same abbreviation ’Phys.
Table 3: Results of postprocessing.
No. Journal start end months between
month vol. month vol. consecutive volumes
1. Phys. Rev. B Jan. 1970 1 Jan. 2009 79 6
2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Jan. 1900 22 Jan. 2008 130 12
3. Phys. Rev. Lett. Jul. 1958 1 Jul. 2008 101 6
4. J. Appl. Phys. Jan. 1941 12 Jan. 1984 55 12
Jul. 1984 56 Jan. 2006 99 6
Since reference strings most of the time only con-
tain a publishing year but no month, this method can
just detect changes in the release schedule within this
accuracy. Likewise we are unable to detect changes in
the release schedule that are shorter than 3 years be-
cause we used this accuracy for our line segment de-
tection. We also have to note that in order for this pro-
cedure to work a large data set should be used where
single journal titles appear several times.
We proposed a new method of parsing references
with constraints that can easily be adapted to new
domains of data. The labeling results show that the
proposed method’s performance is comparable to or
even performs better than other state of the art semi-
supervised machine learning algorithms. Afterwards
we demonstrated how bibliographic references can
be clustered using the novel approach of analyzing a
journal title, publishing month and release time span
We want to concentrate future effort in the auto-
matic extraction of features and using constraints in
the inferenceprocess in addition to the learning phase.
Although we used a method for the automatic extrac-
tion of keywords for learning, we would like to in-
tegrate data from other web knowledge bases. We
would also like to investigate the possibility to auto-
matically categorize citation data and then use the op-
timal corresponding CRF for its labeling. Addition-
ally we are going to improve our string-based cluster-
ing methods since typical Levenshtein-distance based
metrics do not work well with abbreviations.
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