Software for Data and Knowledge Management
in Winemaking Fermentations
Pascal Neveu
, Virginie Rossard
, Anne Tireau
, Evelyne Aguera
, Marc Perez
Christian Picou
and Jean-Marie Sablayrolles
INRA/SupAgro, UMR 729 MISTEA, F-34060 Montpellier, France
INRA/SupAgro, UR 50 LBE, F-11100 Narbonne, France
INRA/SupAgro, UE 999 Pech-Rouge, F-11430 Gruissan, France
INRA/SupAgro, UMR 1083 SPO, F-34060 Montpellier, France
Knowledge Management, Ontology, Fermentation, Winemaking.
An increasing amount of data is generated by the on-line monitoring of biotechnological processes. Classical
data management solutions, which have proved effective in many application domains, are not efficient at deal-
ing with scientific data in life science. We describe a management software of data from wine fermentations
and associated knowledge. The information dealt with in this framework relates to the knowledge of real-time
events occurring during fermentations. The data have been entered into a database and we propose an organi-
sation of this knowledge to improve efficiency, based on the use of methods and tools from the Semantic Web.
A specific ontology of events (faults or enological operations) is used to automatically identify wrong on-line
measurements which clearly improved data quality and understanding.
Alcoholic fermentation, a key stage in winemaking,
is likely to change considerably in the future. Indeed
winemakers are increasingly of the opinion that tools
for controlling fermentation according to the type of
wine desired is becoming essential and the use of sen-
sors, for real time monitoring, is becoming increas-
ingly feasible.
Instrumentation can be used to automate the mon-
itoring and allows the development of Information
Systems suitable for the storage of data, kinetics and
all types of information and facilitating the use of
this knowledge to develop more ambitious treatments.
Progressive semantic annotation of data (Hignette
et al., 2007) and source descriptions are of particu-
lar interest for food processes (Sall et al., 2009). Such
tools should prove very powerful in the long term, not
only for reconstructing a history of events (traceabil-
ity) but also providing extensive information to im-
prove management practices (decision support).
This paper deals with a first step in this direction,
focusing in particular on the validation of measure-
ments, taking into account knowledge about faults
and operations of particular interest in winemaking.
It is original in that (i) it makes use of a database of
results from the on-line monitoring around 4500 fer-
mentations and (ii) it implements techniques (based
on ontologies and reasoning) novel for this type of
application. This study was carried out in the context
of a European project, CAFE (Computer-aided food
processes for control engineering). All of the devel-
opments are implemented in an Information System
called Alfis
2.1 Fermentations
Very few industrial-sized tanks are currently equipped
with an on-line fermentation monitoring system and
there is therefore no corresponding database. How-
ever, we have many data acquired from pilot studies,
or laboratory-scale studies. Indeed, fermentations are
monitored by automatic measurements of CO
and the temperature of the fermenters is controlled.
In pilot scale, CO
output was measured with a mass
flowmeter and the temperature of the tanks is con-
trolled by opening or closing solenoid valves in either
Neveu P., Rossard V., Tireau A., Aguera E., Perez M., Picou C. and Sablayrolles J..
Software for Data and Knowledge Management in Winemaking Fermentations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004138803690372
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 369-372
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a hot water circuit or a circuit connected to a refriger-
ation unit.
production and temperature were monitored
on-line, with control and supervision software writ-
ten in Labview language. This software can be used
to add symbolic data and metadata describing eno-
logical operations such as the addition of nutrients or
cap punching, observations and faults. Factors other
than CO
and temperature were monitored manually,
off-line and the data obtained were also input into the
database. Complex data were recorded such as the
principal by-products of fermentation, as determined
by chromatographies (liquid or gas), histograms of
the distribution of yeast populations into size classes.
2.2 The Information System
Each site is characterised in terms of its methods of
measurement, equipment, organisation, etc. The In-
formation System combines the acquisition of (i) on-
line data from sensors controlled by supervision soft-
ware, (ii) off-line data from biological analyses of
fermentation by-products (see 2.1) and (iii) symbolic
data (expert opinions, operations, faults, etc.). These
data and metadata are formalised in XML and or-
ganised into a generic form. It provide a flexible,
generic method for managing heterogeneous, multi-
source data.
Data from the various sites are available from
the Web via a HTTP server (Apache) and a DBMS
(MySQL). The database contains the measurements
and various data. However, knowledge, such as pro-
fessional know-how, cannot easily be used with a re-
lational DBMS. Indeed we needed (i) searches re-
quiring reasoning such as subsumption (ii) providing
active hypertext links and semantic (e.g. to identify
the specific fermentations used in an article and vice
versa), and (iii) dynamic management of the data and
knowledge relating to professional know-how (con-
sistency sequence of events).
We used ontologies to formalise, make use of pro-
fessional know how and for the ”intelligent” manage-
ment of all the faults, operations and decisions com-
ing into play during fermentation. These ontologies
are written in Ontology Web Language (OWL) and
semantic annotations with the Resource Description
Framework (RDF) syntax. These ontologies were de-
signed with the ”Ontology Development 101” (Noy
and McGuinness, 2001) method. In our software ap-
plications, the ontologies and the RDF annotations are
stored in the database then exploited by the semantic
engine CORESE (Corby et al., 2004) which enables
to infer and process SPARQL queries on RDF annota-
tions and OWL ontologies. It also provides the prop-
erty paths functionality. The Jena API is used for the
RDF annotation management.
Data and Treatment. The incorporation of data
and knowledge into databases makes it possible to
standardise access to this information. We have de-
veloped applications in PHP, JAVA and R languages,
through the R-ODBC package. Web applications gen-
erate a lot of scientific graphs (Highcharts library or
by R) that often need be enriched. Statistical treat-
ments, written in R, can access ad hoc data via a sim-
ple SQL request and are controlled by JAVA modules
using the ontologies. The use of Semantic Web tools
and methods makes it possible to separate knowledge
from the control mechanisms of the computer lan-
guages routinely used. Classical approaches could be
used to write an application, but it would be difficult
to control the complexity of the effects of successive
In the database, fermentation kinetics is expressed as
the rate of CO
production (dCO
/dt). Several fac-
tors have a significant effect on fermentation kinet-
ics and hence on the quality of wines. This knowl-
edge had been formalized in OWL Lite and this makes
possible data cleaning and analysis (curve clustering,
data mining, etc) on a large number of kinetics.
Effect of Enological Operations. Various opera-
tions may significantly modify the shape of the curves
of CO
production rate. Nitrogen supplements di-
ammonium phosphate (DAP) in most cases are rou-
tinely added to cause a rapid and sustained increase in
/dt. These additions are usually combined with
oxygenation, which entails opening of the tank for a
few minutes. During red wine making, the solid mat-
ter rises to the surface and forms a cap. This cap is
immersed several times during the course of fermen-
tation. It increases dCO
/dt, following the resuspen-
sion of yeasts trapped in the solid matter. Other less
common processes are carried out during the produc-
tion of particular types of wine. One such process
included in this database is the partial reduction of
alcohol content (Aguera et al., 2010) by vacuum dis-
tillation or CO
Anomalous Points and Malfunctions. The graphs
of the CO
production rate may include anomalous
points that do not correspond to the true rate of
Figure 1: Effect of enological operations or faults. 1: com-
bined addition of oxygen and di-ammonium phosphate, 2:
cap punching, 3: breakdown.
production (Figure 1). Such points may re-
sult from the momentary opening of the tank dur-
ing an enological operation, decreasing dCO
/dt or
completely stopping CO
release. Other operations,
such as sampling, may also disrupt dCO
/dt mea-
surements. Anomalous measurements may also be
obtained for temperature, generally coinciding with
anomalous dCO
/dt readings.
The occasional anomalous results must be distin-
guished from disruptions caused by faults and fail-
ures, which may have several causes sensor or tem-
perature control system for example and which may
affect only one tank or the whole installation. These
faults or failures may significantly affect the monitor-
ing of fermentation (e.g. flowmeter fault), its progress
(e.g. bad temperature control) or both. Detection is
essential. Certain malfunctions can be detected only
with numerical data, whereas the detection of others
requires symbolic data or metadata.
Database and Ontologies. A database was created
and was improved by the design of two highly tar-
geted ontologies. Then, applications were devel-
oped or defined for data validation and construc-
tion of complex queries over winemaking fermen-
tations. The database provides access to measure-
ments taken on-line, uni- and multidimensional mea-
surements taken off-line, symbolic data and meta-
data. These data are organised according to ontolo-
gies of operations and faults (Figure 2). Since its ini-
tial establishment in 2004, a complete inventory of
this database has been carried out. It contains about
4500 fermentations, 52 of which were found to have
been stored incorrectly. Minor manual corrections
were made to render the data for these fermentations
accessible. No information was lost.
The number, type and nature of events occurring
during the course of a fermentation generate a com-
Figure 2: Extract of the ontology of local faults.
Figure 3: Example of semantic inference to infer new rela-
tions (in bold) between concepts from primer acquisitions.
bined analysis that is difficult for applications to man-
age. The ontologies concern the rationale underly-
ing the hierarchy used for complex queries and the
validation of on-line measurements. Here ontologies
supply real benefists. Indeed, the integration of new
knowledge or knowledge management is easier than
in classical applications and software modules are less
sensitive to technical evolutions and modifications of
experiments. In this case, ontologies provide an ef-
ficient access and understanding of data for different
end-users and to formalize technical itinerary. For ex-
ample, by using subsumption, it is possible to ask for
all general faults (Figure 2) without the user knowing
all the different types. This set-up makes it possible
to reply to queries such as ”which fermentations have
one alcohol content reduction process and no control
system faults?”, without knowing all the types of con-
trol system fault or the methods of alcohol content
reduction. Using transitive property such as ”must-
BePreceed” has improved consistency and complete-
ness of the information about enological operations
(Figure 3). The application thus has the know-how
required to deal with complex queries of this type.
The perfection of this knowledge was an important
outcome of our approach.
Software Application for Measurement Validation.
One of the major concerns of users is that only data
providing an accurate picture of the state of the sys-
tem should be stored. In our case, measurements for
temperature and gas release may be disrupted by eno-
logical processes as well as faults. Moreover, the flow
rate is affected differently by opening the tank or a
flowmeter fault. Using ontologies and the R language,
we have been able to go beyond the limits of the sys-
tems generally used.
The component developed uses an ontology for
symbolic data and the R language to fit the curves on
measurements using a non parametric method (spline
estimator) under constraints. The curve shape depend
on the event sequence. To ensure a good fit, the num-
ber of nodes and the constraints are generated by us-
ing the event ontology and a new dedicated one on-
tology for impacts. This ontology of application was
designed to classify impacts of events on kinetics and
to be able to automatically generate a specific R treat-
ment. So, this component uses the fitted curve, the
type of event (operation or fault) and comments from
experts (Neveu et al., 2008) to validate or invalidate
the measurements. To quantify the efficiency of the
application, we analysed 20 fermentations with many
operations and malfunctions. A detailed analysis of
the dCO
/dt curves by experts pointed out 242 wrong
or litigious measurements (among more than 20 000).
Using the application, we found very similar results,
with only 21 misdiagnoses, i.e. less than 9% differ-
ence. This result indicates a very good rate of data
invalidation and should prove a good behavior of our
Perspectives: Determination of the Usefulness of
Fermentations. Another concern of users is the
confidence they can have in the fermentation and
whether the data can be used in other contexts for an-
alytical and diagnostic purposes. Certain faults (de-
fault of temperature regulation, for example) happen
at key moments and are therefore disastrous, prevent-
ing the subsequent use of the fermentation data. A de-
scription of this knowledge as a function of the type
and time of the fault is essential, to enable the in-
formation system to determine whether a data set is
valid. This requires taking the investigation further
and seeing whether the whole data set can be inter-
Advances in alcoholic fermentation monitoring and
control necessitate new tools for data management.
Databases need to be associated with tools for the
representation and management of knowledge. This
study shows an example of a reliable and user-
friendly application based on ontologies, with the
aid of Semantic Web tools and technologies (JENA,
CORESE, PROTEGE, etc.). These languages and
softwares, such as RDF(S) and OWL provide reason-
ing and they are of great interest for the management
of complex data.
The applications developed automatically detect
the inconsistencies caused by the principal malfunc-
tions during the fermentations and distinguishes be-
tween those of little importance and those that might
disrupt the process. Disruptions related to enological
operations (such as cap punching, pumping over) are
also detected and analysed. The application was vali-
dated using a database containing about 4500 fermen-
tations. It might represent a powerful tool to improve
fermentation management and control in the near fu-
The method of formalization that separates the
expert knowledge allows to take into account eas-
ily changing business practices. It allows to easily
adapted the developed software for other cases in food
process (cheese making, brewinb, etc).
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