Integration of External Data in Document Workflows via Web Services
Davide Gazz`e
, Alessio Bechini
, Marco Avvenuti
, Maurizio Tesconi
and Andrea Marchetti
IIT-CNR, Via Moruzzi, 1, I-56124, Pisa, Italy
Dep. of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo L. Lazzarino, I-56122 Pisa, Italy
Document Workflows, Content Management Systems, Web Services, Ofce Automation.
In recent years the adoption of systems to automatically manage information assets in networked, collaborative
ways has become vital for enterprises. In this work we focus on collaborative document management systems,
where actual document development relies on accessing structured data in remote repositories. Forms within
documents must be filled in with proper data items: An automated support to gather the required remote
data may substantially improve the overall document management process. The Web Service technology is
of fundamental help in this setting, because it lets remote data be exposed to potential clients according to
standard interfaces. On the other hand, document management systems must be modified to provide this new
kind of data access. This paper introduces a novel approach to support remote data integration in documents
handled by Content Management Systems. According to the reported experience, such a data integration can
be regarded as an enabling feature for a better exploitation of document workflow systems.
Document management systems (DMS) are primary
tools for enterprises to deal with information involved
in business procedures (Baresi et al., 1999). Often the
enterprise knowledge base can be practically identi-
fied with a collection of documents, to be handled
from creation up to final archiving (Jones, 2007).
A significant portion of business proceduresis car-
ried out by operating upon specific documents, whose
life cycle is determined by the progression of the busi-
ness task. The automation of this kind of activities
requires setting up both document templates and a
precise definition of document flow (Rockley et al.,
2002). From this viewpoint, documents related to a
particular business process can be created as instances
of a procedure-specific template, and their content ex-
periences different and successive forms of compila-
tion. Thus, according to (Marchetti et al., 2005), in
the following we shall refer to Document Workflow
(DW) as to a particular workflow in which all activi-
ties turn out to documents compilation.
Several actions in a document workflow require
the end user to insert either non-structured or struc-
tured information. Although automated support to
the former can be hardly provided, the latter could be
more easily and proficiently dealt with, as in the case
of exploitation of ontological knowledge bases (Bec-
hini and Giannini, 2011). Most of the times the val-
ues to be inserted in a document are stored in an en-
terprise repository, or generally on a system that can
be accessed via Internet. In the following, such kind
of data will be referred to as external data.
In the last years, software tools dedicated to doc-
ument management and Web Information Systems
(WIS) have evolved side by side, and the advan-
tages of their merging have been recognized very
early (Balasubramanian and Bashian, 1998). A fur-
ther evolution has led to embed DMSs directly within
larger web application frameworks, namely Content
Management Systems (CMS) and Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) systems (Cameron, 2011). Sur-
prisingly enough, the web infrastructure has been ex-
tensively used for easily connecting users to the DMS,
but not to make external data directly available from
the DMS.
In CMS/ECM frameworks, access to external data
should be provided as a basic means to speed up doc-
ument compilation. This can be achieved by integrat-
ing a specific functionality in the framework, and by
accordingly modifying/enriching the standard docu-
ment handling approach. Examples on how to seam-
lessly operate on DMSs to obtain an integration of this
kind at the document repository level are reported in
(Bechini et al., 2008) and in (Bechini et al., 2007).
Anyway, external data are not always exposed to the
Gazzè D., Bechini A., Avvenuti M., Tesconi M. and Marchetti A..
Integration of External Data in Document Workflows via Web Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004143203460351
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (RDBPM-2012), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Internet or, if they actually are, not necessarily ac-
cording to a standard interface. For this reason, we
must specify how to implement data access on the
repository side as well. To this aim, Web Services
(WSs) provide a flexible solution that keeps the sys-
tems completely decoupled. Moreover, past integra-
tion experiences on DMS, based on WSs, have shown
to be both effective and efficient (Bechini et al., 2008).
In particular, (Chieu and Zeng, 2008) proposed to
build up a whole Content Management System ac-
cording to the SOA paradigm, using WSs as found-
ing components. In a slightly different perspective,
we advocate the use of WSs for data integration as
a means to provide flexibility in the exploitation of
document workflows, with no stringent need to reor-
ganize the complete DMS according to a distributed,
SOA-compliant design. The outlined ideas led to the
implementation of a dedicated module in Drupal
one of the most popular CMS currently used: This
system will be described to show how the proposed
approach can be practically applied.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents the typical way document workflows can be
specified and handled in CMSs, taking as a reference
the Drupal framework; in section 3, the proposed ap-
proach to integrate external data access in the standard
document management procedures is discussed; case
studies with practical workflows are shown in section
4. Conclusions are finally drawn.
Nowadays Content Management Systems let users
organize whole knowledge bases. To this aim, the
specific mechanisms put in place may be different
across different CMS platforms. We are interested
in investigating how document workflow can be ad-
dressed; in the panorama of open-source applications,
this particular feature is present in popular CMS/ECM
platforms like Drupal and Alfresco
, which adopt an
event-based workflow management mechanism.
Drupal is a very popular open-source content
management platform which has been used so far for
the development of millions of websites and applica-
tions (Miles and Miles, 2011). It makes use of an
abstraction of the document type, known as content
type, which can be enhanced to accommodate also the
access to external data. On the other hand, Alfresco
handles document workflow using content rules. In
Figure 1: Access to structured information beyond the en-
terprise boundaries.
practice, the overall workflow can be considered as a
sort of a collection of possible paths along dedicated
spaces belonging to the involved actors. The move-
ments of a single document across spaces are auto-
matically driven by the system, according to rules de-
fined at the space level.
In both platforms, the access to external data can
be implemented with no substantial modification to
their core software, exploiting the respective standard
extension mechanisms and the underlying functional-
ities/modules. The Drupal’s content type abstraction
allows an elegant integration of remote data access,
which is independent from the workflow progression
mechanisms: This is the main rationale for focusing
on an actual implementation of the remote data access
system on this CMS platform.
In Drupal, each content item is represented as
a node, whose structure and behavior are defined
through the specific content type it belongs to. Hence,
in a typical enterprise setting, it is a common prac-
tice to setup a content type for each document type
required in business processes. In particular, content
types might be defined to formally support ordinary
administrative forms.
The overall framework is organized into modules,
a sort of functional plugins. Custom modules can
be developed and freely provided by members of
the Drupal community. Modules can both rely on
the CMS core functionalities, and exploit features of
other modules. They can also be shaped to permit
the customization of fields within node types. One
particular basic module is crucial for supporting re-
mote data integration: The Content Construction Kit
(CCK), which let the CMS administrator add custom
fields just operating via a web graphical interface.
Custom fields are intended to store additional struc-
tured information, respect to the system defaults.
Workflow management is available through the
workflow module. Arbitrary workflows can be cre-
ated and assigned to node types. Moreover, the rules
module provides the ability to define actions that are
conditionally triggered by occurring events. Thanks
to such modules, the DMS administrator can design
Remote Document
Access Control
CMS Core Services
User Interface
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed solution. The Re-
moteCCK module is accommodated in a middle layer.
a document workflow for some of the content types
created with CCK.
The central problem tackled in this paper can be rep-
resented as shown in Figure 1. The access to struc-
tured data beyond the boundary of the enterprise in-
formation system must necessarily comply with con-
straints set by the external data server. Often the data
hosting organization is interested in exposing part of
its knowledge base via data access services. Further-
more, the easiest the access method, the larger the
benefits that can be obtained. Thus it is not surprising
finding out that nowadays many organizations choose
to offer different services though the Web Services
(WS) technology (Chappell and Jewell, 2002).
The widespread adoption of the WS technology
is also determined by the modest coding effort to put
into operation a data access service. In fact, modern
IDEs for several languages are able to automate most
of the required coding steps. On the other hand, the
development of a WS “client” code is likewise really
simple. These characteristics make WS a key tech-
nology for decoupling a complex service into small,
manageable sub-services. WS have become pervasive
in information systems of any kind, and their adoption
in the proposed approach let us target the largest pos-
sible DMS users community.
Apart the basic choice of exploiting WS to con-
nect data access providers and a DMS/CMS client, it
is important to properly design the system architec-
ture to take advantage of the existing functionalities
in Drupal and to easily integrate the new modules in
the standard software platform.
3.1 System Architecture
The overall architecture for the proposed integration
system is organized according to a layered scheme, as
shown in Figure 2. In the depicted scheme, the two
lowest layers represent the core CMS and the Content
Construction Kit (CCK) module
. They offer the ba-
sic functionalities to create document templates, man-
age the life cycle of each single node, perform ver-
sioning, create and manage users, carry out logging
procedures, etc. CCK is devoted to handle the cus-
tomization of document templates.
The remote data access function is embedded in
RemoteCCK, the third layer of the system architec-
ture. It contains the basic services of our enhanced
data access system, which is able to exploit external
WSs. It encompasses two distinct functional blocks,
aimed at managing web services and users. In par-
ticular, the Remote Document Manager (RDM) block
extends the CMS core functionalities by supporting
the creation of document types, making them able to
access and process data via WSs. We designed the
RDM to let the user create a manual mapping between
an existing content type and an “operation” (i.e. a
data request towards WS), or a composition or WS
operations. The Invocation Interface block has been
expressly created to support the invocation of remote
WSs from the classical web interface of a document.
The uppermost layer, the User Interface, offers the
CMS administrator and ordinary users a web GUI to
properly interact with the system. In its basic form, it
is provided by the CMS, and it can be possibly modi-
fied and enhanced according to the needs of new cus-
tom modules.
3.2 RemoteCCK
In the remote data access sytem, two different user
roles are defined: The manager, who is in charge
of setting up the binding between content types and
WSs, and the document user, who must be presented
the outcomes of the WS invocations in a straightfor-
ward way.
Inside RemoteCCK, the RDM block supports:
Analysis of WS specifications.
Operation-driven content type creation and up-
Mapping of operations to content types.
Creation of WS templates.
3 - In recent versions, the
CCK functionalities have been moved to the CMS core.
Figure 3: WS are inspected via their WSDL specification.
It is the Invocation Interface that actually calls WS
operations, according to three different modes: i) Be-
fore, ii) During, and iii) After. In the “Before” mode,
the WS is invoked at document creation time, i.e. be-
fore compilation start. In the “During mode, the
invocation is manually triggered from the web in-
terface by the end user at compilation time. The
After” mode must be used whenever the WS has
to be invoked at the end of the document compila-
tion/submission. Regardless of the chosen mode, the
operations to be carried out are: i) specification of the
parameter values for the service request; ii) service in-
vocation; iii) insertion of the returned values into the
proper document fields. The WS operation parame-
ters must correspond to values in specific document
fields, and the returned values have to be inserted in
other specific document fields.
3.3 Enhanced Content Type
The binding of external WSs to document fields is set
up by the manager following a two-step procedure:
i) registration and analysis of a new WS, and ii) cre-
ation of a link between a content type and operation(s)
of a registered WS.
In the first step, the URL for the target WSDL
must be provided in input, and the corresponding WS
is then analyzed in terms of Operation, Message, field
name and type as described in (Chappell and Jewell,
2002). During the WS registration, additional infor-
mation about the WS itself can be specified; typical
examples are the login username, the password, and
possible encodings. The graphical outcome of this
process is shown in Figure 3.
The second step involves the mapping of a WS
operation onto a content type field. RemoteCCK pro-
vides three alternative procedures to accomplish this
task: 1) creation of a new content type, 2) update of
an existing content type, or 3) manual mapping.
The first two procedures let the manager carry out
the mapping automatically. This way, the manager is
only asked to select a WS operation among the reg-
istered ones. In particular, the first procedure creates
a new content type skeleton, whose structure mimics
the WS interface. The second one behaves in a sim-
ilar way, by adding new fields to an existing content
Conversely, in the manual mapping point-to-point
links must be drawn on a graphical interface (see Fig-
ure 4). A list of the content type fields is depicted
against a similar representation of the parameters of
the WS operation; the manager can then easily draw
lines to connect endpoints of the opposite sides.
Figure 4: Mapping of operations onto content type fields.
3.4 Composition of WS Outcomes
To make the proposed data access and integration
mechanism as general and flexible as possible, it must
be possible to combine the outcomes from multiple
(homogeneous) WSs. A straightforward way to per-
form this task can be based on the application of ag-
gregate functions, which semantically correspond to
the typical SQL-like ones like maximum, minimum,
average, count and so on. How to employ an ag-
gregate value depends on the content type semantics,
and it is up to the manager to carefully specify how
to compose and use it. In our system, the definition
of WS composition is supported by aggregation tem-
plates, which make available the calculation in the
form of a single reference, to be subsequently used
by RemoteCCK for content type updates.
The User Interface for managing an aggregation
template is quite complex and let the manager choose
different operations from many WSs. For the sake
of simplicity, the whole process can be divided in
two phases: A preliminary selection of the involved
WS/operations and the aggregate function, and the
subsequent mapping between fields and operation pa-
rameters. This last task can be graphically organized
as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Graphical specification for aggregations.
The validation of the proposed mechanism has been
organized in two parts: In the former, remote data ac-
cess and composition is tested; In the latter, a profi-
cient integration within document workflow systems
must be achieved. In a preliminary experimentation,
WSs have been developed to access a master data set.
In such a data model, every employee has a personal
and unique ID. In document workflows each involved
employee, as document user, is asked to insert per-
sonal data. Thus, a specific WS can be developed
to obtain such information, given an employee ID.
On the DMS side, different content types can actu-
ally insert the required data into the proper document
fields, upon the related WS invocation (as shown in
Figure 6). We can complete the first validation part
by defining a report with the current cheapest price
for a product sold in a given list of malls. To this aim,
an aggregator can be used to determine the lowest
value out of the prices returned by different WSs; the
speedup due to the automated retrieval of distributed
information is here particularly evident.
In both the described cases, the proposed mecha-
nism has shown to be effective and flexible.
4.1 Integration in Document Workflows
In the next example, we want to check the use of
RemoteCCK within the ordinary Drupal Document
Workflow System. Indeed, we can observe that Re-
moteCCK relies on CCK, whose functionality is typi-
Figure 6: WS-based access to a remote master data set.
cally exploited in a Document Workflow context, and
thus a straightforward integration is expected.
An integration test was performed by implement-
ing a typical example of use: A “vacation request
form” to be issued to the administration by an em-
ployee. In the first place, we must underline that in
Drupal workflows a specific field may be editable for
one user, only readable for another, or even hidden
for a third one. The workflow, which describes the
steps the application must undergo before being ap-
proved or rejected, involves multiple actors and can
be described as in Figure 7: The employee, using the
proper form, in the first place applies to the Admin-
istration and to the Manager. Then, upon both ap-
provals, the document passes to the Director who will
forward the final outcome to the Human Resource Of-
fice for the final notification to the requester. Note that
in case of rejection at any level, the employee must be
always notified about it.
In this use case, the document progression has
been correctly managed, taking into account user
roles, assessment of conditions, and leveraging also
the “document creator” concept to determine the no-
tification recipient.
HR Office
Figure 7: Workflow for a Vacation Request Form.
Figure 8: WorkMail can seamlessly integrate RemoteCCK.
4.2 Integration with WorkMail
WorkMail (Gazz`e et al., 2012) is a custom, fully con-
figurable Drupal module for documental workflow.
It is based on using emails to drive the compilation
flow of shared documents. Users can access a docu-
ment according to their roles. A special content type,
namely WorkMail attachment, is dedicated to support
the workflow by including information about the re-
cipients, the subject, the body, and status flags. The
WorkMail engine is in charge of regulating the users’
accesses to the document, according to their permis-
sions. One of the main strenghts of the WorkMail
system is its ability to resort to a delivering medium
(emails) that is particularly familiar to the end users,
thus making them easier collaborative jobs.
WorkMail is based on the CCK modules, and this
makes the RemoteCCK integration automatic. Users
that access the document via the WorkMail engine can
benefit of all the RemoteCCK features, as shown in
Figure 8.
The efficient employment of document workflows re-
quires an integrated access to data residing beyond
the boundaries of the enterprise information systems.
The proposed solution can be organized in a module,
called RemoteCCK
, to be seamlessly placed in the
Drupal framework; the new functionalities can be pro-
ficiently and flexibly used both in the ordinary DMS
environment, and in additional custom modules. The
Available under GPL2 license at
possibility to graphically specify the inclusion in doc-
uments of plain/aggregated external data (accessed
via WSs) makes the module easy to use.
In its current implementation, at runtime Re-
moteCCK does not deal with possible modifications
of the registered WS operations; this problem could
be overcome by carrying out a WS validation step,
which may be included in future developments.
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