Approaching Knowledge Management in Organisations
Hilda Tellio
Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Multidisciplinary Design Group,
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/187, A-1040, Vienna, Austria
Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Organisations, Change Management.
The paper is about studying knowledge management practices in organisations. First we summarise the basic
definitions of knowledge and knowledge management. After showing several studies on knowledge manage-
ment in industrial context by stressing different classifications developed so far including our online survey we
introduce our approach to knowledge management in organisations. It is a spiral model illustrating knowledge
life-cycle in organisations which is relating different types of organisations (time-, product-, service-based) to
knowledge, volatility, and knowledge management. By doing so, business processes and the structure of or-
ganisations are considered. Special focus is given to specific individual and organisational knowledge created
and shared within and outside the organisational boundaries, impacts of different volatility factors to knowl-
edge, knowledge management processes, and change processes triggered by knowledge management practice
in organisations. Finally we conclude our paper by stressing our future work in this area.
In the last decade the role of knowledge and knowl-
edge management got the whole attention of organi-
sations. It became clear that nowadays business pro-
cesses rely on this very critical economic resource.
Knowledge is unique selling proposition of organisa-
tions which makes them special. How knowledge can
be managed and integrated in business processes is
still an open issue for most organisations.
In the research and consulting literature there are
several definitions of knowledge (see Section 2) and
approaches with differing foci to knowledge manage-
ment (see Section 3). First of all, it is important to
understand how knowledge can be created, modified,
shared, and maintained in an organisational context.
Executive managers of companies are furthermore in-
terested in ways of application of knowledge man-
agement in their business domain to make available
knowledge and experiences persistent and accessible
for later use in their organisation. In particular, com-
panies want to know how they could deal with knowl-
edge management in their concrete business situation.
By current technologies and frameworks there is still
no big help provided to organisations for the identifi-
cation of their knowledge management elements and
other crucial impact factors, for the definition of their
own knowledge management processes according to
their business context, and for the establishment of
methods and supporting systems to manage the dy-
namic context-dependant changes in knowledge man-
In this paper, we want to show how we approach
this problem and what we suggest to deal with this
challenge. In our approach we see knowledge man-
agement integrated in the coordination activities in
an organisation. Our studies about coordination so
far show relevant evidence that organisations need to
manage their knowledge flow within and outside the
company boundaries. They have to define approaches
to deal with the dynamics of changes in an organ-
isation, which causes adaptions, improvisations, re-
actions to current practices, and most of all, regular
monitoring and planning of change processes at all
business levels.
First we want to summarise different definitions
of and approaches to knowledge and knowledge man-
agement (Section 2). Then we show several stud-
ies on knowledge management in industrial context.
We stress different classifications developed so far in-
cluding some relevant outcomes of our online survey
we established. In our survey we wanted to find out
the current understanding and use of social network
services by organisations for cooperation and sharing
with other companies (Section 3). After introducing
our approach as a spiral model of knowledge manage-
ment (Section 4) we conclude our paper.
glu H..
Approaching Knowledge Management in Organisations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004150002080215
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 208-215
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Knowledge is a bunch of “facts, feelings, or experi-
ences known by a person or group of people”
to context. Knowledge is the combination of infor-
mation, skills, experiences, and personal capability of
people (Baker et al., 1997). Knowledge can be found
in artefacts people produce, in communications they
carry out, at the places they work and live. So, it can
be related to people, products, processes, or culture.
Human behaviour and interactions with others no
matter private or professional – are guided by knowl-
edge one has.
To understand knowledge and mainly to approach
it from scientific point of view and furthermore to
use it for design of systems, several categories have
been introduced so far. The most known distinction is
between implicit (tacit) (Polanyi, 1958) and explicit
knowledge (Bloodgood and Salisburny, 2001). Al-
though there are lots of differences between them,
they can be seen as two sides of the same coin be-
cause they are equally relevant for organisations (Va-
hedi and Irani, 2011).
Explicit knowledge can be easily expressed, better
codified and communicated than the tacit knowledge.
After writing down or just verbally it can be passed
to others. Furthermore, it can be acquired through
articulation and codification. It is then relative sim-
ple to transfer and imitate, like in case of product
characteristics or documented processes like account-
ing procedures and marketing strategies (Bloodgood
and Salisburny, 2001) (Raghu and Vinze, 2007). Be-
ing “practical knowledge that is key to getting things
done” (Vahedi and Irani, 2011, p.445) tacit knowl-
edge is difficult to capture, codify, communicate, and
retrieve. It can only be learned through experience
and by immersion. There are difficulties in expres-
sion and awareness of the existence of this kind of
knowledge by its possessor. This makes its manage-
ment very hard to almost impossible.
Some research has been done on knowledge ac-
quisition and transfer by focusing on communication
and networking technologies (Bloodgood and Sal-
isburny, 2001) (Raghu and Vinze, 2007). Implicit
organisational routines or generally accepted back-
ground understandings and competitive strategies are
some examples of this kind of knowledge. Parts
of this knowledge are called “experiential knowl-
edge” (Seethanraju and Marjanovic, 2009) and can
be shared, e.g., in processes of collaborative prob-
lem solving or when people experience the same. We
Collins English Dictionary, 1991, p. 860
can find further definitions in the literature according
to the following criteria (Kalpic and Bernus, 2006):
awareness of (explicit or tacit) knowledge (can a per-
son explain it or is he/she just able to show it), in-
ternalised or externalised knowledge (has an external
record been made, e.g., written text, drawings, mod-
els), formalised or not-formalised knowledge (is the
external representation of the knowledge in a consis-
tent and complete form). Figure 1 shows the categori-
sation of knowledge based on these criteria (Kalpic
and Bernus, 2006). An interesting interpretation leads
to the assumption that tacit knowledge can be trans-
formed into informal explicit knowledge (by con-
versation, sharing common experiences, or other ap-
proaches) and this may be converted into formal ex-
plicit knowledge (Kalpic and Bernus, 2006). The
question still remains whether the context in which
this can happen has an impact on this type of trans-
formation of implicit to explicit knowledge.
Figure 1: Knowledge categories by Kalpic and Bernus
So far we were mainly referring to individual knowl-
edge, also called content knowledge by Holsapple and
Joshi (2002). Being embodied in usable represen-
tations, which are mainly artefacts, content knowl-
edge can be preserved, transferred, and shared across
organisational boundaries (Tellio
glu, 2012). This
tickles other types of challenges in knowledge man-
agement, namely managing organisational or collec-
tive knowledge. This type of “schema knowledge”
(Seethanraju and Marjanovic, 2009), which can be de-
scribed in terms of knowledge embedded in the cul-
ture, infrastructure, purpose, and strategy of an organ-
isation (Kalpic and Bernus, 2006), is represented or
conveyed in the working of an organisation (Kalpic
and Bernus, 2006). Here again, artefacts play an im-
portant role for capturing and preserving it. In organi-
sational settings it is important to consider how to deal
with this type of knowledge. One way to approach
this is to apply knowledge life-cycles.
Knowledge has to flow by being acquired, shared,
or exchanged to generate new knowledge, otherwise
the existing knowledge ages and becomes useless.
Therefore, Nonaka and Takeuchi developed the life-
cycle of knowledge, which consists of the following
four phases (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) (Kalpic and
Bernus, 2006) (Vahedi and Irani, 2011) (Alavi et al.,
2010) (Figure 2):
Socialisation Tacit to Tacit Knowledge: This
is the process of transferring tacit knowledge from
one individual to another in communities of prac-
tice and interest. This can happen through ob-
servation or working together with someone more
skilled or knowledgeable.
Externalisation – Tacit to Explicit Knowledge:
The process of externalisation takes place if an
individual generates explicit knowledge from her
or his tacit knowledge. Examples are documen-
tation, verbalisation, or if new best practices are
chosen from informal work practices.
Internalisation Explicit to Tacit Knowledge:
Individual tacit knowledge can be created through
the internalisation of explicit knowledge by learn-
ing and training.
Combination Explicit to Explicit Knowl-
edge: Combination means the generation of
explicit knowledge through the combination of
existing explicit knowledge. This action sup-
ports problem-solving and decision-making, e.g.,
through the application of data mining techniques.
Figure 2: Knowledge life-cycle by Nonaka and Takeuchi
After recognising knowledge as an important eco-
nomic asset, business and scientific professionals
started to study how to deal with knowledge in com-
plex environments like organisations and in more
and more connected cooperative settings. Knowl-
edge management enables capture, store, exchange,
and retrieve valued information for all relevant stake-
holders and through this facilitate the base for in-
formed decisions. In management science, knowl-
edge management is defined as the active manage-
ment of knowledge in an organisation by using sys-
tematic processes. Human resource management de-
fines knowledge management as a necessary endeav-
our to transport knowledge from those who have it
to those who needs it. Besides increasing efficiency
and using multiple knowledge sources effectively to
create a competitive advantage, one of the most im-
portant requirements organisations have is to keep
knowledge in the organisation, no matter what hap-
pens, even if employees leave the company or coop-
erations are conducted with other – probably compet-
itive organisations. The organisational and techni-
cal environment must be setup in ways that allows
knowledge flow through all the different phases of its
life-cycle. Knowledge management must support that
goal (Vahedi and Irani, 2011).
For the management of knowledge many re-
searchers defined some elementary strategies, frame-
works, activities, and phases. Davenport and Prusa
identified four knowledge processes: knowledge gen-
eration (creation and acquisition), knowledge codi-
fication (storing), knowledge transfer (sharing), and
knowledge application (transitions between knowl-
edge types) (Kalpic and Bernus, 2006). Another ap-
proach defines knowledge sharing, knowledge utili-
sation, knowledge storage, and knowledge refinement
as the main activities for knowledge management
in organisations. Knowledge sharing means the ex-
change between individuals and groups, while knowl-
edge utilisation includes all activities of the applica-
tion of knowledge in business. Furthermore, knowl-
edge refinement is the filtering and optimising of the
knowledge, which is saved in the organisational mem-
ory at knowledge storage (Alavi et al., 2010).
Alavi and Marwick identified acquisition, index-
ing, filtering, classification, cataloging and integrat-
ing, distributing, and application respectively knowl-
edge usage as the major knowledge management ac-
tivities (Alavi and Marwick, 1997). Procure, or-
ganise, store, maintain, analyse, create, present, dis-
tribute, and apply are the more detailed activities for
knowledge management, which were presented by
Holsapple and Whinston (Holsapple and Whinston,
1987). Four essential knowledge manipulation activ-
ities, which were defined by Holsapple and Joshi are
acquiring, selecting, internalising, and using (Kalpic
and Bernus, 2006). A further approach is about
knowledge storage and retrieval, knowledge sharing
and knowledge synthesis as the phases essential for
knowledge management (Raghu and Vinze, 2007).
The “technology-push model of knowledge manage-
ment” was criticised by some researchers because
it underestimates the process of knowledge manage-
ment in organisations. Storing the organisational data
is not enough to maintain and guarantee knowledge
management in such an environment, especially when
it means that the right persons should get the data at
the right time (Vahedi and Irani, 2011). However,
emerging technologies and communication channels,
like messaging, texting, micro-blogging, or blogging,
offer new ways to deal with the distribution and cap-
turing of knowledge. They, at the same time, facilitate
an easier handling of tacit knowledge in organisations
(Vahedi and Irani, 2011).
Chan and Chao studied knowledge management
in practice in small and medium-sized organisations
(Chan and Chao, 2008). The most SMEs started
with knowledge management because of its success
in other organisations. The main goal was to increase
the profit, to reduce the costs by avoiding duplicated
work, and through this to gain competitive advan-
tage. Only 16% could encourage innovation by ap-
plying knowledge to existing resources. Examples of
reasons for failure in applying knowledge manage-
ment in SMEs are the resistance by the employees,
poor knowledge management systems, or the false as-
sumption that the IT department is able to transform
a knowledge management vision into a knowledge
management system including all activities and pro-
grams (Chan and Chao, 2008). The result of this study
is that there is still the need to continue the knowledge
management research in organisations to develop bet-
ter understanding, better methods, and so, more flex-
ible and suitable approaches to knowledge manage-
ment in such complex cooperative settings.
Kankanhalli et al. studied 20 successful com-
panies representing a variety of industrial contexts
(Kankanhalli et al., 2003). They classified the or-
ganisations along two dimensions: product-based ver-
sus service-based and high- versus low-volatility con-
text (p.69). Volatility refers to the change processes
in a company which is seen in a multidimensional
context including technological, regulatory, sociocul-
tural, and economic. If knowledge is time-sensitive
then the volatility is high, so knowledge must be up-
dated regularly and made available to all who needs it.
Besides deriving implications for practice, Kankan-
halli et al. tried to categorise these different four
types of organisational settings in relation to a knowl-
edge management approach (Kankanhalli et al., 2003,
p.73). The categories were codification versus per-
sonalisation levels in a low to high scale. This is
a purely industry classification without considering
knowledge management strategies and IT support in
detail. Though, it helps to systemise the knowledge
management arena in an organisation.
Calabrese and Orlando defined 12 steps to imple-
ment a knowledge management system to provide a
framework and methodology for the implementation
of a management system in organisations (Calabrese
and Orlando, 2006). The second step is about con-
ducting work-centred analysis followed by planning
actions on a higher level to communicate by the lead-
ership with senior management. It is done by the
leadership because it is strongly related “to the culti-
vation of business strategy through the driving of val-
ues for knowledge creation and sharing” (Smuts et al.,
2009, p.72). It is a crucial process because it values
the main elements of an organisation, like individual
ways of dealing with work, communication and co-
operation patterns established. A thorough contextual
inquiry is needed (Beyer and Holzblatt, 1998), espe-
cially from all relevant parts of the organisation. This
avoids overseeing certain work practices or ignoring
certain communities of practice. A special attention
must be given to gather data about and from people
who are the real workers, and not managers. Exper-
tise of real workers embed valuable information about
knowledge they have, and how they apply their tacit
knowledge at work. If this type of data can be cap-
tured consistently and in detail which is very diffi-
cult the most challenging part of knowledge acqui-
sition is done.
Smuts et al. (2009) wanted to proof the concept
of 12-step process by Calabrese and Orlando (2006).
They ended up in a framework and methodology for
the implementation of a knowledge management sys-
tem. The methodology procedure is composed on a
rather abstract level around five framework compo-
nents: strategising, evaluation, development, valida-
tion, and implementation. After studying their ap-
proach in a real company, they showed that each step
of the methodology maps at least to one of the steps
defined by Calabrese and Orlando (2006). Unfortu-
nately, the study was not large enough and not consid-
ering different types of organisations with their spe-
cific contexts, so they could not generalise the frame-
work and the methodology they created.
One of our own studies based online surveys in
this area delivers interesting results and helps under-
stand organisational context with respect to knowl-
edge management and sharing
. We wanted to find
out what the current understanding of social network
services (SNS) and their private and professional use
is. Besides some information about the person, the
company, the area of business, etc., the online survey
contained 31 questions on the popularity and avail-
ability of SNS for private and professional use, on
areas of application with the duration of use, moti-
The online survey was developed and used in the scope
of a master’s thesis (Klemen, 2012).
vation, features used, integration into the daily work,
and possible impacts on one’s own work processes.
After two months we had 282 answers that we could
use for evaluation and analysis. Some of the interest-
ing results are: Organisations use only certain SNS
and applications, like Skype, blogs, Windows Live
Spaces, RSS feeds. Skype, mainly its IP-based tele-
phony feature, is the most and longest used appli-
cation for communication. 68% mean that the col-
laboration with other organisations or partners is the
same with SNS as it was without using them, whereas
31% see an improvement in collaboration processes
when SNS are applied. Among the ones who found
that SNS improve the collaboration processes, 30%
found that SNS speed everything in business organ-
isation and work processes, and the coordination of
work becomes easier. 21% found that the distribu-
tion of work can be carried out faster and easier, and
additional 18% meant that there are other advantages
of the use of SNS in organisations. 41% perceived
that SNS ease the cooperation at all. 73% would
recommend the use of SNS in business processes to
their existing and new partners. 64% would use SNS
again in the future projects, 15% would not use them
any more. An interesting outcome of the survey is
that 66% of the SNS users want to separate their pri-
vate contacts and exchange with others from the ones
which are work-related, whereas 16% currently make
no difference between private and professional, but
can imagine to do that in the future, and 18% do not
see the need to separate them.
Previous sections showed that there is a correlation
between business processes and knowledge manage-
ment. We know that organisations host structured
predictable and unstructured situated processes at the
same time. The degree of structuredness of a pro-
cess is dependant on the knowledge available to carry
out the particular activities included in processes. If
unexpected contingencies arise in work practices re-
sponses must be given in an ad-hoc manner consider-
ing the circumstances in which the processes must be
carried out.
Based on the research, studies, and findings in sev-
eral ethnographic case studies in different companies
within an European research project called MAPPER
(Schmidt et al., 2009), we first want to show how or-
ganisations can be characterised depending on their
main activities, business focus, and organisation of
work. After analysing our findings in our studies, we
ended up in differentiating time-, product-, or service-
based organisations. These types help analyse the
organisational context and economic, environmental,
cultural circumstances in which the organisation has
to exist.
The differentiation between product- and service-
based organisations was also made by Kankanhalli et
al. (2003). They used this classification only to dif-
ferentiate between high and low volatility, and lev-
els of competition in industrial context. They did
not describe or analyse the processes within organisa-
tions. They aimed to understand the relation between
knowledge and volatility in different types of organi-
sations. We, on the other hand, try to define and anal-
yse processes, management, coordination and coop-
eration issues, success factors in such organisations,
by focusing on knowledge management processes to
provide support for organisations. In our studies we
identified that some organisations are mainly driven
by time and time-dependant duties or deliveries. So,
we add to the two categories the time-based organisa-
In time-based organisations deadlines and tempo-
ral conditions drive the activities. The end delivery
date is used to define the logical and temporal order
of activities in a specific project. The allocation of
human and non-human resources is done in line with
the time-based work plan created. For cases of unex-
pected contingencies, there must be a temporal space
for improvisations, which may also trigger changes in
business processes. Simultaneity and ad-hoc changes
in resource allocation are common in such environ-
ments. Decisions are mainly made distributed. Be-
sides for coordination of work meetings are used to
up-to-date the project progress and, in case of trou-
bles, to reallocate resources. Success is achieved
mainly if deadlines are met, and of course, only if the
expected results are delivered in expected quality.
In product-oriented organisations the product is
central. Its design, development, and maintenance
define the organisational and work-related structures.
All activities are arranged around the product in at-
tention. If it is a complex product, it is normally di-
vided into parts, which are assigned to different per-
sons, work groups, or even companies. Interfaces be-
tween parts must be defined which is normally a dy-
namic process. They can be changed, adapted, and
revised several times in the course of the production
process. Interdependencies between product parts de-
termine the coordination of work in the whole project.
On the one hand, the implementation of the inter-
faces agreed on, on the other, the timeliness in deliv-
ering the planned parts in planned quality and quan-
tity are main issues of coordination protocols. Project
managers deal with these interface definitions and de-
pendencies between the productions. They create a
plan which maps the product structure and assigns to
groups or individuals. Monitoring of the progress of
work on product parts, interventions in case of prob-
lems, and reallocation of resources, if necessary, de-
pending on the availability are common. Changes in
work processes or work assignment occur depend-
ing on personal, technical, commercial, complexity-
related, or strategic problems that may arise. Not only
to solve such problems, but also to bring different
groups together to exchange their work progress and
other issues relevant to all, regular meetings are es-
tablished. Configuration management tools or other
central common information spaces are used as co-
ordinative artefacts enabling standardisation of proto-
cols. Decisions are made centrally involving the re-
sponsible persons for the product parts letting them to
negotiate their open issues. Success is measured in
the quality of the product, in its integrity, complete-
ness, and unity.
If organisations are service-based, processes are
central in the entire business. Services are valuable
results of usually predefined, well structured, and in
most parts routine processes. Several groups are as-
signed to tasks. A workflow or likely system is used to
model the processes and to monitor them in real time.
It is the only coordinative construct by providing the
coordinative protocols. If there are deadlocks or prob-
lems in carrying out certain tasks in the workflow,
project managers intervene and reallocate resources
or reassign people to tasks. In a supply chain or
customer relationship, coordination of work goes fur-
ther to externals like customers, suppliers, distributed
teams from other locations, etc. The system used em-
bodies the coordination mechanism. It enforces peo-
ple to do certain things in a certain order. To skip or
postpone a task is almost not possible. Modifications
of workflow can be done in some cases, but normally
not in an ad-hoc manner. Improvisations are difficult
or impossible. In case of contingencies, the coopera-
tive work is coordinated directly by people involved,
which is not coupled to the system used. In routine
work, decisions are made centrally which may then
modify the workflow system. People carrying out the
work are not included in decision processes. Success
is measured in the workflow system. A project of this
kind is successful if work processes are carried out
according the workflow in an efficient way, so the ser-
vices are delivered at the right time to the right people.
Depending on the type of an organisation changes
are needed over time, not only in processes, peo-
ple, products or services, but also in requirements
to supporting elements of an organisation, like ICT,
work environments, conventions and norms, work and
coordination protocols, knowledge management pro-
cesses, etc. Organisations often do not know how to
deal with the volatility context they are in, and with
their knowledge and change management practices,
especially when changes initiated internally or exter-
nally occur technologically, regulatory, sociocultural,
or economic. Current practices need to be evaluated.
If there is a need for change, plans need to be made
to adapt the organisation on all related levels. Knowl-
edge plays here a crucial role. Experiences of past
activities and knowledge gathered so far help decide
what has to be done to improve or keep best practices
in organisations.
This sketches a complex process which changes
over time. We claim that a knowledge life-cycle can
help researchers and the organisations to understand
the multilayered impact factors in an organisation and
its dynamic elements (Figure 3):
1. The model starts with the identification of the or-
ganisation as a time-, product-, or service-based
one. This leads to a first definition of business pro-
cesses and related artefacts and coordination pro-
tocols. This is something which happens anyway,
sometimes intentionally sometimes implicitly by
just starting with work processes.
2. The next step is to find out and reflect on knowl-
edge generated in the organisation. What types
of individual knowledge is created and shared?
What are the characteristics of the content knowl-
edge related to products, services, or processes?
To which degree is the content knowledge explicit
or implicit, internal or externalised, formal or in-
3. After a certain period of time it is important to
capture the volatility factors in the organisation.
How can the organisations’ culture, infrastructure,
purpose, and strategy be described? What arte-
facts are used to manage this schema knowledge?
Is there enough information to analyse risks and
create possible contingency plans? Is a certain
change needed? If yes, where and to which de-
4. Knowing the change requirements and the current
organisational context, the organisation can start
to establish knowledge management processes.
Are there differences between parts of the organi-
sation with respect to knowledge management? If
there are, what can be the appropriate knowledge
management practice for each of them? What are
the socialisation, externalisation, internalisation,
and combination processes needed?
5. Now, it is time to reflect on all issues and pos-
sible answers gathered so far on organisational
level. How is the knowledge management cur-
rently provided in the organisation? Is knowl-
edge management efficient, accepted by individ-
uals, and successful? Is there a need to change
knowledge management processes? Are there
emerging reasons to modify knowledge manage-
ment practices in the organisation? What parts of
knowledge management (i.e., knowledge genera-
tion, codification, transfer, or application) do need
adaptations? What are the impacts of changes
planned on business processes? What are the con-
sequences of changes so far?
So then the circle continues with the step 2 described
above. Each time it is a little bit different, depending
on all the factors changing over time.
Organisation Knowledge
Figure 3: The spiral model for knowledge management in
To show the dependencies between the factors ques-
tioned above we now introduce the spiral model of
knowledge management in organisations (Figure 3).
The model illustrates a knowledge life-cycle which
is relating different types of organisations (time-,
product-, service-based) with knowledge, volatility,
and knowledge management. Business processes and
the structure of organisations are considered. Spe-
cial focus is given to specific individual and organisa-
tional knowledge created and shared within and out-
side organisational boundaries, impacts of different
volatility factors to knowledge, knowledge manage-
ment processes, as well as change processes triggered
by knowledge management practice in organisations.
In our spiral model, we see a pattern in organi-
sational life-cycle if it comes to knowledge manage-
ment. Depending on the organisational type (time-,
product-, or service-based) certain amount of knowl-
edge is created and exchanged. The type, quality, and
characteristics of knowledge used in an organisation
changes in the course of work processes, depending
on products or services it provides, circumstances un-
der which work processes are carried out, economic
and technical factors having impact on activities and
Another important factor which causes changes or
risk for organisations is the volatility factor. Volatility
has impact on the amount and lifetime of knowledge
managed in an organisation, which again is dependant
on the dynamics in product or service development,
or the temporal constraints given to a project. The
degree of volatility influences the ways how knowl-
edge is created and handed over between actors in-
volved. If the product is an innovative one with com-
ponents which are new or delivered by others like
suppliers, the volatility is assumed rather high. In
such settings, problems can occur, e.g., related to de-
livery time, quality, and compatibility of the com-
ponents of a product. On the other hand, there are
companies offering products of which production and
maintenance are predictable. An organisation with its
schema knowledge and the certain degree of volatility
for a representative period of time needs knowledge
management for codification (externalisation) or per-
sonalisation (internalisation) or combination of indi-
vidual and collective knowledge.
In this paper we showed how knowledge management
can be approached in an organisation considering the
business processes, structure, specific individual and
organisational knowledge created and shared within
and outside the organisational boundaries, impacts of
different volatility factors to knowledge, knowledge
management processes, change processes triggered
by knowledge management practice, etc. This is a
first step to approach knowledge management in or-
ganisations by being aware of the dynamic character
of knowledge management, especially in high volatil-
ity environments. We want to show that time plays
a crucial role in knowledge management practices,
that it is important to reflect on and adapt knowledge
management processes in an organisation regularly by
actively analysing the different types of knowledge
created, modified, and shared in an organisation as
well as cultural, infrastructural, social, and strategic
changes happening in an organisation.
This spiral model can be seen currently as an ap-
proach or a framework that presents factors to con-
sider if it comes to establishing best practice knowl-
edge management processes in organisations. We
know that organisations need more than just a frame-
work. They need tools utilising different steps of
the model as much as possible integrated in the daily
work processes. With a minimum effort they should
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