A New Metaheuristic for Float Management in Resource-constrained
Project Scheduling
A Bi-criteria Approach
Roni Levi
and Sándor Danka
Technion Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: Project Scheduling, Resource-constrained Project, Resource-constrained Float, Heuristic Algorithm, Project
Abstract: In this paper, we present a new unified theoretical model and the conception of the corresponding heuristic
algorithm to solve several "what if" like float management problems in resource-constrained project
scheduling. The traditional time-oriented resource-constrained project scheduling model for makespan
minimization gives an optimal starting time set therefore an activity movement, may be able to destroy the
resource-feasibility. The float management, as a stating base, needs a so-called forbidden-set oriented model
(a forbidden-set oriented heuristic), which gives an optimal resource conflict repairing relation set. After
inserting the additional predecessor-successor relations, in a optimal schedule every movable activity can be
moved without destroying the resource feasibility. In the other side, when we have a forbidden-set oriented
schedule, then according to the total free float, we have some freedom to redistribute the float among
activities to answer several "what if" like questions. For example, in the planning phase we can investigate
the consequences of a delay or a longer duration which may be caused by a notorious element of the
"critical" activity subset. The unified float management as a new tool was built into the forbidden-set
oriented Sounds of Silence (SoS) metaheuristic frame (Csébfalvi et al., 2008a). From theoretical point of
view, float management is invariant to the applied heuristic frame; therefore it can be built into any other
heuristic which is developed to solve forbidden-set oriented resource-constrained project scheduling
problem (RCPSP). The toolbox can be completed by any other new element (float measure), which can be
described as a linear programming (LP) or a simple mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem on
the set of the forbidden-set oriented (freely movable without resource-conflicts) solutions as a problem-
specific redistribution of the total free float of the project. The essence and viability of our unified approach
is illustrated by a set of examples.
Critical path has long been central to the analysis of
non-resource constrained projects. This issue
becomes more crucial when resource constraints are
introduced. Even in simple resource constrained
projects, alternative resource allocations are often
possible, resulting in a choice of schedules with
identical project durations, but different critical
sequences. An activity may be critical in one
schedule, but have considerable float (flexibility) in
another. In such situations an analysis of floats plays
an important and crucial role, making the
development of new float measures a central issue in
project scheduling.
The desirability of additional float measures has
been noted in reviews of project scheduling
literature conducted by and Ragsdale (1989). As part
of this endeavor, Weist (1967) proposed the "critical
sequence" as an extension of the critical path. This
concept was employed by Bowers (1995) in the
development of a set of heuristics for determining a
resource constrained float. Raz and Marshall (1996)
explored a definition of resource constrained float
involving the generation of two different schedules.
Bowers (2000) proposed a float definition for
multiple alternative resource constrained schedules.
In a previous study (Levi, 2004) we presented a
resource constrained total project float model to for
this problem, where the resource constrained total
Levi R. and Danka S..
A New Metaheuristic for Float Management in Resource-constrained Project Scheduling - A Bi-criteria Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004152702900293
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 290-293
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
project float measure (RCTPF) was defined as the
sum of the activity floats. In the proposed primary-
secondary criteria approach, we maximized the
RCTPF value on the set of makespan minimal
resource-constrained schedules.
Theoretically, the optimal schedule searching
process was formulated as a mixed integer linear
programming (MILP) problem, which can be solved
for small-scale projects in reasonable time. A
conflict repairing harmony search metaheuristic for
the proposed primary-secondary criteria approach
was presented by Csébfalvi et al. (2008b).
The RCTPF is in essence a flexibility measure
which is geared toward enhancing the schedule
robustness by maximizing the project total float. The
greater the RCTPF is, the better the solution (the
robustness) is.
In this paper, we argue that not only the
existence of float or its amount is important, but in
many cases the distribution of the total amount of
the float within the activities is even more
In the recent study, we introduce a model family
connected directly or indirectly to the RCTPF,
which can be a useful to cope with the several "what
if" like questions.
In the proposed bi-criteria approach, a resource-
feasible schedule is characterized by the project
makespan and the current value of the selected float
measure from the measure family. In the presented
bi-criteria approach it is characterized by its Pareto
front. We have to note, that there is a "natural"
conflict between these performance measures
(makespan - float) because the longer the "playfield"
the higher the chance that we are able to reach a
good float measure value and vice-versa.
The theoretical model will be shown is Section 2.
In Section 3 we summarise the most important
elements of the heuristic algorithm which is based
on the resource conflict repairing version of Sounds
of Silence (SoS) harmony search heuristic developed
by Csébfalvi et al. (2008b) and Csébfalvi and Láng
(2011). In Section 4 we present some motivating
examples. Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions from
this study.
The core element of the forbidden-set oriented
mathematical model which is able to handle float
management problems is very simple. It is a
straightforward modification of the conflict repairing
model developed by Alvarez-Valdés and Tamarit
(1993) omitting unnecessary elements, replacing the
starting time variable with an early (late) starting
variable for each real activity, and rewriting the
original network and the potential conflict repairing
relations according to the early (late) starting time
variables. The free float is defined as the amount of
time that an activity can slip without delaying the
start of its successors and while maintaining
resource feasibility. The resource constrained total
free float measure (RC-TFF) is defined as the sum of
the free floats of activities.
The developed resource-constrained float model
family consists of the following approaches:
Total free float (RC-TFF) maximization for a
given resource-feasible makespan (RC-MS).
Uniform free float redistribution (RC-UFF)
according to the given RC-MS and RC-TFF.
Maximization the cardinality of the floatable
(shiftable) activities (RC-CFF) for a given RC-MS.
Makespan minimization subject to the desired
activity floats (RC-PFF) for a given "critical"
activity subset.
Harmony Search (HS) algorithm was recently
developed by Lee and Geem (2005) in an analogy
with music improvisation process to obtain better
harmony. In the HS algorithm, the optimization
problem is specified as follows:
Max{ f(X) | { X | X
} } (1)
In the language of music, vector X is a melody,
which aesthetic value is represented by f(X). In the
band, the number of musicians is N, (X=[X
, X
, … ,
], and musician i, is responsible for sound X
. The
improvisation is driven by two parameters. (1)
Repertoire consideration rate (RCR): each musician
is choosing a sound from his/her repertoire with
probability RCR, or a totally random value with
probability (1-RCR). (2) Sound adjusting rate
(SAR): the sound, selected from his/her repertoire,
will be modified with probability SAR. The
algorithm starts with a totally random “repertoire
upload” phase, followed by improvisations. During
the improvisations, when a new melody is better
than the worst in the repertoire, it will be replaced by
the better one. The two most important parameters
of HS algorithm are the repertoire size and the
number of improvisations. The HS algorithm is an
“explicit” one, because it operates directly on the
sounds. In the case of RCPSP, we can only define an
“implicit” algorithm, and without introducing a
“conductor” we can not manage the problem
First, we show how the original problem can be
transformed into the world of music. Here, the
resource profiles form a “polyphonic melody”. So,
assuming that in every phrase only the “high
sounds” are audible, the transformed problem will
be the following: find the shortest “Sounds of
Silence” melody by improvisation! Naturally, the
“high sound” in music is analogous to the overload
in scheduling.
In the harmony searching process, the
improvisation is fundamentally driven by the “ideas
of the musicians”, but each of the possible decisions
is made by the conductor (hierarchy is hierarchy). At
the start of an improvisation step, the conductor
selects a “promising” melody from the repertoire or
leaves the musicians to improvise freely. In our
magic world, the task of the musicians is very
simple: they only have a slider to select (modify) a
value from interval [-1, 1]. A large positive
(negative) value means that the musician wants to
enter into the melody as early (late) as possible..
Naturally, the magic conductor is able to resolve the
possible conflicts between the fighting ideas and
define the final entering order for the musicians by
solving very simple linear programming problem
which gives a scheduling order. If, the new melody
“sounds good” (it is shorter than the longest “Sounds
of Silence” melody in the repertoire) than it will be
The forbidden set can be defined as a set of
activities that could be scheduled concurrently, and
if activities of the set scheduled in parallel, they
would violate the resource constraints. To resolve
the resource conflicts caused by minimal forbidden
sets, it needs to introduce explicit resource conflict
repairing relationships. It is important to note that
the introduction of an explicit conflict repairing
relation might resolve (correct) more than one
forbidden set implicitly.
In the traditional time-oriented model, according
to the explicit resource conflict handling an activity
shift might destroy the schedule. In the presented
model the resource feasibility is not affected by the
feasible activity moves, because of the implicit
resource conflict handling.
In the SoS algorithm, the conductor uses a
simple (but fast and effective) “thumb rule” to
decrease the time requirement of the forbidden set
In the forward-backward list scheduling process
the conductor (without explicit forbidden set
computation) inserts a precedence relation ij
between an already scheduled activity i and the
currently scheduled activity j whenever they are
connected without lag. The result will be schedule
without “visible” conflicts.
After that, the conductor (in exactly one step)
repairs all of the hidden (invisible) conflicts,
inserting always the “best” conflict repairing relation
for each forbidden set. In this context “best” means a
relation ij between two forbidden set members for
which the lag is maximal.
The result of the conflict repairing process will be a
resource-feasible solution set, in which every
movable activity can be shifted without affecting the
resource feasibility. It is well-known that the crucial
point of conflict repairing model is the forbidden set
computation. In the improved algorithm we
combined the "hidden conflict repairing step" with a
pre-processing step to decrease the time requirement
of the forbidden set computation and to speed up the
problem solving process. The essence of the pre-
processing step is very simple: In a cyclically
repairable process, we select the incompatible
activity pairs (triplets) which have exactly one
conflict repairing relation and insert the precedence
relations. The process is terminated when the
relation set will be empty (Csébfalvi and Szendrői,
In this section we show the answers for two "what
if" like questions for a very simple project with one
resource and eight real activities, to demonstrate its
usefulness. Figure 1 shows the makespan minimal
solution with "distributed" floats. Dark grey
background colour means critical activity, the lighter
grey means "freely movable" activity, and light grey
describes its "playfield". When we assume that our
uncertainty about the real duration of activity 3 is
large enough (it is a notorious one) then it would be
good to know, how we can schedule activity 3 more
safely in the price of a two periods longer project
makespan (in the makespan minimal solution,
activity 3 is critical, so from the project manager
point of view, the schedule is a terrible bad
nightmare). In Figure 2 we show the "conformist"
In each case, SoS reached the optimal solution
very quickly, using a repertoire consisting of only
ten melodies. The number improvisation cycles was
also ten (a cycle means repertoire size
improvisations). We run SoS, in each case, with
"frozen" golden numbers (tunable parameters).
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Figure 1: A makespan minimal solution.
0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1
18 19 20 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Figure 2: A "conformist" solution for activity 3.
In this paper, a new unified theoretical model and
the conception of the corresponding heuristic
algorithm were presented to solve "what if" like float
management problems in RCPSP. The unified float
management as a new tool was built into the SoS
metaheuristic frame. From theoretical point of view,
the float management is invariant to the applied
heuristic frame; therefore it can be built into any
other heuristic which is developed to solve
forbidden-set oriented RCPSP. The toolbox can be
complete by any new element (float measure), which
can be described as an LP on the set of the
forbidden-set oriented solutions as a problem-
specific redistribution of the total free float. The
essence and viability of our unified approach was
illustrated by simple motivating examples. The test
of the new float-oriented elements of SoS is under
progress using the J30 subset of PSPLIB (Kolisch
and Sprecher, 1996) varying the maximal allowed
makespan increase. The algorithm was programmed
in Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.5. To solve the
benchmark problems to optimality, as a MILP
solver, the callable version of Cplex 12.2 was used.
The benchmark results for J30 will be presented in a
forthcoming paper.
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