A Component-based Method for Stakeholder Analysis
Yu-Chun Pan, Yinshan Tang and Stephen Gulliver
Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6UD, U.K.
Keywords: Stakeholder Analysis, Component-oriented, Product Breakdown, Product-oriented.
Abstract: Stakeholders can facilitate or hinder an organisation’s performance significantly. The identification and
management of the stakeholder is one of the key business activities for organisations. Although stakeholder
identification is the first step of stakeholder analysis, there is little attention paid to the methodologies for
stakeholder identification. This paper uses a system view point and proposes a component-based method for
stakeholder identification and analysis, which focuses on the artefacts as linkage between different sub-
systems of an organisation. Stakeholders, identified through components, include the processors who
produce, use, communicate and control the component making process. The identified stakeholders can then
be mapped into a stakeholder relationship map according to the components that are being used to identify
the stakeholders. This method provides a novel approach to identify stakeholders through artefacts and
define stakeholder relationship, through the artefacts they are involved in. Hence, it provides a
comprehensive and better understanding of stakeholder management.
The term stakeholder refers to individuals or groups
that affect, or are affected by, the achievement of an
organisation’s goals. Stakeholder analysis is the
process of identifying all stakeholders and sorting
them in a desired fashion (Freeman, 2010).
Stakeholder analysis normally starts with
stakeholder identification which includes engaging
with domain experts, brainstorm self-selection,
engaging internal staff, analysing existing
documents, or using pre-defined stakeholder
checklist (Calvert, 1995); (Chevalier and Buckles,
2008). Most stakeholder identification approaches
rely significantly on the experience and
interpretation of the analysts.
Once stakeholder identification is completed,
stakeholders are then categorised. Some commonly
used categorising parameters include urgency,
legitimacy, power (Mitchell et al., 1997), levels of
directness of the influence (Liu, 2000), degrees of
interest and influence (De Lopez, 2001); (Eden and
Ackermann, 1998), internal or external forces, roles
of stakeholders (Freeman, 2010), responsibilities
(Kamal et al., 2011), position (Preston and Sapienza,
1990) and perceptions and concerns (Ockwell,
2008). Most stakeholder analysis methods define
stakeholders by their activities or their influence on
the unit system.
Whilst looking at the elements within an
organisation, there are activities, artefacts and
human beings involved. Whilst the majority of
stakeholder analysis methods focus on the activities
and human beings, there is little attention placed on
artefacts. Amongst the artefacts, materials, parts,
components and products are objects that are
modified and processed by activities. For artefacts to
move along the production pipe, every artefact
instance depends on a process normally involving
human beings. Hence, the relationship between
artefact instances can be used to reveal the
relationship between human beings.
This paper focuses on the linkage between
artefacts and proposes a component-based method
for stakeholder analysis. We define the relationship
between outputs and components, to develop a
system view of organisations. The component-based
product structure can then be utilised to identify the
stakeholders and examine stakeholder relationship.
2.1 System View of Organisations
The concept of ‘a system’ has been widely adopted
Pan Y., Tang Y. and Gulliver S..
A Component-based Method for Stakeholder Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004167302900293
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 290-293
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
across numerous fields to provide a logical way for
analysis and management. An organisation can be
seen as a system that has inputs, processes, and
outputs and also contains various parts integrated to
accomplish the shared goal (Senge, 1990). The
system view enables management to view the
organisation in flows, processes and relationships, to
achieve optimal results (Seddon, 2008). The flows,
processes and relationships in a system are usually
defined by the sequence of activities and tasks.
Hammer and Champy (1993) defined business
process as a collection of activities with a goal that
takes one or more types of input to create a valuable
output to the customer. Eriksson and Penker (2000)
argued that business process focuses on addressing
how work is performed rather than describing the
output of a process. This process/task-centric
approach does not necessarily consider the artefacts
processed and modified in the system.
Artefacts, however, can also be seen as the
linkages in a system, as artefacts within a system can
normally be defined at the input and output of the
sub-systems inside the system. The sub-systems pass
artefacts from one sub-system to another; with the
output of one sub-system acting as the input of its
succeeding sub-system. By focusing on the input
and outputs between sub-systems, a more artefact-
centric perspective for examining organisations
emerges. In order to understand organisations from
an artefact-centric perspective, it is necessary to
define artefacts within an organisation, as well as the
relationships between those artefacts.
2.2 Outputs and Components
The output of a system is the desired artefact of the
system’s customer. The outputs include both the
products of routine works and those from projects.
An organisation, as a system that has input and
output, could have various sub-systems that perform
part of the sum of tasks required for the production
process. Materials and parts are therefore modified
and passed from one sub-system to another, which
ultimately defines the total supply chain of the
organisation. By viewing the supply chain of a
product as an analysis unit, an organisation can be
conceptually structured into segments based on the
parts that each supply chain produces. The output
requires various parts and components to be
processed and modified, along the chain. Outputs
must therefore be broken down into components.
Each component is formed by sub-components,
which can also be seen as components on a smaller
scale. The term ‘component’ refers to any type of
raw materials (or services) or parts that are required
in order to deliver a output that is desired by the end
customer of a system. The breakdown of the output
into components should reflect the interaction of
suppliers in the supply chain, and should stop at the
level where the component is still meaningful to the
There is an interdependent relationship between
the output and its components. Components are
needed to produce an output and the component
would not be produced if there were no demand for
it. A component, however, can be used within the
production of more than one output. The more
outputs a component contributes to, the less
dependent a component is on a specific output. On
the other hand, the completion of an output depends
on the availability of its components. When a
component becomes unavailable, potentially the
production of the product would also have to stop,
unless an alternative equivalent component could be
found. The alternative component might already
exist in the system supply chain, yet it is possible
that this will have to be sought from a supplier
currently outside the system. If there is no
alternative for a specific component, then output
production is highly dependent on supplier securing
future component production.
2.3 Stakeholders and Components
A component is made-up of its sub-components,
which in turn requires processors to transform those
sub-components into the component. The activities
within an organisation can be classified into
substantive activities, communication activities and
control activities (Liu, 2000). All activities are
processed, or are managed, by human beings. Hence,
there are people who conduct substantive,
communication and control activities for each
component. Substantive actionees are those who
make the component and supply it to another sub-
system; control actionees control the production
activities; and communication actionees
communicate on behalf of the component with
related sub-systems during the production process.
Apart from those people, there are a group of people
who benefit from the component, and they are the
beneficiaries. Beneficiaries include those who
benefit economically from the component and those
who receive the component.
Due to the direct linkage between a component
and its stakeholders, the stakeholders of the output
are naturally identified. Hence, an output to
components structure diagram inevitably reveals the
stakeholder relationship of a given set of outputs and
3.1 Defining Unit System
The first step of component-based stakeholder
analysis is to define the unit system. Defining the
unit system helps us to scope the analysis. A unit
system is the focal centre for the stakeholder
analysis; it may relate to specific product, part of an
organisation, the whole organisation, or even a
whole industry; depending on the purpose of the
stakeholder analysis.
3.2 Identifying Outputs of Unit System
Once the unit system is defined, the analyst needs to
identify the outputs, i.e. those produced by the unit
system for its customers. The outputs can be either
tangible goods or intangible services.
3.3 Component-based Structure
Component-based output structure de-
compartmentalises the output into components. Each
component can contain rich information about the
component in terms of processors, related outputs,
location etc. This rich information, at the component
level, can then be used to provide analysis
concerning each component part and/or the output as
a whole. The output de-compartmentalisation
process should stop at the level where the
component is still meaningful and useable to the unit
system. Tangible goods can easily be broken down
into components, since the materials and parts can
be physically identified. However, the component-
based product structure of intangible services might
be less straightforward. It might be a piece of
information, a service that contributes to the service
or tangible goods offered as part of the service.
For instance, a department at a university plans
to offer a new degree programme, MSc International
Management. The new degree programme as an
output contains components including degree
modules, supervision, programme support, lecture
rooms, academic staff, administration staff, and
students. A newly designed degree is an intangible
output, but it contains both tangible and intangible
3.4 Component Description
Once the component-based output structure is
produced, a component description is needed to
identify the stakeholder and the link between outputs
and components. A component description should
contain information including component name,
unique identifier, sub-components, substantive
actionees, communication actionees, control
actionees, beneficiaries and contributed outputs.
More columns, such as date of production and
location of component, can be added as needed
depending on the nature of the component. The
component description provides essential
information based on the component, and therefore
enables component-based stakeholder identification,
analysis and component planning.
Table 1: Component description example.
Component description
Component name Strategic Management
Unique identifier MMM0002346
Lectures, Text books, Exams,
Substantive actionees Module convenor
Programme administrator
Control actionees
Board of study, Head of school,
Programme director
Beneficiaries Students, University, Department
Contributes to
MSc International Management,
MSc Marketing and International
Table 1 is an example component description for
the module, strategic management, as a component
of the new MSc degree programme. The component
description shows all the stakeholders and
component related information.
3.5 Identifying Stakeholders
Stakeholder information is included within the
component description, i.e. substantive actionees,
communication actionees, control actionees and
beneficiaries. Analysis can therefore identify all of
the stakeholders, and production processes, through
the component description and relationship between
components. In the example component description
shown in Table 1, the stakeholders identified
through the module would be module convenor,
programme administrator, board of study, head of
school, programme director and students.
3.6 Mapping Stakeholder Relationship
Based on the information in the component-based
output structure and component description, the
analyst can reveal the relationship between
components and outputs and between components.
Since all of the stakeholders, three types of
processors, are linked to components, the
component-based output structure naturally shows
the relationship between all of the stakeholders;
identified through components.
The majority of stakeholder analysis methods use
processes or activities as the bases for modelling and
analysis. We define stakeholder analysis by
considering the relationship between output and
components. The component-based output structure
and component description provides an alternative
approach for stakeholder analysis. Component-based
stakeholder analysis approach provides a systematic
foundation to stakeholder analysis, due to the
dependent relationship between components and
outputs. Component-based stakeholder analysis
provides a stakeholder relationship map revealing
the interdependency between the unit system and
stakeholders, allowing the organisation to better
manage their stakeholder relationships.
The component-based approach can apply to
both tangible and intangible products. Moreover, the
component-based product structure can be used to
simulate the supply chain of each product. Using the
information stored in each component, an
organisation can keep track of all stakeholders
and/or processes involved in the production and
planning of each specific instance of a product. If a
problem occurs with a component, or sub-
component, then the producer knows instantly which
stakeholders or processes are affected, and
potentially which end product customers will be
affected; supporting future improvements in the
supply chain, and appropriate risk assessment
concerning product recall. Furthermore, component
may be used as a modelling base in enterprise
resource planning system to gain overall control of
products across all departments, as it can provide an
alternative management perspective to conventional
process-based modelling. Practices and information
may also be shared on the basis of component
instead of the basis of functional processes.
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