Fair Comparison of Population-based Heuristic Approaches
The Evils of Competitive Testing
Anikó Csébfalvi and György Csébfalvi
University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: Heuristic Algorithm, Population-based Metaheuristic Algorithm, Statistical Test, Nonparametric Test,
Statistical Comparison, Sampling Theorem, Sample Design and Analysis Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Abstract: 17 years ago, Hooker (1995) presented a pioneering work with the following title: "Testing Heuristics: We
Have It All Wrong". If we ask the question now: "Do we have it all wrong?" the answer will be undoubtedly
yes. The problem of the fair comparison remained essentially the same in the heuristic community. When
we use stochastic methods in the optimization (namely heuristics or metaheuristics with several tunable
parameters and starting seeds) then the usual presentation practice: "one problem - one result" is extremely
far from the fair comparison. From statistical point of view, the minimal requirement is a so-called "small-
sample" which is a set of results generated by independent runs and an appropriate "small-sample-test"
according to the theory of the experimental design and evaluation and the protocol used for example, in the
drug development processes. The viability and efficiency of the proposed statistically correct "bias-free"
nonparametric methodology is demonstrated using a well-known nonlinear structural optimization example
on the set of state-of-the-art heuristics. In the motivating example we used the presented solutions as a
small-sample generated by a "hyperheuristic" and we test its quality against ANGEL, where the
"supernatural" hybrid metaheuristic ANGEL combines ant colony optimization (AN), genetic algorithm
(GE) and a gradient-based local search (L) strategy. ANGEL is an "essence of the different but at the same
time similar heuristic approaches". The extremely simple and practically tuning-free ANGEL presents a
number of interesting aspects such as extremely good adaptability and the ability to cope with totally
different large real applications from the highly nonlinear structural optimization to the long-term
optimization of the geothermal energy utilization.
The problem of fair comparison, as a fundamental
requirement of the evaluation of the real progress is
a general problem of the heuristic community
(Hooker, 1995).
When we use stochastic algorithms, the usual
presentation practice: "one problem - one result",
which is probable the first (most promising) element
of a larger ordered list, is extremely far from the fair
comparison. From statistical point of view, the
minimal requirement is a so-called small-sample
which is a set of results generated by 10-30
independent runs and an appropriate small-sample-
test according to the theory of the experimental
design and evaluation and the protocol used for
example, in the drug development processes. We
have to mention it, that even the usual mean or
standard deviation parameter may be misleading or
wrong when the distribution function is far from the
"normality". When the sample size is small, then the
nonparametric version of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test (NKST) or any other appropriate nonparametric
test may be the correct solution of the fair
comparison problem (Csébfalvi, 2012).
The measuring of computational efficiency is
generally a more complicated task. In this case, we
have to define an appropriate "timeless" measure,
which is invariant to progress of the optimization
methodology and computational technology and able
to characterize efficiency of a given approach as a
whole. From this point of view the solution time is
one of the worst from such measures, because (1) we
have to replace the real running times with
hypothetical but comparable times, and (2) we have
to eliminate the effect of "polished code - readable
code" like conflicts somehow to sure the fair and
bias-free comparison. In our opinion is simple: we
have to replace the solution time with a measure
Csébfalvi A. and Csébfalvi G..
Fair Comparison of Population-based Heuristic Approaches - The Evils of Competitive Testing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004168403060309
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 306-309
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which is invariant to the environmental factors and
problem types and able to characterize the
computational efforts of the problem solving process
as a whole. A good and generally usable measure
may be the sum of times each variable has obtained
a value (the total number of variable settings)
divided by the number of variables. Naturally, we
have to assume, that the total number of variable
settings contains the number of settings of the
parameter-setting or fine-tuning phase also. We
note, when the approach has several not necessarily
independent parameters, than the preliminary fine-
tuning may be more complicated than the real
problem solving process. This phase may mean, for
example, a complete "experimental design and
analysis" like time-consuming step in the problem
solving process.
In this paper we present a theoretically correct
comparison methodology, which can be used to
compare two or more stochastic algorithms, or to
evaluate the efficiency of a potential improvement
for a given algorithm. The statistical analysis is a
very important element of the evaluation of the real
progress. In the heuristic community, the "fashion
change" not necessarily means real improvement,
and the "improved", "enhanced", "hybridized", etc.
versions not necessarily give better results than the
original algorithms. The development sometimes is
driven by a specific problem set, on which the
original algorithm is unable to produce the
"expected better results" comparing with the
NKST for two samples obtained by running two
competitive heuristics independently several times
(10-30) the following:
 
that is, the two samples are from populations with
the same distribution function.
We illustrate the essence of the methodological
problems connected to the fair comparison by a
popular structural optimization problem. In this
nonlinear ten-bar truss (T10) weight minimization
problem the design-variables are element cross-
section areas and implicit functions define the
response-variables, namely, the nodal displacements
and the element stresses for the given load case (see
Figure 1).
In the last decades, according to the challenging
but sometimes frustrating nature of this problem and
the progress of the optimization methodology and
computational technology, it was investigated by
several authors to demonstrate that their algorithm
seems to be the best to date (it is robust, effective,
and efficient).
The optimal solution of the problem is unknown
but it is well-known that it has several more or less
similar local optima according to the "hills and
dales" like nature of the design space. In Table 1 we
present the most important results obtained by using
totally different methodological approaches.
The detailed investigation of the results can be
found in Csébfalvi (2012). In this paper we only
want to point out that the results are practically
invariant to the year of publication which means that
we have to evaluate the real progress very carefully.
In other words, we can reach the area of alternative
optima using different solution searching strategies
and without knowledge about the real computational
efficiency we cannot discriminate among the
presented approaches.
360 in
360 in
100 kips 100 kips
351 2
360 in
Figure 1: The benchmark-example.
In this motivating example we assume that the
presented twenty solutions is a small-sample which
is generated by a "hyperheuristic" and we test its
quality against ANGEL developed by Csébfalvi
(2007, 2011) for engineering optimization. The
"supernatural" hybrid metaheuristic ANGEL
combines ant colony optimization (AN), genetic
algorithm (GE) and a gradient-based local search (L)
strategy. We have to note, that according to the
current terminology "hyperheuristic" means a
metaheuristic set with a problem-specific selection
The extremely simple and practically tuning-free
ANGEL presents a number of interesting aspects
such as extremely good adaptability and the ability
to cope with totally different large scale real
applications from the highly nonlinear structural
optimization to the long-term optimization of the
geothermal energy utilization (Csébfalvi and
Schreiner, 2011).
Table 1: The most important results for T10.
Year Authors Weight (lb)
1969 Venkayya-Khot-Reddy 5084.90
1971 Gellatly-Berke 5112.00
1974 Schimit-Farshi 5089.00
1976 Rizzi 5076.66
1976 Schimit-Miura 5076.85
1976 Dobbs-Nelson 5080.00
1976 Schimit-Miura 5107.30
1979 Haug-Arora 5061.60
1979 Khan-Wilmert-Thornton 5066.98
1985 Haftka 5060.80
1991 Adeli-Kamal 5052.00
1992 Galante 4987.00
1994 Memari-Fuladgar 4981.10
1997 Ghasemi-Hinton-Wood 5095.65
1999 Lemonge 5060.92
2004 Lee-Geem 5057.88
2004 Lemonge-Barbosa 5069.09
2007 Li-Huang-Liu-Wu 5060.92
2009 Kaveh-Talatahari 5056.56
2009 Koohestani-Azad 5060.90
ANGEL has only three "tunable" parameters
{P,G,I}, where P is the size of the population, G is
the number of generations, I is the maximal number
of local search iterations. Naturally, the maximal
number of local search iterations means only a
possibility, the procedure terminates when it reaches
a size limit or a local minimum. The gradient-based
L, try to make a better (lighter) feasible or a less
unfeasible design from the current design obtained
by AN or GE. The result of L will be the "locally
best mutation".
The ANGEL sample was generated by 20
independent runs according to the number of results
given by the state-of-the-art methods to date. In the
investigation, the relative percent constraint
tolerance was 0.001 %. We have to note, that we
applied the original highly nonlinear "potential
energy minimization model" without simplifications.
In procedure L exact analytical derivatives were
In Table 2 we show an ordered ANGEL sample
of 20 generated by the following settings:
{P,G,I} = {100, 10, 10} (2)
Table 2: A random ordered sample of 20 for T10.
index Weight (lb) index Weight (lb)
1 5063.27 11 5070.08
2 5064.80 12 5072.46
3 5065.72 13 5072.79
4 5066.11 13 5073.08
5 5067.14 15 5073.72
6 5067.70 16 5073.86
7 5068.33 17 5074.14
8 5068.52 18 5075.08
9 5068.69 19 5076.08
10 5069.71 20 5076.26
NKST (we reject the null-hypothesis) and the
results of Table 2 and Figure 3 reveal that ANGEL
is robust and able to produce good quality solutions
within reasonable time without problem-specific
preliminary investigation (fine-tuning). According to
our computational experiences the range is one of
the best measures of the robustness:
5076.26 - 5069.71 = 6.55 (3)
W = [ 5063.269 , 5076.264 ]
1 100
Figure 2: ANGEL searching history.
In this paper we presented a statistically correct
methodology for to compare the efficiency of
population-based heuristic approaches developed to
generate good quality solutions within reasonable
time for different optimization problems.
When we use stochastic methods to solve
optimization problems, then the usual presentation
practice: "one problem - one result" is extremely far
from the fair comparison. From statistical point of
view, the minimal requirement is the presentation of
a small-sample generated by independent runs. The
fair competitive testing needs an appropriate
nonparametric test according to the theory of the
experimental design and evaluation.
The viability and efficiency of the proposed
statistically correct methodology is demonstrated
using the well-known nonlinear ten-bar truss
optimization example on a set of approaches
developed in the last decades. In this motivating
example, we assumed that the presented solutions
form a small-sample generated by a "hyperheuristic"
and we tested its quality against a "supernatural"
hybrid metaheuristic ANGEL which combines ant
colony optimization (AN), genetic algorithm (GE)
and a gradient-based local search (L) strategy.
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