Knowledge Transfer in Practice
A Socio-technical System for the Transition in Outsourcing
Malika Grim-Yefsah
and Jérôme Diaz
LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine University, Paris, France
INSERM, Paris, France
Former trainee at INSERM, Paris, France
Keywords: Explicit Knowledge, Tacit Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Transfer, Outsourced
Information System Development, Social-technical System, Transition.
Abstract: This paper argues that knowledge transfer is a key of success of an outsourced Information System
Development. In this study we investigated the role of a Socio-Technical System for managing different
types of knowledge in the transition stage of an outsourced information system development (OISD). In the
transition stage the outgoing service provider transfers the project to an incoming one. Transferring the
project means transferring not only materials (documents and code) but also knowledge. The socio-technical
system permitted us to provide good practices for the transition stage and a tool built from scratch, one that
would have the required flexibility and still be user friendly. We discuss observed effects and limitations of
our Socio-Technical System.
The aim of this paper is to develop a socio-technical
system for managing different types of knowledge in
the transition stage of an outsourced information
system development (ISD). During this transition
stage, the outgoing service provider transfers the
project to an incoming service provider. A
considerable number of organizations had negative
experiences with this transition stage. We focus on
this transition stage due to its significance for
outsourcing success, its complexity, and its limited
current understanding. We investigated what is the
impact of knowledge transfer processes on this
transition stage and, in turn, on outsourcing
performance? Transferring the project means
transferring not only materials (documents and code)
but also knowledge. Many scholars showed the
existence of two dimensions of knowledge which
consist of tacit and explicit knowledge. The explicit
knowledge is relatively easy to codify, share and to
transfer. But the tacit knowledge is abstract and can
be communicated only through oral exchange.
Generally speaking, managerial and business
process, expertise, routines are more tacit than
product development, production, and technology.
The literature shows that knowledge
management, specifically knowledge transfer, is a
key of success of the outsourced project. We
distinguished in the Knowledge Management
literature two main approaches: (1) a technological
approach and (2) a managerial and sociological
approach. Second approach proposed a socio-
technical system which permitted to manage explicit
and tacit knowledge. We extend the socio-technical
system to permit us to provide good practices for the
transition stage and a tool built from scratch, one
that would have the required flexibility and still be
user friendly.
Our case study concerns the CIO of a French
Public Scientific and Technological Institutions
(PSTI). Since ten-year, French Public Scientific and
Technological Institutions focus on their primary
business, that is to say research, and outsource their
support services like e.g. Human Resources,
Finances, or Information System (IS). The CIO’s
job, partly consisting in the conception and the
implementation of new applications. But, now the
information system development is outsourced. The
outsourced ISD implicates three participants: two
internal participants who are the CIO and the
business direction concerned by the IS, and an
external participant who is software and computing
Services Company also called service provider. This
Grim-Yefsah M. and Diaz J..
Knowledge Transfer in Practice - A Socio-technical System for the Transition in Outsourcing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004170002230228
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 223-228
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
provider is chosen at the end of an invitation to
tender. In PSTI, government contract rules
concerning outsourcing impose a (re-)call for
tenders on a contract at least each three years. Then
each invitation to tender can lead to change the
service provider during the project. This change
necessitates performing a transition stage, during
which the outgoing provider transfers
documentations, applications, codes and knowledge
necessary to the project performance to the
incoming service provider. The paper is structured
as follows. The next section (Section 2) presents the
transition phase of an outsourced ISD. In Section 3,
we put down background theory; we introduce a
technological, managerial, and socio-technical
Knowledge Management approach within
organizations, we discuss knowledge transfer
according to the literature and we sketch out the
architecture of an enterprise’s information and
knowledge system (EIKS). In section 4, we present
our experimentation and case study. We discuss our
finding in section 5 and present conclusions.
(Loh and Venkatraman 1992) defined IT
outsourcing like this: “IT outsourcing refers to
contracting certain (or all) activities related to an IT
function, such as software development, testing and
maintenance etc., to an external vendor”. An IT
outsourcing relationship can be broadly divided into
six stages: Initiation, Vendor Selection, Contract
Negotiation, Transition, Service Delivery and
Termination (Contract Renewal/Change
Vendors/Internalisation) (adapted from Lacity and
Willcocks 2000). We distinguished tree types of
transition (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Transition cases and outsourced ISD.
The transition stage is defined as a stage with a
limited duration in which knowledge, experiences
and routines related to the outsourced activities are
transferred from client to vendor (case1). The
knowledge, experiences and routines transferred
serve as the foundation for delivering services
throughout the contractual duration. Sometimes, in
the termination stage client decides to change
providers. Experiences and routines are then
transferred from outgoing vendor to incoming
vendor (case 2). If the contract is over but not the IS
Development then a re-call for tenders is processed.
If the re-call for tenders leads to the choice of a
service provider different from the outgoing one
then the outsourced ISD has to be transferred from
the outgoing team provider to the incoming
provider. If this re-calls for tenders’ leads to the
choice of the same service provider then
protagonists of the project are usually unchanged;
the project goes on without transition phase; it’s
Contract Renewal. The third case of transition
(case3) is when the client decided to internalize the
outsourced information system development, in the
termination stage. The process of bringing IT
operations back in-house after they have been
outsourced as the outsourcing contract expires or is
terminated is termed ‘Back-sourcing’ or
‘Insourcing’. Although this may be a temporary
trend in some organizations, there is limited
understanding of the future effects of such a move
and the extent to which a back-sourcing strategy will
positively or negatively influence a firm’s
innovative capability (Beardsell, 2010).
We focus on the transition stage for two reasons:
First, industry sources claim that two-thirds of all
failed outsourcing relationships can be traced back
to transition (CIO, 2007), suggesting that it has a
strong influence on the success of an outsourcing
relationship. Second, despite being a critical stage in
an outsourcing relationship, the current
understanding of transition is poor due to the limited
academic attention it has received (Schott 2011);
(Al-Salti et al., 2010).
Knowledge Transfer during outsourcing have been
found to have a significant impact on relationship
success (Dibbern et al., 2008); (Lacity and Rottman,
2008); (Hirschheim et al., 2009). Before considering
knowledge transfer, let’s recall some classical and
fundamental notions concerning knowledge.
Knowledge is defined as being justied true
belief (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). We agree with
the vision considering that knowledge is not an
object (details in (Grundstein, 2009)). Knowledge is
often distinguished between tacit (or implicit)
knowledge and explicit one (Polanyi, 1967). Explicit
knowledge can be codied (e.g. writing or drawing)
and articulated since it can be expressed formally
and systematically. Tacit knowledge corresponds to
no explicitable knowledge like e.g. skills, senses,
intuition, physical experiences, “job secrets”,
environmental knowledge concerning clients or
technologies. We can differentiate two kinds of tacit
knowledge: the individual and the collective one
(Nonaka, 1994). The collective knowledge is created
and possessed collectively by a group composed of
more than one individual. Note that group tacit
knowledge is more than the aggregation of each
member’s individual tacit knowledge (see (Erden,
von Krogh and Nonaka, 2008) for details).
Let’s now consider the notion of knowledge
transfer. Knowledge transfer is the process by which
one unit of an organization, such as a group or
department, is affected by the experience of another
(Argote and Ingram, 2000). Knowledge transfer
leads to an increase of shared knowledge that, in
turn, may affect performance of receiver. Penrose
(1959, p. 76) formulates that “... it is likely that
increases in knowledge can always increase the
range or amount of services available from any
resource.” Moreover, tacit knowledge plays an
important role in explicit knowledge transfer
because tacit knowledge is necessary to the
understanding of explicit knowledge (Polanyi, 1975)
(Alavi and Leidner, 2001). (Davenport and Prusak,
1998) proposed this definition:
Transfer = Transmission + Absorption (and Use).
Please, note here the important distinction between
transmission and transfer. This equation indicates
that transmitting knowledge by sending or
presenting explicit knowledge is not sufficient for
transferring it. A knowledge that is not absorbed
(Cohen and Levinthal, 1990) by its receiver is not
transferred. Davenport and Prusak (1998) also
emphasize on the difference between “knowing” and
“doing”: knowledge is really absorbed when it can
be put into practice. This justifies the “Use” part of
the expression.
Knowledge can be acquired not only through
structured media, such as documents, but also
through informal and/or formal interpersonal
(Davenport and Prusak, 1998).
Introducing the notion of Ba, Nonaka and Konno
(1998) indicated that: Physical, face-to-face
experiences are the key to conversion and transfer of
tacit knowledge (Nonaka and Konno, 1998).
Another concept, we introduce is Knowledge
management (KM). KM is all practices of an
organization to create, store, use and share
knowledge (Probst et al., 1998). Knowledge
Management includes a managerial and
sociotechnical approach which considers knowledge
as a resource participating in companies'
performance (Grundstein, 2005). The managerial
and sociotechnical approach takes into consideration
the variety of the situations. It places the constraints
of the social system and the specificities of the
actors at the heart of its analysis. It is centred on the
processes but it does not center them on
technological solutions conceivable a priori.
Furthermore IT is an indispensable enabler of KM.
The managerial and sociotechnical approach is
articulated around two purposes:
1) Patrimony purpose aims at knowledge
conservation, for its perpetuating and its transfer. It
aims also at uncovering tacit knowledge to
perpetuate it.
2) Sustainable innovation purpose is
complementary to patrimony purpose. It is about
encouraging individual knowledge creation, without
neglecting its appropriation by the organization.
Based on this approach, (Rosenthal-Sabroux and
Grundstein, 2009) proposed the enterprise’s
information and knowledge system (EIKS) which
consists mainly in a set of individuals and digital
information systems (Figure 2) as context of KM.
EIKS rests on a socio-technical context, which
consists of individuals in interaction among them,
with machines.
Figure 2: Enterprise’s information and knowledge system
Larry Prusak (O’Dell and Hubert 2011) describes
some of the main principles focused on knowledge
management at the beginning days (p. xi): 1)
Knowledge is a fixed pool, a collection of resources
that can be measured and used by standard
management techniques; 2) Technology is the key
tool to unlock the value of this resource – more
technology, the better; and 3) Individuals are the
critical unit of analysis in working with knowledge –
the more productive the individual is the more
knowledge is being used.
We recall here that the transition phase mainly
consists in transferring the outsourced project from
the outgoing provider to the incoming provider. One
has to note that in the case of an outsourced IS
development project in project management mode,
the service provider “possesses” most of the
knowledge necessary to the project. In a transition
phase, the IS department does not want to absorb the
knowledge. Its main goal is to manage the project
transfer from the outgoing service provider to the
incoming one. Thus, even if the IS department
possesses a part of the knowledge necessary to the
project and participates to -and even more manages-
the transfer.
In the PSTI we are in contact with, the transition
process has to satisfy an important constraint: it has
to be performed in twenty (or less) working days. It
respects a pre-defined business process during which
- the outgoing provider transmits documentations,
applications, codes to the incoming team, and
- the outgoing provider and the ingoing team -and
more particularly the ingoing service provider- share
This transition process consists in six activities: the
initialization activity which marks the official start
of the transition phase; the Third Party Maintenance
ending where an inventory of internal and external
documents and codes is performed; the edition and
validation of the transfer plan; the “knowledge
transfer” essentially consisting in transmitting
documentations, applications and codes from the
outgoing team to the incoming one; the maintenance
in cooperation during which outgoing and incoming
service providers assume together a maintenance of
the application, and the responsibilities transfer,
which marks the official departure of the outgoing
provider. The fifth Activity (the maintenance in
cooperation) is optional according to the procedure.
In practice, this activity is often skipped for cost or
time saving reasons.
We distinguished two types of knowledge in the
Information System of our case study: Tacit (human
mind, routines, experiences, organization), Explicit
(document, computer). An Information System is
defined as a set of resources used for transferring
information within a company. These resources are
composed of human beings, hardware, software and
even procedures. A “IS Department” is often created
to manage the hardware and software part. For the
IS Department it is very important to keep a
mapping of all hardware and software elements it
manage, and furthermore of all links between those
elements. It is also essential to know who the person
in charge is for such or such element of the IS.
Without this detailed mapping it would be difficult,
maybe impossible, to predict all the impacts that
would cause inserting, removing or updating a part
of the IS on the whole. We argues that only storing
the IS mapping as a data set would be quite
meaningless. Indeed, according to information
theory (Aamodt and Nygard 1995) data don’t have a
signification by themselves; they need to be
interpreted to become information. As a result we
wouldn't be able to extract anything from those data
without knowing the context in which they have
been inserted, which would require reading more
data. In a traditional software environment, the
interpretation is in the source code itself. But we had
chosen a flexible approach, one where the modelled
domain could be changed without requiring a
software update.
Based on EIKS, we decided to try to build our
own tool from scratch, one that would have the
required flexibility and still be user friendly: - The
Digital Information Systems (DIS) is conceived like
this: To conceive the database we thought about
reflexivity. We were willing to create a system
capable of managing both concepts and instances of
those concepts, so why wouldn’t the system be
capable of
describing itself? We started to create a
UML class diagram representing the concept of
concept. We continued by designing a database to
store this information. Then we thought about how
to link a model of a concept to database tables.
Finally we thought about how to link a concept
model to database tables. In the end we obtained a
database with tables in which to store information
about concepts and about the tables used to store
instances to those concepts. Unique keys called
Object ID identify each concepts and instances. As a
matter of fact we consider that a concept is an
instance of concept ant that each instance can
become a concept. This was also made to increase
the flexibility of our system. The User Interface was
mostly done using Javascript technologies. Using
AJAX not only allow to reduce stress load on the
server, but also to create a more complex interface
where the user can navigate from a starting element
and follow relationships without needing a full
reload of the web page. DOT Language was used to
generate graphs. Finally we designed a presentation
language capable of generating a text based output,
like html starting from an instance by displaying
data from this instance and exploring related
-The knowledge System (KS), consisting of tacit
knowledge embodied by the individuals, and of
explicit knowledge formalized and codified on any
shape of supports. On (Grim-Yefsah et al., 2011) we
have verified that: We could think that explicit
knowledge is more easily transferable as it is
teachable, codiable, articulate. However, we have
observed in reality, that even explicit knowledge is
hard to learn and transfer due to limitations of
explanation capacity (documents) and codication
ability (IT). Inspired from Agile methods, we
proposed four good practices:
(Good Practice 1) Organize global meetings (face-
to-face) where -all- members of the outgoing and
incoming service providers participate in order to
discuss around the project and the documents,
application and code transferred by the outgoing
team; (Good Practice 2) The service provider (the
IS department) has to participate to meetings; (Good
Practice 3) Skipping the Maintenance in
cooperation activity may have a negative impact on
project knowledge transfer; (Good Practice 4) Plan
to solve one or several ongoing incident(s) on the
project during the Maintenance in cooperation
EIKS is a Socio-Technical System for managing
different types of knowledge in the transition stage
of an outsourced information system development.
The advantages of EIKS, as we conceived and
developed it in the PSTI, help projects managers of
client team for making proper condition between
providers to share their knowledge more than before.
This paper is an initial step towards understanding
the transition stage in the context of an outsourced
information system development (ISD). A search of
literature reveals that there is very limited work
published in this specific field. Our study
inventoried tree case of transition stage of an
outsourced ISD. Case1 concerns the first
outsourcing; Case2 concerns the changing providers;
Case3 concerns back-sourcing. We study especially
the second case. On French Public Scientific and
Technological Institutions who focus on their
primary business, that is to say research and they
outsource their support services as Information
System development. We considered the transition
phase of an outsourcing project, during which an
outgoing service provider transfers the outsourcing
project to an incoming service provider. The transfer
not only concerns materials (documents and code)
but also knowledge. Our study is grounded in the
concept of knowledge, knowledge management and
knowledge transfer process. Those concepts stream
still have their merits. In fact, an Enterprise’s
Information and Knowledge System (EIKS), which
is compounded on Digital Information System (DIS)
and Knowledge system (KS), integrates people, both
at the same time, as users and components of the
system. EIKS is a Socio-Technical System.
So we find that the proposed Socio-Technical
System (tool and good practices) have an influence
on the transition performance, thereby, further
improving our understanding of transition. We
contribute to a better understanding of the
importance of knowledge management related to
managing explicit and tacit dimensions on the
transition stage of an outsourced ISD. The system
uses its own representation in its international
functioning, then allowing a reduction in code
writing need. This has a second benefice: bug
detection is facilitated as most functions are used
twice: For the international functioning; for working
on the knowledge domain. Most programming
mistakes would lead to a big bug preventing the
system from performing any action, so it would be
easily detectable and then easier to correct.
According on our application case and our
experimentation, we considered the case of a simple
outgoing arrangement (one to one contract for the
outsourcing). A further research work should
therefore be to study outsourcing with one client and
several providers for eventually offshore
outsourcing. We recommend to other organizations
to use our proposed Socio-Technical System (tool
and good practices) for case3: IT back-sourcing.
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