An Ontology Approach in Designing Security Information Systems
to Support Organizational Security Risk Knowledge
Teresa Pereira
and Henrique Santos
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
University of Minho, School of Engineering, Department of Information Systems, Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Information Security, Information Systems Security, Information Security Risk Management, Ontology,
ISO/IEC 27001.
Abstract: Organizations increasingly demand faster and flexible operations promoted by information and
communication technologies, particularly on the Internet and the newer technologies, such as the internet-
enabled services, mobile and wireless devices and networks, with a complete disregard of their security
vulnerabilities and underestimating risks that this new technologies impose. A proper information security
risk management is difficult and becomes crucial to ensure the daily operational activities of organizations
as well as to promote competition and to create new business opportunities. Moreover there is a lack of
formal and flexible models to support a proper information security risk management process. This paper
presents an ontology developed in the security domain aimed to support organizations to deal with huge
security information issues and therefore implement a proper management to facilitate the decision-making
regarding their security needs.
Organizations heavily rely their activity on the
performance of their information systems. Besides
their information systems, organizations rapidly
adopt new services based on Internet, mobile and
wireless devices, with complete disregard of their
vulnerabilities and their risks’ exposition. With
security mechanisms adopted such as firewalls, IDS,
IPS et cetera, organizations have to deal every day
with new security information that needs to be
properly managed. The security standards ISO/IEC
and NIST are an important reference in the security
information domain. However, most of the security
experts follow their own interpretation of the
standards, according to their experience and their
perceptions about security, which certainly leaves
overlooked flaws in the organization information
system security. This fact has imposed new demands
and challenges to the information security risk
management process, evidencing a serious problem
of lack of knowledge about the practical solutions to
implement in order to objectively improve security
within an organization. In fact, it is observed that
each organization follows its own approach to
security management, resulting sometimes in
misusing concepts, implementation of improper
controls and even in unbalanced risk assessment.
In this context, it is proposed an ontology
approach based on a conceptual model defined
according to the security standard ISO/IEC 27001,
with flexible capability, which enable its adoption
by any organization, regardless their business
activity, to support their information security risk
management process.
The paper is structured as follows: in section 2 it
is presented an overview of information security
management. In section 3 it is presented an approach
to the security risk analysis. In section 4 it is
presented an example of a security risk assessment
method, OCTAVE. In section 5 it is presented the
ontology developed and conclusions will be
presented in section 6.
Managing information security in particular the
information systems security is increasingly
concerning organizations, due to the continuous
Pereira T. and Santos H..
An Ontology Approach in Designing Security Information Systems to Support Organizational Security Risk Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0004180004610466
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (SSEO-2012), pages 461-466
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
growing dependence of organizations on technologies
to conduct their businesses, to create a competitive
advantage and achieving higher ROI. Organizations
must consider how they are going to succeed to the
continuous changing risk environment, since the
technical controls mechanisms alone are no longer
guaranteed, but mainly dependent on other security
requirements such as legislation, culture or
environment (Onwubiko and Lenaghan, 2009).
Recognized organizations such as ENISA (European
Network and Information Security Agency) and
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development) are making strong efforts to promote a
culture of security, focusing in the development of
information systems security and improve security
communications and the adoption of new ways of
thinking and behaving by all participants when using
information systems and communicating
According to ENISA and OECD raising
information awareness is the first and huge
challenge to any organization (OECD, 2009).
Organizations need to evolve security management
strategies according to the evolvement of
information security management strategies in
response to emerge of new information security
requirements. A properly security strategy demands
for a rigorous process, where every agent interacting
with critical resources need to be aware and
participate in security management, both adopting
secure behaviours and continuous evaluating
security control’s performance (CCMB, 2006).
The Information Security Management Systems
(ISMS) is a concept introduced in the security
standard ISO/IEC 27000 and provides a model,
named PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), to establish,
implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and
improve the protection of information assets, which
are critical to the operational activity of the
organization and requires adequate protection
against the loss of relevant properties such as
confidentiality, integrity and availability, to achieve
business objectives based on a risk assessment and
risk acceptance levels of the organization, designed
to effectively deal with and manage risks (ISO/IEC,
2009). In other words, the ISMS reflects the
organization’s approach to risk assessment and risk
management, the level of risk that an organization is
willing to accept and the controls to be implemented.
An adequate information security risk management
process requires a security planning in order to
collect information for awareness, followed by the
implementation of the necessary mechanism
required in a risk analysis process.
In following section it will be introduced an
overview of the information security risk analysis.
Information security risks analysis is an integral part
of information security management activities and
consists in the systematic use of information to
identify sources and to estimate risks
(ISO/IEC_JTC1, 2008). This activity is especially
important when the organization heavily depends on
IT-based systems to remain viable. These decisions
are performed based on the cost-benefit evaluation
of applying controls and assessments of acceptable
risk of the secured systems.
In all organizations, regardless of their business
activity, the security risk management process
should comprise the following actions:
Identification of critical assets of the
Investigation of the vulnerabilities inherent to
the assets;
Identification of threats the assets;
Evaluation of the implemented controls;
Identification of the impacts that losses of
confidentiality, integrity and availability may have
on the assets.
The identification of the assets should address a
substantial level of detail in order to provide enough
information for the risk assessment. The result
should be a list of assets to be risk-managed, and a
list of business process related to the assets and their
importance (or value) to the organization.
The threats identification results from incident
reviewing and surveying users, as well as other
sources including external threat references. The
collected information will enable to produce a list of
threats with identification of threat type and source.
The investigated vulnerabilities consist in
finding the assets’ weaknesses, which can be
exploited by a threat. The vulnerabilities should be
continually monitored and reviewed. Concerning
information technologies there are a lot of automatic
scanning tools, which are good in discovering
known vulnerabilities. However, concerning new
technologies and in particularly the human
interaction and misbehaviour (a very important
source of vulnerabilities), a lot of specific and
reflexive work needs to be done.
The identification of implemented controls
intends to evaluate the organization defence
capacity, analysing if the controls putted in practice
are working correctly and know exactly what is
protected. A special analysis should be considered
when a selected control or a strategy fails in
operation and therefore an auditing is required to
find fails causes. A procedure to estimate the effect
of the control is through the analysis of how the
control reduces a threat.
An incident impact consists in the analysis of the
consequences that an attack has over an asset and the
global loss it imposes to the organization. A security
incident can address a loss of effectiveness, adverse
operating conditions, business loss, reputation and
physical damage. An incident can affect one or more
assets or part of an asset. Therefore assets should
have assigned both financial cost values and
business impact values.
Nevertheless, many organizations do not follow
these actions. Actually, it is observed that
organizations mainly follow their own security risk
management practices. Some of them more focused
on the efficiency of their controls, disregarding the
critical assets of organizations. Others are
exclusively focused on asset’s value, which can
result in either over-securing or under-securing
assets (Hoo, 2002). Others estimate a value to the
risk by enumerating all assets including their value
and determining all the threats to them, estimating
the impacts of the threats (Ekelhart et al., 2009).
Nevertheless, organizations that started
implementing these approaches are taking the first
step to improve their corporate information security.
In the next section will be presented an overview
of the OCTAVE approach, which is not a formal
model, but a method to support the security risk
assessment process.
OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and
Vulnerability Evaluation) was developed by SEI
(Software Engineering Institute), Carnegie Mellon
University, and includes a set of tools and
techniques for risk based information security
strategic assessment and planning (Alberts and
Dorofee, 2001).
The OCTAVE focuses on organizational risk
and strategic management and settles operation risk
and security practices. It defines a set of self-
directed activities to enable organizations to identify
and manage their information security risks. This
means that OCTAVE follows a workshop-based
approach that requires the participation of staff
members from key operational areas from both
business department and information technology
department, since information security includes also
both business and technology related issues. The
final goal is to provide a global understanding with
different perspectives about the organizational view
of the information security risk. This way it is
assured that the evaluation is scoped properly, that
the organization’s senior managers participate in the
evaluation, and that everyone participating in the
process understands his or her role promoting
responsible behaviour and awareness.
The involvement of persons from different
business departments, proposed in OCTAVE
approach is the main strategy followed by this
method, contributing to promote awareness and
compliance with best practices. However OCTAVE
is mostly used by a few numbers of organizations,
especially larger organizations than medium and
small organizations.
Despite the aforementioned aspects, OCTAVE
presents some issues, which not play a favourable
role in the security risk analysis process. Namely:
it requires a long process and thus too time
it demands experts on the key areas of the
organization, with skills to identify assets,
vulnerabilities, threats as well as security policies
and practices to support the decision-making.
Furthermore, most organizations don’t have those
key experts from different organizational levels with
knowledge to identify all the security information,
which in turn imposes limitations to a continuous
and reliable risk evaluation;
OCTAVE does not promote a formal model,
which makes it harder to get normalization or
generalization. This is one of the greatest battles of
ENISA and OECD organizations that are developing
efforts to achieve a formal model in order to reduce
the ad-hoc approach to security risk analysis process
that is followed by most organizations.
In the following section will be presented the
ontology defined.
The ontology developed represents the conceptual
model derived from the established security standard
ISO/IEC_JTC1 (International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), Joint Technical Committee (JTC
1)), and its application to some supporting tools
(Santos, 2006).
The purpose of the developed ontology is to
establish a conceptual model to structure
information by introducing semantics, in order to
enable organizations to firm up and unify the
concepts and terminology defined in information
security domain, based on the ISO/IEC_JTC1. The
establishment of those concepts and their
relationships enables to perform an effective security
risk analysis and consequently improves information
security management within organizations. Through
the conceptual model each organization should be
able to respond to the following action items: (1)
properly identify the valuable or critical assets; (2)
properly identify the vulnerabilities of assets; (3)
identify and mitigate potential threats; (4) evaluate
the risks; (5) evaluate the efficiency and
effectiveness of the countermeasures defined and
therefore analyse and implement the necessary
adjustments to the security policy adopted. Such
understanding can assist organizations in
implementing the right combination of protection
controls to mitigate security risks related with asset’s
vulnerabilities. An ontology approach with
capabilities to jointly model all the integrated
concepts and their relationships to other security
concepts stands an important advance, challenging
the information systems security management
The defined conceptual model comprises 8
concepts and 16 relationships, based on the security
standards ISO/IEC_JCT1 and are represented in the
ontology structure, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
These concepts are described as following:
Incident – A single or series of unwanted or
unexpected events that might have significant
probability to compromise the information system
(Security) Event – An identified occurrence of a
particular set of circumstances that changed the
status of the information system security.
Asset – Any resource that has value and
importance to the owner of the organization, which
includes information, programs, network and
communications infra-structures, software, operating
systems, data and people.
CIA – The information properties to be ensured,
namely: confidentiality, integrity and availability;
besides these main security properties, and
depending on the context, other security properties
may need to the addressed, such as: authenticity,
accountability and reliability.
Figure 1: Concepts and relationships defined in the
conceptual model.
Threat – Represents the types of dangers against
a given set of properties (security properties). The
attributes defined in this concept follow the Pfleeger
approach (Pfleeger et al, 2007), which include an
attacker actions or position to perform an
interception, fabrication, modification and
interruption, over a resource.
Attack – A sequence of actions executed by
some agent (automatic or manual) that explore any
vulnerability and produce one or more security
events. Instances of this concept are based on the
Bishop taxonomy to classify attacks (Bishop 2004).
Control – A mechanisms used to detect an
incident or an event, to protect an asset and their
security properties, to reduce a threat and to detect
or prevent the effects of an attack. Instances of this
concept are based on the ISO/IEC FDIS
27001:2005(E) (ISO/IEC_JTC1 2008).
Vulnerability – Represents any weakness of the
system. Instances of this concept are based on the
vulnerability taxonomy provided by the CVE
(Common Vulnerabilities Exposures).
The use of taxonomies facilitates the
identification of different instances of each concept
and even more important is that establish relations
between concepts, which enables to infer
information from those relations. These taxonomies
were selected since they are an important reference
in the security domain.
The rationale behind the ontology is structured
as follows: an incident is made from –
madeFromEvent- one or more events; the
occurrence of an incident can lead to a loss of -
lostOf - a set of security properties (CIA); an asset
has security properties - hasSecurityProperties - and
each one can be affected by a threat; on the other
hand, a threat can affectSecurityProperty one or
more security properties; and finally, an asset has
vulnerabilities. A threat is materialized into an
attack, while the attacks exploit one or more
vulnerabilities; an attack is also triggered towards an
asset. Furthermore, the implementation of control
mechanisms helps to reduce threats, to respond an
attack, to protect security properties; to protect
assets and vulnerabilities, as well to detect events, in
order to protect assets.
All these concepts and their relationships were
formalized through the use of the W3C standard
language for modelling ontologies Web Ontology
Language (OWL). This web language has been
developed by the Web Ontology Working Group as
a part of the W3C Semantic Web Activity (Smith et
al, 2004). This language was selected because it is a
W3C recommendation since February of 2004 and
due to its expressiveness with superior machine
interpretability. The OWL vocabulary is an
extension of RDF and uses RDF/XML syntax. The
formalization of this ontology in OWL is a step
forward to promote its interoperability among
different information security systems.
The use of ontologies in the information security
management process is a solution to succeed, since
they clearly enable to define, classify and link the
related concepts and relations shared by the
community and formally defined. Several authors
have indicated that security community needs
ontologies (Donner, 2003) (Tsoumas et al, 2006)
and they have considered this need as an important
challenge and a research branch (Blanco et al,
The conceptual model based on the security
standards ISO/IEC 27001, formally represents
security concepts and their relationships in terms of
threats, attacks, vulnerabilities and countermeasures.
Apart from promoting the standardization of the
concepts defined in the information security domain,
the simplicity and flexibility of the model, enables
its adoption by any organization, regardless, their
business activity, but embedding its own view and
assumed risk exposition. It also contributes
organizations to evolve their security information
according to their needs, without having to redo the
information. This is possible since one of the main
features of the ontologies is the ability to create a
dynamic, structured and formal knowledge base.
Additionally, the relationships established between
concepts allow the security experts to have different
perspectives about security in a consistent and
structured way. Managing all these information can
assist organizations in implementing the right
combination of protection controls to mitigate
security risks related with the asset’s vulnerabilities,
providing an overall view of the organization
security business activity and making the decision-
process much more accurate.
Finally the formalization of the ontology in
OWL is an important resource to promote its
interoperability among different information security
systems, as well as its integration in other
knowledge representation system in the security
This work was funded by FEDER through Programa
Operacional Fatores de Competitividade –
COMPETE, and by national founds through FCT –
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under
project: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-
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