On Advancing the Field of Organizational Diagnosis
based on Insights from Entropy
Motivating the Need for Constructional Models
Gilles Oorts, Philip Huysmans and Peter De Bruyn
University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
{gilles.oorts, philip.huysmans, peter.debruyn}@ua.ac.be
Entropy, Organizational Diagnosis, Enterprise Engineering.
In this paper, we explore how the field of organizational diagnosis can benefit from lessons learned from
entropy reduction in other fields. In an organizational context, entropy is related to the lack of knowledge
concerning the way of how management-level KPIs (observable system macrostate) are brought about by op-
erational elements (which are considered to be the causing microstate). Because of this lack of knowledge, the
goal and scope of projects to remedy problematic KPIs cannot be determined unambiguously. Organizational
diagnosis aims to further the insight in these decisions by providing conceptual models to find causal explana-
tions between observations and their causes. In related fields, reduction of entropy is achieved by introducing
and analyzing structure in a system, which is described in a constructional perspective. However, we will show
in this paper that many diagnostic approaches do not support this constructional perspective adequately.
Contemporary markets are characterized by volatility,
both on the demand side as a result of changing cus-
tomer preferences, as on the supply side as a result
of mergers and takeovers. Therefore, the competitive
environment of organizations is changing at a rapid
pace. Consequently, organizations need to be able
to react quickly to observed business performance is-
sues in order to satisfy customer expectations. In or-
der to be able to detect these issues, management of-
ten defines key performance indicators (KPIs) which
capture relevant scores on various criteria. When a
problematic KPI is observed, projects can be initiated
to remedy the issue, and adapt the organization to its
changing environment. However, the influencing fac-
tors of KPIs are often diverse and complex. As a re-
sult, it is not straightforward to define the concrete
scope of such projects to achieve effective improve-
ment of problematic KPI values. Various authors ar-
gue that it is indeed naive to expect that simple mea-
sures can provide insight in organizations which are
complex and variable (Sitkin et al., 1994).
The field of organizational diagnosis attempts to
provide conceptual models to find causal explanations
of unwanted observations (Harrison, 1994). Such un-
wanted observations can be indicated by problematic
KPIs. Without adequate understanding of the root
causes of a problem, decision makers cannot effi-
ciently remedy that problem (Senge, 1990). Conse-
quently, the field of organizational diagnosis is very
relevant in this context. However, it is still faced
with significant challenges. First, the inherent com-
plexity of organizations makes the diagnosing activity
extremely challenging. Various authors suggest that
the search for cause and effect relations in an opera-
tional organization is very difficult (Harrison, 1994;
Harry, 1988). Second, organizational diagnosis de-
pends largely on heuristics. One can expect a different
diagnosis from a novice or an experienced diagnosti-
cian. In order to better teach or develop methods for
performing organizational diagnosis, a more system-
atic approach is required.
The lack of a systematic approach and the diffi-
culty of handling complexity indicate the need for a
clear theoretical basis to approach these issues. A the-
oretical basis clarifies the concepts which are needed
to explain how complexity can be dealt with, and al-
lows to introduce prescriptive elements in a diagnosis
approach. While the selection of a certain theoretical
basis invariantly results in a focus on certain dimen-
sions, and neglects others, we believe that a relevant
theoretical basis can make significant contributions to
an immature field. Therefore, we explore the use of
the theoretical concept of entropy as defined in the
field of thermodynamics in order to gain more insight
Oorts G., Huysmans P. and De Bruyn P.
On Advancing the Field of Organizational Diagnosis based on Insights from EntropyMotivating the Need for Constructional Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0004462001380143
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 138-143
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
in the field of organizational diagnosis. Entropy has
already been applied in a wide variety of fields. In-
sight in dealing with entropy has already matured in
those fields. Therefore, the field of organizational di-
agnosis can progress based on lessons learned from
these fields. According to some research methodolo-
gies, such as design science, the application of proven
solutions in new research fields is the way towards
scientific progress (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010).
This paper is structured as follows. First, we in-
troduce the field of organizational diagnosis in Sec-
tion 2. We then explore the entropy concept and the
reduction of entropy in Section 3. In Section 4, we
apply the concept of entropy on the field of organiza-
tional diagnosis. Finally, we summarize our conclu-
sions and the contribution of this paper in Section 5.
In organizational diagnosis consultants, managers or
researchers use conceptual models to find causal ex-
planations of observed and unwanted effects (Alder-
fer, 2010). A diagnostician works beyond an obser-
vational role since he attempts to explain why certain
issues occur. He formulates questions (e.g., why are
five percent of the produced products defective?) and
aims to formulate adequate answers. When an en-
terprise diagnostician understands a problematic situ-
ation, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain how
an observed issue can originate. Then, evidence needs
to be gathered to confirm or falsify this hypothesis.
Based on evidence, the hypothesis can be rejected or
refined through an iterative process (Alderfer, 2010).
A popular approach used for diagnosing is Lean
Six Sigma (LSS). LSS applies a specific analytic
thinking pattern to support the problem solving per-
formed by the diagnostician (de Mast and Bisgaard,
2007). According to this pattern, the analytic mind
oscillates between on the one hand the theories, hy-
potheses, conjectures, ideas one has in mind (i.e., the
interpretative world) and on the other hand the obser-
vations, measurements, experimental results empiri-
cally retrieved from the real world (i.e., the factual
world) (Box and Liu, 1999). The pattern is graphi-
cally represented in Figure 1. The oscillation in this
pattern can start from any of both worlds. It could for
example start with an hypothesis one has in mind and
the gathering of facts to justify it. These discovered
facts might influence the hypothesis, which then again
needs to be justified with new facts. However, the pro-
cess can also start by observing facts from which a hy-
pothesis is built, which is then justified by new facts
Induction Induction
Deduction Deduction
Factual World
Data | Facts
Interpretative World
Theory | Hypothesis |
Conjecture| Idea | Model
Figure 1: Learning by iteration between data and models.
until a satisfactory hypothesis has been formulated.
This is called sawtooth thinking, i.e., the repeated al-
ternation of discovery and justification in which we
develop causal explanations (de Mast and Bisgaard,
Based on this sawtooth-thinking pattern, a wide
variety of causal explanations, formulated as hypothe-
ses, can be gathered. In LSS, a so-called logic filter
is used to select the most important causal explana-
tions when faced with a business performance prob-
lem (Harry, 1988). The application of the logic filter
is organized in iterative optimization cycles. Each cy-
cle uses a specific collection of tools and techniques
to guide an applicant to the vital key correlations be-
tween influence variables and business performance
outcome variables. However, no theoretical basis is
provided to select or evaluate these tools and tech-
niques. We do not claim that this indicates that these
tools and techniques are lacking or insufficient. In-
stead, we believe that a theoretical evaluation can in-
dicate more improvements in a structured way. There-
fore, the goal of this paper is to assess whether these
tools and techniques can be improved based on in-
sights from the theoretical concept of entropy.
In this section, we introduce entropy as a theoreti-
cal basis to interpret the current diagnosis approaches
such as LSS and to analyze how they can be im-
proved. In Section 3.1, we introduce the entropy con-
cept and its definition. In Section 3.2, we explore how
entropy is controlled in different fields. Based on this
insight, we will be able to formulate improvements
for organizational diagnosis approaches.
3.1 Defining Entropy
Entropy as expressed in the second law of thermo-
dynamics is considered to be a fundamental princi-
ple. There are many versions of this law, but they
all have the same intent. Mathematical derivations
On Advancing the Field of Organizational Diagnosis based on Insights from Entropy - Motivating the Need for
Constructional Models
of the entropy principle start in general from a for-
mula describing the number of possible combina-
tions. In statistical thermodynamics, entropy was de-
fined by Boltzmann in 1872 as the number of possi-
ble microstates corresponding to the same macrostate
(Boltzmann, 1995). The aim is to understand and
to interpret the externally observable and measurable
macroscopic properties of materials the macrostate
in terms of the properties of the constituent parts
the microstate and the interactions between
these parts. In Boltzmann’s definition, entropy is a
measure of the number of possible microstates of a
system, consistent with its macrostate. Mathemat-
ically, the entropy of a particular macrostate (S) is
equal to the Boltzmann constant (k
) times the natural
logarithm of the number of microstates corresponding
to that macrostate (ln).
S = k
ln (1)
In thermodynamics, examples of properties re-
lated to such a macrostate are the temperature, pres-
sure, or volume of gas in a containment. The studied
gas containment consists of a collection of molecules.
The observed values of this macrostate are brought
about by a certain arrangement of these molecules.
However, many different arrangements could result in
a certain macrostate: therefore, one cannot be sure
of the exact arrangement of molecules represented
by a single macrostate. The number of arrange-
ments which can correspond to a single macrostate is
the number of microstates referred to in the formula
above. This notion of entropy can be seen as a mea-
sure of our lack of knowledge about a system.
This definition of entropy can be further clarified
by the example of a set of 100 coins, each of which
is either heads up or tails up. The macrostate is spec-
ified by the total number of heads and tails, whereas
the microstate is specified by the possible configura-
tion of the facings of each individual coin. For the
macrostate of 100 heads or 100 tails, there is exactly
one possible configuration, so our knowledge about
the system is complete. At the opposite extreme, the
macrostate which gives us the least knowledge about
the system consists of 50 heads and 50 tails in any
order, for which there are 10
possible microstates
(Wikipedia, 2011a). It is clear that the entropy is ex-
tremely large in the latter case because we have no
knowledge of the internals of the system.
3.2 On Controlling Entropy
A common way of dealing with entropy, is to increase
the structure or the knowledge of the internals of the
system. Consider the coin example. The entropy in
this example can be reduced when we add structure
to the studied system. Suppose we would have 10
groups of 10 coins, each with 5 heads and 5 tails, the
number of possible microstates would only be 2520
(Wikipedia, 2011a). Consequently, the entropy for
this system would be much lower. Structure can be
used to control entropy, in the sense that by allowing
less interaction between the constituing components,
a lower number of valid combinations are possible.
This leads to less uncertainty concerning the actual
microstate configuration.
In complex systems, one has to consider that
structure needs to be applied to the constituent parts
of the system, not on the macrostate measurement.
In the example of the gas container, it is clear that
it would not make sense to make more detailed tem-
perature measurements. This would be an example
of a more precise macrostate measurement. Instead,
the lacking knowledge refers to the characteristics of
the individual molecules. Consequently, it is impor-
tant to be able to distinguish between the nature of the
macrostate and microstate. In systems theory, such a
distinction is made between the functional and con-
structional perspective of a system (Weinberg, 1975;
Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004). The constructional
perspective describes the composition of a system.
In a constructional perspective, the different subsys-
tems of which a system consists and their relations
(i.e., how do the different subsystems cooperate) are
described. In contrast, the functional perspective de-
scribes what a system does or what its function is, i.e.,
how it is perceived by its environment. In a functional
perspective, the input variables (i.e., what does the
system need in order to perform its functionality?),
transfer functions (i.e., what does the system do with
its input?) and output variables (i.e., what does the
system deliver after performing its functionality?) are
described. In order to reduce entropy, the structure
of a system needs to be studied from a constructional
Models from a functional or constructional per-
spective are different in nature (Dietz, 2006). Models
created from a functional perspective are called black-
box models. These models only depict the input and
output parameters by means of an interface, describ-
ing the way how the system interacts with its envi-
ronment. Consequently, the user of the system does
not need to know any details about the inner workings
of the system. Put differently, the complexity of the
system internals is hidden in these models. Models
created from a constructional perspective are called
white-box models. These models depict the differ-
ent components of which the system consists, and
the way these components work together. Each of
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
these components can be considered to be a subsys-
tem. Consequently, each component can be regarded
as a system on its own and can therefore be described
using a functional (i.e., black-box) or constructional
(i.e., white-box) model. However, this alternation
between black-box and white-box models should be
clearly distinguished from merely adding detail to ex-
isting models. As argued by Dietz, additional de-
tail within a single perspective can be added by per-
forming functional or constructional decomposition
(Dietz, 2006). However, functional decomposition,
which elaborates on a certain model from a functional
perspective, cannot be used to obtain a constructional
model. As discussed, it is in the constructional per-
spective that the structure of a system is described.
Consequently, reducing entropy requires a construc-
tional perspective. As a result, a functional decom-
position cannot be used to reduce entropy, since the
required structure cannot be applied in this perspec-
The concept of entropy already received attention in
management literature. Various authors applied it to
the organizational level:
First, entropy is considered to be a measure for
waste in organizational processes. Originally, en-
tropy was a term to describe the loss of useful
energy of mechanic devices such as heat engines
when converting energy to work. Several authors
argue that waste in organizational processes can
be described similarly (Katz and Kahn, 1978).
Second, entropy is used as a measure of uncer-
tainty with regard to a random variable in infor-
mation theory (Shannon, 1948). The so-called
Shannon entropy quantifies the expected value of
a specific instance of the random variable. For
example, a coin toss of a fair coin (i.e., a coin
toss which has an exact 50% chance of result-
ing in head) has an entropy of 1 bit (Wikipedia,
2011b). If the coin is not fair, the entropy will be
lower since one can expect a certain value to oc-
cur more. In other words, the uncertainty of the
outcome has been reduced. The entropy of a coin
toss with a double-sided coin is zero.
Third, entropy has been proposed as a measure
of industry concentration (Horowitz, 1970) and
corporate diversification (Jacquemin and Berry,
1979; Palepu, 1985). In a concentrated indus-
try, entropy is considered to be low. The higher
the entropy, the greater the uncertaintenty will be
with which one can predict which firm will gain
the preference of a random buyer.
Fourth, Janow has studied organizations and pro-
ductivity based on entropy (Janow, 2004). Janow
concluded that entropy offered an interesting
means to explain why organizations tend to be-
come gradually more slow in their decisionmak-
ing processes, as well as lose productivity over
While the interpretation of entropy in the first type
is related to waste, the interpretation of entropy in
the second, third and fourth types are related to un-
certainty. We will follow the latter interpretation of
entropy. For our purpose, entropy can be interpreted
as a measure of the number of microstates consistent
with a given macrostate. In an organization, a KPI
can be considered to be such a macrostate. How-
ever, when the influencing factors of this KPI are not
known, many different microstates can be relevant for
the values of this macrostate. Consequently, the en-
tropy is considered to be high.
By itself, the interpretation of KPIs as a
macrostate with high entropy does not contribute
much to the field of organizational diagnosis. How-
ever, we can now analyze how other fields achieve
a reduction of entropy, and compare their approach
to the current practice of organizational diagnosis.
In Section 3.2, we argued that a constructional per-
spective is required to reduce entropy. Organizational
measurements such as KPIs are defined in relation to
the behaviour of the organization in its environment,
and are therefore mostly described from a functional
When insight is needed in problematic KPIs, most
approaches only propose to use functional decompo-
sition. Consider an analysis of the return on equity
(RoE) according to the strategic profit model. The
RoE is defined as the net income divided by the av-
erage stockholder assets. The strategic profit model
proposes the DuPont formula, which breaks the RoE
down into operation efficiency (Net Income divided
by Sales), asset use efficiency (Sales divided by Total
Assets), and financial leverage (Total Assets divided
by Average Stockholder Assets).
RoE =
However, such a decomposition does not coin-
cide with the constructional model of an organization.
On Advancing the Field of Organizational Diagnosis based on Insights from Entropy - Motivating the Need for
Constructional Models
Such a model will likely exist of, amongst others, the
different products. Consider a lacking product feature
as a negative impact on the sales of the organization.
In the DuPont formula, such aspects will impact both
the operation efficiency and asset use efficiency. Con-
sequently, it will be very hard to arrive at a correct
and precise analysis of the cause of the declining ROE
by using functional decomposition. Moreover, other
terms can easily be added to the DuPont formula, or
a completely different decomposition can be made.
As a result, different analysts will arrive at different
conclusions. Based on constructional models, a more
objective analysis can be made (Dietz, 2006). There-
fore, we expect the integration of constructional mod-
els in organizational diagnosis approaches. However,
different shortcomings with regard to this expectation
can be observed.
First, many causal diagrams only focus on creat-
ing finer grained black-box models. Put differently,
they decompose a big black box into smaller black
boxes. However, they do not consider the relevance
of including constructional mechanisms. As a result,
these organizational diagnosis approaches limit them-
selves to functional decomposition, and exhibit simi-
lar shortcomings as described in the example above.
For example, Russo describes how Causal Loops Di-
agramming (CLD) can be used to specify correlation
relations between variables (Russo, 2008). However,
such approaches are only considered to be able to
predict the behavior of organizations, not to explain
the observed phenomenon (Craver, 2006). Moreover,
Woodward argues that such approaches may even fall
short when used for predicting behavior (Woodward,
2005): without constructional knowledge, it is not
possible to foresee the “conditions under which those
relations might change or fail to hold altogether”.
Second, certain approaches seem to propose to in-
clude constructional elements in the functional de-
composition in order to claim causality. By including
constructional elements, a direct relationship between
observed functional elements and constructional ele-
ments can be made. Craver calls such models “mech-
anism sketches” (Craver, 2006). Mechanism sketches
are incomplete models of a mechanism, which “char-
acterize some parts, activities, and features of the
mechanism’s organization, but [which have] gaps”
(Craver, 2006). With regard to this approach, several
reservations can be made.
It has been argued that functional and construc-
tional models are different in nature (Dietz, 2006).
Consequently, different modeling constructs need
to be used, which makes a model harder to inter-
Modeling the functional variables of an orga-
nization would already result in an enormous
amount of variables (Ettema, 2011). Adding addi-
tional variables will result in increasing complex-
ity, which makes the models harder to manage and
Adding constructional elements in an ad-hoc
manner fails to identify dependencies between
various constructional elements.
Craver argues that the missing gaps in such mech-
anism sketches can function as “veil for a failure
of understanding” (Craver, 2006).
Third, approaches which explicitly incorporate a
constructive perspective, and separate it from beha-
vorial observations, do not offer any support on how
to model or select such a constructive perspective.
For example, we discussed the sawtooth thinking ap-
proach in LSS (see Figure 1). In this approach, the
behavioral measurements belong to the factual world,
while a constructional model would belong to the in-
terpretative world. However, no guidance to identify
relevant constructional elements is available: cause
and effect thinking in LSS is supposed to be per-
formed through “brainstorming” (Ettema, 2011).
This analysis shows that, in order to deal with the
presented complexity, current diagnosis approaches
(1) only consider functional decomposition, or (2) in-
clude constructional elements partially, or (3) include
explicitly constructional models, but do not provide
guidelines on how to construct them. Based on this
classification, it can be concluded that it is useful to
develop a method, based on a current organizational
diagnosis approach, which explicitly includes a con-
crete approach for constructing constructional mod-
els (such as, for example, Enterprise Ontology (Dietz,
In the introduction, we started by positioning two is-
sues in the field of organizational diagnosis. We can
summarize the contributions of this paper with regard
to these issues. First, the inherent complexity of or-
ganizations makes diagnosing challenging. In regard
to this issue, this paper makes a contribution by us-
ing the concept of entropy to interpret the origin of
this complexity. Moreover, the paper shows how en-
tropy can be controlled based on insights from related
fields. We identified the presence of structure in the
constructional perspective to be primordial in control-
ling entropy. Consequently, a diagnosing approach
which attempts to address this complexity should ex-
plicitly incorporate a constructional perspective. Sec-
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
ond, no systematic approach is currently available to
perform organizational diagnosis. In order to demon-
strate this point we argued that current diagnosis ap-
proaches do not adequately incorporate the explicit
usage of constructional models. We believe that the
thorough application of engineering concepts such as
entropy in organizational research is important to fur-
ther the scientific field described in the Enterprise En-
gineering Manifesto (Dietz, 2010). Therefore, such
a method would indeed further the field of organiza-
tional diagnosis.
P.D.B. is supported by a Research Grant of the
Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology in
Flanders (IWT).
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On Advancing the Field of Organizational Diagnosis based on Insights from Entropy - Motivating the Need for
Constructional Models