A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs
Ben Abdallah Mounira, Zaaboub Haddar Nahla and Ben-Abdallah Hanene
MIR@CL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
{Mounira.Benabdallah, Nahla.Haddar, Hanene.Benabdallah}@fsegs.rnu.tn
Keywords: Analytical Requirements Generation, Goal Requirements Language (Grl), Uml Modeling.
Abstract: In this paper, we are interested in the requirements engineering of decision support systems. In particular, we
propose a method, called Analytic Requirements Generation Method (ARGeM), for automatic generation of
analytic requirements. Our method meets the strategic goals of the enterprise and produces loadable DW
schemas. It begins with modeling the goals of the enterprise and uses the UML IS modeling artifacts to
generate automatically a complete set of candidate analytic needs. These needs are, subsequently validated by
the decision makers who are thus directly involved in the specification process. Once validated, needs
contribute to the design of the DW.
For decision making, analytic needs that must be
satisfied by the system's data warehouse (DW) are
specified during the analysis phase. As one of the
early stages of system development, this phase
implies major problems, if it is inaccurate or
incomplete and does not meet the entire user’s needs.
Thus, it should attract special attention and must be
fully supported by effective methods.
On the other hand, several surveys indicate that a
significant percentage of DWs fail to achieve the
business goals or are spectacular failures. One reason
for this is that the requirements analysis is typically
overlooked in real projects (Giorgini et al., 2008).
Thus, this stage should be based on a goal oriented
framework for requirements engineering as the DW
aims at providing adequate information to support
decision making and to achieve the goals of the
Moreover, existing approaches to decision system
development, such as (Golfarelli et al., 1998) (Moody
et al., 2000) (Giorgini 2008) works, always consider
that the information system (IS) of the enterprise is
already computerized and operational for a large
period. Therefore, these approaches often encounter
some problems such as the lack of source schemas.
Moreover, the lack of a decision support system
aligned with the IS since its implementation, can
threaten its survival. To remedy these problems, it is
important to have a decision support built at the same
time as the IS and constantly aligned with it.
This work proposes a method, called Analytic
Requirements Generation Method (ARGeM for
short), for automatic generation of analytic
requirements that meet the strategic goals of the
enterprise and produce loadable DW schemas. Our
method begins with modeling the goals of the
enterprise and uses the UML IS modeling artifacts to
generate automatically a complete set of candidate
analytic needs. (The use of UML is due to the fact
that this language is a defacto standard for IS
modeling). These needs are, subsequently validated
by the decision makers who are thus directly involved
in the specification process. Once validated, these
needs contribute to the DW design.
In the following, Section 2 gives a state of the art
of works on the analytic requirements engineering.
Section 3 presents our approach to generate analytic
needs. The last Section concludes this work and
discusses its prospects.
Although most DW design methods claim that there
must be a phase devoted to analyze the requirements
of an organization (Golfarelli et al., 1998) (Kimball
2002) (Lujan-Mora et al., 2006), this phase does not
generate the same interest in both types of DW design
approaches: bottom-up and top-down. Indeed,
Mounira B., Nahla Z. and Ben-abdallah H.
A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0004462201500156
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 150-156
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
bottom-up approaches start from a detailed analysis of
the data sources (Golfarelli et al., 1998) (Moody et al.,
2000). Analytical needs are expressed directly by the
designer who must select relevant blocks of data to
decision making and determine their structuring
according to the multidimensional model (Golfarelli
et al., 1998) (Moody et al., 2000) (Cabibbo et al.,
1998) (Prat et al, 2006).
Therefore, these approaches assume that decision
makers have a good knowledge about the models of
operational data, and a perfect understanding of the
structures of the data source. Thus, they marginalize
the analysis phase of the OLAP requirements in a
decision system design. Therefore, the DW may not
satisfy all its future users, and may, therefore,
probably fail (Giorgini et al., 2008). In addition, all
these approaches produce multidimensional schemas
regardless of the needs of the decision makers. Thus,
the produced schemas are far from covering the goals
of the organization.
Unlike bottom-up approaches, top-down ones
start by determining information needs of the DW
users. These approaches collect and specify the user
requirements using different formalisms: goal based
models, UML use cases, query languages or decision
oriented models. The problem of matching user
requirements with the available data sources is treated
only a posteriori.
Most goal based approaches are essentially
founded on the conceptual framework i* (Giorgini et
al., 2008) (Zepeda et al., 2008) (Franch et al., 2011).
Requirements’ specification is carried out manually
from diagrams modeling the enterprise and its goals.
Thus, these approaches may overlook some
requirements as they may specify needs not covered
by the sources. Moreover, they do not directly involve
the decision maker. Besides, i* is not a standard and
does not provide all the concepts necessary for
modeling purposes. So, it requires specific training
and tools that support it in order to be used.
The use case (UC) based approaches adopt the
UCs of UML to represent the analytic needs (Luján-
Mora 2006) (Shiefer et al., 2002). Thus, because of
the absence of a precise oriented decision syntax for
enouncing UC actions, it becomes very difficult, to
identify potential decision elements from the
specification. Moreover, the fact that the UML does
not model the organization goals, using UC cannot
guarantee the coverage of all enterprise goals.
The query based approaches are the most used in
literature (Romero et al., 2006) (Bargui et al., 2008),
because queries expressed in natural language or
pseudo language are easy to understand by decision
makers. However, the non-exploitation of the source
information impedes obtaining, from the beginning,
an optimal set of analytic needs.
In the decision based approaches, needs are
specified using decision concepts expressed in a given
formalism (Kimball 2002) (Golfarelli et al., 1998).
Although the models used by these approaches are
characterized by their decision orientation, they
remain difficult to understand by decision makers
who lack design expertise. Moreover, the fact that
there is no well-defined framework for defining goals,
the specified needs do not guarantee the achievement
of these goals.
The overview presented above on top-down
approaches reveals two important criticisms. First,
none of the presented methods propose joint modeling
of the DW and the IS. This may impede the alignment
of the DW to the IS which in turn may produce
unloadable schemas. In addition, it does not guarentee
the completeness of the analytic needs. Second,
specifying needs without linking them to their goals
may not lead to the achievement of the expected
To remedy these problems, we propose an
analysis method called ARGeM (Analytic
Requirements Generation Method) for automatic
generation of analytic requirements that meet the
strategic goals of the enterprise and produce loadable
DW schemas. Our method begins with modeling the
goals of the enterprise and uses the UML IS modeling
artifacts to generate automatically a complete set of
candidate analytic needs. The aligned modeling of the
DW and the IS facilitates the co-evolution of both
systems. Another advantage of our method is that it
involves directly the decision makers in the
specification of their needs by validating the
generated requirements.
ARGeM consists of three steps (cf. Figure1): i) GRL
model construction, ii) analytic element identification
and iii) analytic requirements generation. In the
following sub-sections, we detail these steps.
3.1 Construction of the GRL Model
Since achieving the qualitative goals of an enterprise
is the main purpose behind modeling a DW, it is
obvious to begin with determining these goals and
taking them as a start point for deriving any analytic
A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs
needs. Thus, the first step in our approach is to
construct automatically a model representing the
qualitative goals of the enterprise. As a pre-condition
for this step, we suppose the existence of a business
strategy definition for the enterprise, represented with
one of the current models such as the ISO
1 model.
This document, which defines all the strategic goals
of the enterprise, usually exists since the
establishment of an enterprise requires its presence.
We also consider the use case model of the UML IS
modeling documentation which gives the
functionalities of the IS that helps to reach the
strategic goals.
Figure1: The steps of ARGeM.
The product of the first step is a goal model
represented with the standard goal requirements
language GRL (ITU-T, 2008). With this language, it
is possible to represent both functional (low level)
goals and their performing tasks, and qualitative (high
level) goals that the former tend to meet.
Furthermore, the functional goals of the enterprise
are realized by its IS. Their specification is part of the
SI design. Indeed, the UC model represents these
goals as UCs and scenarios. Thus, it is possible to
transform these latter into functional goals and tasks
in the GRL model. Subsequently, this model will be
International Organization for Standardization. http://www.iso.ch
completed by the high level goals and their
dependencies with all other model elements basing on
the business strategy model (BSM) and decision
makers directives.
To ensure the generation of the goals from the UC
model, we are inspired from the works of (Vicente
2009) (Cysneiros et al., 2003). Basing on these works,
we define three rules for transforming the UC
concepts into GRL.
Rule1: Transformation of UML Actors
Each UML actor can be transformed into a GRL
actor that has the same name. A
generalization/specialization relationship between
two UML actors becomes an inclusion relationship
between the two corresponding GRL actors.
In UML, UCs can be classified into three types:
business, support and decision ones (Morley et al.,
2008). A business UC describes a business activity
while a support UC manages a system resource that
is necessary for a business activity. A decision UC
provides useful information for decision making.
This classification is not standard in UML but can be
easily carried out by stereotyping all UCs with one
of the three stereotypes: “business”, “support” or
UCs are described through nominal and
alternative scenarios. In GRL, the goals of an
enterprise are of two types: hard and soft. A hard
goal is a low level goal that represents a state or a
condition that the stakeholders would like to achieve
in the enterprise. While a soft goal is a high level
one and describes qualitative aspects rather than
functional ones. The GRL goals are achieved by
executing a set of activities called tasks (ITU-T
Rule2: Transformation of UCs
Business UCs become hard goals. The scenarios of a
UC are potential tasks composing the corresponding
hard goal. By contrast, a support UC becomes a
GRL resource representing a physical or an
information entity.
Rule 3: Transformation of Relationships
between Actors and UCs
The communication relationship between an actor
and a UC results in the placement of the
corresponding goal in the GRL actor generated from
the UML one.
Applying these three rules produces a GRL
model containing all the elements modeling the
enterprise goals except the soft ones. To complete
Identify analysis
Identify analysis
axes + indicators
Generate hard
goals +tasks
Identify analysis
Generate analytic
Construct GRL
Validate analysis
Validate analysis
axes +indicators
analysis levels
validate analytic
Compl ete GRL
Decision makerARGe m
IS UC model
IS analysis mode l
IS conceptual model
GRL model
Generated analytic
Business strategy
GRL model
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 2: Extract of the GRL model (d) constructed from a UC model ((a) and (b)) and a BSM (c) from the "online sales".
this model, the soft goals specified in the BSMare
automatically copied in the GRL one. Then, the
missing relationships between soft and hard goals
are added by the decision maker.
Figure 2 shows an extract of the GRL model (d)
constructed from a UC model ((a) and (b)) and a
BSM(c) from the "online sales" domain.
Since the analytic needs aim to analyze
information from the IS in order to achieve the
stated goals, we must identify the analytic elements
from the IS (analysis subjects, analysis axes,
indicators) that contribute to formulate these needs.
To do this, in the second step of our method, we start
from the UML IS modeling artifacts and the GRL
model built in the first step. The relationship
between the goals of the enterprise and the system
functionalities made by the above defined three rules
is used to identify these elements.
3.2 Identification of Analytic Elements
This step aims to identify the elements contributing
to formulate analytic needs in terms of subjects,
indicators, axes and the analysis levels.
3.2.1 Identification of Analysis Subjects
An analysis subject is an activity of the target
functional system in order to achieve the company
goals. Thus :
RS: each hard goal contributing to satisfy a soft
goal is a potential analysis subject.
This rule is justified by the fact that a subject to
be analyzed represents business missions. These
latter are supported by business UCs. On the other
hand, generating subjects (indirectly) from UCs
guarantees the loading of these subjects from the
source. From the GRL model of Fig 2, the rule RS
identifies the subjects "Ordering", "Fulfillment",
"Billing" and "Payment".
3.2.2 Identification of Analysis Indicators and
Recall that a subject is formed of indicators and is
analyzed from different perspectives called analysis
axes representing the observing and the recording
context of the indicators. Therefore, the
identification of the indicators and the axes of an
analysis subject which amounts to analyzing the
corresponding business UC. This analysis takes into
consideration all the artifacts related to the UC. In
particular, we focus on the interaction diagrams (ID)
describing the scenarios of the UC and on the class
diagram. Since an ID describes the communication
between objects that participate in the execution of
the UC, this communication serves to identify the
potential axes and indicators of the subject. Then,
using the class diagram, we consolidate the
identified elements and we determine the analysis
levels of each axis.
To identify the analysis axes, we define the
following rule:
RA: In the ID describing the scenario of creation
of a business object corresponding to a subject S, let
A the set of business objects created during this
Manage product
Manage customer
Sell er
UC : Ordering
create order
modify orde r
cancel order
validate order
tre at order
Strategic goals of the business
strategy model
Nee ds Sati sfacti on
Secure payment
Good Customer satisfaction
Profit maximization
Transformat i o n
A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs
Figure 3: Identification of subject classes, analysis axes and indicators of the « Ordering » subject.
scenario. A business object that is involved in the
scenario but does not belong to A is a potential axis
for S. In fact, such an object provides required
information for creating the objects of A. Moreover,
a date parameter of a message having as destination
an object belonging to A is a potential temporal axis
for S.
It is rather interesting to mention here that a
scenario of creation of a business object is easy to
identify in UML because this language provides a
different notation for the creation message.
Fig 3 illustrates the application of rule RA on the
sequence diagram formalizing the scenario "Create
order" of the "Ordering" UC. The business objects of
type "Order" and "OrderItem" created in this
scenario correspond to the "Ordering" subject. The
business objects of type "Customer" and "Product"
correspond to the analysis axes of this subject. The
parameter "date" of the message "create" sent to the
object "Order" represents a temporal axis for the
analysis subject.
We identify indicators by defining the following
RI: in the ID of the creation scenario of a
business object corresponding to a subject S, a
numerical parameter of a message having as
destination an object corresponding to S and which
does not refer to an axis represents a potential
indicator for S. Indeed, such a parameter will be
used in the creation of the destination object.
In the sequence diagram of Fig 3, RI produces
the indicators "qty" and “price” for the subject
Identification of subjects within business UCs
and IDs is more accurate than within class diagrams
because pure structural information such as attribute
types and multiplicity of relationships is not
sufficient to decide of the relevance of a class as
being a subject.
In contrast, functional information, provided by
UCs, and dynamic information of IDs are more
efficient for the subject classes’ detection. Indeed, a
subject class constitutes a central class around which
all interactions take place. Thus, it is easy to identify
such a class in a business UC and in an ID.
To consolidate the results provided by rules RS,
RA and RI, and to identify the analysis levels of each
axis, we use the UML class diagram. To do this, we
partition this diagram into clusters. Each cluster
contains all classes representing a single analysis
subject and all classes that are related to it directly or
indirectly. Thus, we obtain as many clusters as
analysis subjects. The goal of clustering is to
facilitate the consolidation phase and, subsequently,
to identify the analysis levels.
Recall, first, a primary rule of consistency
between the class diagram and IDs: all
communication between objects in a system must be
supported by static relationships between their
classes. Thus, regarding this rule, all classes in a
cluster that are directly connected to those
corresponding to the analysis subject correspond to
In addition, to consolidate indicators, we define
the following rule:
RI’: an indicator m identified for a subject S is an
attribute of a class corresponding to S.
Figure 4 illustrates the consolidation of the
: Buyer
: OrderUI
: OrderController
all : Customer all : Product
: Order
: OrderItem
createOrder ()
enter(qty[i], price[i])
validate(cus, p, q, price)
create(date, cus, p, q, price)
createItem(p[i],qty[i], price[i])
validate(cus, p, q, price)
Business objects ofanalysis axe s
Business objects ofanalysis subje ct
Loop [1<i<n]
p[i] isa
p[i] is a
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
indicators "qty" and “price” as attributes of the class
"OrderItem" by applying the rule RI’ in the class
cluster of the "Ordering" analysis subject.
Figure 4: Identification of analysis levels of the product and the
customer axes in the “Order” cluster.
3.2.3 Identification of Analysis Levels
Since a subject is analyzed according to different
axes, each of which has one o many levels, then,
these levels correspond to the attributes of the class
axis and those of all classes that are related to it.
Moreover, since the levels of an axis are generally
non- numerical, we must examine the types of
identified attributes.
In addition, during the OLAP process, data are
usually analyzed starting from a low level detail to
the most detailed one. To formulate analytic needs
according to the OLAP process, ie, requirements that
analyze a subject according to different levels of
axes starting from the lowest to the most detailed
one, it is crucial to determine the order of each level
in an axis. So, to identify analysis levels, we define
two rules RN1 and RN2.
RN1: in a cluster, each class directly or
indirectly connected to a class axis is a potential
level for this axis. This level has the same range as
the number of relationships that separates the class
level to class axis. The name of this level is the same
as the attribute playing the identifier role in the class
RN2: each non-numerical attribute of a class
axis (class level) is a potential level for this axis
(level). In particular, the levels of a temporal axis are
the attributes composing a date such as year, month,
and day. The decision maker can also add his own
temporal levels.
Since our method does not automatically
distinguish between a descriptive attribute and a
level attribute, we expect to the decision maker to
make this distinction.
In Fig 4, RN1 identifies, for example, the levels
"sub-category" and "category" for the axis
"Product". RN2 generates, for example, the analysis
levels "id" and "name" of the axis "Customer".
3.3 Analytic Requirement Generation
For the specification of analytic requirements, we
propose to use the template and the syntax proposed
in (Bargui et al., 2008) as a means used by decision
maker to express his needs. This template is
instantiated with the analytic elements identified in
the previous phase.
Figure 5 shows the analytic requirement of
analyzing the performance of the "ordering" process
for an online selling enterprise in order to maximize
the profit.
Figure 5: Extract of the generated analytic requirements for the
process “Ordering”.
In this paper, we proposed an analysis method for
automatic generation of analytic requirements which
meet the strategic goals of the enterprise and
produce loadable DW schemas. Our method begins
with modeling the goals of the enterprise and uses
the UML IS modeling artifacts to generate
automatically a complete set of candidate analytic
The novelty of our method is the aligned
modeling of the DW and the IS which facilitates the
co-evolution of both systems. Another advantage of
our method is that it involves directly the decision
makers in the specification of their needs by
validating the generated requirements.
As future work, we are examining how we can
extract multidimensional concepts from generated
name : String
code : String
num : Integer
date : Date
/ total : Double
num : Integer
qty : Integer
price : Double
name : String
code : String
name : String
code : String
code : String
description : String
unitPrice : Double
name : String
code : String
name : String
id : String
Analysis axe
is classes
level of
product axis
level of
Analysis subject classes
TITLE Order process analysis
SUMMARY This requirement analysis the performance of the process order according to….
ACTOR Seller
SoftGoal 1:
LABEL Totalamount
FORMULA qty * price
1) Analyze the total amount by subcategory and category of a
product according to month of a date.
2) Analyze the total amount by city and country of a customer
according to year of a date.
3) Analyze the total amount by code and description of a pr oduct by
id and name of a customer according to month and year of a date.
A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs
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Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design