Filtering Relevant Facebook Status Updates for Users of Mobile Devices
Stephan Baumann
, Rafael Schirru
and Joachim Folz
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Trippstadter Straße 122, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern, Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 47, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Content-based Information Filtering, Social Networks, Mobile Devices, Classifier-based Approach.
In recent years, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ have become popular. Many
people are already used to accessing their individual news feeds ubiquitously also on mobile devices. However
the number of status updates in these feeds is usually high thus making the identification of relevant updates a
tedious task. In this paper we present an approach to identify the relevant status updates in a user’s Facebook
news feed. The algorithm combines simple features based on the interactions with status updates together with
more sophisticated metrics from the field of Social Network Analysis as input for a Support Vector Machine.
Optionally the feature space can be extended by a topic model in order to improve the classification accuracy.
A first evaluation conducted as live user experiment suggests that the approach can lead to satisfying results
for a large number of users.
Online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter,
and Google+ have experienced an enormous growth
in their user bases in the last years. They are ubiqui-
tous and people have become used to accessing them
on a variety of different devices such as PCs, tablets,
and smartphones. With an average of 130 friends
per user
and the introduction of frictionless sharing
many users of the Facebook platform experience an
information overload, making the manual identifica-
tion of relevant status updates in their news stream a
tedious task. Accessing the platform from mobile de-
vices with limited screen size aggravates the problem.
Facebook does advanced ranking for personalized
placement of objects in the news feed of a user using a
proprietary and trademarked algorithm. The EdgeR-
ank TM is based on the affinity of a user to objects
and subjects in the Facebook system as well as the
weight of objects and relevance over time, i.e. decay.
Several U.S. patents describe rather vaguely how the
algorithm combines affinity, weight and decay. The
critics of this approach claim that Facebook is using
EdgeRank TM in order to control the flow of informa-
tion to optimize their own business model. Facebook
does not offer API access for third-party developers
or researchers.
Therefore in this paper we present our approach
to identify relevant status updates in a user’s Face-
book news feed including algorithmic details. The
method combines simple features based on the inter-
actions with status updates together with more sophis-
ticated metrics from the field of Social Network Anal-
ysis as input for a Support Vector Machine. Option-
ally a topic model can be added to the feature space.
In order to determine the status updates that are rel-
evant for a particular user, we consider the extrac-
tion of opinion leaders (friends with a high authority
in the user’s network) as well as the identification of
the flow of information (content that is shared in the
user’s social network) as important aspects. In order
to measure the importance or authoritative power of
linked objects in a network the well-known PageR-
ank (Page et al., 1998) and Kleinberg’s HITS algo-
rithm (Kleinberg, 1998) are de-facto standards. While
PageRank is using the Random-Surfer model to com-
pensate real-world effects in large networks, HITS is
well-suited for computations of its hub and authority
values in smaller networks. For this reason we chose
HITS over PageRank for the implementation of rele-
vance in our approach. Further we find the following
work particularly relevant for our method:
(Roch, 2005) identified two different sets of at-
Baumann S., Schirru R. and Folz J..
Filtering Relevant Facebook Status Updates for Users of Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004188003530356
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 353-356
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tributes that characterize opinion leaders. The at-
tributes in the first set are specific for the person
(e.g., the sources of information he/she relies on). At-
tributes from the second set characterize the milieu
of a person. Roch’s research suggests that opinion
leaders have an information advantage relative to the
others in their environment.
(Boccara, 2008) investigates the formation of
opinions in populations under the influence of opin-
ion leaders. An agent-based model is used to simu-
late the adoption of opinions under several adoption
rules over time. An agent’s opinion is influenced by
its neighbors and its awareness, where a low aware-
ness means an individual is very likely to adopt new
opinions and vice versa. Opinion leaders are then se-
lected from those individuals with a maximum num-
ber of individuals they influence and with equal prob-
ability given one of two distinct opinions. They also
possess maximum awareness and thus never change
their opinion.
(Weng et al., 2010) present TwitterRank, an algo-
rithm identifying influential Twitter users. The algo-
rithm works as follows: First it extracts the topics
of tweets based on their content. In the second step
topic-specific relationship networks are constructed
among the twitterers. Finally, the TwitterRank algo-
rithm is applied which is an adaptation of the PageR-
ank algorithm taking the topical similarity between
twitterers and the link structure into account.
The approach presented in this section aims at identi-
fying the relevant status updates in a user’s Facebook
news feed. We set the terminology as follows: The
user is the person whose news feed is currently be-
ing analyzed. The people in the user’s network are
referred to as friends. Expressing a “like” for a status
update or commenting on a status are referred to as
3.1 Crawling the User’s News Feed
In the first step we crawl the status updates and their
associated interactions (comments and likes) from the
user’s Facebook news feed and store it in a relational
database. We use the Graph API
in order to obtain
the required data. Currently our system supports sta-
tus updates of the following types: message, photo,
video, link, new friendship, and check-in.
3.2 Feature Extraction
From the user’s news feed we extract features that are
associated with a friend, e.g, her hub and authority
values. We call these features friend-specific features
as they are the same for all status updates of the re-
spective friend. Further features are extracted that are
specific for each status update, e.g., the number of in-
teractions a particular status update has. These fea-
tures are called status-specific features. The features
will be described in more detail subsequently.
3.2.1 Interaction Percentage
The interaction percentage is a friend-specific feature.
It determines the relative amount of interactions a user
had with the status updates of a particular friend. Let
be the number of status updates friend f has posted
in the user’s crawled news feed and let I
be the num-
ber of status updates of friend f the user has interacted
with. The interaction percentage F
is calculated as
3.2.2 Hub and Authority Values
For each friend we calculate the hub and authority
scores following (Kleinberg, 1998). To determine
these values we interpret the user and his/her friends
as nodes in a directed network. Each interaction on a
status update is interpreted as an edge from the orig-
inator of the interaction to the publisher of the status
update. Figure 1 shows an example of actions and
interactions in a user’s personal network. Following
Kleinberg an authority in such a network is a node
with a high amount of influence, i.e., a node having
many incoming edges. In our scenario this corre-
sponds to a large amount of interactions on the per-
son’s status updates (cf. friends on the right hand side
of Figure 1). A hub on the other hand is considered a
node that links to authoritative nodes. In our scenario
this means that a hub often interacts with influential
persons in the user’s network (cf. friends on the left
hand side of Figure 1).
3.2.3 First Publisher
The first publisher feature (F
f p
) is a Boolean flag that
indicates whether a friend has contributed one or more
status updates as the first person in a user’s network
that have been shared by another person afterwards. It
is intended to measure the information advantage of a
Facebook friend (Roch, 2005). F
f p
= 1 if the friend is
a first publisher and F
f p
= 0 otherwise. Obviously, the
Friend A
Friend B
Friend C
Friend D
comment or like
status update
Figure 1: Example of actions and interactions in a user’s
personal network.
first publisher feature belongs to the friend-specific
3.2.4 Interaction Count
This feature measure the number of interactions a sta-
tus update has received from the people in the user’s
network. The interaction count is a status-specific fea-
Please note that interactions outside the user’s net-
work are not taken into account. For that reason sta-
tus updates of celebrities or companies the user fol-
lows do not necessarily have a high interaction count,
when not many of the user’s friends follow the respec-
tive pages and interact with their published content.
3.2.5 Topic Model
From the status updates in the user’s Facebook news
feed we calculate a topic model using Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003). Before apply-
ing the algorithm each status update is preprocessed
comprising stop word removal and stemming for En-
glish and German updates. Further string preprocess-
ing steps are conducted (e.g., terms are converted to
lower case characters, punctuation characters are re-
moved). Then the LDA algorithm is run. Each identi-
fied topic is represented as a dimension in the feature
space with a boolean value indicating whether the sta-
tus update that is currently being analyzed is associ-
ated with the topic or not.
3.3 Training the Classifiers
We use Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (Cortes and
Vapnik, 1995) with an RBF kernel in order to classify
Facebook status updates as relevant or irrelevant. The
software library used for this purpose was the Java
implementation of LIBSVM.
We trained two differ-
ent configurations of the SVM using the features de-
scribed above. The features associated with the topic
model were however only used with the second con-
figuration. All features were normalized to values be-
tween 0 and 1 before fed to the classifier.
4.1 Data Set
We conducted a live user evaluation experiment with
twelve participants that were between 19 and 48 years
old. For this purpose users with more than 100 friends
in their Facebook network were selected thus making
sure that enough status updates could be obtained for
each user.
We crawled the last 60 updates in each user’s news
feed and deleted those that did not have a text mes-
sage attached. For the experiment we aimed at having
50 status updates for each user. The data was split
into 30 instances for the training set and 20 instances
for the test set. If less than 50 status updates could
be obtained the training set was reduced accordingly.
For two users less than 40 updates with a message at-
tached were available. We excluded these users from
the experiment as the data was not sufficient for a re-
liable analysis.
4.2 Procedure and Measures
First, the users had to rate the status updates from
their training set. The rating was on a binary scale
indicating whether a status update was relevant for
a participant or not. For those status updates with
additional information (e.g., photos, or videos) we
provided links where the users could access the ac-
tual content. After the training set was rated, a topic
model was created and the classifiers were trained as
described in Section 3.3.
When building the topic model we set the num-
ber of topics that had to be extracted to four. Each
topic was represented by one dimension in the input
matrix for the support vector machine. We selected
a relatively small topic number in order to avoid an
overstated influence of the topic model over the graph
based features. We set the document topic prior α to
0.1 and the topic word prior β to 0.01.
Then the predictions of the classifiers were calcu-
lated for the test set and stored in the data base. In
the next step the users rated the status updates in their
test set, again on a binary scale. For each classifier we
determined the precision, recall and f-measure.
In the next section we compare the results of our
method using a feature space without the topic model
against the results using a feature space that includes
the topic model. It would have been worthwhile to
compare these results with Facebooks EdgeRank TM
algorithm, however to the best of our knowledge a
user’s news feed filtered according to the EdgeRank
TM algorithm is not available via the Graph API.
4.3 Results
The SVM trained with the feature space including the
topic model made better results in terms of our se-
lected measures. Here our approach achieved an av-
erage precision of 0.51 at an average recall of 0.47
and an average f-measure of 0.48. It should be noted
that for two participants the precision and recall val-
ues were 0. When talking to those users after the ex-
periment, it turned out that they did not have many rel-
evant status updates in their training set thus making
the learning of a model with a high predictive accu-
racy difficult. We assume that with more training data
the filtering for these participants could be improved.
The results for the SVM trained with the feature
space without topic model were slightly worse. In
that setting we achieved an average precision of 0.46
at an average recall of 0.38 and an average f-measure
of 0.39. Using the reduced feature space three partic-
ipants had precision and recall values of 0.
For both settings six of the ten participants could
achieve an f-measure of 0.5 or better. The results for
each participant and the two feature spaces applied
are depicted in Table 1.
In this paper we presented an approach to identify
the relevant status updates in a user’s Facebook news
feed. The method combines features based on the
interactions with status updates together with met-
rics from the field of Social Network Analysis, and
an LDA topic model as input for a Support Vector
Machine. A first evaluation conducted as laboratory
study suggests that the approach can lead to satisfying
results for a large number of users. However a larger
field study is needed to further prove the usefulness of
the filtering algorithm.
Table 1: Results of the evaluation experiment (PRC: Preci-
sion, RCL: Recall, F: F-Measure). Each row represents the
results of one participant. The last row shows the column
W/o Topic Model Topic Model
0.667 0.4 0.5 0.545 0.6 0.571
1 0.571 0.727 0.75 0.857 0.8
0 0 0 0.833 0.5 0.625
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.714 0.714 0.714 0.722 0.929 0.812
0.529 0.818 0.643 0.5 0.545 0.522
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.455 0.556 0.500 0.429 0.333 0.375
0.5 0.083 0.143 0.5 0.25 0.333
0.733 0.688 0.71 0.786 0.688 0.733
0.46 0.383 0.394 0.507 0.47 0.477
This research has been funded by the Investitionsbank
Berlin in the project “Voice2Social”, and co-financed
by the European Regional Development Fund.
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