Vocal Fold Stiffness Estimates for Emotion Description in Speech
Victoria Rodellar, Daniel Palacios, Elena Bartolomé and Pedro Gómez
Grupo de Informática Aplicada al Tratamiento de Señal e Imagen, Neuromorphic Speech Processing Laboratory,
Centro de Tecnología Biomédica and Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Campus de Montegancedo, s/n, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Glottal Source, Emotional Tremor, Phonation Parameters, Voice Production.
Abstract: The present study affords emotional differentiation in speech from the behaviour of the biomechanical
stiffness estimates in voice, regarding dispersion and cyclicality. The Glottal Cyclic Parameters are derived
from the vibrato correlates found in the Glottal Source reconstructed from the phonated parts of speech and
have been shown to be good indices to neurologic disease detection and monitoring. In this paper the
application of these parameters to the characterization of the emotional states affecting a speaker when
expressing truth opposite to when they believe not saying the truth is explored. The study is based on the
reconstruction of the vocal fold stiffness parameters and in the detection of possible deviations induced by
emotional tremor and stress from a baseline. The method is validated using results from the analysis of a
gender-balanced speaker’s database. Normative values for the different parameters estimated are given and
used in contrastive studies of some cases presented to discussion.
A challenging research field is to create artificial
machines capable to react to emotions and leave the
science fiction films behind. Human affective
behaviour is multimodal and complex (Lewis et al.,
2008). Emotion expression has its reflex on the
body, gesture and speech. Speech emotion detection
has many potential applications, as video and
computer games, talking toys, text/speech
converters, language translators, speech forensics,
customer centres, etc. Speech emotion detection may
be the key point to react in a fast and efficient
manner in some situations, for instance, a phone call
to the police station to report an emergency or an
abuse, to a call centre to ask for some information or
to put a complaint, or to an urgent medical care
service asking for help, etc. The steps involved to
detect emotions are estimating the basic parameters
to characterize emotions and then find emotional
patterns related. In the areas of body and gesture
emotion expression to characterize the base neutral
state is easy and to characterize other emotional
states though the visible muscle tension changes
associating muscle action patterns to emotion states
may be straight forward. Speech production is a very
complex action influenced by a combination of
neurological, physiological, psychological, social
and cultural aspects. The emotions must be inferred
from the information contained in sound waves
produced by phonatory and articulatory neuromotor
actions. There are many characteristics that can be
parameterized from the sound signal, but there is not
an agreement among researchers nor proven
evidence about which of them clearly define or
profile emotions. This is the key point to determine a
precise specification of speech based emotional state
in natural, posed or induced vocal expressions. The
presence of vocal expression patterns in particular
emotional situations should also be taken into
consideration. Besides, oral communication in
natural language is rather imprecise, which adds
more difficulties to systematically associate
emotional states to speech. Classical literature
focuses research on the analysis of phonetic and
prosodic features of speech. Some of those
characteristics are: fundamental frequency or pitch
(F0) which represents the vibration rate of the vocal
folds or the duration of the glottal cycles, first (F1)
and second (F2) formant frequencies, and amplitude
or intensity, as the amount of vibration in a sound
pressure wave, roughly used as synonymous with
the degree of softness or loudness, volume or vocal
power, linear predition coefficientes (LPC), Mel-
Frequency Cepstral coefficents (MFCC), zero
Rodellar V., Palacios D., Bartolomé E. and Gómez P..
Vocal Fold Stiffness Estimates for Emotion Description in Speech.
DOI: 10.5220/0004190201120119
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 112-119
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
crossing rate, duration of a sentence, speech rate,
silence duration, etc (Hasrul et al., 2012). More
recently features related with voice quality have
been also taken in consideration (Airas et al., 2006),
(Moore et al., 2008). The present approach is based
on the idea that emotional states and neurologic
diseases alter or difficult the precise action of
neuromotor activity induced by the brain and
produce correlates in voice and speech. It is known
that voice could help in monitoring the neurologic
disease (Gómez et al., 2011), and this fact could also
help in the characterization of emotional states. An
early work was that of Gamboa et al. (1997) using
distortion parameters as jitter, shimmer, and HNR to
monitor dopaminergic drug dosing in Parkinson
Disease treatment. For a review of other interesting
approaches see Tsanas et al. (2009). Through the
present paper a method to track emotional correlates
in voice is introduced. The main idea is to obtain
biomechanical marks from the glottal source as
vocal fold stiffness (on body and cover) to estimate
dispersion and cyclicality patterns (non-voluntary
tremor). Through the present paper the main
assumptions are introduced, an inverse model is
presented and estimates from a validation database
are given. Example study cases are compared
against results from the validation database.
The vibration of the Vocal Folds is driven by
transglottal pressure and modulated by the
interaction with resulting glottal flow (deVries et al.,
2002). In a phonation cycle the neuromotor stimulus
of the trans and oblique cricoarytenoidal muscles
brings both Vocal Folds together producing a
closure of the Larynx. Pressure build-up forces the
Vocal Folds to come apart against viscoelastic
muscular forces. The interaction between the glottal
flow and the Vocal Folds is a fluid-structure
problem, which requires solutions in 3D and time
domain. Nevertheless for the purpose of obtaining
first-order estimates simpler models may be used
reducing the computational complexity of the
problem. In this sense the Vocal Folds may be
modelled as biomechanical second-order multiple-
mass systems as far as small signal vibration is
concerned (Berry, 2001) as the one presented in
Figure 1, explaining the response to external driving
forces (Švec et al., 2000). The behavior of such a
system show resonance peaks resulting from body-
cover mass-spring interactions (R
, M
, K
, R
, K
, b: body, c: cover, l: left, r: right) and in-
between valleys induced by inter-elasticity K
Figure 1: Electromechanical equivalent of the small signal
two-mass vocal fold model (body and cover).
The estimation of the electromechanical
equivalents requires the solution of an inverse
problem given the power spectral density of the
glottal source. This signal cannot be considered a
small-signal vibration, but assuming that the
Average Acoustic Wave s
(n) (Titze, 1994) is
removed from the glottal source s
(n), the residual
(t) could be seen as a correlate of the Vocal Fold
small-signal vibration
)()()( tststs
Defining its power spectral density as
and relating it mainly with the Vocal Fold Cover
vibration, a cost function could be introduced to
express the difference between the power spectral
density and the transfer function of the
electromechanical equivalent of the upper and lower
branches of 0, given as T(ω)
where μ, σ and ξ stand for the estimates of each
respective massive, viscous and elastic parameter of
the body and cover biomechanics (R
, M
, K
, M
, K
) Different matching functionals may
be proposed for spectral fitting in 0. For instance
assuming a single second-order functional as
relating the cover mass velocity V
with the applied
force F
in the frequency domain where Y
is a
mechanical trans-admittance, the process of
optimization would imply the simultaneous fulfilling
of the following conditions for the cover parameters
Solutions for these conditions may be found either
by forcing the derivatives of the functional L to zero
deriving expressions for the three fitting parameters,
or by adaptive gradient methods. The solution
adopted in the present approach is based on fitting
the glottal source power spectral density in Figure 2
(full line) by the transfer function (circles) given by
(4) against the Average Acoustic Wave (triangles,
see Gómez et al., 2005).
The working hypothesis would then be that
pathology-induced tremor may leave correlates in
different biomechanical parameters. Specifically, it
is hypothesized that the influence of the neurological
disease has to leave a mark in the tension ξ
on the
vocal folds as a cyclic pattern.
Figure 2: Matching the glottal source power spectral
density (thin blue line) shown against the Average
Acoustic Wave power spectral density (triangles) and the
approximation function (circles).
The burning question now is how to estimate
cyclic behaviour on the observed tension. A possible
approach could be AR modelling by adaptive
inverse filtering (Deller et al., 1993) as shown in
Figure 3. The Average Acoustic Wave may be seen
as a long-range first order vibration giving the
average movement of a single spring-mass system
with the same fundamental period. The stiffness
estimate at phonation cycle m being ξ
its AR
model would be described as
where a={a
} are the model coefficients. The
estimation of these coefficients is carried out by an
adaptive lattice filter (Deller et al., 1993) defined as
an operator Φ
{·} producing an output error ε
minimized in terms of LMS on a sliding time
window W
, along the phonation cycle m, rendering
a set of sub-optimal models from a non-stationary
input series ξ
with an adaptation factor β
Either the pivoting coefficients c
or those of the
equivalent transversal model a
may be used as
cyclicality descriptors. Both sets of coefficients are
related by the Levinson-Durbin iteration
where ã is the order-reversal operation on vector a
(Deller et al., 1993). In the present study pivoting
coefficients will be preferred, as they are pre-
normalized to (-1, 1), which allows easier result
contrasting. In the present case the three lowest-
order pivoting coefficients {c
, c
, c
} will be
used as descriptors of the stiffness cyclic pattern.
Examples of the estimation of these parameters from
0.2 s of vowel /e/ are given in Figure 6 to Figure 9.
Figure 3: Cyclic parameter estimation chain. Glottal
(n) is derived from voiced speech s
(n). The
power spectral density of the residual
(ω) after removing
the Average Acoustic Wave is matched to obtain the fold
tension ξ
at each phonation cycle m. Results from some
hundred millisecond intervals may be used to estimate the
cyclic parameters {c
4.1 Database Validation
The strategy followed in this study for validation
purposes assumes that a priori knowledge on the
distribution of the cyclic parameters is not available.
A more controversial hypothesis would be the
extension of this same assumption to dysphonic
speakers affected by organic pathologies with
negative neurological etiology. To create the
reference baseline a database of recordings from
normal and organic-dysphonic speakers was
recruited with the following distribution: 50 normal
males, 50 normal females, 50 organic-dysphonic
males, and 50 organic-dysphonic females. The
records consisted in sustained utterances of vowel /a/
longer than 2 s long. Glottal Source correlates were
obtained from the voice segments, and
biomechanical stiffness was used to estimate the
cyclic coefficients c
, c
and c
as explained before.
The histograms of these three parameters are given
in Figure 4 (males) and Figure 5 (females).
1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Cyclic Parameter 1 (Males)
1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Cyclic Parameter 2 (Males)
0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Cyclic Parameter 3 (Males)
Nor mophonics
Figure 4: Distributions of the first three cyclicality
parameters for male subjects.
The overlapping between the normophonic and
dysphonic distributions for males and females shows
that hypothesizing a similar behaviour for these two
distributions regarding emotion and neural
pathology neutral conditions is well founded.
1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Cyclic Parameter 1 (Females)
Nor mophonics
1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Cyclic Parameter 2 (Females)
Nor mophonics
0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Cyclic Parameter 3 (Females)
Nor mophonics
Figure 5: Distributions of the first three cyclicality
parameters for female subjects.
4.2 Study Cases
To exemplify the capabilities of this methodology to
characterize non-neutral emotional states several
phenomenological study cases are presented. These
correspond to cyclicality parameters estimated on a
male and a female speaker who are being recorded
under subtle emotional conditions. These are
aroused by asking specific opinions to the speaker
on sensitive social issues regarding economy, cost of
living, unemployment, etc. Once a first set of
statements is produced the speaker is asked to
convince the interviewer that his/her opinion is just
the opposite of the one expressed before, without
any other requirement. The first set of statements
shows more spontaneity, whereas the second set of
statements is produced under notorious hesitation,
and the speaker introduces more pauses and larger
number of fillers, as this second opinion has to be
somehow "fabricated". The fillers consist in the
emission of long vowels, mainly /ah/, /uh/, /eh/,
which have been found very useful for the analysis
of the stress manifested in the stiffness of the body
fold and cover. The frequency with which fillers as
/eh/ are to be found in Spanish is larger than /ah/.
Therefore the analysis is concentrated on /eh/ rather
than /ah/. The database has been validated with /ah/,
but as the articulation patterns are removed during
vocal tract inversion both types of emissions may be
considered compatible as far as stiffness estimates
are concerned. Therefore the four study cases
presented shown comparisons of emissions of /eh/ as
given in figure 6 to Figure 9. They show the
analysis of a filler /eh/ from a male and female
speaker expressing spontaneous (MSS/FSS) and
opposite-to-spontaneous (MSO/FSO) opinions. The
evolution of vocal fold body stiffness in a 0.2 s
segment (red) and the same trace low pass filtered
and unbiased (blue) are given in the left column
(top). The statistical distribution box plot of the
unbiased vocal fold body stiffness is given in the
upper right. The evolution of the three cyclicality
estimates and their statistical distributions (medians
given in figures) are in the bottom left and right
templates, respectively.
The results given in the above four figures are
also summarized in Table 1. Several facts have to be
pinpointed from the figures corresponding to MSS
and MSO. The first one is that the body stiffness
seems to be less stable and shows a wider decay in
the spontaneous utterance in the male case. This can
also be confirmed by the standard deviation for this
parameter (σKb) in Table 1. This could be
associated with a less stressed phonation condition
when the speaker is spontaneous than when has to
"fabricate" a fictitious opinion, although the mean
tension of the vocal fold (μKb) remains almost the
same. The situation is not the same in the female
case studied as far as the body stiffness is concerned,
but if the cover stiffness is examined the larger
dispersion in σKc for MSS and FSS (spontaneous)
compared with the non-spontaneous MSO and FSO
is evident for both genders. The comparison of the
cyclic parameters in the spontaneous vs non-
spontaneous is that the first one (c1) shows a decay
towards -1 that is almost twice larger in the female (-
0.8 to -0.92) than in the male case (-0.8 to -0.86),
whereas c2 moves down as well in both cases (-0.01
to -0.18 for the male speaker, and 0.1 to -0.2 for the
female speaker). The third cyclicality parameter
does not show such a clear orientation, although is
supposed to be larger in both cases for the non-
spontaneous behaviour. It is interesting to comment
that the first cyclicality coefficient tendency towards
the lower limit is also present in speakers affected by
certain neurological diseases when tremor is present
(spasmodic dysphonia, Parkinson Disease, see
Gomez et al. 2011). The fact that cover stiffness
dispersion shows to be larger in spontaneous
phonation could be interpreted as that the speaker
leaves the vocal folds go looser under less stressed
conditions (spontaneous phonation) than under self-
controlled and more stressed a situation (non-
spontaneous phonation). A second observation is
that the average stiffness is not very much altered
from one situation to the other, but its dispersion is
clearly different (lower under non-spontaneous
conditions), and that the first two cyclicality
parameters show also a clear difference between
both conditions. The reasons for these variations to
be larger in the female case need not be necessarily
related to gender, but possibly to the specific
idiopathic behaviour of the speaker, although this
issue is worth to be assessed with a larger database
of spontaneous vs. non-spontaneous utterances
produced by both gender speakers.
A first observation is that the chain model from
voice to vocal fold tension estimation and to the
cyclicality parameters of vocal fold stiffness
normophonic and organic pathology-affected
speakers on neutral emotional conditions seems to
behave accordingly with the main assumptions
formulated. The statistical distributions for male and
female speakers not affected by neurological
diseases show certain coherence, and are defined
enough to allow contrastive studies to be carried out.
From this observation it may be concluded also
that the estimation methodology both for the glottal
source, its biomechanical correlates, and the cyclical
parameters seems to be robust enough to extend the
study to larger databases of speakers showing
emotionally distorted phonation. Coming to the
detection of emotions in voice it seems that the
contrastive study on spontaneous to non-
spontaneous speech may offer differential marks in
the dispersion of body, and specially cover fold
stiffness, and in the cyclicality parameters derived
from body stiffness. Obviously the study is far from
Table 1: Vocal Fold Stiffness and Cyclicality Coefficients. From left to right: Start and End points of fillers, means of body
and cover stiffness, standard deviations of body and cover stiffness, and three cyclicity parameters.
Segment Start (s) End (s) μKb (g.s
) μKc (g.s
) σKb σKc c1 c2 c3
MSS 15.21 15.41 10,916 8,230 941 1529 -0.80 -0.01 0.16
MSO 3.40 3.60 10,599 7,267 213 321 -0.86 -0.18 0.18
FSS 12.40 12.60 17,661 9,432 621 2096 -0.80 0.10 0.01
FSO 7.80 8.00 17,473 9,917 758 997 -0.92 -0.20 0.22
Figure 6: Analysis of a filler /eh/ from a male speaker expressing spontaneous opinion (MSS).
Figure 7: Analysis of a filler /eh/ from a male speaker expressing opposite-to-spontaneous opinion (MSO).
Figure 8: Analysis of a filler /eh/ from a female speaker, spontaneous opinion (FSS).
Figure 9: Analysis of a filler /eh/ from a female speaker, non-spontaneous opinion (FSO).
being complete and needs to be extended from this
type of emotion detection to other scenarios where a
wider set of emotions is to be considered. These
results foresee the applicability of the methodology
to open new ways for emotional detection and
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