A Prospect on How to Find the Polarity of a Financial News by Keeping
an Objective Standpoint
Position Paper
Roxana Bersan, Dimitrios Kampas and Christoph Schommer
Dept. of Computer Science and Communication, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Artificial Agents, Financial News, Document Polarity, Wisdom of Crowd, Self-organisation, Social Systems.
This position paper raises the question on how we can keep an independent standpoint regarding the finding of
a polarity in a news document. As we know, an usefulness and relevance of a text news may be seen differently
by a group of evaluators. The differences are depending on their interests, their knowledge, and/or their ability
to understand. Recent research in literature mostly follow a top-down approach, which is either a context-
based solution or a dictionary-based approach. With respect to the perspective (standpoint) of an evaluator, we
therefore come up with an alternative approach, which is bottom-up and which tends to overcome the power of
a single evaluator. The idea is to introduce a collection of theme-related artificial agents (financial, economic,
or political, ...), which are able to vote. A decision regarding the polarity of a financial news bases on the
interplay of a social collection of agents (a swarm), which serve and assist the artificial agents while fulfilling
simple (linguistic, statistical) tasks.
The European Financial Crisis has emerged within
the last years, with many ups and downs, with many
consequences and decisions for politics and economy.
For example, Eurobonds have been suggested, attract-
ing a great deal of attention while financial news ap-
peared in a Tsunami-style of eruptively flowing pace.
Besides, financial and political activities have taken
place, political communities have emerged, and coali-
tions established. Also, a certain number of states
have been down-rated, Greece (and potentially other
European states) are close to insolvency. All these in-
formation has been well-noted in financial news.
We concern ourselves with such financial text
news (Thomson Reuters), which represent a reflec-
tion of momentary political, economical, and finan-
cial incidents. Financial text news can influence
decisions, expose realistically and unaltered current
events, and/or contribute to the formation of an opin-
ion. Our concern therefore is: assuming that we
have financial texts with an exclusive concentration
on facts and objectivity, can we then find indica-
tions regarding financial, political, or economic de-
cisions, for example with respect to the European cri-
sis? Can we identify a relationship to the financial
market (stock market and others)? Can we observe a
composition of similar thinking people? Can we be
proactive and illustrate the emergence of the crisis as
well as a future recurrence?
In Computer Science research, several directions
regarding the analysis of texts have evolved. One of
them is sentiment analysis of texts and with it the
finding of an inherent polarity of the document. A
sentiment classification refers to identifying and ex-
tracting subjective information that appears in source
materials and to determining the attitude of a person
concerning an overall contextual polarity of a docu-
ment. The sentiment may be a judgement or an eval-
uation, an affective state, or the intended emotional
communication. Following this, a finding of answers
to the questions above might be rather simple in a way
that a certain number of existing techniques may be
applied. More easily, we could argue that we only
have to analyse the documents linguistically, statisti-
cally, and from a Machine Learning point of view, and
that we then may come up with a sentiment decision.
However, this is not as easy as it seems.
A crucial argument is that we must guarantee a
neutral perspective (or standpoint), with almost no
apriori expectations. The reason is that a financial
news may be interpreted in a different way, depending
on what a evaluator thinks, believes, and/or knows.
As an example, let us consider the following financial
Bersan R., Kampas D. and Schommer C..
A Prospect on How to Find the Polarity of a Financial News by Keeping an Objective Standpoint - Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0004191601720177
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
text news:
“Juncker suggested to introduce Eurobonds.
This is a good sign for the new Europe.
The interpretation of the above sentences is am-
biguous and may cause - because of the evaluator’s
position - different conclusions as well as a misunder-
standing. If the apriori perspective of the evaluator is
somehow positive with respect to Eurobonds, then the
content is very appreciated and the document classi-
fied as to be positive. If it is not, then the document
becomes a negative polarity and with it, possibly a
negative signal for financial markets. Therefore, the
argument of having a neutral perspective is needed
with respect to a classification of the polarity.
In the following, we will concern the polar-
ity/sentiment of a document and present a collection
of research works that has been made recently. We
will target the problem of having independent per-
spectives (standpoints) and claim that a fair, stable,
and reliable decision can only be made by a voting of
emancipated artificial agents.
2.1 Feature Spaces
A first idea on how to discover a polarity of a news
texts are the geometric models. Given a set of (prede-
fined) features F={ f
, . . . , f
}, where for example the
features represent financial terms, locations, interests,
et cetera, then each financial news can be represented
itself as a vector in the space. We take the frequency
of a feature f
in a financial news document as a coor-
dinate of the normalized vector F.
Regarding the polarity of financial news docu-
ments, we may start with a set of training docu-
ments, whose polarity is already known (supervised
approach). Their position in the space then gives a
first hint on whether new documents, which are close
enough, are becoming even more positive-polar or
negative-polar. However, the assignment of a new fi-
nancial news to the polarity feature space is problem-
atic. The features (dimensions) may be too weak or
less appropriate or their relevance has changed over
time. There is also a big uncertainty regarding finan-
cial news with regards to their contents: two such doc-
uments can be similar, but the presence of a negation
or an antonym may force a different polarity. More-
over, the perspective (standpoint) of an individual is
not sufficiently respected, since the fixing of the di-
mension and/or the supervised polarity assignment of
the training documents are subjective.
The reason why we mention this is caused (among
others) by a work of (C. Scheible, 2012), who present
a novel graph-theoretic method for the initial anno-
tation of high-confidence training data for bootstrap-
ping sentiment classification. Here, the polarity is
estimated here by a theme-specific ‘PageRank’ algo-
rithm. The authors argue that basically sentiment in-
formation is propagated from an initial seed lexicon
througha joint graph representation of words and doc-
uments. They show that their approach outperforms
a baseline classifier and that its performance can be
further improved by a bootstrapping method that can
take advantage of the entire feature space available.
2.2 Polarity in Text Documents
In literature, a conscious discussion on perspectives
(standpoints) is rarely made. Almost any research
work concerns a concrete application or a technical
how-to-do, accomplished with arguments describing
its need. Some applications use a dictionary-based
solution, others a context-basedsolution. As some ex-
amples, (Hassan and Radev, 2010) propose a method
to automatically identify the polarity of words by tak-
ing advantage of a Markov random walk model to
a large word relatedness graph and producing a po-
larity estimate for any given word. The authors say
that a key advantage of their model is its ability to ac-
curately and quickly assign a polarity sign and mag-
nitude to any word. (Richter et al., 2010) describe
a new method for extracting negative polarity item
candidates (called NPI candidates) from dependency-
parsed German text corpora focusing on target multi-
word expressions. (Schumaker et al., 2012) raise the
question whether the choice of words and tone used
by the authors of financial news articles can correlate
to measurable stock price movements. If yes, so the
authors, can then the magnitude of price movement
be predicted using these same variables? The authors
answer these questions by using the Arizona financial
Text (AZfinText) system, a financial news article pre-
diction system, and pair it with a sentiment analysis
(Devitt and Ahmad, 2007) aim to explore a com-
putable metric of positive or negative polarity in fi-
nancial news text, which is consistent with human
judgments. The authors say that this can be used
in a quantitative analysis of news sentiment impact
on financial markets. (Sakai and Masuyama, 2009)
propose a method of assigning polarity to causal in-
formation extracted from Japanese financial articles
concerning business performance of companies. The
authors assign a polarity (positive or negative) to
causal information in accordance with business per-
formance. (Drury et al., 2011) propose a strategy
to segment quotations inside a text by an inferred
“opinion maker” role and then apply individual polar-
ity classification strategies to each group of the seg-
mented quotations. They have modelled a contextual
informationwith Random Forests based on a vector of
unigrams. (Heerschop et al., 2011) propose a system
called Pathos, which is a framework to perform doc-
ument sentiment analysis. Pathos is partially based
on a discourse structure of the document. The au-
thors hypothesize that - by splitting a text into impor-
tant and less important text spans and by subsequently
making use of this information by weighting the sen-
timent conveyed by distinct text spans in accordance
with their importance - they improve the performance
of a sentiment classifier. A document’s discourse
structure is obtained by applying Rhetorical Struc-
ture Theory on sentence level. (Kaji and Kitsure-
gawa, 2006) propose a novel fully-automated method
of building polarity-tagged corpus from HTML docu-
ments to utilize certain layout structures and linguis-
tic pattern. In general, Polarity Dictionaries are not
less prone to being subject to subjectiveness. (Paulo-
Santos et al., 2011), for example, argue that most ap-
proaches in finding polarity dictionaries rely on lin-
guistic works concerning part-of-speech tagging or
rich lexical resources such as WordNet. The authors
show and examine the viability to create a polarity
lexicon using only a common online dictionary with
ve positive and ve negative words, a set of highly
accurate extraction rules, and a simple yet effective
polarity propagation algorithm. The algorithm evalu-
ation results show an accuracy of 84.86% for a lexi-
con of 3034 words.
The term rational agent is described by (Russell and
Norvig, 2010) as an entity that given the built-in
knowledge representation, the actual state of the envi-
ronment and the set of possible actions he can take, he
selects an action so as to maximize its utility measure.
The most important agent categories
Model-based Reflex Agents. These take a decision
about its next action based on a set of conditional
action rules about the effect of the actions on the
environment state
Goal-based Agents. These types of agents are
dedicated to find action sequences for achieving
a higher goal
Utility-based Agents. These agents worke more
on representation, modelling and learning.
(Michael Brenner, 2009) consider the problem-
atic of intermingling planing with acting in dynamic
and partially observable multi-agent environments. In
(Trevor Bench-Capon, 2012), the authors utilize arti-
ficial agents in order to foster on a decision regard-
ing economic experiments with games implementa-
tions. In (J´erˆome Lang, 2012), binary tree rules are
used for deciding the winner as elected by a majority
vote. (Davide Grossi, 2012) look into the possibility
of incorporating a form of dependence relation in the
field of game theory for an agent interaction. Coop-
erative games are analyzed, where coalitions under-
take agreements based on dependency relations. (An-
dreasWitzel, 2012) analyze the epistemic reasoning of
communicating rational agents with focus on the dis-
tributed form of iterative elimination of strictly domi-
nated strategies.
3.1 Demands
Regarding the polarity finding, we demand for adap-
tive artificial agents (Russell and Norvig, 2010),
which are able to represent and acquire knowledge, to
learn from internal and external information ((Clark,
2001)), and to take advandage of the Wisdom of
Crowds ((Surowiecki, 2004)). An artificial agent
is able to classify documents based on its internal
knowledge base. With this, it owns an aptitude, which
is a competency regarding a field of application, for
example finance, politics, economics, and others. An
artificial agent can either represent a natural person
(Merkel, Sarkozy, ...), a country (Greece, Germany,
...), or another individual. Each agent owns a stand-
point and is able to vote, classifying a financial news
individually to a polarity, which is either positive,
negative, or neutral. Using a set-based operation like
the intersection can be applied to prove a stable, re-
liable, and plausible polarity decision, where a finan-
cial news is then positive (negative, neutral), if the
majority of the agents vote for positive (negative,neu-
tral), respectively. We assume that the fundamental
characteristics of an agent are the following:
Contradicting opinions: since there exist much
more than one perspective (there are often many
truths), an agent must have have an adaptive
knowledge base.
Able to take a decision: an agent must be able to
operate on text, to find associative structures, co-
occurrences, or other forms of patterns.
Independence of voting: An agent must state
his/her polarity decision independently and has
only then the right to vote.
Presence of a theme: An agent can only decide a
document polarity, if an evaluation theme exists.
Otherwise, a voting may become directionless.
polarity(d, r
) =
+1, (r
, r
) > ε
1, (r
, r
) < ε
0, ε (r
, r
) ε
with |d| = n = i + j and where r
) refer to a
positive (negative) vote regarding the document. ε
is a threshold, which only classifies a financial news
to -1 or +1 if (x,y) is the absolute difference of
(x,y). Only in case that the voting is equal, the doc-
ument is seen to be neutral. This follows the concept
of (Surowiecki, 2004), who argues that decisions are
taken by a large group, even if the individuals within
the group are not smart; but these decisions are al-
ways better than decisions made by small numbers of
3.2 Artificial Agents
An alternative idea is to understand the polarity as a
decision, which is taken by a majority (or a weighted
sum of) of slave agents, which serve a given master
agent. These slave agents share a small capacity, are
assigned a simple task, and collaborate as a part of a
social system or swarm. One consequence of such an
architectural framework is a small amount of apriori
knowledge, because the participating entities have to
do a little task requiring less of it. Also, a plausibility
of the polarity decision will be inherently given. All
entities’ decision, being either ’positive’, ’negative’,
or ’neutral’ can be identified and arguments for the
final decision retrieved. As the decision is made by
many collaborating entities, we assume the decision
to be more fault-tolerant, more resistant against tem-
poral changes, and less vulnerable to a wrong doc-
ument classification. A single change of the knowl-
edge landscape (for example ‘Sarkozy’ is no longer
president but ‘Hollande’ is now) will not have such a
big effect. Moreover, the social system might work
autonomously and organises itself, reducing the num-
ber of investigated efforts. And finally, an indepen-
dent perspective is maintained. With that, we may un-
derstand an agent as an artificial entity, which knows
its user (reviewer of the financial news), but which is
served by even small entities, i.e., slave agents.
Assume that we have a certain number of Euro-
pean key players, country names, locations, and other
facts. In an intelligent environment, the social system
could detect such facts by itself and neglect such facts
in case of inactivity over a certain period of time, but
we keep it more simple here and assume that a cer-
tain number of fact slave agents (for example, focus-
ing on the key players in Europe, countries, locations,
etc.), whose task is to serve the artificial agent and to
check a document for occurrences and frequencies of
assigned terms. If the frequency is sufficient, possibly
above a given threshold, then each fact slave agent
contributes to the polarity decision.
We also may consider k-ary operations like
agrees(X), brings(X,Y), has(X,Y), or gives(X,Y,Z),
which are addressed by action slave agents aiming
at instantiating the arguments or even word polarities
like war (-), Eurobond (+/-), or good (+), where we
assign an individual polarity agent, whose task is to
control the presence of predefined words. Of course,
many other types of agents may be used, for exam-
ple a negation slave agent, whose task could be to
convert an action slave agents decision; or an un-
certainty agent, whose task is to reduce a certainty
of the agent’s decision, for example by a multiplica-
tive compensation. Warehouse slave agents may have
the task to put all these information together, bringing
the whole information landscape to a consistent and
reasonable decision. Finally, statistical slave agents
and linguistic slave agents may be taken as well,
for example to deliver statistical and linguistic num-
But which role do the warehouse slave agents
play? Do they just compute weights and relation be-
tween action slave agents and polarity slave agents
or should they perform more than that? Moreover,
which are the role of the linguistic agents? Is a lin-
guistic analysis not already incorporated by the action
slave agents? Which is the role of the statistical slave
agents, especially, are they not yet incorporated by the
polarity slave agents? To give a more precise answer,
we suggest the following:
A Fact slave agent can be either a subject slave
agent or an object slave agent. Each of these
agents can have sub-hierarchies of their own, for
example a subject slave agent may have subcat-
egories like ‘politician’, ‘company’, et cetera, an
object slave agent categories ‘location’, ‘event’,
et cetera. As an example, ‘Merkel is the chancel-
lor’ is a subcategory of ‘politician’, and with that,
a subcategory of the subject agent. ‘Madrid is a
city’ is a subcategory of a country, and with it,
a subcategory of a ‘location’. ‘Summit G-20 is
subcategory of event’, which is a subcategory of
an object agent.
Action slave agents can be, as mentioned above,
k-ary. But we think that using action slave agents
with 3 parameters burdens the relation extrac-
tion too intensively. Assuming to determine one
term would be as good as 90%, then we probably
get an accuracy of almost 72% for three terms.
Polarity slave agents can be applied for the sub-
categories ‘verb’, ‘noun’, and ‘adjective’. Some
verbs and adjective may have a given standard po-
larity (Example ‘good’ polarity is positive, ‘hates’
polarity is negative), whereas a polarity of nouns
may differ over time (Example: ‘war’ is con-
stantly, but the polarity of ‘Eurobond’ is probably
Linguistic slave agents would perform some lin-
guistic analysis deciding on the polarity of the
sentence based on some predefined policy. E.g.,
when the verb has a negative or positive polarity
the sentence takes the polarity of the verb. If the
verb has an objective polarity, then the polarity of
the sentence is the polarity of the nouns, the adjec-
tives, or the adverbs (Example: “Merkel supports
Eurobonds.”). Thus, the polarity of the sentence
is taken by the polarity of Eurobonds. Linguistic
agents capture negations as well reversing the po-
larity of a sentence as well. E.g.“Merkel does not
agree on Eurobonds”.
Uncertainty slave agents are responsible for de-
creasing the polarity volume of the sentence by
capturing the uncertainty word.
Warehouse slave agents are basically responsible
for the decision, because they integrate the infor-
mation coming from the other agents. However,
they are not allowed to vote.
3.3 How to Find a Decision?
An agent may be composed of many slave agents,
which perform a simple task. The working together
of these agents will then become the fundament with
respect to the polarity. In the simplest case, a voting
of all agents with equal rights can be taken into ac-
count. But before the decision on the polarity of a
document is taken, it must be considered whether al-
ternative types of voting can be applied (or not), espe-
cially plurality voting systems, single-winner voting
systems, or multiple-winner voting systems. For ex-
ample, whether there exist the word ‘Eurobond’or not
can be subject to a plurality voting system. But, which
countries are pro ‘Eurobond or against ‘Eurobond’ it
is a multiple-winner one.
Regarding the voting decision, there are numerous
paths in theory and application, which can be applied.
These theories have their roots in the fields of Game
Theory, Auction theory, and multi-agent systems. Ex-
amples for the field of Game theory are Nash equilib-
rium and the revelation principle of economics; ex-
amples for the field of Auction Theory are English
auction, Dutch auction, Vickrey auction, and sealed
first-prive auction. It is important to keep this in
mind, because such a system takes into consideration
an application, such as the increase of utility func-
tions, the prediction of some economical phenomena,
et cetera. Without this, a system would sound noth-
ing more than a data collection system with no direct
The given idea is a visionary and prototypically try
to overcome the problem of having a subjective per-
spective (standpoint) regarding the polarity finding of
a document. As mentioned, the interpretation of a fi-
nancial news may depend on a reviewer’s knowledge,
interest, and much more. Having designed artificial
agents of different thematic directions, being assisted
by many self-organising and self-evaluating types of
agents, then this may overcome the given problem.
Regarding the voting, which is only allowed for the
agents, an independent voting is recommended. With
that, we believe to fulfill the given demands of hold-
ing a perspective, an ability to take a decision, an
independence of voting, and a presence of a theme.
Our aim is now to follow this idea and to come up
with a more detailed concept. An implementation is
This work is supported by the Fonds National de la
Recherche (FNR) Luxembourg within the research
project ESCAPE, which is an interdisciplinary project
between the Department of Computer Science &
Communication and the Luxembourg School of Fi-
nance (LSF). The authors thank Mihail Minev as well
as Prof. Grammatikos and Andreas Chouliaris for in-
ternal discussions.
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