Recognition of Untrustworthy Face Images in ATM Sessions
using a Bio-inspired Intelligent Network
R. Škoviera
, K. Valentín
, S. Štolc
and I. Bajla
Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Seibersdorf, Austria
Anomaly Face Classification, Hierarchical Temporal Memory, Automatic Teller Machine, Kinect, Surveil-
lance System.
The aim of this paper is to report on a pilot application of a bio-inspired intelligent network model, called
Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), for recognition (detection) of untrustworthy manipulation with an
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). HTM was used as a crucial part of an anomaly detection system to rec-
ognize hard-to-identifiable faces, i.e., faces with a mask, covered with a scarf, or wearing sunglasses. Those
types of face occlusion can be a good indicator of potentialy malicious intentions of an ATM user. In the
presented system, the Kinect camera was used for acquisition of video image sequences. The Kinect’s depth
output along with skeleton tracking was used as a basis of the color image segmentation. To test the proposed
system, experiments have been carried out in which several participants performed normal and untrustworthy
actions using an ATM simulator. The output of the face classification system can assist a security personnel in
surveillance tasks.
Application of surveillance systems, capable to auto-
matically evaluate various untrustworthy human ac-
tivities and generate an on-line alarm indication, can
further improve the security of Automatic Teller Ma-
chines (ATM) in practice. According to EAST 2012
report, the vast majority of losses due to ATM related
fraud attacks are caused by card skimming attacks.
Additionally, in 2011, there was a surge in cash trap-
ping activity. Those types of activities usually need
some period of time during which offenders try to dis-
guise themselves by masks, sunglasses, scarfs, etc.,
while manipulating with the ATM, for instance, in-
stalling various illegal devices. The surveillance sys-
tems can often record images of the customer’s face,
however, having the face covered, the identification
of a possible offender for a follow-up criminal in-
vestigation is substantially degraded. Recently, sev-
eral approaches to detection of partially covered faces
have been published (Wen et al., 2005; Dong and Soh,
2006; Lin and Liu, 2006; Suhr et al., 2012). They are
based on computationally demanding calculation of
various facial features and/or using different forms of
template matching.
In our paper we present a different “global” ap-
proach that could be promising especially for real-ti-
me security surveillance applications. This approach
is based on an intelligent (bio-inspired) learning net-
work for classification of image sequences of users’
faces, extracted from video, into normal and un-
trustworthy (anomalous) categories. In particular,
for classification of untrustworthy faces, we propose
to use a bio-inspired Hierarchical Temporal Mem-
ory (HTM) learning network (George and Hawkins,
2005; George, 2008) that solves the two-class classi-
fication problem without the need of computing any
sophisticated image features. The HTM network en-
ables for calculating real values of beliefs in defined
classes in the range [0,1], which can be afterwards
used for calculation of a real-valued score as a func-
tion of time.
For generation of input visual data, i.e., image
segments containing users’ faces, we have utilized
the commercial 3D camera system (Kinect device)
originally developed for game industry for acquisition
and segmentation of visual scenes. From a video se-
quence it produces a sequence of human body skele-
tons which we have used for extraction of the image
segments containing the customer’s face. We have
evaluated the classification accuracy into normal and
anomalous face categories (achieved by the HTM) in
real experiments and compared it with conventional
Škoviera R., Valentín K., Štolc S. and Bajla I. (2013).
Recognition of Untrustworthy Face Images in ATM Sessions using a Bio-inspired Intelligent Network.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 511-517
DOI: 10.5220/0004195605110517
The project was focused on the research into users’
face classification method based on a bio-inspired
HTM network. The proposed classification system
consists of:
An Input Image Acquisition Unit.
In our project, we decided to use the Kinect de-
vice for image acquisition since it can provide a
stream of RGB images as well as other types of
data (see Section 4) that could be used to sim-
plify the face recognition task.
An ATM Simulator.
To simulate a realistic situation at the ATM we
decided to use a software based ATM simulator
that would run on a PC and would compel the
test subjects to behave like they would while
interacting with a real ATM.
An Application of the Optimized HTM Network.
For the task of classification of the face images
we will use the HTM network. However, since
the images of the whole person at the ATM with
background clutter would not be suitable as an
input for the HTM, we will also have to devise a
program that will produce images with only the
faces from the recorded data (see Section 5.3).
The project should provide an information, whether
the proposed philosophy of improving the ATM secu-
rity is, in principle, capable for deployment in a semi-
autonomous on-line monitoring of the user behavior
and in early detection of unauthorized and/or untrust-
worthy activities.
The Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is a
memory-prediction network proposed initially by
(George and Hawkins, 2009; Hawkins and Blakeslee,
2004), and distributed as a free software package,
called NuPIC
, by Numenta, Inc. The HTM has
been explored and further extended by several other
authors, e.g., (Thornton et al., 2008; Kostavelis and
Gasteratos, 2012; Rozado et al., 2012; Štolc and Ba-
jla, 2010a; Štolc and Bajla, 2010b; Štolc and Bajla,
Structurally, HTM network can consist of sev-
eral layers (levels) of elementary units, called nodes,
NuPIC stands for Numenta Platform for Intelligent
which use the same algorithms. The effective area
from which a node receives its input is called field of
view or receptive field of the node. The individual
levels are ordered in a hierarchical tree-like structure
(see Fig. 1 for a prototypical example of the HTM
network). There is a zero sensory level of the HTM
which serves as an input to the first level of nodes.
In our case, zero level represents a visual field of im-
age pixels. At the top level, there is only one node that
serves for classification. In this role various classifiers
can be applied.
Since the use of smooth temporal dependencies
of input spatial patterns is essential characteristic of
the HTM, its learning process utilizes either native se-
quence of images (e.g., video captured by a camera),
or (in case of static images) an artificially generated
sequence of images using various exploring schemes.
The HTM node operates in two distinct stages
learning and inference, the algorithms of which will
be briefly described in the following section.
3.1 Learning in a Node
The learning is done by training the network level
by level starting at the bottom level. Nodes in the
level that is learning can be trained separately or us-
ing shared representations. After the nodes in a level
are trained, they switch into inference mode and pro-
duce input for the next level. When the learning pro-
cess is finished in all the levels, the HTM network can
classify any unknown pattern into trained categories.
3.1.1 Memorization of Input Representative
In the first step of the learning process, the node mem-
orizes the representative spatial patterns from its re-
ceptive field. This memorization process can be con-
sidered as an on-line quantization of the input im-
age space (Numenta, 2009). The quantization works
in the following way: when the Euclidean distance
between the input pattern and the nearest existing
quantization point exceeds the value of the parameter
maxDistance, the input pattern becomes a new quan-
tization point. The memorized quantization points
(also called coincidences) represent centroids of the
pools covering one or more input patterns. After hav-
ing processed all available input patterns (or reach-
ing the requested number of quantization points), the
memorization process is finished.
3.1.2 Learning Transition Probabilities
The ultimate goal of the HTM learning is to detect
correct invariant representations of the input world
Image to be processed
Input layer (network's retina)
Level 1
Level 2
Classification node (kNN / SVM)
image patches
temporal groups
temporal groups
c1 = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
c2 = [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
c3 = [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]
c4 = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
g1 = {c1, c16, c24}
g2 = {c3, c44}
g3 = {c8, c20, c31}
Figure 1: An example of the 2-level HTM network for learning invariant representations of faces. The nodes at the level-1 are
arranged in an 8× 8 grid and they cover the whole retina without overlap. The input image has 128× 128 pixels. Each level-1
node receives its input from a 16 × 16 pixel patch of the retina. Each level-2 node receives its input from four child nodes at
the level-1. The top-most classifier node is connected to all level-2 nodes.
based on the temporal relations contained in the learn-
ing sequence. To achieve this, one needs to evaluate
a frequency of transition events, i.e., co-occurrences
of the memorized coincidences in adjacent time in-
stances. A sequence of the input patterns generates
a sequence of the coincidences within the node. In
the HTM theory (George, 2008), the temporal rela-
tions are described in a form of the first-order Markov
graph in which the vertices represent coincidences
and weighted edges express how strong is the tempo-
ral relation. In each HTM node, an individual Markov
graph is constructed and maintained.
3.1.3 Temporal Grouping
The last step of the learning process within each HTM
node is to analyze the constructed Markov graph and
partition it into a set of temporal groups. The parti-
tioning is done in such a way that the vertices of the
same temporal group have strong temporal relation.
To form the temporal groups, the nodes use the Ag-
glomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) method
(Johnson, 1967).
3.2 Inference in a Node
A node that has completed its learning phase can be
switched into the inference mode. In this mode, the
node produces an output vector for every input pattern
provided. This vector indicates the degree of mem-
bership of the input pattern into each of the temporal
groups. There are two phases of the inference process
inference in the “spatial pooler” followed by infer-
ence in the “temporal pooler”.
Typically, most of the input patterns do not per-
fectly match any of the patterns stored in the node’s
memory. Therefore, a closeness to every memorized
coincidence must be calculated. Let d
be the Eu-
clidean distance of the i-th stored pattern from the
input pattern. The larger is the distance, the smaller
should be the match between the input pattern and the
stored coincidence (pattern). It can be assumed that
the match of the patterns can be expressed as a Gaus-
sian function of their Euclidean distance, with the
zero mean: y
= e
, where σ is a parameter of the
node. By calculating this quantity for all n memorized
coincidences, one can produce an overall belief vec-
tor y = [y
,... ,y
] that represents closeness of the
input pattern to all memorized coincidences (George
and Hawkins, 2009). Such a vector is inferred in the
spatial pooler for every input pattern.
In the second phase of the inference, the tempo-
ral pooler makes use of the learned temporal groups
and calculates the output vector for the nodes that are
above in the HTM hierarchy. Each individual com-
ponent of the output vector represents belief that y
comes from a particular temporal group.
Since the users’ face images serve as an input to the
HTM network, and our intention was to simulate a
real-time image acquisition process, we needed a gen-
erator of video image sequences. For this purpose,
various cameras and image segmentation algorithms
could be applied to the task of input data generation,
however, to be able to concentrate on the main prob-
lem, we have utilized an existing convenient tool that
could simplify this auxiliary task – Kinect.
Kinect is an input device to the Microsoft Xbox
360 game console that enables a novel interaction
of players in terms of video, movement, and sound.
This device contains a color VGA camera and a VGA
depth image sensor with 2048 possible distance val-
ues. The basic capability of Kinect is to track skele-
tons of up to two players. The skeleton is represented
by 20 joints that cover the whole body. This was
an important attribute of Kinect, since localization of
representative parts of the body enables to solve the
problem of the image segmentation required by the
HTM network. Kinect can be connected to a stan-
dard PC as an input device and operated using official
by Microsoft
. The SDK enables acquisition
of four types of data: RGB video, depth video, skele-
tons, and audio. For the purposes of our project, it
was sufficient to use the first three data types. Be-
cause of the data resolution limitation for the depth
image (QVGA resolution), it was necessary to warp it
into the VGA video resolution (see Section 5.3).
5.1 ATM Simulator and Data
Synchronization (Kinect – ATM-S)
In our project, we decided to substitute a real ATM
by a software model that could operate on a note-
book and imitate real interactions with the user be-
ing scanned by the Kinect. After the analysis of solu-
tions currently available on the Internet, we decided to
implement our own software ATM simulator (ATM-
S). The ATM-S is designed as a state automaton that
records state changes and user inputs by means of a
system of events.
However, ATM-S events (that can be used to trig-
ger face recognition in real world applications) as well
as the three data types, generated by Kinect for each
frame, occur asynchronously. To synchronize them,
we have created a program called Logger. This pro-
gram subscribes to events generated by both Kinect
and ATM-S, synchronizes them according to their
time stamps, and stores them in a synchronous format.
Software development kit.
SDK is available at
The Logger is also used for reduction of the amount
of data coming from Kinect.
5.2 Acquisition of Input Data
The acquisition of input data was carried out in an
office environment where ATM-S was set up. The
system included a notebook with the running ATM-
S and Logger. Among various anomalous behaviors
(listed in Section 2), we focused on the acquisition of
images of faces. Kinect was placed so that the skele-
tons could be tracked for a person using ATM-S while
the RGB camera was able to capture his/her face as
well as hands. Participants of the experiments accom-
plished several trials, in which they simulated normal
and anomalous behavior while using ATM-S.
5.3 Data Processing
Due to different resolutions and camera positions,
the pixels with the same positions in the depth and
RGB images do not correspond to the same point in
the real scene. The deviation is greater the closer is
the object to the camera plane. For mapping of the
RGB image to the geometry of the depth image, the
SDK provides a special transformation map that how-
ever downgrades the RGB image to QVGA resolu-
tion. However, to preserve the VGA resolution of the
RGB image, we implemented a backmapping warp
transformation that maps the input depth image into
the geometry of the RGB image.
The next step was to segment out the faces from
the RGB images (using the skeleton data and depth
image). To remove most of the background informa-
tion, we cut out the face area based on the positions
obtained from the skeleton. Due to the properties of
the RGB camera and the distance of the user, the face
images had resolution of 128×128 pixels. To sup-
press the rest of the background, a gray-scale mask
was generated from the depth image of the tracked
user. The potential artifacts in the generated mask
were removed by application of the binary morpho-
logical closing. To prevent from forming of artificial
edges around masked object, the resulted mask was
then smoothed by a Gaussian filter. To remove the
neck from the face image, we also applied a Black-
man window mask. The final segmented image was
obtained by pixel-wise multiplication of the face area
RGB image by the prepared mask. An illustrative ex-
ample of this process is depicted in Fig. 2.
Since currently HTM accepts only gray-scale im-
ages, the obtained RGB images were finally trans-
formed to the gray-scale format.
f)e) g)
a) b) c) d)
Figure 2: Face image pre-processing and application of the mask: a) thresholded mask, b) mask after binary morphological
closing, c) smoothed mask, d) Blackman window, e) face cut-out, f) final mask image, g) segmented face image. The ×
symbol represents pixel-wise multiplication.
Table 1: Changes in HTM learning and inference parame-
ters made to the original setup from NuPIC.
level type parameter name value
0 sensor image width and height 128
1 spatial pooler gaborNumOrients 4
2 spatial pooler maxCoincidenceCount 512
3 spatial pooler maxCoincidenceCount 512
4 classifier
outputElementCount 2
autoTuningData False
The structure of our HTM network was inspired by
the NuPIC template set of parameters
dedicated for
the visual object recognition domain. The HTM net-
work consisted of three layers of nodes followed by
a classifier node on the top. The spatial pooler in the
first layer of the HTM network used Gabor filters. The
Gabor filters play the role of edge detectors in certain
directions and frequencies, and moreover, they are bi-
ologically plausible (Daugman, 1985). See Table 1
for information about additional parameters.
To better evaluate the influence of the HTM net-
work on the change of the classification complexity,
we used the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier as
the baseline. Along with k-NN we also investigated
the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier with a
Gaussian kernel function.
6.1 Learning and Testing
After the pre-processing of all acquired images, we
The file with the default HTM parameters is placed in
toolkitNetworks/SVMnetwork/” after installation
of NuPIC software on Windows operating system.
Figure 3: Examples of selected face images. In the first
row, there are examples of the anomaly category. Second
row contains examples of the normal category.
selected 190 face images (see Fig. 3 for examples).
To increase the variability of the data set (and thereby
the generalization of the image classification system),
we extended this initial set by application of rotational
(up to 45 degrees), translational, and mirroring trans-
formations. As a result, we obtained 21 new images
for each original image, that made altogether 4180
face images.
Before initiating the learning process, we ran-
domly divided the data set into two disjunctive groups
– testing and training set. To analyze the influence of
the training data size on the classification accuracy,
we created several data set divisions, ranging from
5% to 50%. To validate our results, for every ratio
we repeated the training and testing process 20 times.
Finally, we calculated the arithmetic mean and stan-
dard deviation of the classification accuracy.
We have realized two scenarios:
Scenario 1: The whole data set was used and k-NN
classifier in the input space was compared with the
combination of the HTM and the k-NN classifier.
Scenario 2: Translated images were excluded from
the training; k-NN classifier in the input space was
compared with the combination of the HTM and
Table 2: Results of the classification of faces to anomaly and normal classes. In both cases, k-NN was used with k = 1.
Training data ratio
in %
Classification accuracy in % (stdev)
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
5 74.92 (1.21) 78.73 (1.81) 80.59 (1.85) 73.28 (1.71) 75.44 (1.63) 75.99 (2.94)
10 80.12 (0.82) 83.35 (1.24) 86.46 (1.48) 78.05 (1.29) 82.15 (1.33) 82.46 (1.69)
20 85.84 (0.60) 88.83 (0.81) 92.57 (0.75) 84.14 (1.17) 88.02 (1.76) 88.56 (1.56)
30 89.01 (0.55) 91.29 (0.66) 94.56 (0.80) 86.50 (0.97) 91.53 (0.97) 91.36 (1.37)
40 91.06 (0.65) 93.38 (0.71) 97.39 (0.25) 88.24 (0.69) 94.10 (0.87) 93.44 (1.06)
50 92.56 (0.63) 94.57 (0.52) 98.22 (0.38) 89.01 (0.75) 94.86 (0.78) 94.19 (0.61)
the SVM classifier.
The results of our computer experiments with the
anomalous and normal faces, carried out according to
the two described scenarios, are summarized as val-
ues of classification accuracy (CA) in Table 2. Based
on their analysis, the following conclusions can be de-
There are differences observed between the re-
sults obtained by Scenario 1 and Scenario 2: (i)
the CA values for k-NN classifier reached within
Scenario 1 are greater in comparison to those ob-
tained by Scenario 2; the difference is increasing
with the increasing size of the training set, (ii)
for the vector space generated by HTM and k-
NN classifier applied to this space, the CA values
obtained by the individual Scenarios differ less;
for larger training sets the CA values are aï¿œbit
greater in the case of Scenario 2,
The average loss in CA of k-NN classifier in Sce-
nario 2 comparing to Scenario 1 is 2.382 percent-
age points, whereas when combined with HTM
network, the average loss is only 0.675 percentage
points, this suggests that HTM has an ability to
learn representations more invariant to translation
than k-NN alone (especially in the case of lesser
training data size),
The application of the optimized HTM network to
our classification problem outperforms the appli-
cation of the simple k-NN classifier in the input
Finally, the best CA is achieved for HTM com-
bined with the SVM classifier in Scenario 1
In this pilot project (a feasibility study), we have fo-
cused on the face classification problem. The system
can work well under moderate lighting changes and
even on rather small images containing some amount
of noise. It should be noted that our system can serve
as a convenient basis for exploring a more complex
detection system.
In conclusion we can summarize individual con-
tributions made within the reported pilot project:
development of an ATM program simulator
development of a program Logger for synchro-
nization between Kinect and ATM-S,
development of a program module necessary for
warp transformation that maps the input depth im-
age to the geometry of the RGB original image
and pre-processing the resulting images to yield
final face images suitable for input in the HTM
finding optimum parameters of the HTM network
by conducting a large set of computer experi-
comparison of the performance of several well-
known classifiers working in tandem with HTM.
This work has been supported by the Slovak
Grant Agency for Science (VEGA research project
No. 2/0019/10) and partially by the Tatra banka Foun-
dation, through the program E-talent for young sci-
entists in the field of applied informatics (project
No. 2010et019).
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