Human Detection and Tracking under Complex Activities
B. Cancela, M. Ortega and M. G. Penedo
VARPA Group, University of A Coru˜na, Campus de Elvi˜na s/n, A Coru˜na, Spain
Background Subtraction, Cascade Classifier, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Particle Filter, Collision
Multiple-target tracking is a challenging question when dealing with complex activities. Situations like partial
occlusions in grouping events or sudden target orientation changes introduce complexity in the detection which
is difficult to solve. In particular, when dealing with human beings, often the head is the only visible part.
Techniques based in upper body achieve good results in general, but fail to provide a good tracking accuracy
in the kind of situations mentioned before. We present a new methodology for provide a full tracking system
under complex activities. A combination of three different techniques is used to overcome the problems
mentioned before. Experimental results in sport sequences show both the speed and performance of this
In complex scenes, human detection and tracking is
a challenging question far to be solved. Since the
use of full-body human detections (Desai et al., 2009)
is questionable due to possible occlusions, novel sys-
tems try to focus into the head region.
For instance, Rodriguez et al. (Rodriguez et al.,
2011) introduce a density function to detect every
head into a crowded scene. However, tracking sys-
tem based in local points does not take into account
complex activities, like quick human spins. On the
other hand, Li et al. (Li et al., 2009) use the head-
shoulder omega shape feature to perform a human
detection technique. This system cannot track peo-
ple when exist human interaction events, like people
grouping, or when sudden orientation changes occur.
It also obtain poor results in presence of noise within
the image. Many other different techniques can be
seen in (Zhan et al., 2008).
In this paper we present a new methodology for
human detection and tracking people under complex
activities. Based on the work of Li et al., we intro-
duce additional information about the motion within
the scene to reduce the region to process. In our work,
a combination of a Viola-Jones type classifier with a
HOG feature based SVM is used to detect every per-
son in the scene, while a particle filter system, sup-
ported by the human detection system and a adaptive
filter technique to predict the target position, performs
the tracking methodology, achieving good results in
both areas.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 ex-
plains the detection system; section 3 describes the
tracking system; finally, section 4 shows some exper-
imental results and section 5 offers some conclusions.
To detect every human in the scene, we perform a
method based in the omega-shape feature (Li et al.,
2009). We combine a Viola-Jones type classifier with
a Histogram of Gradients (HOG) feature based SVM.
The main reason to introduce two different classifiers
in related with the processing speed. The SVM is a
better classifier, but the time needed to compute the
HOG feature and to classify it is high, making it un-
able to be used in real-time scenarios. On the other
hand, the Viola-Jones type classifier speed is high, but
lacks in the classification accuracy, since it introduces
several false positive detections.
First, the Viola-Jones type classifier is used to de-
tect every possible human being in the scene. This
results in a pool of different patches, which are go-
ing to be confirmed as human beings using the HOG
based feature SVM. However, using the Viola-Jones
along the whole scene also involves a large amount of
time. Our detection system is divided into three dif-
ferent steps: first, a background subtraction technique
is used to detect every moving pixel in the scene;
Cancela B., Ortega M. and Penedo M..
Human Detection and Tracking under Complex Activities.
DOI: 10.5220/0004201503700374
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 370-374
ISBN: 978-989-8565-48-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Detection system example. Once the background
subtraction technique is applied, we select a poo of bound-
ing boxes containing the blobs in the scene (a). Viola-Jones
type classifier, in combination with a torso estimation, are
used to select the possible detections (a), which are finally
evaluated using the HOG feature based SVM (b).
then, both the Viola-Jones type classifier and the HOG
based feature SVM are used to detect every moving
person. We decided not to use optic flow to detect ev-
ery moving pixel in the scene because of the process-
ing speed. Since information about the module or the
orientation of the movement are not going to be used
in this methodology, a background subtraction tech-
nique with online updating system is used. We use
the Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) algorithm (Stauffer
and Grimson, 1999) with a short window history, in
order to quickly consider as background stopped tar-
gets. This is also done to make the system more robust
to sudden illumination changes. After that, opening
and closing morphological operators are user to re-
duce the image noise.
Before using the Viola-Jones type classifier, we
have to reduce the processing regions. Having the
background information technique, we perform a
blob detection and, for each blob, a bounding box is
created containing all its foreground pixels.
After we have the bounding boxes, we use the
Viola-Jones type classifier under these regions. De-
tails of how to train the classifier can be seen in (Viola
and Jones, 2001). Finally, a pool of different patches
are obtained (green rectangles in Fig. 1-(a)). Before
we apply the HOG feature based SVM, we introduce
a restriction based in the human movement knowl-
edge. A head movement detected by the background
subtraction technique is always followed by a torso
movement. So, using a small rectangle at the bottom
of the patch we can check the foreground pixels to see
if a movement occurs down the head. If no movement
is found, the patch is discarded. The height of this
rectangle is related with the patch size we are check-
ing. Blue rectangles in Fig. 1-(a) shows an example
of the rectangles we use to check the torso.
The HOG Feature Based SVM is applied to every
remaining patch to confirm it is related to a person.
We perform a classic HOG technique. HOG feature
extraction details can be seen in (Dalal and Triggs,
2005). The computational cost to obtain this feature
is high, but we can improvethe performanceusing the
integral histogram technique (Porikli, 2005). In Fig.
1-(b) we can see both accepted and rejected patches.
Although tracking system is mainly focused on us-
ing a particle-filter system, that method decreases its
quality during long-time scenes, since an error in the
estimation is carried along the frames without any
possibility to correct them. Our tracking system is de-
fined as follows: first, we use the detection system ex-
plained before to also track the target. If this method
fails, we perform a particle-filter system to locate the
best target state into the new frame. Finally, we in-
troduce the new elements detected by the detection
After using the detection system, we have a pool
of different accepted patches. We also have, at time
t, a set containing all the targets tracked by the sys-
tem in previous frames. Thus, we create, for every
new patch, a set containing all the targets that could
fit with the new detection, using the euclidean dis-
tance. If we have only one target candidate, we assign
the new patch with the target contained into the set.
If there is more than one candidate. a collision oc-
curs. Then, we perform a comparison between their
respective HOG features using the Bhattacharyya co-
efficient, which is a good method for tracking non-
rigid objects (Comaniciu et al., 2000). The target
which obtains a better coefficient is assigned to the
new patch position.
We compute a predicted position for the targets we
have stored, using a bunch of linear filters (Adalines)
to estimate the target speed, because of its simplic-
ity and its performance under noisy images (Cancela
et al., 2011).
We propose to use a particle-based system, choos-
ing the extracted local HOG features, to model its
appearance. Using the linear filters to predict the
velocity of each target, we can assume the new tar-
get position is described as z
= ˜z
+ ω, where ˜z
the predicted position of the target z
at time t and
ω N(0, Σ) is a Gaussian Noise. In our particle filter
system, we add Gaussian noise to the predicted po-
sition to generate a bunch of different particles. The
local HOG feature is extracted for each particle and,
using the Bhattacharyya coefficient we choose the po-
sition which obtains the best value.
Once the position is located, we have to update the
model appearance. Because of a bad chosen particle,
the model should maintain information about previ-
ous appearances. So, having the target model
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frame #
Amount #
Number of people detected
Number of detections
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frame #
Amount #
Number of people detected
Number of detections
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frame #
Amount #
Number of people detected
Number of detections
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frame #
Amount #
Number of people detected
Number of detections
Figure 2: Detection system stats. With no background subtraction technique (Li et al., 2009), false positive rate is high
(a). Including background subtraction technique we reduce the number of total and false detections (b). Including the torso
estimation, the system locate every moving person in the scene avoiding wrong detections (c), while stopped persons cannot
be reached. Initializing the system having disabled the restrictions under a few frames obtains the better results (d).
the HOG feature of the winning particle, O
, the
model is updated using a learning parameter, α (set to
0.05 in our case).
We always accept the best particle. Thus, we in-
troduce a threshold τ
to detect lost targets. If, along
consecutive frames, the Bhattacharyya coefficient of
the best particle is below to that frame, we declare the
target as lost.
Once we have successfully tracked all the targets
we have detected in previously frames, we introduce
new targets appearing within the scene. Basically, we
define as new target every patch that has no overlap-
ping region with any of the targets tracked with the
other two techniques mentioned before.
To perform our experiments we have recorded a sport
sequence, consisting in a 3 × 3 basket match. More
than 15000 frames were recorded in this video, hav-
ing a 640× 368 resolution running at 25 frames per
second. We divide the test results in two big groups:
one involving the detection performance and another
focused in the tracking system.
Since our method for adding new targets is em-
bedded in the tracking system, we use the whole sys-
tem to test the detection, without taking into account
any information about the identification system. To
train both Viola-Jones type classifier and the RBF ker-
nel SVM we use the generic dataset introduced in (Li
et al., 2008). To validate the advantage of our method
on the detection task, we compared it with two differ-
ent configurations, in terms of detection quality and
processing speed. First, Li et al. (Li et al., 2009) im-
plementation is used. Also, we test out method with
and without torso estimation. We evaluate the detec-
tion system during a sequence. Fig. 2 shows the re-
sults obtained.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Figure 3: Tracking system example. Without taking into
account information about the human detection system, the
accuracy of the tracking decreases when partial occlusion
events occur (a, b, c). More accurate solution can be
achieved introducing that information (d, e, f).
Figure 4: Examples of tracking using different predicted po-
sition techniques. Using a simple nite difference scheme
(FD) lacks in presence of noise, while both kalman filter
(KF) and adaptive filters (AF) can deal with it. When occlu-
sion occurs, AFs performs better when recovering a moving
object, while KFs obtain better results tracking the stopped
The idea of using both background subtraction in-
formation and the torso estimation reduces the sensi-
tivity of the system. However, in video sequences,
it is very important to avoid, as much as possible,
the false positive rate. Although our system can re-
ject good patches, the specificity is close to 100%.
The impact due to the sensitivity decreasing is lim-
ited, since video sequences provide good chances to
detect that patches into the successive frames. Table
1 shows the speed processing results using a Pentium
Quad Core, running at 2.40GHz with 4 RAM GB in
a Linux Operative System. In these images, we can
increase the number of frames processed per second
from 1 up to 4, while we improve the accuracy in the
detection procedure.
According to the prediction system, three differ-
Table 1: Time consuming on a 640× 368 image by the Viola-Jones type classifier in combination with the HOG feature based
SVM, and by the tracking system, with or without taking into account the detection system information.
Detector Type Time per frame
No background subtraction (dense scan) 962ms
Background subtraction 255ms
Background subtraction + torso estimation 245ms
Particle filter 32ms
Particle filter + detection information 16ms
Figure 5: Partial occlusion example. The system is able
to detect every person in the collision, even when sudden
orientation changes occur.
ent approximations were tested: a simple finite dif-
ference scheme, a Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960) and
the adaptive filters. As we can see in Fig. 4, finite
difference scheme is too sensible to noise. Similar re-
sults were obtained using both Kalman and adaptive
filters. Since the behavior is similar, we decide to use
the adaptive filter, as it is less memory and computa-
tion demanding.
The system can successfully track multiple targets
under sudden movement changes. Also can detect
every person within a scene under partial occlusion
events. In Fig. 5 we can see four different players un-
der partial occlusion circumstances. Every frame dur-
ing that collision, the system is able to successfully
detect all the targets involving.
In this paper we present a new methodology for track-
ing people under uncontrolled and complex scenar-
ios. Three different techniques were tested. We can
conclude the system performs a better detection tech-
A sport sequence is used to test our algorithm,
including several challenging situations, like occlu-
sions, grouping events and sudden speed and orienta-
tion change movements. While previous approaches
failed to deal with these problems, the results show
our system is able to maintain a good tracking quality
during the sequences, while we increase their algo-
rithm speed. In future researches, we plan to intro-
duce a full tracking system with total occlusion re-
This paper has been partly funded by the Conseller´ıa
de Industria, Xunta de Galicia through grant contracts
10/CSA918054PR and 10TIC009CT.
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