IT Lessons Learnt from Real Time Dike Monitoring
Matthijs Vonder and Bram van der Waaij
TNO, Eemsgolaan 3, Groningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Dike Monitoring, Sensor Data, Scalable, Cloud, Use Case, Anomaly Detection, Real-time, Lessons Learnt.
Abstract: The Dutch lowlands are protected by many kilometres of dikes. Currently these dikes are visually inspected
on a regular basis. During heavy weather this frequency is raised, up to 24/7 in very extreme situations.
After a dike failure at the Dutch town Wilnis in 2003, the question was raised whether modern sensor
technology could be used to assess extra information on dike conditions. To answer this question, different
experiments have been conducted in order to gain more knowledge about dike failure mechanisms and to
validate real time sensor dike monitoring in existing dikes. Based on these use cases, this paper presents
several IT lessons learnt and future IT challenges concerning data storage, anomaly detection and dike
stability models in relation to CPU power usage for small, medium and large scale dike monitoring.
The Dutch lowlands are protected by many
kilometres of dikes. Despite the fact that building
dikes started in the late Middle Ages, today
designing, constructing and maintaining dikes still
involves a lot of empiricism (Van, 2009). During
high water conditions the information on the actual
strength of a dike is usually obtained by visual
inspection. Questions about the time to failure or the
maximum load increase that a specific dike location
can withstand are hard to answer. Modern sensor
technology is used to obtain (sub)soil information.
After a dike failure at the Dutch town Wilnis in 2003
(Bezuijen, 2005), the question was raised whether
modern sensor technology could be used to obtain
extra information on dike conditions.
Currently dikes are visually inspected on a
regular basis, e.g. every month. During heavy
weather this frequency is raised, up to 24/7 in very
extreme situations. Next to the visual inspections
some temporal experiments are performed using
sensors (e.g. pore pressure) with batch processing
afterwards. Special theoretical models are used in
this batch processing, which are based on lab
experiments and hind sight analyses of the real
Van (2009) states that sensor technology could
be used as an early warning system: when a
monitored parameter reaches a certain value, people
are warned and action can be taken. When using
modern sensor technology for an early warning
system, it should be known which parameter should
be monitored at which interval in time and space and
at which location in the cross-section, but also at
which point an action should be taken and what time
frame is available. In order to find an answer to
these questions the idea of a fieldlab IJkdijk was
born. In the past years a couple of experiments have
been done. In this paper we focus on the IT-related
aspects while using sensor systems to monitor a
In 2005 the idea of a fieldlab IJkdijk was born
(Vries, 2010). It is pronounced as ‘Ike-dike’ and is
Dutch for ‘calibration dike’. In 2008 the IJkdijk
Foundation was established, which is an initiative of
TNO and Deltares, STOWA, NOM and IDL (Pals,
2009). It is an initiative where knowledge on dikes
and sensor technology comes together. The plan has
been emerged to build test dikes to enable the
systematic testing of existing and new theoretical
models using various types of new sensors and
communication technologies, both during
construction and on the entire lifetime of a dike.
As part of the IJkdijk program, in Booneschans,
the Netherlands, a number of dikes is built at full
scale and brought to failure with two explicit goals:
to increase the knowledge on dike behaviour and to
Vonder M. and van der Waaij B..
IT Lessons Learnt from Real Time Dike Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0004202700730079
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2013), pages 73-79
ISBN: 978-989-8565-45-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
develop and test new sensor technologies for flood
early warning systems under field conditions (Van,
2009). This should increase both the quality of the
dike inspection and monitoring process and the
safety assessment of dikes.
The IJkdijk project functions as an open
innovation platform for testing sensor techniques,
dike monitoring systems and to improve dike
technology, providing benchmarking to all
contributors (Pals, 2009). By conducting
experiments in a controlled environment and under
pre-determined conditions, knowledge about the
failure mechanisms of dikes can be improved and
the value of new technologies can be demonstrated.
At present, more than forty companies and
institutions from five different countries cooperate in
this initiative.
Between 2007 and 2010 ground breaking
experiments were conducted in dike monitoring with
the aid of sensor technology. ‘Overtopping’ - where
water slushes over the dike - was explored in 2007
(Meijer, 2008), macro stability in September 2008
and ‘backward piping erosion’ – where a kind of
tunnel arises through seepage underneath a dike - in
September-December 2009 (Kruiver, 2010). All
dikes were stressed to a point where they failed.
2.1 IJKDIJK Environment
Figure 1: IJKDIJK environment (Weijers, 2009).
The IJKDIJK location is an area of 800m x 120m
and has the advantage that it was already surrounded
with its own dikes. So when something might go
wrong during the experiments the water will stay in
the polder. It is also located next to a 30m wide
canal, which supplies the necessary water for the
experiments (Meijer, 2008). Figure 1 gives an
impression of the IJkdijk environment (while
preparing the macro stability experiment).
For failure mechanisms mentioned earlier
(overtopping, macro stability and piping) several test
dikes (i.e. IJKDIJK’s) were built under supervision
of Deltares. These test dikes had real-life dimensions
concerning height and width, but with a limited
length (i.e., up to 100 meters for macro stability).
For the experiments focusing on macro stability and
piping, other companies were invited to become
partner who brought their own sensor systems
equipment. This resulted in a list of 13 different
sensor systems for the macro stability experiment
(Weijers, 2009) and 9 for the piping experiment
(Koelewijn, 2010). Figure 2 gives an
instrumentation overview for the macro stability
experiment, while the dike breach is shown in figure
3. The sensor systems varied from known pore
pressure sensors from different suppliers to fibre
optic temperature sensors, infrared cameras and even
experimental “listening tube with hydrophones
(Meijer, 2008). In the design phase all supplied
sensor systems were taken into account and they
were placed during the building of the test dikes
(and not put in the dike afterwards, as would be the
case for existing dikes).
Figure 2: Instrumentation overview macro stability
experiment (Van, 2009).
Figure 3: Dike breach of macro stability experiment
(photo: TNO 2008).
For each experiment a dike is furnished with in-
situ intra-dike and extra-dike sensors. From these
sensors dedicated short-distance communication
lines run to small communication hubs, where the
data is aggregated and transferred onto other longer-
distance communication lines. This data is then
received at a central data aggregation point where it
is stored in such a way that it is easily accessible by
computer applications that use models to analyse the
data and have specific need for a certain sensor,
chronological, geometrical and/or geographical point
of view, i.e. a subset of all measured data.
2.2 Lessons Learnt
Based on the experiments at the IJKDIJK facility,
we have learnt several lessons in the domain of
applying information technology for monitoring
dikes, which will be elaborated further in this
1. Models need to be converted from batch to (near)
real time.
2. Development of dike stability models for new
sensor types is necessary.
3. When there are no dike stability models, generic
anomaly detection techniques can be an alternative.
4. There is a very little syntactical standardization
in dike monitoring.
5. There is a very little semantic standardization in
dike monitoring.
1. Models Need to be Converted from Batch to
(Near) Real Time. As described above, while
performing dike inspections using sensors in real
situations, this is done mostly by using data loggers.
After a certain period the collected data is processed
using batch-oriented models. For the IJkdijk
experiments the sensor data was available in (near)
real time, but the available dike stability models
were not well-suited for that. A first workaround
was a semi real-time analysis by feeding small
batches to these models. As described by Langius
(2009) and Kruiver (2010), the FEWS-DAM-model
(FEWS-DAM stands for Flood Early Warning
System extended with Dike stability Analysis
Module) for slope stability and piping was adjusted
to be able to cope with the real-time sensor values of
pore pressure.
2. Development of Dike Stability Models for New
Sensor Types is Necessary. The available theoretical
models are based on parameters like pore-pressure in
the dike (at several places) and water height on both
sides of the dike. During the experiments companies
also wanted to test their innovative solutions on
sensors, measuring other parameters, like
displacements with in situ sensors (e.g. geobeads,
fibre optics) and infrared cameras. Other examples
are changes in temperature (e.g. fibre optics) and
specific sound (hydrophones). However, for the
failure mechanisms under investigation, there were
no proven models that took these aspects into
account: the models contained no parameters for
geotechnical displacements, temperature or sound.
Therefore additional (long term) research is needed
in future to develop new proven dike stability
models for these sensor types (Langius, 2009).
3. When there are No Dike Stability Models,
Generic Anomaly Detection Techniques can be an
Alternative. For those sensor types that have no
proven dike stability models, anomaly detection
techniques can be of great assistance. The dike
stability models are modelling the known failures
and provide the probability of actual occurrence of
these failures. Anomaly detection techniques can be
used to model the normal “good” behaviour of the
dikes and demonstrate a probability of how much
deviation from that normal behaviour is occurring
(see also Kruiver 2010 and look for “trendspotting”).
Krzhizhanovskaya (2011) with the Neural cloud
from Lang (2008) and Mititelu (2011) with change
detection have already experimented with anomaly
detection on dike monitoring.
4. There is a very Little Syntactical Standardization
in Dike Monitoring. Each sensor system partner in
the IJkdijk fieldlab had its own syntactical interface
to export sensor data which resulted in the rather
poor integration of all solutions. There needs to be
more confirmation towards the existing international
syntactical standards (Weijers, 2009).
5. There is a very Little Semantic Standardization
in Dike Monitoring. During the fieldlab IJKDIJK it
became clear that dike monitoring with sensors is
still a very immature area. Often there was no
mutual understanding of important dike monitoring
parameters such as: pore pressure, dike stability, etc.
There is need for more international semantic
standardization. Within the Netherlands a logical
institute (AQUO) ( is founded to
develop these standards called the information desk
water standards.
After the successful IJKDIJK experiments, the water
board authorities were confident that monitoring
could be safely tested on real dikes. The first real
dike equipped with a real time dike monitor system
was the harbour dike in the Eemshaven in the north
of the Netherlands (see figure 4). Since October
15th, 2009 a segment of 800m of this sea dike are
continuously monitored using 208 sensors and a
fibre optic cable (Kolk, 2011).
Figure 4: Location of Livedike Eemshaven (blue line).
Background image Google Earth (Kruiver, 2010).
Based on a successful first year of this trail,
several other “livedike” locations have been
developed. Within the Netherlands: Stammerdijk,
Vechtkade, Vlaardingse kade (see also Since 2010 also several
international dikes are being monitored, i.e. in
Australia (Brisbane) and United Kingdom (Boston)
(see also
The goal of the Livedike Eemshaven trail is to
gain insight in relevance and usefulness of the use of
sensor technology for dike monitoring (Kolk, 2011).
Within this paper, the following three derived goals
are investigated:
To learn about placement of sensors at a larger
scale, to get already a feeling for large scale
To learn about operational issues that occur
during monitoring for several years.
To learn how to set up a proper IT dike
monitoring infrastructure.
3.1 Operational Issues
Based on the experience of the last two years of
livedike, the following operational issues came to
Getting Power and Internet on the Location of
the Dike is not Trivial. The livedikes are located in
non-urban areas, which is typical for most dikes.
Almost never a power line and/or Internet
infrastructure is nearby. Even wireless Internet
coverage and bandwidth is not always guaranteed in
remote dike locations (rural areas). For sensor dike
inspection these are non-trivial issues.
Some Sensor Systems were more Sensitive to
Lightning than Expected. When lightning stroke at
the vicinity of this dike, a lot of the electrical sensor
system sensors died (Langius, 2011). The hypothesis
is that when the lightning stroke land, the salty water
on the other side of the dike was more “attractive”
than the parts deeper in the ground. This resulted in
a large current through the dike, which was too
much for the electrical sensors. However, such type
of sensors as the fibre optic sensors gave no
3.2 Lessons Learnt
Based on the experience of the last two years of
livedikes, the following IT lessons learnt can already
be presented, which will be elaborated further in this
1. Adding new sensors into the monitoring system
should be automated as much as possible.
2. It should be possible to “correct” measurements.
3. It should be possible to view long periods of
4. Sample rate increase during flood conditions
should be handled in a right way.
5. Simulations are desired.
6. Use of noSQL databases for robustness
1. Adding New Sensors into the Monitoring System
should be Automated as much as Possible. Most
dike monitoring sensor systems use complex sensors
which are a combination of many simple sensors.
This is especially true for the fibre optics, which can
contain hundreds of sensors per kilometre of cable.
In order to deploy fast new complex sensors in the
database, a template mechanism is needed to pre-
specify the layout of that complex sensor previously
of installation. That template can then be used to
easily instantiate many fibre optic cables, which can
contain the measurements.
2. It should be Possible to “Correct”
Measurements. During the trial the need for multiple
versions of the measurements arose. The technique,
the pore pressure sensor uses to perform its
measurement, is related to the outside air pressure.
The sensor itself does not make this correction. To
have easier use of the pore pressure, for instance, in
the models, it is desired to have both the air pressure
corrected version of the pore pressure measurements
and the original version (Kruiver, 2010 and Kolk,
2011). In other situations, only the corrections on
limited timestamps are needed, i.e., in the case of
correction of the measurements of a temporal faulty
3. It should be Possible to View Long Periods of
Measurements. To let people interact with the
livedikes, a multi touch table was used to display the
sensors within the dikes. The user could easily
browse through all the measurements
(Krzhizhanovskaya, 2011). During the trial, the time
frame of the measurements became larger and
larger. Users often zoomed out to the entire period
of the trial, more than a year at that time. At some
point the used linear sample technique to collect a
visualization dataset of 1000 points, was no longer
generating representative graphs.
To facilitate the large timeframe viewing request,
a different aggregation technique needs to be
developed to be able to show a representative graph
for each possible timeframe (Kruiver, 2010).
Traditional average techniques filter too many
details and spikes away. At the moment wavelets are
under investigation as a promising aggregation
technique, based on (Li, 2002).
4. Sample Rate Increase during Flood Conditions
should be Handled in a Right Way. The sample rate
for the sensors depends on the time scale at which
the phenomenon that is to be measured occurs. Other
considerations are (Kruiver, 2010): data storage
limitations, computer power for data analysis (for
larger data sets data analysis takes longer), how
important remediation measures are and in which
time frame we need to take those measures. And
Kruiver also considers if it is useful to transiently
adjust the measurement frequency: in periods of
higher risk of vulnerabilities, during storms or high
water for instance, it might be very useful to
increase the measurement frequency, so more data
will be gathered and better information about
vulnerabilities can be given to the local authorities.
For different failure mechanisms different
measurement intervals are suggested (e.g. for macro
stability: 10 min maximum during flood conditions,
otherwise once every hour.)
Kolk (2011) states that (for the specific situation
in Livedike Eemshaven) a measurement frequency
of e.g. once per hour will be sufficient, but with an
automatic increase up to once per 5 minutes as wind
speeds of 7 Bft and higher.
5. Simulations are Desired. In case of an upcoming
crisis, looking at the sensor data and the dike
stability models gives not insight that is always
enough. One way of attaining additional insight is
through the use of simulations where the effect of
certain changes in the physical situation (e.g. due to
remediation measures) is measured within a
simulation; situations which cannot be created for
real on an actual dike under threat (Kruiver, 2010).
6. Use noSQL Database for Robustness. The data
storage of the measurements must be constructed in
a very robust and flexible scalable manner. For the
IJkdijk experiments and the livedike trails, a
traditional SQL database (postgreSQL) is used. For
large scale implementations the database partitioning
is a realistic problem. In case of a disaster it is not
unthinkable that a datacentre actually falls out. The
CAP (Consistent, Available & Partitioning tolerant)
theorem (Brewer, 2000; Gilbert, 2002 and Langius,
2011) shows that current SQL databases are not
robust against partitioning. NoSQL databases make
the choice to be available and partition tolerant and
are therefore better suited for large scale critical
sensor applications (Veen, 2012).
Based on the successful trials with IJkdijk and
livedikes in the Netherlands, development has been
started on a so called Dike Data Service Centre
(DDSC) ( The DDSC will
become the national (near) real time dike monitoring
centre, with facilities for storage as while as
providing knowledge. Its first tasks will be the
continuation of the operational monitoring of the
livedikes and subsequently a mid-scale dike
monitoring system.
When looking at the step towards large scale
monitoring up to many thousands of kilometres dike,
at least the following two IT challenges have to be
1. How to manage a large number of dike stability
model instances for inspection and simulation
during normal and crisis situations? From the
lessons learnt of the livedikes, the adaptation of
sample rates and the desire for simulations make a
dynamic need for CPU power. Temporal increase of
sample rate results in a temporal increase of analysis
power and each simulation has its own temporal
additional need for CPU power. It is, on a cost base,
undesirable to scale the dike monitoring datacentre
to be able to deal with all of this dynamic CPU
power need.
Therefore it is suggested to scale the dike
monitoring datacentre based on the baseline CPU
power. To deal with sample rate increases and
simulations, cloud based CPU power should be
requested (asked for). A first attempt in this
direction is a cloud model management system
developed to set up and configure model instances
upon request (Meijer, 2010). In addition, also
anomaly detection models as described in the
IJKDIJK section should be treated in the same way
as these dike stability models.
2. How to avoid unnecessary running of the CPU
intensive dike stability models? Dike stability
models can be complex and even in non-critical
situations demand a lot of CPU power. Running
these models continuously for thousands of
kilometres dikes can therefore be quite costly.
It is suggested by Langius (2011) to use simple
anomaly detection techniques as a trigger for
running the dike stability models. This results in a
reduction of using the CPU power most of the time.
Only during potentially critical situations additional
CPU power can be required in the cloud to run the
dike stability models to get insight into the changes
of particular dike failure mechanisms.
Based on the work presented in this paper we can
state that monitoring dikes using sensor systems in
combination with information and communication
technology is possible, on a small scale. Based on
the lessons learnt we advise:
to adapt or develop dike stability models to deal
with new types of sensors used in the dikes;
to use anomaly detection techniques when there
are no dike stability models available;
to use noSQL databases to realize a robust
(highly available & partitioning tolerant) sensor data
to work on standardization and semantics for a
more mature market where integration of different
components is less costly in terms of time and
to apply innovative aggregation techniques to
enable viewing data from a large timeframe.
Scaling towards mid and large scale dike monitoring
requires solutions to be found for bringing power
and Internet (i.e. communication) to the (rural) dike
For large-scale dike monitoring two major IT-
challenges have been identified. To cope with these
challenges we advise to work in the following two
To use cloud technology to deal with the
dynamic CPU power needs due to sample rate
changes and/or simulations.
In order to reduce the costs of CPU power in
non-critical situations, also use anomaly detection
techniques to avoid continuous usage of
computationally intensive dike stability models.
Finally we want to state that to address these IT
lessons learnt, we are developing and combining
suitable technologies. Our goal is to make them as
generic as possible in order to be useable also in
other domains. At the moment we are already
involved in projects concerning the monitoring of
cracks in steel bridges, ground movement of gas
pipes and dairy farming.
The authors would like to acknowledge the IJkdijk
Foundation for making the fieldlab IJkdijk possible
and the water board Noorderzijlvest for the Livedike
Eemshaven location. And finally the national Flood
Control 2015 project and FP7 UrbanFlood project
for the research opportunities.
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