An Algorithm for Extended Dynamic Range Video in Embedded Systems
Alberto Ferrante
, Massimo Chelodi
, Francesco Bruschi
and Valeria Mozzetti
ALaRI, Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
ViSSee AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Video Camera, Extended Dynamic Range, Dynamic Range, Video, Visual Sensor.
Video cameras are gaining popularity in embedded systems, either used directly or as sensing devices. Being
embedded systems often portable, they can be employed in different environments with various lightning
conditions; mutating lightning conditions may pose some problems to conventional video-cameras. Yet, high-
dynamic range video-cameras can be too expensive for certain applications. In this paper we propose an
algorithm that extends the dynamic range of common video-cameras by using limited computational resources,
yet exploiting the original frame rate of the camera. Furthermore, we discuss some results obtained by using
our algorithm coupled with a commercial webcam.
Video-cameras are used for different applications,
ranging from the consumer market to video surveil-
lance and other industrial applications. Among all
of these applications, video-cameras can be also used
as input devices of different kinds of sensors. In this
case, the final user is not interested in the camera out-
put; his interest is in the final output of the sensor:
image quality as perceived by the human eye is not
important in this case. It is fundamental, though, that
the output of the image sensor exhibits the charac-
teristics required by the successive elaborations per-
formed in the sensor. For example, ViSSee AG (vis,
2009) produces speed sensors that are based on visual
inputs. When this sensor is used, the output is a speed
measure and the images from the video-camera are
normally not visible to the final application or user.
One of the fundamental characteristics of image
sensors is dynamic range. Dynamic range represents
the maximum difference in luminosity among dif-
ferent zones of the image that the sensor can regis-
ter. Unfortunately, many of the typical scenes con-
tain ranges of luminosities that cannot be represented
by the camera sensor (i.e., the dynamic range of the
scene is greater than the one allowed by the sensor);
this causes some zones of the images to be overex-
posed (i.e., completely white, with no details) or un-
derexposed (i.e., completely black, with no details).
Overexposed or underexposed portions of the images
are unusable in most of the cases as they contain lit-
tle or no detail. Furthermore, due to the reduced dy-
namic range of image sensors, most of the cameras
require their exposure to be adjusted depending on the
lightning conditions. Most of the automatic exposure
adjustment algorithms, though, require some time to
change the exposure appropriately. During this time
most of the images may result to be completely over-
exposed or underexposed.
A well known photographic technique for increas-
ing dynamic range relies on merging multiple expo-
sures (typically 2 or 3) of the same scene taken with
different exposure times. This technique is sometimes
also used in videos.
In this paper we discuss an algorithm aimed at
cameras used in embedded devices; video-cameras,
in this case, are not required to provide a good vi-
sual output. Our algorithm increases dynamic range
by relying on the merge of different exposures, yet
maintaining the original frame rate of the camera.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: in Section 2 we discuss the related work; in
Section 3 we describe the algorithms that we devel-
oped; in Section 4 we discuss an implementation of
the algorithms and we show the results that we have
Extending dynamic range of image sensors has been
the subject of a number of research and industrial
works. In many currently available digital cameras
Ferrante A., Chelodi M., Bruschi F. and Mozzetti V..
An Algorithm for Extended Dynamic Range Video in Embedded Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004207001810186
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2013), pages 181-186
ISBN: 978-989-8565-45-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
there is the possibility of creating extended dynamic
range images by merging different frames (e.g., the
Canon EOS 5D Mark III, can automatically produce
an extended dynamic range image from up to 3 pho-
tos (EOS, 2012)). This functionality, though, is not
available in current consumer video cameras.
Hardware solutions are based on extended dy-
namic range image sensors. One of these sensors, for
example, is the IcyCAM (Arm et al., 2008). This im-
age sensor, though, is only available as as an IP core
that should be implemented on chip.
One software method that requires low level ac-
cess to the sensor is discussed in (Bandoh et al.,
2010). Other methods, such as the ones discussed
in (Schulz et al., 2007; Jinno and Okuda, 2012;
Guarnieri et al., 2011; Xinqiao and Gamal, 2003;
Mertens et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2009; Castro et al.,
2011; Wang et al., 2011), are software only, even
though they may require the knowledge of different
low level parameters of the sensors. All the software
techniques are based on the combination of multiple
frames to obtain a final image with extended dynamic
In the present paper we propose an algorithm for
extended dynamic range videos that relies on general
purpose video-cameras; our algorithm is inspired to
the one presented in (Schulz et al., 2007). Our method
differs in the fact that it requires no knowledge of the
physical sensor parameters and that it produces videos
with the same frame rate of the camera. Our method
is also low on computational resources demand and
can be easily used in embedded systems.
We have designed two different variants of our algo-
rithm, both of them allowing the system to produce
final images with the same frame rate of the video-
camera employed as image source. The first vari-
ant merges two frames as explained in (Schulz et al.,
2007); the sequence of images to be merged, though,
is different than the original one. The second vari-
ant allows considering three different exposure values
and quickly switching among them to optimize dy-
namic range. We have tuned the parameters of the al-
gorithm without any specific knowledge on the image
sensors and by using, as a reference, only the images
obtained from the camera.
In this section we introduce the two variants of
the algorithm that we have designed and we discuss
a methodology to determine the correct exposure val-
ues for the frames that should be considered during
merge. We have designed our algorithm with black
and white images in mind, as our applications do not
require color images; the algorithm, though, can be
used without any modification.
3.1 Two-frame Merge
In this variant of the algorithm two frames are con-
sidered, one with shorter exposure time, named dark,
and another one with longer exposure time, named
light. The dark frame is merged to the light one with
the goal of extracting the maximum number of details
from both images: the loss of details in the black ar-
eas of the dark frame are compensated with the de-
tails that are in the same zones of the light frame.
Details lost in the white areas of the light frame are
compensated by using the details taken from the dark
frame. The merge is performed by applying the fol-
lowing formula for each pixel j of the image:
, l
< L
, l
> L
where l
and d
represent the pixelsof the light and the
dark images, respectively; L
is a threshold on the lu-
minosity that defines underexposed pixels; similarly,
is a threshold that defines overexposed pixels.
Let us name each frame generated by the camera
. When i is odd, the shortest exposure time is set
and, therefore, F
corresponds to a dark image; when
i is even, the longest exposure time is set and, there-
fore, F
corresponds to a light image. In our algo-
rithm, differently than the one explained in (Schulz
et al., 2007), we adopted a way to merge images that
allows obtaining a resulting image at each i (i.e., at
each image acquired by the camera), instead of only
at even values of i:
) i odd, i > 1
) i even
The merge parameters need to be determined by
considering the characteristics of the camera and the
lightning conditions foreseen for the usage of the de-
vice. In particular, the two exposure values need to
be determined in such a way that the dynamic range
of the final image is maximized and that also the mid-
tones of the image are present. In fact, if the expo-
sure values are too far away one another, details in
the middle gray levels are lost. An example of these
parameters is shown in Section 4.
The merge function needs to be applied an all pix-
els of the image and, supposing that the values of
the function f are tabbed instead of computed every
time, it uses two integer sums and two integer mul-
tiplications for each pixel. Two frames at a time (if
the oldest frame is overwritten with the results from
the merge) need to be kept in memory. Therefore, the
resources used by the algorithms are limited and com-
patible with most of the embedded systems where the
algorithm can be adopted.
3.2 Two-frame Adaptive Merge
The dynamic range of a frame obtained by merging
two images is higher than the one of a single frame
obtained from the camera, but it is still limited. In
some situations it may be desirable to increase the dy-
namic range even further. For this purpose, more than
two frames can be merged (e.g., three). The solution
that we propose here, though, uses only two frames
for merging, even though it relies on three fixed expo-
sure values. The algorithm that we propose, in fact,
is able to choose dynamically which couple of expo-
sure values should be considered at a given time. As
mentioned earlier, three exposure values are consid-
ered instead of three, one for the darkest frame, one
for lightest frame, and one that sits in the middle. The
distance between the exposure time of dark and the
one of the medium frame, as well as the distance be-
tween the exposure time of the medium and the one
of the light frame can be considered similar to the one
adopted between the dark and the light frames in the
non adaptive version of the two-frame merge. Con-
sidering the three exposure values, there are two dif-
ferent kinds of sequences of exposure times that can
be used: one corresponds to dark and medium frames;
the other one to medium and light frames. Whether to
use the light or the dark images for the merge is de-
cided by comparing the previously obtained merged
image with the one exposed for mid-tones: if the
image obtained through the merge has similar aver-
age luminosity of the one exposed for mid-tones, it
means that the merge operation has revealed limited
details (i.e., both the merge and the image exposed
for mid-tones are possibly overexposed or underex-
posed). The average luminosity can be computed by
summing up the luminosity of each pixel. No divi-
sion by the total number of pixels is necessary as it
is a constant that in the comparison can be omitted.
This evaluation is only performed for even values of
i. Let us call L
the average luminosity of the frame
obtained from the merge and L
the average luminos-
ity of the frame with mid-level exposure. Let us also
call S the threshold that we use to define similarity
between L
and L
. S is expressed as a percentage.
The camera will start acquiring sequences of
frames in which the dark frames are considered for
odd values of i and the medium frames are considered
for even values of i. For even values of i L
and L
are evaluated with the following possibilities:
: no adaptation required;
< S L
: the new sequence will be
composed by medium frames for even is and and
light frames for odd is; the resulting images will
be obtained as follows:
) i odd, i > 1
) i even
A change from medium and light frames to dark
and medium ones is performed in a similar way when
< S,
As in the two-frame merge, the merge function
needs to be applied an all pixels of the image and it
uses two integer sums, two integer multiplications for
each pixel. Two additional sums are required when
even frames are considered to compute the average lu-
minosity values of the medium frame and of the frame
resulting from the merge operation. Two frames at a
time need to be kept in memory. Therefore, the re-
sources used by the algorithms are limited and com-
patible with most of the embedded systems where the
algorithm can be adopted.
3.3 Exposure Values
By using our algorithm, two frames are merged to
obtain a single image with extended dynamic range;
therefore, exposure parameters of the two frames
must be chosen carefully to obtain the best possible
results in the largest possible range of lightning condi-
tions. Exposure is determined by the couple exposure
time-gain; the latter is also called ISO in photography
(ISO, 2012). Our main goal is to preserve as many
details as possible in the light areas, in the dark areas,
and in the mid-tones. The main constraint in comput-
ing the exposure values resides in the longest expo-
sure time that must be shorter than 1/ frame rate;
this constraint may be problematic when lightning is
scarce. Gain can be increased to obtain shorter expo-
sure times at the price of increasing image noise.
The exposure parameters are determined by
means of experimentsperformed in the different light-
ning conditions considered. Different images of a ref-
erence scene are taken by considering these lightning
conditions and different couple of exposure param-
eters. The reference scene if represented by a Ko-
dak/Tiffen Q-13 gray scale. This printed image a
quality control device is chart consisting of 20 zones,
labeled 0-19, which have optical densities from 0.0
(white) to 1.90 (practical printing black) in steps of
1/3rd of EV/f-stop. The total range of values repre-
sented by the target is of 6 and 2/3rd f-stops. The ob-
tained images are evaluated by considering the num-
ber number of gray patches retained by them, both
in the highlights and in the shadows. In particular,
we consider the most underexposed image for the
dark scene and the most overexposed one for the light
scene in which all gray patches can be distinguished
one another. If the exposure parameters of the under-
exposed image of the dark scene are compatible with
the ones of the overexposed image of the light scene,
the correct value for the exposure parameters is cho-
sen among the ones belonging to the intersection of
the results obtained in the two extreme lightning con-
ditions. Otherwise it is not possible to cover the con-
sidered EV range.
In this section we discuss the results obtained by with
our algorithm.
A Logitech Webcam Pro9000 has been used
for testing. The algorithm discussed in Section 3
have been implemented in C under Linux and the
Video4Linux2 (v4l2)(Schimek et al., 2008) API have
been used to control the webcam and to acquire the
video frames. The ImageMagic suite of programs
have been used for image manipulation and conver-
sion. The values chosen for L
and L
of Equation 1
are 330 and 165
000, respectively. S of Section 3.2
have been set to 15%
4.1 Dynamic Range Measurement
The dynamic range measurement methodology that
we have used relies on the aforementioned Ko-
dak/Tiffen Q-13 gray scale. The target need to be
front-lighted evenly; in our case we used a diffused
light lamp. By considering a constant light level, a se-
ries of pictures, of the target are shot with different ex-
posure values; we used exposure values in steps of of
1/3 f-stop. Dynamic range is obtained by counting the
number of gray patches that are visible in the images.
Since the dynamic range of the sensor is, in most of
the cases, larger than 6 and 2/3rd f-stops, multiple im-
ages need to be used for this purpose. Using multiple
images obtained with different exposure levels is ap-
proximately equivalent to having a longer grayscale.
Multiple images are used in the following way:
1. Thee set A of the images in which all the 20 gray
levels are distinguishable is identified.
2. The images with lowest (a
) and highest (a
) ex-
posure values are selected in set A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Figure 1: Overlapping of two different photos of the target
to compute the dynamic range. Please notice that some gray
levels may not be distinguishable one another on screen or
paper, but they are by measuring the luminosity by using
appropriate pieces of software.
3. The smallest set (I) of images with intermediate
exposure values are selected in set A.
4. A single image (g) is formed by joining a
, a
and the images in the set I such as the values of
the gray levels overlap as shown in Figure 1.
5. The number of gray levels that are present in g are
counted. As 3 gray patches correspond to EV1,
the dynamic range in dB is obtained by multiply-
ing the number of gray levels of g by 2.0667.
If no image shows the full range of gray levels (i.e.,
the dynamic range of the camera is lower than 6 and
2/3 f-stop), the dynamic range can be simply obtained
by selecting one of the images where the highest num-
ber of gray patches can be distinguished and counting
their number. To validate the procedure we performed
a test by using a camera with a known dynamic range.
The procedure to measure the dynamic range of
images resulting from merge is different as the no-
tion of exposure time gets lost in the final images.
Also in this case a set of images, obtained through
merge, are considered. Of all the obtained pictures,
the brighter valid merge (all the 20 gray levels can be
seen) and the darker valid merge are selected. The
darker original (i.e., before merge) fame of the darker
image obtained from merge and the lighter original
frame of the lighter image obtained from merge need
to be considered. A gap in the gray scale will be
present between the two images; this gap needs to be
filled, with the same procedure described above for
measuring the dynamic range of non-merged images,
by using other images (non-merged) taken with expo-
sure settings in between the two of the darker and of
the lighter images. The total number of gray patches
is obtained as 40 plus the number of gray patches used
to fill the distance between the two original images.
Figure 2: Ghosting effect resulting from the merge of two
frames; the camera was moved horizontally. The ghosting
effect is visible on the borders of the lamp.
4.2 Ghosting Evaluation
Ghosting is due to motion of the camera and/or of
the subject between successive frames that are later
merged; due to this motion, the border of some zones
of the image are repeated multiple times in the result-
ing image, thus creating a ghost image, as shown in
Figure 2. Ghosting depends on different parameters
such as the speed of movement, the frames per sec-
ond of the camera, the merge algorithm, the subject
considered, and the lightning conditions. The higher
the speed and the lower the frames per second, the
higher the ghosting may potentially be. Ghosting is
concentrated around the borders between zones with
high luminosity and zones with with low luminosity.
Some of the software methods for extending the
dynamic range of cameras discussed in Section 2 in-
clude techniques to prevent or mitigate the problem
of ghosting; hardware solutions do not usually have
ghosting problems. (Khan et al., 2006) describes an
approach to removing ghosting artifacts from high dy-
namic range images, without the need for explicit ob-
ject detection and motion estimation.
The presence of ghosting in the images is very dif-
ficult to quantify without considering a proper refer-
ence scene. We considered artificially created scenes,
composed by gray patches. This allows leaving as
variables only the ones connected to the merge algo-
rithm considered. In particular, we considered two
different merges obtained from: a dark frame with
half of the patches underexposed and a light frame
with half of the patches overexposed; a dark frame
with all the bins underexposed and a light frame with
all bins correctly exposed. For simulating motion we
shifted the second frame on the right by a certain num-
ber of pixels.
4.3 Results
We measured the dynamic range and we evaluated
ghosting for each variants of the algorithm introduced
(a) Starting light picture
(b) Starting dark picture
(c) Merge
Figure 3: Original pictures and the merge result obtained
with EV 15 (full sunlight at noon).
in Section 3. The dynamic range measured for the
Logitech Webcam Pro9000 that we used in our exper-
iments is 47.5dB, as shown in Figure Figure 1.
When considering the two-frame merge, we have
chosen exposure times that can be used in most of
the normal natural lightning conditions that can occur
outdoor during the day in Summer (from dark, EV 1
to full light, direct sunlight at noon, EV 15). Consid-
ering that the frame rate of our webcam camera is of
20 frames per second, the longer exposure time must
be shorter than 1/20s. The webcam does not provide
accurate results for exposure values below EV 7 (typ-
ical light 10 minutes after sunset). This greatly limits
the possibility of obtaining exposure times that can
be used in darks environments. The exposure values
chosen for these experiments are 1/1000s and 1/30s
(5 f-stops distance).
The dynamic range measured when applying the
merge algorithm is 93dB, that is almost double the
one of the considered camera (47.5dB).
From the ghosting stand point the worst case hap-
pens when half of the bins of the dark image are un-
derexposed and half bins of the light image are over-
exposed. In this case, as shown in Figure 4, halos
are present in all vertical borders of the image (the
movement is simulated to be horizontal in these ex-
periments). Due to the sequence of dark and light
images considered during merge, ghosting is not con-
stant in one direction: halos will be in the same di-
rection of the motion in one frame and in the opposite
direction in the successive frame.
The dynamic range of the IcyCAM is 132dB
(Rüedi and Gray, 2008). The IcyCAM is also free
from ghosting thus exhibiting better performances
than our system. The IcyCAM, though, is much more
expensive than a standard video-camera sensor.
Two-frame adaptive merge provides the same re-
sults, in term of dynamic range and ghosting, as the
two-frame merge, when single final frames are con-
sidered. The main difference, in this case, is that there
are two different possible sets of exposure values that
can be considered and this virtually doubles the num-
ber of lightning conditions supported. This algorithm
(a) Half bins under-exposed (b) Half bins over-exposed (c) Merge all bins with all bins
Figure 4: Halos when half bins of the dark image are underexposed and half bin of the light image are overexposed.
does not provide the same dynamic range, in a single
image, as a merge obtained from three images. Merg-
ing three frames, though, increases significantly the
problems with ghosting.
In this paper we discussed two variants of an algo-
rithm aimed at extending the dynamic range of video-
cameras. The main characteristics of this algorithm is
that it allows using a normal video camera (i.e., with
no special sensors and with no specific knowledge
about it) and it allows maintaining the same frame
rate of which the camera is capable. Furthermore, the
algorithm is quite simple and, therefore, it uses lim-
ited computational resources. In the paper we show,
through experimental results, the effectiveness of the
algorithm in enlarging the dynamic range of the cam-
era adopted.
Future work will concentrate on methods for re-
moving ghosting in the final frames. The method of
choice must be compatible with low-cost and low-
resources embedded systems: it must not be compu-
tationally too expensive.
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