Drowsiness Detection based on Video Analysis Approach
Belhassen Akrout, Walid Mahdi and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
Laboratory MIRACL, Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Drowsiness Detection, Multi-scale Analysis, Circular Hough Transform, Haar Features, Wavelet
Decomposition, Geometric Features.
Abstract: The lack of concentration due to the driver fatigue is a major cause that justifies the high number of
accidents. This article describes a new approach to detect reduced alertness automatically from a system
based on video analysis, to prevent the driver and also to reduce the number of accidents. Our approach is
based on the temporal analysis of the state of opening and closing the eyes. Unlike many other works, our
approach is based only on the analysis of geometric features captured form faces video sequence and does
not need any elements linked to the human being.
Many efforts have been made to detect drowsiness
of drivers. The drowsiness is the risk of falling
asleep for a moment with eyes closed and eyes open
at times which is an intermediate state between
waking and sleeping. This state is involuntary and is
accompanied by reduced alertness. A study of the
SNCF (Guy et al., 2008), the characteristic signs of
drowsiness are manifested by behavioral signals
such as yawning, decreased reflexes, heavy eyelids,
itchy eyes, a desire to close eyes for a moment, a
need to stretch, a desire to change positions
frequently, phases of "micro sleeps" (about 2-5
seconds), a lack of memory of the last stops and
trouble keeping head up. In literature, many systems
based on video analysis have proposed for
drowsiness detecting. Special attention is given to
the measures related to the speed of eye closure.
Indeed, the analysis of the size of the iris that
changes its surface according to its state in the video
allows the determination of the eye closure (Rajinda
et al., 2011); (Horng et al., 2004) Other work is
based on detecting the distance between the upper
and the lower eyelids in order to locate eye blinks.
This distance decreases if the eyes are closed and
increases when they are open (Tnkehiro et al., 2002)
(Masayuki et al., 1999) (Hongbiao et al., 2008)
(Yong et al., 2008). These so-called single-variable
approaches can prevent the driver in case of
prolonged eye closure, of its reduced alertness. The
duration of eye closure used as an indication varies
from one work to another. Horng (Horng et al.,
2004), the driver is considered dozing if he / she
close their eyes for 5 consecutive images. Hongbiao
(Hongbiao et al., 2008) estimated that the reduced
alertness is determined if the distance between the
eyelids is less than 60% for a period of 6.66 seconds.
Yong (Yong et al., 2008) divides the state of eye
opening into three categories (open, half open,
closed). This division allows concluding the
drowsiness of the driver if the eyes are kept closed
more than four consecutive images or eyes move
from a state of half open to a closed state for eight
successive images. Besides, the percentages of
detection of fatigue vary in literature. Yong reached
91.16% of correct average rate for recognition of the
condition of the eyes. As for Horng, he explains that
the average accuracy rate for detection of fatigue can
reach 88.9%. Wenhui (Wenhui et al., 2005) achieved
100% as a correct detection rate. The majorities of
this works calculates the results by a study on
subjects varying in number from two to ten
individuals (four individuals for Horng (Horng et al.,
2004) and only two for Yong (Yong et al., 2008).
The second type of approach is called multi-
variable. In this context, the maximum speed
reached by the eyelid when the eye is closed
(velocity) and the amplitude of blinking calculated
from the beginning of blink until the maximum
blinking are two indications that have been studied
by Murray (Murray et al., 2005) . The latter shows
that the velocity amplitude ratio (A/PCV) is used to
prevent the driver one minute in advance. Picot
Akrout B., Mahdi W. and Ben Hamadou A..
Drowsiness Detection based on Video Analysis Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004210004130416
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 413-416
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
presents a synthesis of different sizes as the duration
to 50%, the PERCLOS 80%, the frequency of
blinking and the velocity amplitude ratio. Picot
(Picot et al., 2009) shows that its criteria are more
relevant to the detection of drowsiness. These
variables are calculated every second on a sliding
window of the length of 20 seconds. They are fused
by fuzzy logic to improve the reliability of the
decision. This study shows a percentage of 80% of
good detections and 22% of false alarms.
The mono-variable approach enables us to detect
the state of drowsiness, but in a very advanced stage.
We, hence, focus on studying the characteristics
which aim at foretelling the driver, about his fatigue,
before she falls asleep, by analyzing the speed of
closing his eyes. In the case of multi-variable
approaches, we find that some methods are based on
the analysis of the EOG signal. This kind of analysis
requires technical cooperation between the hardware
and the driver. Moreover, these methods need the
use of wide range of parameters, which calls for
more learning data. Nevertheless, video-based
approaches, rest on the segmentation of the iris of
the eye so as to extract the features for the
subsequent steps. The iris segmentation is calculated
from the images difference, in the case of using
infrared cameras. Still, the drawback of such a
method lies in the noise sensitivity of the luminance.
In this context, the Hough Circular transform
method is used to localize the iris. This method
shows sturdiness in the face of the desired shape, an
ability to adapt even to images with poor or noisy
quality as well as an identification of all directions
due to the use of a polar description. Based on the
afore-mentioned remarks, we propose in this paper,
an approach that determines the state of drowsiness
by analyzing the behavior of the driver's eyes from a
Figure 1: Detection scheme of drowsiness.
This paper presents an approach for detecting
drowsiness of a driver by studying the behavior of
conductor eyes in real time by an RGB camera
(Figure 1). This approach requires a critical step
presumed through the automatic face detection, first,
and the detection of the box that encompasses both
eyes, in the step that follows.
2.1 Face and Eyes Location
In order to come to delight the face and the eyes, our
approach exploits the object detector of Viola and
Jones that is about a learning technique based on
Haar features. This method (Viola and Jones, 2001)
uses three concepts: the rapid extraction of features
using an integral image, a classifier based on
Adaboost and the implementation of a cascade
2.2 Iris and Both Eyelids Detection
With reference to the observation of the eye, we note
that human eyes are characterized by horizontal
contours representing the eyelids and the wrinkles or
vertical contours as the ones of the iris. The
application of two-scale Haar wavelet allows
extracting the vertical, horizontal and diagonal
contours. The vertical contours are used in the
localization of the iris of the eye following
application of the Circular Hough Transform. The
use of the wavelet allows us to highlight the
contours that we want to spot more and more. In our
case, the scale of the second rate improves the
contours of the iris and the two lids which are going
to be detected.
2.2.1 Edge Extraction based on 2D Haar
The application of the Haar wavelet allows us to
split the image to find the vertical and horizontal
details for the detection of the iris and both eyelids.
The wavelet transform is characterized by its multi-
resolution analysis. It is a very effective tool for
noise reduction in digital image. We can also ignore
certain contours and keep only the most
representative ones. This type of analysis is allowed
by the multi-resolution.
2.2.2 Iris and the Two Eyelids Detection
based on Circular Hough Transform
In general, the Hough transform (Cauchie et al.,
2008) has two spaces, the space XY and parameter
space which varied according to the detected object.
Our approach involves the detection of the iris by
applying the Hough transform on the vertical details
of the eye. Both eyelids are located using the
Circular Hough Transform on the image of
horizontal details of the Haar wavelet
2.3 Geometric Features Extraction
With reference to the detection of the iris, the upper
eyelid and lower one, we can extract geometric
features able to characterize the state of drowsiness
of a driver.
Figure 2: Representation of features from the figure of the
We propose two geometric features
(Figure 2). These features represent the distance
between the point and respectively the point
, (Equation 1).
The use of the point J as a reference calculation, not
the point I of the center of the iris, allows us to avoid
the uncertainties of calculation. These uncertainties
are due to the positioning of the point I above the
upper eyelid of the eye, resulting in miscalculations
of the featureD
2.4 Experimental Study, Analysis of
Eye Closure and Result of Blink
In this section, we describe the experimental studies
we conducted to validate the two features 
previously proposed. In order to produce
realistic data, a human subject is placed in front of
our system to simulate different possible movements
of the head, the eyelids and the positions of the iris,
probably related to different states of fatigue. This
experiment consists of studying the temporal
variation of both features and normalized the initial
state of the eye (Equation 2).
The initial value V
is calculated at the beginning of
the algorithm when the eyes were open by 75%. The
first analysis consists of determining the change of
state positions, whether the beginning of closure of
the eyes or the beginning of opening. The first
derivative of the function ′
allows finding these
variations which are characterized by a negative
abrupt change for early closing of the eyes, and by a
positive sudden change for early opening of the eye.
Experimentally and after analyzing the video
recordings, we found that the derivative of the signal
requires a low pass filter to eliminate noise. The
selecting of a period considered as blink, is located
in the case where
falls below (closure) and
above (opening) of a well-defined threshold.
Sharabaty (Sharabaty et al., 2008) showed that the
maximum duration of a normal blink is 0.5 seconds
whereas above this value is considered prolonged
closure. In our case the normal or long blink is
validated if it satisfies the two previous conditions
and its period must exceed 0.15 seconds. Figure 3
shows blink validated with interrupted lines and not
validated (between frames 479 and 490) for the
signal of
Figure 3: Figure shows the blinking validated.
The purpose of the second experiment is to study
the difference in closing speed of a person's eyes in a
normal state and in another drowsy one. Figure 9
shows the average time of closing of the eyes of a
normal person and of a sleepy one. Generally, for a
tired individual, the eye closure is slower than that
of a vigilant person. This measure can be used as a
factor to determinate the level of fatigue. The
cumulative change (Equation 3) allows calculation
from the period when the individual has their eyes
Fatigue states are characterized by a continuous
segment because the evolution of ′
is too low.
This time is lower than 0.5 second (Sharabaty et al.,
2008) for a normal blink and it is greater than two
seconds (Dinges et al., 1998) for a blink of an
individual in a state of drowsiness. In brief, the three
conducted experiments show the difference between
an alert individual and a sleepy one by analyzing the
variation of the features D
. Generally, the
detection of states of drowsiness is processed by the
location of blinking first, then by studying the speed
of blinking and finally by calculating the duration of
eye closure. The driver is considered in a state of
drowsiness if the speed of eye closure exceeds 1
second or the duration of eye closure is greater than
2 second.
Table 1: Result of drowsiness detection.
Videos 1 2 3 4
Real drowsiness 9 7 4 8
Generated alarm 8 7 4 8
False negative 1 0 0 0
False positive 0 0 0 0
Correct alarm 8 7 4 7
Correct rate of fatigue 88% 100% 100% 87%
Accuracy rate of fatigue 100% 100% 100% 100%
Table 1 shows an example of drowsiness
detection result conducted on the four test videos.
The opinion of an expert in this step is essential to
determine the actual driver drowsiness. Our
approach does not generate false alarms for the
detection of fatigue in all videos. On the other hand,
there are alarm errors of states of fatigue due to false
detections of the iris that influences the detection of
both eyelids and subsequently the values of features.
This paper presents an approach to the detection of
reduced alertness, based on video analysis. Our
system uses a study of the eyes by analyzing the
video of several topics. The steps of detecting
drowsiness consist firstly of locating a driver face
and eyes by applying Haar features. The circular
Hough transform allows the detection of the center
of the iris and the intersection points of both eyelids
(Figure 2) in order to capture two geometric
features. The blink detection, the frequency and the
period of eye closure are major factors in
determining the fatigue of an individual. The
guidance, other facial feature as yawning, the
monitoring and the 3D pose estimation of the face
are also indicators of the state of vigilance of an
individual. These data are the subject of our future
work in order to improve the obtained results.
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